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US Election Thread is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R thread Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 18:55:25 Id: cc6ffb No. 1000692 [Reply] [Last]
STALKER 2 development blog just released with some gameplay >TAA everywhere >Generic visuals and music >FarCry towers >Yellow paint on wood boards and stairs as a "clue" >Press X to use canned animations >Console gameplay >Console UI >Creative Director is a woman Fucking hell, it hurts
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>>1041918 Here's an example of a post that is fairly believable at the time of posting but rapidly beomes hilarious as an example of obvious damage control.

El surreal mundo de Amy Malu Anónimo 11/21/2024 (Thu) 16:02:42 No. 48789 [Reply]
¿Que paso con esta serie? Recuerdo que Cartoon Network lo promocionaba en todos lados y youtube estaba lleno de comentarios sobre la serie y luego un dia para otro, parece que se olvidó, como si nunca hubiera existido. ¿Que salio mal la serie de los macacos?
CN está muriendo y la serie no tiene nada interesante más allá de "mira a esta treintona sexy con ojeras haciendo cosas raras". Está curioso para un rato, pero más alla de la novedad no es muy interesante.
>>48789 Según lo que leo en Internet hubo dos temporadas de 13 episodios cada una y un especial que salio el año pasado.

Onirism is no longer indie Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 02:02:35 Id: 75763f No. 1023565 [Reply] [Last]
Crimson Tales has struck a marketing deal with a recently created publisher named Shoreline Games, made by people who recently worked on vidya like Space Marine II or Subnautica's marketing. CT keeps full control of the dev while SG makes sure the game is marketed properly. Also, the Onirism page in Shoreline Game's website claims the games is set to get its 1.0 release in Q3 2025, but knowing the game's many setbacks and what's left to do, they might not meet the deadline. Also, here's Blueberry's father, King Strawberry.
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>>1041957 lol nope. I made those I posted.
>>1041908 >I still wonder why people still use cuckchan. It's inferior to most other imageboards in every way. <Don't take it the wrong way, but that reads like Bluesky users talking about Twitter rn. Don't take it the wrong way, but no it doesn't, and using cuckchan makes you a cuck. Twitter's not as cucked, I can post on Twitter on Tor. I can post here on Tor. I can't on cuckchan. Your privacy gets fucked in the ass while you watch.
>>1041908 Twitter is unironically better than cuckchan now

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/mg/ - Meta General Anonymous Board owner 03/20/2021 (Sat) 17:40:54 No. 1 [Reply] [Last]
Quién no pueda postear aqui, recuerde que está el tablón de respaldo en endchan, en caso de que no puedan postear tampoco en este hilo. Mantenganlo civilizado y sin tiradera de mierda o shitpost. Este hilo será para feedback, dudas, preguntas, consultas de cualquier tipo referentes al tablón o al hobby en general. Reporta lo que rompa las reglas, si un rol no te gusta, dale a hide y olvida su existencia >Anteriores /mg/ en Hispa >Para guardar hilos >¿Como puedo guardar mi hilo? Copia el link de tu hilo, luego lo pegas en la barra de, y luego das click a guardar. Hecho eso, solo queda esperar a que la página te entregué un link en donde estará el hilo guardado. En pocas palabras, funciona de forma bastante similar a Hispafiles RECURSOS O HERRAMIENTAS PARA AYUDARSE, GUIARSE, Y DARLE UN MEJOR TOQUE A TU ROL

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Edited last time by DanMaster on 06/21/2022 (Tue) 15:48:09.
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¿Puede un rol sin peleas, poderes, o escuelas, triunfar en Hisrol?
>>104070 >¿Puede un rol con peleas, poderes, o escuelas, triunfar en Hisrol? fixed

Idol no Hen: Kagake! Kureishi Diamondo! Rolero 11/09/2024 (Sat) 01:31:39 Id: 6c59d8 No. 103521 [Reply] [Last]
Idols... Para algunos simples productos de consumo, para otros esperanza encarnada. Entre todas las Idols existe Una... Una DIOSA que apenas puede ser llamada persona, una preciosidad de mujer que le brinda esperanza a todos los que la rodean con sus canciones y su baile. Tan popular es que incluso se ha creado una religión alrededor de ella. su Nombre es... KUREISHI DIAMON Sin embargo incluso una DIOSA como ella... incluso alguien que OBJETIVAMENTE NO PUEDE HACER NADA MALO tiene enemigos, VILLANOS que buscan dañar a nuestra DIOSA. Aquí es donde entras (Tu)! pues vuestro trabajo será proteger a Kureishi en su Tour alrededor del mundo para que ella pueda traernos PAZ MUNDIAL ... ... ... ... Finalmente hoy es el día donde tendrás una Oportunidad para trabajar como guardia de seguridad en DIAMANTE LOCO INDUSTRIES, la agencia de Idols mas poderosa en el sistema solar y Andrómeda. Si bien cualquier trabajo aquí te resolvería la vida hoy se esta reclutando guardias para servir a la DIOSA misma en carne y hueso... Mientras esperas en la fila por tu turno para ser entrevistado vez a muchas personas variopintas haciendo fila algunos incluso vienen armados... de hecho si todos se pusieran de acuerdo seguro y podrían explotar el edificio entero... ... ... Pero finalmente llega tu turno. Cuando avanzas te encuentras con una habitación sin iluminación alguna, lo único que puedes ver es a una mujer pelirroja que parece ser visible sin importar la carencia de luz a su alrededor...

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>>104008 <"Porque en realidad todo era una prueba, Shige, Billy no es realmente un enemigo" —Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh... Se pinta una expresión así :o en su rostro de genuina impresión. El ratón dentro de su cerebro empieza a girar en su rueda, y cae en razón. Eso quiere decir que todo lo que hizo fue gratuito, y que casi lastima a alguien que solo era un actor que tan solo hacia su trabajo. Shige piensa disculparse con el hombre fachero facherito, probablemente fue muy rudo, quizás no físicamente pero si con sus palabras al cuestionar su masculinidad. No obstante, justo antes de disculparse, nota que le insulta. <"Porque a partir de ahora tu sueldo sale de mi bolsillo, Pendejo. Todo lo que pasó antes era una prueba para ver si valía la pena contratarlos" —No te escuche, tu olor a pis no me deja oírte. Duro y certero. Un cachetazo con guante blanco. Su madre le enseño a no rebajarse ante personas groseras pero tampoco crio a un sacatón. Sin meterse de lleno en la discusión, le da un gancha al hígado con sus palabras y después un uppercut. <"¿Que te cuesta no ser una persona despreciable? A partir de ahora todos ellos serán nuestros coworkers, ¡Ten un poco se respeto!" —No importa. Lo que diga alguien de testosterona baja no me interesa. Infla sus mejillas como carajito molesto, de repente... <"¡Yo soy el del dinero, no necesito ser amigable con nadie cuando soy inherentemente super- ACK!"

