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RIP David Lynch is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

Cuando la inteligencia artificial se implemente como en china se acaba la delincuencia Anónimo 01/17/2025 (Fri) 18:48:04 No. 279735 [Reply]
Esa tecnología existe desde hace años, cuando se comience a aplicar en occidente será el fin de la delincuencia. >uy chamo salgamos a robar en este país que nos recibio 999999 cámaras monitoreando todo sabrán quien lo hizo, como luce, donde vive y solo serán minutos para que den contigo, no hay escapatoria >robar un auto Imposible, aunque el auto no tenga ubicación satelital se podrá rastrear por iA usando las miles de camara de la ciudad, saber quien lo robó, que ruta tomó y donde se escondieron >vender droga Quien sería tan bruto de traficar droga con cientos de cámaras monitoreando la ciudad. <este es el futuro que escogí
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>>279888 China tiene una tasa de homicidios casi igual a Japón, prácticamente son los unicos dos que no son microestados o paraisos fiscales que tienen una tasa de homicidios infieror a 0.5 por cada 100.000 habitantes. Quizás no sea solo por las cámaras pero si teniendolas y con iA que sea eficaz para controlar el crimen puede poner la tasa de homicidios u otros crimenes aunque sea a 1.0 no veo ningun motivo para no hacerlo, sabiendo que países como ecuador o venezuela supera los 40 o colombia y México 25
>>279901 El tema es que en China va mas alla de eso, China es pionero en que te puedes meter en problemas por colocar algo indebido en la internet que tienen alla. >>279904 Bueno tu mismo pones de ejemplo un pais de vigilencia extrema con otro que no va tanto por esa linea lo que puede significar que es la cultura por ende da igual traer esa tecnologia porque pasaria lo mismo que ya pasa con las camaras clasicas que es que todo muy bien hasta que las destrozan o les quitan la electricidad al lugar, serian utiles para casos menores pero no es una solucion permanente a la delincuencia. Que en China funcione algo no significa que fuera funcione igual tambien ocurre con su sistema politico con el que los zurdos se hacen pajas mentales, no se porque con Estados Unidos se tiene tan claro eso y con otros paises no.
>>279901 Tu debes ser de los que disfrutan tener el pc lleno de spywares de la Cia y el Mossad

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Anónimo 01/03/2025 (Fri) 01:18:04 No. 273996 [Reply] [Last]
¿Por qué nunca hablaron de esta serie? Tiene líneas muy ingeniosas y casos extremos. Incluso me entretuvo más que Breaking Soyabad Además el Doctor House es literalmente yo: solitario, racista, sarcástico y con un ácido sentido del humor
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>>278900 Pero por lo menos en Dr House hay lolicon y straight shota
>>279889 Mierda, me recordaste a cuando los globales me banearon por postear un video del dr house, reeeeeee.
>>278900 parece mas la adaptación animada de... >>279889 Puta serie buena que se atrevía a mostrar eso en los 2000´s

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Villanos Anónimo 01/16/2025 (Thu) 17:05:38 No. 279262 [Reply] [Last]
Hilo para hablar de los más perversos y carismáticos villanos de la ficción, recordados por su maldad, su crueldad, su avaricia, su soberbia, su inteligencia, su lujuria, sus ideales morales conflictivos, etc...villanos que se ganan el odio de todo el mundo a pulso por sus actos malvados o en algunos casos la simpatía del público por su personalidad carismática/retorcida. ¿Qué hace que un villano esté bien escrito y sea memorable?
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>>279916 >>279918 Ya veo, pero dudo mucho que le pueda ganar si quiera al Hannyking.
>>279918 si si , rance, el que gana a todos y viola mujeres...o ahora es el perdedor come mierda ? no se, si digo eso ultimo seguro se enojan >>279919 Gary stu y Garth ennis suena algo tan irreal, igual aunque sea poderoso seguro esa mierda esta llena de critica y violencia , tal y como a el le gusta hacer sus obras , ya que estamos mencionandolo y al menos yo no quiero desviar el hilo, no puede faltar PENE DE CABALLO >>279921 No es un hilo vs, no desvíes el hilo
>>279924 No, Rance no le gana a todos porque no es un Gary Stu y quien lo comenzó desviando fuiste tú con tu Gary Stu de Jrpg.

Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 00:59:01 No. 126589 [Reply]
Ya lo debo compas, ustedes tambien se van a endeudar por años en coppel con tal de no quedar fuera?
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>Comprar una consola de "nueva generación" con la potencia de un play 4, kek Nintendo es el apple de los videojuegos.
>>126590 Es cierto, yo le debo un cogidón a tu jefita guanga
>>126592 Pero en tu pley no corre el Zelda BoTW/ToTK, ni el Smash ni el Mario Kart verda? Ni los Pokemon ni los FIre Emblem ni los Metroid Prime verda?

