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Gorbino's quest Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 16:59:28 Id: 141926 No. 1055631 [Reply]
You know what you need? A CEO mindset. You gotta get up early everyday and grind away at the meat mines. You gotta have a 10 year plan. If you don't have this you are never getting your own house. You're just going to remain some fucking loser. What are you waiting for? Buy stocks in Gorbinos quest and get filthy rich you dumbfuck. You want to know why Gorbinos quest is the best game in the world? because it is the only one you idiot. They don't have a choice. They gotta buy it and the chunkopops.
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>>1055943 >>1055944 >>1055945 And Americans call it "Parcheesi", which is actually the closest to the game's native name pachisi. It's actually an extremely old game, much older than chess. It dates back to Iron Age South Asian cultures.
>>1055956 now that's retro
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I found him. What the hell is he?

2024 in reflection Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 03:03:36 Id: 8e8ded No. 1056236 [Reply] [Last]
Well /v/ it's the last day of 2024 and for others it's 2025 already. I thought it be nice to reflect on what might've been a turning point in history, not only for gaming but the world in general. In 2024 we had notable games and DLC (for better or for worse) >Balatro coming out of nowhere and wowing people >Granblue Fantasy Relink finally coming out and being a good ARPG >Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth continuing the Yakuza series surprisingly great shift into turn based RPGs >Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League was a total failure and might've been the death warrant of Rocksteady >Unicorn Overlord which many consider to be Vanillaware's Magnum opus but mired with controversy over it's flowerily localisation which in turn brought back the heated discourse over localisation >Dragon's Dogma 2 finally came out to a mess of micro transactions, horrid optimisation issues, DEI and questionable design choices >Helldivers winning hearts by being a fun team TPS and breaking hearts with Sony and Arrowhead fucking things up Elden meme's DLC comes out to universal acclaim and sparks the conservation of how DLC should be made from now on >Earth Defense Force 6 need I even say more /v/? >Black Myth: Wukong despite the games media trying everything to shill against it breaks every record for player count on steam and beyond >Concord becomes the biggest disaster in gaming's history >Star Wars Outlaws is a total flop for Ubisoft and adds to the company's woes > Astro Bot a decent platformer that Sony paid to win the shill awards 2024 >40k Space Marines 2 won the hearts of 40k tards and gamers alike with the game just being an unapologetic 7th gen action TPS that kept to the lore of the series >FF 16 PC finally comes out of the Nogame5's prison but with mixed attention

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>>1056417 The thing is PC gaming is big in Japan now and when I was there you had a lot of places advertising the Steamdeck and PC parts. >>1056420 That's the part that blows my mind is they wasted resources on a system that most people don't own just to avoid PC.
>>1056397 >I hate that they're still getting work. You know the reason at this point: translators who care cost too much. Leftists do it for pennies. Japs are apathetic to the gaijin plight.
>>1056569 So basically the same trajectory as western animation.

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Christmas Hat Thread Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 01:06:55 Id: b1a0a6 No. 1045320 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1055992 NP, figured that was a pet dog too so I just put a hat approximately where the head would be. >>1055982 Glorious. And now it's done since the dad was unboxing his hat. Good way to end off the thread. And a happy new year to all you faggots.
happy new years, anons.
>>1056218 >>1045323 I'm going to try to add all the newer hats into the compilation template. If it looks like the file size is going to get too big then I'll just make a second compilation instead.

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2024's biggest sales flops Anonymous 12/27/2024 (Fri) 00:28:40 Id: 648a3d No. 1054553 [Reply]
As the end of the year approaches, let's talk about some of 2024's biggest flops, where the budgets were high and the games still bombed. What went so unbelievably wrong with them?
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>>1055890 I'd rather forget this piece of shit was a thing, what a flop.
>>1056168 Words to live by.

Printed Advertisement Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 12:40:32 Id: 337df3 No. 977138 [Reply] [Last]
Video Game ads, from the days of printed media. TALK ABOUT THEM OR SHUT IT!
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>>1029473 be the underrated activity you wanna see
>>977669 Has that Conker version leaked yet? change.org petitioned for its release, that faggot Tim who started Rare has the TT promo but just sat on it like fucking Smaug.

