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New Announcements for Game Anime/Cartoons/Movies Anonymous 01/07/2025 (Tue) 13:32:21 Id: 60ce3e No. 1058418 [Reply] [Last]
Talk about new announcements for game anime/cartoons/movies. Horizon Zero Dawn and Helldivers 2 are getting film adaptations. Sony made the announcement during CES this morning. Sony also announced a Ghost of Tsushima anime adaptation for Crunchyroll during CES.
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>>1059392 Didn't they made The Ring vs The Grudge?
>>1061091 It probbaly helps that they didn't go in on the hype train and on the usual dev overpromises and just took the game as is.
>>1061091 From the way people talked about it, I thought it was a fantastic game that was just a buggy mess until it got fixed. Ended up being one of the dullest games I've ever played, somehow even worse than Fallout 4.

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Speedrunning Megathread Anonymous 01/07/2025 (Tue) 21:14:56 Id: 3f24e6 No. 1058572 [Reply] [Last]
Instead of making specific threads for each event why not just a general thread for speedrunning discussion. ---- Mark, vols please edit below any relevant links and streams and pin and unpin the thread as relevant: FYI AGDQ has been going for a couple of days. https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/52 https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
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>>1059581 Turns out GDQ was short for GodDamn Queers.
>>1059581 >he got a surgery to become more aerodynamic This legitimately made me laugh out loud. I for one welcome this new age of transbirdmen. It was only natural, given their propensity for jumping off buildings.
>>1060950 >It was only natural, given their propensity for jumping off buildings. fucking lel

Why are Japanese games more honest about the natural comeliness of under-18 year old girls? Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 22:07:04 Id: 1b389c No. 1056467 [Reply] [Last]
Not even in a strictly sexual sense, just the fact that flowering youth is objectively, aesthetically beautiful, and young girls are cute and appealing as companions or mascots. Like, there's this recent game I'm playing that's growing in popularity, and you can pick a little girl as a starting companion alongside a dog, kitten, or bear. And whenever a western streamer or youtuber reaches that point in the game, they always do an about take, you can see sweat drops forming on their head as they think of the socially appropriate westerner answer, and invariably pick the dog or bear because they 'aren't weird'. What causes this unnatural behavior in western gamers?
Edited last time by Mark on 01/02/2025 (Thu) 02:49:16.
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>>1060413 I tend to think it's like a placeholder of some sort that literally any retard can assume. Because honestly, it doesn't take much imagination at all.
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>>1060413 >spambot accounts >accounts
>>1060413 >Anon, it was proven it's the same person. I think there are multiple copycats. I don't think the original Luciano is actually niggerpill.

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UNCOMMON TIME 2024 CHRISTMAS THREAD! Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 23:54:39 Id: 77908c No. 1034849 [Reply] [Last]
CORRECT YEAR EDITION! IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! You are cordially invited to the UT Christmas Stream at https://cytu.be/r/uncommontime There will be some new Tactics and ReTuned content if Tactics and ReTuned devs remember to post a new link and I will DEFINITELY beat Arietta with only Teagan (probably not), but I will give it my all in the attempt. I don't know what else to say besides thank you for all the laughs, and I hope to see you there. [addendum] TEAGAN DID NOTHING WRONG! START TIME: DECEMBER 7TH AT 3pm CDT/1pm PST/9pm for Britbongs/10pm for the rest of Europe [Tentative Schedule subject to change if 8tv go's tits up] Dec 7th: Start Vanilla UT plus Nuclear if there's time for it. Dec 8th - 10th: Finish Vanilla UT content Dec 11th: CODA and Duet, Start Tactics Dec 12th - 13th: Finish Predecessors(Tactics) and move on to Retuned IF a new version is available Dec 14 - 15th: Finished ReTuned and may God have mercy upon my soul I'll stream Sullen Boku Girls Alliance if there's time. [As stated above this schedule is subject to change depending on several factors including] >8tv shits the bed, again. >My internet dies, again. >OBS is being a bitch, again. >I'm taken away by the jews for internet crimes! >How quickly I'm able to complete the content.

