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US Election Thread is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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Mujeres MORENAS Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 05:51:10 No. 117430 [Reply]
¿Es racista de mi parte que no me gusten las mujeres morenas?
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>>117470 Eso me recuerda a los pajeets como pedestalean las rubias/blancas
Lo que pasa que eres joto y quieres usar de excusa el racismo
Está permitido que no te gusten las morenas. A mi no me gustan las mexicanas.

Arepana 11/19/2024 (Tue) 14:25:17 Id: 452643 No. 121237 [Reply] [Last]
Negros, qué opinan de una arepareunion en Minecraft para estas navidades?
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>>121382 Wow yikes! Novios de mi esposa assemble! pelemos juntos contra Thanos en este nuevo goyslop virtual. El que gane le puede hacer creampie a mi esposa!
>>121237 Yo puedo montar un servidor de counter strike 1.6 pero sería con una lista blanca ya que se que van a querer postear el servidor en otros lados y usar hack y usar 9999 proxys/s para evadir bans.
>>121466 manubrio crea ese beta quiero echarme plomo con los arepanas como en los viejos tiempos

webm thread - No more 360p rips edition Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 02:44:13 Id: b2d671 No. 1018065 [Reply] [Last]
Hey, did you know Bobbypills of Peepoodo fame put out an animated series for Dead Cells? Me neither, but here're the encodes of the first half of the series. >where other half Working on those when the time comes. On another note, have you a moment for the word and gospel of our savior SVT-AV1-PSY? (Linux only) (All desktop OSes) (Wangblows) >why use this Maximum bitrate efficiency in compression, mah boi. Set speed to 4, CRF to 56, Opus bitrate to 16k, QP compress to 3, and variance octile to 8/8ths and you're off to the races, now faster than ever. Higher resolutions, longer runtimes, the works. With enough ingenuity entire shows and movies can be uploaded here. If you want to stick with VP9 and are on Linux I heartily recommend as your one-stop shop to eliminate any encoding headaches. Here's to a better 8chan on mark/v/ and no more 360p videos unless they're super long, of course Last bread >>992920
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>>1041801 The voiceclips are taken from some other game because nobody uses voice talk in modern AAA games as they're too afraid of getting banned. No fun allowed
>>1041987 But isn't that just the deathcam comment system? Didn't the AAA games add a feature where, when you kill someone, you can suddenly hear the last few seconds of their microphone stream? Because otherwise it's all locked to team chat. I've literally never played a call of duty game, so I might be wrong.
>>1041791 Is that a glitch/exploit or is he using cheats? How come he never seems to run out of bullets and reload the gun?

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R thread Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 18:55:25 Id: cc6ffb No. 1000692 [Reply] [Last]
STALKER 2 development blog just released with some gameplay >TAA everywhere >Generic visuals and music >FarCry towers >Yellow paint on wood boards and stairs as a "clue" >Press X to use canned animations >Console gameplay >Console UI >Creative Director is a woman Fucking hell, it hurts
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>CoC devs
>>1042024 >>1042031 Damn, what a bunch of faggots
>>1042021 >obvious damage control Where? I only see anecdotes >>1042023 You should specify, it looks more like the inferior sequel than the first one. Dying Light 1 is leagues above the second one. >>1042024 Nah im pretty sure the female stalker is an Anomaly dev original, unless i missed the lore of Anomaly pre-CoC build. >>1042002 Give it enough time (like 1 - 2 years) and the game will be among the ‘approved’ /v/ games to discuss. Such is the cycle.

/Bhaskar-gavaskar toffee/ 11/21/2024 (Thu) 17:57:39 Id: c017dc No. 7995 [Reply]
Discussion here
sage cricket dekhne walo ki ma randi

Onirism is no longer indie Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 02:02:35 Id: 75763f No. 1023565 [Reply] [Last]
Crimson Tales has struck a marketing deal with a recently created publisher named Shoreline Games, made by people who recently worked on vidya like Space Marine II or Subnautica's marketing. CT keeps full control of the dev while SG makes sure the game is marketed properly. Also, the Onirism page in Shoreline Game's website claims the games is set to get its 1.0 release in Q3 2025, but knowing the game's many setbacks and what's left to do, they might not meet the deadline. Also, here's Blueberry's father, King Strawberry.
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>>1041957 nope, that was made by one of our resident drawfags. That's my post you screencapped. I asked for that prompt to draw carol as not important
>>1042012 >>1042017 Musk made Twitter better than cuckchan, though pre-Musk Twitter was worse than cuckchan.
>>1042017 Cuckchan is the new tumblr.

