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(170.59 KB 600x360 End of E3gelion.png)

Squilliam compilation thread – The End of E3gelion Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 03:39:45 Id: ed8325 No. 978559
> -1085 days until E3 Since it's summertime and E3 is officially dead and buried, I'm making one final Squilliam compilation video. Any Squilliam ideas you've been sitting on, this is your chance to get them in. Let's take a moment to remember the time every studio used to gather in one place to present their latest and greatest, before everyone started holding their own little conference no one cares about. If you have any memorable moments of past E3s, good or bad, post them in this thread. For old time's sake and so I can put some of it into the video. >I'm a newfag and what is this? It's been an 8chan tradition to make OC from a template based on Squilliam from Spongebob getting a heart attack. Download a template, open it in your favorite drawing/editing software and go nuts. When you're done, post it here (in a reply to the right anchor post to help me keep track of it). >How long do I have? I'm aiming for Sunday the 23rd of June as submission deadline, the video will be released sometime after that. >Can [board] on the webring participate? Of course! Whether it's a video game board, or just a hangout board interested in making OC. All I ask is that you help me find it by cross-posting your stuff here and linking it to the proper anchors. Feel free to share in your post what board you're representing. >What song are you going to use? Walk Away by Dokken >Is there gonna be a mosaic? Yes, see the later post. Try to make your squares E3-related if you can, this is about the death of E3, after all. >Are we never gonna see another compilation again? You probably will, I hope to make another one with a new template next year. I'm not making any promises, however.
Edited last time by Mark on 08/19/2024 (Mon) 17:19:24.
(6.12 KB 640x640 squilliam_base.png)

(6.16 KB 640x640 squilliam_base_girl.png)

(13.24 KB 640x640 squilliam flat 1.png)

Squilliam anchor Reply to this when you're posting a new Squilliam.
(34.87 KB 643x643 MosaicGuide.png)

Mosaic anchor Claim your tile before you work on it so no one else accidentally picks the same one. Remember to mention the name of your tile in both claim and delivery, so people can Ctrl+f to find it. Try to keep it E3 related.
(715.00 B 160x160 A1.png)

(669.00 B 160x160 A2.png)

(1.07 KB 160x160 A3.png)

(1.04 KB 160x160 A4.png)

(1.56 KB 160x160 B1.png)

(955.00 B 160x160 B2.png)

(1.76 KB 160x160 B3.png)

(1.30 KB 160x160 B4.png)

(669.00 B 160x160 C1.png)

(889.00 B 160x160 C2.png)

(1.86 KB 160x160 C3.png)

(786.00 B 160x160 C4.png)

(1010.00 B 160x160 D1.png)

(1.08 KB 160x160 D2.png)

(1.02 KB 160x160 D3.png)

(1.06 KB 160x160 D4.png)

(588.88 KB 640x640 here lies e3.png)

E3 moments anchor This is the grave of E3, do something funny with it.
(12.40 KB 640x640 SexTemplate1.png)

(12.42 KB 640x640 SexTemplate2.png)

(3.39 KB 640x640 stage.png)

And lastly, some more templates
>>978568 The front page looks pretty funny right now.
Madman I'll contribute for sure
(2.66 KB 640x640 glasses template.png)

(3.63 KB 263x263 tiny squilliam female.png)

(3.62 KB 263x263 tiny squilliam male.png)

>>978569 Oh I've got some more too.
(43.16 KB 640x640 sam.png)

>>978560 Deliveran
(2.96 MB 640x360 1587526160666.gif)

>>978559 >I'm not making any promises, however. you WILL make the promise and you WILL be happy
>>978559 How many images do you need?
>>978732 Ideally somewhere between 150 and 200, not counting the mosaic tiles. Note that this is still a rough estimate subject to change. The second verse and chorus are cut, to keep the song at a more manageable length. The duration of the soundtrack clocks in at 3:52 right now. I can also slow down the pacing in some parts, and I will throw in some E3 clips in place of some pictures, so I can still work if the number turns out a bit lower. >>978699 Start up the OC factory, then we'll talk.
>>978964 Honest, I don't really see it happening come the 23rd considering how the site never really gained traction. Although you're more than welcome to give it a go.
(442.94 KB 640x640 AI moonlight squilliam 1.png)

(390.44 KB 640x640 AI moonlight squilliam 2.png)

I did a couple of these quick ones back in 2022 when AI was still special. Either are there if you need filler. >>979036 I usually do multiple ones anyway. So if anons do at least a couple then we should make it.
I'm pretty sure I have 2 or 3 more that I made up since the last compilation and I may have some saved that other anons did afterwards too.
>>979081 Was a Columbine Squilliam made yet?
>>979097 Someone should make a Mr. Domino Squilliam.
>>978569 Another template.
>>978559 I'll do a couple this weekend when I have the time. I need to think up some decent ones.
>>978559 Hard to believe the ride is coming to its finish. End of an era, huh? Kinda hurts that I've wanted to attend the E3 since I was a kid but couldn't due to financial reasons, and now I never will.
(15.65 MB 480x360 E3 2004.webm)

>>979297 You weren't missing much post 2012
>>979300 Now you've got me thinking about anon happy about finally joining E3, only to end up stuck in an overly long and awkward Just Dance ad show.
(383.13 KB 640x640 nos.png)

(93.02 KB 640x640 ara anon squilliam.png)

(379.64 KB 640x640 MUST KILL CHAOS.png)

(491.54 KB 640x640 ColeSquillam_GG.png)

I'm not sure these were ever used or not. I think they were made after the last compilation by various anons.
>>979505 CHAOS
>>979969 I hurt myself today
>>979991 to see if I still feel
>>980226 Turns out I still do. Ow.
I'm going to try to do some this weekend. I've not had ANY time all week.
>>980236 I also have a couple ideas ready to go.
>>980316 Me three, I can't make any promises on delivery though if I get distracted by the womenfolk.
>>980236 >>980316 >>980398 Looking forward to it. If you're strapped for time, you can also pick a mosaic square to do some edits on.
I hate EEE dying, I don't so much look forward to the announcements, but I hate missing seeing people call them niggers live.
(103.06 KB 640x640 THE ENDO (of E3).jpg)

There was an attempt. Made me break out an old animation software for this joke.
I'll get this started. >>978566 Claiming C1.
(27.72 KB 160x160 C1 WIP.png)

>>980878 Consider this to be a WIP until more squares are delivered.
(429.46 KB 213x201 angry dome.gif)

>>980900 >500.99 instead of 599
>>980905 FUCK. I'll fix it in the next update.
(39.43 KB 160x160 C1 complete.png)

(9.42 KB 225x225 Benissimo.jpg)

(44.80 KB 160x160 C1 complete.png)

>>980921 I actually meant to post this version.
>>980922 Groovy, I love the aesthetic.
(417.59 KB 640x640 Sensei Squiliam.png)

>>978560 Mosaic coming up as well
>>978564 A3 delivery
>>981131 Nice anon. I'll do another mosaic piece or so once there's a few more deliveries.
(108.15 KB 640x640 hor.jpg)

>>978560 am i doing this right?
>>981673 Milk please, yes
>>981673 You done good anon.
>>981673 bueno
>>981673 Absolutely right
(499.20 KB 640x640 Renamon Squilliam b.png)

>>982228 Glad to see you got it done anon.
(33.03 KB 643x643 MosaicStatus.png)

