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Fallout Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 13:20:55 Id: 8937c0 No. 1068576
You ever had a second playthrough change your opinion on a game? I just did. I realized 2 days ago I had never done a retard run of fallout 1, so I did. Fallout 1 is still an amazing game but all my other playthroughs had a tough beginning but easier endgame. This retard with a knife though was easily cutting through rad scorpions and raiders like it was nothing. It wasn't until later when I tried to fight supermutants that the problems started. Even then the knife wasn't really the problem, it was more about me getting 1 shot by gatling guns. It did make me wonder about a lot of things. I do not think it is possible to beat the game 1st time as a retard. I have no idea how you would know without meta knowledge that the cathedral is where the master lives. It was also this playthrough that I found out that drugs can stack. You can take multiple mentats and just be a normal person until the drugs wear out. That does kinda go against the spirit of the playthrough but it did allow me to speak to Harold properly. You can also just take 2 rad-x and be immune to radiation. Would have been great to know before I lost an hour of progress to instant death radiation. I am also amazed by how much dialogue they wrote for the low intelligence players. Some of it I assume was intended for players who were using drugs and got their intelligence lowered. Even then though I was seeing unique dialogue even up to the final boss. I was expecting a bit more of a speech from a man who just lost everything to a fucking idiot with a sledge and a rocket launcher but having anything is already good. Now I am just wondering if I want to replay 1 again or should I try playing 2? I have tried 2 before and it never grips me like the first game does.
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I love the classic games, I can even find enjoyment in 3, but since 76 I checked out of Fallout. I feel the same about it as normalfags feel about Game of Thrones, they can butcher it as much as they want from here, I kinda don't care anymore? I remember hearing the NCR was destroyed in the show and that had no impact on me, it's like hearing a fan fiction did something stupid. Like, okay? Fanworks are where most of my attention is today. Speaking of which, the English translation for Sonora was finally finished. https://cambragol.github.io/Fallout-Sonora/ Arguably the best Fallout fangame. It has a ton of original assets, but you'd never notice because of how well they blend in with Fallout's existing art. >Now I am just wondering if I want to replay 1 again or should I try playing 2? I have tried 2 before and it never grips me like the first game does. 2 is good, but it was made in just nine months and the devs rushed a lot of it. You'll often see people complain about its pop culture-heavy writing, for instance. When you're under that kind of time crunch you're never going to produce your best work.
>>1068577 I mean personally I already checked out after fallout 4. That game is just all the bad parts of fallout 3 but worse. Only thing I liked is them making the power armour a mini mechsuit but even that was handled poorly.
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>>1068584 4 is weird because it felt like it wanted to be a totally different game, it introduced a lot of new mechanics like base building and I wasn't a fan of those at all. It can be fun as a mindless shooter, but I'd rather play something like Payday for that. It did however introduce the best metallic ladies in mainstream gaming.
>>1068576 me am Trogg me have < 3 Int me have fun on low Int run. https://lparchive.org/Fallout-2/ But seriously, low INT runs are great. Try it out in Fallout 2.
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I loved 1 and 2 on the first play through Made a kind of dumb glass cannon and nimble marksman with a hoarding habit. 9 Agility and 9 Perception Tagged Small Guns, Lockpicking and First Aid I like lone wolfing since I dislike having an army of ally NPCs killing my immersion (and me), so I rarely do Charisma runs since they heavily rely on said NPCs for combat early on. Trying to see if I can make a decent INT focused character in base game, but I want to finish the Sonora mod first. Also, if you haven't tried it yet, try out Olympus 2207 It's not perfect, the map is kind of barren, but when the atmosphere and gameplay click, goddamn does it feel good. Way grittier and less wacky than base game with no really nice features and quest writing.
