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Graphical Stagnation and Regression Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 22:02:27 Id: 083375 No. 1061748 [Reply]
<aka "they're gonna take you to the present, where your screen is fucking unpleasant" the thread >aka grafix discussion bread So I don't think it's much of a secret these days that despite <TAA, with ghosting and trailing <mandatory upscaling <framegen <raytracing and pathtracing more and more games are shipping out in worse technical states asking for more power while less is delivered. There are a myriad of reasons for this state of affairs but TL;DR something systemic is definitely going on and it's led to ripple effects like gamers buying more PC indie titles, reevaluation of the eighth generation, backlash against Unreal Engine, and the Threat Interactive drama. "buy new GPU" is no longer a valid dismissal since Nvidia's poor showing at CES, with barely an uptick in compute and the push for 75% fake frames and neural texture compression. Discuss this hot mess.
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>>1070758 >single game using >18 gigabytes of VRAM >18 gigabytes of RAM God in heaven, am I glad I don't buy any games or play anything modern.
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>>1071043 >8 years prior
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Today's Absolute State of Play provided a bounty in terms of deferred rendering reaching its limit. Tides of Annihilation demonstrates. I love oil paintings as much as the next guy, but c'mon, this ain't it, chief.

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Short games Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 07:45:59 Id: 552d4c No. 1061387 [Reply]
What are fairly short games under 3 hours worth experiencing and what impression did they leave on you? Some people are busy, I can't experience 50 hour JRPGs anymore. Indies welcome, retros welcome. Anything short AND good.
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>>1061387 A few more recent ones I played were Path of Achra and Superliminal. PoA is a turn based roguelike game that is about making pretty crazy character builds. Some get pretty hilariously broken at times. Superliminal is a perspective puzzle based game that gave me Stanley Parable mixed with Portal vibes. >>1061421 This is a good point.
>>1061850 >copied the first image twice and then ate the second image Not sure why it did that.

Game of the Month #17 (February 2025): Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand (Konami / Kojima ARPG) (GBA) Anonymous 02/03/2025 (Mon) 18:53:38 Id: 0556f4 No. 1067631 [Reply] [Last]
Napalm sticks to riggers >What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand (Konami / Kojima ARPG) (GBA). The unique aspect of this title is the inclusion of a chip in the cartrdige that reads the amount of sunlight (or any other strong light source, really) that is directly tied into the game mechanics. >Where do I get this? "aHR0cHM6Ly9hcmNoaXZlLm9yZy9kb3dubG9hZC91bnJlbmFtZWQtY29uc29sZXMtZ2JhL0Jva3RhaSUyMC0lMjBUaGUlMjBTdW4lMjBJcyUyMGluJTIwWW91ciUyMEhhbmQlMjAlMjhFdXJvcGUlMjklMjAlMjhFbiUyQ0ZyJTJDRGUlMkNFcyUyQ0l0JTI5JTVCU2Vuc29yJTIwaGFjayUyMEwlMkJSJTIwdjIuMS4wJTVELnppcA==" Alternatively, if you want slightly more immersion than just using cheat codes, use an unpatched rom and follow this tutorial: "aHR0cHM6Ly9hcmNoaXZlLm9yZy9kb3dubG9hZC9nYW1lYm95YWR2YW5jZV8yMDI0MDEvR0JBLnppcC9HQkElMkZCJTJGQm9rdGFpJTIwLSUyMFRoZSUyMFN1biUyMElzJTIwaW4lMjBZb3VyJTIwSGFuZCUyMCUyOEUlMjklMjAlMjhNNSUyOS5nYmE=" https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=w2mBvc6Pe08 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2mBvc6Pe08&t=77 https://bitbucket.org/c0nch0b4r/boktaisim/downloads/