Some great contributions in here. I believe there'll be even more OC over the weekend, but I think it's safe to say the project could benefit from having a bit more production time. This lets you make more Squilliams and gives you time to finish the mosaic without having to rush. As I mentioned earlier, I'll be busy for the next 5-7 weeks, and I won't be able to tend to the project for that period. I'll try to check in, and keep track of mosaic tiles when I can. In other words the deadline will be extended to the end of July or the beginning of August. I'll announce when I'm back for good, and you'll have at least a week after that to finish your work.
(253.49 KB 640x640 Rhyme squilliam.png)

>>978560 This has early game spoilers for TWEWY, so I'm using the spoiler function. Made my first one in GIMP, installed it just for this. This is the first time I participated in something like this. It was fun, it helped open up a potential interest in drawing for me, and I hope to redraw this in the future with improved skills. Sorry if I'm not quite up to par in terms of artistic talent.
(317.08 KB 640x640 squilliam_tonk.png)

I will make another tonk squilliam. t. tonk anon
(74.20 KB 331x301 lazy lazy.png)

>>982491 >deadline will be extended these words, in any context, are like crack cocaine for my soul
>>982491 Despite having more users now than a few years ago, we seem to have less oc. Very strange.
>>982577 Draw a kawaii bradley.
>>982491 Glad to hear. I'm sure we'll complete it by then. I even have a partially finished Squilliam from a few years ago that I'm going to try and complete in the next few days.
(103.98 KB 454x453 1423673527179-0.jpg)

>>982605 >Kawaii bradley >Kawaii Nigga you for real?
>>982614 it is certainly more specific than "Cute bradley"
>>982710 Kawaii is literally the japanese word for cute though.
>>982726 That's why it means the japanese version of cute.
>>982805 Interesting. So you're telling me that kawaii means cute? That cute = kawaii, but in Japanese. That the Japanese word kawaii is what an English speaker would use in place of cute to describe something, in that it's kawaii (cute)? Is that what kawaii means?
>>982930 Interesting bait but a bit too obvious
>>982946 Bait? He's obviously making fun of him.
Come on gays, let's go
(506.83 KB 640x640 Renamon Squilliam fix.png)

>>982228 >>978560 Minor update
>>983242 Gays don't go, they come
(177.49 KB 682x576 Maria WIP.jpg)

>>983242 I've been working on one but it's a slow go because it's a million degrees and I'm fighting sinus bullshit. I'm in no position to try and draw her hair tonight.
Glad to see this underway. I got nothing to share other than a possible song to use for next time. >Why the song choice? Because it's about a dude wanting to see the show on his computer but shit is always going wrong.
>>984780 Anons are too lazy to edit a 640x640 png template.
>>984780 >WHERE ARE THE SQUILLIAMS???? Have a Nep.
>>984780 I've got some planned but I've not had time yet. Also I was waiting for other anons because I didn't want all mine to be clustered together in a dump.
>>984848 Thank yee
>>984780 I have been both too busy and depressed.
My personal difficulty in making Squilliams is figuring out what exactly to draw. Perhaps it'd help the few anons who still intend to draw if some ideas got tossed around? I can hardly remember what games were released in the past year, let alone what happened.
>>985224 I just pick female video game characters with huge breasts. And if they don't have huge breasts I add them.
>>985230 Nice, great idea. Maybe I'll do a Vibri one tonight.
>>984848 I think I could make this Nep better and that's what I did. >>985224 I suggest Yae (third pic) from the Goemon series. She deserves more love.
>>985243 >vibreasts I highly encourage you to do so. Heck, even without breasts.
>>985243 Going to try and get this done tonight, and additionally I'm claiming D3. I've got a couple ideas that should work well. >>978567
(176.08 KB 708x653 virbri google search.png)

I also found some, uh, interesting results when looking for reference.
(21.01 KB 640x640 vibri squilliam complete.png)

(22.12 KB 640x640 vibri squilliam lewd.png)

Vibri complete. I would have been done sooner but I kept trying to make her ass bigger and bigger and I forgot to clean something up on the original image.
(1.22 MB 320x320 qE90EA.gif)

>>985422 10/10
Setting a reminder for myself to make a Squilliam of the Squiggliam
>>985888 I don't get why these paintings became a meme. It's meant to be an abstract portray of rape. They're harrowing, honestly.
>>985936 I thought it was meant to portray her period? Why else was the second image with the squiggle man on a backdrop the same color as her skin?
>>985936 I think it became a meme precisely because it's so harrowing. It's the same reason people make memes about Eraserhead and Uzumaki. >>985937 The paintings are called Il Visitatore del Mattino, the woman in it is named Daniela. The artist commented the works. >Daniela stava accudendo alle pulizie domestiche quando arrivò uno strano tipo. La ghermì, le usò violenza, entrò letteralmente in lei, al punto da deformarla. This translates to. >Daniela was tending to housekeeping when a stranger entered. He grabbed her, used violence on her, literally entered her, to the point of deforming her.
>>985936 >I don't get why these paintings became a meme. It's meant to be an abstract portray of rape So what? People know what it means.
>>985936 Niggercattle will latch to the flavour of the day just to get some interactions.
(5.07 KB 160x160 D3 complete.png)

>>985374 D3 delivered.
>>986032 Excellent job anon!
>>986037 ty, I may do another since the mosaic is really taking its time.
>>986054 Yeah me too. I was planning on trying to do some full Squilliams over the long weekend but I've picked up a summer cold and I may have to settle with a square or two.
I need more Squilliams
>>986697 I'm sorry. I hab birus rn.
(97.13 KB 640x640 sick squilliam.png)

>>986887 I gotchu bro.
>>987006 Would print and frame post ngl
>>987006 Pretty good.
>>987006 Is he vaxxed?
>>987185 Judging by the fact that he's still alive, probably not.
(97.82 KB 640x640 (you).png)

For this piece, I depicted the thrilling and productive work the majority of anons must be doing to be kept too busy to draw squilliams.
>>988163 Absolutely disgusting, it's perfect.
>>988163 >featuring Brendan Fraser in the role of Anon
>>988163 joke's on (You), I'm not nearly that bald
>>988220 But are you pig-like?
(762.82 KB 640x640 Gmod Squilliam.png)

I sure hope nobody's thought of this idea before.
>>987006 I'm finally (almost) over the fucking summer flu and I can maybe contribute now. Worked a little on Maria Retard today.
>>988325 1 month? How many boost did you get, anon?
Here's Crash I winged. I should have found a way to include wompa fruit but oh well.
>>988163 >>988568 >>988284 >>987006 >>985422 >>985252 These guys forgot to reply to the anchor, so I'll do it for them. >>978560
>>988595 Oh, thanks for reminding me I forgot to reply to the anchor as well with >>980673 >>978559 I'll also try to make another squilliam or two, but I can't draw for shit so I have to use 3D software, sadly. I'll see if I can come up with any other ideas. Want to do one with Miku but not sure what to do for the background.
(528.96 KB 700x525 la0dbkvz1b6a1_digiral.png)

>>988655 Maybe the background could be an empty grocery store produce section? To imply they are sold out of leeks or something?
How many more squilliams do you need OP?
>>988163 I got a job actually
>>989003 Congratulations!
(2.80 MB 718x476 NOORMIEEES.webm)

2015 8/v/ was watching E3 and everyone was on mumble
>>989792 I kinda wanna make a Teamspeak server for those events, but I also don't want it to be a group of dramafags and cancerous retards.
So… Is anyone making a squilliam based on yesterday’s events?
(21.95 KB 140x200 5b9c701045e8e_cropd.jpg)

