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Featured Game #19 (March 2025): Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber Anonymous 03/01/2025 (Sat) 02:47:12 Id: fa2a5c No. 1075359 [Reply]
>What is this? Games are chosen (relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! Or you can forget about it. THIS GAME: Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber Released July 14, 1999 on Nintendo 64 Published by Nintendo Co., Ltd. and Atlus U.S.A., Inc Developed by Quest Corporation Role-playing (RPG), strategy / tactics, top-down, turn-based, fantasy, 1-player >Where do I get this? https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%2064%20%28BigEndian%29/Ogre%20Battle%2064%20-%20Person%20of%20Lordly%20Caliber%20%28USA%29%20%28Rev%201%29.zip >How does it play? Ogre Battle 64 is a semi-sequel to the original Ogre Battle, and is the third game in the series. Like its predecessors, the game is a tactical RPG. The main character, Magnus, leads many troops into each battle, and the player must control how each group attacks or defends, and whether straightforward attacks or magic shall be used. Depending on the player's choices, there are branching levels, each with their own difficulty levels. The more battles the player faces and completes, the more experience each warrior in the team gathers. One of the Largest N64® Games Ever

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Edited last time by Mark on 03/01/2025 (Sat) 02:58:47.
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How bad is the micromanagement? I tried Tactics Ogre on the PSP and it had the same problem as Final Fantasy Tactics: there is so much to micromanage the details of every single unit that it turns into nanomanagement and completely sucks out the fun for me. It would have been OK if it was a simple system of allocating stat points, but instead you have to come up with a development plan for your units and swap equipment and classes in advance to get the proper stats on level up, or something like that.
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Finally got around to trying this. Took me a bit to get used to it, but I've been having fun. I really like the graphics in this as well. I was a tard for not having tried these before.

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Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 01:09:42 Id: 02e269 No. 1073435 [Reply]
I don't know how to start this so uhhh HOLY SHIT IMPROMPTU XONOTIC GAMENIGHT Download here: https://xonotic.org/ Connect to here: I'm posting this on multiple vidya boards since all the users on them are pretty cool (jannies notwithstanding) also sorry about the ping, i am hosting this with a yagi antenna for my network connection from, ur sparts friends
Edited last time by Mark on 02/22/2025 (Sat) 01:16:49.
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>>1078256 Alright great, thank you
>>1078301 I don't know who that is

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Another MMO Thread Anonymous 10/16/2023 (Mon) 07:00:36 Id: a1e7db No. 897003 [Reply] [Last]
The last one is sinking off the board, and the previous attempt at a new thread was done by a faggot who could not contain his shitposting. What the fuck have you been playing lately?
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>>1032996 >Champions oh yeah, recently DECA (the current people running STO, NW and Champions) layed off tehr emaining 2 DEVs of Champions (Kael and the furry chick) Now Champions is either getting canned, or going full skeleton crew (like back in 2012-late 2014) Poor souls those who still play that game.
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>>1075766 >certified mmo experience You can't really have the late 90s/early 00s experience, but there's still some things worth checking out. If you've never played any of them before its hard to advise, but I'd avoid anything popular unless you want to interact with the modern internet crowd. Stick to private servers, avoid cash shops if you can. Are you looking for a themepark or sandbox?
>>1075766 Man I fucking hate Sylvannas. Man WoW went to utter shit. Horde proven shittiest faction since they let the dumb fucking elf lead. Have they cucked Anduin off the throne already? Either that or they'll probably make him a raging homo. Varian is spinning in his grave.

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Stream Thread 14: Album Cover Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 13:30:06 Id: ea8d63 No. 1033161 [Reply] [Last]
https://8chan.tv/ Post link to your streams here. Any subject: Games, movies, anime, art, programming, politics... whatever you like! >How do I stream? ∙ Register an account at https://8chan.tv/. ∙ Go to My Channels under your avatar icon, top right. ∙ Create a channel, click on it and then the ⚙ icon (channel settings) to find your stream key. ∙ Install OBS Studio https://obsproject.com/ and paste your stream key to Settings/Stream, set Service to Custom and Server to rtmp://8chan.tv/stream/. Some emails may not work when registering. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo (and maybe others) have issues with Cockmail and won't receive the verification email. If you insist in using these emails or have already registered using one, email sudsshit@proton.me for help with your account. Max supported bitrate is 3500 Kbps. Set Keyframe Interval to 1 for lowest stream delay. Ask here if you have further questions and also on >>>/site/1519 Last thread >>990608