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Henry Makow's Latest Articles And Archives.pdf Download Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 01:49:14 Id: 693330 No. 22240 [Reply]
Henry Makow's Latest Articles And Archives.pdf Download https://www.mediafire(Please use's_Latest_Articles_And_Archives https://www.mediafire(Please use's+Latest+Articles+And+Archives.pdf/file

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Fuckable Fauna General #1 No you didn't poser 04/17/2024 (Wed) 23:00:42 No. 457833 [Reply] [Last]
The purpose of this general is the creation of vassal and companion species for the amusement of humanity on its eternal conquest. This is NOT: a p*rn or fantasy general, a xoophilia advocacy or xoophile rights general, or a roleplay general. Those participating in this thread recognise that: 1. Humanity holds ultimate authority but also responsibility over creation. 2. Carnal relations with anything that has not been remade in our image or originally created by us from scratch is evil and disgusting 3. Anything that threatens to subvert, destroy or reduce the power and sovereignty of humanity must be extinguished. In this thread I hope to discuss with you methods such as selective breeding and genetic engineering that will most quickly and effectively elevate base matter to the rank of cosmic companion. "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."
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>>467474 Because I'm an extreme sexologist sir. And having explored all pleasures known to man I have come to pride myself on my ability to fuck. Sir I am the best fucker in the whole fucking fuck game, thats also the title of mt doctoral thesis on sexology btw, please cite me.
>>467475 Your meth addiction will destroy you unless you get it under your control (if it's not meth you're on replace it with the proper term)
>>467484 Extreme sexology? I'm not addicted to sex, sir I am a professional. Okay you call me Dr. Anon.

PC Hardware & News Thread: SSD Edition Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 00:02:45 Id: dcafb7 No. 1045288 [Reply] [Last]
>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News >Ryzen 9000 X3D series out late Jan 2025 >RTX 5000 due early Q1 2025 >Intel's new CPUs suck ass and Intel is pozzed by DEI Last thread >>977640
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>>1062180 I think the display died on my btr5 sadly, still works from app control.
>>1062180 >Without a decent DAC pricey headphones are a waste I can tell you that. It really really depends, some high end stuff is rather source agnostic (Denon AH-D7200 for example), some rather cheap stuff needs proper sources to sound decent (Beyerdynamic anything pretty much).
>>1062120 Look into a used System76 laptop, they have coreboot flashed by default

ACEPTANDO EL TDSPTS Anónimo 01/17/2025 (Fri) 03:42:31 No. 279549 [Reply]
Pues eso, anones. Cómo aceptar y vivir con la idea de que todas son putas? Le quise creer a los trads que existen mujeres pudorosas y hasta vírgenes, pero es un completo autoengaño. Entre más rápido lo procese menos daño me hará. No me quiero vivir con frustración de que realmente existen los chads que se están cogiendo a la que nos gusta y uno aquí de a perdedor chaneando. Qué hacer, bros? Cómo copear con esa dura verdad?
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>>279892 Me gustan esos perros feos. Pero vienen con muchos problemas por ser braquiocefalicos
>>279864 ¿Porqué te van a ver como raro? Simplemente hay qué ser un doble cara tener una sonrisa de idiota todo el tiempo y guardar tus pensamientos en tu mente.
>>279911 >1) El que dice que te van a meter preso (Yo) Blud se olvido que existe la edad consentimiento

Older women/Shota Anonymous 06/08/2023 (Thu) 05:07:52 Id: b68189 No. 47659 [Reply] [Last]
Specifically for anime milfs tickling shota, as long as she's older and has a Sweet or Sadistic Smile.
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>>78377 >>78384 Here, this should soothe the pain.
>>78760 This DOES soothe the pain. This is so god damn adorable it's insane. Thank you. I actually like that there's nothing explicitly sexual about this scenario, it's just Mama tickle torturing her little boy and getting a bit carried away. Big fan of the dialogue, super cute. Also love the extra little detail of the simple figure in the background pointing to Kana's feet, saying he MIGHT have the most ticklish feet ever, and then the other one pointing to Corrin's feet and saying she straight up ACTUALLY has the most ticklish feet ever. Really adds to the cuteness of the whole piece. And then Corrin letting Kana get revenge afterwards because she loves him just fucking completes it. Genuinely fucking heartwarming tickle comic. :)
>>78799 Good to know! In that case, these should fully heal the wound! I found these on GnilkcitXD's kemono page. Title: Too Ticklish! Corrin threw her bag on the ground and stretched. "This is a good place to set up camp." she said while smiling at her son Kana and her sister Camilla. Kana smiled, placing his bag on the ground and began to set up his tent. Camilla chuckled. "So when are we going to begin?" She asked holding up a bag. Corrin smiled "Just wait Camilla I'll tell you when" Camilla watched Kana set up the tent struggling a bit "He's so adorable just like his mother" she then squeezed Corrin's sides a bit causing her to squeal. "Ehehehehehe hey!" Corrin swatted her hands giggling and went to her son helping him. Camilla began to set up hers while eyeing the two's bare feet with a smile. "Kana there's something we should talk about." she said as they were almost done setting up his tent. "Huh? Am I in trouble Mama?" He asked "No No No!" she giggled while ruffling his hair. "You see Kana, I heard that you..." with a smirk she moved her fingers to his ear. "...are ticklish!" She said wiggling her fingers on them. Kana jumped and squirmed "Hehehe Hey Mama Hahahaha stop hahahaha!" He laughed as she kept her fingers wiggling on his ears as Camilla finished hearing the boys laughter "Oh it's time!" She said grabbing her bag. "Hehehehehe ahahaha wait not there ahahaha!" Kana cried out as Corrin moved to his neck.