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Edited last time by Mark on 02/13/2025 (Thu) 17:41:26.
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>>1069202 Asterix & Obelix XXL. It's just technologically amazing. The Driver games on GBA are also freaking crazy. >>1069555 Game Boy Color had pretty great color. It just didn't have that many great games.
>>1069618 Game Boy Color games I like are Azure Dreams, Bionic Commando: Elite Forces, Blaster Master: Enemy Below, Bomberman Max, Bomberman Quest, Donkey Kong GB, Dragon Warrior III, Dragon Warrior Monsters, Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey, Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure, Game & Watch Gallery 2, Game & Watch Gallery 3, Ganbare Goemon, Harvest Moon 2 GBC, Lufia: The Legend Returns, Magi Nation, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, Mega Man Xtreme, Mega Man Xtreme 2, Metal Gear Solid, Pocket Bomberman, Pokemon Card GB2, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Puzzle Challenge, Pokemon Silver, Puyo Puyo Gaiden: Puyo Wars, R-Type DX, Shantae, Star Ocean: Blue Sphere, Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, Survival Kids, Survival Kids 2, Tetris DX, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, Toki Tori, Wario Land 3, and Wario Land II.
>>1069618 >It just didn't have that many great games. Because the GBC had a short lifespawn. It launched October 1998, and the GBA came March 2001, or 3 years, and in other regions it only got 2.5 (November 1998 to June 2001). It was always meant to be an interim system, being just an upclocked GB with better screen.

Miku in Fartshite Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 00:36:52 Id: f00583 No. 1061264 [Reply] [Last]
Miku got added to Fortnite in the latest update She joins other characters like: >Ryu, Street Fighter >Kratos, God of War (the PS4 version) >Aloy, Horizon Zero Dawn >Jill Valentine, Resident Evil >Chris Redfield, Resident Evil >Doom Slayer, (Nu)Doom >Geralt Rivia, Witcher >Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid Thoughts? Who would you like to see in Fortnite? You DO play Fortnite, don't you anon ; v )
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>>1069824 Why is there a black square missing in the video?
>>1069923 Except cp has an actual crime occurring, while asking a kid to say la li lu le lo into a mic isn't. Something derived from an illegal and morally wrong foundation in the former case is still illegal regardless since it promotes the original action to recur, while the products of the child vocaloid voice don't necessitate such abusive action. Under most western law it is still probably corroborating evidence to throw the book at you if you're being weird about collecting and making kid content though.
>>1070252 It's a watermark for the creator. >>1070267 >Under most western law it is still probably corroborating evidence See >>1069930 >It's not that this video is illegal, but it is pushing a boundary along pedophilic lines to use a synthesized voice from a real kid to sing about the size of a dick. I think anons are really burying their heads in the sand about that when everyone here who has said anything about it seemed to just think "leftists are hating on loli and anime girls again." Secondly, >Except cp has an actual crime occurring, while asking a kid to say la li lu le lo into a mic isn't You could make that same argument for rotoscoping a child's face and then putting it in porn, or training an AI on a child's likeness and then generating photorealistic porn with it, or just shopping a child's face into porn. All of those things however are legal issues, and are banned here. Now this case isn't explicit, just borderline, but the point being made is that it's analogous, just less extreme.

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Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/ Anonymous 12/28/2020 (Mon) 09:59:00 Id: 15e119 No. 191653 [Reply] [Last]
Touch the Cow Edition Crews 1.Infinity - 692908 2.Kihou - 740471 3.Sky Lords - 733000 4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216 5.Heaven&Hel (Dead) - 933194 Guides and info https://gbf.wiki/ >How do I even play this shit? You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/ >I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

