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Marvel Rivals Thread Anonymous 01/07/2025 (Tue) 00:57:11 Id: 4a6ea5 No. 1058215
Not sure if you fags saw the news, but apparently Overwatch has got its ass handed to it by the Chinese in the Hero Shooter department. If you have been living under a rock there's a new hero shooter ///game\\\ called Marvel Rivals that has been doing extremely well on Steam and the dev team even supports Linux/Steam Deck which is a huge shock considering how many devs don't bother supporting Linux on the anti-cheat side of things. It also has around 30 playable characters available for free and might be getting more modes such as a PvE mode in addition to the existing PvP modes. I played the game for a bit, while I had some fun with the game, It's not something I can really put hours into. More like a short burst here and there, although that might be because I'm getting old. That being said I like blasting people around with The Punisher even if his logo is wrong. Although to be fair to this game, mostly everyone on the roster got a massive redesign specifically for the game. Honestly, I just like having a game where I can fuck around for an hour or two without having to boot into my Windows drive. Have you guys played this game? If so what do you think about it.
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im not gona survive
I haven't played it. Hero shooter + Chinese + f2p + Marvel sounds like the ultimate slop and I'm not touching that shit with a 10 foot pole.
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Shitposting aside, the game has genuinely great art direction. It's probably the first hero shooter since TF2 to get that part right. The skins especially look nice. The first time I saw the game I was genuinely impressed how good it looked, AAA games don't often get to be this stylized. Everything is focused on MUH REALISM now and it's been a real curse. There's a great side-by-side comparison of what the heroes look like compared to their depictions in other Marvel games, which I'll dig around for and post. That said - it's a PvP class-based shooter, a genre I haven't been interested in since TF2 and Monday Night Combat. On top of that, it's GaaS shit. I can admire the game on an artistic level while having no desire to actually play it.
The comparisons I was talking about, from Marvel's Avengers. There a ton of these but I'll only post this as not to flood the thread. They look almost comical, it's like cosplay. It's frustrating how long it took for creatives to realize comic book character should look like comic books, the fucking MCU rotted people's brains.
It’s alright for a tps league of legends.
>support Marvelshit, it's made by chinks now so no pozz! Better "assets" than western-made capeshit won't make me play their dogshit.
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peak ghosting We are truly blessed to live in an Unreal Engine 5 age. I need to get my "shit vidya grafix" bread off the ground
>Shilled superzero capeshit for soylent-chugging normalfags Pass, try an original Rivals game that isn't a journo darling instead. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2217000/Rivals_of_Aether_II/
>Capeshit >Chinese Kernel level malware >Muh "Chinks are going to save gaming", as if gaming's decline wasn't heavily encouraged - if not orchestrated - by the chinks. Naw, fuck them. Easy Anti-Cheat is a security nightmare on it's own, but at least that's ran by the Finns who don't need government compliance commissars installed in their offices and aren't openly economically and militarily hostile to the West and have a long-game strategy to become the sole global hedemonic power that we know of.
>>1058236 I think this is TAA more than UE5. It's a truly awful anti-aliasing solution, but hey! It looks fine at 4K 120FPS :^)
This isn't going to have any of the characters I like anyway. Even if I cared about hero shooters.
There's a ton of nude mods on LoversLab. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/242276-marvel-rivals-modding/
>>1058227 What's really killer is about how "not varied" the builds are in the MCU, contrast to how varied builds can be from what comics take inspiration from, the strongman/acrobat scene. There's hardly any build variation, posture changes, or anything of the sort in the "costume display" pictures to display personality to distract from the "saminess" of the models. Hell, without even looking at gameplay, I'd even go as far as to say that these models probably all share a shitload of animations.
>>1058244 What’s your opinion on worst Korea? Stellar Blade came from there.
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I hope Power Pack get official models from this at some point. That's my sole interest in this.
>>1058330 Please, yes. PLEASE, YES.
>>1058330 It won’t in America
>>1058334 I don't get it.
