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Digimon Anonymous 02/14/2025 (Fri) 17:12:21 Id: 6e1c97 No. 1071532 [Reply]
With Digimon Story Time Stranger announced I thought it would be fun to have a Digimon thread. What Digimon games have you played? Will you be playing Time Stranger? Who is your favorite Digimon?
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>>1073685 Why do East Asians like grinding so much? How much of it is cultural and how much is genetic, I wonder?
>>1072159 You may want to try Dawn and Dusk. >>1072389 Until you have a regular cast of Digimon to cycle through, you're not supposed to Digivolve every Digimon at once or focus on only one Digimon.
>>1073700 What are you talking about? The biggest western MMOs are filled with endless grinding worse than even the most egregious Japanese games, not to mention western subgenres like blobbers and dungeon crawlers are filled with grinding

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How should gamers fight problems with modern games? Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 06:30:01 Id: 30b9b2 No. 1061372 [Reply] [Last]
Greentext at least one problem and find solutions to the problem. 1) Bland "brown and bloom" colors and graphics, uncreative, uninviting, and visually unstimulating, that reduce atmosphere, emotional impact, and uniqueness 2) Crunch culture where employees work long hours under intense pressure to meet deadlines and deliver products, causing burnout and decreased product quaality 3) Degradation of the hobby as gaming became international and developers adapted design to cater to broader demographics 4) Digital rights management that requires online server authentication, or negatively impacts game performance, or limits how you can use the game 5) Diversity, equity, and inclusion biasing hiring processes at the expense of skills which reduces studio performance, competence, and morale 6) Excessive DLC that fragments the gaming experience, locking content behind additional purchases instead of including it in the initial release 7) Exploiting, cheating, and hacking online like aimbots and wallhacks, offline players usually know each other which discouraged local cheating due to social consequences 8) Game-as-a-service models, subscription and cloud services for gaming where you (((own nothing and be happy))) 9) Hyper-realism instead of artistic and aesthetic style, making games look generic as they strive for similar fidelity and lose unique artistic identity 10) Input lag making games feel more unresponsive, particularly in genres like fighting games, first-person shooters, or platformers needing precise movements or combos 11) Kernel-level anticheat that violate privacy and increases the risk malicious actors exploit security vulnerabiltiies to infect gamers with malware 12) Limited physical releases where many modern games are digital-only, and companies assume digital distribution, the PS5 Pro even lacks a disc drive 13) Loading screen saturation that frequently interrupts gameplay, wastes time, and breaks immersion 14) Monetization, microtransactions, loot boxes, and gambling mechanics and how developers design games around compulsive spending of players instead of delivering quality content 15) Movie games requiring significant "Triple A" budgets and minimizing player agency by sidelining gameplay and how they interact with the game world 16) Pay-to-win mechanics that let players gain advantages by purchasing powerful items or upgrades, undermining fair competition

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>1073422 First, how will people find out about your mod? Second, why are you playing a woke game in the first place instead of just playing something else entirely?
>>1064296 >how much censorship should be allowed None. Platforms should accommodate all customers, and allow them to put up their own filters to segregate between content they do and do not want to see. So far, Steam and GOG are the only platforms that I'm aware that do this - and only because they are the only two platforms that outright sell porn games. Both of them are still too censorious for their own good, but at least it's a step in the right direction. Old style video rental stores had the right idea of it. Make most of the public facing store for general audiences and family safe - then have sections for R-rated material and restrict rentals based on the age rating. Anything explicitly adult in nature gets the back room with the velvet rope. Ballbuster video fucked this perfect system up by explicitly not allowing any sort of adult material in their stores. Not sure if they ever enforced censorship in the movies they did carry the way Walmart did though.
>4) Digital rights management that requires online server authentication, or negatively impacts game performance, or limits how you can use the game >6) Excessive DLC that fragments the gaming experience, locking content behind additional purchases instead of including it in the initial release >8) Game-as-a-service models, subscription and cloud services for gaming where you (((own nothing and be happy))) >11) Kernel-level anticheat that violate privacy and increases the risk malicious actors exploit security vulnerabiltiies to infect gamers with malware >19) System requirements where modern games require powerful hardware, making them less accessible, or large large with long download times so customers buy storage to play Refuse to buy the game.