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Some news from GranblueFes. New Divine General was announced. Dark element snake lady. Also the next anniversary event is going to be focused on the Divine Generals, but the trailer doesn't say much except for whatever implication there'd be from strange magic tattoos marking the generals with their symbols, though maybe it's just a symbolic thing and not a literal branding. Lots of other things and lots of interesting art made by various GBF artists on social media that was shared by Cygames, and other general gacha announcements. Also there was a funny with the Cystore shitting the bed during the convention and not letting people buy merch, alongside the international buyer they partnered with completely fucking up and not letting people buy ANY merchandise due to their account being limited to the same amount of purchases as anything else, basically blocking all overseas buyers from actually being able to buy the merch. 10/10 great move Cygames, you owe me a Galleon fumo. Also, while there was no footage of Sandalphon in GBFVS:R at GranblueFES or other news related to the fightan, Cygames said they'll do a promo showing off his full moveset at their Cygames Cup in January. Oh, and Raziel developed a new fetish or brain damage or something, I guess? Seeing people share this shit around and I find it funny.
Some general /gbfg/ news. First of all. Sandalphon was announced as the first character for the next group of 5 DLC fighters for GBFVS:Rising. His gimmick is having an extended moveset through element switching. This update also comes with a rebalance to the whole cast and extra rewards for character XP, though the full nature of these changes hasn't been shown yet. One change that is known so far is a universal change to DPs where hitting a character falling after a whiffed/blocked DP counts as an anti-air counterhit. Brave counter is also no longer plus, thus preventing the dumb brave counter wars that would sometimes occur after a jab gets BC'd. This update will be arriving late February. Alongside this, Beelzebub is getting a paid DLC costume and summer Zooey was announced for the next battlepass. In actual gacha news, there's a Collab with Magister Negi Magi going on right now. There's also a lot of big updates coming in February, namely Siero training is getting expanded (so more free shit) and The Eternals are all getting buffed and reworked. These buffs are mainly to bring them up a bit and to fix some of the severely lacking ones like Anre and make them much more worth the investment. Also, one of the old Robomi events is getting added to side stories permanently. Oh, and the Water guild war just ended. I don't play the gacha myself but I heard this one was intentionally made a step up compared to other recent guild wars due to how strong water element is nowadays. It would be better to hear firsthand takes though, so if any of you guys from the 8chan guilds are still around, or anyone else actively playing the gacha, I'd love to see some war stories about this past guild war.
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>>1067539 Infinity made it to Tier A by tiering up on round 1

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Old games (1985 or older) that still hold up really well Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 10:20:43 Id: bcb7b4 No. 1068223 [Reply] [Last]
I remember there was a thread awhile ago about how the retro community focuses really heavily certain years, noting many people can't name a ton of games from before the mid 80s. And to be fair, that's for good reason; many games from the era are clunky or were simply superseded I want to talk about games you can still pick up and play without getting filtered. I'll start with some obvious ones, none of these games are obscure but I also didn't want to come out the gate with Tetris and Pac-Man. I might be stretching it slightly with Lode Runner, though. Note this isn't just "old games that are good", there are plenty of games from the era that are 'good' but do not stand up well. Titles like Pole Position, Legend of Druaga and Mappy are extremely of their era.
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>>1069508 I'm into 1980s games and bet I played them way more than this thread. I lost count, but over 1000. Super Mario Bros isn't the best 1980s game, but before 1986, it is. The closest are far apart, which I say with a confidence that comes from knowing much about gaming history before 1986. It was simply better than everything before, which wasn't bad like some argue, just worse than Super Mario Bros. But off Super Mario Bros., though, I like Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong was fantastic. I played until kill screen, which Kosmic just found isn't a true kill screen. Donkey Kong Jr is good too, but 3 wasn't as good, and Donkey Kong Jr Math sucked. Shigeru Miyamoto has admitted that his original idea for Donkey Kong was to create a Popeye video game, though technical limitations did not allow for the needed graphic detail. Popeye did release for arcade in 1982, which is like Donkey Kong, and good too.
>>1068223 >Old games (1985 or older) >ctrl f Space Harrier >0 results Niggers, all of you.
>>1069314 My nigger.