>>1058334 >>1058348 Apparently little girls can't be in games in America because Anon can only conceive of little girls in games as lewd lolis instead of just making her comic accurate (i.e. not lewd). This is your brain on porn addiction, but a better version than twitter freaks who overcompensate for the shame they feel after fapping by going full puritan.
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>>1058326 Aside from thinking it's funny how fucking salty they still are over Japan's occupancy, I don't really care about Korea. They're a good strategic base in the region, and LG makes some ok electronics, but I don't have much use for them beyond that. >Stellar Blade Never played it. Probably won't play it when it comes to PC. Beyond the censorship controversy, it just looks like a bog-standard slash-em up without much in the way of a unique gameplay hook or distinctive art design. The only reason the pile of gook jank even got popular was because it had a "cute" girl at a time when all the west (and increasingly Japan) was making was dumpy potato faced greasy niggers. Lots of starved dogs will jump at the chance for a bone with a scrap of meat on it, but I could care less. There's lots of older games on my backlog I'd rather play. I do like DJ Max Respect tho.
>>1058366 And yes, I know DJMR has XIGNCODE3. Wasn't paying attention when I first installed the game, and it's not removed even if you uninstall the game. There's tools that are supposed to be able to root it out, but I've heard conflicting opinions on whether they even work or not. At any rate, like the Finns, I'm not AS concerned about the southern-gooks as I am about the chinks since at the end of the day, they're more or less a puppet state of the US, and if the US Gov't wants access to my PC then they already have it since I'm running Win 10. For now
>>1058361 Are you on drugs?
>marvel rivals is top thread on 8chan /v/ based.
>>1058477 Based on what?
>>1058480 Based on my heckin superinos like Spidow Man and She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. Avengers assemble!
>>1058481 Then it's not based.
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<cuckchan thread gets cuckchan artificial engagement replies Expected but still disappointing.
>>1058487 How is this a cuckchan thread? Stop saying dumb shit.
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>>1058481 >>1058484 Don't disrespect Spidow-Man, chud. I WILL downvote you, and your karma WILL be negatively affected as a result.
>>1058487 Chinese marketing please understand and eat a delicious dog steak.
>>1058495 >CHINA NUMBA WAN Yes, Taiwan is number one.
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>>1058499 Yes, there is only one China and their name is Taiwan.
>>1058495 Miles Morales has actually been apart of Marvel for awhile now. He's not a new character. I haven't been into comics since I was a teen, but I believe he originates from the Ultimate Comics Spider-Man run. Technically the Ultimate Fallout run, though he was really just a cameo there. Peter Parker was killed by the Green Goblin at the end of the very popular and long-running Ultimate Spider-Man run, and towards the end of Ultimate Fallout you see a kid who looked up to Spider-Man donning the costume. If I remember correctly, his costume was originally exactly like Peter Parker's, which he felt was in bad taste, causing him to change to his black-and-red design in UC Spider-Man which is the design you usually see him with. The Ultimate runs are fucking weird by the way. Beyond black Spider-Man, there's a female clone of Peter who retained all his memories and becomes that universe's Spider-Woman. I distinctly remember not liking her design.
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typo In fact, most of you probably recognize the iteration of Spider-Woman I'm talking about. She had that infamous cover variant. Her design is bad here, but I think she looks even worse from the front.
>>1058503 >>1058507 I'm well aware, I'm just fucking around.
>>1058507 >Her design is bad here isn't that just one of her old designs? I remember watching a Spider Woman cartoon from the 70s with that particular costume.
>>1058510 I think that's exactly why I don't like it, it looks very archaic and not in the cool way like Super Man. Though to be fair I'm not sure I've liked any of Spider-Woman's designs, except may the Ultimate Spider-Man TV series though she's technically a different character. That's Mary Jane, not Jess Drew.
>>1058516 so you like this but you don't like ultimate Jessica drew?
>>1058519 Anon I'm a fucking idiot I just realized I'm confusing the designs with the later 2009 Spider-Woman run. You're completely right, that's her Ultimate Spider-Man design. I have no idea how I forgot, there's a famous cover of her.
