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Onimusha: Way of the Sword Announced Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 00:38:46 Id: 07fca6 No. 1068116 [Reply]
New Onimusha game in development by Capcom Coming out next year https://store.steampowered.com/app/2638890/Onimusha_Way_of_the_Sword/ Onimusha 2 is also getting a remastered re-release https://archive.is/W1Qap
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>>1068194 >I hope it doesn't suck massive throbbing dick why so descriptive
>>1068204 Takeshi Kaneshiro's likeness was still used in the remaster of the first game that came out not long ago, so I assume the same would apply to the 3rd game if it got a remaster. I suppose it depends on the contract Jean Reno signed back in the day or if he cared enough to tell Capcom to change it if they remastered the third game.
>>1068253 Probably because games these days tend to suck dick already, but it could worse: the dick could be throbbing and massive.

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Super Mario /v/orld Thread Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 05:05:23 Id: a2cd4e No. 1006448 [Reply] [Last]
>What's this? A SMW romhack filled with player-made levels. >This is a cuckchan ROMhack, isn't it? Yes, but it's fun. SOURCE: >Sites with fan arts and game files https://longc.at/vhacks.html >SNES Emulator [Use to play .smc games] https://www.emulator-zone.com/snes/ >Super Mario World - Short4Sure.sfc [Ayamari's short game] https://files.catbox.moe/clsq99.smc

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Found another spot in fat moot /v/orld where you can softlock If you grab one of the boo-loons and float down right over that orange outline block, you'll land on top of the pink block on the top of the screen; jumping will cause you fall through it for some reason and get stuck ....okay you kinda have to go out of your way to get stuck here, but still thought I'd post it anyway
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>>1068101 >Anon >Actually playing a game

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>>1068101 >BBW M00t I never knew fat fetish was so punk

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Anon's Bizarre Adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 17:24:56 Id: 4cc003 No. 1031572 [Reply] [Last]
What happened to it? I feel like working on it again, but i don't have the latest version. For those that don't know, here’s how it works. Everyone is taking turns downloading the newest version of the game, making contributions before reuploading it for someone else to work on it. Only one person can actively work on it at a time. This is because if two people make overlapping changes to the database, scripts or switches, they will conflict resulting in one person having to redo all their work. Changes to the map and events can be copy-pasted from one version of a project to another so you’re free to work on new maps and new events if its not your turn and add them to the current version of the game once it is your turn. It should work like this. OP posts newest version of the map. The first person (Anon #1) to respond to OP stating that he’s going to work on it becomes the active game dev. Once Anon #1 finishes and re-uploads it, the first person to respond to him gets to work on it. So on and so forth. Additionally, whenever you re-upload a new version, reply to the anchor post, it’ll make things a lot easier. General Rules >Don’t mess with maps, events or anything else you didn’t make. Although, adding minor stuff like a connection between two areas or fixing bugs and typos is all fine. >If you’re ok with others editing your stuff, leave a note saying so. >You’re free to add characters and the like, to the inter-dimensional tavern. >You’re also free to make changes to game settings, unless its something we’ve agreed upon (we’ll probably do this via a poll) >We also have a dedicated board now >>>/bizarre/ come post and check it out! (The exact way we use, and the general purpose of the board in relation to the threads on /v/ will probably change change over time. However there will always be threads maintained on /v/, regardless of what happens on the board.) Current version of the game: UNKNOWN! I HAVE 0.55 BUT I'M NOT SURE IF IT'S THE LATEST ONE. IF YOU HAVE A LATER VERSION AVAILABLE POST IT! RPG Maker VX ACE magnet: This one contains all the DLC 76UC6DG7

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>>1056566 Speaking of that, VX Ace is literally free to own until the 11th. I know it's easy to pirate and all, but convenience. are you a fellow >>>/rwby/ refugee making your way here?
>>1067686 Some RPG Makers are a pain in the ass to pirate, thanks for the heads up
>>1067686 >free on steam So this means I can official release my home made kusoge and Kadokawa wouldn't care?