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Kingdom Come Thread Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 21:11:04 Id: fc881e No. 1062545 [Reply] [Last]
Since the sequel is about to hit the shelves, I have decided to try the game for the very first time. Any advice for a newcomer? I heard the game is "hardcore" especially with the limited save system it apparently has. How good is it to play, if I can only play 30-60 minutes at a time(I am sadly a bit busy). Considering that it's very likely that this thread will still exist as the game comes, I guess it can also be used for the sequel as well, so for those who have played the first game: Out of the things that have been confirmed so far, what things are you most existed to see in the sequel? Is there anything you wish that they could add, if not in the sequel, then maybe in a DLC? Would you like to see other areas on Europe with this type of gameplay as well, and if so what areas and what century? If your potato PC is unable to run the game, would you consider upgrading your PC, to play this game, provided it has stellar reviews from people you trust? Hopefully these questions will be enough to generate a positive atmosphere as I am sure a lot of you anons are hyped for the sequel, as I remember the first game was received warmly back when it first came out. I might post my progress through the game from time to time, ITT.
Edited last time by Mark on 01/19/2025 (Sun) 03:04:13.
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>>1072326 LOL that's wishful thinking. It will take up to several increasingly bad sequels to kill the series at this point.
Just finished the game, and I really feel like the jew stuff and the negro were tacked on on the fly. Seems to me like the writers had a decent story, and then some homo like Vavra told them to put in that lame stuff. If you were to remove the segments directly dealing with these subjects, and a handful of lines mentioning them, the rest of the game would still make perfect sense.
>>1073011 Only so much time after October 7th 2023 to make changes

Fae & fay Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 19:38:24 Id: abf5d1 No. 997567 [Reply] [Last]
Videogames either all about fairy tales or just have a lot of fairy tale creatures such as satyrs, changelings, trolls and faeries. I have been in a weird mood all day thinking about the fae. but reading about the dreaming changeling isn't quenching my thirst for fay. I want more. Now I know of a few games that has fairies. Quite a few of them. Legend of zelda has multiple different types. Dragons crown has a tinkerbell look alike following you all around. I think one of the other vanillaware games has you playing a fairy as well. Was it odin sphere or grim grimoire? Unicorn overlord does have elves with their fairy companions but I barely noticed the fairies during my playthrough. Fairies were a pretty big part of FFXIVs shadowbringer expansion but I am really burned out on that game. Total warhammer does have a lot of fey creatures spread throughout the beastmen and the wood elves. Preferably I would want something like a role playing game set in a feywild type world. I am willing to try other things though. I know there is one fairy RPG on XBLA but I only played the demo for it years ago and I don't think its even available anymore.
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Having now played Zanzarah I kinda like it. Kinda because it is very unique and I like the world they made. The gameplay on the other hand is very repetitive and not terribly exciting. I think I was just expecting something faster since the game was described as being like quake.
Hey guys, I was rooting around in my folders when I found this. I have no idea where or who I got it from but apparently it is from 2015. Wouldn't have had to make the thread if I had remembered I just had a list of this.
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Faeries, not "Fairies"

Touhou Thread: Take it Easy!!! Edition Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 16:31:29 Id: 9365a5 No. 1030988 [Reply] [Last]
A new thread for the series that defines the Otaku. Last thread was on post 500 and it's been a while since someone made a new thread, so I figured I'd do it myself. If you haven't had the chance, get Artificial Dream in Arcadia on steam since it's really good and the dev is making free DLC that lets people make their own dungeons. What 2hu and 2hu spin offs have you been playing /v/?
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>>1069071 >>1069017 I have forgotten to mention, that only 6 makes it extremely difficult to deathbomb, which may rescue you many times. Another tip is to use bombs if you have them, since they get replenished with each life you lose. You will waste them regardless by dying, which is worse. Later games give you enough reaction time to deathbomb. But 6 is the most pure, so it is the best to start from, unless you want PC98 autism.

