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God Games Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 23:51:24 Id: 6ea0d0 No. 1026539
>tfw the only decent modern God Game is worldbox. This thread is to talk about the almost dead genre of God Games a simulation subgenre where you play as the almighty deity and watch shit unfold or at the very least manipulate a somewhat complex simulation to get a specific outcome. Examples include Sim Earth, Worldbox, Black and White games and some other. >Do City Builders count? Depends. I personally don't count them in the genre as I believe that God games are about manipulating a sandbox environment and watching shit unfold rather than about solving logistical challenges and city planning, but some people consider it a part of the genre. >What are the good games? EarthSim, Black and White, Wordlbox and that's about all of the ones that I could find. Galimulator is also a thing if you want to do nothing more than just watch things unfold rather than have more control over the simulation. Species is incredibly janky and also in the "watch shit unfold" category but it's a cool evolution simulator. You can change the way that things evolve by introducing different environmental challenges or fucking with their genetics to see what kind of abominations you will come across. Some people consider Spore a part of this category, I would not agree with them but if you can get over the pain of not getting the version promised to you it can still somewhat scratch the itch.
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>>1026543 ActRaiser is probalby the closest thing to a city builder I still consider a God Game, but even then it is completely different from the more simulation heavy God Games.
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Worldbox Probably the best option from the modern games if you want a simulation with high degree of customizability. It allows you to shapre terrain to your liking and destroy shit if you wish so and has some decent fantasy kingdom simulation elements. You have four basic bitch fantasy races, humans, elves, orcs and dwarves. Those form kingdoms with different architecture and are able to go to war, create alliances, expand and progress in technology. The biggest problem I have with this game is that you cannot mix races. If you have an elven kingdom and a human kingdom the one will genocide the other until only one race is left. Although some of you faggots would be excited at the prospect, this means that you cannot have a situation where dwarves and humans live together in your imaginary fantasy kingdom, instead they will stick to their autistic ethnostates limiting what you can do when it comes to crafting a fantasy world (if you care about that). Besides that you can spawn some monsters, meme characters, nuke the world, make volcanoes, play with random generation and shit like that. The simulation isn't as advanced as Galimulator's but the amount of the ways you can interact with the game make up for it.
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>>1026543 I hate that they made the angel an ambush, that just aint fair.
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Galimulator A game that I haven't played since forever since I stopped making Galimulator threads due to lack of time but probably the most advanced simulation game I've played. You can put galactic empires in a galaxy (or make them generate naturally), sit back and observe how the galaxy develops. It doesn't allow you to interact with the game very much but the sheer scale of the things simulated makes it worth it. Empires have specific states in which they exist from expansion, to more defensive focus, to degeneration, to lovecraftian insanity. They have traits that characterize their behaviour and even unlock specific ships, as well as a complex system of dynasties, characters with their own traits as well as ships which simulate the crew and can sometimes survive a destruction of an empire, crazy lovecraftian events and massive amount of little details that keep you invested.
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Black & White and its sequel, despite not living up the hype, are very fun games you should play. I've never played anything else quite like them, a very eclectic mix of genres that blend seamlessly. It has a very memorable cover I'd always notice when browsing game stores back in the day. >>1026548 Angels are supposed to be very beautiful, so of course they'd make one a blond-haired blue-eyed Aryan twink.
>>1026548 Is the remake worth playing? I really liked the original ActRaiser but never finished it.
>>1026550 Still need to finish Battle of the Gods
>>1026551 Didnt get aroudn to playing it, i loved ActRaiser on the SNES, but this one looks so messy in its graphics, like a bunch of stock assets being mashed together, i did not like it.
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Forgot to post but the sequel also has a distinctive cover. I miss game covers looking like this, a lot of them look like action movie posters now
>>1026550 >Angels are supposed to be very beautiful, so of course they'd make one a blond-haired blue-eyed Aryan twink. All characters regardless of race, sex or alignment should be beautiful and attractive. All men should be handsome manly men or attractive twinks and all women should be beautiful. That's the only way to save gaming >>1026554 I mean that's usually what happens when you put a 2D game with a distinct artstyle into 3D. Actraiser stages felt like playing through 80's-90's anime places.
I think there was a game like powder toy for android which let you place guys down that fight each other and stuff.
>>1026551 >>1026554 >>1026556 From what I've seen, Actraiser: Renaissance butchered the combat (from reviews I read complaining about it) and the worst part was the town building where they forced in some tower defence mechanics into the game. The tower defence stuff is what turned me off on the game.
>>1026556 >or attractive twinks Fuckoff faggot
>>1026550 Fantastic game.
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>>1026549 DA ORKZ WUZ DA BEST!
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>>1027320 If "god games" means "games where you play a god," then Hades. You play Zagreus, the son of Hades.
>>1027489 OP defined God Games which excludes Hades. >you play as the almighty deity and watch shit unfold or at the very least manipulate a somewhat complex simulation to get a specific outcome
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>>1026539 Uhh thrive? Kinda?
>>1027516 >third pic >Super Earth Democracy?
>>1027521 Super earth is an actual term for planets
>>1027516 I recently learned the guy behind this is also a successful YouTuber. He did a great 2 hour video on scientific dogma within the paleontology field titled The Mass Extinction Debates.
>>1027526 That's the lead (or former lead) of music team for the game.
>>1026551 I tried it, it's as worth playing as the original ActRaiser but the original ActRaiser's just OK.
>>1026556 >All men should be handsome manly men or attractive twinks and all women should be beautiful Based & objectively correct opinion. >>1048156 ActRaiser was very innovative and unique for the time, but it's also obviously a game from 1989/1990 can't remember which. I think if it were made even three years later, it would be much more refined. It was also Quintet's first game, they'd later go on to develop some of the Super Nintendo's best like Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma.
I bought this when it came out for the TF2 promotional hat and never got far in it. Is it actually good compared to other "god" games? Or is it rather mediocre?
>>1048256 >Is it actually good Nah, not really. It was alright if I remember right but nothing really outrageous since it doesn't get much harder or more complex than the first half of the game. Can't even really remember much about it besides that. t. Played it on 360
>>1048256 It's fine? If you're hungry for god games you'll enjoy it, but it's far too linear and mission-based for a proper god game.
>>1048256 I too bought it for the tf2 hat and I am still mad about it. Ubisoft had promised that the game wouldn't require any online DRM but sure enough when the game launched it required you to log in. They then had the audacity to try and delete the forum post where they said it could be played offline. Haven't bought a ubisoft game since.
>>1026562 The powder game, its more of a sandbox than a god game. https://dan-ball.jp/en/javagame/dust/
>>1048214 The sequel is a pretty good action game but of course it ditched the town building. My pipe dream is a modern ActRaiser-kind of game with SimCity-like depth for the town building parts and sick Ninja Gaiden combat for the action parts.

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