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Pulgares de /mex/ Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 03:12:01 No. 117408 [Reply]
¿Por qué tengo el presentimiento de que todos aquí tienen este tipo de pulgares?
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>>117408 >>117419 >>117425 Como pueden vivir asi, porque se cortan la uña tan arriba? Ya tienen todo insensibilizado ahi pinches simios mal vivientes.
>>117408 Pues yo no wey, y no se trata de solo los pulgares De hecho, yo soy creyente que la forma de la mano determina la pendejez de una persona >al igual que tener marcado el bronceado de conductor y esas topileces Los pendejos son los de manos hinchadas y dedos cortos, como los que se dedican a electro-prieteces, llenos de cayos y daños varios Pero tambien los soyas de 4chan con sus manos rositas todas mecas que muy a penas pueden cargar una pistolita que se compraron en walmart para enseñar tiempoestampa Pero los listos, por ejemplo, la 3er pic relatada es mi mano Como puedes ver, definen al mero chingon Saludos
>>117442 >esa tercera mano pinche mano de trapo no mames kek

Anonymous 07/17/2024 (Wed) 09:43:20 Id: 5bbacd No. 7775 [Reply]
om namah shemale
This is how heendu rajas used to fuck mooslem eunuchs, by marking them

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El tío Richie despedaza al rojo platanero de Taibo Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 15:48:04 No. 117476 [Reply]
Nuestro chingón y chanero destacado lo volvió a hacer. Puso en su lugar al cerdo comunista platanero vividor y resentido social de Paco Taibo II diciéndole sus verdades, que era un mugroso apestoso ladrón embaucador de la nación. Que el país lo despedazaron y ahora no saben de dónde sacar más dinero o cómo seguirle dando atole con el dedo a la gente. Y luego saltaron otros morenitos jodidos envidiosos a recriminarle su dinero exigiendo que el tío Richie viaje en combi o en pesero siendo inmediatamente mandados a la verga y puestos bien en su lugar de la forma más elegante y sensata posible. Carajo, no es por mamársela al tío Richie pero es que los chairos cuatroteros son insoportables y uno no puede empatizar con gente tan frustrada que sólo piensa en vivir de los demás.
No te va a cojer we
>>117476 Los dos son igual de ratas mierdas e hipocritas solo viven en el extremo opuesto del espectro Taibo es escritor, vende libros y mama dinero dek gobierno, tambien tiene su pequeña fortuna escondida, no le importa pagar impuestos por que a ganado y seguira ganando mas de apoyos del gobierno y el hueso que le dieron es corrupto como cualquier zurdo de mierda, y sigue posando de hippie pobre y humilde como cualquier 4tero solo los mas prietos y pendejos le creeria su payasada si le quita el dinero a salinas nada llegaria a el pueblo El otro igual pudo ser millonario pagando los impuestos como otros, pero desde hace decadas le valio verga por que igual es corrupto y alcanzo estatus de poder, por lo que sabe que puede salir impune, hasta al kakas se lo pendejeo dandole atole con el dedo de que iba a pagar y el kakas siendo en kakas a su ves pendejeo a la chairiza, el salinas tambien larpea de palyboy como el elon musk, pweo los judios co dinero de verdad lo ven como un pendejaso, sus empresas siempre estan al borde de la quiebra y tiene que sobrwvivir amenaza al gobierno diciendo que si paga impuestos quiebra y millones d enegros quedan desempleados, todo por que no sabe manejarlas
>>117476 Los dos son bien mierdas e hipócritas. Por una parte un wey que te quiere vender la idea de que todo lo obtuvo por su ingenio para los negocios cuando simplemente heredó empresas y riqueza que viene de su busabuelo, además que se las da de muy honesto y honrado cuando debe madral de impuestos y su banco está catalogado como la mayor escoria financiera. Paco Ignacio Taibo II te vende la idea de que viene de la clase trabajadora cuando viene de clase media-alta gracias a la cual nunca ha tenido la necesidad de trabajar, pero bien que se la pasa mame y mame con que es del pueblo y nos entiende a los trabajadores, todo eso con que se la pasó chupándosela a morena para obtener su hueso en política. Que los dos chinguen a su madre.

Peruano usa a su Ptibull para amaestrar Veneco Anónimo 11/21/2024 (Thu) 16:31:24 No. 255704 [Reply]
>españoles conquistadores usaban perros para domar africanos y negros >peruanos actuales usan perros para domar venezambos kekazo negros, la herencia Hispanica es real
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>>255708 es probable que sea miembro del TDA rip peruARIO
>>255704 ¿no decían los zambozolanos que eran la invencibles? ¿Cómo es posible que un quispe lampiño los sodomize tan fácil?
>>255704 Soy peruArio y como no apareció más noticias de aquellos supongo que no le pasó nada. >>255706