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>>1078174 Also typical delay is about 30 to 45 seconds.
>>1078175 It seems to be about a 10 second delay now, so I guess that's the best I'll get
8tv shat the bed and now the streams I was watching are gone. So I am streaming more short stack adventures. https://8chan.tv/view/ce21dc53-8352-4744-8666-2d23881b1b2e/

Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 06:57:43 Id: cf142b No. 841008 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1078287 It's the Aragorn face. The "no" is throwing you off.
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>>1078278 >one of the guys, behind the account got doxxed, and he panicked, confessed to everything, and I guess, closed the account.
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>>1078306 Aragorn was my first guess, but look at the smirk

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AI General ( Stable Diffusion / DALL-E / Chatbot / Voice Cloning ) Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 20:15:47 Id: 2fee5a No. 1060375 [Reply] [Last]
Smug Spoiler Edition [Copied from previous thread] ── ✦ ✦ ✦ ── Use this thread as a catch-all for AI related topics. Try to stick to vidya & help your fellow anons out. PLEASE SHARE EVERY NEW RESOURCE YOU FIND OR CREATE ── ✦ ✦ ✦ ── Resources: https://pastebin.com/fLMeAMb1 Previous Thread: https://archive.fo/ZMDOK Previous threads are moved to >>>/ais/ [500 posts or Page 13 before next thread]
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>>1073852 Hopefully, it will help me learn game development and 2D animation. I'm testing some stuff, and I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm currently testing some sprite loras, flexibility, and checkpoints. There isn't consistency right now, but that's easy to fix later. I'm focusing on testing loras and creating a nice workflow.
https://civitai.com/models/1324976/il-high-cut-panties I got tired of Illustrious (and Pony. Like always I'll train this for it after I'm sure I don't need any adjustments) not knowing how to make "normal" or different panties (outside of a few that got tags like side-ties, thongs, and, for Illustrious only, briefs), so I decided to teach it how. What other styles of pantsu should I try making LoRAs for?
Gave OpenPose and the Openpose Editor extension a try. Also pretty simple to use. Just select OpenPose on ControlNet, choose an image of a full body character, select a preprocessor (dw_openpose_full), select a model, run the preprocessor and it creates a skeleton which can then be easily edited with the Openpose Editor extension. You can also save the skeleton for later use and skip the "image choosing" part. Pretty nice for some quick posing and you can even get a bit creative with extra limbs and multiple characters. I used a NoobAI-XL openpose model, but it works well with Better Days. NoobAI-XL ControlNet-OPENPOSE - https://civitai.com/models/962537?modelVersionId=1077649 Openpose Editor extension - https://github.com/fkunn1326/openpose-editor