Music thread Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 14:53:59 Id: 4a6370 No. 1034362 [Reply]
Last one is bumplocked and at Page 10
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PC Hardware & News Thread: SSD Edition Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 00:02:45 Id: dcafb7 No. 1045288 [Reply] [Last]
>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News >Ryzen 9000 X3D series out late Jan 2025 >RTX 5000 due early Q1 2025 >Intel's new CPUs suck ass and Intel is pozzed by DEI Last thread >>977640
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>>1066724 I mean it's starting to not make sense vs a H200 (which is $30k a pop secondhand but actually has enough VRAM to really do AI) but yeah
>>1047711 Using Wine is more complicated than >Insert DVD >Click "Install Game" >Click "Next" >Click "Next" >Click "Launch Game Now"
>>1067189 >export WINEPREFIX=/your/wineprefix/location >winecfg >set version to Windows 7 >winetricks corefonts >winetricks dxvk >insert DVD/CD-ROM >or alternatively, >cdemu load 0 disc_image.cue >mount it >cd to the DVD/CD-ROM's base directory >wine setup.exe >click "Install Game" >click "Next" >grab a sketchy russian keygen from 2003 or read the cdkey.txt from the web archive you pirated the disc image(s) from >click "Next" >click "run game now"

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Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2025 Anonymous 01/23/2025 (Thu) 17:22:29 Id: 278c11 No. 1064320 [Reply]
Hey remember that old racing game series that everyone used to praise but never play or talk about here? Well they made a reboot of it aptly titled Tokyo Xtreme Racer, with the same formula of hispeed tokyo highway racing with occasional text story sprinkled in-between. It plays exactly like Racer 3 with the map being almost a 1-to-1 recreation of tokyo highway circuit. You challenge other racers in duel weaving through traffic, keeping your tires and engine temp in check, beating as many of them as possible. And then spend hours customizing your shitbox to show off to others. Its currently in early access and people are mainly complaining about how bland and the lack of color this game has.
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magnet:?xt=urn:btih:690A3D5C9A46008A9D0B8BE10C35ED64411A1791&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbt4.t-ru.org%2Fann%3Fmagnet&dn=%5BDL%5D%20%5B%D0%92%20%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%B5%5D%20Tokyo%20Xtreme%20Racer%20%5BP%5D%20%5BENG%20%2B%202%5D%20(2025%2C%20Simulation)%20(0.10.1)%20%5BPortable%5D Magnet link for the early access build. Only 7GB, though it is lacking in a lot of content. I have to upgrade my system soon because it barely exceeds current minimum requirements
>>1064361 If a 6th gen game was ported to UE5?
>>1066756 Pretty much It's great, the sense of progression is fantastic and you can race any car in the street if you feel like it.

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Elin/Elona Thread/General: 8ternal League of Nefia Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 23:45:12 Id: f0b35d No. 1043639 [Reply]
Fuck /v/, this is /jp/ territory now. Remember when roguelikes were fun and not just a cynical means of nodevs avoiding having to handmake content? Remember when Elona consumed your life? Remember eating children and rounding up a monster sex slave harem during a run? Lafrontier certainly remembers, and not even (((Unity))) or ///Early Access\\\ can dampen the fun. >Elin Download: https://mega.nz/file/jRd1jKyY#ZylETgXk_FKFKtsIqpcq_7pCMpcQUyZvj6MHW8e3hOk this is last week's version, whatever >Elin Wiki: https://ylvapedia.wiki >Elin Player Guide-Compilation: https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Player_Guides >Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX >Beginner guide, FAQ and links for Elona+: https://rentry.org/8vkaw >New child mechanics guide for Elona+: https://unknown.spam/xccbd5of >Extra sprites/PCCs: https://elonaup.x0.com/sozai/index.htm
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Thanks OP for providing the MEGA to Elin, but has anyone got it running on Linux? I really want to check it out but I'm having issues opening it.
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>>1058977 Proton not working? It should be assumed the game is Windows-first. BTW latest patch from today. https://mega.nz/file/jvRE2YTS#YPKTkPTZREEbz2yhdVR18w5A9xVFRNWqU_bDQsLfKH4 how the fuck is Game-2U such a good resource for catching up
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bought it the other day because of the consistent dev updates. Very few early access games have this ethic.