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For those interested the 2024 Winter Stream is ready for downloading at https://archive.org/details/UTW2024 I messed up the file formats while uploading but it's all there.
>>1060282 Danke!
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IT FINALLY HAPPENED Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 13:55:12 Id: 533682 No. 1019547 [Reply] [Last]
Dead or Alive Dating Sim 2025 https://archive.is/BAAcD
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>no marie rose Trash confirmed.
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>>1034997 >I even received some serious opinions like "Is my favorite Marie Rose not here?" <acknowledges her, but doesn't add her I knew this was going to come out as a disappointment the more they showed it, but I'm even more let down. >The opportunity for the other girls to appear will depend on the outcome of this work, but if we are able to make the next work, we hope to be able to bring them to you. In order to do so, we would first like to deliver this work as a work that everyone can enjoy, and we would be happy if you purchase this work even if your guesses do not appear in it. I also fucking called it that they would tease DLC routes & possibly use the DoA girls (like Marie Rose) as nostalgia-bait.
https://archive.fo/CW3Qy Venus Vacation Prism gets a R18 rating in Singapore This title can't catch a break.

Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale HD Edition announced for PC Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 14:31:30 Id: 664a78 No. 1055594 [Reply] [Last]
CAPITALISM IS BACK GET FUCKED COMMIES EasyGameStation has announced Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale HD Edition, a remastered version of the December 31, 2007-released item shop simulation game / action RPG. It will launch in 2025 in Japan. Personally I hope they don't fuck up the localization considering how much of a mees that scene is. Although considering how influential this game was for PC, it's entirely possible some tranny within a company like XSEED or NISA will try and ruin it. Still we can worry about that when the time comes, right now I'm just happy this exist. https://x.com/Recettear_EGS/status/1873564667366506965?
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>>1055763 bratty Anonymous... (You) correction is needed
Wasn't the original technically successful thanks to the same kind of shitty meme localization that /v/ likes to complain about nowadays?
>>1057516 back then they thought the west did not understand japanese pop culture refrences, so they replaced them with western ones they also reduced the hornyness to protect kids, it might have been pointless for the target audience but it was out of the good of their heart the honorifcs and sensei and aniki stuff being removed was also because they knew zero about otaku culture so they did not know they had to keep those last point is currently no longer the case. second point is right now around cause they want it to replace it with their own aggravating unfun degeneracy. and first point is just there to insult us. there is a clear difference. developers need to understand that I have 50 years of good video games to play. I will not waste time on games that treat me like a shmuck.

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Gensokyo Massacre: cuz I'm bored edition Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 04:25:43 Id: 1cd912 No. 1052944 [Reply] [Last]
I feel like playing another game of EratohoK, so I will probably start one up tomorrow and post screenshots and commentary as I play it. What to expect: > a war strategy game with Touhou characters > and porn > and lots of other characters we've added in earlier threads > Set kill rate to "high" and watch them all die It will probably take a week to finish. If you want to recommend yet another new character before I start, I can add them.
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The Ancestor, J.C. Denton, and Miquella survived the war. Now who got the most kills? The Outsiders faction blew everyone away with 43 total kills, but that is for all of their officers combined. I do not count for individual officers because you cannot tell the special faction's core officers apart, so I got in the habit of crediting every kill to the faction as a whole. As for everyone else, the leaders are: 14 - Simon 12 - Milo 11 - Akyuu and Ran Yakumo 10 - Yukari 8 - J.C. Denton, Lunasa Prismriver, Byakuren Hijiri, Lilith Aensland, Marisa Kirisame, and Koakuma I stockpiled the Human Village with lots of officers at the beginning of the game. Most of them never fought. The AI hired better officers and sent them out instead. Of the ones that did fight, many were captured alive and switched sides. I had expected them all to run out and get slaughtered at the start of the war, but it was a long and drawn out process.
>>1058687 >Reimu and Sanae dead <on the other hand, Simon purified the scarlet devil sisters <and Maria is part of the purification squad Interesting game of 2humania. Shame that the one time Chris & Leon finally fight each other, it goes nowhere
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The games go much faster when you are not taking the time to paste together screenshots and search the battle records for characters you want to keep track of. They still take days to play. So I played another game and you will only get the story of this one, with no screenshots. The story is: Evil Lord Elly wants to kill everyone whose name does not begin with L. Attached as a text file.