Gachashit Ghetto - Mobage Galore Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 06:31:56 Id: 40b83d No. 1034975 [Reply] [Last]
Aka be glad (((Tel Aviv))) only knows how to make Raid: Shadow Legends edition. Given how many anons here play these titles and request an area to discuss them beyond Blue Archive >>1034800, given how many JP devs have fled to mobile as some of their more senile contemporaries chase the dead ESG gold rush, given how the bishoujo market is concentrated in mobage, and given how many players have actually banded together and organized to repel and BTFO globohomo as of late, I think a mini >>>/vmg/ is warranted. As OP I however get to christen it a "ghetto" until somebody else takes over the succeeding OPs. Do note that all discussion related to the technological and industry dynamic shifts these live services (yes they are live services) propose as well as topics directly pertaining to their cross-platform nature (i.e talking about how Aether Gazer is available on both PC and mobile or the number of gacha games on Steam) should be directed to this thread instead >>986877 If you want to discuss, say, how Lies of P and Brown Dust 2 were both developed by Neowiz, or how neato Versus and Relink are as part of Cygames' Granblue Fantasy IP, do it over there. You can talk about Action Taimanin's 4th anniversary, you can't talk about how well it runs on PC here. Non-gacha MMOs should also be directed to the existing MMO thread >>897003 Post memes, post updates to your chosen main gacha, post liveblogs of your playthroughs, post artdumps, post collabs, post obscure JP and about-to-EOS gachas, post about how the fuck match-three RPGs are still on the market, post about Senran Kagura New Link and Dead or Alive: Penis Vacation, complain about drama and monetization and mixed toilet games and girls trying to push their otome bishie gachas, just make your contributions high effort and high quality and try to max out 8chan's 5-file 50MB upload limit. You are allowed to be horny about certain characters, but your posts about them must be substantive (no >>>/vb/ template posting, for example). <geez, are you smug's owner No, I care about digital hygiene and board nettiquette. NEWS AT A GLANCE Going to try to hash out a format since this is very new for 8/v/. >GFL2, the successor to many anons' favorite gacha circa 2017, is set to come to Global this fall with a closed beta test and prereg being held. (Read: they need that gweilo piggu money.) Luckily, they are cranking up that fanservice, of which I won't post yet because this OP needs to cover multiple titles. >Unluckily, the CN state censor department has randomly struck a bunch of gachas with notices to sharpie over their character designs, the most notable of which was Snowbreak, enrager of BPD harpies everywhere, and Path to Nowhere. For the time being, Snowbreak has elected to use the localization toggle as a way to technically comply with said censor wave while still giving its playerbase what it wants; its future is still uncertain though as the devs continue to give Winnie the Pooh the finger. It seems like more and more that CN devs need to move off West Taiwan's mainland if they are to realize their creative and financial ambitions. >In general, the global economic downturn has meant that the gacha market has slowly been contracting on mobile. PC, however, seems to be booming as devs find that players are willing to open their wallets without having to pay Apple and Gulag the provider tax. >Arknights and Nikke are holding their 5.5 and 2nd anniversaries respectively, with both of them making big stinks about how they have new anime projects in the pipeline, never mind how all people remember from Blue Archive airing is Iori's toes getting sucked. >Azur Promilia has started receiving age ratings in Taiwan. >Mihomo has rebranded its Harvest Moon knockoff project from Asteweave Heaven to Petit Planet. >Uma Musume is gearing up for a global release. When? Not clear. This is for umaanon though. >Infinity Nikki is making waves as a big open world gacha that Soyny is banking on to get some crumbs after chasing off every Asian third party in existence.

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>>1078262 Didn't the international server fag things up putting in references to trannies that wasn't in the Chinese version?
>>1078288 Probably referring to this character, who is referred to with "they" pronouns not just in the English server but also the Chinese server. Here's a snippet in Chink-nese which refers to Medicine Pocket. If you were so inclined, you could investigate and see that a gender neutral term is used even there to refer to 'him'. >我从不开玩笑。兔毛手袋已经在先前的研究中证明了自己的能力,证明了自己足以胜任这一职务 Want my opinion on it? I think it just means the character is an inanimate object just like some of the other arcanists/characters in the game, and as such, doesn't even have any reproductive organs. Maybe he's a robot. Fuck if I know or care. But I don't subscribe to the transexual bullshit, and I wager the Chinese don't either, so that's my story and I'm sticking with it.
>>1078297 Your Chinese text talks about rabbit fur bags. Is this some slant slang for trannies or something?

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Zelda/Link OR Zelink Thread Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 06:39:28 Id: f1bf7a No. 1057295 [Reply] [Last]
>2025 EDITION Hello again everyone and Happy New Year! This thread is dedicated to the most prolific and wholesome videogame pairing ever, Zelda and Link! Discussion about the Zelda series itself and other Zelda girls is completely welcome here, as are other Zelda pairings and stuff. Share your cute Zelda art, Zelda doujins, and other Zelda things! The Zelink MEGA (3000+ images of Zelink organized by game) kinda outdated https://mega.nz/file/hJwElSLZ#CeH5wAZBUXJ_qiQWrGJBkhjzVjyAxURFh1BTESXKOXs The mega will be updated once per month Rules: 1. Keep it civil.

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Edited last time by Mark on 01/05/2025 (Sun) 02:47:05.
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I was making OOT Zelink Ai sloppa (actually good) in the style of yasori or yamoon who was the primary person drawing OOT art and the thread got 404d on /v/. If you guys want requests I can generate you art with novelaI
>>1076130 >OOT Zelda Still a bit dumb she sent us back at the end of the game. Though that would have resulted in the child timeline not having a link still I guess. >request spirit tracks Zeldo
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>>1076130 >(6 days ago) Here's some AI-generated Zelda+Link since this anon is gone. It's all lewds, but the first pic is more accidental & innocent. Second pic is far lewder, but with Zelda being curious & inexperienced which is innocent in its own way.

