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'Team Fortress' issue no. 7 has released Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 19:39:12 Id: af2d36 No. 1052756
>>1056548 Your images are objectively disgusting, but both faggot images are more disgusting.
>>1056548 All drawn by women.
Actually in the first image of >>1054407 there are two female mercenaries already canonical, they just couldn't fine any incompetent enough to put in team fortress.
>>1056548 Are they okay?
>>1056687 Yeah, it would be weird to put a female character’s period in a game.
>>1056572 >adding females to a exclusively male group won't ruin it Bet you're ok with girls in the Boy Scouts and female priests
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>>1056603 I don't want female playable characters in the game period, they aren't needed and would only lead to decay. If people want to have mods and custom servers that's up to them, but the base game should be female free. Want to play as females in the base game? Go play Overwatch/Paladins/Marvel Rivals/etc.
why are you so afraid of women, anons
>>1056765 I'm not because I'm not gay
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>>1056765 Because women are woke, DEI, etc >t. neo-/v/
>>1056312 This is dumb They should make em all Kawaii anime grills And add weird classes as Gacha And pack it all up as a dating sim yeah.....
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>/v/ sure complains about woke a lot, isn't that right my fellow goym?
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>>1056603 a game without women sounds gay honestly >>1056724 They go to fucking extremes, one thing is having playable female characters, another is wanting menstruation to be a mechanic >>1056760 ¿? If you are referring to a game I don't understand it, but, In Latin America there are no girl scouts, and nuns are common, your point is? >>1056764 >Go play Overwatch/Paladins/Marvel Rivals/etc. This is a TF2 thread with a hypothetical talk about TF3, if I wanted to play those games I would play them, and I don't want to >>1056780 You need to be of legal age to post on this chan, go to sleep, you will surely have school tomorrow
>>1056845 >¿? ah
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>>1056542 They definitely pulled out the: >Men have sense of humor and can roll with the punches >>1056603 Sexualized token whores used for waifubait are the equivalent of Jim Crow to women: >Missing the point so badly to think it's a dehumanizing mockery Bear in mind blackface was used as a protest due to lack of shitskins in Pedowoods films, while strong independent sluts are supposed to showcase that women can be the protagonists who refuse to give up while retaining their femininity and beauty. >>1056708 They're pretty sadistic psychopaths, seriously, terminal online dykes tend to draw some real nasty shit that could make DeviantArt's fetish shit look normal in comparison. >>1056765 I just hate bad designs.
>>1056951 >Men have sense of humor and can roll with the punches Who does that remind me of?
>>1056765 They always push for the shittiest changes to games, and their only value is their body. With that in mind, why not just jerk it before playing games so it's out of your system.
>>1054424 What about mouse settings? Sensitivity, dpi and all that shit?
>>1057276 Funny, I was going to write about it and other stuff but it was too wordy. Personally I use sensitivity .2 at 3000 dpi. I like centimeters per 360 as a better measurement, look at a corner and see if you can do a 360 on your mousepad to look at the corner again. Between 25-40 is pretty good for tf2, there isn't an answer but you should get a mousepad large enough to try a handful for weeks at a time. It's difficult to get used to, but glass is a good mousepad material for less drag if you can afford it. I did alright with 8,000 dpi at sensitivity 2-5 before I made the switch though, just that I can aim hitscan weapons now.
>>1056845 My only problem with Mimi sentry's design is that the hair doesn't look mechanical at all, whereas every other part of her does.
So where are the servers where you can actually play as a team instead of random pub nonsense?
>>1058009 "Pub nonsense" is what made this game, kys nigger
>>1058062 >unironically defending nutf2’s public servers.
>>1058009 look up highlander tf2 teams to join, or if you don't want competitive play join uncletopia servers
>>1058173 Community servers (i.e. what people were raised on in TF2 before matchmaking) must be distinguished apart from casual/competitive servers that the MyM update brought along. Community servers used to be the heart and soul keeping TF2 alive and prospering with new maps and game modes. Now it's been reduced to a niche subset because all of the players prefer the convenience that the casual button provides.
>>1057259 You have a point, but the topic only came up because I wanted to play with female characters, not because I wanted hyper-busty girls. >>1057276 sometimes that shit gets ugly >>1057323 moldable plastic, that simple
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>>1056970 This drawing? >>1058187 I'll never understand why 2fort is the only map that managed to gain servers just to fuck around with disabled ways to win a match, what about the other CTF maps? Fucking doublecross is getting rarer everyday to find.
>>1058256 That mouse is super cool! I genuinely like it
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Just as this thread was about to slip off the catalog, the bots return.
>>1070142 In Casual? Fuck. I've been meaning to play TF2C anyways. Anyone want to join me some time?
>>1070159 TF2C is still around? I remember trying to play that shit during covid lockdown and all severs were dead with only 6-7 people in them.
>>1070346 They were extremely alive 2 years ago, update 2 or 3 weeks ago added nade medigun and a civilian cane that hastens reloading, firing, and movement.
They just released TF2's source SDK. What can we expect now?
>>1072645 You can use steam to host servers without doxxing your ip, for starters.
>>1072645 I guess there's going to be a uptick of custom stuff like weapons/models/maps/mods/whatever now that it can be more tailor made to fit peoples niche. For now, i'll just guess it'll be gmod: tf2 edition.
>>1072645 Made a new thread for this as it's kinda huge news. >>1072658 >>1072658 >>1072658 >>1072658 >>1072658

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