>No, it's like instead of naming the game "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" having named it "Dovahkiin of Thu'um: Fus Ro Dah".
Except that "Skyrim" is not an English word, and it's only understood by people who are fans of the Elder Scrolls games and knows what it means, so it's at the same level as "Ar Tonelico" because it's a location from the game, besides the name of the franchise.
So again, let's compare :
>The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim
2 english words(3 if you want to include "the"), one roman numeral and one made-up word.
>Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of ar Ciel
2 made up words(Ar, Tonelico and Ooga), 2 english words(Knell and Ciel), 3 if you want to include "of"
So it's not that much different. Honestly there are much worse titles out there, so I am surprised that this is the worst video game title you've heard.