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'Team Fortress' issue no. 7 has released Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 19:39:12 Id: af2d36 No. 1052756
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>>1052759 (((You)))
>>1052756 Jesus Christ, how long was itsince the last one? >that last page
>>1052756 Wow a Christmas miracle. I thought this was 100% dead.
>>1052756 Honestly. After that I've heard they fixed the game. The final one couldn't be better. But this also means no team fortress 3
>>1052771 >But this also means no Team Fortress 3 They do a subtle visual gag that sets up a hypothetical TF3, but unless it drops, it's a visual gag.
>>1052773 Sorry being a bad reader. But where is that?
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>>1052756 I didn't expect an ending this straightforward.It feels nice. >>1052771 >team fortress 3 If they have nowhere to go with it there's no point. For better or worse, sequels as an obligation is anathema to Valve.
>>1052776 >Sorry being a bad reader. But where is that? When Saxton hands over Mann Co. to Reddy and Bidwell. Notice they wear blue and red ties, respectively.
>>1052768 7 years start coming and they don’t stop coming.
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Imagine, is you will, out of nowhere. Half Life 3. I know it will suck, but still.
Oh my god, it's actually over. I hope to god every day we have a Team Fortress 3 made with all the love and care that went to TF2, but our reality is a cursed one. May we find happiness in death or in the simulations in the future.
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>>1052781 They're probably going to put that Deadlock crap into the TF2 universe, who knows.
Will TF2 fags finally kill themselves?
>>1052783 Nah, it doesn't fit. TF2's schtick is the Australium, whereas Deadlock is the occult and those weird magic storms. Although, I wouldn't remove the chance that they make it a "lore cameo" of sorts where a parallel universe was connected to TF2 through a portal briefly and we get soldier hat cosmetics for warden, that kind of bullshit.
>>1052785 Warden's design is temporary and he's getting a completely new one at some point down the line, dialogue in-game refers to him as a "creepy homeschooled kid" wearing a Halloween costume, and he's supposedly wearing a cape which his current model lacks.
Where was pyro in the ending?
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>>1052803 BREEDABLE
Damn, and I thought it was never going to happen. >>1052777 Is that pyro over on the far right? Build is roughly the same.
>>1052816 Here's pyro.
>>1052777 1970s scout looks so weird. He should be what, 33 here? >>1052771 >But this also means no team fortress 3 You could argue spiritually, that would be Deadlock.
>>1052817 Oh, guess that's engi then. I swear he was shorter but the comics have never been good at keeping heights consistent. Still, hell has really frozen over. Maybe this is Valve's final farewell to the game and they're just going to continue the psuedo maintenance mode at this point with the community update schedule.
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He looks so.. different. He's mid 30s but they still kept his youthful look from the game. He's also a dad now
Oh, and Scout's name is Jeremy Willis. Jeremy was known to be his first name for awhile.
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I wanted to like it but not gonna lie, this felt like fan service and wish fulfillment. The comics got too fanfiction-y awhile ago.
>>1052824 DILF FORTRESS 2
>>1052829 Everybody's a dad now, it's so funny.
>>1052830 Are you a dad?
>>1052847 My only legacy is memes, anon.
>>1052851 and hats?
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I'm pathetic for crying at the end of this. Feels more to me like a send-off to the Team Fortress 2 phenomenon. A nice little ribbon on top to signify that the long journey is over. This game which I've played since its inception. Not going to lie, it did make me feel some strong emotions
Well, I haven’t read it yet but I can’t imagine it will live up to the hype.
>>1052830 Except Merasmus, he's barabait now.
>>1052781 s&box is already semi-out, fans can make their own TF3. And man, that was a good conclusion. very apt that the Administrator was looking for Australium just to torture Zephaniah Mann a while longer Also, the constant baiting to the cuckchan "leak" a while back was hilarious. As evidenced by attachment the potential already exists for more edits and macros.
>>1052889 He's Tom Jones' Daddy
>>1052891 The ending was very nice, but why did she do what she did? We know that there is ´´a reason´´, that is implicit in comic 6, the thing is the covers of comic 7, they imply that his parents died, but not the way in which that happened, leaving it to free interpretation how They died, something like the origin of the Joker, the real question is: Is Zeppenian Mann responsible for this? Let's also take into account the ghost and the space maps that were not finished, it is most likely that this is a retcon and they had another ending planned
>>1052906 Are the space maps even canon? They were a leftover idea from a previous sci-fi version of TF2 that for some reason Valve half-heartedly added almost ten years after the fact,
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Well that's one more cliffhanger resolved. Now where's my Megaman Legends 3, dammit?!
