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Digimon Anonymous 02/14/2025 (Fri) 17:12:21 Id: 6e1c97 No. 1071532
With Digimon Story Time Stranger announced I thought it would be fun to have a Digimon thread. What Digimon games have you played? Will you be playing Time Stranger? Who is your favorite Digimon?
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>>1071532 Is it the same style of game as Cyber Sluts? I'll probably give it a try, if so. Also, I like Sistermon Blanc.
>>1071532 I only played Rumble Arena and saw a friend playing World 1. Any of the most recent games that make a sorta decent game?
>>1071633 I thought Cyber Sluts was decent for what it was.
>>1071634 Oh I see its for Switch so I may get it. Working and JRPGs are a bad combo for me :(
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>>1071636 There's a PC version too, which includes both games and a bunch of extra DLC stuff.
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I did some checking, and yes, both Media.Vision and Suzuhito Yasuda are back, complete with screeching harridans angry at the SFW yet erotic girl designs, so all excitement is justified. To commemorate the occasion, I am backporting Yasuda images from the Absolute State of Play bread to here. I was actually concerned about Media.Vision since there was a huge gap between Valkyria Chronicles 4 and this and until Hundred Line was revealed it seemed like they went the way of the dodo.
>>1071628 >Is it the same style of game as Cyber Sluts? Yes., Time Stranger and Cyber Sleuth are both part of the Digimon Story series.
>>1071639 I think the Switch version includes those as well. >>1071651 Cool. Is there a specific release date yet?

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>>1071651 Compressing is fun.
>>1071658 I've always wondered how they got away with having that design in the game.
>>1071653 >Is there a specific release date yet? Just 2025 as of now.
>>1071662 >I've always wondered how they got away with having that design in the game. why? it's far far more tame than TLOU2 rating boards need to be dissolved they are a failed experiment no one reads the warnings anyway.
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>Favorite digimon Its of Renamon, Kyubimon, Weregarurumon, Gabumon, maybe some others too I dunno can't remember all those digimans I haven't played a digimon game in ages, I want to see Renamon kicking a uber champion digimon ass but I dunno how to
>>1071532 >>1071532 I really have to play more Digimon games >Who is your favorite Digimon? Can't say i have favorite but i really like ZeedMillenniummon,Tactimon,Lilithmon,Angewomon,Lucemon,Wargreymon,Omnimon,Mugendramon,Sakuyamon.
>>1071532 Favorite digimon is either Elecmon or Wizardmon Also I wish they would go back to having just 1 digi partner instead of 3 at a time. The one on one connection was better. DW1 remaster WHEN????
I wish there was a Digimon game that just ripped off Pokemon like everyone says they do anyway. I don't have the patience for virtual pets. When my Digimon dies and I have to re-raise him just to continue with the game, that just kills all my enthusiasm. Plus, like the game wants, I actually do get attached. Then he dies. Then I'm sad and I don't want to replace him with a new guy. I get it's the same spirit or whatever, but it still feels different since he doesn't grow up the same again. And yes, I know there are a couple of Digimon games that are more straight JRPGs, but I want as much exploration as Pokemon, at least (and yes, some of the Virtual Pet style games do have that), and I don't want it to be an absolute grindfest. I haven't played all of them, but the Digimon JRPGs I have played are all absolute grindfests. I really want to like the WonderSwan games. I waited for like 20 years for them to get translated, because they actually tie into the anime and have key plot points, but oh my god, after the first one they become unbearable with how much you need to grind, since the game expects you to Jogress. I know nobody here has played the WonderSwan games, but a bunch of you probably played Digimon World 2, and it's the same system, and it's bullshit. Digimon Adventure on PSP is cool, but it's so linear that it takes all the fun out of it. And I suppose since they're trying to adapt an anime super accurate, that makes sense. So what I want is a game with that sort of gameplay style, but actually a big open world to explore. >Favorite Digimon I always liked Patamon. Maybe that's a lame answer because of course his role in the anime makes him too obvious an answer. But the reason I like Digimon is the characters and story. That's why I lose interest in a lot of the games and anime that take place in alt universes. It's also why my next favorite Digimon is probably Millenniummon. All the autistic lore around him that makes him central and important to the story, even though he only makes a brief cameo in the anime. Then he actually appeared for real in Digimon Adventure Colon, but he had no character or story and was lame. That's the thing about this series. It's cool because the anime is actually good, with stories and characters you actually get attached to. And that works with the theme of virtual pets, since you're supposed to be more attached to them. But then they reboot all the time. So okay, I was attached to Agumon in Adventure, and the same guy reappeared in Adventure 02 and even a couple games. But I'm not attached to the Agumon in Digimon Savers, since that's a different guy. I'm not attached to the world of Digimon World 3 since it has nothing to do with the worlds of the previous two Digimon World games, which barely had anything to do with each other, or with the anime (though I suppose they're technically related, it's just not very important to the story). And this was all epitomized by Millenniummon appearing in Digimon Adventure Colon. He's the series' big multiversal villain, finally appearing for real in the anime, and they hype him up for like 50 episodes, and then... nothing. It's not the same guy as before. It's nothing this time. Fucking lame.
>>1072159 I agree with the grinding thing. I wish JRPGs in general would stop doing that shit.
>>1072159 Looks like the game you want is maybe digimon world 3. That does still have a lot of grinding though.
>>1072211 >I agree with the grinding thing. I wish JRPGs in general would stop doing that shit. Quit running from every enemy you fight or better yet read your enemies patterns as opposed to just simply spamming attacks all the time. There's a time for that but know when to heal and defend.
>>1071862 >Favorite digimon Gatomon/tailmon the first time i ever encountered the token evil teammate trope best girl.
>>1072271 No you don't understand. Many Digimon games have a system called Jogress, where you take two high level digimon and merge them into one baby digimon with a higher max level. And you must do this dozens or hundreds of times to raise max level high enough to evolve into the monsters you want. You start exp from scratch tons of times, so you can't even continue the game without grinding back up to where you were, because after jogressing your guy will be too weak to continue the next dungeon or whatever. It's absolute bullshit. Even if you dont want the cool monsters, you still have to do it a lot unless you're some speedrunesque autist trying to beat the whole game with unevolved monsters, which you're obviously not intended to do. Also, fighting a zillion random encounters when I'm just trying to get from point A to point B is effectively grinding. Good jrpgs are the ones that level you up appropriately with non random encounters. Sure, if you skip those, that's your own fault. But infinite random encounters? Fuck that. Basically grinding.
Time Stranger is set to get some focus at this years Digimon Con. Hopefully we get a look at gameplay.
>>1072389 I agree that it's pretty bullshit A sign the game is made by asians for asians is the insane grind and need for complex spreadsheet type shit just to deal with the enemy difficulty spikes
>>1073685 Why do East Asians like grinding so much? How much of it is cultural and how much is genetic, I wonder?
>>1072159 You may want to try Dawn and Dusk. >>1072389 Until you have a regular cast of Digimon to cycle through, you're not supposed to Digivolve every Digimon at once or focus on only one Digimon.
>>1073700 What are you talking about? The biggest western MMOs are filled with endless grinding worse than even the most egregious Japanese games, not to mention western subgenres like blobbers and dungeon crawlers are filled with grinding

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