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DOOM/Retro FPS: Shy Skellys Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 01:51:26 Id: a1aa8f No. 1050787
No Christmas theme. Demons don't celebrate Christmas. Old thread: >>937850 Post anything relating to >DOOM >its wads >its sequels >its community >its copycats >all 90s FPS related accessories
>>1052739 Where's powerful (1).png? Haha
>>1051049 Can you make an AI that watches you as you play your stupid games and does commentary? Is AI there yet?
>>1051636 Nah you're right. It's more Melee/stealth focused than your typical throwback FPS but it's pretty fun. I don't know for sure if it's made by the guys that made the Action Doom mods but it sure as hell feels like them, so if you've ever played those mods for Doom I'd say check it out.
Doom 1, Doom 2, Hexen, Hexen 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood 1997, Quake, or Quake 2, but not only can some weapons have a melee button akin to a "rifle butt" hit, but also dual wielding for pistols, plasma rifles and handheld explosives ||like with Duke 3D's cylindrical detonators, SW's Gas Grenades and Blood's dynamite sticks.||
>>1052789 You can't just add spheres to a sphere and expect it not to look silly. I think it would look silly.
>>1053559 mmm moist butt
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>>1053591 I stand corrected. Wow.
>>1053591 he looks like he's got two cancer tumors on his chin
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>>1053593 Better?
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>>1053596 >>1053593 DID YOU JUST ASSUMED XIR'S GENDER???
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>>1054710 2016 ass post, 0/10 you're getting shot
Talking about skeletons, I'm playing through Running Late 2 and I got startled by the fucked-up revenants.
>>1054769 I did enjoy Running Late 2 quite a bit, reminds me of skillsaw´s work. I´m currently playing rusty drill with a new version of GMOTA.
Is there any Immersive Sim wad for doom? Or is it too much for the engine?
>>1054781 There's Mr. Friendly as a walking sim :^)
>>1052925 You can write a script that takes screenshots of your game and sends it to chatgpt asking for commentary on the gameplay on set intervals. I think this is as far as we are currently.
>>1054780 >skillsaw I can see it. It's got the really nice incremental difficulty and good slaughter I've associated with his maps.
>>1057060 >that awkwardly drawn on bikini on the H-Imp It's so out of place I kind of love it
>>1057062 I'd expect that out of Auger:Zenith but it's still charming
https://store.steampowered.com/app/3371240/Beyond_Citadel/ This one looks cool. Reminds me of Oni in a way (colour scheme and cyberpunk setting mostly)
>>1057251 Been playing for the past couple of days. I think it's fun, although: >pretty barebones, map-design-wise, >without the mild gun-autism simulation parts it's bordering on braindead >mag-fed guns require: <extract mag [X] and wait for auto-refill <put mag back in [R] <cock it [C] Guns may jam, requiring mag extraction and copious COCKing to clear it. Early on the pitiful amount of stamina can get in the way of movement and/or gibbing fuckers in melee. Gotta huff those O2 cannisters. I'd say give the Demo a try and then pirate/wait for way bigger discount than the current 10%. t. ryona/gurofag-who's-not-very-good-at-click'n'shootems
>>1059555 (checked) I didn't excepted a anime game to have mild gun autism
Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood 1997, Quake 1, Quake 2, Q3A, or Hexen 2 but there's a TAG game mode as well as a Hide-and-Seek mod.
As someone who got the half life goty and expansion discs a week ago I am smug.
>>1054781 A month late on my part, but there's Live Through Doom. Live in Doom? Something like that, but be prepared to enter their Discord. It's kinda lefty, get in and get out.
>>1066344 > Live Through Doom. So it's sorta like a Brutal Hideous Destructor then?
>>1066509 Yeah, just without the Brutal. More scifi than military.
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>>1066344 gonna give it a look, thanks anon.

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