TIGER & Other LCD Games Anonymous 07/06/2024 (Sat) 09:28:43 Id: 5b587c No. 986929 [Reply] [Last]
Damn I really miss these things. They need to make a come back as fully functional 1 bit graphic handhelds. Monochrome LCDs and basic bitch chips are really cheap now.
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>>1052936 Got any pics?
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Found some more pics.
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Game of the Month #16 (January 2025): Iridion II (GBA/PC) Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 11:21:10 Id: cd86ae No. 1061108 [Reply]
>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: Iridion II (PC) >Where do I get this? 7E2A1BD9 Alternatively, for the GBA experience: aHR0cHM6Ly9kbDFhLnJldHJvZ2FtZXRhbGsuY29tL2Rvd25sb2FkLnBocD9maWxlPUlyaWRpb24lMjBJSSUyMCUyOFVTQSUyOS56aXAmaWQ9MTI2NDMwJnBsYXRmb3JtPWdiYS1yb21zJmtleT0xNDEzMzk1MjQ4Ng== GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for February 2025: [removed] If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.).

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Edited last time by Mark on 02/13/2025 (Thu) 17:41:38.
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>>1067624 Also if this is zoom then log onto matrix when you have time. No rush
>>1067627 I gotta do that darn it's been 3 months already
>>1067630 No worries, you're good.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: on PC-98 edition Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 01:10:57 Id: 94ef1f No. 1065138 [Reply]
First things first. 6ADAE91E Now that that's out of the way, are people playing it (DRM-free day one)? Was it worth waiting for the PC release, if at all, after Remake?
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>>1065943 It all started really with FF 8. FF 9 was good, but made by a different team. The development though process of FF 9 though infected the whole industry. The only thing that Square cared about was presentation and visuals, and nothing else. Every plot from FF 8 onward (excluding FF 9) was a shitty soap opera of angry shitty teenagers, with game mechanics that were so bad that everybody simply stopped caring about those games. And the numbers show.
So where are big tiddy mods??
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The Next Step in AI: 3D Modelling Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 15:44:05 Id: 57a73d No. 1065601 [Reply] [Last]
Blender? Who needs that?! With this kind of technology, you don't even know how to make a square in Blender. Just plug in a picture of whatever you want, and the 3D model will be generated on the fly. Take a look. https://pinokio.computer/ https://pinokio.computer/item?uri=https://github.com/pinokiofactory/Hunyuan3D-2 Discuss how this tech will change the gaming industry. Will it be a positive force, or a negative force?
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>>1066053 8chan doesn't even have a lot of angry spergs, I can think of maybe four to seven yes the userbase is low enough you can point them out, don't gimme that 'boogeyman' BS but they're very loud and disruptive.
>>1066049 No anon you got it wrong. 8chan is jewish. 8kun/8chan original was masonic (with exception of imkampfy brought crowd being bunch of community controlling spergs that didn't knew they were under miscegenating mason administration). Twitter X is technically more like cuckchan /pol/. With only exception is when you have big political players playing scating sporting stunts with the political exclamation by seeing how many will react to whatever cuckchan /pol/ is sperging out today. The only difference between 8chan and synagogue is that local jew abandoned his yeshiva and playing an ostrich, allowing /pol/ to exist with its 1.5 anonymous posts per week.
>>1066111 >8chan is jewish. >Twitter X is technically more like cuckchan /pol/. So… also jewish. Got it. No difference.