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>>1069017 >Patchouli's laser nonspells Pic 2 related. The arrow indicates where the lasers are heading. 1. I stay in place and wait for Patchy to shoot aimed bullets at me. 2. Move to a different spot to bait another attack. 3. It creates a gap big enough for me to move through. Pic 3 is a riskier move, which is to take advantage of Marisa's fast movement speed to aggressively move through the small gaps. Just focus on dodging and don't worry too on trying to deal damage. Marisa should be able to deal more than enough damage as long as you happen to move under Patchy. 1/2
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>>1069017 >>1069312 >Sakuya's nonspell Pic 2. You can stay above Sakuya and just wait it out, but Sakuya will skip her spell card, and you won't be able to get the extra life as a result. Pic 3. There will always be gaps between the kunais and knives. You'll always be able to move from right to left or vice versa through the gaps depending on which direction they're thrown. This is the best option imo. You can also move through the tiny gaps between the kunais, but I don't recommend it. >Sakuya's Misdirection spell card Just bomb. Due to the nature of Marisa Bs shot type, you won't be able to deal enough damage without losing a life or time running out. 2/2

Is it possible to play a game "incorrectly"? Anonymous 01/28/2025 (Tue) 14:42:02 Id: 28d7db No. 1065908 [Reply]
Finally decided to pull out Skate It and actually play through it since I'm one of those people who still play Wii games. For those who don't know, this was one of the "mid-size" entries from the seventh gen, where the publisher made a side-game to whatever they were releasing on the 360/PS3 in order to cash in on some of that Wii money printing. Dead Space: Extraction and RE Chronicles (And Modern Warfare 2 on the DS) were similar such games. So for Skate It, it's an "inbetween-quel" for Skate 1 and 2, and one of the big gimmicks for the game is that it makes use of the Wii balance board. Now I've been playing the game for the past week, and I cannot get used to the balance board controls at all as their either seem "too" sensistive or not sensitive "enough" (Despite whatever I set in the options). However today, I finally decided to try the Nunchuk configuration and was effortlessly able to play the game with little issue. Effortless to the point that the game almost feels "too easy". So this is where my question is coming from. Is are there some games designed around a certain play style or even control scheme where, if you play the game any other way, you essentially "break" the game and can no longer have any fun?
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>>1069242 I was sure the >Barneys &nd Noble would have given it away instantly. I guess most zoomers have never been to a bookstore.
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>>1069242 >PEGI oh wait, you must be European. Well heres a better photo. I actually had this exact magazine and disc
>>1069281 >Dood Sex 2 I'm very sorry

Hi-Rez is experience mass lay offs Anonymous 02/07/2025 (Fri) 19:21:31 Id: 9f6b35 No. 1069094 [Reply]
Smite and Realm Royale developer Hi-Rez Studios seems to have conducted layoffs this week. Nearly 30 employees (at time of writing) revealed they were impacted on social media. A reason for the layoffs has currently not been disclosed. According to Gaming World's Jake Lucky, these cuts are "massive" and seem to primarily impact the Smite team, which is developing the sequel Smite 2. Hi-Rez previously laid off workers October 2024, targeting the cosmetic and system features teams across its various subsidiaries. This new round looks to be more widespread: producers, designers, programmers, and esports commentators are among those affected. With last year's cuts, CEO Stewart Chisam explained the studio eliminated staff to ensure Smite 2's long-term success. Chisam's X account has been deleted since then, and at time of writing, a statement on today's layoffs has not been published to LinkedIn or other channels. Hi-Rez also is ending development for the first Smite, Paladins, and Rogue Company. Smite 2 is the focus of Hi-Rez's "newly streamlined operations," though developers on that title are also said to have been laid off. The public message further explained the three older games will remain playable for the forseeable future, even as "no further major updates are currently planned." Hayzer, a Smite contract creator, also claims the layoffs have impacted 50-60 developers. At time of writing, Hi-Rez has not responded to our request for comment. PRESS S TO SPIT https://archive.fo/FGO0S
Edited last time by Mark on 02/08/2025 (Sat) 00:09:59.
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Seems like they're taking the sharp opposite approach of what screwed them over when Paladins and Smite were new and bigger. Ripping devs off other games and downsizing to save costs while putting all of their eggs in the "Smite 2" basket rather than hire on a few more devs to split into a lot of teams to make a metric assload of live service IPs and hope one gets massive success. Something tells me it's too drastic a move done way too late, though. RIP Paladins, you were the only hero shooter I could get the tiniest bit of enjoyment from. At least you'll live on in the porn.
>>1069143 Remember when paladins came out and everyone was horny for the elf? how times change. Brown sniper was better anyway.
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I don't like their garbage games which always followed a live service model, even Ascend due to all it's limitations. But they're one of the few American devs that still added T&A to their games despite all the ideological craziness going on.