>>1052910 Are the space maps even canon? They were a leftover idea from a previous sci-fi version of TF2 that for some reason Valve half-heartedly added almost ten years after the fact, those that are 100% what if are the vs Saxton maps >>1052915 the link between the classic saga and x, the elf wars, I can only say... AS I LIKE TO BE A RESIDENT EVIL FAN, THANK YOU CAPCOM FOR KEEPING THE FRANCHISE ALIVE
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The comic was written by Eric Walpow.
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Intrigued by these mythical mercs.
>>1052927 That world provides for many adventures of many more teams and with a lot of lore, tf3 is inevitable, we will just have to wait a decade
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>>1052771 Wouldn't cause the same phenomenon as PayDay 3? <Every piece of marketable polygon down into pennies Unless they're making it exclusively for the Steam game console or any other console, because TF2 for Xbox and PS3 definitely needs a sequel in which you can swap from third person to first person now that Paladins and Overwatch shat the bed and sunk every opportunity to the fill that gap. >>1052864 >Yet they won't reveal Pyro's face, only the Spy's >>1052927 That's definitely Quakeguy on the left, the one on the right side looks like the fanmade class: The Agent, the guy with the bazooka might a reference to Day of Defeat? That game set the foundations for TF2.
>>1052864 It may not be a consistent or well planned ending, but it is at least a heartfelt one and one that ain't complete dogshit. As we've seen over the years with other media, that's a helleva lot better than what could've been.
>Valve just resolved TF2's storyline after all these years Between this, Deadlock, and the Steam Deck, Valve really has come out of their shell in recent years. Do you think the rumors are true, that they're actually making the big one?
>>1052955 >that they're actually making the big one?
>>1052955 >the big one They are already making Deadlock, I doubt they are doing other projects on top of it.
>>1052864 My feelings exactly. They could not have spelled "we're done with this project and you should also move on as well" if they went in the street and shouted it from every rooftop. I guess that what's sting the most is how much more potential the actual game had that will never really be realized outside of niche communities like Uncletopia or the VSH one. Only thing I didn't like about the comic is Medic having nothing to do. At least Demoman has a few panels. >>1052906 I'm sure they retconned a ton of stuff, this is a 7 year too late ending to the story. But the parallel to the forever-war status of TF2 as a game and the excuse plot just to keep it going makes sense - the only reason to keep fighting is for the fighting itself and no real objective.
>>1052880 Probably won't unless you're a long time fan. Lost interest in tf2 a while back myself. Still, I find endings sad more often than not.
What's your top three favorite video game comics, /v/?
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>>1053012 >My feelings exactly. They could not have spelled "we're done with this project and you should also move on as well" if they went in the street and shouted it from every rooftop. I'll keep playing it until i'm dead.
>>1052906 I think the Administrator's story, best depicted by the cover image(s), is that her parents (maybe her grandparents as well or maybe her replacement guardians, etc) were effected by the Mann family's greed. Either they got caught in the crossfire of the wars the Mann family had waged with themselves while trying to get "the perfect heir" or maybe her parents were involved in some other way. I dont really have an explanation for why she appears to be at the same age in all three pictures and is surrounded by dead bodies of people wearing apparently different clothing. But in the last picture you can see they were apparently manufacturing weapons and took poison together, presumably at the horror of whatever they were doing. We do know whatever beef she had with Zepheniah was revealed to him on his deathbed before he died (for the first time) in one sentence or so. She did tell Zeph when she took on the job that she doesn't know him, but that could have been a lie, not to mention how she seemed super eager to get the job and rushed in on her own. Oddly enough, I don't feel like I 'need' to know why she did it exactly, only that it was some kind of form of revenge in mind. Only thing we don't really have an answer on is why blu and red each had the same mercenaries, but for all we know in the Red team had the mercs we're familiar with and Blu had some other rejects. I really don't know if they even want to answer that one.
>>1053110 > but for all we know in the Red team had the mercs we're familiar with and Blu had some other rejects Outside of the elephant in the room that is the ´´MEET THE TEAM´´, the comics make it more than explicit that there is only one team of mercenaries for each generation, which suggests that both mercenaries take turns, that's why everyone calls Red and Blu are their bosses, that's why in the post MvM comics Scout and Spy remember the events of the comic where they kill Old Nick but they are Blu, that's why in the MvM comic update everyone They dress in mixed clothes, and that's why the engi wears blue in all these comics, besides the fact that several times it is said that they killed each other, there is only 1 team, TEAM FORTRESS >>1053185 What the hell are you talking about?
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>>1053230 Ignore it, it's some new retarded namefaggot who has been using the subject field to namefag.