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Screenshot Edits #4 Superior_Dragon 03/16/2024 (Sat) 02:56:27 Id: 6fd4eb No. 42678 [Reply] [Last]
Post your nude edits here. You can also request an edit as well. Rules 1: Make sure the image is large enough and high quality to be edited. 2: Don't behave greedily or spam the same request. [Mostly characters, but using different series is never a bad idea] 3: Have fun, be nice, be patient and be grateful. 4: Troll edit and/or bad edits will be removed. Previous thread >>33731
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>>52192 Thank you for the edit

Kingdom "Pozzload of" Come: Deliver(a shitty product)ance 2: Electric Boogaloo: Drama Edition Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 00:42:08 Id: e8640e No. 1062146 [Reply]
Hark, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 releases in just a few more days Now, hold your excitement, because there has been some drama in the past few days which have incited speculation about the content of the game and not all of it is unjustified speculation. I'll be including all known information about this situation in this thread, feel free to contribute anything you can find to help out. <Where to start A few days ago, there were several reports that the country of Saudi Arabia has banned - or at least, hasn't yet cleared - the release of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, with the alleged reason being that there are "unskippable gay scenes in story mode" <Okay so this is just speculation based off of a precarious tweet from someone that isn't directly working with the Saudi government/licensing board? Well, not quite. See, there is more to worry about. There are also leaks coming from /v/ on 4chan from someone who received an early copy and found something surprising in the game. Well, that just so happened to be an African dude. Now the history buffs among us might already consider this a little sus on its own, but for the rest of you out there, you might be interested to know that the inclusion of a black is very interesting indeed given the previous statements by the lead developer of Warhorse Studios - Daniel Vavra - the creator of Kingdom Come, having commented in the past saying "There were no black people in medieval Bohemia. Period." That original tweet was from 2015 shortly before KCD1 released and received quite a lot of controversy, that time from the left side. Alright, so you may be asking yourself, why worry about rumors when Daniel Vavra himself is an avid twitter user and surely wasn't afraid in the past to set things straight. So concerned fans took to twitter to ask him, but Daniel Vavra was strangely....reluctant to clarify anything...
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>>1062178 Kerbal 2 was a way worse fuckup than just bad publisher influence. Take 2 tasked an entirely separate dev team to repurpose the original game, without the ability to ask the original devs what any of their code did, on a shoestring budget with insane deadlines and wanted to turn a somewhat complex sim into dumb youtuber bait physics game with "not minions" for mass appeal but also massively overpromise on feature to make OG fans stick around.
>>1062181 It was all on the publisher though, that's exactly what it was. Publisher influence fucking up a franchise.
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>LOOK AT ALL THESE TWITTER POSTS no You have a fairly distinctive posting style, and always seem more interested in culture war bullshit than actually playing games. This should be merged into GG.

Where's Sleepylittlecutie? Baby 01/01/2025 (Wed) 15:15:34 No. 44378 [Reply] [Last]
Post everything you know about Estella.
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were did she bay the diapers?
>>45685 i think you meant buy, she had her patreons buy them through wishlist if im not mistaken
>>45698 Do you know what the size and brand/name of the diapers are?