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>>1058503 >>1058507 >>1058516 Reminder that all the Spider-X past the original exist purely to let Marvel keep anyone else from grabbing the trademark. Same with all the BatY and SuperZ with DC (except for that brief period of time where they actively avoided using "Superboy" because it looked like Superman's creators could have realistically gotten that one in the ongoing legal stuff). Also reminder that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Gary Drew and Miguel O'Hara are Spider-Man in the future, and Miles Morales is just one of Bendis's self inserts.
>>1058527 never realized Bendis was black
>Maker skin doesn't have unique evil villain voice lines shit.
>>1058528 It's Bendis playing black face, Bendis himself isn't black.
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>>1058528 >>1058555 Bendis isn't black, he's transnigger.
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DC fan here Is there any hope we'll get something like this but in the DC universe? With a similar art style which follows Eastern trends rather than Western trends? Please God don't bring up Suicide Squad or Gotham City Imposters
>>1058592 That would require DC be remotely competent for any franchise that isn't Batman.
>>1058583 That's what I said.
>>1058592 Why be a “fan” of a corporation? To buy their funko pops?
>>1058592 >DC >Making anything cool post 2012 lmao
Tencent is now a chink military company and will get banned just like Huaweii.
>>1058592 >Gotham City Imposters Me and my friend had a lot of fun with that garbage game.
>>1058498 FUCK YOU BABY
>>1058726 If you had a lot of fun with it, how's it a garbage game?
>>1058719 One can only hope
more from /vb/ The invisible woman has a very sexy costume. It has already dethroned overwatch as the top porn bait. Luna Snow best girl.
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>>1058719 >>1058842 Aye. >>1058592 What's funny is that the execs aren't wrong. Gacha games are essentially Eastern capeshit when you examine their storytelling. >hey I'm XX disposable character with a catgirl maid outfit popping in inorganically in this month-long event that exists solely to promote my roll and my gacha-locked limited bunnygirl skin All gacha storylines exist as a "tour" to introduce a roll and then dump him and her for the next hotness, it's actually perfectfor capeshit bloat from Abra Kadabra to Zatanna. Westerners are just ripping off the wrong games, a Genshin Impact clone with Green Lanterns Kyle and Jessica flying around assisting the new roll of the week would make gangbusters and could replace comic book releases in the present. >>1058845 <vb >>1058488 <How is this a cuckchan thread? Stop saying dumb shit. Every time. As a reminder of the West's gynocentric idiocy Discuckers apparently are getting banned for posting these clips of Susan's Malice skin which is just a $CURRENT_YEAR leotard (good). Cuckchan game. ihatexihatexihatex
>>1058859 >Discuckers apparently are getting banned for posting these clips of Susan's Malice skin which is just a $CURRENT_YEAR leotard (good). They're getting banned from Discord full stop or just the official server. Make some sense.
>>1058860 The answer is yes as far as I'm concerned, it's Discuck why do you care
>>1058859 >>1058859 This is very stylized ass and tiddies, it uses rim lighting very tastefully. Post more
It would have been better if we didn't have this jewish capeshit in the board.
>>1058893 This is a Jewish imageboard tbh
>>1058905 >>1058893 Are jew kidding me right now?
>>1058908 >>1058905 >>1058893 Jew gotta believe me.
>>1058905 Wario is one of the tribe.
>>1058905 More like jew'o witnesses imageboard. They come to your house to talk about JQ. >>1058954 Ninties doing some shit with their clever idea that a jew is italian upside down.
>>1058905 Meta Thread briefly had flags, 3 were American and 1 was Israeli. /v/'s owned by a jew, the 500-post favorite fag character thread was a bar mitzvah of admitted jews, some posters always here are admitted jews, and all fags do here is think and argue like jews. Mark this is not a Luciano post, don't delete because it says jews.
