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Squilliam compilation thread – The End of E3gelion Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 03:39:45 Id: ed8325 No. 978559
> -1085 days until E3 Since it's summertime and E3 is officially dead and buried, I'm making one final Squilliam compilation video. Any Squilliam ideas you've been sitting on, this is your chance to get them in. Let's take a moment to remember the time every studio used to gather in one place to present their latest and greatest, before everyone started holding their own little conference no one cares about. If you have any memorable moments of past E3s, good or bad, post them in this thread. For old time's sake and so I can put some of it into the video. >I'm a newfag and what is this? It's been an 8chan tradition to make OC from a template based on Squilliam from Spongebob getting a heart attack. Download a template, open it in your favorite drawing/editing software and go nuts. When you're done, post it here (in a reply to the right anchor post to help me keep track of it). >How long do I have? I'm aiming for Sunday the 23rd of June as submission deadline, the video will be released sometime after that. >Can [board] on the webring participate? Of course! Whether it's a video game board, or just a hangout board interested in making OC. All I ask is that you help me find it by cross-posting your stuff here and linking it to the proper anchors. Feel free to share in your post what board you're representing. >What song are you going to use? Walk Away by Dokken >Is there gonna be a mosaic? Yes, see the later post. Try to make your squares E3-related if you can, this is about the death of E3, after all. >Are we never gonna see another compilation again? You probably will, I hope to make another one with a new template next year. I'm not making any promises, however.
Edited last time by Mark on 08/19/2024 (Mon) 17:19:24.
>>1017683 >>1018160 worse, the niggerpill is the failed ashes and dust pol anon (or any nigger similar to him) who fellated redpill and realized it won't automatically make him a winner and get bitches, so he got angry and remorseful and now tries to get back at the anons who made him miserable by trying to spread miserable defeatist tweets himself. Won't be surprised if he's a former leftypol/gg guy who demoralized and cucked so hard by us he tries to "fight" us
>>1020718 What's kind of funny to me is despite making that squilliam I got pretty good at at that stage after replaying it enough. I could make it through with one turtle and with minimal damage. The thing that always filtered me was the damn roof top grappling hook section. I always forgot and jumped off.
>>1021273 Wasn't that water section infamously frustrating?
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>>1020787 >Won't be surprised if he's a former leftypol/gg guy who demoralized and cucked so hard by us he tries to "fight" us Actual /leftypol/fag here. We spent the entirety of Old 8chan's life laughing at you as you kept giving us fresh converts with your raids, on those occasions when you actually managed to find the right board to raid. 8/leftypol/ was mostly ex-/pol/acks by the time Christchurch happened.
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>>1021737 >8/leftypol/ was mostly ex-/pol/acks
>>1021732 Yeah it was. It has completely different gameplay from the rest of the game and you can be basically one hit KO'd by the tentacle plants leading you to loosing one turtle right after another. The stage has a time limit too. It's pretty painful. The one good thing about it though is there are no randomly spawning enemies or hazards so with practice you can become very consistent with the stage.
>>1021737 Samina, is that you?
>>1021751 Everybody know each other or what? An anon just got called "Comet" now this.
>>1021754 Samina is a former drawfag who browsed /leftypol/.
>>1021737 How does one become a commie despite knowing the myriad of reasons Communism doesn't work? That just doesn't make sense.
>>1021840 "Samina," drawthread, and lefty had me think woman. Sure that's them?
>>1021849 Samina appears to be what >we called him on the booru
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>>1021859 >lanky kong >5
>>1021840 >>1021859 Wasn't his nickname Paps or was that a different /leftypol/ artist?
>>1021909 Indeed it was, Paps the faggot that created their commie cat.
>>1021909 I think the main thing to note is that he's drawn for idw Sanic. At a glance it doesn't look like he posts much communist trite these days. I doubt he's changed his mind on it but at least he isn't obnoxious about it. >>1021912 I didn't realise commiecat was his oc.
>>1021915 A lot of commies and fash drop their beliefs before 30. That's not usual, that juvenile "let's burn everything down" strain of politics is a lot more appealing when you're a ignorant shithead in college than it is when you're a working middle aged homeowner.
Go shit up another thread, you misbegotten niggermonkeys.
>>1021928 >misbegotten niggermonkeys Kek
The fuck has happened here
Bumping for reminder.
>>1030306 It was kind of a weird reaction. Maybe 958ee3 is papadripopoulos?
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Did this one ever get used? >>>/fur/3024
>>1040584 Yeah, same year it was made >>1009449 The belly patterns are loss.
>>1040604 >The belly patterns are loss. FUG
>>1041915 >Dead? I've not seen videoanon around in a couple of months. He seems to have some family business that's delaying him >>1009449 I hope everything's OK. As far as the thread goes we probably have sufficient Squilliams so anons just stopped making them. If you wanted to you could make another one though.
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Merry Belated Christmas & Happy New Year vidanon, where ever you are.
>>1058774 Also I guess Happy Russian Christmas too.
Monthly safety bump.
>>1073629 Isn't it already done?
>>1073630 Yes it's done but the anon who always does the video disappeared.
>>1073636 Ah, shit

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