>>1053233 Piccolo Daimao > Cell > Moro > Frieza > Gas > Zamasu > Buu > Jiren I'm not counting Beerus, Jr, Broly, Hit, or Vegeta since they're technically not villains in the traditional sense
>>1053233 medic ultra ego >>>>>> DB verse
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I really liked this ending, happiness for all our boys.
>>1053254 Who are you quoting?
>>1053110 I think the three different tragic backstories are representative of the administrator slowly forgetting why she's seeking vengeance.
>>1053270 That makes sense
Can anyone recommend a good .cbr reader? I'm using Icecream Ebook Reader at the moment but it keeps stalling for 10 seconds and wants me to subscribe to a live service for a fucking ereader.
>>1053270 I like that explanation >>1053334 SumatraPDF is FOSS, I use it personally.
>>1053334 Mcomix. It handles double page reading really well.
>>1053369 >>1053374 Thanks anons. I didn't know Sumatra did .cbr
Did scouts mom die? She wasn't at the Smissmas dinner.
>>1053032 It makes no sense to me, from an in-universe perspective, why they would call themselves "Team Fortress". Is there something I missed here? It has been years since I read the comics.
>>1053477 There were other teams named in the comic such as Team Ajax, Team Citadel, and Team Echelon. All killed by the Classic mercs.
>>1053334 CDisplay EX is by far my favorite .cbr reader and I've tried like half a dozen at this point.
>>1053510 >Team Ajax >Team Citadel >Team Echelon Considering the 4 teams mode made its debut in TFC called "murderball", maybe those were the names of green and yellow teams? The comics easily set the foundations for many spinoffs, but then: Valve won't do dick, more polygon slop instead of innovating.
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>>1053110 Pretty much this. In the game it doesn't really matter why you're blowing up a rocket launching facility or why you're taking briefcases full of documents conveniently placed in opposing buildings. The Administrator having revenge for the sake of revenge is entirely within the logic of the world of TF2. EVERYONE in the universe but the mercs wants a forever war because it's the only way they have any agency in the world around them. In fact, the mercs and Pauling are the only ones who are capable of breaking the cycle because, on the one hand, half of them are too retarded to understand the implications of their actions, and on the other hand the smarter guys want an exit option. It's telling that the Engineer is the only one who does not participate in any of this besides working on the side as the tard wrangler for the Administrator. >>1053230 Since we know that both RED and BLU employ a variety of workers and mercenaries, it's not impossible to think that in-lore/comic, the main 9 guys are just killing random no-name characters filling their roles, while in-game this is depicted as identical versions of each other. Also don't forget that the Meet the Team films in-universe are supposed to be propaganda/publicity stunts made by RED to try and hire more people. It's likely that the main 9 mercs are just moonlighting/dressing up as incompetent BLU mercenaries, and special effects / the Medigun just takes care of the gory bits.
Guess I'll reinstall TF2 and try a few match.
>>1053576 >Pointless war must keep going <Just to build the world's most profitable business I get it, but they should've gone retconning the game's unanswered questionable logic features. You sort of answered the question on why they're fighting themselves in different colors but how do you explain the duplicates in the same team? Not to mention there's official artwork recognizing such jarring logic even in the animated Meet The series also alluded that, specially in the Meet The Medic video where a fuckton of soldiers are chasing down the medic's hospital. Other thing that could easily have its own comic is how they're brought back from the death while keeping their memories intact, but I guess the closest thing is to an answer is Emesis Blue
>>1054055 It's theorized their DNA and various scans used to revive them have been stolen/shared by both sides so many times and for so long that mid match both sides can revive/spawn all of the characters. Then after the end of the days rounds, the duplicates are removed and the originals just return to their bases.
>>1053716 Yeah, I've tried that as well. Its a mixed experience to say the least, and not because of bots but because there are too many 1000 hour veterans pub-stomping. Its why I stopped playing TF2 7 years back. Most matches are unevenly balanced with one side filled with glowing hats with thousands of hours, and the other largely filled with new players or those with less than 100 hours. And the outcome is always what you'd expect What's worse than losing matches is that you can't even have fun while you're losing. You'll scarcely get more than one kill before dying yourself, unless you're already one of those veteran players I tried changing my settings, practicing, all the autistic shit, but no matter how much you practice or how much you play, there's no "getting good" enough to scale that mountain. I guess there's just no point in playing PvP games unless you're there from day one.
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>>1054356 >What's that? You want more faggy cosmetics by the cucks at TF2 Emporium?