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>>104022 >Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh... Kureishi esboza una sonrisita encontrando algo adorable Tu retraso mental tu manera de expresarte.... Ojala y pudieras decir lo mismo de el tal "Billy"... >No te escuche, tu olor a pis no me deja oírte. BOOM, sutil pero letal, usando su situacion en su contra con hechos que el no puede negar, un tremendo uso de las palabras como un arma. Billy no puede reaccionar físicamente, pero si pudiese seguro y recularía por tu comentario, este se queda sin nada con lo que responderte >No importa. Lo que diga alguien de testosterona baja no me interesa. BOOOM, segundo impacto. Nuevamente dejas sin palabras al tal Billy, y se le nota en la mirada que tus golpes verbales le están doliendo... ¡Pero luego de unos segundos este te contra ataca! >Billy "¿Ah si? Supongo entonces que tampoco te interesa lo que tengan que decir Minami o Kureishi, después de todo ellas también tienen baja testosterona" Esa rata! (No, nada que ver con Kurosawa) El cabron esta tratando de arrastrar a Mimi y Kureishi a la pelea, y en tu contra! No hace falta resaltar lo cobarde de este movimiento, aunque no debería sorprenderte cuando Billy es el tipo de persona en llevar una pistola a una pelea mano a mano. "Ahora que lo pienso, eso es bastante misógino de tu parte, Quizás y si deberíamos llamarte Donkey Kong! Porque eres un Mono que no aprecia a las mujeres!" Ahora arrastro a todas las mujeres a la pelea! te esta acusando de Misógino! Pero pronto te das cuenta que Billy es, para tu desgracia, el de hombre con el dinero... tremenda mala suerte la tuya el único con el que comienzas con el pie izquierdo es el que no deberías enojar por nada del mundo. La única forma de ganar un juego donde estas destinado a perder es no jugando, Billy se queda peleando con Kureishi nuevamente y tu te piras, pero al parecer tu cerebro todavía tenia ganas de seguir instigando porque la ignorada que le metiste a Minami posiblemente sea lo mas grande que le metas en todo el rol.

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>Alimentaba a la Parche sin extremidades con una rutina casi mecánica, llevando la cuchara con cuidado a sus labios mientras ella permanecía en ese estado catatónico, como esos niños downs cuando les ponen cocomelon. No se veía traumatizada, pero su mirada vacía parecía ignorar por completo lo que sucedía a su alrededor o algo así. Me preguntaba si estaría procesando todo lo ocurrido o simplemente desconectada de la realidad por completo. Pero entonces, para mi sorpresa, rompe el silencio. <"Ríete." "¿…?" >La cuchara se detuvo a medio camino. Levanté la vista hacia ella, arqueando una ceja con curiosidad. No esperaba que hablara, mucho menos que dijera algo como eso. Sin embargo, lo que dijo a continuación fue lo que realmente me descolocó. <"¿O acaso tienes miedo de que te tire una patada?" "PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" >No pude contenerlo. La risa me explotó en el pecho como una granada, y tuve que soltar la cuchara y agarrarme el rostro mientras intentaba no caerme del sofá. "Ejejajajajejaj—¡P-perdon, Perd-AJAJAJAJAJ!" >La imagen mental de la Parche, en su estado actual de "patata humana", intentando lanzar una patada era demasiado para mi roto sentido del humor. Me llevé una mano al rostro, tratando de recuperar el aliento y secándome unas lágrimas con el dedo. Tomo aire y logro recomponerme, soltando un suspiro y volviéndola a observar, a pesar de que ahora hablaba y hacía chistes tenía ese tono lúgubre... Aunque era bueno saber que podía hablar o Incluso bromear sobre su situación.

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Game of the Month #14 (Fanservice Frenzy Edition): Pseudoregalia (PC) Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 15:48:00 Id: 1cb69c No. 1040550 [Reply] [Last]
>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: Pseudoregalia (PC) >Where do I get this? GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for December 2024: December's Long Haul! This month we'll celebrate those titles that take absurdly long to beat, let alone 100%, or that take place over the span of an extremely long time, be it years, decades or even eras. Pick any game, as long as it meets the criteria, it can make it to next month's thread! If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.). Feel free to suggest any and every game you can think of, bonus points if it's games that barely anyone has played or talks about in the [Current Year] or that fit the month thematically. However, try and follow these rules:

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Edited last time by Zoom on 11/21/2024 (Thu) 16:22:18.
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>>1040550 Finally got around to editing the OP
>>1041997 Does editing fix words added to the blacklist like rentry?

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Meta Thread Anonymous 07/09/2022 (Sat) 21:54:11 Id: 5c9cb5 No. 640607 [Reply] [Last]
READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU GET SCHOOLED Keep all of the board drama, autism, site issues, feedback and shitting on the website administration here. Do not post about illegal topics, or you will be banned. Thank you.
Edited last time by Mark on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 21:36:52.
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>>1040792 Ignore b423b8, it's (((LCP))).
>>1032349 He meant the /v/ the Musical thread.
>>1040790 We have Gamergate threads already

webm thread - No more 360p rips edition Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 02:44:13 Id: b2d671 No. 1018065 [Reply] [Last]
Hey, did you know Bobbypills of Peepoodo fame put out an animated series for Dead Cells? Me neither, but here're the encodes of the first half of the series. >where other half Working on those when the time comes. On another note, have you a moment for the word and gospel of our savior SVT-AV1-PSY? (Linux only) (All desktop OSes) (Wangblows) >why use this Maximum bitrate efficiency in compression, mah boi. Set speed to 4, CRF to 56, Opus bitrate to 16k, QP compress to 3, and variance octile to 8/8ths and you're off to the races, now faster than ever. Higher resolutions, longer runtimes, the works. With enough ingenuity entire shows and movies can be uploaded here. If you want to stick with VP9 and are on Linux I heartily recommend as your one-stop shop to eliminate any encoding headaches. Here's to a better 8chan on mark/v/ and no more 360p videos unless they're super long, of course Last bread >>992920
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>>1041791 >seven person killstreak <this guys a fucking idiot >:((( Why are online FPS players like this
>>1041791 Notice how there's no other chatter and no one else has any further comments? Those comments are all clipped from other places
>>1041801 The voiceclips are taken from some other game because nobody uses voice talk in modern AAA games as they're too afraid of getting banned. No fun allowed

Sony may be buying Kadokawa Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 13:14:22 Id: 4735e8 No. 1041212 [Reply] [Last]
Sony Group Corporation in talks to acquire Kadokawa Corporation >Sony Group Corporation is in talks to acquire Kadokawa Corporation, according to a Reuters report citing two sources familiar with the matter. >Talks between the two sides are reportedly ongoing, and a deal could be signed in the coming weeks if successful, the sources said. >Sony Group Corporation declined to comment when asked by Reuters. Kadokawa Corporation said it could not comment. I would like to inform people that this isn't Sony Interactive here in America. This is Sony HQ in Japan (Which makes things a hundred times worse): And here is a list of all of Kadokawa's current assets: In addition to video games, they also own book publications, film divisions, and NicoNico (Japanese JewTube). Everything about this deal is bad and no one is happy as the acquisition would result in Sony controling the overwhelming majority of Japanese entertainment.
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>>1041989 Sony has infinite money anon. They, like other megacorps, are gods of this world >>1041215. It's about time we finally realized our place in this world – as a perpetual underclass whose sole purpose is to be mocked and slandered by polite society as entertainment at our everlasting expense. Because we are straight and white.
>>1041989 Maybe the same way the glazers bought Manchester Utd?
>>1041636 But it doesn't now. Now, the ones doing it are the jews in America. Better chinks than jews, as chinks NOW are against faggots, niggers and feminism. >>1041998 Only White Men are Gods. Corporations are powerless and their money will never last.