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Squilliam compilation thread – The End of E3gelion Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 03:39:45 Id: ed8325 No. 978559 [Reply] [Last]
> -1085 days until E3 Since it's summertime and E3 is officially dead and buried, I'm making one final Squilliam compilation video. Any Squilliam ideas you've been sitting on, this is your chance to get them in. Let's take a moment to remember the time every studio used to gather in one place to present their latest and greatest, before everyone started holding their own little conference no one cares about. If you have any memorable moments of past E3s, good or bad, post them in this thread. For old time's sake and so I can put some of it into the video. >I'm a newfag and what is this? It's been an 8chan tradition to make OC from a template based on Squilliam from Spongebob getting a heart attack. Download a template, open it in your favorite drawing/editing software and go nuts. When you're done, post it here (in a reply to the right anchor post to help me keep track of it). >How long do I have? I'm aiming for Sunday the 23rd of June as submission deadline, the video will be released sometime after that. >Can [board] on the webring participate? Of course! Whether it's a video game board, or just a hangout board interested in making OC. All I ask is that you help me find it by cross-posting your stuff here and linking it to the proper anchors. Feel free to share in your post what board you're representing. >What song are you going to use? Walk Away by Dokken >Is there gonna be a mosaic? Yes, see the later post. Try to make your squares E3-related if you can, this is about the death of E3, after all. >Are we never gonna see another compilation again? You probably will, I hope to make another one with a new template next year. I'm not making any promises, however.
Edited last time by Mark on 08/19/2024 (Mon) 17:19:24.
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>>1073629 Isn't it already done?
>>1073630 Yes it's done but the anon who always does the video disappeared.
>>1073636 Ah, shit

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OH SHIT NIGGER WHAT THE FUCK Anonymous 02/12/2025 (Wed) 22:51:22 Id: 724f40 No. 1071026 [Reply]
Alternatively: A game twist thread. I'm personally looking for recommendations since I find it really neat and fun whenever games have twists. From story related twists like the many in 13 Sentinels or gameplay related twists like in SotN. Whatever they may be, there's nothing better than a game being able to make you say OH SHIT NIGGER WHAT THE FUCK
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>>1073310 I hate that the children from 7 years ago are now old enough to have nostalgia for Survive fuck that game.
>>1073265 Just remembered. Baten Kaitos was what I was thinking of.
>>1073318 Blame Konami for trying to be a gambling company rather than a gaming one.