PC Hardware & News Thread: Huangrifting Chinkikel Edition Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 18:03:56 Id: f5987d No. 1067011 [Reply] [Last]
>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News >AMD Radeon RX 9070 XT performance leaks https://archive.ph/50Jrz >Deepseek (ChinkGPT) Causes a frenzy throughout the tech world after sharp drop in overvalued companies like NVIDIA Last Thread >>1045288
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>>1078286 huh, going bankrupt I guess?
>>1078290 Doubt it, it's simply that they only make mediocre consumer SSDs sold at a premium and thus facing insane competition so they cut their losses and are focusing on the big money market that is enterprise HDD where they have a lot more market and a lot less competition. tl;dr: why struggle for crumbs when you're guaranteed half of the cake
>>1078292 Sounds like they have a niche and want to stick with it. Good for them.

IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT MUTHAFUCKA Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 19:57:43 Id: 2a5f54 No. 1022880 [Reply] [Last]
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>PLAYAN Switch got some water damage again so I'm unable to play anything on it until i get a new one. >WATCHAN Tiktok, random videos on jewtube, and some telegram videos for politics. >LISTENAN going to just zone out with a playlist I'm still working on for 90's music. >READAN Imageboards >EATAN granola cereal >DRINKAN instant coffee and some Mio water >FAPPAN big titty latina girls >FEELAN alright. got roots taken care of that's been dying in my gums for at least a year or so now and feel better but have to wait for longer until i can get some more work done for my teeth that i neglected.
>>1075261 Your post is actually retarded. Holy shit. The GAY community is the political arm of the gay lobby, they are inherently woke because they seek to upend the status quo of society through gay propaganda. Like, what the fuck are you schitzo posting about?
>>1078291 #staywoke

RTS/Strategy thread Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 18:06:04 Id: 7bce6d No. 787703 [Reply] [Last]
Post your favorite quotes, talk about your favorite or old games, shitpost, discuss upcoming stuff. Upcoming stuff: >Company of Heroes 3 >Homeworld 3 >Sins of a Solar Empire 2 >Ratten Reich >The Great War Western Front >WarNo >Broken Arrow >Xenonauts 2 >Touhou Empires >Men of War 2 >Tempest Rising >SeaPower A remaster of Tiberian Sun/Red Alert 2 much like the OG would be nice, though I doubt they wouldn't fuck up the spritework on them since that has way higher definition and small details than the original.
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>>1077935 And GLA is just tunnels and Quads, Generals was never supposed to be played competitively.
Reminder to everyone what all of command and conquer is on sale for dirt cheap. I can't believe i haven't heard of this series before, i'm playing remastered tibdawn, while there is some things i dont like about it, i find it enjoyable overall Any recs? I heard that the historical total war games are alright, along with the civ series being neat.
>>1066124 Reviews are positive too. I'll have to give it a pirate demo later to see if how it is. >>1078157 >I can't believe i haven't heard of this series How did you not know about C&C?

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Minor News Thread Anonymous 08/23/2021 (Mon) 22:32:02 Id: 9cb4c9 No. 396559 [Reply] [Last]
Basically this is a thread for those minor news articles that are interesting but not necessary big enough to have their own thread. We will be taking the bigger stories from these threads and making them into their own threads, Anons are welcome to do the same. We will NOT be heavily enforcing these threads, so please keep that in mind. Basically things like game announcements, live stream events, new gaming hardware, etc. should have their own threads while shit like NEW GUILTY GEAR DLC 3 "SLAYER" or something like that should be posted in this thread. While we won't ban anyone for doing the former, we encourage anons to use their best judgement when posting news content.
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>>1078115 You're just butthurt he didn't post shortstack loods.
>>1078115 I thought it was funnier than just using the Alex Jones clip but here's your (You).
>>1077777 Damn how did I miss these digits. >>1077832 I kept meaning to give those a try, but I never got around to it.

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2d animated games Anonymous 03/07/2025 (Fri) 19:28:42 Id: 7c8eab No. 1078025 [Reply] [Last]
No pixel art. I am sick of it. I want 2d animation but the only people that do that are vanillaware, ubisoft and the occasional indie. Why aren't big companies making 2d games anymore? Don't even try to tell me that is is to expensive. Studios are wasting 200 million and more per game nowadays. They can afford 2d animation. I also hate that out of all the big companies the only one doing 2d is fucking Ubisoft. The company that I hate the most. Vanillaware is only AA at most and they are pretty much carrying 2d animation in gaming. Apparently George Kamitani was quite disappointed how the industry super focused on 3d. He therefore started focusing on 2d games, something about wanting to see how the industry would be like had we evolved from pixels to handdrawn instead of 3d. I want to see that as well. Hollow knight is another good one, and its indie as well. Has a very adorable artstyle and is one of few metroidvanias that isn't fucking pixels. Cuphead is/was an indie game that also has great animation. The artstyle is very unique as well. Never played it myself though, no reason in particular. I wish I had more examples but I already posted the UC examples in the thread about it and I can't find the gif of rayman blowing a fairys skirt up. Whatever opinion you might have on any of the games mentioned most of them were successes. UC sold a million, The rayman games sold great (I think?), Cuphead and hollow knight are selling fantastically. Clearly there is a demand for it and yet so little supply.
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>>1078247 Another world and monkey island are pixel art. Putt-putt though is weird. Like it is slightly pixelated but my brain doesn't register it as pixel art. I am not sure why.
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There's also Mad Rat Dead.