ITT: Kusoge you like Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 13:12:54 Id: b9848b No. 1041952 [Reply]
I dunno why. But I just like some bad games. Like You are Empty. Despite looking linda like ass, being buggy. Story not making sense and feeling like someone who hit the crackpipe wrote it. And english voiceacting is super bad. But enjoyed playing it. Either because of the depressing soviet artstyle. Or the fine gameplay loop. I just find it fun. What about you anon
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This game is downright unfinished and the solo sections suck massive ass. But I love it nonetheless, it's like a unholy combination of Halo and Serious Sam with the 1997 aesthetics and atmosphere intact.

AI General ( DALL-E 3 / Stable Diffusion / Voice Cloning / Chatbot ) Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:25:09 Id: 3563d2 No. 1039391 [Reply] [Last]
Just Like One Of My Japanese Animes Edition [Copied OP from previous thread] Use this thread as a catch-all for AI related topics. Try to stick to vidya and help your fellow anons out. PLEASE SHARE EVERY NEW RESOURCE YOU FIND ───────── ✦ ✦ ✦ ───────── Resources: Previous Thread: Previous threads are moved to >>>/ais/
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CAT - Citron Pony Styles - Realistic Anime: Autumn Dark Academia: Shadows Lighting - Concept: I don't think these LoRA style Lain quite the same as other characters. Lain's eyes look cool regardless.
>>1041678 I tried since base Schnell doesn't know yellow devil fruit from MegaMan, here's the orange pulp base prompt if you want to try it out yourself. > hyper-realistic image showcasing an extraordinary piece of orange pulp, meticulously sculpted into an elaborate [OBJECT] form. This single, standout pulp segment should be the central focus, with its [OBJECT]-like contours and features exquisitely defined. The texture should be remarkably detailed, showcasing the natural, fibrous quality of orange pulp, and its color should be a vivid, true-to-life orange, emblematic of fresh citrus. The [OBJECT]-shaped pulp must be vivid and pronounced, set against a soft, unobtrusive background that enhances its striking form. The image should encapsulate the imaginative fusion of natural fruit textures with the majestic form of a [OBJECT], all while maintaining a lifelike appearance.
>>1039392 I want to request a LoRA for Grace the >>>/monarchy/ & >>>/8flags/ macsot OC she is also popular on /leftypol/ I just think she is really cute. more images of her on this thread:

No se nada de cartoons/comics - Recomiendenme Anónimo 11/20/2024 (Wed) 04:22:16 No. 48751 [Reply]
Hola negros, la verdad que toda la vida los cartoons/comics me parecieron totalmente inferiores a los animes/mangas y simplemente los vi porque de niño no tenia internet y era lo que estaba en la TV, tan inferiores lo considero que hoy en dia con internet busco animes/mangas y 0% cartoons/comics es decir los miraba en TV porque no habia un anime para ver, ahora que tengo ni ganas, es como ponerme a ver un programa da juegos de TV. En fin, como aqui es probablemente unos de los tablones de mayor calidad de hispajuan o hisparefugio kek, obviamente algo bueno tendra, por eso les pido recomendaciones, vayan a lo seguro, recomiendenme el equivalente de Deathnote para los cartoons (Deathnote es un anime que entre los otakus suelen recomendar a los nuevos para iniciarse en anime con grandes chances de que guste, es ir a lo seguro) Una cosa para agregar: Mi debilidad en cuanto a los Cartoons es Regular Show, ese verdaderamente me gusta, no es que me guste el estilo episodico ni el humor, sino que este es especial creo yo, por ejemplo internet recomienda Hora de aventura o Increible mundo de gumball como similares a Un Show mas y no me gusta nada Hora de aventura, Gumball un poquito mas pero ni me molestaría en entrar en internet para ver Gumball. Un poco me pasa lo mismo con Los simpsons, veo un capitulo pero no vendria a internet o me quedaria con tremendas ganas para ver el siguiente capitulo Para que se guien un poco si quieren, mis animes/mangas favoritos son 1) DBZ 2) Deathnote 3) Ashita no joe 4) GTO 5) Kaiji 6) Clannad 7) Slamdunk 8) Monster Gracias negros kek
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SI te gustó Regular Show probablemente te vaya a gustar tres acordes que va de la vida diaria de tres amigos argentinos; el diseño de personaje es bastante crudo pero la serie se sostiene un montón por su escritura; es bastante pulida y elegante, nada se siente que es introducido de manera arbitraria, todo acaba teniendo relevancia eventualmente. Y si buscas acción Wakfu, Symbionic Titan y Generator Rex. Personalmente me volví fan de la animación viendo las secuencias de Cortos Isat, ahí pasaban de todo, desde obras de culto de europa oriental hasta cortos de animadores famosos estadounidenses y franceses; es en esa variedad de autores, diseños de personaje y estilos de animación que acabé desarrollando mi gusto; a día de hoy es bastante fácil con solo ver cualquier corto de YT y dejar el reproductor automático corriendo. >>48771 > existe Cuando el anon habla de Death Note se refiere a que le digamos un cartoon que todos los fans de los cartoons recomienden a los novatos. De mi experiencia personal rondado círculos de animación en internet absolutamente todo mundo te va a recomendar Avatar: La Leyenda de Ang y Batman: La serie Animada, así que puedes comenzar por ahí. Si hablamos dentro del tablón los anons suelen recomendar Hilda en hilos como estos; si bien la serie es bonita, tampoco me parece que sea la perfecta elección para un novato, he conocido a más de uno que acabó filtrado por los primeros tres episodios, tienes que tenerle gusto a las series ambientales desde antes.
>>48773 > tres acordes cine
Hola negros >>48771 Es una serie de un MMORPG, se parece a made in abyss, tiene estilo anime pero no es... no se negros, vere 2 o 3 capitulos y vere si la sigo o no >>48753 >Final space Me parece algo tipo futurama kek, tienen algo los cartoons que al ver si dibujo digo va ser mierda >The venture brothers Lo mismo me pasa con el dibujo, parece una cagada >Golden Kamuy. Esto ya parece mas calidad, hasta ahora el unico que miraria seria golden kamuy pero es anime y no es lo que busco exactamente >>48771 >carol 10 capitulos, puedo que lo vea por los kekes, no parece nada WOW >Mas alla del jadrin Esta ya parece mejor a simple vista, 10 capitulos tambien, por ahora es el primero en la lista para ver, pero no le tengo tanta fe >Corrtar por la linea de puntos A simple vista es peor que mas alla del jardin pero son 10 capitulos... no se puedo que la vea para decir "es una mierda" o me sorprenda