Old 8/v/ Nostalgia Thread Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 03:02:00 Id: 0df5d6 No. 967631 [Reply] [Last]
Post what you've got. I have more stuff on my computer but it's going to take some time find it all.
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>>967676 >90% newfags I doubt it. On 8ch, newfags made sense because it was a fairly active site since basically everyone not on 4chan went there (inb4 le 1% of people split between 420, wiz, bunker, etc). The low activity of 8moe though probably is unappealing for newfags coming from 4chan, now that the 5% of imageboard users not on 4chan are split among a couple dozen sites.
anyone have that Forrest Gump voiceover of that one hentai?
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>>1037665 To be fair, at the start a significant amount the site was either /pol/ users that used /v/ as a secondary board or /v/ users that used /pol/ as a secondary board. Boards like /a/ who didn't like their moderation had a sizable population sure, but /v/ and /pol/ had a significant overlap and were the primary audience

Xmas thread Anonymous 12/23/2024 (Mon) 22:55:24 Id: 93ff57 No. 1053664 [Reply] [Last]
Happy Holidays Merry Christmas faggots
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happy new years, anons!
>>1055849 It's not 2025 yet idiot
>>1055849 Croaky m8 we fellas ain't down under like you

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Traditional Roguelikes Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 17:11:09 Id: 45da3f No. 1027602 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for discussion of traditional roguelikes: >share screenshots, characters, & runs / stories Traditional Roguelikes DCSS (Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup) https://crawl.develz.org/download.htm ADOM https://www.adom.de/home/downloads.html Brogue https://github.com/tmewett/BrogueCE/releases Dwarf Fortress (LNP) https://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=7622 Rogue https://github.com/mikeyk730/Rogue-Collection Nethack https://nethack.org/v367/downloads.html Angband https://rephial.org/

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>>1055550 I wish metroidvanias had more variety. Like metroid prime remains the one and only first person metroidvania that I know of.
>>1055577 Category of Metroidvania games, which do anons recognize as first person? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Metroidvania_games
>>1055577 There's PowerSlave, which was recently given a proper PC port after its original 1997 DOS version was essentially a different game.

Perfect Games Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 05:54:37 Id: 60379a No. 983419 [Reply] [Last]
Are there any games which you consider to be perfect vidya? Just pure distilled quality. Here are two games I consider to be near-perfect (they have their glitches and exploits like any other piece of software).
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>>983745 I think Tetris is a mechanically perfect game and Tetris DX was good for GBC but feels cramped today. The specific Tetris I like is Tetris Effect.
Pure, unadulterated bliss right here. Multiplayer modes were all fun, and nothing but banger maps.
>>983419 There are no games which I consider to be perfect vidya, but there are some games or genres which I consider to do one thing really well, like JRPGs and visual novels doing story really well, or puzzle doing mechanics really well.

Statlet and Waldorf Thread: The Game Awards Post Show Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 14:53:28 Id: e123ef No. 1050593 [Reply] [Last]
With the inclusion of Statler and Waldorf as the best parts of that shitshow, I found this twitter template and think it's a great opportunity for anons to make some great jokes at the expense of the show. Let's get creative, shall we? Posting the template first and then the examples (courtesy of @oreste_comics)
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>Grand Theft Auto 6 was at TGA <I didn't see Rockstar there? >Not Rockstar, grand thieving a car to get the hell out of TGA! <DOHOHOHOHO!
>Half Life 3 came to TGA <Did I miss it? >No, you needed only half a life to be there! <DOHOHOHOHO!
>I wish more more AAA would make games like Concord. <So you can play as more diverse black women? >No, so the gaming industry will finally crash! <DOHOHOHOHOHOHO

Anoncraft Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 18:03:51 Id: 95a457 No. 1055309 [Reply]
Welcome to Anoncraft, A Cracked Vanilla Minecraft 1.21 SMP for /vm/. >Server IP: anoncraft.cc >Map: map.anoncraft.cc Come join one of the largest Minecraft communities in /vm/! Now with full support for cracked accounts! >Server News: - Explosions and more explosions. - Merry Christmas
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Luanti's the name of my middle eastern hooker that sucks me off for 50 dollars
>>1055644 >50 dollars Those blowjobs must be pristine
>>1055644 Nothing beats a gumjob from a middle eastern gypsy.

Featured Game: Namco Museum Vol. 1 (PSX) Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 21:37:38 Id: dd2a10 No. 1052811 [Reply]
>What is this? Games are chosen (relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS GAME: Namco Museum Vol. 1 (PSX) >Where do I get this? Namco Museum Vol. 1 (PSX): https://romhustler.org/rom/psx/namco-museum-vol1-u-slus-00215 MAME set including Arcade games in Namco Museum Vol. 1 (PSX): https://pleasuredome.github.io/pleasuredome/mame/ Ports of Arcade games in Namco Museum Vol. 1 (PSX): Pac-Man (NES): https://files.catbox.moe/sp4ndz.nes Pac-Man (SNES): https://files.catbox.moe/vh30uq.sfc Galaga (NES): https://files.catbox.moe/oilynj.nes

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Edited last time by Mark on 02/13/2025 (Thu) 19:03:29.
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>>1055217 >Is it doing that for anyone else? It's a wordfilter of admins.
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>>1053026 I'd rather find strategies in unexplored ports than take strategies from solved games. I captured all ghosts for each pellet on board 1 on the SNES.
>>1054154 > Density of gameplay Classic arcade games were meant to be a brief distraction for a few minutes while you waited for the restaurant to finish your order. They had to have a solid density of gameplay since you were only playing them for 2-15 minutes. Games you play at home can take the time to tell a story since you are sitting in front of them for hours.

