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How should gamers fight problems with modern games? Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 06:30:01 Id: 30b9b2 No. 1061372
Greentext at least one problem and find solutions to the problem. 1) Bland "brown and bloom" colors and graphics, uncreative, uninviting, and visually unstimulating, that reduce atmosphere, emotional impact, and uniqueness 2) Crunch culture where employees work long hours under intense pressure to meet deadlines and deliver products, causing burnout and decreased product quaality 3) Degradation of the hobby as gaming became international and developers adapted design to cater to broader demographics 4) Digital rights management that requires online server authentication, or negatively impacts game performance, or limits how you can use the game 5) Diversity, equity, and inclusion biasing hiring processes at the expense of skills which reduces studio performance, competence, and morale 6) Excessive DLC that fragments the gaming experience, locking content behind additional purchases instead of including it in the initial release 7) Exploiting, cheating, and hacking online like aimbots and wallhacks, offline players usually know each other which discouraged local cheating due to social consequences 8) Game-as-a-service models, subscription and cloud services for gaming where you (((own nothing and be happy))) 9) Hyper-realism instead of artistic and aesthetic style, making games look generic as they strive for similar fidelity and lose unique artistic identity 10) Input lag making games feel more unresponsive, particularly in genres like fighting games, first-person shooters, or platformers needing precise movements or combos 11) Kernel-level anticheat that violate privacy and increases the risk malicious actors exploit security vulnerabiltiies to infect gamers with malware 12) Limited physical releases where many modern games are digital-only, and companies assume digital distribution, the PS5 Pro even lacks a disc drive 13) Loading screen saturation that frequently interrupts gameplay, wastes time, and breaks immersion 14) Monetization, microtransactions, loot boxes, and gambling mechanics and how developers design games around compulsive spending of players instead of delivering quality content 15) Movie games requiring significant "Triple A" budgets and minimizing player agency by sidelining gameplay and how they interact with the game world 16) Pay-to-win mechanics that let players gain advantages by purchasing powerful items or upgrades, undermining fair competition 17) Reduced challenge to cater to broader demographics as gameplay is de-emphasized 18) Releasing games incomplete with significant bugs then patching day one or over time with frequent updates instead of quality assurance, pre-ordering games encourages this too 19) System requirements where modern games require powerful hardware, making them less accessible, or large large with long download times so customers buy storage to play 20) Woke game narratives and character designs, prioritizing diversity over game quality, lacking positive role models, and abandoning game audiences for (((modern audiences)))
>>1061372 >1 That one's easy. Just put more colors.
>>1061373 But then the game becomes gay
>>1061372 >14)Monetization, microtransactions, loot boxes, and gambling mechanic >Pay-to-win mechanics >Game-as-a-service models, subscription and cloud services One of the things that every gamer can get behind and pushback is make fun of it in every way possible. Make memes, make fun of them, attack the companies and the people that pay on stream, gamble on stream, get awareness to how predatory a new game is. There was an anon that was making a "circles of microtransaction hell" to show different levels of crappy practices. Something like that which is easy to meme, spread and talk about in one-line. Like the new marvel game. And most importantly, praise games that don't have any of these. Fund the chemo, and fuck the cancer as the people here used to say.
>>1061373 It asks "how should gamers fight problems with modern games" though. You're not the developer and can't just do that. If you were, every solution's "just do it." >>1061375 >Butthurt brown and bloom slop apologist, allegiant to retarded games fucked with no-color gayscale, defends practice that declined games >>1061377 Do you have that circles of microtransaction hell meme? We should make fun of them, but places they see us making fun of them, like developer Twitter replies.
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why do you keep making posts with random youtube thumbnails
>>1061379 The thumbnail's relevant, not random, and I don't. Not everyone's the same person.
>>1061372 I was going to respond but then I realized I needed clarification. Do you mean what should gamers do directly or do you mean gamers brainstorm solutions for developers or as if you were the developer?