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Amateur Game Development General: Be Kind To Beginners Edition Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 23:41:26 Id: 67de55 No. 1008893 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1039970 WARNING for the loud shotgun sound. I didn't adjust its volume. I;ve added numbers popping up and some encouraging text on combos. Our single teammate also joins us in battle, with his trusty shotgun because other weapons are OP in his hands. It looks really good now. As in it looks fun just by looking at the video. Some bugs reported earlier still aren't fixed, reload sound still overlaps if there's 2 or more reloads. I'll have to individually assign each weapon its play/pause routine and at what part of audio clip should it resume. Movement is still unchanged. Scoring system is simple multiples of kills, I'll look into hotline miami for more. 'Close calls' and 'massacres' need some conditions. Sprite Rotation is a placeholder animation, I'd have some 8 way sprite sheet animation but thats way down on the priority list.
>>1041192 Not a bad idea. No idea how to do jiggle physics, but I guess there is always a good reason to learn
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>>1040055 >>1041322 >>1031279 Here's a new build to play - Same controls as before - WASD to move, mouse to aim, click to fire. Alt+F4 to quit. There are 4 guns as of now, press 1-4 keys to select them. Guns automatically reload upon emptying their magazines, there's no reload button. Esc will bring up the menu, but it doesn't pause the game. >This time I've made 2 "missions", which functions basically the same - Destroy ants and the towers spawning them. Mission 1 has spawns decreasing as you destroy towers, while mission 2 has spawns increasing, making it harder to survive. They can selected at start. >You can also adjust individual audio channels volume. >I've also added AI teammates that'll help you kill ants, but not towers. They have perfect accuracy, instant reflexes, and are non-targetable. Think of them as a inverse difficulty selection, add more to make game easier. Look at them go in vid related, all 4 of them together. As always please play and tell how you like it. Critique about everything - bugs, what you didn't like about game, features addition, visual clutter, how missions should be structured, what new guns should be added. Dont hold back

Hilo de leaks v3 Viajero 06/06/2024 (Thu) 12:28:08 No. 4012 [Reply]
Hilo para filtraciones, principalmente de Genshin, pero material de ZZZ y Star Rail es bienvenido, tan solo verifiquen que la fuente sea confiable y marquen spoilers.
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Nuevo jefe semanal y un jefe cryo normal. No abra nueva expansión en la 5.3 ni nuevos sets de artefactos. El Festival de las linternas estará presente en la segunda parte del parche con dos nuevas skins de 4 estrellas para Xiangling y Hu Tao, la de Xiangling sera gratis. El selector para personaje de 4 estrellas del festival de las linternas incluirá a Lan Yan. <Viajero pyro Su E tiene dos modos de activación: -Si se presiona una sola vez invoca un aura pyro que sigue al personaje activo y hace daño pyro a enemigos cercanos que escala con el ataque del viajero. -Si se deja presionada el aura podrá hacer ataques coordinados a enemigos cada 3 segundos que escala con el ataque del viajero. Su ultimate hace daño AoE pyro y restaura 28 de energía Noctámbula después de 4 segundos, tiene un costo de 70 de energía con 18 segundos de cooldown. Su primer pasivo de ascensión incrementa el AoE de su E. Su segundo pasivo de ascensión regenera 5 de energía para el viajero cada 12 segundos cuando un aliado de elemento distinto provoque una reacción elemental pyro bajo el efecto de su E, incluso funciona con torbellino y canalización. SubDPS pyro y funcionara como batería para aliados de Natlan.
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>>5237 Kek, el no anunciar a la arconte por el pajaro hizo que la filtraran antes. >Citlali Bien, parece que esquivo la bala del banner permanente y la sacrificada sera la loli marrona electro. >>5238 >Festival de las linternas Supongo que eso significa rerun de Xianyun y Shenhe.
>>5237 >requiere aliados de Natlan Eso no me gusta, la va limitar tremendamente a ser usada solo con equipos de Natlan.

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Honkai Star Rail, tercera edición Viajero 07/19/2024 (Fri) 14:23:59 No. 4277 [Reply]
Adios Penacony, pero continúan las aventuras del Expreso Astral y la senda del trazacaminos nunca muere.
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>>4927 Tirare por ella a ver si gano el 50/50, si lo pierdo ire por Tingyun.
La 2.7 sera la última versión de Star Rail antes de empezar la 3.0 en enero, donde el cambio más importante sera la introducción de la senda de la Reminiscencia con una nueva mona y otra forma para el Trazacaminos, además de que la Herta real hará su debut. Mañana sera el directo de la 2.7 y seguro mostrarán un adelanto de la 3.0 como lo hicieron con Penacony revelando a todo el cast de personajes.
>>5240 Finalmente vemos a la verdadera Herta.

Hilo de cortos de graduación Gobelins 2024 Anónimo 10/03/2024 (Thu) 00:11:59 No. 45101 [Reply]
Estamos llegando a fin de año y como siempre se presentan los cortos de graduación de la escuela de animación.
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>>48245 Animación simbólica, me gusta. Esto es lo que entendí, arguméntenme si tienen otra interpretación >La protagonista es lesbiana >Los trenes representan la familia tradicional pues no se salen de los rieles >Los acróbatas representan las otras identidades sexuales (en este caso gay) pues bailan, juegan, hacen lo que quieren y se salen de los rieles >La abuela y el padre representan las dos maneras como la gente mayor se acerca a la comunidad LGBT (los acróbatas) >La abuela es activamente hostil >El padre en cambio no es agresivo, pero solamente quiere esconder a los acróbatas y que hagan sus cosas "a escondidas", cosa que tampoco es una solución aceptable >La abuela en el proceso de atacar a los acróbatas acaba destruyendo los trenes y la ciudad a escala, representando que ser hostil contra la gente LGBT solamente acaba dañando a todos >Al final la protagonista se le ve haciendo piruetas con el resto de acróbatas, cosa que simboliza la aceptación de su propia sexualidad >La abuela no mira atrás, pero su padre si, cosa que también implica una aceptación por parte suya Al menos esta es la interpretación que le doy yo.
>>48277 Yo entendí prácticamente lo mismo, de hecho la sentí un poco obvia de que la historia es sobre salir del closet y los problemas familiares resultantes.