Belly and Navel general 2 Belly and Navel general 2 02/05/2023 (Sun) 00:30:59 Id: 415c99 No. 40363 [Reply] [Last]
I like Belly Buttons
Edited last time by Flatty on 02/05/2023 (Sun) 01:36:08.
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Gardenia getting her nipples and navel tickled by spinning brushes
>>78638 Forgot the file

ABDL Video #6 Baby 01/12/2025 (Sun) 00:15:16 No. 45441 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread reached it's limit, please continue sharing here. For now, using dropbox with encrypted archives seems to be the best bet to get things out. I'll be using this >>44601 method for the time being until I find a better method that isn't torrents. Old thread -> >>42579 To prove this thread wasn't made by onideus but by me ('dropbox guy'), I'm releasing the passwords to last weeks archive dump over here >>44888 about 1 minute after posting this thread.
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>>45747 as of now, i think using mega with checksum is no longer an option because some unemployed prick decided to report everything posted here. the link will be taken down within a hour or so. you could read the previous thread to find context.
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>>45745 just because you were really nice babyanon BTW I am not paying for his JFF, just snatching those clips from his twitter... I wonder if he's posting his best material for free to try and convince you to subscribe only to find out that the rest he does is shit. @diapereddoe was a little bit like that honestly, at least her older leaks.
>>45708 Damn is that what brattyprincess's content is like? Maybe I should buy something.

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Arepana 01/17/2025 (Fri) 21:37:10 Id: ea7525 No. 129596 [Reply]
¿Por qué el veneco es tan echao pa lante cuando se trata de carros viejos?
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>>129625 >Venezuela siguio siendo una mierda pero ahora con precios internacionales. la libertad avanza
Que asco da ese mamaguevo, miren y escuchen como al final del video cuando abre el maletero ya anda jadeando sin aire completamente agotado por caminar unos pasos y hablar a la camara. desgraciado gordo teta'e perra. Es mas posible que el se muera de un infarto en los proximos dias a que un cliente se infarte al oir el precio de esa lata picada de chiripas.
>>129631 Esa es la forma idea del toyotero.

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Experiencias con políticos Venezolanos/asociados con Venezuela/de otras organizaciones/países Arepana 01/16/2025 (Thu) 18:54:53 Id: 11046a No. 129397 [Reply]
Yo en lo personal casi nunca he visto a gobernadores o alcaldes ni Ivan Duque en chacao, ni Darwin Gonzáles en Baruta, o Elías Sayegh del hatillo, o José Vicente Rangel Ávalos en sucre, o Nahum Fernandez como gobernador del distrito capital, o Carmen Melendez del municipio libertador, aunque creo que la llegué a ver una sola vez pero a la distancia y era cuando tenía su cargo de almiranta con el gorro de la marina. Al único que realmente llegué a presenciar y me acuerdo es de Nicolás Maduro Moros dos veces en evento privados, estaba saludandonos y dandonos una charla de como era el plan de la patria y lo uno y lo otro, y es como tú te lo esperas. Es bien relleno con sobrepeso, y es alto comparado con la población neozambica chamozolana, como midiendo como uno 182-185 cm. Cuál ha sido su experiencia con alguno en la política yorubazolana?
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>>129622 todo para gastartelo en onlyfans
>>129622 El nuevo arco del lolcow, ahora resulta que es enchufado y por eso se exilio en chile junto a la madre que era intima amiga de tarek el salami.
>>129622 >el verdadero manos lindas siempre fue cheez3