>>1058963 >bottom right of the page >Aleph >Aleph is a first letter of hebrew "alpha"bet Gasp!
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>>1059022 I'M ABOUT TO G'NUT!
>>1059026 >named Squirrel Girl >her mutant power is making me rock hard What did they mean by this?
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>>1059028 Because you're supposed to want to store some nuts in those chubby cheeks
>>1059028 Her other superpower is to make nuts bust.
>>1059039 I'd certainly like to nut on her bust!
>>1059028 Squirrel girl is a mutate, not a mutant.
>>1059022 >>1059026 >>1059028 >>1059036 >>1059039 >>1059048 I guess I know where I'm storing my nuts for the winter.
>>1059028 They meant for you to jack off to Squirrel Girl and for people to make content off the character in order to promote the game.
>>1059085 Pretty much this. Overwatch only got famous for it's 'nocturnal movies', not because it was a good game. Looks like (((marvel rivals))) is taking a page from the right book.
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>>1058592 >DC shit >Suicide Squad didn't last a year >multiversus is dying >this image (pic1) is real >mfw I laugh every time
>>1059085 >>1059099 that's ok with me. Soon someone else will pick up the ball once rivals get stale, hopefully Japs or French with some kind of splatoon clone.
>>1059105 but we already got Foamstars, remember.
>>1059110 >PS4/PS5 only
>>1059110 Those characters don't look good or stylized enough. Remember, hero shooters need style over substance
>>1059113 >>1059110 What were they thinking?
>>1059105 >splatoon clone >jap devs this exactly what you asked for >>1059113 >jap console >>1059129 foamstars is style, it so stylized they sold you AI generated images with shitty music made by jap failed pop stars that turned into pornstars >>1059137 they weren't thinking.
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>>1059048 I want to cum inside carlos's little beaner bussy
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>>1059222 /sm/ actually has a thread for that >>>/sm/18777
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>>1059335 He's a big guy
>>1059391 For (You).
>>1058510 Why's that bitch got a third eye?
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>>1059048 Carlos you fucking brownoid dirty rice eating bastard
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Muh neam Jeff.
>>1059911 I don't know who this is but he's hitting all the right buttons for me.
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>>1059927 That's a humanized version of Jeff, who actually looks like this.
>>1059911 i don't like shota jeff
>percentage of faggot posts increased after cuckchanners arrived Can't say I'm surprised.
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>>1060139 Any art of the Democrat fundraising the adult women of the game yet? No? Then get your literal homosexuality out of here.
>>1060156 Oh, interesting. I didn't know about that one. People normally just say "𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚗" and not "𝚔𝚒𝚍 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐" so you don't see it often.
I want this bikini as a skin for Magik.
>>1060256 >Iilyana Is that Colossus's sister? I had a comic where she was a child and ended up dying of some McGuffin disease. Most of it was through Jubilee's eyes as she tried to make sense of what was going on around her. I take it she's back alive again because why the fuck wouldn't she be. Nobody ever dies. I only read comics for a short time. I guess between the "new" Xmen #1 in the 90's till just after Phalanx Covenant. Just never seen her as an adult.
>>1060265 Remember when New York literally went to hell for several days because she lost control of her powers and nobody ever mentions it again?
>>1060312 >fifth pic God, why can't that be me?
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>>1060286 Nope. Missed that entirely. By the way, are there any trustworthy sites with reasonably good ballpark figures for Comics and Xmen Cards? I can't imagine they're worth much, but you never know sometimes. I'd like to at least check before throwing them all in a box and selling it for $50. Last time I even bothered checking, Wizard magazine was the go-to price guide - and I'm sure that's just an industry scam to legitimize comic shop owners screwing their customers. Lot of old collage football and baseball cards I wouldn't mind getting rid of too. Planned to give them to my nephew if they're not worth anything, since he's really into football. Doubt he'll care much, since most of the players who went pro are probably retired and irrelevant now.
>>1060466 Nice ANSI anon. I wish this site supported it but sadly it doesn't.