What are some games actually came out in the past year someone could make a Squilliam for? I can think of a lot of stuff that's happened but not many games really. >>989799 Someone definitely should.
>>989820 >Games from the past year. Let's see, in no particular order and has came out since June 1, 2023. >Unicorn Overlord >Super Mario Wonder >Elden Ring DLC >Granblue Fantasy Relink. Already has a squilliam. >>980673, but you could make a different joke about the same game. >Granblue Fantasy VS: Rising >UnderNight In:Birth 2 >The Coffin of Andy and Leyley I think? Might want to double check on this one, but it's still very topical. >Slay the Princess >Lethal Company >Content Warning >Indigo Park >Exit 8 >Touhou 19: Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghosts >Ready or Not Went 1.0 late 2023, though was in early access for a while. >Remnant From the Ashes 2 >Starfield >Baldur's Gate 3 >Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom This one might be barely too old to count. >Dragon's Dogma 2 And that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's quite a few I missed.
>>989820 I don't think we've had a squilliam fest since Elden Ring came out but even then we just had the DLC. Also Lies of P came out late last year. There's also the anatomy of a gamer/child gf thing.
>>989856 Thanks for the list, I'll look over these again when I get home.
(21.11 KB 640x640 The D.png)

(25.96 KB 640x640 Whale Template.png)

>>989799 >>989820 I've drawn Donald at least. Don't know if I'll get time to finish the rest of the pic since I have a full time job. Also, here's a template for anyone who wants to make a moderator squilliam.
>>990098 That's fucking nice anon.
>>990098 Anon? he's a great guy, he did a great job, really good, I know he's gonna do great with the rest of the pic, I love this guy.
(846.72 KB 1000x750 11981-1000x830.jpg)

>>990098 Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve got to tell you about Anon. He’s fantastic, absolutely fantastic. He’s got talent, he’s a hard worker, and he gets incredible results. But, folks, even the best can sometimes miss a detail. You see, Anon is great, truly great, but he forgot something. He forgot to draw a bloodied ear. Can you believe it? An ear! It’s a small thing, but i treasure it. We all make mistakes, folks, even Anon. But you know what? He’s going to fix it, and it’s going to be the best ear shot you’ve ever seen. Anon learns fast, and he always comes through. That’s why he’s the best. Thank you.
(53.83 KB 640x640 D2.png)

>>990353 >>991339 The blood won't have any lines
I've still been struggling through this cold and the heat but I've got all of Maria done but the shading. I've never been so non proficient in a compilation before. I'll try to do some quick ones later to make up for it if anon needs some to fill in. >>991492 This is great anon.
>>991492 That's a very nice style, the facial expressions make me think of Tintin.
(67.45 KB 640x640 D Colors.png)

Still a WIP. I used colors from the photos,but I think they may need adjustment.
>>991875 Give trump more saturated trump colors but without going overboard, just so that he stands out a bit more
(50.56 KB 640x640 lmoa.png)

>>991884 >mfw that actually works really well
>>991884 Spectacular
>>991884 Seriously, why is he orange, is it a skin condition or cosmetics?
>>991988 Cosmetics, he's actually been photographed without it before and he looked 20 years younger. If you've seen photos of Trump during the 90s he had this look too. I have no idea why he started doing it, I can only assume it's a holdover from his reality TV days. Trump is rather pale in reality so maybe makeup people from The Apprentice wanted to make him look better for TV and it stuck.
(29.59 KB 640x640 Maria Renard.png)

>>983713 She been a long time coming but she finally came!
>>992171 I wonder what she saw to make her squilliam like that.
>>992267 Netflix Alucard
(389.97 KB 994x955 Maria.png)

>>992171 >but she finally came! And so did I!
>>992094 Hasn't anyone told him that it looks like shit? Or is it now at the point where the cosmetics have degraded his skin so much that it's stuck permanently?
(198.14 KB 638x364 it's happening.png)

(100.89 KB 260x319 DO IT FAGGOT.png)

(100.44 KB 604x440 fire.png)

Fire! I really wanted to do a version in her geisha gear but I don't think there's much time left, cheers.
>>992891 >but I don't think there's much time left The mosaic has 3 squares complete and there has only been 21 deliveries so far, including yours. There's enough time until there's enough squilliams to fill out a video.
(79.84 KB 640x640 Donald.png)

>>978560 Done. >>992778 You might have to extend it another month anon.
>>993336 haah waaw
>>992778 Please understand, having to work from home for 4 hours a day is exhausting. I'll finally get around to it on the weekend.
>>992778 >>993504 I'm not the OP. I was just trying to cheer anons on. I didn't mean for it to come across as pushy. Sorry.
(1.12 MB 900x760 Buckle up.gif)

>>993504 >Have to work 9 hours a day >Go to work on foot >Calluses on top of calluses on my hand and feet >Still got time to make videogames and shit edits DO IT PUSSY FUCKING DO IT!!!!
>>993606 I wish I could suck your dick after you get home
(98.98 KB 360x270 faggot.mp4)

>>993679 You are not a woman so unfortunately for you, that will never happen!
>>989820 Dunno if last year but Palworld came out early this year, does that count?
>>993814 I'd say that more than counts.
I'm attempting something that will take up multiple frames so maybe that'll take a little bit of pressure off.
(26.22 KB 640x640 letter.png)

>>993814 >>989820 Duly noted.
>>994130 is that's a suicide note
>>994134 It's left to interpretation. I meant it as a breakup letter
I've tried to make it clearer. Just pick the one you want.
(62.78 KB 640x640 tinkidney.png)

>>994160 That one is pretty damn good anon.
>>994160 Heh, I always like Squilliams that do something fun with the nose.
>>994130 >>994152 >>994160 Bretty good. >>994187 Same.
>>988284 Amazing. I don't think I've seen a gmod one before, I love the scene.
(26.05 KB 640x640 birdie.png)

>>989856 One that came not too long ago:
I swear to God I have at least one, maybe two, to deliver by tomorrow. Just stay tuned.
>>994754 I'm actually basically done with one myself but I'm futzing around about the background and how to style the stage.
(59.60 KB 640x640 Wendy et Marine no BG.png)

(200.64 KB 640x640 Wendy et Marine.png)

(55.48 KB 640x640 Wendy et Marine purple BG.png)

It's like 95% done but I'm drawing a complete blank for the background right now. The stage may need to change too depending.
>>994815 I thought you were using the sex template.
(260.67 KB 467x400 The WHAT.jpg)

>>994819 >the sex template
>>994815 I actually like the gradient one. In doubt you could always draw a generic background from the comics. >>994821 >>978569
>>994832 Yeah I kind of like the gradient one too. I might shift it around to make the text a little more readable. I've also got an alt version I'll try to post tomorrow. >>>978569 Wew. That didn't even cross my mind.
>>994815 Was there ever a Les Sisters vidya, and was it even good (which I doubt)?
(22.50 KB 640x640 Helena.png)

(25.81 KB 640x640 postal dude.png)

(451.36 KB 640x640 rad dude.png)

(164.88 KB 640x640 Sparky.png)

(18.25 KB 640x640 Wario.png)

I realize I haven't done anything for this year FUCK
>>994874 There's two. I've not played them yet so I can't comment on them.
(346.74 KB 640x640 goumang_corrected.png)

>IMMA PAINT ALL DEM SQUILLIAMS <TWO (2) [dos] fucking hours later I only got one pls send unretarded hands and functioning brain
>>978560 >>994986 >forgot to anchor FUCK
>>994986 I can save her
>>994874 It's a sort of minigame compilation/VN/dressing simulator it looks like. It looks cute at least.
許して。。。次の月なら許して。。ゴホン 我々の調子が減少だから。。。 でも、ゴホン。。絶対明日にはスクイリアムを完成しますぞ。。。絶対に
(534.10 KB 640x640 YAY FOR THE BLOOD GOD!.png)