Hear Me Out Thread Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 20:46:36 Id: 5182a7 No. 78418 [Reply]
I'm curious to know if you guys have any 'hear me out' character hot takes. With sizeable Pokemon and monster girl threads in the catalog, I'm sure we're past the 'generic attractive female character' takes around here, so I'm much more interested in hearing about stuff you think others will find genuinely questionable but that still makes the cylinders start firing for you. Let me start with one of my own: she's just a minor antagonist from the manga BLAME!, but Tsutomu Nihei as an artist has the uncanny ability to make his characters look inhuman and scary while still mantaining just enough femininity that my brain can't help but going 'hold up'. And yes, the fact she's a robot is part of the appeal, as is the fact she looks kinda fucked up and evil. It'd be a hassle to figure out how to make her experience tickling in the first place, but I just know it'd be fun as fuck to see her freak out as the need to laugh and trash around helplessly overwhelms her systems.
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Hilo Meta, banners y avisos. Anónimo Board owner 01/01/2025 (Wed) 23:55:02 No. 273683 [Reply] [Last]
Preguntas frecuentes y Consejos: NOTA: ¿No cargan las imágenes y el chan no te deja postear? Quizá porque entraste al archivo y no la página normal, borra el "archive. "de la dirección o solo entra en: --- --- >los banners deben pesar menos de 0.98MB y lo recomendado es un rateo 1:3 para que se vea bien, 300x900 por ejemplo >se puede usar [code] y otros bbs que están en y Ayuda o en los iconos de la esquina. >límite de bumps es 300, autosage dentro de 90 días <si recibes un BAN al apelar SIEMPRE escriba en el cuadro de la apelación para saber si retirar el ban o no. Usa el Catálogo más seguido para encontrar más hilos y darles oportunidad, en varias partes está la opción. >usa la opción de hilos favoritos, toca el ojo que está en todos los hilos para guardarlo y el ojo al lado de Default CSS para ver la lista de hilos >usa el botón [Últimos] para ver los últimos 50 post de un hilo con muchas respuestas >el tablón es NSFW en general, usar spoiler es opcional pero se usa por respeto en algunos hilos o si tienen la seña SFW en el título Algunos hilos serán fusionados sin aviso entre si o dentro de esta lista para dar algo de orden si es necesario para evitar una ola de hilos repetidos: >Hilo de Preguntas Pequeñas >>223333 - VERTEDERO >>244918 - Hilo de Youtubers >>213679 Recordatorio que los tablones de >>>/arte/ y >>>/av/ (ahora solo anime) tienen nuevos dueños y cambiaron sus reglas para mejor.
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>>273683 soy el bo de mexirefugio y ese correo no es mio, yo no lo escribi
>>279850 >>279853 como siempre los dos hacen acto de presencia a buscar mas memepleito sin entender que el problema no es su puto juego, si no la actitud hipócrita y pedante de ustedes , buscando memepela por cualquier mierda, actitud infantil donde nunca en ningun hilo se puede tener una conversación será porque salen con sus mierdas de ´´te ardes´´ larpeando y copeando a mas no poder, y lo van a volver a hacer acá porque así de patéticos son, ya se los dije yo, se los dijo otro anon, y espero que BO se los diga, y les haga entender de una puta ves, el problema no es Rance como tal, son ustedes forzandolo y poniendolo en un puto pedestal como si fuera la ultima cocacola del desierto, ah pero nooo después de excusan de que no lo defienden, hipócritas de mierda, enserio me dan pena, gracias a dios no soy como ustedes, puedo llegar a defender algo pero si no tengo argumentos le doy la razon a otros, o intento entender, no me pongo a forzar al verdoso con insultos de ´´ardido trannie mi mono el rey del cunny chad basado´´

Brit/pol/ #4015: David Lynch Memorial Edition Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 15:08:41 Id: 958519 No. 494484 [Reply] [Last]
David Lynch: Mind-bending Twin Peaks director who embraced the weird How a cigarette butt helped solve a 30-year murder mystery The Ceasefire Charade Hatsune Miku Hits The ‘Fortnite’ Shop As The World Celebrates
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My broken arm still hurts, it's been since the 18th smh
>>494700 Lad stop posting footage of oldham for us to dispair over.

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Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 19:19:55 No. 10 [Reply] [Last]
Advent love!
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And with that Advent has shown off all their new outfits. A pretty good batch of outfits, though I don't know why Cover advertised them as casual outfits. We have an Advent collab tomorrow with everyone's new outfits. It will be fun.
Advent New Outfits Collab and Announcement

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Another MMO Thread Anonymous 10/16/2023 (Mon) 07:00:36 Id: a1e7db No. 897003 [Reply] [Last]
The last one is sinking off the board, and the previous attempt at a new thread was done by a faggot who could not contain his shitposting. What the fuck have you been playing lately?
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>>1061868 Doesn't seem like it, no.
>>1061872 Well that's a relief.
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Vida del campo Chori 01/09/2025 (Thu) 01:20:06 No. 25596 [Reply] [Last]
¿Por qué el chori rechaza la vida del campo?
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>>26149 los que usan starlink viven en la pampa o en jujuy
>>26148 >eres Y si, bueno usar un VPN requiere internet, no todos los VPNs son lentos, chupapija.
Vivo en el campo tengo 10 mb, suficiente para bajar pelis y juegos esperando 1 día. Lo malo ni por putas te encontras una mina

IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT MUTHAFUCKA Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 19:57:43 Id: 2a5f54 No. 1022880 [Reply] [Last]
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>PLAYAN Need to try something short, not sure what I'm in the mood for. >WATCHAN DS9, going to finish the second season tonight. >LISTENAN Lord of the Rings soundtrack >READAN Something that's way too damn long >EATAN Grilled chicken >DRINKAN Nothing special >FAPPAN That is a secret >FEELAN Happy the family's home.
>PLAYAN <Quake expansions (Hard mode) Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity were a fun challenge although both of the final bosses are incredible easy to cheese, currently playing Dimension of the Past and it feels harder compared to the main game and the two previous expansions hard mode mainly because things like ammo and health packs are way more scarce and ambush rooms are more common. >WATCHAN Mr. Bones 40k >LISTENAN Made in Abyss OST >READAN nothing >EATAN Carrot soup >DRINKAN water >FAPPAN Asahina Makoto works on sadpanda >FEELAN Ok
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>PLAYAN Pokemon Firered: The Cancer that is leveling Magikarp in early game edition >WATCHAN/LISTENAN Catching up on sportsball stream vods. >READAN I did get a Devotional for Christmas that I intend to break into at some point. Even if skimming it seems to indicate it being more for married guys with families, of which I'm neither. >EATAN Chicken and roasted potatoes. >DRINKAN Water. >FAPPAN Not really in the mood tonight. >FEELAN Pretty damn productive. Built my new computer desk, fixed up my old computer desk, did some house cleaning, now I just need a mic for a finishing touch.

