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Vehicle simbiosis games Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 14:57:54 Id: b0d4ab No. 1060279
I'm looking for games were you have a simbiotic relationship with a vehicle as a gaming mechanic. So not simply a lore point, both in-vehicle and the on-foot parts of the game are dictated and done by the player, not something like Front Mission Evolved where you getting out of the mecha was a cutscene and you had no agency over it nor driver 2 where getting out of the car had no use aside from some small easter eggs. I'm talking about games where both are seamless and done at the player discretion and both are interesting, expected and important to the gameplay. I know these 6 games and i love each one of them (okay, maybe not RESQ, but it still has it's place in my heart) and i also played most of the Blaster Master series too. Is there any other game like that? exploration heavy games would be even better. Things like Subnautica and Outer Wilds might apply, but they are very combat averse, so i dunno if they should.
Sandland would be your latest example, I think. Includes multiple vehicles with equipment exchange and dungeons that make you swap between these to advance. However, the open world can be very repetitive and grindy if you want to find mats, at least it allows you to collect them without getting out of your vehicle.
>>1060284 I will give it a look, but the way you talked about it sound like getting out of the vehicle is not a important part of the game.
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>>1060293 Think Mad Max, where sometimes you do need to jump out to do stuff. Some dungeons start in foot but then open up to vehicles. In towns you'll need to walk around and it forces you to do 1-2 sneaking missions but you spend 80 to 90 % of the game in vehicles.
Pacific Drive, if you're into boring survival crafting games.
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I know what your looking for, but the "at will" and cutscene divider part is disqualifying a lot of my suggestions. Nearly every mecha game I can think of with both those restrictions is disqualified (Titanfall and Mechwarrior: Living Legends are disqualified by being multi only) except G-NOME. Command and Conquer: Renegade was ok, but just doesn't fit the vibe I know your looking for. Not sure if you would count the airboat and car sections in half life 2, but Episode 2 might count more since you have the car most of the game.
>>1060392 but the "at will" and cutscene divider part is disqualifying a lot of my suggestions. yeah, games with that type of mechanic are really hard to come around, probably because you have to make 2 games in one basically, i never heard of that G-NOME game, gonna give it a look, thanks anon! >Not sure if you would count the airboat and car sections in half life 2, but Episode 2 might count more since you have the car most of the game. i didn't add them here because it's not full games based around it, but they are indeed my favorite parts of Half Life 2.
>>1060279 >So not simply a lore point, both in-vehicle and the on-foot parts of the game are dictated and done by the player, not something like Front Mission Evolved where you getting out of the mecha was a cutscene and you had no agency over it nor driver 2 where getting out of the car had no use aside from some small easter eggs. Aren't you just talking about Grand Theft Auto, then? And it's many ripoffs? Hell, Jak II and 3 would count.
>>1060440 Warning, G-Nome has awful controls
>>1060467 as long as the gameplay loop is good, i can deal with janky controls.
The Metal Max games are a series of post-apocalyptic, semi-open world (each region has a boss guarding the way to the next region and little to nothing but your power stops you from going straight up to him and busting your way into the next region, while all content within a region is completely non-linear and old regions frequently get new content as you progress) jRPGs where the player is a bounty hunter and friends rocking a bunch of salvaged tanks (/technicals/IFVs/bikes with rocket pods/etc.) . You can technically do almost everything on foot (and for some parties, this is an entirely viable option) but you're often encouraged to find way get your vehicles into an area to utilize their heavy weapons (such as climbing up a building to get inside and open its shutter gate so you can drive in) and every battle you enter with your vehicles you can freely dismount from your vehicles and fight on foot (and there's actual mechanical reasons to do this at times).Also the OST is awesome. Start with Metal Saga on PS2 or Metal Max 2 Reloaded on DS, then Metal Max Returns ( a remake of the FC original) on SFC, then play the one you didn't play first, then Metal Max 3 (ignore Xeno. Both versions are crap.).
>>1060497 Interesting, turn based isn't really my jam but at this point i can't be picky with this genre anymore.
>>1060293 is it
>>1060578 Is star citizen still being developed? Who the fuck is still funding it? Are there secret millionaires who really want a generic massive space game and not losing money into nfts and crypto?
Thinking about it a bit, if you do a "suit only" spawn, Space Engineers might be a good fit. You can either hijack your first vehicle or scavenge enough materials to outright buy it. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=Bm1BUUNdEJg
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>>1060392 I wanna hug the titanfall 2 mechs
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>>1060983 I remember playing this some years ago, and i'm almost positive it's not what i was talking about, still a good game tho. >>1060978 i never played space engineers because it looked way too autistic for me, but i guess the gameplay is kinda like No Man's Sky but you build your own ship with the interior and such instead of the normal vechicle style of just jumping into one and piloting immediately right? I might look into it, i downloaded SandLand, probably gonna install it tomorrow and see how it is. >>1061001 man, how i wish that Titanfall campaign played like FrontMission Gunhazard.
>>1061077 well, lost planet is a action game with vehicle sections, not really the symbiosis i was talking about in OP. The games i was talking about are games were you have the one vehicle and the player character and it has a synergistic, symbiotic link.
X4? But the you really only go out of your ship at stations to talk to people.
>>1061133 i remember trying X3 and giving up because that side bar was so intrusive and immersion breaking i couldn't focus in the game. did they change the UI in X4 or does it still look like a operating system designer designed the UI?