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:46:17 No. 71964 [Reply]
Former waifufag here. It's been a while since I've visited any of these communities since I remember being on good terms with some of them. Of course, most of those communities are either dead or aren't worth visiting nowadays. Also not sure if most of the people I spoke with back then still have waifus today (this was about 8 years ago give or take, pls understand). With this in mind, I'm curious to ask: are there any waifuists here who have stuck around for that long? My relationship with my waifu ended around four years ago and I dropped out of waifuism about three years ago. But I know some folks who managed to stick around with a waifu for a long time, so who knows. My waifu was pic related btw
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>>72084 Still, I'm not suggesting anyone just repress emotions. I'm saying that I believe I have fully felt and released negative emotions, and that others might benefit from doing it too.
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>>72086 Do you think feeling negative emotions and somehow getting rid of them are one and the same process? Because in my view, they are not. Feeling unhappy today does not mean you will be free from unhappiness tomorrow
>>72086 Sure they would benefit but again we fall into the same thing we talked about countless times in the thread, thats not the experience for most, most people will live with these kind of feelings forever because they're just as normal as happiness, sadness, distress, pity, fear etc. As said prior this advice can even be potentially dangerous since on their efforts to "release" this emotions they could mistakenly end up supressing them or bottling it up, which has multiple negative side effects, I think you mean well anon, but this isn't the unique way to about jealousy.

Brit/pol/ #4004: Hohol Collapse Edition Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 17:42:14 Id: 647da8 No. 485412 [Reply] [Last]
Ukraine front could 'collapse' as Russia gains accelerate, experts warn What Rachel Reeves said on her CV vs her actual experience £500m defence cuts as ships, drones and helicopters scrapped Ford to cut 800 UK jobs as electric car sales stall
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Russia is likely going to just fucking take all of Ukraine at this point.

gymbros... Anónimo 11/13/2024 (Wed) 23:36:39 No. 252886 [Reply] [Last]
Lamentó decirles que a las mujeres no les gustan los hombres hypermusculosos, de nada les sirve matarse en un gimnasio si no tienen buena genética. No importan que tantos músculos saquen, la genética es determinante jamás podrán igualar a este Dios Griego >nooooo mientes Aquí esta la evidencia
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>>255490 Un chad
La genética lo es todo, negros. ¿Ya les dije que soy blanco y europeo? O sea nací en Latam pero soy blanco y de genética sueca, no lo entenderías.
>>255698 kekeo con el ardor de ano que provoco ese marrón entre los indios ¿por cuántos años mas seguirán con el ano dilatado?

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/int/ - International Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 17:19:17 No. 271 [Reply]
A thread for international anons.
Does that board work on tor

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Mexicanos huevones Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 05:07:47 No. 117427 [Reply]
Fher de Maná, básicamente nos dice huevones a todos los que no somos regios.
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>>117493 por eso dije que no se si sea trabajador, tal vez tuvo suerte con el algoritmo y ya, pero sigo sin conocer un regio aqui en la chamba en jajalisco
Pero si los regios dicen que los que chambean en sus maquilas son puros chiriwillos.
los veracruchangos llevandoles cultura y buena comida, mientas les matan el hambre

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Hilo general de política Arepana 07/30/2024 (Tue) 03:15:09 Id: be0c77 No. 93004 [Reply] [Last]
Lo del título. Aquí se discutirán sobre todas las vainas que están pasando como por ejemplo: >Las actas de Maricori y los movimientos que haga >Noticias de plomo y tanquetas quemadas >colectivos baleados ayyy >Mogones >conteo de chiabes tumbados, si llega a 100 Coralba nos manda un regalo Y cualquier verga que tenga que ver formalmente con este peo nacional Mod ponle sticky y cíclico.
Edited last time by TopLacra on 08/22/2024 (Thu) 20:06:53.
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>>121453 >Ya todo el mundo esta claro que el chavismo sale con plomo ¿Cuál todo el mundo? Se te olvidó que medio país anda jodiendo haces meses con que el 28 a punta de votos era el fin del chavismo. Y cuando la sifrina empezó a decir que no salieran a las calles, que la lucha era pacífica y democrática, empezaron con las cadenas de WhatsApp de que no salieran a protestar, que eso era lo que quería el régimen para meter presa a la sifrina. La gente sigue genuinamente pensando que la salida es pacífica. >Si se verdad quiere hacer algo que se compre un barret en miami, lo meta de contrabando por la frontera y le pegue un tiro como minimo a la mona de delcy Puras carajitadas es lo que ustedes hablan. Cómo si meter armas por la frontera fuera como meter comida, como si matar a Delcy sirviera de algo y como si todos los chavistas no estuvieran hasta el culo de escoltas, imbécil. Se la tiran de muy intelectuales y solo dicen estupideces. Bittar está haciendo campaña para que le den el apoyo logístico y popular necesario para llamar a la calle sin retorno y aplicar guerra de guerrillas. ¿En serio son tan imbéciles que no pueden notar algo tan obvio? Ah, pero no, ahí siguen >Hurrr durrrr mudeco Dime qué es de la falsa oposición cuando ande haciendo campaña para ir a elecciones y cuando el chavismo le quite la orden de captura. Pero hasta entonces, solo eres un carajito loco criticando de a gratis y sin argumentos.
>>121460 Sabroso, ojalá que Trunks deporte a todos esos venecozambos asquerosos