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Anónimo 01/02/2023 (Mon) 05:16:29 No. 15869 [Reply] [Last]
Estuve lurkeando el 4 y encontré que filtraron contenido de Hazbin Hotel, qué opinan negros?
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>>48778 >la serie es mala, significa que nadie va a hablar de ella Al contrario, especialmente aquí que es hasta meme tomar shows malos y hacerlos pedazos. Durante años se ha discutido aquí HH como una mala idea o mediocre en el mejor de los casos; y creo que acabó siendo esto último cuando finalmente estrenó la serie. La serie no es mala, la animación es sólida para estándares de un show web, pero el diseño de personaje y la manera como están escritos y la historia en general es bastante olvidable; ni siquiera da para burlarse de ella por razones que no hayan sido mencionadas ya durante los últimos siete años. Todomundo se esperaba un mojón, pero al final simplemente acabó siendo muy meh. Si fuera un show de TV, este sería uno de esos cartoons canadienses de Boomerang que pasan para rellenar horario en la madrugada.
Resumen: Hazbin Hotel es tan olvidable como las peliculas de los Vengadores: Tanto hype ahora, pero ya en unos años no será recordada por nadie, excepto los dibujantes y de vez en cuando la creadora forzando su serie generica del monton.
>>48782 Secundo, si la serie fuera realmente mala, el Internet se habría llenado de comentarios y videos de gente burlándose de esta como si hicieron con Velma. Pero es sencillamente mediocre y olvidable.

/awg/ - Animación Web General Anónimo 03/11/2024 (Mon) 00:55:32 No. 34090 [Reply] [Last]
He notado que durante los últimos 4 años en el tablón han habido varios hilos dedicado a proyectos pequeños de animación web, pero la mayoría no ha alcanzado un nivel sustancial de actividad o seguimiento. Este hilo es para agrupar todos esos temas de animación web con el objetivo de lograr actividad constante y así sea más fácil para los anons descubrir proyectos. Para que quede claro, por animación web quedemos en proyectos que no sean de televisión ni streaming (Netflix, Amazon, etc.) sino animación independiente publicados en la red en páginas como YouTube, Vimeo, Newgrounds, etc.: Ena, Interface, tres acordes, los cortos de Pantsahat, etc. Y para tener algo de qué conversar >¿Qué animadores web conoces y recomiendas? >¿En qué páginas miras animación web? >¿Cómo descubres proyectos de animación web?
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>>48643 >digo que no tiene la suficiente sustancia como para no ser algo más allá de un Walking Simulator; solo sería una excusa para mostrar personajes y efectos raros aja, y el problema con eso seria... no se tu pero me encantaría tener la demo de Temptation Stairway y poder ver todas las demás extensiones de la aventura como las puertas que no toma Ena porque le dicen a donde ir, he incluso si no hubiera nada el poder contemplar todo lo que pudiera a mi propio tiempo, mi amor por Ena empezó viendo que peruano-referencias había cuando en el 4 comenzaron a hacer memes de El PeruANO y el lo que espero del juego >Esto es verdad, solo viendo los vidéos que decidió mantener en su canal de YT me da la impresión de ser un tipo que anda buscando a el algoritmo™ en lugar de un artista genuino haciendo cosas que le apasionan ah pues alli me perdonas causita pero no, vamos Joel creo Dora la Exploradora Adolescente, esa mierda si era popular, y si Joel de verdad hubiera querido seguir al algoritmo pues hubiera explotado al máximo su serie hasta dejarlo seca pero el tipo aparte que como todo artista que lo hace de mame posteaba una vez cada luna de sangre y si cerro su canal anterior en sus palabras era porque le tenian las bolas llenas sobre Dora. Deadline tambien se volvio popular en su momento y le preguntaban cuando volveria a hacer otra y el tipo dijo que nunca mas que era algo de una vez para experimentar y lo cumplio y nunca volvimos a ver a Cassandra(aparte de easter eggs como en su pagina web o el dibujo cuando le llego la placa del yutub) Personalmente viendo su historia por internet yo lo veo al revés, para mi Joel empezó su carrera de animador con la esperanza de poder cobrar solo haciendo memes y vivir el sueño pero primero no resulto pagar tanto como el esperaba (en la entrevista de Deadline confiesa que estaba trabando y estudiando ingles, aunque lo del dinero pudo cambiar un poco con Ena) y segundo la gente es muy jodida cuando alguna serie se vuelve popular, asi que solo decidio rehacer su canal de animacion haciendo lo que le venia en gana cuando le venia en gana y a lo mucho poner un patreon donde lo maximo que puedes dar con 5 dolares y desde los 2 ya apareces en los creditos de Ena, o y una tiendita que oye quieras que no es mejor tener algo fisico por pagar tanto y algunos de sus precios hasta son decentes como un polo a 20 dolares (lo mismo que un buen polo en Perukistan). Es mejor que esos "animadores" que ponen una meta de: denme 500 dolares al mes o la serie se cancela o ese animadores que solo se vuelven Vtubers y se la pasan streameando videojuegos en lugar de hacer algo, tengo entendido que Joel hace streams de dibujos cada 1 o 2 meses pero aparte de eso te das cuenta que el tipo no esta acostumbrado a siquiera hablar con gente en ingles por su pronunciación rota en el directo del ENADAY 2024, el tipo ni siquiera habla en twitter o algo y solo sabes que esta vivo cuando repostea arte 2 o 3 veces al mes mi copeo definitivo es que Joel solo le esta dando mis vueltas a su las cinematicas de Ena para hacerlas deslumbrantes e interesante, en los hilos del 4 todos prácticamente la amamos por ser rara y nada mas y el lo que se espera en el juego.
>>48674 Kek, me equivoque de post, esto iba para >>48657
>>48657 >no ser algo más allá de un Walking Simulator Estoy seguro que la mayoría de la gente estaría satisfecho con eso.

Hilo diario de minus Anónimo 10/09/2024 (Wed) 04:28:22 No. 45552 [Reply] [Last]
Sucesor espiritual de >>43156 Minus es un webcomic del historietista Ryan Armand inspirado de los trabajos de Shigeru Mizuki y Winsor McCay. Trata acerca de los recuentos de vida de minus (se escribe con m minúscula), una niña con los poderes de un dios para cambiar lo que sucede a su alrededor. Es algo tierno pero a su vez melancólico, si te gustan las historias agridulces y los colores en acuarelas estás para un buen viaje. OP sabe inglés, así que si tiene duda sobre algún panel o bocadillo, me lo pueden hacer saber y con gusto lo traduzco.
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>>48762 > está en un nivel superior de consciencia lo dudo mucho, se nota que es inmadura, te creo todo lo que dijeron antes, pero esto no, ubio es un ser todo poderoso, pero sigue siendo una niña, y que nadie la eduque como se debe es la cagada ahí >>48764 se salto la fila? ES UNA AMENAZA
>>48770 El cómic es como Jolies tenebres o Poor Little Things, juega alrededor de la premisa de que los niños no tienen moral; así que sin supervisión de un adulto harían cosas horribles sin pestañear en un escenario de supervivencia, uno sexual o en este caso si tuvieran omnipotencia. Hablando por mi, pero si hubiera tenido omnipotencia a los seis años habría asesinado ya a media humanidad. >pero sigue siendo una niña Corrección. Luce físicamente como una niña, pero sabemos que puede manipular el tiempo y cambiar su apariencia física, así que hasta donde sabemos ella bien podría haber vivido eónes y que su apariencia real ser un monstro espagueti volador. Ese es el punto del cómic, no puedes juzgar moralmente a un ser omnipotente pues para él borrar a toda una sociedad del mapa es como tú eliminando bacterias con un antiséptico o dándolse reset al último videojuego que jugaste.
>>48770 Estoy seguro que en la vida real seria contenida como un SCP.