Post about games that you just FINISHED Anonymous 03/01/2023 (Wed) 04:03:05 Id: 4f157e No. 790791 [Reply] [Last]
I seem to be getting the strange feeling more and more that the Anons who keep posting about the games they're "playing" never actually finish those games. As in they just drop the game after a certain point and lose interest in it for whatever reason (Even if it's a great game). So, to remedy that, let's have this thread, where Anons boast about crossing off another title on the backlog. And, to guilt all the other Anons into doing the same.
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>>1063907 >DEI wise, there's a nog that you meet first in the game, and the opening cut-scene features minorities and women front and centre. Sadly expected from Sony these days, changing shit just to tick some diversity boxes. Unfortunately it goes further than just DEI checkboxing.
I finally finished playing through Dishonored and its DLCs. Main game: It's solid. Some normalfags praise is as the most amazing and reactive game there is. It isn't. There are games that do both better, with Deus Ex probably being the best to this day. Still, Dishonored offers more interesting interactions and options for emergent gameplay than typical AAA games do. However, the alternative ways to deal with main targets are very, very heavily telegraphed and very railroad-y. It's better than Bioshock choices but not that far from them. They do not feel as earned as different paths feel in other games that boast about freedom and possibilities. The non-deadly ways to deal with key targets feel just far too convenient in most cases. The game should make you work for them a bit more. Dishonored's plot is a typical betrayal and revenge story. And choices, while limited to death and non-lethal poetic justice, help it a bit despite their issues. There isn't much meat on story's bones but it works for Dishonored. Game's world is interesting even though it feels small. It was very obvious to me that all notes and world building were taken just far enough to set the backdrop for the game but not an inch further. Gameplay is solid, although the limit of five unconscious per area makes the game easy to cheese when going for a ghost play through. Stealth in general is OK, and abilities make it fun and more fluid than in other games. With some thought and planning, it's possible to use a combination of blinking, possession, and time stop to zoom around the map undetected. It's pretty satisfying. Abilities are very polished in general. There was a decent amount of thought given to them and to interaction they have not only with enemies but with environment and with each other. That makes combat more entertaining than being a stealthy assassin. Head-on assaults or stealth ambushes that turn into brawls are simply more fun. Even if combat and animations are basic, the amount of options offered by combining abilities keeps it fresh throughout the game. Another element that works against stealth for me is the level design. Some feel too padded and repetitive. Luckily, blinking around and possessions make crossing them relatively hassle free when playing stealthy. Daud's DLCs are overall better than the main game. I appreciate how focused levels are in the DLCs. All the unnecessary fat is trimmed. Similarly, the abilities are a little bit more fun. Blink is bundled with freeze time and that opens a lot of new possibilities. Pull ability unlocked later on is good, especially when upgraded to move heavy objects. Choke dust is very useful and I am surprised it was not in the main game. Same with the incapacitating mines. They are obvious ideas, easy to implement, and would spice up the stealth and non-lethal paths. Only lackluster ability is one that improves summoned assassins. I think it would be better to bundle it with the summon assassins skill and maybe add a third rank to that one to give summoned assassins more abilities. As it is now, summon assassin and this skill feel a bit too expensive for what they offer. Especially with the more limited rune supply in the DLCs. Extra objectives require more work and thought. For example, to frame one of the targets and get him imprisoned, you need to infiltrate his office, tail him and plant incriminating document in his pocket before he reaches the location of a meeting with a military official. Finding alternative ways to deal with targets feels a little bit less telegraphed to me. Oftentimes, you need to meet with people who are actually plotting against them and you need to do more legwork than in the main game to make non-lethal approaches work. And for approaches where most work is done for you, they are cost cash in the favors system. Only exception is the very last mission of the second Daud DLC. That nonlethal setup is probably the most obvious in the whole game. Enemies are largely the same but with addition of witches and ghost hounds. Witches are a fun change of pace. They are challenging during first few encounters, especially since they surprise Daud and are unlike any other enemies (although they share some elements with assassins). After dealing with a couple of them, they will be manageable but more interesting to face than guards. Being attentive and planning engagements is all that's needed to handle them. Story, like in the original, is nothing special but competent enough. It's another betrayal and revenge plot but this time with a redemption angle thrown in. It's spiced up with witches, and brevity of the DLCs helps the story to not overstay its welcome. What's nice is that some of the minor and secondary DLC characters are encountered in later missions. It would be nice if the main game did some of that. Instead, most NPCs are disposable and limited to single missions. Only ones that aren't are the crime lord, old woman, and residents of the hound's pub. My only major complaint about the DLCs is that it's very obvious at times that they clearly were lower budget than the main game. Dunwall City Trials are standard challenge maps. Most are fine but nothing special. Some challenges can be borderline impossible to max rank without getting lucky RNG. Where the game really shines for me is the art direction. Textures look like they were oil painted, tying them thematically with the whale oil-based industry in the game. Slums look appropriately drab and the art team managed to do it without overreliance on gray and brown like most media does. They contrast nicely with luxurious locations that upper classes live in. In between them, there are factories, prisons, military installations, and other parts of the city in various states of decay. Each is unique but still feels like a part of the same world. Levels take place during different times of day too, and that goes further to make environments interesting. There are night time levels, ones at noon, dawn, dusk, afternoon, and sunset. Character design is great too. Everyone has exaggerated features but not to the extreme. Only game I remember going for something similar is Brink but that took it too far, and half characters looked like cavemen or homunculi. Dishonored does it much better, and pairs it with great costume design too. Levels and characters are in general great to look at. As is all the machinery found in the game. Only two complaint I have is that the same effort did not go into the generic NPCs and weepers. There are only few variations and they repeat often.
>>1073210 >Where the game really shines for me is the art direction. Did you write this knowing the art director died last week? Maybe that was the reason you even played the game? To honor him? That's very kind of you.