>>995012 Quique translation: >The dad: Here, that's for you! >We're back in vidya! >[THE SISTERS ARE BACK!] >Wendy: that's the online Sisters tablet! >Marine: yay! So cool! >[FOR AN ADVENTURE...] >???: can I teach you how to become a star in Sisters? >Wendy: good idea! >[THAT'S UTTERLY "BONKERS"!] >Marine: look at the video I've made on Sisters! >Wendy: please, stop thinking you're the queen of the world. >Marine: let's do a contest and see who has the most followers. >Marine: there! Another follower. >[EXPLORE THE CITY] >[PUT ON YOUR BEST ATTIRE] >Marine: that's giga-mega-cool! >[PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS] >Wendy: too easy hyuk hyuk >Marine: super speeeed! >Wendy: let's gooo! >both: Sisters 2: Network Stars! >Wendy: now available! >Marine: yep, already! >Wendy: stop it! >Marine: what do you mean stop it, you dirty [???]
>>995144 It's so weird how they localized Marine's name in the US. It became Maureen. I'm not sure why they felt a need to change it at all since Marine is a perfectly common and easy to pronounce word, but if they did feel the need to change it the why not Marie? You know since she's French. And Maureen is pronounced almost like Marine anyway so what's the point?
>>995147 If I'm going schizo it was to reference the Moors (Maures) because she's too white. In France there's also an insane way of localizing names and especially titles. French Canadians translate litterally, but regular Frenchmen like to localize titles, or even replace English titles with other English titles. >The Deer Hunter -> "Voyage au bout de l'enfer", lit. "trip to the end of Hell" >Die Hard -> "Piège de Cristal", lit. "crystal trap" >Cruel Intentions -> "Sexe Intentions" >First Blood -> "Rambo" >The Hangover -> "Very bad trip" >Analyze This -> "Mafia Blues"
>>995147 Just because something is a word doesn't mean it's a good name.
(395.94 KB 640x640 wingdiver_compl.png)

We have approximately 27 deliveries so far by my count. >>978562 Here's how the Mosaic is going. >>978562 >mosaic deliveries >>986032 >>981131 >>980922 >>995287 Nice.
>>978564 Also claiming A4.
(17.50 KB 640x640 neighbor 1.png)

(16.13 KB 640x640 neighbor 2.png)

Anon delivers, after 3000 years I might make more...later...depending on how I feel, and if this thread remains up
(16.09 KB 640x640 Illustration3.png)

(15.24 KB 640x640 squilliam_base_girl.png)

(23.69 KB 640x640 N8.png)

>>978559 Sorry for being late on this. Here's Ayamari and N8/Nate.
(9.24 KB 160x160 LET'S FUCK ON THE ROCKS.png)

>>978559 >>995309 A4 has been delivered.
>>995383 She reminds me of a Homestar Runner character.
(9.49 KB 637x640 Coffee_Button_cropped.png)

(9.85 KB 640x640 E3_ded_cropped.png)

(13.15 KB 640x640 Ren_Victory__cropped.png)

>>978560 uncropped versions at >>995563
>>995565 Most excellent MarioPaint-anon. >>995383 Nice!
>>995565 >637x640
>>995583 >637x640 Easier seen on modern monitors, I assume.
What's the deadline? I won't be able to get anything finished until tomorrow evening.
>>978562 I very nearly panicked when I did a quick combination of mosaic deliveries because the mosaic looked like it had gaps and was out of proportion and I couldn't figure out how OP had distorted it in this very specific way. Then I realized he had just done the guide differently than how most anons had and it actually is all correct.
>>996280 There's no set deadline. OP hasn't even returned yet, I don't think. Just keep making them everyone.
>>996290 Should this thread still be stickied? It's been like this for two months.
>>996290 ONE MORE WEEKEND for the stragglers Unsticky it on Monday
>>996415 Okay, sorry it didn't work out
>>996415 >ONE MORE WEEKEND >even the Mosaic is only 1/4 done WEW
>>995377 Nice. You should do the squiggly now.
(189.71 KB 640x640 anon cafe RIP.png)

>>996415 Here's a quick one.
>>996452 Eerily comfy
(66.67 KB 715x579 working on it.png)

>>996415 Even if we unsticky it don't rush the video. We could always move over to the drawthread to finish up. Also I'm working on one that's a little difficult to wrap my head around.
>>978560 Squilliam from Blasphemous
>>996456 I want my own squilliam electronic system.
>>996561 Me too. >>996456 Excellent idea, I think you're wrapping your head around it nicely so far. I'm not an electronician but I think you should also split his body apart at the joints like in the reference, such as his left elbow. Otherwise, the LCD will have to activate the entire body at once, including the entire left arm, instead of being able to pick either the lower or the upper position
(15.56 KB 667x609 progress2.png)

>>996651 > I'm not an electronician but I think you should also split his body apart at the joints like in the reference, such as his left elbow. Yeah I've been doing that tonight. I've got a little bit better grasp of the scene and the "programming" than I did in the previous version. It's still going to need some tweaks.
(2.91 KB 160x160 commieblocks.png)

>>996673 Very cool. Inspiring too, it got me thinking about other handheld games.
>>996678 Oops, forgot to scale it up
>>996678 >>996679 >suddenly see it Oh that's clever anon.
>>996679 >>996690 Is that stack possible in a Tetris game?
>>996706 I'm told I'm insane but I never got Tetris abilities, just a fat shrink and lots of pills.
>>978562 >>978567 Claiming D4
(15.89 KB 160x160 D4 complete.png)

(29.24 KB 301x498 american-bear-clapping.gif)

>>997292 I love the 4koma gaijin.
(6.98 MB 440x460 8chEmotion.webm)

(6.64 MB 440x460 8chbits.webm)

(11.81 MB 1000x1080 8chholdmeback.webm)

(5.66 MB 500x500 8chshrug.webm)

(33.31 KB 643x643 MosaicStatus.png)

Alright, things are finally starting to clear up on my end. I'm not completely free yet, but as I said earlier, I'll let you know when I am and give you another week on top of that. I've been ignoring the news cycle too, looks like I missed some major happenings. I have to say, the average quality of Squilliams is crazy good this year. It's a shame that the number of pics is rather small. To you anons who Were intimidated by the other submissions or thought it took too much time to make, don't be. The reason there's a template is so you don't have to try so hard if you don't want to. I'll leave some earlier compilations for inspiration. At the rate it's going, the mosaic might turn out to be a bottleneck. We have 5/16 tiles so far, and I don't want to release a compilation with an incomplete mosaic. That's something to deliberate over for the next week or so. >>996452 F
>>997307 >and give you another week on top of that Thanks. That'll help. >At the rate it's going, the mosaic might turn out to be a bottleneck. We have 5/16 tiles so far, and I don't want to release a compilation with an incomplete mosaic. That's something to deliberate over for the next week or so. I hope we can get it done. Mark >>997293 why don't you edit the OP, in BIG RED LETTERS, with the deadline and also emphasizing that we need more mosaic tiles especially.
>>997307 Might as well dump some previous Squilliam comps too
>>997314 Where previous Squilliam E3 2013, 2014, 2015, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023?
>>997310 Done, perhaps I'll make a few commissions this time as well. I'm just light on money this month.
Where’s the squillliam of sweet baby inc burning to the ground? Or geoff keighley morning the loss of e3?
>>997350 There are a few other current events I've been thinking of that could get a Squilliam. Game Informer is kill, Bungie is in hot water over a ton of layoffs, Fallout London came out, there was a bunch of drama over the new Assassin's Creed game featuring Yasuke as the samurai main character, the absolutely sickening Borderlands movie is getting made, and probably a ton of other stuff I forgot over the last couple months.
(433.98 KB 640x640 Squilliam Mosaic 2022.png)