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STOP KILLING GAMES CAMPAIGN Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 10:24:44 Id: dc9eb5 No. 954406 [Reply] [Last]
TO EUROBROS AND STRAYAN ANONS: YOU CAN DO YOUR PART AND TAKE ACTION TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD, AS A CONSUMER, TO STOP GAMES AS A SERVICE. https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w70Xc9CStoE >An increasing number of videogames are sold as goods, but designed to be completely unplayable for everyone as soon as support ends. The legality of this practice is untested worldwide, and many governments do not have clear laws regarding these actions. It is our goal to have authorities examine this behavior and hopefully end it, as it is an assault on both consumer rights and preservation of media. This campaign originally started from some youtuber who hated the fact that The Crew, an Ubishit racing game, would close their online services and making the game he purchased basically unplayable. Even if it would technically be possible to run the game offline, it's unfortunately prevented by DRM and other jewish nonsense plaguing modern gaming today. He is making a rallying campaign, asking for the 12 million people who effectively got scammed after buying The Crew to make their voice heard and complain about this, so that governments can take action and hopefully set a precedent to destroy GAAS as we know it in an effort to preserve videogames. Any step taken towards making publishers and greedy kike game companies release offline versions of multiplayer-only games is a win. Any effort contributing to popularizing the now lost practice of giving server tools to gamers for them to make their own community servers is a good thing in my eyes. If you care about vidya, it's in your best interest to spread awareness of this campaign and do as much as you possibly can, even if you don't like the EU. Sign petitions, screech about it, etc. They've shown that they can seriously cripple anti-consumer practices, as seen with Apple.
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Some more news from the Stop Killing Games Movement: >UK petition again The first one, didn't get a satisfactory answer, then there were elections and riots, so the petition, and I assume most, got cancelled. Hopefully this time, it will actually work https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/702074 I might go to /brit/ and ask them for some support. >EU petition We managed to get the minimum of 7 countries over the threshold, and we are currently at 400k signatures out of 1 million. We still have 5-6 months left, hopefully there will be some major controversy, like Destiny 1 shutting down to make people panic -ign the petition.
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>>1063670 >Hopefully this time, it will actually work Bad news. https://archive.fo/fQrd8 https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/702074 https://archive.fo/2I2W6 <Government responded <The Government recognises concerns raised by video games users regarding the operability of purchased products. As the lead department for video games, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) regularly engages industry representatives and monitors how consumers interact with games. We work with the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) as the lead department for consumer protection more generally. <We are aware of issues relating to the life-span of digital content, including video games, and we appreciate the concerns of players of some games that have been discontinued. We have no plans to amend existing consumer law on digital obsolescence, but we will monitor this issue and consider the relevant work of the Competition and Market Authority (CMA) on consumer rights and consumer detriment. <Video games sellers must comply with existing consumer law – this includes the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA) and Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPRs). We have provided details of relevant protections below. However, there is no requirement in UK law for software companies to support older versions of their products. Decision-making is for those companies, taking account of commercial and regulatory factors and complying with existing consumer law. There may be occasions where companies make decisions based on the high running costs of maintaining older servers for games with declining user bases. <The CRA gives consumers important rights when they make a contract with a trader for the supply of digital content, requiring it to be of satisfactory quality, fit for a particular purpose and as described by the seller. It may be difficult and expensive for businesses to maintain support for old software, particularly if it needs to interact with new technologies. However, if software is offered for sale that is not supported by the provider, then this should be made clear, for example on product webpages and physical packaging. <If digital content does not meet these quality rights, the consumer is entitled to a repair or replacement or, if not possible, some money back up to 100% of the cost of the digital content. These rights apply to intangible digital content like a PC game, as well as tangible content like a physical copy of a game. The CRA has a limit of up to six years after a breach of contract during which a consumer can take legal action. <A trader or third party can upgrade and improve the features of digital content so long as it continues to match any description given by the trader and conforms with any pre-contract information provided by the trader, unless varied by express agreement. <In addition, the CRA requires that the terms and conditions applied by a trader to a product they sell must not be unfair and must be prominent and transparent. If not, they may also be challenged and the question of fairness is a matter for the courts. Terms found to be unfair are not binding on the consumer. <The CPRs require information to consumers to be clear and correct and prohibit commercial practices which through false information or misleading omissions cause the average consumer to make a different choice. As such, the regulations prohibit commercial practices which omit or hide information which the average consumer needs to make an informed choice, and prohibits traders from providing material information in an unclear, unintelligible, ambiguous or untimely manner. If consumers are led to believe that a game will remain playable indefinitely for certain systems, despite the end of physical support, the CPRs may require that the game remains technically feasible (for example, available offline) to play under those circumstances. <The CPRs are enforced by Trading Standards and the CMA. If consumers believe that there has been a breach of these regulations, they should report it to the Citizens Advice helpline (or Advice Direct Scotland for those living in Scotland) which is a free service advising on rights and how to take their case forward. The helplines will refer complaints to Trading Standards and CMA where appropriate. Consumers can also pursue private redress through the courts where a trader has provided misleading information on a product. <The CPRs section of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers (DMCC) Act 2024 is expected to come into effect in April 2025. It restates and updates the CPRs into primary legislation, revokes the 2008 regulations and sets out rules around unfair trading. The Act:

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Indie Games Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 23:22:13 Id: d2aad4 No. 971529 [Reply] [Last]
After years of avoiding indie games like the plague because of how cancerous the community surrounding them is, I've finally decided to give them a try. I really love the 16 and 32 bit eras of games but I've played virtually all of the ones from that period that I would be interested in to death and the only people who seem to still be making games like that are indies. But there are so many out there and I'm certain 99% of them are bad so I need your help. What are the best indie games reminiscent of old 16 and 32 bit games? I'm up for pretty much any genre, 2D or 3D, except horror and roguelikes. They don't have to look exactly like games from back then but I'd prefer something that doesn't push gay/tranny/furry/feminist pozz; at least, not explicitly. I've already tried Undertale and I didn't like it. Also, general indie games thread.
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Command of Battlefront https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKwtXbx5OxM
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I tried Castaway, a game I saw at some show case last year. It looked like a fun Zelda clone. I don't think I've ever been so floored by a game, it was 28-minutes long. It's being sold for ten dollars. Despite being less than half an hour, it still copypastes content! Every boss is the same, all the enemies are variants of spiders, the dungeons are the same layout. I get the sense something went very, very wrong during development. This is like a prototype, or a jamgame project. There is no way the team felt it was a shippable product.
>>1055589 It's coming out in early access on 02/21 and supposedly will be finished by 2026