What was the last game to have a rockin'/upbeat soundtrack? Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 02:28:08 Id: fd26c5 No. 1031975 [Reply]
The only thing I remember people saying about Wanted: Dead was that it had a great choice in music, but it's just a general question about what happened to games that used to have rockin', upbeat, fast, and loud music in general? I know these types of songs are still coming out (Especially in Japan), but I cannot think of a single game that really incorporates them outside of rhythm games you find in the arcade. Regular games just seem to have become dominated by grand orchestral music like they're trying to be some opera. So where are the games with the loud fast-paced music that's guaranteed to cause hearing loss?
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>>1031975 BlazBlue was the last one I really got into with that sort of music. Sadly Daisuke sold out so there won't be any more good work out of him.
>>1031986 man i remember AMV Hell
This is something I've been noticing for over a decade now. All western games use that completely forgettable, generic, orchestral style, and it's starting to affect Japanese games, too. A big part of it is the fact that boomers basically decided not to pass down anything their predecessors passed on to them, so everyone who came after doesn't even know the basics of the basics. It's not just music, either. The Last Jedi was a master class in awful writing for the same reason, and there's a picture of an article by a guy who had art students beg him to teach them the basics that they weren't being taught at their expensive university. Thankfully, it's not all doom and gloom. Falcom is still around and still putting put that high energy music that used to be associated with Japanese games. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvBla5NUlvk

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RGH3 Xbox's Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 19:08:01 Id: f68eae No. 1058118 [Reply]
How is the OG Xbox emulation going on the modded 360s, I hear some games are still glitching like they have aids? though I love these things it's like a literal time machine kek.
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Use the compatbility list. https://consolemods.org/wiki/Xbox_360:Original_Xbox_Games_Compatibility_List Some games play better if you use the xefu spoofer.
>>1058122 >Because what the fuck are you going to play? Not OP but I want to play Amped Freestyle Snowboarding.
>>1058118 Xemu has been making strides lately. Give it a bit more time and it should be much better than using a 360. And with Xenia you won't need a 360 at all.

Girls Frontline 2 Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 20:55:04 Id: 4b34e3 No. 1047130 [Reply] [Last]
https://gf2exilium.sunborngame.com/ So this just came out globally recently. Is anyone playing it? Any fans of the original mobage/kusoge? This one plays a lot like XCOM, kind of. The similarities end pretty quickly when compared to XCOM but it's the best one most people will be familiar with. The visual style is 3D anime, but in my opinion, tastefully done. Not a shill by the way
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>>1051858 >a 50/50 rate system, similar to Genshin. I have lost many hours of my life due to this system, never again.
It seems that a separate studio is developing a TPS Girl's Frontline game in the works called Project Net. I'm not sure if they want to rival with other gacha shooters like Snowbreak and Strinova. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ECa9t16mw5Q
Looks like Ms. Raymond/Daiyan (Type 95) will be next.