(421.07 KB 640x640 Squilliam Mosaic 2022 alt.png)

(366.01 KB 640x640 I'm gay.png)

>>997350 Anon be the squilliam you want squilliam in the squilliam! I believe in you! >>997335 >Where previous Squilliam E3 2013, 2014, 2015 I'm pretty sure 2016 was the first compilation >2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023? There was no compilation in 2020 and 2023(?) 2022 was only a mosaic. Don't know where 2021 is though. I'm pretty sure either 2017 or 2018 has an alt vid too.
(250.90 KB 640x640 be the shit.png)

(245.93 KB 640x640 be the shit alt.png)

(376.84 KB 1998x1528 1301623899140.gif)

>>978560 Another delivery
>>978559 >DEADLINE IS IN 6 DAYS OK, I've miscommunicated somewhat. My schedule is starting to clear up, but I still have some cleanup to do. Next Thursday or Friday is when I'll be able to focus on the compilation fully, and that's when I'll start counting down the week before submissions close. I'd like to hear your input on how to handle the mosaic. While I'm not principally opposed to extending the deadline again, I'm not sure that's the right way forward. >>997408 Here's the 2017 alt version and another one for 2016.
>>997653 >>997653 >I'd like to hear your input on how to handle the mosaic. Well I already linked the mosaic in the drawthread. I guess you could link it on some of the other boards to see if any of the anons are interested in doing a square. If there's any bilingual anons here you could link it on the spanish side of the site. >While I'm not principally opposed to extending the deadline again, I'm not sure that's the right way forward. Let's not worry about that yet. Having a deadline tends to bring anons out of the woodworks. Hey Mark, Acid, Josh, etc. have you done a square yet? ANONS HAVE YOU DONE A SQUARE YET??? >>978564 >>978565 >>978566 >>978567
(665.14 KB 693x688 10 squilliams-50 layers.png)

(87.12 KB 700x700 mistake.jpg)

I hope to have this one done by tomorrow because I don't want to spend forever on it.
>>997307 >>978564 I've already drawn 3 squilliams, so I'll pick b3
(62.46 KB 640x640 souljiam.png)

hope this works
>>997796 Danke!
(151.87 KB 640x640 archaludon_squilliam.png)

(372.08 KB 640x640 Eri_Kamataki_Squilliam.png)

(491.24 KB 640x640 Gameinformer_RIP_Squilliam.png)

(170.47 KB 640x640 gimmick_Yumetaro_squilliam.png)

(123.76 KB 640x640 Haymar_Concord_squilliam.png)

>>978560 Here's a delivery
(379.38 KB 640x640 Juno_OW_Squilliam.png)

(163.81 KB 640x640 Perrin_Squilliam.png)

(92.85 KB 640x640 NanakoDojima_Squilliam.png)

>>978560 Sorry for the double post, seems like some didn't go through.
>>998093 >>998095 And what a delivery it was! Did you make them all?
>>998104 Yes I did. It took a bit of time, but I made them all myself. It can be easy to get on a roll and think "one more Squilliam won't hurt, right?"
>>998109 Cheers anon. You did good.
(11.10 KB 160x160 B3.png)

>>997792 >>978564 This is meant to be the SBI mascot.
>>998093 >>998095 Thank you anon, very nice.
>>998163 We're coming up on the halfway point to the mosaic and only one more piece of the head left. Additionally half the stage is done. For any lurker that might want to try their hand at a mosaic piece but are a little intimidated, A1, A2, and C4 are empty or nearly empty squares and additionally B2 and C2 don't have much in them either to have to fuss about.
(320.93 KB 640x640 squilliam_E3_TF2_Save_TF2.png)

(216.99 KB 564x655 DO IT FAGGOT.PNG)

>>998093 >>998095 Fucking madlad!
>>978559 Mark the deadline isn't actually in 3 days see OP's post here >>997653
>>998899 Ah fugg, is ten days more accurate?
>>998904 That's probably more accurate. We should let OP tell us this weekend the exact timing.
(46.35 KB 640x640 vassago.png)

>>978560 Delivering (I remembered the anchor this time)
>>999306 We've only seen a few seconds but you've already taken a massive liking to her
>>999312 You may enjoy >>995882
>>997768 I've got everything but the hair and a little bit of posing and cropping.
(47.04 KB 160x160 C4_finished.png)

>>998606 >>978566 Here's my delivery for C4. It's my first time contributing to the mosaic so I kind of do not know what I am doing. Let me know in case it's too cramped or if there is anything else that could be improved. I am planning to add another squilliam referencing the unify fiasco within the next few days.
>>1000231 >It's my first time contributing to the mosaic so I kind of do not know what I am doing. You've done fine anon. Thanks for the delivery.
(31.93 KB 643x643 mosaic update 8-11.png)

Most remaining mosaic tiles are in the left side.
>>1000551 >>978562 Claiming D2
(52.04 KB 160x160 A1_Finished.png)

>>978562 >>978564 >>1000551 >>1000568 A1 completed and delivered.
(3.35 KB 160x160 D2.png)

>>1000572 I'm hearing the music already.
(35.20 KB 643x643 MosaicStatus.png)

Now it's on. After a weekend offline, I'm ready to work on the video again. I'll be taking everything posted up until the beginning of next week's Tuesday. There are still 7 tiles missing on the mosaic, but if you keep up the current pace, it should be doable. Still, that's only if you keep at it, so do your best!
>>978560 >need a bunch of squilliam deliveries >spend too long making 10 squilliams <they're all in a single image FUCK I'm not a clever anon. I'll have to do some quick ones this week.
>>1000862 Crazy work. How about cropping the 10 Squilliams into 10 separate individual Squilliam images, aligned to the template?
>>1000865 I was already considering doing that. Thankfully I have several Wip files saved so it would be fairly painless.
(20.84 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 1.png)

(27.10 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 2.png)

(18.23 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 3.png)

(59.27 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 4.png)

(20.00 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 5.png)

>>1000862 >>978560 I can easily now change any stages or BGs if anyone thinks of something better.
(29.89 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 6.png)

(18.56 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 7.png)

(8.85 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 8.png)

(64.43 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 9.png)

(14.11 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 10.png)

(13.80 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 1 alt.png)

(18.28 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 3.png)

(76.20 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 4 alt.png)

(18.57 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 7.png)

(8.97 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 8.png)

>>1000914 >>1000915 Edits for consistency and improvements and an alt for #1 and #4.
(64.43 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 9.png)

(14.11 KB 640x640 80's Gamers 10.png)

(8.72 KB 640x640 Kung Fu.png)

(12.03 KB 640x640 Kung Fug.png)

>>1000739 >>978562 I guess I better do another one Claiming A2
(21.68 KB 160x160 A2-unfinished.png)

>>1000739 >>978562 I don't know what to put on the rest of the banner. Any ideas?
>>1001960 Maybe the years that E3 started and ended? Like "1995-2023", or shortening the numbers if there isn't enough space. Tried to think of something more humorous but couldn't.
(21.76 KB 160x160 A2 complete.png)

(31.03 KB 643x643 mosaic deliveries 8-16.png)

>>1001982 Nice and concise and fit just perfectly. >6 squares left
>>997796 after some thought, I'm gonna actually try to make a good looking one of these before the due date.
>>1001988 Claiming D1
Alright here you go. Some actual Souljiams. Decided to do Nintendo and Psycho too because why not. I hope these are good! :) >>1002063
>>1002145 Thank ye.
(33.30 KB 640x640 MrDomino_Falling_Squilliam.png)