There's a need for change on copyright laws to benefit mods Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 18:18:41 Id: 2fe0c7 No. 1065640 [Reply]
>Be russian modder >3 gopniks and you are working hard on a project >Basically bring Vice City into the GTA 4 engine >Work hard af for free, for years, since you love the game >Make a trailer to show your work >Take Two copyright strikes you >It didn't last a single day on Youtube >"wtf? mod is not even out yet" you think >Since Russia has been basically at war with the west they can't do shit >Say fuck it and release a complete build to play it I hate Take Two and Cuckstar. Rockstar has the greatest portafolio in the gaming industry, they're literally the owners of the biggest money printing machine in entertainment, 4 russians can't hurt their bottom line at all. They have a modding community Bethesa would kill to have (specially since Starfiled was mediocre at the very best) but they love to kill those projects and treat them like shit, instead of allowing them, or monetize them by buying them, like Valve kinda did back in the day. <What kind of changes do you think are needed in the videogame industry?

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>>1066055 >>1066059 Japan is actually a lot more hellish on copyright matters with the patents and such. However >Japanese media companies are aware that a lot of their artists on board started, or had some connection whatsoever, with the doujin scene so there are literally zero benefits for everyone concerned to attack something that cultivates the growth of artists >since "doujin" means by itself "fanwork" (only a dumb gaijin believes it directly translates to porn), the goods are supplied in limited quantities and most often fully funded from the creator's own pockets, so they hardly make bank.
>>1066092 Japan as a whole is terrible software development. They have pathological obsession of controlling their software and making it proprietary as fuck. So it's not a surprise no one buys their software except other japs or they just import a shitton of somebody's else software instead, the only real exception is vidga games because that's the only time when you would ever want 'proprietary' code. Even then those flaws jap coding rises it's head when they make a PC port.
>>1066092 That could be the intent but I still bought a made in abyss dungeon crawler online, friends in the dark I think it was, and I'm sure there's ways to buy digital copies of the doujin manga from artists, so there isn't always the scarcity factor.

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Fire Emblem Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 18:23:22 Id: 7c87de No. 1065332 [Reply]
Thread dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise. The often asked question: "I'm new to the series. Where should I start?" for modern FE experience is Three Houses (Switch - 2019) or Engage (Switch - 2023), and for semi old school FE experience is Awakening (3DS - 2012) or Fates (3DS - 2015) or Echoes (3DS - 2017). Emulation guide Always ensure your GPU drivers are up-to-date and read https://rentry.org/7368i/ and use https://www.base64decode.org/ to decode base64. Games >Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light >Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) - 1990, Nintendo Switch - 2020-2021 Set on the fictional continent of Archanea. The story follows the tale of Marth, prince of the kingdom of Altea, who is sent on a quest to reclaim his throne after being forced into exile by the evil sorcerer Gharnef and his dark master Medeus, the titular Shadow Dragon. https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Fire_Emblem:_Shadow_Dragon_and_the_Blade_of_Light https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Fire_Emblem:_Shadow_Dragon_%26_the_Blade_of_Light >Fire Emblem Gaiden >Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) - 1992 Recommend to play only out of curiosity or if you're a purist, play the Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (FE15) remake instead. The story follows Alm and Celica in Valentia. Each character controls an army and navigates an overworld and can visit towns, where they may recruit new allies or trade. https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Fire_Emblem_Gaiden

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Who do you believe had the best art direction for the series? I'm going with Wada
>>1065405 Since when did Wada Arco do the art for an FE game? I personally love Hidari's work on Shadows of Valentia. He was also the artist for an Atelier game.
>>1065430 I meant Sachiko Wada