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The forgotten art of convenience Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 20:52:23 Id: 3f5a6e No. 1013849 [Reply] [Last]
So I got a sudden urge to play Runescape (2007scape, it should go without saying) again after however many years. Didn't have anything spectacular in mind, mostly just wanted to fuck about in Lumbridge, murder a few chickens, chop a few trees, basically just live out the experience of being a noob again for shits and giggles. Now, back in the day, all you needed in order to start playing was to go to the website, open the game, click "new account", come up with a username and a password, and you were good to go. Upon trying to set up an account, this was my experience: >Game is no longer browser based, you have to download a client to even run it >Click to make new account >Game opens up my web browser >Have to enter account info there, can no longer do so in the game window >Click to make new account >Get redirected like, 4 times >Have to fill out captcha not once, but twice >Have to give an e-mail address, game no longer accepts usernames >Don't feel like giving my actual e-mail address >Make throwaway Gmail account >Enter it in >Webpage decides I've put in "too many requests" and blocks me from finishing the process >Attempt to finish signing up on my phone browser

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>>1078010 I know this. I played the whole RS2 golden era or whatever that shit was. I even tried the new stuff in RS3/OSRS and it was heart breaking how everything was walled by some god forsaken grind. Worse is the tile/tick based boss stuff. >>1078012 I got my first Questcape when WGS. Good times. I found the grinding insane.
>>1078026 The worst part is, anything that ISN'T behind an enormous grind, is instantly rendered completely pointless by the littany of bots farming the absolute shit out of it. Like for example, sharks used to be worth ~1200gp apiece. As soon as Jagex released that minnow fishing minigame in the fishing guild that made sharks easier and faster to get than traditional fishing methods, the price of them damn near halved. I can only imagine something similar has happened with blood runes with all the changes they've made to runecrafting since I stopped playing that sounds like it has made the grind to 77 significantly easier. It makes all the work you did feel completely pointless, or that doing the thing you worked so hard for isn't even worthwhile anymore.
Since we're on the topic of convenience >2004scape >have to craft/smith/cook your inventory 1 at a time >no rune packs, have to buy runes 10 at a time and world hop to avoid paying more from price increase

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Battlefield Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 06:49:17 Id: 59c6aa No. 1069887 [Reply]
Can we have a battlefield thread? There is a new one coming out that's supposed to be "return to form". I started on 1942 way back in high school and went back for battlefield 3. 4 was okay after they patched it. I'm cautiously optimistic about the new one coming back and being good. Thoughts?
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Leaked gameplay footage from the battlefield 6 labs: https://youtu.be/nIMuhxveN1Y?si=vIXJ2m5CjEGWogzR
>>1078220 >Screaming women Dropped
>>1078238 Talk about breaking immersion

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Vidya Lounge Thread Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 16:37:19 Id: 33c988 No. 343401 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /v/'s comfy lounge. This thread is for general discussion about /v/-related topics that don't deserve/fit in regular threads. The rules 'may be treated more flexibly here, but please take care not to make a mess and don't be a retard. Rules: 1. The lounge is a shared community with /v/. Posters should have posts elsewhere on the board before entering the lounge. 2. Discussion should pertain to /v/-type content only, such as funposting about video games, more video games, industry matters, and gamer™ interests. Colouring outside the lines MAY be okay, however posters do so at their own risk with the understanding that said posts might be moderated without forewarning at any time.
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>>1077491 This is the truth, the truth that buddha found out. The demiurge holds human hostage in this prison planet and every 8 billion humans get their loosh extracted and they get nothing in return. There is endless suffering. If I were smart as Tesla I'd would build a ray cannon and kill the demiurge to end this suffering. Free fuzzy waifus for everyone.
Good morning gays
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>>1078216 Howdy.

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