(404.14 KB 640x640 Ruby_Omega5_Squilliam.png)

(292.72 KB 640x640 Mario_Sonic_Games_Squilliam.png)

(86.19 KB 640x640 TOTK_Zelda_Squilliam.png)

(85.19 KB 640x640 Zonai_Zelda_Squilliam.png)

>>978560 Here's another delivery from the OC factory
(288.76 KB 640x640 Pokekids_squilliam.png)

(38.64 KB 640x640 Grayson1886_Squilliam.png)

(51.93 KB 640x640 Sakaki_Squilliam.png)

(271.60 KB 640x640 NanoShinonome_Squilliam.png)

(326.20 KB 640x640 Nano_8chTourney_squilliam.png)

(171.58 KB 640x640 ShieldKnight_Squilliam.png)

(253.30 KB 640x640 Alear_Marth_Squilliam.png)

(317.63 KB 640x640 MakotoYuki_Reload_Squilliam.png)

(286.83 KB 640x640 Elizabeth_P3_Squilliam.png)

(9.57 KB 640x640 Coffee_Button_crop2.png)

(19.96 KB 640x640 N8 Squilliam cropped.png)

>>995761 >>995583 Ah, my hand slipped while cropping >>978560
(34.21 KB 643x643 MosaicStatus.png)

Good job on all the new submissions! Reminder that there are still 5 unclaimed tiles for the mosaic.
>>1002744 I can always do another one but I'll wait till the end if there needs to be a finish up because I've already done more than one square already.
(71.34 KB 220x130 kronk.gif)

>>1002744 >>978562 Claiming B2. As others have said I probably won't do more than two tiles.
(22.42 KB 640x640 Cool Spot.png)

(34.77 KB 640x640 Cool Thot.png)

Do you think God stays in Heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?
Got an idea or two,but won't be able to do them until Monday evening due to work, fuck. I guess it's close enough to the deadline I'll still try to get them done.
>>1002717 >>1002789 betty nice
>>1002799 I'd suggest uploading it anyway and OP can add it in after the fact
(5.12 KB 160x160 B2.png)

>>1002744 >>978562 B2 deliberately delibered
>>1002803 Lol, very clever.
>>1002799 I've still got the Tiger game to finish. I'm hoping to get it completed or nearly so some time tonight.
>>978562 Claiming C2
(34.60 KB 643x643 MosaicStatus.png)

Three squares left unclaimed. >>1002799 If you post your WIP versions tomorrow and follow up with the finished versions one or two days later I'll add them in.
>>1002789 A magnificent horror piece
(441.89 KB 640x640 vhs.png)

>>978560 Greetings and apologies from /vhs/.
>>1002967 >>1002065 Hey D1 anon where you at?
(13.39 KB 640x640 lcd squilliamsprite sheet.png)

>>996673 >>996456 I've got the sprite sheet done. I just need to tweak the UI and then divide it out into frames. I'm guessing it'll end up with at least 10 to 15 frames. Should inactive elements be ghosted (see that little dot above the arm) or should I just make them the same color as the background?
>>1003126 I actually really want to play it now. >Should inactive elements be ghosted I personally prefer them that way, because it's closer to what I think they look like in real LCD screens and it's an extra detail that's quite pleasant to the eye, even though sometimes inactives elements are barely visible if at all.
(14.03 KB 640x640 base pose.png)

>>1003141 Like this? Also it almost feels like there needs to be something under the cobra in that big space.
>>1003145 Yeah, that's very cool, and even if you only have one frame you can still see them all. >there needs to be something (...) in that big space How about some onomatopoeia? Like that "CRUNCH!" in pic related
>>1003145 I'm surprised now from seeing the thumbnail how much it looks like an actual LCD game. If I hadn't been the one to have made it and didn't know what a Squilliam was I'd probably be trying to search for the game. >>1003152 That's an idea although I've almost settled on a ghost for that big space. I need something else other than the little bomb guy to force a duck anyway. But I've still got some space above his head and next to the backhand for a CRUNCH! or something like that.
>>978559 Unstickied since OPs deadline has been hit, although I doubt having a day or two extra would bother OP too much. Let me know when the project is done so I can sticky it either in this thread or a brand new thread.
>>978562 >>978566 >>1002967 Claiming C3. I've already done a tile, but since we're pretty much at the deadline, I'll pick up a second one.
(25.14 KB 160x160 C2_complete.png)

>>978562 >>1002906 Delivering
(44.94 KB 160x160 C3_finished.png)

>>978562 >>978566 >>1002967 >>1003213 C3 delivered. Apologies for the deletion, had to fix a tiny mistake
>>1003276 I'll commend you on colouring Sonic's arms TAN and not BLUE, unlike SEGA who's been using Sonic's blue arms (their Greatest Mistake Ever) WHEN THEY ARE NOT BLUE since SONIC BOOM back in 2014. I'd have been like MJ changing his skin colour (too drastic, too much) so I'm glad you've used the Tan Colour for those arms. Every time I look at the blue arms, even in anything related to the games or like a drawfag's drawing of Sonic, or the cartoons which they show on cartoon network, I see the blue arms, I go into sensory overload and get really, really, more pissed off. So thank you.
(28.48 KB 160x160 C3_fixed.png)

>>1002789 >cool spot jesus man, you had to rob a grave for this one
This is in response to the post above this one about the so-called fixing of the C3 mosaic image. Direct to the point: I will NOT have the original C3 tile which featured the Correct Tan Colour arms for Sonic replaced by the "fixed" picture of Sonic with the BLUE ARMS. The very sight of Sonic's Blue Arms makes me, Anon Anonson of 8chan, .se, .moe, suffer from consistent Sensory Overloads. Upon seeing them, my brain immediately shuts down into a momentary to lengthy (depending on how long I am forced to displeasingly endure the horrific sight) state of mental paralysis. Combined with my Autism, I only get more angry as each day passes with this pair of blue arms still remains. Either the Change back to him having tan colored arms happens IMMEDIATELY, or me and my THOUSANDS to MILLIONS of allies in the Sonic the Hedgehog Loyal Fanbase will only get more Angry and Outraged to the point of coming right over there to your thread and doing something Very Bad there. And to spare having my post quoted in the comments below this point, or in any future comments and posts in this thread or on /v/: having saved the thing you are protesting on your computer against against your initial will, regardless of acceptance out of being polite or your computer's settings or whatever, it does NOT Change my position or aynthing integral of the Protest that I Have personally started and still am working towards the cause, period. ANON!!! CHANGE SONIC'S ARM COLOUR BACK IMMEDIATELY!!! YOUR BLUE ARMS HAVE HURT NOT ONLY ME IN A NUMBER OF GREAT WAYS, BUT COUNTLESS OTHER PEOPLE (GREATER THAN A THOUSAND INDIVIDUALS) AS WELL!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR LACK OF EMPATHY AND YOUR CORRECTION!!! AND, OP, YOU BETTER NOT USE THE C3_""""FIXED"""" PICTURE, OR, YOU WILL BE SORRY. #‎FixSonicsArmsImmediatelyANON #RighteousRage #SaveTileC3
(49.50 KB 358x500 sanic.jpg)

>>1003288 You tell them, anon anonson!
(417.91 KB 640x640 squilliam_no_nipples.png)

(321.38 KB 640x640 squilliam_ass_gone.png)

>>978560 My first attempt at Squilliams. I hope they're acceptable.
(29.32 KB 643x643 mosaic as of 8-19-2024.png)