/v/ specific gamenight servers Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 10:44:29 Id: 6dca4e No. 858461 [Reply] [Last]
In light of the fun TF2 gamenight, I wish to start some sort of collaborative effort to maintain a list of active /v/ servers, so that our gamenights can be easier to organize. If you have any specific server you're hosting, or know that the people hosting are old 8chan anons or otherwise cool guys, let me know and I'll add them to the pile. REDCHANNIT OFFICIAL SITE: https://redchanit.xyz/ Half-Life 2 Deathmatch (Courtesy of zombie9143): Minecraft Mikecraft 1.20.1 (Courtesy of segamastersystem): Matchaland 1.20.1: Boba changed Matchaland Minceraft to 1.20.2 vanilla https://matchaland.net/minecraft and here's its dynmap: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 (zombie9143): /v/craft IP: mc.chimpout.club:25600 Open Fortress

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Edited last time by Zoom on 11/16/2023 (Thu) 10:23:32.
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>>1065151 This was like 9 years ago but you reminded me of the fun times TF2 Vintage (or was it TF2 Classic?) with old 8/v/. I gotta play with you fags again soon
>>1065179 good old times

Freedom Wars Remastered Anonymous 01/11/2025 (Sat) 02:17:05 Id: a92d71 No. 1059806 [Reply]
Freedom Wars Remastered released today. Is anyone playing this shit?
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Bandai Namco as a company itself didn't, but the guys at the Freedom Wars dev team were already employees from Bamco. >Director - Takashi Tsukamoto (worked on Sword Art Online & Dragon Ball game adaptations as well as God Eater) who became producer for the remaster >Executive Manager - Yuichi Sugiyama >Art Director - Kei Watanabe >Programmers - Yoichi Yui and Kazuhiko Kirinashi And so on. Only Junichi Yoshizawa, the OG producer, was an executive of Sony Computer Entertainment. Japan Studio was essentially a middleman between Playstation and third-parties, which is why its closure was nothing short of a disaster in terms of maintaining relationships and collaborating on game projects.
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https://survey.bandainamcoent.co.jp/jfe/form/SV_egKVXA4LzOke2HQ Apparently this thread isn't a complete wash. Scamco is realizing how badly it fucked up in its pursuit of muh ESG (didn't stop them from changing Types 1 through 8 to Types A and B 1-4 though) and after losing money on everything from Unknown 9, BLUE PROTOCOL and Synduality it's putting out a survey asking about what people would want in a hypothetical Freedom Wars sequel. Hmmm... SHIFT isn't going to be on the sequel most likely, only Dimps.
>>1065207 Just sent them my nastygram telling them that I'm not buying anything from any company who inserts pozzed content, and that they are not the only company I am doing this too (So as to make them aware that I am not singling them out).

The cross-platform singularity: the convergence of PC and mobile gaming Anonymous 07/06/2024 (Sat) 03:37:23 Id: fb9f05 No. 986877 [Reply] [Last]
I've been struggling to make a thread like this because of how to express such a niche topic that gets zero attention. But here goes: Over the past few years, a certain game Genshit Impact blew up and changed the mobile market completely. A key factor to its success was not only that it was chinkshit BOTW but it was playable outside of muh wife's boyfriend's Switch for "free." Suddenly, the field went from disposable side games played by turd worlders to being taken seriously overnight. And with it came the copycats, and with that came the need to grow and grab more dollars free of Grapple and Gulag's clutches. Thus the PC clients and controller support rolled out. The advent of Unity and Unreal to Eastern devs, combined with chinks and gooks growing up with always online games and expanding in soft power, while the Nipponese gravitate increasingly towards portability, has resulted in a glut of titles that are available on both PC and phones (sometimes web). As more and more of them come out, some of them, in the spirit of Ross Freeman, convert themselves into packaged games you can purchase on retail. Some mobile devs capitalize off their success on phones to develop real hardcore games. Meanwhile, hardcore games have slowly adopted the same live service trappings of mobile titles, and handheld game ports are making more money than ever. <battle passes <microtransaction shops, lootboxes, and gachas <deckbuilding <wikis and metas <"gameplay loops" <limited time collabs and crossovers All the talk about normalfag gamers suddenly discovering indie games is BS as Palworld and Helldivers 2 were both live service games that happened to have the aesthetic of hardcore games. This development is what flash games and handheld titles were leading up to. My thesis is that games will eventually be designed for both mobile and PC from the ground up, due to the rise of the East in influence, and the future of gaming relies on the direction this development takes, for the better or worse. Ideally all games will start out free, replacing traditional demos, but there will be an option to buy the game outright or play it with microtransactions. Alternatively, hardcore games will be ported to ARM as we are starting to see over the years, with Crapple and Microshit making a huge push with ISA translation. Pros >devs essentially have more creative freedom >low budget and barrier of entry, means a return to the PS2 era of development >shift to developing for multiple resolutions which helps with preservation as upscaling and temporal aliasing become more popular; something I've seen that is interesting is that some mobile games are designed at a 1:1 ratio so they can adapt to any screen >smaller gaymen devices are kewl