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>>1060313 she hulk was ruined and for the foreseable future this is what most people will think about when someone mentions she hulk (1st pic) as well as this being the first thing people think of when they hear about captain marvel. you can already imagine what they think about when they hear the name KAMALA Khan
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Reminder: You can still mod the game on season 1 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bi7c8yZ_BAo Do your part and keep Marvel Rivals modding alive!
>>1060604 Unlike Harris, Kamala Khan actually became president.
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>>1060616 >this is the only way libtards can get a woman named "Kamala" in office
>>1060618 And to make it funnier, she is only in comics that nobody even buys anymore.
>>1060616 >>1060618 And they both illegally kept people in prison.
>>1060690 That was Carol. Kamala went along with it until she realized it was stupid. Logically she should have divorced herself from Carol being her hero from then on but these comics are shit.
>>1060692 >Kamala was a willing participant and fangirl of the mastermind Yes?
>>1060665 >Nobody even buys anymore Anymore? Who bought Ms. Muslim Marvel capeshit before?
>>1060785 I think he means Marvel in general. Kamala Khan pretty much represents the final nail in the coffin that eliminated the last few readers that were hanging on since the '90s. Well, her and Carol Manvers. But Carol Danvers was kind of a well liked character for decades, before they decided to make her full SJW. Kamala Khan is only in comics that nobody has ever read except to make fun of on Youtube.
Is the game even good to play or is just good for porn?
>>1060925 It's third person Overwatch but Marvel flavored. Did you like Overwatch?
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>>1060785 her first book was pretty good, i guess.
>>1060931 I wonder if /mrg/ is HIV positive
>>1059970 good stuff
>>1060929 So you’ve played both then?
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>>1060809 Kamala doesn't even make any sense as a character. She's not Kree or Kree adjacent. She's not related to Carol or a former side kick or anything. Her powers aren't even anything like Mar-Vell or Carol's are, she's basically Plastic Man/Mr Fantastic with a bit of Antman thrown in. Also this pic is now even more funny since the last election.
>>1060750 UNTIL she wasn't.
>>1061135 What an ass.
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>>1061069 >Modoc
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Genuine question, Was psylocke popular before MvC2? I am pretty certain she used to be known because of that game because I have never heard anyone talk about whatever comic she is from. Rivals is just giving her another boost.
>>1061243 I think so?
>>1061243 Not really no.
>>1061243 I mainly remember her from the SNES xmen game so she must had some following before MvC2.
>>1061256 Just look at her. Of course she was popular. Actually, she was originally British, not Japanese. She's Captain Britain's sister. But then she swapped bodies with a big tiddy ninja and never looked back.
>>1061259 >swapped bodies You mean upgraded
>>1061259 >>1061265 She downgraded recently then.
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>>1061224 MODAAK actually.
>>1061243 >>1061259 She was popular in the 90s. X-fags back then were salivating over Jim Lee's drawing of Psylocke. She is probably the most popular female mutant to come out of the 90s. Technically she showed up before that but she became the body-swapped psychic ninja in 1989 and early 90s, and that's when she started getting more spotlight too.
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>>1061366 Popular enough that she taught Wolverine's daughter how to do the psychic energy blade stuff.
>>1061369 I remember those days when Logan's daugther was just wolverine with tits instead of the Spainard mutt Bisex LGBT propaganda Quippy transally that X-23 is.
>>1061135 compare that to this
>>1061681 >overwatch shill is this desperate haha kill yourself nigger.
>>1061625 >wolverine with tits I'm kind of disappointed they didn't try to write a comic about Wolverine where he came out as Trans, and it was all about him dealing with depression because no matter horomones he took and how often he underwent sexual reassignment surgery - his mutant healing factor would always kick in and revert him to a hairly little ball of rage and testosterone by the next day. The bullying by Sabertooth alone would make it worth the read, though the faggot writers at Marvel would probably make him simpathetic.