Hello Madarchodo Welcome Back. Humlog fir se beghar hogaye😭 Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 17:32:18 Id: a4eedd No. 7991 [Reply]
what is the reason behind it yaaro?
>>7991 teri ammi ne apni smelly chut post kardi aur usse dekh ke website band karni padi dyaush ko
>>7992 yaaaar pajeeeeet why are u like this 🤢🤢🤢

Sleazy paperback covers 11/21/2024 (Thu) 15:42:17 Id: b57e95 No. 50116 [Reply]
A threat for sleazy paperback covers from primarily the 1970's.
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Hilo de ABSTINENCIA grupal Chori 11/18/2024 (Mon) 16:33:06 No. 23292 [Reply]
Basta ya de acogotarse el ganso mañana, tarde y noche. Basta de pasarse el día mirando porno y babeando por turras y cosputas y otras mujeres de baja calidad. Es malo para la salud y además es asqueroso. Disciplina, carajo.
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>>23461 Sí, todas las religiones están muriendo. ¿O vos creés que la gente de otras denominaciones cristianas no lee el horóscopo, va al templo todos los domingos y practica todos los preceptos? Es más, probablemente entre todos los que se van a rezarle a las estatuas de San Expedito o San Cayetano haya protestontos también.
>>23409 >>23418 Volvé al galpón. >>23421 Educaste. >>23424 >>23425 Domaste. >>23442 >son representativos porque así son en la práctica actual, no en teoría como te gusta fantasear Pero, Perúchori, no por nada los llamamos católicos no practicantes... ¿Te has detenido a pensar porqué? >>23444

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esta semana visite >/zoo/ >nhentai >colecciones de negras en tiktok >chinas bailando en pelotas >la seccion ss de niyoniyo >socialmediagirls para ver si sacaron algo nuevo khalil y simone >f95para actualizar algunos wegs

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Emulation Megathread Anonymous 10/17/2024 (Thu) 03:14:06 Id: c5f4ff No. 1028520 [Reply] [Last]
What games are you emulating? What do you need help emulating? Post screenshots of games you are emulating. Discuss games you are emulating. Discuss hacks of games you are emulating. ROMs Emulators Nintendo Entertainment System Super Nintendo Entertainment System

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>1040566 >The Game Boy version's colorless which confuses what characters switch to what columns. The Yoshi LDX (SGB Enhanced) patch fixes this <I've played the Game Boy version plenty, and it's really hard to get confused on which sprite is which. Those Mario enemies are pretty recognizable It's not confusing if you play the start of Yoshi GB at stock settings. It's more confusing on high speed, in A Type's later levels, when unlucky triple-drops RNG your stack higher, or on high speed, early in B Type's later levels, when you start 5/7 rows high, and you change your plan after an incoming drop. I process colors/shapes faster than shades/shapes and these shades aren't distinct enough. Color communicates more to me, faster. With color I react to incoming drops, plan movement, then execute in around a quarter second plus input lag. Without color I slow to a third, limiting what's possible for me. Click my GIF. The talk had me boot Yoshi LDX to play an hour anyway, so I clipped level 26. Maybe you're smarter than me, but I'm not a furious puzzle failure or troll like c3019f. I'm a Euro with decent skills who still processes no colors slower. Everybody probably does. At 26 seconds, 2 Goombas fall. I plan 1 in the lowest column for a short stack, and the other in the 3rd lowest, for match potential with 3, not 2, top characters. As a plant spawns, I change my plan. I swap the lowest and 2nd lowest columns to keep the plant line open. I wouldn't react in time without color. And colors are cooler. I'd rather see colors than none, or better colors than worse colors, but gameplay changes are more objective.
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>>1041776 >>1041777 The thumbnail from 1041776 comparing the GBC palette to the LDX patch should loop here. My other GIF from 1041777's too big to animate its thumbnail.
>>1041777 (Lucky trips checked) You could be sick at Yoshi's Cookie, emulate it. It's like a 2D Rubik's Cube. The best Yoshi's Cookies are on Super Nintendo (Yoshi's Cookie) and GameCube (Nintendo Puzzle Collection), linked in that order.'s%20Cookie%20(USA).zip Super Nintendo has the best start for beginners, the puzzle mode. GameCube's Nintendo Puzzle Collection is Japanese, but includes sequels to Dr. Mario, Panel de Pon, and Yoshi's Cookie which has better graphics and sound, a story mode, and supports 4 players instead of 2.