Bootleg video games Anonymous 02/18/2025 (Tue) 22:04:56 Id: 8a81b3 No. 1072636 [Reply]
To cut a long story short, I've been seeing these "X-in-1" systems floating around for the past several years, but it seemed like all of them were at least treated with some amount of "prestige". As companies at least tried to sell them as being genuine licensed things. However, I ran across pic related at a Walmart and it made me wonder if anyone has ever bought these systems. I was almost considering getting it since it's only $10.
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>>1072695 >tfw i still have my physical copy
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>>1072636 Only in recent times have budget emulation devices become reasonable to get. I picked up an Anbernic RG35XX-SP (mostly since I like clamshells) which is really cozy as a console and I've even gotten my own custom games running natively. Many of these units are ARM and have a few different custom Linux OSes. If you want something pocket-sized and dedicated to games (as opposed to something awful like a phone) then you can usually pick budget devices up for 50-80$ depending on if it's from Anbernic's own website or Amazon. Just keep the charger cord your device of choice comes with and don't use the cheap paper wafer SD card they come with. RG40XX-H is of similar power but has two analogue sticks. Either can run some low-end 3D stuff, but you're pushing it with Dreamcast and PS2/Gamecube are probably where you need a more powerful (and expensive) device. I'd suggest either of these devices are good for portable emulation with possibility of ported PC games and don't care about that. With an 128GB SD card you can store full ROMsets for almost every major platform and have room to spare. A 10$ Walmart 999-in-1 Game Unit is going to be absolutely worthless garbage and probably less customizable/powerful. There are other things than Anbernic that have a decent reputation, but I can only speak for these two units.

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Fallout Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 13:20:55 Id: 8937c0 No. 1068576 [Reply] [Last]
You ever had a second playthrough change your opinion on a game? I just did. I realized 2 days ago I had never done a retard run of fallout 1, so I did. Fallout 1 is still an amazing game but all my other playthroughs had a tough beginning but easier endgame. This retard with a knife though was easily cutting through rad scorpions and raiders like it was nothing. It wasn't until later when I tried to fight supermutants that the problems started. Even then the knife wasn't really the problem, it was more about me getting 1 shot by gatling guns. It did make me wonder about a lot of things. I do not think it is possible to beat the game 1st time as a retard. I have no idea how you would know without meta knowledge that the cathedral is where the master lives. It was also this playthrough that I found out that drugs can stack. You can take multiple mentats and just be a normal person until the drugs wear out. That does kinda go against the spirit of the playthrough but it did allow me to speak to Harold properly. You can also just take 2 rad-x and be immune to radiation. Would have been great to know before I lost an hour of progress to instant death radiation. I am also amazed by how much dialogue they wrote for the low intelligence players. Some of it I assume was intended for players who were using drugs and got their intelligence lowered. Even then though I was seeing unique dialogue even up to the final boss. I was expecting a bit more of a speech from a man who just lost everything to a fucking idiot with a sledge and a rocket launcher but having anything is already good. Now I am just wondering if I want to replay 1 again or should I try playing 2? I have tried 2 before and it never grips me like the first game does.
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Do not feel like posting more.