>>1061380 Ignore our cuckchan refugees, they're cucks who will shit up this thread since predator corpos raped their ass with shitty practices so long they learned to love corpo abuse like a battered woman and get mad at "don't cuck."
>>1061375 >But then the game becomes gay You're wrong. For more information see Onirism.
>>1061381 >I was going to respond but then I realized I needed clarification. Do you mean I mean what should gamers do directly, real action gamers should do right now. I don't mean gamers brainstorm solutions for developers or as if they were the developers.
>>1061372 A lot of these are just >Don't buy it but provide feedback through the appropriate channels then complain/meme loudly about it until enough people trigger a large enough backlash that forces devs to either backpedal or change things in the future to avoid more negative PR Even then they usually stay the course though. Most seem content to sooner shutter themselves before they make any meaningful changes. Also >>1061377 is right about supporting the devs who rise above this ass cancer.
>>1061384 >>1061372 The thing is for a lot of these the answer is the same: Just don't purchase games that do the offending thing. These are special cases though. >6) Excessive DLC that fragments the gaming experience, locking content behind additional purchases instead of including it in the initial release Play the games but refuse to pay for the DLC. >12) Limited physical releases where many modern games are digital-only, and companies assume digital distribution, the PS5 Pro even lacks a disc drive Play the games but only if you can get the physical release. Even if you have to switch platforms for the physical release. >18) Releasing games incomplete with significant bugs then patching day one or over time with frequent updates instead of quality assurance, pre-ordering games encourages this too Just wait to buy the game until all the balance patches are done and development has ceased. As a Fromsoft fan in particular please do not buy a Souls game on launch. You're just paying for CBT. Multiplayer is a meme anyway. At least wait a couple weeks to a month for them to assfuck the "too much fun mechanics" out of the game before you experience the game. --- >13) Loading screen saturation that frequently interrupts gameplay, wastes time, and breaks immersion Is this actually still a thing? I thought this ended when games started being installed rather than streamed from discs. >20) Woke game narratives and character designs, prioritizing diversity over game quality, lacking positive role models, and abandoning game audiences for (((modern audiences))) I'm almost certain this one is self solving at this point since everyone is rejecting them more and more. The real threat I think is these people burning down the industry and hobby on the way out because they DO NOT take rejection well at all, as history has proved.
>>1061372 >1) Bland "brown and bloom" colors and graphics, uncreative, uninviting, and visually unstimulating, that reduce atmosphere, emotional impact, and uniqueness Buy the games that you find to be visually appealing. >2) Crunch culture where employees work long hours under intense pressure to meet deadlines and deliver products, causing burnout and decreased product quaality Don't buy games from the companies that abuse their workers. And if you do work there, either go work somewhere else or find another way to get yourself financially out of that situation so that you're not dependent upon that company for an income. >3) Degradation of the hobby as gaming became international and developers adapted design to cater to broader demographics Just make/buy the games you want to play. >4) Digital rights management that requires online server authentication, or negatively impacts game performance, or limits how you can use the game Don't buy games with DRM, updates, DLC, and/or microtransactions of any kind. >5) Diversity, equity, and inclusion biasing hiring processes at the expense of skills which reduces studio performance, competence, and morale Don't work for or buy games from those companies. >6) Excessive DLC that fragments the gaming experience, locking content behind additional purchases instead of including it in the initial release Don't buy those games. >7) Exploiting, cheating, and hacking online like aimbots and wallhacks, offline players usually know each other which discouraged local cheating due to social consequences Reintroduce player-side servers >8) Game-as-a-service models, subscription and cloud services for gaming where you (((own nothing and be happy))) Don't buy nor play those games >9) Hyper-realism instead of artistic and aesthetic style, making games look generic as they strive for similar fidelity and lose unique artistic identity Buy the games that look appealing to you >10) Input lag making games feel more unresponsive, particularly in genres like fighting games, first-person shooters, or platformers needing precise movements or combos Don't buy those games >11) Kernel-level anticheat that violate privacy and increases the risk malicious actors exploit security vulnerabiltiies to infect