>>1054356 As someone with 3k hours in it, you just have to put the hours in. I picked up apex this year and it took about 400 hours to start winning often enough against randoms, but I dropped it because unlike that game I can play casually in tf2 with a silly loadout and still win. Most teams fail because of team composition for the game mode, an engineer for teleporters to cut down long walks and medic for keeping people alive with crossbow uber to break chokepoints. The only unfair thing about the game is you need to modify your config files to do extremely well, like right click pulls out my secondary weapon as soldier instead of scroll wheel or 2. A guy on jewtube called Woolen Sleevelet made the one I still use today and a long video explaining it, with a few modifications I haven't kept track of. If you want to make friends just queue exclusively for powerhouse until you find one with an argument over something retarded, this means the teams are evenly matched. The map either rolls over in 5 minutes or you hold back them feeding into your team for 10-120 minutes. Lastly, most people don't have enough mousepad to aim properly at lower sensitivity, and the hitscan weapons do a lot better if you don't miss, so use soldier and aim at feet if that doesn't work out.
>>1054356 This, but also even if a game comes out TODAY I know I can't keep up with it due to a job and other life obligations taking too much time, pitting me against those with less obligations who just focus it hard every day I would fall behind, and it would just feel worse as time goes on.
>>1053257 The TF2 mercs are probably the most solid characters in videogame history. And I don't exactly mean 'well developed' or anything, but that it's a perfect application of the KISS principle to the basic concept (visual, voice, playstyle, everything) of each character, and then giving a wacky twist on the actual details. Instead of blood type you get that Pyro is so insane he practically lives in an alternate reality, or something. All of them are unhinged lunatics you probably don't want rolling around in civilized society, but that's the charm. How it will age onwards will be interesting. Will TF2 survive another generation? Is it going to just be a timeless game? (obviously not) I think it has stayed relevant longer than even Quake has. >>1054426 That's probably why "low-stakes" co-op live service games are getting so much traction. If I have an hour a day to play, I'd rather get in a game of W40k Space Marine, Helldivers 2, or Deep Rock Galactic than stress out playing some dogshit MOBA. Monster Hunter Wilds will be a huge success because of that. Depends on how they handle it's aspects. There's a growing market of gamers (read: wagies) who don't have time in the day, and can't spend two weeks of their life grinding out a game to get to a reasonable level.
>>1054429 All 3 of those co-op games also don't need more money to unlock more gameplay. Same for plenty of others.
>>1054429 People already say its dead.
>>1054464 Which is fucking stupid, casual gamers consider anything that doesn't pull League or CoD numbers "dead". Nothing in the Steam top 500 should be considered dead.
>>1053260 my error >>1053474 >Did scouts mom die nope, They already said that she is still alive >>1053477 The real question is if the classic team called themselves TEAM FORTRESS. If so, Ms P saying "WE ARE TEAM FORTRESS2 " is only to highlight that they are the team now. >>1053576 As I already said, that will always be the elephant in the room, we can say that the meet the team are all acted, but there are more points in favor that show that there are only 9 mercenaries, you never see others, when the sniper arrives to work in In that comic you only see the usual ones, and most importantly, they are known as THE TEUFORT 9 >>1054055 In the prelude to the comics they tell you very clearly, the game is a dramatization, so it is not 100% faithful to the events that happened, suggesting why there may be duplicate characters on both teams, in addition to the fact that it can be played with 12 members, when in the canon there were only 9 people who took turns as a team
>>1054518 canon
>>1054407 Makes sense that the TFC mercs were just as much of a threat as the TF2 mercs. After all, we played them, as well
>>1054424 Any loadout advice?
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>>1054518 IN the suit, by the way.
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>>1054529 >>1054578 I posted more on /vb/ >>>/vb/7093 >>1054543 More true than you realize :^)
>>1054576 Engineer, use the eureka effect for a week. Faster teleporter setup, you can pilfer metal easily, swap to any other primary if you want widowmaker or frontier justice or rescue ranger, and warp to sapped teleporters. Just hold the wrangler and run away from ubers so they waste time killing it as well. Medic, use the crossbow as it's faster for healing than even the quick fix, making medigun or kritzkeig the best options. Pyro can run basically anything, I like backburner with detonator jumping as the airblast penalty is mitigated by corpse ammo. Scout just use stock, spy just use stock but you can use lentranger or diamondback with spysicle if you're trying to sap teleporter entrances at the enemy spawn. Soldier can use anything but the original/stock with banners and the whip are what I often use, the shotgun is good too and the cow mangler can disable teleporters and dispensers as an uncommon useful interaction. Demoman use stock, hold right click and use stickies until you get used to it, but all of his weapons are usable. Heavy use tomislav, sandvich, gloves of running urgently. Sniper does good with any rifle you're comfortable descoping often with, piss melee combo or stock smg for other slots.