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KimCartoon ha vuelto Anónimo 11/19/2024 (Tue) 15:35:24 No. 48710 [Reply]
confirmado acólitos. KimCartoon regreso, dejo abajo el link de la pagina
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>>48775 >¿Activo el adblock? Eso no se pregunta. Adblock deberías tenerlo activado por defecto.
>>48779 ¡P-pero, anon! ¡El trabajo de toda esa gente que piratea el trabajo de otra gente debería ser debidamente recompensado al menos recibiendo los anuncios de un casino de apuestas en rusia!
>>48775 >¿Activo el adblock? La pregunta correcta seria si en algún momento lo desecativas, y la respuesta casi siempre es no.

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DuckTales Rumored To Be Cancelled by Disney Anonymous 12/02/2020 (Wed) 20:39:43 No. 7730 [Reply]
>Disney’s DuckTales reboot is rumored to have been quietly cancelled, according to Collider associate editor Drew Taylor >When pressed as to how he knew DuckTales season 3 would be the end of the series, Taylor said most of the crew have already moved on to new projects. >Disney is severely cash strapped right now, and despite animation being a key focus for other streaming services during the pandemic, it doesn’t appear to be a major focus for Disney+. <DuckTales is an incredibly expensive show to produce, and it might have been a casualty of The Mouse House’s dwindling fortunes. Other than hearing decent things about it I'm honestly shocked its getting axed. Of all the shows the Mouse still has they kill one of the few things that can pump out new episodes for a sizable fanbase.
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>>34231 QQ moar faggot
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>>7730 Sad part is Disney's still going to keep butchering old franchises and push flops out the door with no recourse.

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Hydrus Network General #10 Anonymous Board volunteer 07/24/2024 (Wed) 20:55:28 No. 15721 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread for releases, bug reports, and other discussion for the hydrus network software. The hydrus network client is an application written for Anon and other internet-fluent media nerds who have large image/swf/webm collections. It browses with tags instead of folders, a little like a booru on your desktop. Users can choose to download and share tags through a Public Tag Repository that now has more than 2 billion tag mappings, and advanced users may set up their own repositories just for themselves and friends. Everything is free and privacy is the first concern. Releases are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and it is now easy to run the program straight from source. I am the hydrus developer. I am continually working on the software and try to put out a new release every Wednesday by 8pm EST. Past hydrus imageboard discussion, and these generals as they hit the post limit, are being archived at >>>/hydrus/ . Hydrus is a powerful and complicated program, and it is not for everyone. If you would like to learn more, please check out the extensive help and getting started guide here: Previous thread >>>/hydrus/21127
Edited last time by hydrus_dev on 08/27/2024 (Tue) 02:53:42.
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>>16582 >I have nothing exciting prepared for v600. The question is, what have you prepared for v666? Will we be able to play doom in hydrus?
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>>16583 >v666
>>16559 Same anon and an update. It looks like the computer hanging has nothing to do with Hydrus as I already experienced 3 random crashes when launching a video with VLC. So the culprits look like the Qt6 used by Manjaro, the video compositor X11 (i really doubt it), and the most likely guilty party: the open source video driver which is failing to manage properly the video pagination, I mean, it won't release memory by around 500MB, in other words, there is something wrong with the destructors.

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Squilliam compilation thread – The End of E3gelion Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 03:39:45 Id: ed8325 No. 978559 [Reply] [Last]
> -1085 days until E3 Since it's summertime and E3 is officially dead and buried, I'm making one final Squilliam compilation video. Any Squilliam ideas you've been sitting on, this is your chance to get them in. Let's take a moment to remember the time every studio used to gather in one place to present their latest and greatest, before everyone started holding their own little conference no one cares about. If you have any memorable moments of past E3s, good or bad, post them in this thread. For old time's sake and so I can put some of it into the video. >I'm a newfag and what is this? It's been an 8chan tradition to make OC from a template based on Squilliam from Spongebob getting a heart attack. Download a template, open it in your favorite drawing/editing software and go nuts. When you're done, post it here (in a reply to the right anchor post to help me keep track of it). >How long do I have? I'm aiming for Sunday the 23rd of June as submission deadline, the video will be released sometime after that. >Can [board] on the webring participate? Of course! Whether it's a video game board, or just a hangout board interested in making OC. All I ask is that you help me find it by cross-posting your stuff here and linking it to the proper anchors. Feel free to share in your post what board you're representing. >What song are you going to use? Walk Away by Dokken >Is there gonna be a mosaic? Yes, see the later post. Try to make your squares E3-related if you can, this is about the death of E3, after all. >Are we never gonna see another compilation again? You probably will, I hope to make another one with a new template next year. I'm not making any promises, however.
Edited last time by Mark on 08/19/2024 (Mon) 17:19:24.
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>>1040604 >The belly patterns are loss. FUG
>>1041915 >Dead? I've not seen videoanon around in a couple of months. He seems to have some family business that's delaying him >>1009449 I hope everything's OK. As far as the thread goes we probably have sufficient Squilliams so anons just stopped making them. If you wanted to you could make another one though.

Space Marine 2 and 40k thread Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 10:04:26 Id: 24e569 No. 1033135 [Reply] [Last]
Space Marine 2 magnet [DODI repack] - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d514e812ab7cb3436286b5c1bf654f7c88044a6b FoV mod - Disable depth of field, vignettes and other stuff - Space Marine 2 sold quite well, about 3M copies and has sizable concurrent players. Last thread anons talked about how Rogue Trader was also a good entry and future 40k titles
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>>1041514 Of course GW knew but they didn't expect how, much of the fanbase would enjoy this. >>1041505 I should play DT since it's been a year since I played.
>>1041804 the crafting system got unfucked

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JRPG/RPG recommendation thread Anonymous 03/08/2024 (Fri) 13:47:38 Id: e5941b No. 943592 [Reply] [Last]
I'm still new (;^ω^)!
Edited last time by Mark on 03/08/2024 (Fri) 16:48:57.
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>>1041850 Fuck, that's a lottta typos.
>>1041850 >Isn't that just headcanon? Pic 1 (or rather, the two sets of four pictures combined into a single images) is official art.
>>1040395 The finale is amazing, possibly the best in the series. Definitely makes up for the slow beginning since the game gets better and better afterwards.