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>>1033293 And just like that, it got worse https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/cpus/qualcomm-accuses-arm-of-anticompetitive-conduct-as-its-license-is-terminated-due-to-repeated-material-breaches-of-arms-license-agreement They do have 60 days to come to an agreement, which I'm sure Qualcomm will fold like a lawn chair to ARM's demands.
>>1033873 Well the RedMagic phone is on the market, I think they just need Valve or someone to make a ProtonARM equivalent in order to really get shit going. Additionally Google is prepping Linux applications to work in Android https://www.androidauthority.com/android-linux-terminal-app-3489887/
The dev of Phantom Blade Zero speaks out on the boundary between live services and "buyout games" since, much like Granblue Fantasy: Relink, the game is a single-player adaptation of the ongoing CN gacha game Phantom Blade Executioners. >Q: Why did you decide so firmly to make a buyout game this time? >A: That's a great question, and perhaps a sensitive one as well, so I'll try to answer it thoughtfully and carefully (laughs). >First of all, we considered multi-platform connectivity and cross-play early on. We even discussed this approach. >The reason is that as long as it’s a service-based game, it can't support complex storytelling or world-building. It's contradictory. >Live-service games, even if they tell stories, tend to be formulaic or like ongoing serials. But they can’t tell deep, classic stories with a beginning, middle, and end—ones with twists, conspiracies, and suspense. Those kinds of stories simply can’t be told in a service-based game. >You need to keep releasing updates. We've been trying to do this for over a decade. In the beginning, we thought we could make live-service games while still delivering intricate, twist-filled stories like in "Rainblood: Town of Death." But in the end, we realized that the narrative could only achieve about 20% of its potential. >I feel like, when making single-player buyout games, your mindset is healthier (laughs). >How do I put it? It’s hard to describe whether it feels good or bad, but I truly believe that once you switch to making single-player games, both your lifestyle and mental state improve (laughs). >Why is that? Because when you work on a single-player game, all you focus on each day is the gameplay, the story—just the game itself. >I’m also more of a creative person, and when you keep doing something like that repeatedly, it just makes you feel healthier. Sometimes I stay at the office and don’t leave until 1 or 2am, but I don’t feel too tired because I’m genuinely happy. >Though if you calculate by ROI, it’s obviously not as profitable as mobile games, but having a healthy mindset and a better quality of life is valuable in itself. >I’ve made mobile games for over ten years, and I don’t know how other developers feel, but for me, my lifestyle became stifling. Because with mobile games, most of your time is spent not on creative problems. >You’re dealing with how to manage the player community, how to handle disruptions and drama, what to do if the server crashs, how to write an apology post. Or what if the drop rates are off? What if the gacha system has issues? What if a value is wrong and it messes things up? >You could have great visuals, an amazing story, and excellent combat feel, but most people don’t care. If something goes wrong with the gacha, drop rates, or compensation, all your other hard work doesn’t matter—it’s all wasted. >One player told us, “It’s like eating a feast, but if there’s a pile of crap in the middle, you just can’t eat it.” I think what they said is valid…

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