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>>1054596 Eureka effect is a terrible wrench for starter engineers. Have him use the Jag or Mini sentry first. Better for quick builds which means if they get destroyed for bad positioning, he can just build them again quickly with little disruption. Good positioning for an engineer isn't solely learned by playing as Engineer but also by playing against Engineers (good ones). Take note of what the sentry range is and where it would be most effective at denying an area to an enemy or creating/holding a chokepoint. Since the jag and gunslinger allow for quick building, you don't have to worry about repositioning your buildings often like you would with a stock wrench or eureka effect, especially if you don't own the Wrangler - which by the way, is a rather advanced Engineer item but really great for defense moreso than it ever is good for offense. Use it quickly if you notice your sentry is in trouble of being picked off by a distant soldier or demoman.
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>>1054596 >Urethra Effect Only if you get bored or just being an asshole, placing your turret in places nobody expects can be much worse than dealing against a demoman.
>>1054620 I wrote a lot of spaghetti but it's easier to say yeah pretty much. Anon seemed to lament higher level players and that's how I beat teams with parties of 6 in casual pushing me with spies and ubers when it feels like my team would lose without me and we already have a medic. >>1054632 There are better classes for killing that way, but with a teleporter up it's often fair game due to boredom in some matches. Wrangler jumping to nest on high ground is fun too.
>>1052824 Are those his children or did he just adopted them? Considering the Scout got bastardized as the numale who'll do anything just to feel the touch of a woman. >>1054660 Sodoamericans finally caught up with TF2, but then their socialist shitholes forbid them to evolve.
>>1055467 His children with several different women.
>>1055467 >Sodoamericans finally caught up with TF2, but then their socialist shitholes forbid them to evolve. ¿what the hell are you talking about?
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>>1055528 Some mystery meat chilean has been farming clickbait videos about TF2 while promoting those sites where you gamble away your virtual items and he's super fucking progressive, most of his shit is just him browsing fucking reddit. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Re_rugpxS1E A spic edition version of the other e-celeb e-cuck who also browses reddit in a desperate attempt to gain views at Jewtube now that TF2 has shit the bed and put on life support years ago.
>>1054620 >Offensive Wrangler the 75 (?) % damage reduction on sentry is always good, even on mini sentry (as long as you have sightlines)
>>1055529 >Some mystery meat chilean Say no more, the Coldespot https://www.youtube.com/@coldest9346 The most famous Spanish-speaking tftuber currently is not controversial per se, but he does have accusations of scamming, but it's not like he can be proven of anything either, since many hate him and would lie just to screw him over, so it's 50 % 50%, since the gringos don't like it, it sucks me an egg, in itself it is already a meme in the Latin community, half respected half meme Maybe the video you sent is a blatant piece of shit from a gringo with a burning ass, probably a disgusting chiter who supported Omegatronic, Coldest at least supported the #savetf2 movement a lot and helped by exposing the shitty hackers
>>1055541 <funko pop heavy
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>>1055676 That doesn't look anything like a (((Funko Pop))) you fucking moron.
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>>1055677 >soulless black eyes >giant oversized head >tiny body Actually, it's exactly the same.
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>>1054632 You would be amazed how many kills even a level 1 sentry can rack up if it's slapped down in an unusual or unconventional spot that nobody expects, rather than the usual sentry spots everybody always uses. Even moreso if you're actively supporting it, rather than just sitting there turtling it.
>>1055722 Level 1 sentries are actually deadlier than minis funny enough, I still miss the days of upgradable mini sentries when the wrangler was brand new.
>>1055729 The mini sentries weren't "upgradeable"...it was a bug where you would pick up your Level 3 with a gunslinger then placed it back down, it would turn into a mini-level 3 sentry.
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>>1055737 You know what I mean, shove your semantics up your asshole.
>>1055676 it´s a Pootis Hevy >>1055692 >chibi = Funko pop your logic sucks
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>>1055676 >>1055692 You must be 18 to post here.
>>1055812 Since when were chibis known for soulless black eyes?
>>1055858 Birds are just the Funkopops of the animal world.
>>1055860 Niggers are funko pops of the human world.
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>>1055692 Anon, I...
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>>1055541 >Exposing shitty hackers Well if you browse the gringo's channel, he's really upset that so many hackers have been slandered with pedophilia accusations: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=rmhD8zfX_4g >They can be the worst kind of terminal online faggots but god forbid if you labeled them as pedos However my main concern about Cooldest Poot is that he's backed by TF2Hunt, a gambling site that rigs their shit in favor of ecelebs.