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/co/ waifu thread "if /v/ can have it then why not /co/" edition Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 10:46:16 No. 41125 [Reply] [Last]
Post about your /co/ related waifus. Or just girls you like. I don't know and don't care
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>>42170 >>42134 Fat freckles, my favorite
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>>42174 Thanks?
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>>42175 Fuck me.....

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Dragon Quest General Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 15:41:20 Id: e996ed No. 860430 [Reply] [Last]
Do you like playing Dragon Quest, anon? Are you looking forward to Dragon Quest XII or the new Monster spinoff? Which girl is the best girl? Which monster is the best monster?
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>>1041664 What mods for DQ XI are the best mods, to you?
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>Nude mods got deleted online Anybody have a backup?
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>>1041669 DQ XI: Definitive Edition on PC is the, huh, defintive edition in terms of content. However, for reasons beyond our comprehension, Squeenix decided to downgrade every graphical aspect of the game so it's basically a glorified Switch port I remember being absolutely stunned by the details in the vanilla game on PC Project Rebuild tries to undo the downgrades Squeenix implemented and adds a ton of graphical improvements. Then for the shitpost value there's the NPC Appearance Swap mod, which lets you change the looks of the main cast with any character from the models contained in the game, some are implemented better than others but for the most part it can lead to some amusing cutscenes. Another mod I liked when I was screwing around in the game is the Mount Selector, lets you get one of the available monsters to ride on any one map and explore the areas in ways mods didn't intend to, can be fun if you're that kind of autistic person. Finally, the mod I liked the most was New Battles (Arc 4), which basically counts as post-post game content with boss battles with insane stats that require very specific items/party member coordination, once again making use of some of the NPCs as assets. There's one battle against Gemma that basically softlocked me and I just found it really challenging to beat. DQ XI modding is a huge rabbit hole, there's even someone who reworked the entire game to put a female Heroine in it, reworked text boxes and all. >>1041789 Only one I could find is but if you find them again you should def rehost them on some other site

AI RPG Text Adventure Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 05:36:57 Id: 483d90 No. 1036666 [Reply] Let's start a thread and share the results of our stories. I've been playing around with this and want to see what others can do with it. This is a digital dm. It can run any campaign you give it and it doesn't seem as restricted like other chat AIs. It goes along with some weird shit. Fantasy, modern day, sci fi. If you can think of it, it can do it if you give it some form of goal. I haven't played around with this part enough, but I assume you can make it stick to different rule sets or game mechanics if you explain it. Fill out the top box with the rules and world building. it will generate a paragraph of setting and other characters. You can then tell it what you'll do next or just hit continue and it will keep the story going without your input (often creating actions on your part). If you don't like something, you can directly edit the story text. Just delete a few lines here and there or rewrite it yourself and it parses that text as it continues the story. If you click generate template on the tracked info, it will keep a track of inventory, stats, character relationships and whatever else you want to write in there like a notepad. Play a game. Post your story highlights in this thread.
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>>1036666 Does anyone know if this AI RPG tracks and reports things like what AI Dungeon did?
>>1040770 Neat. The AI seems to know enough about famous figures not to have to write much in. I just wish it was less autistic with certain descriptions. >>1040776 >I think your ambitions might be too big for this LLM site Yeah, this was the first time I've ever made a "character card". I was actually planning to add more characters. Given the nature of it, you could easily add/remove characters as needed like mods..
>>1040770 >I couldn't believe how stupid the ai made him. I think that was just how stupid the ai was

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General Purpose 8chan Sitewide Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 05/12/2022 (Thu) 02:37:48 Id: 9b4131 No. 5423 [Reply] [Last]
This cyclical thread is for all of the following: Bug Reports General Help 8chan Tech Support Board Migrations Suggestions and Feature Requests Global Site Announcements Transparency Reports General Site Meta Discussion Summoning the Admins Specific meta threads on this board and elsewhere are deprecated. If something is really important or urgent it may get its own sticky, otherwise post in here.
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What is the board flag limit?
>>9750 I think it's 128 or 256. Most boards should not hit it.

Tercer hilo de streaming Anónimo 10/10/2024 (Thu) 01:47:57 No. 45595 [Reply] [Last]
Anuncia aquí cada vez que estés transmitiendo dibujitos, así los anons pueden pasar el rato contigo >¿Cómo transmito? Registra una cuenta en Crea un canal, ve a configuración del canal (el engranaje) y encuentra su clave de transmisión Instala OBS Studio y pega tu clave de transmisión como rtmp:// >Mi transmisión va mal ¿Qué hago? Baja el bitrate y cierra otros servicios que puedan estar consumiendo ancho de banda. Si deseas un anuncio global recuerda que puedes ponerte en contacto con los admins de la página en para ello Y recuerda ¡diviértete! Hilo anterior >>32186
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>>48768 De series las mismas de la semana pasada; no sé que película pasar, pero esta vez que sea más corta ¿cuánto duran los episodios de la serie de Knucles?
>>48769 Me quiero sentír como Ryan Goslin, y si pasas Drive (2011)?
>>48769 se mantienen koku, historias de fantasmas y wakfu? ya propuse que en ves de peli veamos el pinguino