>>1068630 I need to stop using quick reply goddamn man
Unfortunately my first introduction was Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360 but even then I had fun with it even though I was pretty young and stupid to know better. Now when I tried playing it again on pc I started to really see the cracks like encountering an enclave soldier really early in the game going into the super market which did piss me off. >>1068584 >Only thing I liked is them making the power armour a mini mechsuit but even that was handled poorly. Remembered reading on how they really shouldn't have given you a power armor at the first quest you started in which really ruined the anticipation of your wasteland journey. I just blame it on the devs really wanting to get hooked on instantly to see how cool it is that you're fighting a deathclaw while wearing a mecha suit. >>1068576 > I do not think it is possible to beat the game 1st time as a retard. They never needed a new water chip, the overseer just wanted to get rid of you without looking like he's bullying a retard But seriously it is pretty funny having the implication that some glue munching autist manged to destroy an entire army and ruin their plans, let alone said retard having any knowledge on working firearms.
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>>1068717 >Unfortunately my first introduction was Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360 but even then I had fun with it even though I was pretty young and stupid to know better. Listen, Fallout 3 is fun. It's full of lorerape, the gunplay is horrible, the graphics are hideous, it's extremely broken, the story is stupid, but it has great quests and the game has a sense of exploration and immersion and that not even New Vegas matches. Some of my favorite moments in 3 were exploring the ruins of the metro tunnels and the bombed out houses. A lot of them weren't even necessary to enter, but I loved scrounging around and taking in the environment. If 3 is your first Fallout game, you'll probably love it. It's good to know and acknowledge 3's problems, there's no point in pretending it's 10/10 GOTY material, but also don't let that valid criticism override everything. You shouldn't feel bad for enjoying it. Though I prefer 1 and NV any day, I'll still go back to 3 as well because I like its world design more. It's the only thing I can without any doubt say it does better than New Vegas.
>>1068717 Big problem I have with power armour in 4 is that it is flimsy. Some bandit with a pipe gun can blow away pieces of power armour which is stupid. But then it has to be like that because as you said, they wanted the minigun duel with the deathclaw pronto.
>>1068731 They could have just done the DR and DT system from New Vegas and I'm not sure why they didn't bother with that.
>>1068731 I misread that as 'with the deathclaw porno' I don't like how they retconned power armor into being a mech suit that requires constant refueling. They should have introduced something entirely new, like actual mech suits.
>>1068749 It was at least powered armour now instead of the suits they gave you in 3 and NV.
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>>1068723 >Listen, Fallout 3 is fun No
Started playing Tactics and it is fun but I really suck at it. Would probably be a lot easier if I could figure out what the pause button is. Right now I lost like 30 minutes of progress to me stupidly walking into the boss room.
>>1068723 The only way in which 3's exploration was "better" than NV is that 3 was urban, and in general urban ruins make for fun exploration than a desert. 4 had the same thing: even though it's ugly as sin and all the proper locations suck ass, fighting your way through an apartment building where you can lob a grenade through a hole in the floor to surprise enemies on the next level, or where you can climb across wreckage to reach a neighbouring building, has a transient fun. But those moments are not the kind of fun that makes a game worth playing, and in the end a building full of trash is still just a building full of trash. NV's locations were better any time there was actually something there, and it was certainly the most "immersive" of the 3D Fallouts. You're not wrong that people playing 3 as their first Fallout game are likely to enjoy it, and that was the case for me, but you're really overselling how well it holds up. After New Vegas, the only time I came back to 3 was with TTW, and it never took long before I found myself wanting to take the train to the Mojave. >>1068748 They probably thought it was too complicated for their audience.
>>1068799 >They probably thought it was too complicated for their audience. Yep, which is why they dumbed it down even further with Fallout 4. This designed philosophy permeated 7th Gen, dumb it down and get a wider audience.
>>1068748 NV didn't have the DR/DT system, which is a major part of why the combat fucked sucked on the higher difficulties. Animals with big single hits were way more terrifying than almost every gun in the game. You could have 10 NCR Rangers shooting at you and you'd just outheal the damage with food and the occasional stim. Meanwhile, the more dangerous wildlife would 1 or 2 shot your ass. Go back and play FO1/2, with upgraded Power Armour and a defensive build, you were able to easily face tank deathclaws. Meanwhile NV deathclaws just fucking 1 shot you.
