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Vidya Oekaki Art Thread! Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 09:08:39 Id: 65f44e No. 953679
Thread for sharing your Oekaki art of vidya characters/Locales I present you all with Smaus, the bunty hunty
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And here's Vita cuz why not. >>965331 Damn, dude. You some kind of hand-holding degenerate or something? >>965333 Nice trips.
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>>965479 Jesus dude, even with only a mouse you got serious fucking skill.
>>965479 really frickin' good mate >>965482 Holy shit is >>965326 mouse lineart too?
>>965479 What a legend
>>965479 Can you draw something in Mario Paint? >>>/v/958130
>>965482 >>965489 >mouse Dunno why you're assuming I drew with a mouse. I used a pen display. >>965495 Mario Paint never works right with my pen display & I can't draw as well with a mouse. I could attempt it again with various emulators, but expect the tracking of my pen will be wrong like before. If my pen won't work then I don't want to draw with a mouse since my result would be vastly inferior to what I can do with the pen.
>>965495 Here: >>965563 My pen was completely detached from where the cursor was so it was a headache even attempting it.
>>965479 >You some kind of hand-holding degenerate or something?
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>>953374 Can we have something more robust like Kleki? It's open source. https://kleki.com You can flip & rotate the canvas, move & transform layers, change opacity & blending mode of layers, change brightness + contrast or curves, there's blur, smudge brush, blending brush, different brush shapes, shape drawing tool, text tool, gradient tool, line stabilizer like PaintTool SAI. You can even paint inside anti-aliased lines that are on a different layer & set the fill to expand under those lines slightly so you don't get white pixels around fills. See my example. The anti-aliased lines are on the top layer titled "Lines" while the green fill is under the lines on the "Colors" layer. This is accomplished by telling the fill tool to "grow" by 2 pixels so the green will go underneath the semi-transparent pixels on the edge of the black lines. This is how you fill within smooth lines without getting white pixel artifacts, you do the fill colors on the layer below. Many are probably aware of this method if they're familiar with digital art programs, but even novices can do it if the tools make it easy. It also has keyboard shortcuts that are practically standard across this kind of software. Such as holding spacebar to pan the canvas, holding R to rotate the canvas, holding Shift while clicking to make straight lines, bracket keys to change brush size, scroll wheel to zoom, etc. Of course it's not a replacement for desktop software. Things it lacks are a lasso tool to select specific things to transform & tools for doing halftone dithering. It has a lot of what anyone would need though. Just the fact that you can flip & rotate the canvas + the keyboard shortcuts helps a lot. The Oekaki tool we have does some weird shit when doing fills like it's remembering lines you've removed. I don't know if that's part of some replay feature or what, but it's unused here as far as I can see.
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Nevermind, I'm stupid. You have Klecks it's just NOT SET AS THE DEFAULT OPTION. See image. Everyone change this setting if you want the features I talk about in my post: >>965794 Klecks is better than the default option.
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>>965326 >GAMER COCK ONLY You have no idea what this does to my autistic dick.
>>965833 >keep trying to get the image to load >it always stops partway through no matter how many times I alt+F5
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>>965833 >>965898 >21.98 MB >3940x5207 >.png Based Eltonel
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Tried Klecks. Weird that it doesn't save locally & I have to copy-paste from clipboard. Canvas rotates, but can't flip. Put way too much time into an applet that can easily lose everything if I accidentally leave the page. Well whatever, have a potato.
Also, Klecks can save a PSD file with all the layers, but it attaches that PSD to your post where it gets discarded because that filetype isn't supported.
>>965556 >I used a pen display. Wait, oekaki supports that?
>>966044 Yeah. Pen pressure may or may not function though depending on what you're using.
>>966049 Damn, what an upgrade.
Has this thread been archived? If not please move it to >>>/drawarchive/
>>965978 LOL How did I miss this?
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>>965978 This is really making my "gamer" rise up
>>996562 It's hard for the Wii?
>>965898 >>965901 There's also alts. Best $150 or so I ever spent. Can't remember the actual price
>>997204 Wow. I wish I were the hudband and get her pregnant many times, yes
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>>997354 moar liek Bideo Games Poo: I Love You
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i like nier
>>1026754 Do people still draw these? I don't see many around the board.
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>>1072489 What does she think of Turks?
>>1072525 She thinks Turks are cute >///////<
>>1072741 turks are horny
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>>1072756 Sleepy türk

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