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Sexy Sprites (part 2) Anonymous 08/24/2022 (Wed) 10:00:42 Id: 349da7 No. 675497 [Reply] [Last]
Continuing from the old one >>516987 Here's what i spent working ALL DAY.
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>>1031266 Done >>1031284 You can even see the chosen APNG for the thread still moving if you go to the catalog
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>>1057689 I guess Mike12/Hdoomguy must really be falling into obscurity or desperate if he's resorting to "actually working" on Hdoom again after a decade of nothing

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GamerGate AMA Anonymous 01/05/2025 (Sun) 18:16:12 Id: 8925b0 No. 1057768 [Reply] [Last]
Hey anons, the Kickstarter is fully funded and we're in the final stretch. As promised, I (Tachyon Blue) am doing an AMA here until at least 3PM EST today and Mark has asked me to make a separate thread instead of using the megathread. Feel free to submit your questions now. Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tachyonblue/the-people-of-gamergate Confirmation: https://x.com/TachyonBlu
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>Another typical big city lefty who still embraces some sjw talking points I'm not even someone all that conservative to be very honest, but I still want you types to fuck right off. I'm not even going to full on mock you since it's just not worth it, when this community barely cares to mock someone that's a sign of how irrelevant you are.
>>1057937 >The left is a 12 year old Is the wordswordswords version of the same insult people have mocked the left for throwing around at the right for ages?
>>1057936 Thought-terminating bumper-sticker slogan.

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#AskMeAboutGamerGate on X and Bluesky Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 19:16:03 Id: 9f8825 No. 1053116 [Reply] [Last]
Hey everyone, I've asked most of the people I've interviewed on both sides, as well as neutral observers, to post on the #AskMeAboutGamerGate hashtag today on X and Bluesky to share their stories, take questions from the public and support the Kickstarter campaign. I'm making this thread with the approval of Mark. Please consider tweeting on X or Bluesky using the hashtag today -- December 21 -- to help get this campaign from 68% to 100%! Thank you very much for your support and have a wonderful Christmas, Hannukah and New Year! Here is the Kickstarter campaign link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tachyonblue/the-people-of-gamergate/ Some tweets so far: Tachyon Blue - https://x.com/TachyonBlu/status/1870499472024785261 Aurondarklord - https://x.com/auronburner/status/1870503216275984865 Hannah Wallen - https://x.com/Oneiorosgrip/status/1870514572068876688 Mark Samenfink - https://x.com/MSamenfink/status/1870468532338913562
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>>1053120 In regards to the Zoe Post, Eron alleged five people, not five journos specifcally. I do agree that GamerGate is "dead" in the sense that I view it as a historically phenomena. What I wanted to do is document the history of what happened and stories of the people involved, from a variety of perspectives.
>>1053448 >All relative timestamps >No archives
>>1053391 >a poor choice of a word to use It's a black-and-white incorrect choice. He's flat out wrong. anons by nature cannot be grifters. Ecelebs and journos were grifters. He either has no idea what the word means, or has entirely no idea what he's talking about. In either case, he's rightly insulted. >>1053462 >I wish this was avoided entirely. It was necessary to wake people up. If you wish it hadn't happened, you're wishing the pot had just boiled you alive a little more slowly. You ought to wish that it didn't need to happen.