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Magic Blog Thread #2 Anonymous 11/10/2024 (Sun) 21:44:50 No. 4324 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread >>787 Use this thread to discuss any notable events, experiences, or thoughts related to your occult path that don't deserve their own thread.
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>>4872 >Am I gonna have to just accept AND act upon the desire to give my free will away to absolutely everything in all of existence and just mindlessly accept AND act upon every desire that comes over me no matter what the consequences are? This is a method, I recognize this. It works if you are already an immortal soul with a contact with divine law. Accepting everything then just becomes "acknowledging that everything exists" and "giving in to all desires" is similar. All desires exist as potentials, as a God at creator level, you see that all of this is in your catalog, you can accept that all things exist, good and bad, and once you do this, you will also see that you are one small part of everything, and there is a place and spot for you, which stands out from the rest. It exists there and it can manifest because you tolerated everything, which includes yourself, so the hidden nature and all your flaws and projections were also accepted by you. You have then accepted all of yourself, and can unite yourself into a whole being, rather than being compartmentalized and isolated with a multitude of personalities all struggling against each other.
>>4872 >Mormon Jesus >Catholic Jesus Because Christ literally means King, you are just calling on any patron who self identifies as a king with that denomination. I prefer to ask the named saints. Mary always responds. I think Barbara also had hand in averting some kind of accident during the past summer. I asked her for protection against violent death, which is her special gift, during the year before. In the middle of the past summer I had a dream where I was given a letter handwritten in ancient type, it seemed to be from my astral waifus. It read "if you haven't received this, there is imminent risk of serious injury" and there was a sigil on the letter. I recognized the energy form of the sigil as the energy behind a facility that had been recently renovated, which I used for study. The following day in the morning, I went outside in the garden, and noticed that the large iron gates facing the road were no longer in place. I walked up to it with a rising feeling of "inexplainable horror" and when I reached the stone pillars where the gates were supposed to be, I saw a very odd scene. A reindeer lay dead on the ground, with its head stuck in between the bars of the right side gate. Both gates were on the ground, lifted off their hinges. It appeared the reindeer had somehow jumped into the gates and gotten stuck, in the process lifting both gates off the hinges and then breaking its neck as the gates hit the ground with it stuck in between. The correlation between the dream, the place I used to visit, and this event, was very strong. At the time I only interpreted it as protection from my waifus, as they had taken part in the process of preparing the protection, but looking back, I think Saint Barbara may have been involved as well, leading the violent force away from me, where it instead killed a reindeer in this strange manner.
>>4872 Eat some oranges with the peel, apples too make sure they have no wax peanuts with the shells etc anything you can stomach that people throw away. Chicken skin, bone marrow, liver, heart and root tea like ginger or cinnamon as well. They carry memories of the earth. Learn to listen to your body more rest when you need to even when the world is screaming to make you move. >>4877 >if you are already an immortal soul with a contact with divine law Egganon just needs to remember.

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alien thread Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 17:21:38 No. 6 [Reply]
post all the alien pussy pictures you have
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AI General ( DALL-E 3 / Stable Diffusion / Voice Cloning / Chatbot ) Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:25:09 Id: 3563d2 No. 1039391 [Reply] [Last]
Just Like One Of My Japanese Animes Edition [Copied OP from previous thread] Use this thread as a catch-all for AI related topics. Try to stick to vidya and help your fellow anons out. PLEASE SHARE EVERY NEW RESOURCE YOU FIND ───────── ✦ ✦ ✦ ───────── Resources: Previous Thread: Previous threads are moved to >>>/ais/
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>>1041678 I tried since base Schnell doesn't know yellow devil fruit from MegaMan, here's the orange pulp base prompt if you want to try it out yourself. > hyper-realistic image showcasing an extraordinary piece of orange pulp, meticulously sculpted into an elaborate [OBJECT] form. This single, standout pulp segment should be the central focus, with its [OBJECT]-like contours and features exquisitely defined. The texture should be remarkably detailed, showcasing the natural, fibrous quality of orange pulp, and its color should be a vivid, true-to-life orange, emblematic of fresh citrus. The [OBJECT]-shaped pulp must be vivid and pronounced, set against a soft, unobtrusive background that enhances its striking form. The image should encapsulate the imaginative fusion of natural fruit textures with the majestic form of a [OBJECT], all while maintaining a lifelike appearance.
>>1039392 I want to request a LoRA for Grace the >>>/monarchy/ & >>>/8flags/ macsot OC she is also popular on /leftypol/ I just think she is really cute. more images of her on this thread:
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>>1039393 Forgot to tag the delivery anchor >>1041984 for >>1041678 Here's another attempt

Material de pajas definitivo chanero Anónimo 11/21/2024 (Thu) 16:49:07 No. 255709 [Reply]
Hentai vs manga ¿cual gana como material de pajas definitivo?
>>255709 Hay buenos hentai pero hay mucha más calidad y cantidad en los doujin
>>255709 Yo voto por el manga El manga es más fácil de descensurar o que verga sin censura que quitar los cuadritos blancos o pixelados a un video
>>255709 El manga tiene cunny, mientras que el hentai tiene muy poco. Claramente hay un ganador.