Major release Unknown 9: Awakening goes by practically unheard of, peaking at 224 players and mostly negative reviews Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 11:57:26 Id: 2b8d8a No. 1029505 [Reply] [Last]
Less players than Concord, by the way. Bandi Namco were trying to build an entire multimedia IP out of this, they bought the studio outright in 2020. AMD were giving codes away with hardware purchases. They really thought they had something here. How does stuff like this keep happening? I only vaguely remember this for having been at one of those Xbox showcases. It's gotten pretty middling reviews from the press too, largely getting 5s.
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>>1030398 Abraham in Hollywood movie credits is probably Jewish, John the trucker isn't.
>>1029505 A couple of days ago, Reflector Entertainment (the developers behind Unknown 9: Awakening) officially announced layoffs. Approximately 18% of their workforce is now gone. They did not specifically say that the game's failure was the reason why, but they did mention the game by name. They claim that their decision isn't "driven by commercial success" but they don't say it isn't because of failure, either. What kinds of layoffs happen right after a successful release of a product, anyways? A Message to the Reflector Community >A few moments ago, we informed our team that we are refocusing our efforts as we enter a new phase of development. The changes resulting from this transition are necessary for us to efficiently deliver on our most pressing objectives while guaranteeing that every member of our team can meaningfully contribute to our ongoing projects. >In the spirit of full transparency, we want to share what this means for our colleagues, our games, the worlds our products unfold in, as well as what everyone can expect moving forward. >For most of our studio’s history, we have been fortunate enough not to have to make changes like this. Today’s announcement isn’t driven by commercial success or external pressures, but stems instead from our current reality, which is that at this time, we cannot guarantee tangible work for all of the talented individuals we employ. >With the recent release of Unknown 9: Awakening and our two key production lines entering the early stages of development, we must make sure that our staff is laser-focused on contributing to the projects that wholly benefit from their skillsets. >As such, we are reducing our team by approximately 18% of Reflector’s total workforce, a decision that impacts people who aren’t assigned to roles that our active projects require. >This change affects our colleagues, our friends, and their families, and we are doing all that we can to help them through this difficult time, providing them with severance packages as well as access to medical, emotional, and career planning support. >We know that the community we’ve built over the years cares deeply about the people who bring our games to life. Our goal is to assist the affected individuals with the respect and support they deserve. >As you can imagine, this is a trying time for us all, but we are committed to learning from this experience. As of this posting, there are currently 11 people playing the Steam version of the game, with a peak of 31 in the past 24 hours. It reached its peak player count of 285 around the day of release and has only decreased in players since. These layoffs have come as a surprise to no one at all. Will we see the closure of this studio soon?
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/co/ Pain Thread 9: Propaganda, Leaks, & an uncertain future for DC. Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 05:24:53 No. 42136 [Reply]
It's that time again for a new thread! Let's see what we got. Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur is only now catching people's attention, at the end of the cartoon's life, because of a withdrawn episode dealing with... transphobia. DEFINITELY NOT PULLED FROM AIRING BECAUSE OF TRUMP WINNING. Remember when capeshit cartoons were about superheroes instead of gender identity politics? Is Devil Dinosaur even IN this episode?! This is Jack Kirby's legacy, folks. Recently, Hazbin Hotel had a bunch of leaks with an entire episode, reference sheets, & songs all now out in the open. Said leaker shot himself in the foot trying to make people pay for more though. Which only pissed off the people interested & put a target on his back. Then in a positive note for once, The Penguin finished. It's actually a pretty good show BUT not without the typical flaws of these capeshit shows afraid of actually being comic booky. Oswald is nicknamed 'Oz' & he never dons a top hat, has a weaponized umbrella, nor wears a monocle. Other disappointments are Sofia Falcone & Magpie's looks just being completely different indistinct ladies. Sofia is easily the weakest part of the show. Especially when they try to write girl power moments for her. BUT if you enjoyed The Batman movie & or The Sopranos then you should enjoy The Penguin. But on that positive note, we have two uncertain features of James Gunns DCU. Creature Commandos & James Gunn's Superman. One a typical hyper violent totally NOT Suicide Squad derivative featuring vaguely recognizable comic characters.... & Weasel. Possibly taking a generic jab at MAGA voters with these red hat gun toting men getting torn apart. Totally won't instantly age like organic fruit the minute it drops if it's really a political commentary. Then of course Superman... well who knows what to really expect from Superman. It seems like it's going to be more heartfelt BUT also very bloated in a rush to build a universe. With bizarre decisions regarding characters working for Max Lord as corporate heroes & possibly a Bizarro named Ultraman dressed like Doomsday. We'll see more once that supposed finished trailer drops.
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>>42164 It's funny that even Morbius for all it's failures has a place in the public consciousness The Marvels does not.
>>42163 She doesn't look nigger to me (judging by her hand), but maybe that's just the lighting. Still, long hair brunette instead of short blond hair is odd.
>>42167 She's a mulatto. But they didn't even go through the trouble of actually giving her straight hair or dyeing it.

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Anonymous 08/30/2023 (Wed) 20:05:22 No. 25624 [Reply] [Last]
IDW Sonic Storytime #3 Starting with Sonic the Hedgehog: Endless Summer!!!
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>>26008 Would've prefered something more elaborate. Like your first picture. That's really neat.
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>>26007 I dislike them because I feel that to get the art to look like that it must have taken a lot of effort, but the art itself doesn't end up being very attractive. With some inspiration something so much better could have been created using the same amount of effort.

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Hilo power scaling 2 Rolero 11/01/2024 (Fri) 01:19:31 Id: 013991 No. 103192 [Reply] [Last]
Hilo para todo lo relacionado con el power scaling en los roles. Versus, scaling respect threads van aqui. >tematicas sugeridas -personajes de hisrol y que tan lejos llegarian en dragon ball -cuales son los personajes (no npc) mas fuertes
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>>104061 ¿Uchihas vs Kaijins, stats igualados, cuales serian los mejores matchups y quien gana?
>>104057 Entonces quiero ser el primero que se monte en la Agenda de Shigetaka! Ese rol de la Idol o termina muerto o termina con El Gorila preñando a todas las monas y a los monos
>>104063 Al menos ocultalo tras un poco de powerlevelfageo shigetaka

#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Half-Life 3 & Metal Gear Solid 6 Coming Out In Another 20 Years Edition Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 00:45:37 Id: 9c42ac No. 1040702 [Reply] [Last]
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Alyssa Mercante, Other Staff, No Longer Working At Kotaku >HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ZOEPOST THAT STARTED IT ALL!: You did it Gaymergays! >Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will not award “Erotica” points for taking cleavage and crotch photos like original >Game Informer is DEAD >Sweet Baby Inc designer attempts to censor Steam Curator List highlighting which games the company were hired for- has now surpassed 400,000 subscribers >IGN Entertainment acquires Eurogamer, GI, VG247, Rock Paper Shotgun and more >Nintendo Of America Appears To Turn ‘Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door’s Character Into Transgender >Kotaku Writer Targets YouTuber’s Wife, Game Dev Calls for More

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>>1041904 show me the scene because apparently the last joke vid that anon posted was actually extremely reasonable to women >Showed a female friend: "she wants him to walk her to class, it's right there" Maybe it meant Asuka wanted to spend time with Shinji.
>>1041897 >>1041900 >>1041914 They are born whores, and keep being whores their whole lives. They only think about sex, like a irrational animal. Men have better things to do, and many other pleasures in life. We give attention to what is important to us for our goals. Not just sex. That is what this (guaranteed ugly and old abandoned) piece of shit is complaining about. That we, men, real men, in real life, don't care about women as much as we care about ourselves, our hobbies and our personal happiness. We can, and do, pay attention to many things other than women.
>>1041938 >normie Die in a fire, plebbitor.

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Vidya Lounge Thread Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 16:37:19 Id: 33c988 No. 343401 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /v/'s comfy lounge. This thread is for general discussion about /v/-related topics that don't deserve/fit in regular threads. The rules 'may be treated more flexibly here, but please take care not to make a mess and don't be a retard. Rules: 1. The lounge is a shared community with /v/. Posters should have posts elsewhere on the board before entering the lounge. 2. Discussion should pertain to /v/-type content only, such as funposting about video games, more video games, industry matters, and gamer™ interests. Colouring outside the lines MAY be okay, however posters do so at their own risk with the understanding that said posts might be moderated without forewarning at any time.
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>>1041803 Calm down, friendo.
>>1041803 November going hard for you anon?
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