Unicorn Overlord a masterpiece you should not buy Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 08:42:07 Id: 05097a No. 958103 [Reply] [Last]
/v/ I'm here to say after playing it via emulation of the Switch version that Unicorn Overlord is a masterpiece , 10/10 and as the kids would say GOAT. If not for the fact Elden Meme's DLC is coming out and the potential of Metaphor: ReFantazio, I would say this is JPRG of 2024 hands fucking down. This might even surpass Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir , Dragon's Crown and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim as Vanillaware's best game, it's that fucking good. <But anon you just spend the first bit of this post practically on the knees sucking it off why are you saying not buy it? The localisation of this game is not great and if you're a Vanillaware fag like I am you should not support the English version of this game period, if you want to support Vanillaware go buy a JP copy of this from Amazon jp or other moon storefront. Yes it's not totally pozzed like say FE or others have been but it still changes the tone and intent of the game >WHO CARES IF THE DIALOGUE IS FLOWERY ANON? You should care as it's still an alter of the original work and an utter disrespect of Vanillaware >WHERE IS THE PC VERSION YOU NIGGER? There is none as for whatever reason the CEO of Vanillware is super butthurt towards PC as platform, which is a shame as the mods of this game would be amazing and patches to unfuck the localisation would also be very welcomed. I think this would've added another 500k sales or even more if it was on steam as let's face it consoles are pretty much dying, even in Japan PC has gotten pretty big (not big enough where it's fully taken over like the west and Slavland), even Atlus was scratching their heads on why Vanillaware asked them to not allow a PC version. >DOES THIS GAME HAVE WAIFUS? Yes it does and they are all amazing but if you're a hag lover like myself Yahna is best girl. >WHERE CAN ONE EUMLATE IT? Ryujinx is what I used and I'm unsure if there are others, so perhaps a kind anon could correct me. <Closing notes If you're looking for something that beats modern FE(FE: Three Houses wasn't too bad but I understand why people might not care for it) this next to StellaGlow will fill that Strategy JRPG niche. How many hours you anons put into it and and who were your favourites? Also SCARLETT A SHIT!
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>>1057512 Fair point. Then in that case we just need modders who are doing it for the passion & not worried about social backlash. Definitely avoid Nexus Mods in that respect too.
>>1057508 There aren't nearly as many people who know Japanese in the west as there are tech nerds who mod shit for the hell of it, and it takes a lot more effort to translate an entire game than it does to make most types of mods.
>>1057243 >female fighters in the game Its vanillaware, they've always been like this. I'd say they're some of the only ppl in the industry that can pull it off.

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How to fix vocal minorities? Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 20:06:30 Id: ebc7cd No. 1055349 [Reply] [Last]
>game is enjoyed by majority as it is >minority see it doesn't suits their worldview >band up with their small group of friends and start bombarding the companies with complaints and takes >majority doesn't bother to respond or give a fuck because they have actual lives and things to do >companies thought the minority opinion is the majority and bends to their views >now the game is the minoritys personal fucktoy and another game is ruined How can we fix this? Most people have actual lives to live and can't afford to fight competitive autists, cultural warriors and so all day...
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>>1057247 it is very difficult to sue doctors/hospitals. this just makes it easier to murder. medical errors are the third leading cause of death in america. also, don't forget birth control pills, std, and aids meds. imagine what chaos that would cause if there was a true shortage.
>>1055776 >Gravity Rush 2 came out in 2018 2017. January 20, 2017 in North America, January 19 in Japan, January 18 in EU.
>>1055561 Such an "political and military failure" that it took billions of men and funding to completely stop him. Meanwhile you lolberts will be always irrelevant for anyone to even notice about, that is unless some memes of yourselves being the punchline go popular.

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Luanti thread Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 18:40:45 Id: a1d2d0 No. 1050353 [Reply] [Last]
I'm afraid to make a Luanti thread because the game is much better than Minecraft. It's the definitive block building video game. (popularity is not a measure of quality). I'm afraid to make a thread and advertise it's existence for fear of it becoming too popular (normalfags ruin everything). I'm going to make 1 thread about it (per imageboard) and that's it because the userbase is a bit TOO small for my taste and this game could use a bit more players. >How is Luanti better than Minecraft -it is a self contained and simple application. The audio always works, the game always runs reliably. -simple and intuitive Linux and Windows support -it is a convenient platform for mods. This is a big deal. Mods are a 1 click install. There's been times where I didn't like something about the base game so I immediately went and downloaded a mod and the problem was fixed in 5 minutes. -Open source for maximum customizability -every aspect of this game is free as in costs no money. -no corporate faggotry overlordom from micro$oft -Online play is simple and intuitive
Edited last time by Mark on 12/16/2024 (Mon) 01:51:54.
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>>1056654 What mod?
>>1056656 Was abandoned years ago and everybody moved onto its forks VoxeLibre and Mineclonia. What about it?

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