>>1003264 >>1003276 >>1003283 So it looks like only B1 and B4 are left unclaimed. D1 is currently MIA. >>1003307 Nice work anon!
>>1003278 Of course, I'm glad I was able to save you headaches and frustration, anon. Do not let the false narratives disrupt your inner peace. >>1003307 Great job, the Ranma situation is fitting for a Squilliam edit, so I'm glad someone got to make one before the deadline. >>1003312 We're so close, if D1 gets submitted that means we only have 2 left.
>>978560 A little late on this one. Sorry. I'm no good with digital art tools but I can play with dolls at least. Looking around for a few specific Touhou MMD models as well for some jokes about the newer games, though no guarantees I find those. I'll upload them if I finish making them. >>978562 Tenatively claiming B1, I have an idea involving Eroyok or another funny hand boss.
Somewhat hastily made B1. Couldn't think of any other jokes to put in here, sadly. If anyone can do a better job or improve this one feel free to try. >>978562 >>978565 >>1003312
(36.07 KB 640x640 Deathbed.png)

>>978560 Here's one more rushed Squilliam >>1003312 I'll do B4. If C1 isn't done by tomorrow, I can do that one too.
(26.19 KB 160x160 B4.png)

>>1003434 Nice. >>1003350 >That Dragon Cancer lel
(45.44 KB 640x640 squilliam farewell.png)

I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
(28.19 KB 643x643 but one remains.png)

(45.43 KB 640x640 squilliam farewell edit.png)

>>1003451 Couple of minor edits.
>>978560 One more submission
>>1003145 >>1003164 I like how this turned out. I'll still try to make a little "animation" if there ends up being enough time.
>>1003515 absolutely rad
>>1003515 Amazing. Post it on AGDG so that a nodev can program a video game from it
>>1003548 I've been thinking about doing just that. I'm also trying to search out custom LCDs. Also tell me if you want (a) different pose(s).
>>1003454 If anon doesn't deliver by tomorrow, feel free to make your own. >>1003515 Would you be up for making a 2 and a half second animation before Sunday? I'd like to use it to start off the video.
(427.79 KB 640x640 vhs.png)

>>1003039 An addition has apparently been made.
>>1003966 >Would you be up for making a 2 and a half second animation before Sunday? I can try. About how many frames would you reckon that would be?
(8.41 KB 640x640 karateka.png)

(12.66 KB 640x640 karateka end.png)

(177.38 KB 640x640 pac man.png)

(301.08 KB 640x640 pac man spooped.png)

>>1004100 WOO WOO WOO
(282.67 KB 500x551 ranger ghost blowjob.png)

>>1004100 Man, those are some familiar looking ghosts. >>1004101 WOO!!!
>>1004001 24 frames, minimum
Looks like D1 anon isn't delivering, so the tile is free to claim again. >>1004001 I'm working at 24 FPS, for a total of 61 frames. Of course, this is just a measurement of time, not how many individual frames you should make.
(1.01 MB 1280x960 2024-08-23 10-50-01.mp4)

>>1004322 work faster >:C
(914.35 KB 640x640 gameplay1.mp4)

>>1004673 Not sure if this exactly fits the vision for gameplay. It's a bit finnicky working the draw calls and the game logic together
>>1004748 I do need to work on: >Proper Death animations >Maybe Sound Effects >Getting animations/timings to be more forgiving
(1.20 MB 640x640 2024-08-23 22-19-28.mp4)

it kills me that this is my first "released" project since February 2023. https://files.catbox.moe/7k8co8.zip <no sound <a bit jank <no ramping difficulty >source included >linux and wangblows builds
>>1004833 I can't believe I didn't have to pay $69.99 for this!
>>1005081 If you could just do me a tiny favor and just migrate that redraw queue for me?
>>1004833 This is fucking Godlike
Bit of a heads up, I have too much left to rework, so I won't be done by tomorrow. >>1004833 (Impressive, very nice) >>1004748 Thanks, with these I can sync it to the music. I've picked a different intro pic now, but the animation is still very useful. >>1004673 >work faster >:C No :^) Also a quick reminder that D1 isn't delivered yet and up for grabs.
>>1004833 Holy shit, you did it, you madman.
>>1004833 the arrow keys moves the hands, what does the space bar does??
>>1005307 pause game. start game.
(394.53 KB 640x640 rad dude.png)

(2.04 KB 160x160 D1 WIP.png)

>>1004673 >>1004748 >>1004833 >>1005081 >>1005088 I've been watching you work while the site's been borked. Man you did better than my simple animation. >>>/vb4612 Congrats anon! I love it.! >>1005094 I guess I'm working on D1 OP. I'm not sure where to go with it.
(26.31 KB 640x640 Karate Kid.png)

>>978560 Damnit. It's actually right this time. >>1001626 >>1001656 >>1004058
>>1005312 Todd Howard's face poking out a coffee mug saying "Degenerates"
(31.88 KB 160x160 B4alt.png)

(20.70 KB 436x426 Todd degenerates.jpeg)

>>1003434 >>978562 Decided to change B4 >>1005405
(18.32 KB 160x160 D1 finished.png)

>>1005405 >>1005435 D1 finished provided anons can read the text.
>>978562 That means it's done anons! GG!
>>1005511 Wow, there it is, looks pretty neat all together. Nice work everyone. But why are the Sonic arms blue? The one I sent had tan arms
>>1005512 >But why are the Sonic arms blue? wewlads I didn't even realize there was an alternate C3.
(461.62 KB 1379x640 squilliam lore 1.png)

(449.58 KB 1400x640 squilliam lore 2.png)

>>1005513 Seems like the blue version was made as a joke to mess with our resident sonic superfan >>1005514 Both of them also have tiles depicting an Eyerok. Does this mean the total collapse of E3, as well as the corresponding mosaic, was predicted YEARS in advance?
>>1005513 >Top 3 pics Look the best. We should try to meld all Mosaic frames together nex... Oh.
>>1005534 There was an anon that did that with one of the Squilliam mosaics and it turned out nice.
(1.27 MB 2000x1300 squilliam lore 3.png)

>>1005514 Even more!
(240.81 KB 1280x720 Nano.png)

>>1004833 Holy fucking shit!
(9.89 KB 640x640 Crystal Caves.png)

(10.19 KB 640x640 Crystal Caves.png)

>>1005725 Forgot his headlamp.
>>1005730 I'll whisper "no homo" into your ear afterwards
(14.07 KB 640x640 Beast Eater.png)

>>978560 Working on another.
>>1005733 shout it like a man faggot
>>1005949 but brock from pokemon seems very heterosexual
>>1005733 >>1005947 >>1005949 >>1005996 >anons get lost on the way to the gay thread and have to have an emergency handjob session in the lobby of the Squilliam thread
(82.38 KB 188x387 vexatious.png)

>>1005511 >two left hands
(288.62 KB 640x640 Mad Rat Squilliam.png)

(233.34 KB 640x640 Mad Rat Squilliam b.png)

(259.76 KB 640x640 Mad Rat Squilliam grin.png)

>>1006766 >>978560 Might as well add this one too
(236.54 KB 640x640 Valtr salute 1.png)

(217.46 KB 640x640 Valtr salute 2.png)

>>1003515 This one's the coolest, I miss Game and Watch
>>1007375 whats yalls fave g&w? i like fire
(276.89 KB 640x640 21.png)

(136.70 KB 640x640 Houses of the DDDDDDDDD.png)