>>1055864 Medic, Hevy and scout are funkopop of the TF2 world....and engi in funko game >>1055896 >Well if you browse the gringo's channel, he's really upset that so many hackers have been slandered with pedophilia accusations: that says a lot >However my main concern about Cooldest Poot is that he's backed by TF2Hunt, a gambling site that rigs their shit in favor of ecelebs. Yes, it is precisely what generates the most controversy, but hey, we Latinos don't give a damn about that (at least to me), the guy when he does live shows that "the page is safe" by betting and so on, but hey, There is also Zhain who does the same and Coldest hates him.
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play hadal
>>1055920 >holy "from mount paran" from habbakuk against holy spirit from new testament
Lead developer for TF3 here. As some of you may know, we at valve prefer to only make sequels that innovate in some fashion instead of making sequels for the sake of making sequels, hence why we didn’t make a new half-life game until be tech was good enough to do so. Sadly, due to spending years doing sweet FA, our creative faculties have become emaciated and after making deadlock we’re all outta ideas. As such, we’re turning to obscure mongolian pottery carving web forms for inspiration. Please propose how you would design Team Fortress 3 If you don’t come up with anything good we’ll have to rip off marvel rivals
>>1056130 Make it like splatfests where the 6 teams in >>1054407 are mirror matchups except for 1% of the time. Like the team fortress members only fight other team fortress members in the setting's traditional badlands, and a 50% chance that it's an away match on a different map setting or home match that 1%, so metafags don't all cluster onto one team.
>>1056130 Tell valve to fix the god damn VAC system, it has been months since the 64bit udpate and VAC still kicks linux players for the vague reason that "an issue with your system is preventing VAC from working" apparenlty this has been an ongoing issue with CS:GO for YEARS, so they must have brought TF2's VAC to parity with CS:GO and there is zero solutions
>>1056130 Bring back the YLW and GRN teams for one. Not present on every map, but sorta how TF2C handles it where certain maps allow for them to show up every once in a while Now the next innovation would be fully dynamic hitboxes which correspond to what a character is wearing, as well as how they move and where their vitals are located. You can keep it cartoony, but something like Darktide how metal parts on a character's body will make the bullet bounce off harmlessly. Make flak armor actually contain explosions. Make blood drip from enemies whenever they are hit on bare flesh. Make normal guns capable of headshots as well, where applicable. Make cosmetic usage detrimental to the user when they sacrifice protection for fashion.
>>1056187 TF2 actually does have programming for dynamic hitboxes (see Headshots, but each body part's hitbox actually does correspond to the player animation and hit locations).
>>1056130 Make the new entry based on the defunct teams or the first ever mercenaries during the wild west era? Pretty sure the last issue confirms the current TF2 mercenaries are the last generation, so why not a prequel, interquel or coquel to both entries?
>>1056130 In the vain hopes that this is legit not fucking likely, but a man can dream you have a few ideas already floating around; Wild-West Era teams. The actually amazing teams that were hinted at in the comic, not the failures that we played as during TF2. With all the robot shit that happened, an actual future human/robot war, or human loyalist/rebel robots warring against each other because of some mangled version of Asimov's three laws, this time with actually good form instead of looking like barely functional piles of scrap bouncing around pretending to be human. Or the Australium got found a few technological epochs later after it was dumped in the ocean, and the research continues, this time more focused its passive benefits rather than consuming it en masse to keep motherfuckers alive far past any legitimate reason to continue. Hopefully with less rainbow hair and more actually high technology bullshit like energy shields and particle accelerator weapons, or plasma cannons, you know, the good FUN shit that everyone fucking ignores and for no good goddamn reason.
>>1055920 yeah >>1056130 FEMALE CLASSES, it's what we've wanted for years, me, those who play pokemon and choose a female avatar, the few women who play the game, the shitty trannies, and those who love SFM porn, WE NEED BOOBS IN A TF3
>>1056302 If this is a joke, you've gone too far and you know it. Any inch towards femininity is a loss at this point, give those degenerates in your post absolutely zero validation.
>>1056303 Please anon, don't be a faggot, a self-respecting man plays with a female avatar in games, tell me it's a joke and that you don't think that way >so Well, if Valve puts more fucking servers on the continent, it's fine when I play alone, but when I play with friends from other northern countries the server always comes out from either Peru or Virginia, although at least that problem was partially solved and happy new year guys
>>1056308 Nigger it is a functional requirement at this point. Let them bitch and moan because that's all they'll do but give them even the slightest shred of validation and they'll run so hard with it that the hardest acid trip couldn't match whatever the fuck nightmare they've dreamed up. Fuck them. Fuck them all.