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/AC/ Dibuja Anónimo 01/17/2025 (Fri) 05:06:00 No. 51069 [Reply] Bueno anons he aquí un lienzo colaborativo para poder plasmar todo nuestro autismo a nuestro gusto, veamos que tiene el /ac/olito promedio para mostrar (al menos lo que dure el lienzo) >"¿Porque no lo haces en /arte/"?" Este lugar esta mas vivo, simple.
ME recuerda que existió algo parecido en /arte y que termino MUY MAL.
>>51069 pudiste avisar con tiempo, hoy no puedo >Este lugar esta mas vivo, simple. ya esta limpio, pero gracias al marica mexicano y al gaturrofag se jodio, y ahora el gaturro ronda argentina >>51071 adivina de quien fue la culpa
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Primera actualización, un mono azul, un homero y un spawn listo para interactuar, con los futuros dibujos. >>51071 >>51076 Desconozco que pasó ahí, asi que..... >"pudiste avisar con tiempo, hoy no puedo" Aun puedes dibujar, anon tomate tu tiempo, no se cuanto duran estos lienzos exactamente, pero se que algunos semanas tendras para poner tu dibujo.

By the way no Elira Metaphor today because of period cramps
>Kid wants his cat from the tree >Ryoma helps the kid >By fucking throwing him up the tree FUCKING KEK
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>>70451 Pic related

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Quiero ser venezolano, ayúdenme negros Arepana 01/11/2025 (Sat) 20:40:41 Id: 8a6d78 No. 128348 [Reply] [Last]
Sé que para mí es imposible ser venezolano pero lo quiero ser a mi manera. Es ir siempre con una actitud de hombre serio, siempre tajante al igual que la esencia de un samurái. Que es una esencia de respeto y de esfuerzo. Y siempre tienes que ver lo que tú consideres venezolano y lo que no. Por ejemplo: la arepa es venezolana, el grindr es venezolano, el CLAP es venezolano, el aceite no es venezolano. Aquí normalmente todo es venezolano. Yo sé que todavía no soy venezolano al 100%. Ahora mismo creo que lo único que me hace falta es unas Jordan Air y un Casio dorado. Y que cuando lo tenga, ya seré venezolano. Tendré la actitud de venezolano, mi pana Me encanta la salsa, me encanta Canserbero, Nakary Spadafora. Pic related es mi gata. Nakary la he llamado. Porque me encanta Nakary desde el 2015. "Oye Nakary, qué pasa mi chama?" O sea a mi gata le hablo en la jerga venezolana. Hace un par de años me operaron, me han hecho una serie de operaciones, estuve como algún tiempo en silla de ruedas, y ver películas como Simón, Sicario o esta clase de temas venezolanos no sé por qué me llamaba la atención. Y eso aunque sea algo que no me atañe, siempre he visto en eso como un esfuerzo. Y es lo que yo aplico cada día, fijándome en este ideal de ser venezolano
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>>129526 >>129534 Sure, but consider the following >England: They put you in jail for lolicon possesion >Latinoamerica: They don't put you in jail for lolicon possesion
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>>129546 he hecho te pasan un pendrai para que compartas el cepillo

webm thread - member movies edition Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 23:22:06 Id: f10463 No. 1047545 [Reply] [Last]
They no longer make movies out of games, this time you get to play the movie! You can be sure the second I find a nigger there will be a video of him getting whipped. Last thread >>1018065
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>>1062058 sounds like it
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VN general Anónimo 12/28/2024 (Sat) 01:24:22 No. 271541 [Reply] [Last]
No hay mejor forma de gozar estas navidades en familia que jugando uno de los clásicos navideños más esperados, gracias Valve.
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>>279899 Shizuka y Nagi.
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>>279900 Las dos en su forma cunny son CALIDAD