DOOM/Retro FPS: Shy Skellys Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 01:51:26 Id: a1aa8f No. 1050787 [Reply] [Last]
No Christmas theme. Demons don't celebrate Christmas. Old thread: >>937850 Post anything relating to >DOOM >its wads >its sequels >its community >its copycats >all 90s FPS related accessories
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>>1066509 Yeah, just without the Brutal. More scifi than military.
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>>1066344 gonna give it a look, thanks anon.

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Vidya Oekaki Art Thread! Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 09:08:39 Id: 65f44e No. 953679 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for sharing your Oekaki art of vidya characters/Locales I present you all with Smaus, the bunty hunty
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>>1072525 She thinks Turks are cute >///////<
>>1072741 turks are horny
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>>1072756 Sleepy türk

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Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 03:42:48 Id: d50e03 No. 1066626 [Reply]
I'm bored with games and have adopted a kind of nihilistic view toward games ("what difference does it make if I complete this game, who cares?"). Vidga just feels like work and watching twitch or TV is more fun because I can slump in my chair and turn off my brain. What can I do to fix my situation and have fun with vidga again? I know vidga has a higher potential for interest and engagement and that's why I would like to get back to it.
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>>1066626 Play something that can transfer to real life skills. I'd recommend a flight sim or DCS. You won't need a HOTAS for a good few weeks if your starting out in DCS. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=xb1u_hnlliY
It sounds like you've outgrown masturbatory escapism, but lack something else to spend your time on. The other anons are correct that you should cultivate other interests. Maybe make a game, or pursue mastery of one of the elements of which a game consists: code, text, graphics, music, sound. >I know vidga has a higher potential for interest and engagement and that's why I would like to get back to it. Take I wouldn't play as much as I do if I weren't also documenting what I experience— the names and places that might be foreshadowing, details about the visuals that might be symbolic, casual displays of moral depravity the devs obviously didn't consider to be wrong, the one titcow in the entire world, etc. If a game is really dumb, I have fun writing about how dumb it is. This way, games aren't just ephemera that I experience and forget; I have something that at least marks the time I spent. I play mostly Japanese games, because being able to start up a game, see a lot of moonrunes all over the screen, and just dive in anyway sounded really cool to me when I was 20. And I was right; it is cool. It's fun to have this extra layer of challenge beyond the game's design. Maybe you can make your own fun, too, according to your own personality, etc.
>>1066626 >watching twitch or TV is more fun because I can slump in my chair and turn off my brain. >turn off my brain. >fun Spoken like someone who's never experienced what happens when parts of one's brain shut down. Hint: It's not fun.

Marvel Rivals Thread Anonymous 01/07/2025 (Tue) 00:57:11 Id: 4a6ea5 No. 1058215 [Reply] [Last]
Not sure if you fags saw the news, but apparently Overwatch has got its ass handed to it by the Chinese in the Hero Shooter department. If you have been living under a rock there's a new hero shooter ///game\\\ called Marvel Rivals that has been doing extremely well on Steam and the dev team even supports Linux/Steam Deck which is a huge shock considering how many devs don't bother supporting Linux on the anti-cheat side of things. It also has around 30 playable characters available for free and might be getting more modes such as a PvE mode in addition to the existing PvP modes. I played the game for a bit, while I had some fun with the game, It's not something I can really put hours into. More like a short burst here and there, although that might be because I'm getting old. That being said I like blasting people around with The Punisher even if his logo is wrong. Although to be fair to this game, mostly everyone on the roster got a massive redesign specifically for the game. Honestly, I just like having a game where I can fuck around for an hour or two without having to boot into my Windows drive. Have you guys played this game? If so what do you think about it.
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>>1072826 More compression flexing. >>1072877 Do you need glasses, because I can't see shit in those smeary webps you posted.
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>>1072887 kek you are a funny man anon. it's working the thread is on the top of the catalog, keep going!