>>1056309 I would like to be able to play with a Fem Soldier without having to play fucking TF2C with its shitty servers full of lag, also, the female classes were already a concept, unfortunately they were not in the final product, maybe they didn't want controversy with seeing women hurting themselves or guys killing them if you could change class while playing, but hey, when a tf3 comes out in...I don't know, 2037, I hope they put them in
How about wall turrets?
>>1056302 Make sure to include pride unusual effects that cover the entire screen in rainbow particles each time you get a kill too.
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>>1055812 >pic with different proportions Proving me right. >>1055836 And you must be 18 to obsess over a meme cosmetic ;^) >>1055878 If look real closely at the bird's eyes you'll notice the lack of deadened plastic sheen.
>>1056312 >seeing women hurting themselves I think seeing women getting brutally murdered might cause a taboo impact compared to men's, much like with cartoon slapstick: They'd end up catering the sexual fantasies of some group of people that could potentially taint the IP's image.
>>1056524 Tf2’s cartoony giblets are hardly guro-material.
>>1056359 no, how fucking disgusting >>1056380 you became too obsessed with the image of a jewtuber >>1056524 That's what I thought, although tf2 has some gore, it's still caricatured, but hey, the protagonists are male, although we know that in that world there are female mercenaries, and the strongest thing we could see is the hevy's sister cutting her >>1056541 funny shit
>>1056541 >>1056542 Doesn't matter. You are not "allowed" to harm or even kill a woman in media the same way that you would kill men. Doesn't matter how "cartoonish" it happens. If you don't believe me, tell me which "effects" you more: the first (Or even the second pic if you need a "direct" comparison) or the third pic?
>>1052771 Games Valve turned into whale milking machines via item system and cash shop don't get sequels. TF2 isn't getting a sequel. Dota 2 isn't getting a sequel. CSGO got a sequel but it was more like an upgrade since they fucking deleted the original game.
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>>1056302 Alot of people don't want female characters because it'll just devolve into being like other shooters where everyone's trying to out-whore each other. What makes TF2 different is that fact that it's all men,and their base outfits aren't sexual at all. There's some newer community made items which arguable could be sexual, but that's not base game. TF2 wasn't made for the lewd, and females would ruin that.
>>1056548 In case I don't like gore or teenagers who think they're edgy and watch videos like that, of course, gore works in stories that require it, like in resident evil, or in some anime, and like in this cartoon mercenary game where they explode when they receive criticism, but when it's just gratuitous gore to enjoy seeing how someone suffers, it makes me repulsive, those images make me sick, all 3 >>1056568 > because it'll just devolve into being like other shooters where everyone's trying to out-whore each other. I don't know, I only play tf2 >What makes TF2 different is that fact that it's all men,and their base outfits aren't sexual at all. I said female classes, not a generic sexualized character, outside of that beta design of the fem soldier with wide hips, what other mercenary do you think is sexualized? I think none >There's some newer community made items which arguable could be sexual, but that's not base game It is as you say, simply cosmetics that are made by the community, but of course, in a hypothetical TF3, although there would be jerks who model naked, the workshop will not allow that >TF2 wasn't made for the lewd, and females would ruin that. ok, and? Sonic doesn't either, thousands of games either, and not to mention cartoons for children, but if R34 already bothers you it's another thing, adding more female classes of course it would generate more porn, but you won't deny everything that already exists either, and don't be so puritan, more female characters would not ruin a possible tf3, nor do I ask that they all be black trans people with colored hair and be a concord 2.0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvVdFXOFcjw
>>1056568 I thought not wanting female characters with sexual outfits was woke?
>>1056603 You're an illiterate twat, anon doesn't want female characters, period.
>>1056548 Your images are objectively disgusting, but both faggot images are more disgusting.
>>1056548 All drawn by women.
Actually in the first image of >>1054407 there are two female mercenaries already canonical, they just couldn't fine any incompetent enough to put in team fortress.
>>1056548 Are they okay?
>>1056687 Yeah, it would be weird to put a female character’s period in a game.
>>1056572 >adding females to a exclusively male group won't ruin it Bet you're ok with girls in the Boy Scouts and female priests
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>>1056603 I don't want female playable characters in the game period, they aren't needed and would only lead to decay. If people want to have mods and custom servers that's up to them, but the base game should be female free. Want to play as females in the base game? Go play Overwatch/Paladins/Marvel Rivals/etc.
why are you so afraid of women, anons
>>1056765 I'm not because I'm not gay
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>>1056765 Because women are woke, DEI, etc >t. neo-/v/
>>1056312 This is dumb They should make em all Kawaii anime grills And add weird classes as Gacha And pack it all up as a dating sim yeah.....