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Vore Games 3 Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 20:49:58 No. 59151 [Reply] [Last]
second thread got bumplocked. Here's a new one.
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>>61679 what's new in the latest version?
Could someone please update this kemono page ( or upload a new Vorinomicon version?
>>61597 >>61638 Thanks fam. Been lazy and unmotivated. I went and did most the things I wanted to do, and haven't been able to summon the motivation to address bugs. I'll try to light a fire on it and at least get the bugs fixed though. Don't really have anything else in mind for future development on the mod atm though. >>61621 If you mean for the shenanigans, I am afraid predator sense got implemented in a version I can't decompile, and thus can't include into my mod. Not a big loss though, tbh. In my opinion, being able to see, rather than hear, where the preds are removes a lot of the tension from the game. Granted, the soundscape of the game is kind of wonky in the first place. Hmm. I wonder if I can fuck with it so that sounds from different floors are muffled or something, so that'd be clearer whether a noise is close to you or not. Hmm. Fuck it, I'll try and ride this curiosity and fix some bugs while at it.

Anónimo 11/21/2024 (Thu) 04:57:39 No. 255567 [Reply]
Anons autistas no irónicos, como copean que nunca serán personas normales y siempre serán el rarito a donde vayan?
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>>255685 Bocchi es una pelirosa tetona que actua igual que el otaco que va a leer el manga mientras los otros son mangas en los que el mc que es un modelo de a quien va dirigido la obra se liga a una chica ideal pese a su autismo. Pese a no ser iguales en todos esos casos la idea es auto insertarte en el mc de turno.
>>255682 >>255684 Dijo autistas no ironicos, aka clinicamente en el espectro autista aprobado por un doctor, aquí hay de esos respetables neets ascendidos y no solo sabios con asperger. Lo tuyo ya es ser un vulgar obsesionado por una llamada de atención, es más triste que tu único contacto humano que sientas calor sea peleandote con un fandom pequeño de un anime a ver si hoy contesta tu forzadera de ataque pasiva agresiva maricona. >>255637 verdadero fin de este hilo normalfag desmotivador de otro perdedor. Reportado por la regla 16
>>255713 >esa fuerte proyección Negro... lo decía por algo que noté acá, pero te lo tomaste muy personal.

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Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 16:53:45 Id: 959bbf No. 7982 [Reply]
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>>7982 >>7983 >>7984 >>7985 chamarchan ke bhangi iss imageboard pe bhi hagne aa gaye
>>7986 jaise tu to yahan gulabjamun serve kar rha hai naa
>>7989 Kek, total chamarchan death

Hobo Anon 10/14/2024 (Mon) 15:32:33 No. 19885 [Reply]
Thread for anything Hobo related. He's stupid cute.
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Is there any longer videos of him
>>21145 He's 100% sedated in all of these videos
>>21091 hot asf, nice post, love how deep he gets

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Chori 11/06/2024 (Wed) 10:11:51 No. 22739 [Reply] [Last]
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>>23478 Loliyama.
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>>23521 Chori, la próxima fijate de tomar las pastillas antes de publicar en el tablón, ¿puede ser?

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shipping thread Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 17:05:24 No. 6447 [Reply]
put your otps here sonic and amy should have babies already smh (no gay ships pls btw)
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>>6466 Until she met an actual schizophrenic stud.
>>6470 >>6466 kek holy shit
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Tickle art of real people (not fakes) Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 17:56:15 Id: 5768c1 No. 29279 [Reply] [Last]
Degeneracy incoming. Tickle art of real people is so fucking hot to me. Tickle fakes are fine if done right and they get the job done and can actually be hot at times, but it’s just not enough. Seeing good tickle art of celebs (or even better, people you know, wives/friends etc) is so rare but it’s just the best. If I was any good at drawing I would genuinely make art of all my friend getting fuckin wrecked. I’m tempted to drop pics here to see if anyone will draw them but obviously that’s not a good idea so whatever but god dammit I wish I could draw well to do this shit salajxbdbajaghasv
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>>36055 foot fetish stuff aside shes adorable! you've got yourself a keeper there!
>>76020 Anyone else aside from her?
>>76144 Were you thinking of drawing it yourself? For this one picture, no, I was thinking she would be the only ticklee. The girl in those pics goes by Lydia Fawn. If you want to check out her social media to see other pics to use as references, her twitter handle is @LydiaFawn and her Instagram is lydiafawnxo.