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>>1061077 also, man... i wish capcom would fix the PC port of lost planet to stop using windows live.
Okay, i tried sandland and it just simply do not work with my old xbox360 controller, and the pirate version also do not accept the steam overlay so i can't use that to fix it and the game has no concept of PC options so i'm out of luck. Played Titanfall 2 and it's fucking amazing, too bad the series died because of apex legends, i blame most of the problems we have with modern gaming on fortnite. Lost Planet on the PC is just too scuffed, or maybe it's just the game in general is scuffed like that. And G-nome is just not what i would call fun. Gonna try metal max saga on the PS2 emulator next. After it i wll probably give that eldritch drive roguelite game, pacific drive a try. anything else or that's it for these types of games?
>>1061137 Lost Planet 1 has one version that's fixed while the other still relies on GFWL. Lost Planet 2 was supposedly getting fixed somewhat recently but there's not been any news since the changes were spotted on steamdb.
>>1069644 yeah, i bought the new one, it's still incredibly scuffed. just started Metal Saga and i'm already loving it >"mom! i'm gonna be a hunter >"you sure son? be a mechanic and take over the shop for me" >"eh, alright" >credits start rolling more games should do stupid shit like this.
>>1061001 I wanna hug the robot
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>>1060497 >Metal Max 3 I love how the story for most of the game is: "Bitch stole my bike, I want it back."
>>1069778 i started with metal saga as that anon said, i'm really liking it for a turn based game, but i'm still at the start of the game, just killed the junkbot boss and am ready to go to the second city. not even knowing the series, Xeno looked absolutely boring, like the combat felt like it's a complete slog, like they tried to copy FF12/Xenoblade but missed everything that made those fun and snappy.
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>>1060605 >>1060578 It's still being worked on with a running solar system so it already has a player base of "whales", played with a friend in 2022 and it was pretty decent if you just want to fly around and explore, since every planet has its own climate and interest points,the servers were still unstable and stuff like lag made your player to teleport from the pilot seat into open space and die, so you can lose your progress frequently because of bugs and server issues, but there are still people having fun with it. That was back then when there was only 1 solar system available, another one was added in 2024, so not much has advanced in development.
>>1061136 Late game in any X game (besides the first one) has you in the UI most of the time, playing it like some bastardized RTS. But yes, X4 redid the entire UI. Also, I can't believe I missed it, but Halo of all things had a few missions that had that vibe to it.
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>>1060279 Maybe Barotrauma is what you're after? You're piloting the sub as a crew with various objectives to fulfill, such as mining for crystals, deliver materials to an outpost, outpost reclamation from pirates/husks/mudraptors, hunting down bosses. It's a very slow burn game with lots of micromanagement, but when shit hits the fan, things get chaotic real quick; Playable solo, but better with friends/multiplayer.
>>1072419 it does fit, but it being multiplayer-focused i never gave it a look after playing the beta with other Anons years ago. it feels like a multiplayer subnautica.
>>1072530 That's fair, took a long while for me to appreciate Barotrauma's solo play, even then I prefer playing with a friend. As for the Subnautica comparison, I can't really comment too much on that since I've never played Subnautica myself, but from what little I know of it; Barotrauma doesn't have basebuilding, you're encouraged to resupply via commerce as crafting potential is limited to whatever stations the sub comes with, core gameplay is more about keeping the sub maintained while trying to not die on the job due to mudraptors, husks, murder via traitor or even outright team incompetence(had a sub leave me while mining one time).
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>>1072572 after you get the big sub in subnautica it basically becomes your mobile base, and you only go back to the base to recharge batteries, drop off cargo and make it whatever you need to the next journey, you can also carry a smaller vehicle inside the big sub (called cyclops) it's up there as one of my favorite vehicle based exploration games along blaster master, would be the top of the genre if the devs weren't so "violence is bad!" and made the games almost entirely combat-averse.
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>>1072623 I see, now I understand the comparison; Thanks Anon! As for other games that I think might fit the bill, they are: From the Depths; FTL:Faster Than Light; The Long Drive. From the Depths, you build your warmachine(s) and pit it against the other factions, you're able to jump into the fight and hijack their bases and vehicles, which you can then reverse engineer for your own needs, neat! Battles mostly take place in the sea, there's a few patches of land here and there though. FTL:Faster Than Light, You're in command of a spaceship and its crew, you're on a campaign to destroy the rebel flagship, while micromanaging your ship sometimes invaders board your ship in the middle of battle, but you can do the same to them and board theirs too.; lots of unique spaceships with their own advantages and disadvantages, good fun if you love roguelites. The Long Drive, a randomly generated world where you need to drive and scavenge for food and water while getting harassed by killer rabbits and mutants, sometimes you come across parts to upgrade your vehicle or at times an entire vehicle itself! Lots of driving and a whole lotta nothing too, I recommend having some music playing in the background or something.
>>1072705 i completely forgot FTL existed, but i did finish it years ago. I take that long drive is kinda like Pacific drive, but more scenic?
>>1072769 Kinda, it's definitely more focused on driving than anything really, your upgrades is pretty much whatever you can bolt onto your car. I'd say that perhaps My Summer Car aligns more with Pacific Drive, since you're stuck more or less with the same car for the most part, but you've got plenty of upgrade options; There are other vehicles to own like the van, but I don't think they can be upgraded.

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