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Vehicle simbiosis games Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 14:57:54 Id: b0d4ab No. 1060279 [Reply] [Last]
I'm looking for games were you have a simbiotic relationship with a vehicle as a gaming mechanic. So not simply a lore point, both in-vehicle and the on-foot parts of the game are dictated and done by the player, not something like Front Mission Evolved where you getting out of the mecha was a cutscene and you had no agency over it nor driver 2 where getting out of the car had no use aside from some small easter eggs. I'm talking about games where both are seamless and done at the player discretion and both are interesting, expected and important to the gameplay. I know these 6 games and i love each one of them (okay, maybe not RESQ, but it still has it's place in my heart) and i also played most of the Blaster Master series too. Is there any other game like that? exploration heavy games would be even better. Things like Subnautica and Outer Wilds might apply, but they are very combat averse, so i dunno if they should.
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>>1072623 I see, now I understand the comparison; Thanks Anon! As for other games that I think might fit the bill, they are: From the Depths; FTL:Faster Than Light; The Long Drive. From the Depths, you build your warmachine(s) and pit it against the other factions, you're able to jump into the fight and hijack their bases and vehicles, which you can then reverse engineer for your own needs, neat! Battles mostly take place in the sea, there's a few patches of land here and there though. FTL:Faster Than Light, You're in command of a spaceship and its crew, you're on a campaign to destroy the rebel flagship, while micromanaging your ship sometimes invaders board your ship in the middle of battle, but you can do the same to them and board theirs too.; lots of unique spaceships with their own advantages and disadvantages, good fun if you love roguelites. The Long Drive, a randomly generated world where you need to drive and scavenge for food and water while getting harassed by killer rabbits and mutants, sometimes you come across parts to upgrade your vehicle or at times an entire vehicle itself! Lots of driving and a whole lotta nothing too, I recommend having some music playing in the background or something.
>>1072705 i completely forgot FTL existed, but i did finish it years ago. I take that long drive is kinda like Pacific drive, but more scenic?
>>1072769 Kinda, it's definitely more focused on driving than anything really, your upgrades is pretty much whatever you can bolt onto your car. I'd say that perhaps My Summer Car aligns more with Pacific Drive, since you're stuck more or less with the same car for the most part, but you've got plenty of upgrade options; There are other vehicles to own like the van, but I don't think they can be upgraded.

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God Games Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 23:51:24 Id: 6ea0d0 No. 1026539 [Reply]
>tfw the only decent modern God Game is worldbox. This thread is to talk about the almost dead genre of God Games a simulation subgenre where you play as the almighty deity and watch shit unfold or at the very least manipulate a somewhat complex simulation to get a specific outcome. Examples include Sim Earth, Worldbox, Black and White games and some other. >Do City Builders count? Depends. I personally don't count them in the genre as I believe that God games are about manipulating a sandbox environment and watching shit unfold rather than about solving logistical challenges and city planning, but some people consider it a part of the genre. >What are the good games? EarthSim, Black and White, Wordlbox and that's about all of the ones that I could find. Galimulator is also a thing if you want to do nothing more than just watch things unfold rather than have more control over the simulation. Species is incredibly janky and also in the "watch shit unfold" category but it's a cool evolution simulator. You can change the way that things evolve by introducing different environmental challenges or fucking with their genetics to see what kind of abominations you will come across. Some people consider Spore a part of this category, I would not agree with them but if you can get over the pain of not getting the version promised to you it can still somewhat scratch the itch.
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>>1048256 I too bought it for the tf2 hat and I am still mad about it. Ubisoft had promised that the game wouldn't require any online DRM but sure enough when the game launched it required you to log in. They then had the audacity to try and delete the forum post where they said it could be played offline. Haven't bought a ubisoft game since.
>>1026562 The powder game, its more of a sandbox than a god game. https://dan-ball.jp/en/javagame/dust/
>>1048214 The sequel is a pretty good action game but of course it ditched the town building. My pipe dream is a modern ActRaiser-kind of game with SimCity-like depth for the town building parts and sick Ninja Gaiden combat for the action parts.