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>/v/ sure complains about woke a lot, isn't that right my fellow goym?
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>>1056603 a game without women sounds gay honestly >>1056724 They go to fucking extremes, one thing is having playable female characters, another is wanting menstruation to be a mechanic >>1056760 ¿? If you are referring to a game I don't understand it, but, In Latin America there are no girl scouts, and nuns are common, your point is? >>1056764 >Go play Overwatch/Paladins/Marvel Rivals/etc. This is a TF2 thread with a hypothetical talk about TF3, if I wanted to play those games I would play them, and I don't want to >>1056780 You need to be of legal age to post on this chan, go to sleep, you will surely have school tomorrow
>>1056845 >¿? ah
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>>1056542 They definitely pulled out the: >Men have sense of humor and can roll with the punches >>1056603 Sexualized token whores used for waifubait are the equivalent of Jim Crow to women: >Missing the point so badly to think it's a dehumanizing mockery Bear in mind blackface was used as a protest due to lack of shitskins in Pedowoods films, while strong independent sluts are supposed to showcase that women can be the protagonists who refuse to give up while retaining their femininity and beauty. >>1056708 They're pretty sadistic psychopaths, seriously, terminal online dykes tend to draw some real nasty shit that could make DeviantArt's fetish shit look normal in comparison. >>1056765 I just hate bad designs.
>>1056951 >Men have sense of humor and can roll with the punches Who does that remind me of?
>>1056765 They always push for the shittiest changes to games, and their only value is their body. With that in mind, why not just jerk it before playing games so it's out of your system.
>>1054424 What about mouse settings? Sensitivity, dpi and all that shit?
>>1057276 Funny, I was going to write about it and other stuff but it was too wordy. Personally I use sensitivity .2 at 3000 dpi. I like centimeters per 360 as a better measurement, look at a corner and see if you can do a 360 on your mousepad to look at the corner again. Between 25-40 is pretty good for tf2, there isn't an answer but you should get a mousepad large enough to try a handful for weeks at a time. It's difficult to get used to, but glass is a good mousepad material for less drag if you can afford it. I did alright with 8,000 dpi at sensitivity 2-5 before I made the switch though, just that I can aim hitscan weapons now.
>>1056845 My only problem with Mimi sentry's design is that the hair doesn't look mechanical at all, whereas every other part of her does.
So where are the servers where you can actually play as a team instead of random pub nonsense?
>>1058009 "Pub nonsense" is what made this game, kys nigger
>>1058062 >unironically defending nutf2’s public servers.
>>1058009 look up highlander tf2 teams to join, or if you don't want competitive play join uncletopia servers
>>1058173 Community servers (i.e. what people were raised on in TF2 before matchmaking) must be distinguished apart from casual/competitive servers that the MyM update brought along. Community servers used to be the heart and soul keeping TF2 alive and prospering with new maps and game modes. Now it's been reduced to a niche subset because all of the players prefer the convenience that the casual button provides.
>>1057259 You have a point, but the topic only came up because I wanted to play with female characters, not because I wanted hyper-busty girls. >>1057276 sometimes that shit gets ugly >>1057323 moldable plastic, that simple
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>>1056970 This drawing? >>1058187 I'll never understand why 2fort is the only map that managed to gain servers just to fuck around with disabled ways to win a match, what about the other CTF maps? Fucking doublecross is getting rarer everyday to find.
>>1058256 That mouse is super cool! I genuinely like it
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Just as this thread was about to slip off the catalog, the bots return.
>>1070142 In Casual? Fuck. I've been meaning to play TF2C anyways. Anyone want to join me some time?
>>1070159 TF2C is still around? I remember trying to play that shit during covid lockdown and all severs were dead with only 6-7 people in them.
>>1070346 They were extremely alive 2 years ago, update 2 or 3 weeks ago added nade medigun and a civilian cane that hastens reloading, firing, and movement.
They just released TF2's source SDK. What can we expect now?
>>1072645 You can use steam to host servers without doxxing your ip, for starters.
>>1072645 I guess there's going to be a uptick of custom stuff like weapons/models/maps/mods/whatever now that it can be more tailor made to fit peoples niche. For now, i'll just guess it'll be gmod: tf2 edition.
>>1072645 Made a new thread for this as it's kinda huge news. >>1072658 >>1072658 >>1072658 >>1072658 >>1072658

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