>>1061625 >instead of the Spainard mutt Bisex LGBT propaganda But anon, every white character has to be replaced by a mystery meat spic in every film now. Every single last one of them. White genocide is our strength, after all. That's why even Lighting McQueen was replaced by a beaner woman in the last film, don'cha'know.
>>1061697 >wolverine chops his dick multiple times but it just grows back every time
(3.66 MB 720x480 X-Men.webm)

>>1061697 It's hard to take capeshit seriously when the biggest reason why people halfway like them past bad comic runs is the Japanese developed games (which are fun), Raven Soft's games are fun as well, as least compared to whatever the fuck freemium shit this is.
>>1061715 >he liked MUA2
I main Squirrel Girl, Star-Lord, Peni Parker, Venom, Rocket Raccoon and Mantis I guess. If this is a benchmark of the UE 5 engine, it's an utter trash fire.
>>1061756 People like shilling Crash Twinsanity so I figured people didn't mind Vicarious Visions making it, but no, I didn't mention MUA2.
>>1061756 Marvel ultimate alliance? That game is sick you faggot.
>>1061789 the first one is, the second one sucks.
>>1061784 Twinsanity was Traveller's Tales, not Vicarious Visions. VV did the 2D Crash games and Nitro Kart, but they aren't quite as good. Still alright, though.
Some furfag made a Loona Hellhound mod for this game already, link: https://xcancel.com/Apekweit/status/1879961205730865563?t=qHifMF8bZqds75n3ovL-jQ&s=19 I dunno if it works, I don't have this game.
>>1061952 What character is the skin for? (Any decent screenshots?)
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>>1061957 I have no idea which character this mod replaces, the readme file included is not clear about it either.
>>1061958 Looks like it's a modified version of the evil (naughty) variant of The invisible woman / Sue storm. Even though it's heavily based off of a costume that's already in the game, it works and still looks pretty good. (Hopefully somebody rips the model from the mod and puts it to better use...)
>>1061964 I'd would say if someone is willing to use pisscord since appearntly there is a modding channel for this game already and ask there but I'm going to bet with a 90% chance that they will get butthurt about it because of muh original content do nut steal that all modders are so anal about it.
>>1061966 I feel like it should be even easier to rip a model out of a mod versus the actual files from the game. asking for permission seems like a silly thing to do (especially if all you want to do is make porn of it. or put it in another game... To make porn of)
>>1061968 you are going to make a porn video of this loona model?
>>1061696 Im the one who posted that malice's ass video you esltard, what makes you think Im overwatch shill?
This game has the best potential for trolling others right now
ITT: we celebrate straight white marriage Reedchads we won
>>1070751 <720p <soundless <ebonics Pathetic, cuckchan. Let me show you the standards set on this board.
>>1070751 Sue is made for BEC (Big elastic cock)
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>>1071215 more like Big FANTASTICock
>>1070781 >>1071230 benis :DDDDDDDDDDD
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>>1072633 Looks like I will be adding Thing to my mains alongside Cap and Thor. He looks fun as hell.
>>1072676 You main Cap? W-why? He can't do much other than really be a distraction.
>>1072633 im going to try both, after all they nerfed my fantastic main , it's like they want me to turn evil.
>>1072701 Because he's fun and he can cause absolute mayhem in the back line if the enemy team are absolute shitters which the majority of the player base is comprised of. Of the two, I vastly prefer Thor as I like brawler style tanks, but Cap is incredibly fun and can deal out some hefty damage if you know how to do his animation cancel which takes maybe an hour max to get the basic rhythm down for.
>>1072826 >webp.
>>1072826 >>1072841 What's particularly insulting about these cuckchan rapefugees posting and embarrassing themselves is that I can not only find higher quality images of the CDN images they download but I can even make smaller JPG images than their webps that look better. advent of AVIF and JXL when, fuck you crapple and Safari
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>>1072826 More compression flexing. >>1072877 Do you need glasses, because I can't see shit in those smeary webps you posted.
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>>1072887 kek you are a funny man anon. it's working the thread is on the top of the catalog, keep going!

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