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recomend me a game, anons Anonymous 12/24/2024 (Tue) 04:26:10 Id: 686964 No. 1053770 [Reply] [Last]
I'm finding that i've gotten bored of my current library. what are some good games that you've guys have played? they don't have to be recent, or anything. for some pointers, here's some games i really enjoyed, and why i like them (and some reasons i don't) >Noita good: wand tinkering is really fun, falling sand simulation is interesting to play with bad: poor balance, underdeveloped mechanics. >KSP good: rocket go fwoosh. flying your own crafts is cool. successful missions are rewarding bad: performance, requires a physics degree to play optimally. >F:NV good: lots of dialogue options, colorful characters, and memorable locations. bad: start of the game (and whole main quest) is very linear, and DLCs are pretty mid. >skyrim

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Will likely get hate for this but the PPH is so damn low that I doubt I'll ever see the responses in a few weeks. So, you should try Fallout 4 since you've played NV and Skyrim, the story is meh but the DLC's and combat are an overall improvement, also the game has mods to help craft your preferred experience.
>>1053790 >freelancer By far the best space simulator I played till date that ran on my computer Sucks that star citizen is a fucking grift. Does anyone know of more free-space exploration games like this?
>>1072725 Faggot

Video games as art Anonymous 01/10/2025 (Fri) 09:17:44 Id: 75b412 No. 1059497 [Reply] [Last]
It's been 12 years since Roger Ebert said video games can never be art. Was Ebert wrong? Where, below, did Ebert go wrong? What is art? Can video games be art? What video games are art? >Having once made the statement above, I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it. That seemed to be a fool’s errand, especially given the volume of messages I receive urging me to play this game or that and recant the error of my ways. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say “never,” because never, as Rick Wakeman informs us, is a long, long time. Let me just say that no video gamer now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form. >What stirs me to return to the subject? I was urged by a reader, Mark Johns, to consider a video of a TED talk given at USC by Kellee Santiago, a designer and producer of video games. I did so. I warmed to Santiago immediately. She is bright, confident, persuasive. But she is mistaken. >I propose to take an unfair advantage. She spoke extemporaneously. I have the luxury of responding after consideration. If you want to follow along, I urge you to watch her talk, which is embedded below. It’s only 15 minutes long, and she makes the time pass quickly. >She begins by saying video games “already ARE art.” Yet she concedes that I was correct when I wrote, “No one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great poets, filmmakers, novelists and poets.” To which I could have added painters, composers, and so on, but my point is clear. >Then she shows a slide of a prehistoric cave painting, calling it “kind of chicken scratches on walls,” and contrasts it with Michelangelo’s ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Her point is that while video games may be closer to the chicken scratch end of the spectrum, I am foolish to assume they will not evolve. >She then says speech began as a form of warning, and writing as a form of bookkeeping, but they evolved into storytelling and song. Actually, speech probably evolved into a form of storytelling and song long before writing was developed. And cave paintings were a form of storytelling, perhaps of religion, and certainly of the creation of beauty from those chicken-scratches Werner Herzog is even now filming in 3-D. >Herzog believes, in fact, that the paintings on the wall of the Cave of Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc in Southern France should only be looked at in the context of the shadows cast on those dark walls by the fires built behind the artists, which suggests the cave paintings, their materials of charcoal and ochre and all that went into them were the fruition of a long gestation, not the beginning of something–and that the artists were enormously gifted. They were great artists at that time, geniuses with nothing to build on, and were not in the process of becoming Michelangelo or anyone else. Any gifted artist will tell you how much he admires the “line” of those prehistoric drawers in the dark, and with what economy and wit they evoked the animals they lived among. >Santiago concedes that chess, football, baseball and even mah jong cannot be art, however elegant their rules. I agree. But of course that depends on the definition of art. She says the most articulate definition of art she’s found is the one in Wikipedia: “Art is the process of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions.” This is an intriguing definition, although as a chess player I might argue that my game fits the definition. >Plato, via Aristotle, believed art should be defined as the imitation of nature. Seneca and Cicero essentially agreed. Wikipedia believes “Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more concerned with the expression of ideas…Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction.” >But we could play all day with definitions, and find exceptions to every one. For example, I tend to think of art as usually the creation of one artist. Yet a cathedral is the work of many, and is it not art? One could think of it as countless individual works of art unified by a common purpose. Is not a tribal dance an artwork, yet the collaboration of a community? Yes, but it reflects the work of individual choreographers. Everybody didn’t start dancing all at once.