Successor Naming: Consoles, Games, & Other Related Paraphanalia Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 23:13:51 Id: ad78ab No. 1061794 [Reply] [Last]
Do names matter? Do they really contribute to success or failure of a product?
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>>1062089 >why have no Japanese companies ever attempted their own ridiculous fun anime grand theft auto type game? Shenmue, Yakuza, and Way of the Samurai come to mind. >Side tangent but also why hasn't bandai or some other company that owns all of these crazy space anime ever made a space-style Grand theft Auto or Mass effect type game where you go around in a spaceship (or giant transforming robot) and collect a harem of alien girls and do mercenary and bounty hunting work like something out of outlaw star or cowboy bebop? Spectrobes? It could also be because the Japanese tend to prefer less open-ended narratives compared to people in the West. Need look no further than how the only "originator" of the RPG genre that has remained intact and thriving in it's transition over to Japan was the Wizardry series, meanwhile Ultima and M&M fell by the wayside over there. And how while the West focussed more open building upon the CRPG aspect of exploring a large open world where you can do "anything", the Japanese were more focussed upon dungeon crawlers and linear character-driven narratives (To the point that even "open-world" games are still linear in their progression). In addition, it's likely that you'll never get that kind of game because people are tired of sandboxes and open worlds. They take up too much of the player's time, and developers almost never take advantage of the game's design nor structure a coherent narrative around it.
>>1062089 Japanese pop culture doesn't glorify crime much compared to America's and open world stuff isn't as popular there. The closest you'll ever get is probably Yakuza/Shenmue.
>>1061954 >>1061954 A company like Microsoft is too big, that means nepotism and getting away with a ton awful decisions and which in turn means hiring awful managers that thrive in such environment and end up producing yhe biggest turds while getting golden parachutes for them. The whole pipeline is fucked and there's not much to do about it besides watching them fail and laugh. Xbox only thrived when it was mostly isolated as a division of Microsoft, created by a bunch of counter culture guys, once most of the original crew left, it was done. Just another part of corporate.

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AI General ( Stable Diffusion / DALL-E / Chatbot / Voice Cloning ) Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 20:15:47 Id: 2fee5a No. 1060375 [Reply] [Last]
Smug Spoiler Edition [Copied from previous thread] ── ✦ ✦ ✦ ── Use this thread as a catch-all for AI related topics. Try to stick to vidya & help your fellow anons out. PLEASE SHARE EVERY NEW RESOURCE YOU FIND OR CREATE ── ✦ ✦ ✦ ── Resources: Previous Thread: Previous threads are moved to >>>/ais/ [500 posts or Page 13 before next thread]
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>>1062121 Human intervention makes it more convincing, but then that IS human hands fixing AI mistakes. Ideally you get a good roll that needs as little intervention as possible. >>1061900 Never knew anyone who does this since panties breathe well enough. Exposing that area to filth & contact against everywhere they sit is less sanitary, not more. If you advocate for free-bleeding next then I'll know you're just trolling. >>1062118 Doubt this is a woman, but confirms exactly what I said. >>1061895 If you want more hidden knowledge women who live with parents often masturbate with the handle of a hairbrush because the presence of a hairbrush is otherwise innocuous in their bedroom while a sex toy would be potentially embarrassing if anyone found it.
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Port of Rosa from Gundam X: Under the Moonlight to Illustrious. Illustrious seems to be pickier about using monochrome data. >>1060376 I'd like to see more of Mana ( >>1061856 ) grabbing Rosa.
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>>1062142 Poking at it some more, the issue may be the Pony checkpoints I used had a VAE by default and Illustrious ones do not not. Using PDXL versions of the Rosa and Mana LoRAs is fine for request.

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Switch 2 announced today Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 10:18:02 Id: 46c05e No. 1061434 [Reply] [Last]
Edit: It was announced. More details on April 2nd Basically everybody who's anybody in the game leaking scene says today Nintendo plans to shadowdrop a Switch 2 reveal, the 16th has been a consistent date thrown around for a little while now. No games, no software, just a console reveal. This is following huge Switch 2 leaks, up to and including actual photos of the console. It's not anything interesting, it looks like a bigger Switch with the words "Nintendo Switch 2" on the back. This is a heavily cropped photo of an actual unit somebody has, they've posted better ones since but I don't want to go digging for them.
Edited last time by Mark on 01/16/2025 (Thu) 14:34:18.
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Did they add Hall Effect thumbsticks or what?
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>>1062156 8bitdo does Hall Effect thumbsticks, and GuliKit makes 100% fittable Hall Effect thumbsticks to drop into Nintendo-made Switch controls with no hassle.
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>>1062155 8BitDo Ultimate 2C shares Switch controller design and works with both too.