The Video Game Industry is imploding Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 18:35:05 Id: 0c7012 No. 940732 [Reply] [Last]
I wanted to make a thread for this since it seems every day there's either a massive amount of industry layoffs or some publisher splitting off. Most recently Toys for Bob and Saber Interactive have split from their previous holders with rumors of Gearbox being sold off or going private after splitting off from Embracer like Saber just did. Additionally 505 have just shut down a bunch of offices in Spain, Germany, and France. Since just last holiday there have been over 15,000+ layoffs in the video games industry with a lot of companies restructuring like Embracer and Sony after deals with the Saudi's and the Chinese have basically gone sour. This is in addition to games like Spider-Man 2 (2023) costing over 300 million dollars and with the constant failures of live service games, it makes sense why the industry is experiencing a soft crash as it were. It remains to be seen what will come of the video games industry and what will rise from the ashes. I'm expecting to see more smaller publishers pop up while the current publishers will focus on making smaller games with tighter budgets. That being said no one really knows where the industry will go from here. sources: https://archive.ph/YI6OK https://archive.is/ZzK5C https://archive.ph/3z9RF
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>>1068940 I can tell.
>>1068857 Western Triple Gay, anon. Nintendo is fine. Other Japanese devs are fine too. Double A and below and indies will be fine too.
>>1066434 >Not only did they add female soccer but they also added a gamemode with mixed males and females and it got mocked hard. Didn't it even go as far as to give completely random female players (like not even regarded as particularly exceptional among female players) stats above male players regarded as the top players in that area? I remember a huge normalfag uproar about it. Had they added females only for Create a Player (which some of the older EA arcade sports offers had) one year, with a pair of token fictional pre-made teams, let players use female CaP anywhere and just say "create a player is a fantasy mode", I don't think they would have gotten any real backlash. Would certainly have cost a lot less to make. >I guess they wanted to pander to the "patriots" and journos pushing USA female soccer because they were winning for like 3 months, lol. I remember a publication (outside of the vulture media) at that time observing with some amusement/fascination something to the effect of "US national soccer teams do amazingly well for how little the nation cares about the sport. It must be particularly crushing to live in a country that puts way more effort into sport and see your team lose to the Americans".

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Microsoft Xbox officially becomes a third party publisher Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 19:24:32 Id: fb0783 No. 1066478 [Reply] [Last]
The absolute fucking state of Xbox I'm glad though, fuck them for all the harm they've done, hopefully their influence on the industry keeps diminishing. https://archive.is/TBgFm
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>>1068595 I had more fun gibbing noobs and calling them a scrub than that gay shit.
>>1068595 anyone has that video of a woman who starts crying when she gets teabagged or surprise buttsecksed in some first person shooter?
>>1068601 You're thinking of MyGot users mocking some attention whore in CSGO.

Blue Archive new thread Anonymous 07/21/2024 (Sun) 09:42:41 Id: 7e86db No. 992219 [Reply] [Last]
Making a new thread for the hit game taking the comiket doujin world by storm! The last thread >>793596 hit the bump limit, so I decided to make a new one as well considering we're close to the anniversary events >What is Blue Archive? A mobile game on iOS and Android, you play as a male teacher in a world where the only other humans are all female. Command your students as you take down enemies and learn about the world you've been thrust into. You're sure to find a favorite among the many students available to you. Also the soundtrack of the game is easily top tier. >Is this a gacha game? Yeah, it's a mobage, but F2P users are capable of winning as well on their own pace, and in the late-game, the gap between F2P and P2W is very small indeed - perhaps even nonexistent. Many of the students in this game are available for free (and useful on raids) without even rolling once in the gacha system (Over time you have a chance at unlocking students by beating the hard mode levels) >Are the girls cute? Yes For the loli fan out there, sate your thirsts on this game with the most lolis per capita out of every mobage out there. For the hagfan or oppailoli fan, this game can cater to your needs as well. >Isn't this game censored? Since China doesn't like nudity in any fashion, the game was split so that the chinks have their own censored version. The NA and JP versions are unaffected and the lolis untouched. >Can I play it on my PC? Yes, with the mobile phone to PC emulator LDPlayer or Bluestacks

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>>1068402 I'm sold on that delicious looking cock
>>1068433 Are you a cute loli?

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