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>why even ask this question I can think of better questions, which avoid the word "art." >are games cringe? >do games change the way you think about life? >would you give a game to your son to help him grow into a man? These get at the actual issue, which is about ego and perceived immaturity, both of the medium and the people who enjoy it. It was certainly the case ten 20 years ago that expecting anything beyond bland, grade-school level writing from a game like Soul Calibur III would be absurd. Should expectations be that low? Should games get a free pass to have shitty writing because "it's about the gameplay?" Of course, the medium since "grew up" into the shitshow it is now, so the writing is not only shitty, but also pretentious. The medium has all the potential of its constituent parts, but if that potential is only realized in rare instances that never reach the mainstream, what should people think of a stack of little plastic cases in a man's living room?
>>1072641 >are games cringe? Not really, but people can make them cringe. >do games change the way you think about life? Sometimes. >would you give a game to your son to help him grow into a man? No, because games aren't intended for that purpose. They can grant insights, teach lessons and help at rough times in life through enjoyment, entertainment and fun, but they are not a replacement for living life yourself and having good people in your life. Unless you wanted to put him on the path of becoming a game developer or something, then that would make sense. No piece of media can make a person "grow up" on their own, at best they can maybe indirectly push him towards it at a time when he would be receptive towards such messages, but the person still has to make the conscious choice to do so. As an interesting side note: I will say though that there was a point in time that I didn't have any games on an Exbawks 360 besides NBA 2K9 and some other assorted trash, and that somehow ended up getting me interested in basketball and actually playing it outside, which was a healthy thing since I had zero interest in sports before that point. >It was certainly the case ten 20 years ago that expecting anything beyond bland, grade-school level writing from a game like Soul Calibur III would be absurd. Should expectations be that low? Should games get a free pass to have shitty writing because "it's about the gameplay?" Fighting games have never really had good writing, but people don't play fighting games for the writing. Someone could theoretically change that by making some well-written fighting game, but there are difficulties in doing something like that because the formats for most fighting games are not conducive to telling a good story. (e.g. arcade-style progression for story modes).
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>>1072641 >It was certainly the case ten 20 years ago that expecting anything beyond bland, grade-school level writing from a game would be absurd. Legacy of Kain? FF6? Silent Hill 2? The potential's been there for decades. >if that potential is only realized in rare instances that never reach the mainstream, what should people think of a stack of little plastic cases in a man's living room? How many films out there reach the peak of film as an artform's potential? 90% of the movies in your collection probably have trash elements about them as well. Sturgeon's law doesn't just apply to games, it applies to everything, and that's not a good reason to write off the medium as a whole. >>1072647 >>would you give a game to your son to help him grow into a man? >No, because games aren't intended for that purpose You're not a real man until you've played Senran Kagura imo.

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'Team Fortress' issue no. 7 has released Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 19:39:12 Id: af2d36 No. 1052756 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1072645 You can use steam to host servers without doxxing your ip, for starters.
>>1072645 I guess there's going to be a uptick of custom stuff like weapons/models/maps/mods/whatever now that it can be more tailor made to fit peoples niche. For now, i'll just guess it'll be gmod: tf2 edition.
>>1072645 Made a new thread for this as it's kinda huge news. >>1072658 >>1072658 >>1072658 >>1072658 >>1072658

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