El surreal mundo de Amy Malu Anónimo 11/21/2024 (Thu) 16:02:42 No. 48789 [Reply]
¿Que paso con esta serie? Recuerdo que Cartoon Network lo promocionaba en todos lados y youtube estaba lleno de comentarios sobre la serie y luego un dia para otro, parece que se olvidó, como si nunca hubiera existido. ¿Que salio mal la serie de los macacos?
CN está muriendo y la serie no tiene nada interesante más allá de "mira a esta treintona sexy con ojeras haciendo cosas raras". Está curioso para un rato, pero más alla de la novedad no es muy interesante.
>>48789 Según lo que leo en Internet hubo dos temporadas de 13 episodios cada una y un especial que salio el año pasado.

Welcome to /loli/ Anonymous Board owner 05/14/2020 (Thu) 04:14:51 No. 13 [Reply] [Last]
We're back in business, baby! /loli/ is a board dedicated to cute anime lolis of all ages, from the typical schoolgirl to the oldest of lolibabas. Please read the rules before you post. >1 : No pedoshit, 3DPD, or BLACKED >2 : All images and CG must be anime/cartoon style. No realistic or traced content allowed. >3 : Irredeemable content including, but not limited to: Scat, Farting, Burping, Guro, Vore, Snuff, Hyper, et cetera must be contained to any thread designated for such content, and must be spoilered >4 : Contentious content including, but not limited to: Totcon, Furshit, Futa, Pegging, NTR, Bestiality, Severe Bodily Deformation, Ryona, et cetera must be spoilered outside threads designated for such content >5 : OP may set personal thread rules to be enforced at the moderation's discretion, but all threads must be about loli >6 : Keep a standard of quality and refrain from incredibly poorly drawn art. This isn't /delicious/ About Rule 1: Given the nature of the board some content referencing pedophilia is inevitable. It may now and then show up within hentai itself. Content explicitly mentioning pedophilia is not banned as that would mean banning a bunch of otherwise regular hentai. However, MAP flags, pedo edits, anything encouraging or discussing real pedophilia such as pedo self-hypno, and anything arguing against the 2D/3D barrier will be banned. About Rule 1: No dominant black males. None. No black supremacist porn. If you want to see African men fucking white lolis, black lolis, kemololis, robololis, or just jacking off to lolis, you can go somewhere else. If you want to request a bleaching edit, please spoiler the original, or preferably link it. About Rule 3: This does not apply retroactively for deletion of content outside designated threads from before it's implementation on October 14th, 2024, however such files may be spoilered. About Enforcement: Breaking rule 1 will likely result in an immediate ban, but all other rule violations get warnings escalating to bans depending on repetition and severity of violations.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/29/2024 (Tue) 21:56:51.
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Old OP for clarity
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Asi el "primer mundo" Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 21:52:55 No. 117329 [Reply]
No chinguen, vean nomas la cantidad de gente que se quedo sin casa y en la calle en los ultimos años. Europa completamente destruida y mas jodidos que nosotros. Tomen en cuenta que ademas son paises con mucha menos poblacion que Mexico.
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Y pensar que antes de AMLO estabamos arriba de estados Unidos
>>117439 No wey, es juderia pura, un reporte destacaba la "ironia" de que ahorita los precios de la vivienda en paises como Alemania y zonas aledañas estuviera tan alto al mismo tiempo en que ha sido la epoca con mayor desocupacion e inmuebles solos que se tiene registrada. Edificios y edificios vacios pertenecientes a grupos inmobiliarios de gente con una narizota, que no solo pretende que sus propiedades se mantengan ultrasobrevaluadas aunque no ganen dinero un tiempo con tal de que no bajen de precio sino que tambien sabemos que estan despedazando el tejido social.
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aqui si cuidamos a nuestros crikosos

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Fuck GWF 09/29/2023 (Fri) 04:30:21 Id: 494162 No. 302 [Reply]
I tried making chicken yesterday. From previous experience I know that cooking for 15 minutes makes the meat too sloppy/soft, the bones barely exist etc so I cooked for like 8 mins after the first pressure Turns out that wasn't enough for the bigger pieces and some parts were not cooked well enough. I didn't eat those parts but my stomach hurts slightly now, but >The most common symptoms that occur after eating raw chicken that contains one or more of these pathogens are: abdominal cramps diarrhea nausea vomiting fever headache muscle pain >With Salmonella, the diarrhea is usually very liquid. With Campylobacter, it’s often bloody. Symptoms usually occur within one to two days after consuming Salmonella and within 2 to 10 days after consuming Campylobacter. Symptoms usually go away after around four days. In severe cases of a Campylobacter infection, antibiotics may be needed. It's over bros don't forget me kudasai
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>>501 >>boil for 20 min Kek, without a pressure cooker on a regular stove it'll take close to 2 hours. Depends on the breed too. Also it shrinks as it cooks.
>>502 >2 hours Shit Good thing you told me this I won't repeat the same mistake again especially since pressure cooked, it tasted very good
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>he doesn't know