>>1068990 If you do an endurance build in NV you can also tank Deathclaw hits. In both it and 1/2 Deathclaws are a heavier threat than gun clad humans. In NV it's way easier to deal with them since you can snipe. Most wildlife in both games are barely a threat outside of Cazadores in NV and Wanamingos in 2.
>>1068990 Also you're wrong, the system is in NV but it's much more streamlined. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_Threshold
>>1068990 This isn't exactly correct, but I want to note even boss deathclaws are easy to meme on with the Fat Man. It can do an unbelievable amount of damage. With perks and ammo, even the base Fat Man can do almost 3000DMG per attack. The highest variant of deathclaws cap out at 1000HP. I never see anybody run the Fan Man for some reason, it's a "fuck you, I win" device.
>>1069002 Explosive runs are rare since early ones are all throwables.
>>1069002 You know, now that you mention it I have no idea why I never use the fat man. I think I have used it like once but I couldn't tell you where the fat man is supposed to be. Mini nukes are also rare so that might have something to do with it. I think I did do 1 explosive focused character when new vegas launched on ps3 but that run never got finished.
>>1068998 Nah you gotta use drugs to get DR in NV. There's no significant source of it outside of drugs, with one of the drugs being locked behind one of the DLCs. >>1069002 Fat Man requires fat amounts of space to fire. I did do an explosive run with the self-crippling perk; the dmg I was doing was absurd.
I can't find a good answer on google. Does anyone here know how fallouts damage works? Specifically I want to know why supermutants will vary between doing 5-10 damage and critting me for 250 damage. I do not get it. Like something has to be wrong here right? I saw on the wiki that different ammo types dont do anything but I couldn't find a good answer to my question.
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I like the female combat armour sprite.
>>1069206 Distance most likely >>1069218 Same, wonder why faceless women get me off so much?
>>1069206 ((Damage per round - Damage Treshold) / Damage Resistance) * rounds per shot. Crits use a 1-100 table (think Dungeon and Dragons) to determine how devastating a crit is. Better Critical is a flat +20 on that crit table, which means that it eliminates the least favourable effects of critical hits, ensuring your crits are just that more likely to fuck shit up. Some of the scarier crits include instead death, 3x or 4x damage multiplier on top of armour bypass, knockouts, turn loss, etc.
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Question: What if you slowly used FEV to evolve humanity? I mean think about it, Deathcalws and rad scorpions can reproduce despite clearly being infected with FEV. Only super mutants cannot. After thinking about it some more I think that the amount of FEV is the problem. So if we were to just use a tiny bit of fev and then use a little on their kids and then a little on their kids. Eventually we should have the super mutant master race that the master always wanted yeah?
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>>1070080 Considering the Enclave Deathclaws in FO2, you could absolutely do that. However, the problem is the FEV is very unpredictable. It's not like those kinds of projects hadn't been attempted before, but any positive mutations were often outweighed by mountains of negative ones. Look at the Psykers, there were exactly four successful specimens and they were all completely insane. This would have to be a very long, very selective program.
>>1069308 Calm down Malcador.
>>1070123 No, Malcador should calm up.
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>>1070176 Do you have the brain bot pulling out a shotgun? I want it.
>>1070176 Never really seen the floater being used much, >>1070096 and this one either. Wonder if its something to do with lore reasons.
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>>1070183 Haven't been able to find a GIF of it.
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I have been thinking about it and I think I had my own mandela moment. I remember a long time ago looking up info about fallout psykers and being told that the psykers in 1 were underneath the master and couldn't be accessed without cheats. I was quite surprised to learn that you can actually just go up to and talk to them. Had to do a double take when I saw them. I never thought I would get to actually see the fallout 1 psykers. Did I just accidentally stumble into a new dimension or something? Is this the timeline where Mark ate 3 cakes instead of 2 or something?
>>1071299 This is the timeline where Mark only ate one cake but it was a giant ice cream cake. The 2-cake club is 2 QPUs down.
>>1071299 Did you perhaps originate from the timeline where the An-225 went by the designation of An-226?
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Fallout:tactics has a lot of cool artwork.
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Do not feel like posting more.

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