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feministas con skin de waifu = basadas anti-feministas! Anónimo 01/16/2025 (Thu) 01:40:30 No. 279008 [Reply] Me tiene reventado la debilidad de la mayoría de hombres jóvenes. Todos se han vuelto unos otakus pajeros que son incapaces de ver redflags de putas degeneradas, con fansly, promiscuas, etc, solo porque tienen un avatar vtuber y de vez en cuando dicen algún comentario "machista" o "basado". Se conforman con migajas, literal este tipo de putas son las fantasías de los hombres jóvenes, su motivación para ir al gimnasio, esforzarse, la mujer ideal que quieren de pareja estable. Putas de onlyfans con skin de anime.
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>>279717 >La vtubers son diferentes que ka e-girl promedio
>>279008 Yo cai en eso Odiaba a las feministas pero sin darme cuenta pedestaleaba a trads. Me paso 4 veces sin darme cuenta. Ya cuando despertaba del letargo estaba simpeando a lo grande, no es facil. Hasta parece otro señuelo.
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>>279721 Hay vtubers que dan lastima y pena ajena con solo escucharlas te dan repeluz apenas las escuches te das cuenta que la mujer detrás de ese avatar es gorda fea perra intencionado o simplemente no saben jugar a las vtubers son las que se deben descartar tan rápido como es posible. Hay vtubers sobre que con cero carisma no saben dialogar ni llevarse bien con su audiencia por lo que recurren a sexualizar su personaje o sacar temas de conversación para crear morbo normalmente no duran nada solo quedan algunos clips de estas personas. Muchas otras vtubers que están naciendo mueren rápidamente por qué se autodoxea alguien conocido de ella doxxea en sus redes sociales y todo es cuestión de tiempo para que termine su carrera. Existieron otras que eran el pináculo de las vtubers tenían tanto exito que se coludian con las elite de los streams de pronto algo sucede y su carrera se va a la verga por que le descubrieron un pasado turbio y aunque ellas busquen la forma de recuperar la escencia al final terminan siendo las putas de alguien y regalando su cuerpo para existir (Nimu). Las mejores vtubers son las que mienten pero en el buen sentido fingiendo su personaje sea una Loli o alguien que pretenda ser linda usando una vocecita y tener buenos temas de conversación con su audiencia sin perraintencionar y se gana el corazón de su audiencia posteriormente les llueven las donaciones en cantidades industriales ellas si que le saben y merecen ser apoyadas he visto varias vtubers que con tal de generar audiencia escriben mensajes de agradecimiento y va personalmente a felicitar en su cumpleaños a la gente de su audiencia son muy detallosas y amorosas como debe ser.

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Age regression part 2 Baby 11/10/2024 (Sun) 15:11:08 No. 42478 [Reply] [Last]
Continuation of the thread that puts you back in diapers. Previous thread >>562
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>>45738 >>45738 the last one is super cute honestly, I am failing to recognize the characters mmm also, I not saying its not cute but I usually like to see a bit of before and after of the AR, like... not seeing what kind of adult they used to be or no clear reference to them having been adults previously makes it a bit weirder for me honestly

Kissing while getting dicked Anonymous 07/07/2024 (Sun) 06:20:34 No. 2 [Reply]
The most basic form of LGD, a cute couple enjoying their intimate love together, all while getting impregnated.
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HILO DE DIBUJO ALEATORIO - 07 Anónimo 11/17/2024 (Sun) 17:54:07 No. 7943 [Reply]
Hilo nuevo vida nueva~ ¿por que aun estamos vivos verdad? EDICIÓN: Ultimo Hilo del año REGLAS: >Postea tu trabajo más reciente (ya sean prácticas, sketches o artes terminados) >El feedback y críticas están permitidas, así que aprendamos de ellas. (sólo críticas constructivas) >Podrías contarnos algo sobre tu dibujo para no dejar tu post en blanco. >Lo más importante: ¡¡¡No alimentes al troll!!! <Si quieren agregar más reglas no olviden comentarlas >Also we're so back?
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>>7999 hijo de una remil puta, finalmente , y solo estas mejorando y >>8004 >Y lo de entintar no se si me da el cuero practicando para terminarlo, carajo por favor, con una simple birome vic podes , al menos en digital, ya te lo dije en muchos hilos >>8006 >Feliz año, banda. ¿Como pasaron Diciembre? bien, tranqui, ahora aguantando el calor, kek ese kirby a punto de tener sexo
>>8006 >>8007 >>8008 Tus dibujos son bastante bonitos, me alegra que sigas por aquí y por lo que veo no te está yendo mal.
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>>8006 Alaverga kirby tiene levante, ricos dibujos negro tienes un estilo muy unico! >>8010 Rigby: mordecai me entere que ailyn se acuesta con fantasmano Estos son los ultimos dibujos que hice (uno lo habia dejado a la mitad hacia un año kek)

WEBM / MP4 Thread 3 - WTF Happened to the Second One Edition? Anonymous 03/27/2022 (Sun) 03:18:08 No. 352013 [Reply] [Last]
Fat nigger goes splat in Florida.
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>>467478 Exactly. The very second you start going along with her shit she'll claim irony and call yoi a terrible piece of racist shit that fell for her trap.
>>467478 Well thats just being intelligent. Women can't be trusted.
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>>467478 Trust issues, paranoid delusions, refusal to accept responsibility… Now, if you please, tell me a little about your mother?

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