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Se viene Esquizo 08/05/2024 (Mon) 03:17:15 Id: b26da7 No. 17670 [Reply] [Last]
Este hilo es en espera de posibles hechos mayores en medio oriente, quizas no pase nada pero todo apunta a que las cosas van a escalar. Un poco de contexto: Despues del supuesto asesinato de dos figuras politicas del lado de Hezbollah por parte de las fuerzas Israelitas, comienzan a surgir rumores de que Israel esta acumulando tropas en las cercanias del Libano, despues de los atentados el gobierno de Iran advierte que se vienen medidas mas drasticas. ¿Que planes hay por parte de los musulmonos? no hay nada concreto pero despues de los hechos ocurridos en Octubre del año pasado podria ser cualquier cosa, incluso abrir otro frente en Libano. La cuestion aqui es que esto ocurre despues de que Netanyahu fue recibido como heroe en Washington y despues de que Biden enviara un porta aviones a las cercanias, esto tiene algunas implicaciones, Israel no tiene aliados en la region, el unico aliado que tienen es Estados Unidos, en el caso en que comience una guerra total entre Israel y los musulmonos en general, Estados Unidos va a enviar al porta aviones a intervenir, eso conlleva el riesgo de que algunos de estos aviones sean destruidos o incluso peor el porta aviones en si sea hundido. Lo peor del caso es que esto podria pasar incluso si los musulmonos no atacan porque en el pasado los Israelitas han mostrado que son capaces de atacar a unidades militares de Estados Unidos para tratar de arrastrarlos a sus memeguerras (ataque a US liberty). Entonces >Israel es atacado por los musulmonos >Israel llora por ayuda de papa Estados Unidos >Estados Unidos envia porta aviones >porta aviones se hunde ya sea por los musulmonos o por los propios Israelies >??? >propelente
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>>17978 ¿Que es lo que no le crees? ¿Que vaya a usar bombas nucleares? ¿Declararle la guerra a la OTAN? Pues aparentemente los gringos tampoco creen eso y es mas, si es que Putin se atreve a hacer cualquiera de las dos los gringos creen que pueden lidiar con eso, y ese es el problema, los gringos van a continuar con su plan de derrocar a Putin de cualquier forma, y si de cualquier forma van a intentar derrocar a Putin ¿que mas da arriesgarlo todo en un intercambio nuclear con tal de tener el chance de ganar? La respuesta mas logica ahorita por parte de Putin es realizar una detonacion nuclear en... quizas Ucrania como ultima advertencia para que sepan que no esta bromeando, eso seria con el objetivo de meter presion mediatica, sin embargo eso va a llevar a una histeria colectiva a nivel global que (((ellos))) van a utilizar para justificar su meme tercera guerra judia. Ambos bandos tienen contemplado este escenario y ambos tienen mapeados sus "¿que hacemos si pasa esto?" Los gringos estan muy confiados en que van a salir limpios si deciden apostarlo todo pero... se ocupan 2 para bailar tango, tu oponente siempre se va a adaptar a lo que hagas y nunca vas a estar seguro de saber cuales son todas las cartas que tiene a la mano hasta que las revela, para entonces ya es tarde y cosas que se pudieron haber evitado no lo fueron, por ejemplo los cientos de miles de muertos y desplazados por la guerra en Ucrania.
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Sep, aparentemente hubo un ataque con un ICBM por parte de los Rusos, pueden diferenciarlo de otros misiles porque estos parecen meteoritos... bueno, tienen ciertas similitudes, los ICBMs Rusos como el de estos videos despegan, salen de la atmosfera, navegan un rato en el espacio casi como si estuvieran en orbita a una velocidad muy alta, desprende las ojivas o los vehiculos de re entrada, las ojivas o vehiculos de re entrada entran de nuevo a la atmosfera (de ahi el nombre) y caen a una velocidad altisima, y por navegar por fuera de la atmosfera con baja friccion estos misiles tienen un rango alto, sin embargo Putin decidio usar ojivas convencionales en este caso aunque eso no quita el susto de saber cuan al borde estamos del cataclismo. Los gringos en particular tienen una respuesta contra este tipo de misiles intercontinentales, en caso de un intercambio nuclear ellos tienen mas probabilidades de salir menos perjudicados, pero no se si los Europeos y mucho menos Ucrania tengan ese tipo de defensa.
>>17981 creo que en europa los unicos con defensa a los ICBM son los franchutes y UK

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