Sony may be buying Kadokawa Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 13:14:22 Id: 4735e8 No. 1041212 [Reply] [Last]
Sony Group Corporation in talks to acquire Kadokawa Corporation https://archive.ph/5paYG >Sony Group Corporation is in talks to acquire Kadokawa Corporation, according to a Reuters report citing two sources familiar with the matter. >Talks between the two sides are reportedly ongoing, and a deal could be signed in the coming weeks if successful, the sources said. >Sony Group Corporation declined to comment when asked by Reuters. Kadokawa Corporation said it could not comment. I would like to inform people that this isn't Sony Interactive here in America. This is Sony HQ in Japan (Which makes things a hundred times worse): https://infogalactic.com/info/Sony And here is a list of all of Kadokawa's current assets: https://archive.ph/WbpFw#Group_companies In addition to video games, they also own book publications, film divisions, and NicoNico (Japanese JewTube). Everything about this deal is bad and no one is happy as the acquisition would result in Sony controling the overwhelming majority of Japanese entertainment.
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>>1055239 >its all the same. *suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure...*
>>1041637 >If Sony owns Kadokawa Sony would own FromSoft and Spike Chunsoft and Kadokawa Games, so Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. >Which of these games does Sony own if Sony owns Kadokawa? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FromSoftware#Games https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_Chunsoft#Developed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Kadokawa_Shoten_games I don't know, but if someone does, I'll learn.
>>1055336 Yes, all their anime are the same shit. Their goal since 2020 has been to spam the WN -> LN -> manga pipeline to then grab the shit that rises to the top 50 of that pile and turn it into anime so as to spam the market and ensure overall money being made goes up (while ignoring how much money is actually being dumped into shit that doesn't move merch). Their output for 2024 included >21 sequels or remakes >6 fujobait (twinks being yaoi) >9 otakubait (moeblobs being yuri) >23 isekai or game-fantasy >7 romcoms >1 attempts at aping current trends As an aside, yes these categories do overlap which primarily effects the sequel category (most sequels overlapping with the isekai/game fantasy category). Kadokawa is quite literally the cancer killing the anime industry. Their full list of anime produced for this year is 50, and for everything I couldn't categorize here, barely any of it did not fall into that rigid WN->LN->Manga->Anime pipeline they've been using for a decade now. This also doesn't include their many subsidiaries, one of which already makes literal Chinese cartoons. In total, from just their main branch, 50 new anime were made in 2024. For the whole of 2024, there were 201 new anime released. They flood the market to the point of producing 25% of all anime annually.

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Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 00:37:36 Id: 9689f4 No. 1050753 [Reply]
So I finished getting all the Achievements, in both games of the remaster, and thought I'd give a run-down of things, since currently the remaster has some good points, but is also a bit rough around the edges. When it comes to the Graphics, I'd describe SR1 as the kind of graphical update that is like putting on a par of glasses to see more clearly. The developers of this remaster were able to get the original images that were used for all of the textures, so all the textures in the game are the pretty much the same just in a higher resolution, although at some points it can feel like this added Clarity to everything can remove a some of the grit that the original visuals lend to the art style. There are new character models for every being in the games, and some of SR1's new models now actually have their lips move when they are speaking. SR1 also features a day and night cycle now, which was cut from it's original release. Both games now feature Subtitles, and you can change the Language of the voice acting if you want. When it comes to SR2 the Graphical improvements can feel a lot less noticeable, and there is actually a reason for this. Where with SR1 they were able to use the original assets to make smaller sized textures more clear, SR2 has it's textures stretched over much larger peaces of Geometry, so using those original assets just achieve the same result as they are stretched too far for the texture to look good. Outside the new character models, only smaller objects will have more noticeable improvements due to this. The new character models look good in SR2, but in some cases they can lose a little something during the cutscenes compared to the original models, as the cutscenes are designed with the original models in mind. In terms of gameplay content, the games are very much still the same as they ever were, I think the just streamlined the controls so SR1 and SR2 both use the same control scheme, and you are now a bit more in control of the camera in SR1. There is a Map now for SR1, and when hovering over areas it'll show a notification of the collectables you have or haven't acquired, so that can be useful. The most Significant addition to this remaster is the section for the Lost Levels, it features access to play and explore the cut levels from SR1, which they did need to remove quite a bit from. Now the main negatives of this Remaster is that in its current state it has it's fair share of bugs. I didn't encounter too many in my play time, but others have seen a lot. It's possible for a loading zone to not render the game world right and to just be standing in a black void, until you have the game re-load again. Some people have managed to have block puzzles messed up and be rendered impossible to solve, some have claimed the Night time lighting is way too dark for them, making the game unplayable until day, SR2 just has this Black Cube show up in the Air Forge when viewing the remastered Graphics.

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>>1051216 Stop being such a big smelly willy.
>>1051227 I'll smell you

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