>>978560 I started with a quick squilliam shitpost I made from 3 years ago and somehow managed to fall ass backwards into a Hipgnosis album cover. So here's this.
>>1007441 I prefer Parachute, the superior Fire. Game & Watch Gallery 2 has an enhanced remake of it and Super Smash Bros. references Parachute in Mr. Game and Watch's move set.
>>1007441 I never got to play Game and Watch. We were a Tiger handheld household.
>>1007458 Minor change for consistency, but I'm not sure if one is really better than the other.
>>1007560 MAME can emulate both Tiger and Game and Watch handhelds now.
(40.21 KB 640x640 Kasha.png)

>>1008176 NEVER EVER
>>1008211 why not
>>1005094 OP I hope you're OK.
>>1006766 >>1006770 God that shading, quality stuff anon!
From my count we currently have something around to slightly over 100 Squilliam deliveries/frames, not counting the individual frames of the LCD squilliam.
>>1008408 Thanks for the concern, I am. The template I had prepared beforehand was at about 1 pic per second. That seemed fine for the white-on-white templates I was using as placeholders, but with actual content the timing was too rushed. I've been redoing it with the full music track, but still have some ground to cover. Some family business cropped up too, keeping me extra busy. In the meantime, here's one version of the 2021 compilation.
>>1009449 Did we do enough Squilliams? I know it was slow at the start.
>>1014140 Squilliam Fancyson is a SpongeBob SquarePants character.
>>1015265 But where is the squilliams?
>>1015766 Scroll up.
>>1016352 I've been trying to make one more for about two weeks but I've been plagued with allergies or some damn thing.
>>1015766 Why should I draw one?
>>1016393 It is a /v/ tradition.
would make one just don't know if they are still getting accepted
>>1016417 Is there more other true-old 4chan or 8/v/ traditions?
>>1016798 Shooting up mosques
>>1016798 Being subverted by cancer
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>>1016801 >>1016802 I’m legitimately serious on the account of making good OCs for anons here.
>>1016806 Wasn't talking about you. 8chan prime was subverted by qboomer cancer, hence why being subverted by cancer is a tradition for 8chan in addition to 4chan.
>>1016393 It's fun >>1016797 Seems like OP is working on the video currently, so who knows if it would make it into the final video. But it's still worth making one, maybe it could make it into some future video. Anons here will enjoy looking at it it at least.
>>1016798 >>1016806 I'm not sure people here actually like you anon
>>1016813 They're still on that fucking site you know, they're the only thing left on it. I can't possibly imagine what they're still talking about. >>1016841 RUDE!! I don't dislike him but I'm not sure what he's doing here, he seems like an /s4s/ shitposter who doesn't particularly like 8chan.
>>1016841 >>1016849 I like him.
>>1016841 I always appreciate drawfags, even ones I don't like. In his case, I like him.
>>1016841 I like bunanon.
>>1016802 What is this drawing supposed to mean? Is the black guy niggerpill? Is he on cuckchan too?
>>1016841 I like Polizei >>1017563 Almost fell for it
>>1017563 The black man is /V/, who represented Zoe Quinn and her cronies larping as anons. More broadly, it can be used to represent any bad actors doing this. So I suppose Niggerpill would count, if only as an exceptionally incompetent example.
>>1017565 That isn't polizei.
>>1017611 >/V/ represented Zoe Quinn and her cronies poorly larping as anons >niggerpill is an assblasted leftist who miserably larps as anons Surprised I never noticed the parallel before.
>>1017683 Didn't Zoe Quinn send herself threats and blame it on GamerGate?
>>1017927 What anti-gamergate bitch hasn't?
>>1017683 >niggerpill was Zoe Quinn all along
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>>1000915 >pic 5 Thanks. I just had a traumatic flashback to age 13, watching my last turtle fricking drown
>>1017683 >>1018160 worse, the niggerpill is the failed ashes and dust pol anon (or any nigger similar to him) who fellated redpill and realized it won't automatically make him a winner and get bitches, so he got angry and remorseful and now tries to get back at the anons who made him miserable by trying to spread miserable defeatist tweets himself. Won't be surprised if he's a former leftypol/gg guy who demoralized and cucked so hard by us he tries to "fight" us
>>1020718 What's kind of funny to me is despite making that squilliam I got pretty good at at that stage after replaying it enough. I could make it through with one turtle and with minimal damage. The thing that always filtered me was the damn roof top grappling hook section. I always forgot and jumped off.
>>1021273 Wasn't that water section infamously frustrating?
(2.28 KB 341x63 leftypol.png)

>>1020787 >Won't be surprised if he's a former leftypol/gg guy who demoralized and cucked so hard by us he tries to "fight" us Actual /leftypol/fag here. We spent the entirety of Old 8chan's life laughing at you as you kept giving us fresh converts with your raids, on those occasions when you actually managed to find the right board to raid. 8/leftypol/ was mostly ex-/pol/acks by the time Christchurch happened.
(18.95 KB 600x444 doubt.jpg)

>>1021737 >8/leftypol/ was mostly ex-/pol/acks
>>1021732 Yeah it was. It has completely different gameplay from the rest of the game and you can be basically one hit KO'd by the tentacle plants leading you to loosing one turtle right after another. The stage has a time limit too. It's pretty painful. The one good thing about it though is there are no randomly spawning enemies or hazards so with practice you can become very consistent with the stage.
>>1021737 Samina, is that you?
>>1021751 Everybody know each other or what? An anon just got called "Comet" now this.
>>1021754 Samina is a former drawfag who browsed /leftypol/.
>>1021737 How does one become a commie despite knowing the myriad of reasons Communism doesn't work? That just doesn't make sense.
>>1021840 "Samina," drawthread, and lefty had me think woman. Sure that's them?
>>1021849 Samina appears to be what >we called him on the booru
(1.21 MB 310x314 Lank.gif)

>>1021859 >lanky kong >5
>>1021840 >>1021859 Wasn't his nickname Paps or was that a different /leftypol/ artist?
>>1021909 Indeed it was, Paps the faggot that created their commie cat.
>>1021909 I think the main thing to note is that he's drawn for idw Sanic. At a glance it doesn't look like he posts much communist trite these days. I doubt he's changed his mind on it but at least he isn't obnoxious about it. >>1021912 I didn't realise commiecat was his oc.
>>1021915 A lot of commies and fash drop their beliefs before 30. That's not usual, that juvenile "let's burn everything down" strain of politics is a lot more appealing when you're a ignorant shithead in college than it is when you're a working middle aged homeowner.
Go shit up another thread, you misbegotten niggermonkeys.
>>1021928 >misbegotten niggermonkeys Kek
The fuck has happened here
Bumping for reminder.
>>1030306 It was kind of a weird reaction. Maybe 958ee3 is papadripopoulos?
(446.35 KB 640x640 gabupoached.png)

Did this one ever get used? >>>/fur/3024
>>1040584 Yeah, same year it was made >>1009449 The belly patterns are loss.
>>1040604 >The belly patterns are loss. FUG
>>1041915 >Dead? I've not seen videoanon around in a couple of months. He seems to have some family business that's delaying him >>1009449 I hope everything's OK. As far as the thread goes we probably have sufficient Squilliams so anons just stopped making them. If you wanted to you could make another one though.
(105.39 KB 640x640 christmas squilliam.png)

(111.72 KB 641x639 Seasonal Squilliam.jpg)

Merry Belated Christmas & Happy New Year vidanon, where ever you are.
>>1058774 Also I guess Happy Russian Christmas too.
Monthly safety bump.
>>1073629 Isn't it already done?
>>1073630 Yes it's done but the anon who always does the video disappeared.
>>1073636 Ah, shit

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