gamers with malware Don't buy games from companies who do that >12) Limited physical releases where many modern games are digital-only, and companies assume digital distribution, the PS5 Pro even lacks a disc drive Don't buy the game unless you are capable of fully owning it >13) Loading screen saturation that frequently interrupts gameplay, wastes time, and breaks immersion Design your games better >14) Monetization, microtransactions, loot boxes, and gambling mechanics and how developers design games around compulsive spending of players instead of delivering quality content Don't buy nor play those games >15) Movie games requiring significant "Triple A" budgets and minimizing player agency by sidelining gameplay and how they interact with the game world Just develop the games you want to play, and build a dedicated fanbase >16) Pay-to-win mechanics that let players gain advantages by purchasing powerful items or upgrades, undermining fair competition Just don't play those games >17) Reduced challenge to cater to broader demographics as gameplay is de-emphasized Just don't play those games >18) Releasing games incomplete with significant bugs then patching day one or over time with frequent updates instead of quality assurance, pre-ordering games encourages this too Don't buy nor play those games >19) System requirements where modern games require powerful hardware, making them less accessible, or large large with long download times so customers buy storage to play Just buy and play games that you can play on your systems and don't worry about developers who make games that are inaccessible for your system >20) Woke game narratives and character designs, prioritizing diversity over game quality, lacking positive role models, and abandoning game audiences for (((modern audiences))) Don't buy nor play those games If I haven't hit the point home enough, the "solution" is to have standards about every aspect of your life. From what products your willing to buy or spend time with to where and how you do your job.
>>1061372 Becoming a game dev isn't enough, you need to get people in PR and HR roles as well
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>>1061375 I fail to see the problem.
stop buying games
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>>1061375 Games can be gay without colors too
>>1061378 this was one of the pics, I don't have any other. The guy never posted again
>>1061655 This right fucking here. Why is it so hard for people to understand that if you stop financially supporting something, it goes away? People here are probably too young to remember online passes. There was a hot minute where corpos decided it would be a good idea to ship new games with a code that enabled online features in an attempt to attack the used game market. If you bought the game used, you didn't get the code, so you had to pay 10 US DOLLARS for the pass. This practice didn't last long. Know why? BECAUSE PEOPLE STOPPED BUYING THE FUCKING GAMES THAT HAD ONLINE PASSES. It really is that simple. Oh, and OP, you forgot the single, biggest problem in the industry today: gamers with no impulse control who keep paying for the shit they complain about.
>>1061655 There's plenty of old games that are actually good and can be easily obtained. No need to spend money on modern trash. Pirate the few good things worth wasting time on. >>1061684 Online passes died because physical media died. If discs where still how a majority of people bought games then they would still be around. Also the trend of forcing a shitty multiplayer mode into an otherwise single player game died with the 7th gen, and that made up a majority of online passes.
>>1061684 pretty much yeah, way too many tards want to somehow ban bad practices instead of just being more discerning and never preordering games
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>>1061545 Congratulations on having standards with how you, Mister .000001% of the industry's audience, choose to spend money, now let's see how that changes what studios release <2026 I don't understand, one guy did the thing he was supposed to and every game that releases is still trash, how could this happen? What's it gonna take?
>>1061909 So what the fuck do you suggest? Start the Day or the Controller Cord? I mean there really is no other reasonable option than having some manner of purchasing standards and sticking to it. Either other gamers will have to develop standards too or we'll just have to wait until the industry rots and collapses. That's the two options. Really it's one option because collapse of an industry means that the patrons DO actually have some standards after all but they just lacked a defined declaration or "mission statement" for them. So it's conscious standards vs unconscious standards.
>>1061919 >>1061909 Start by talking about these bad practices in places other than 8chan. Youtube comments, instagram captions, tikitok, kiwifarms (I know you fags), your discord which you swear is only for memes etc.. Its easy to do, and yes, normalfags do get swayed if enough opinions say, not just here. It'll take a few months so don't get disheartened. If you wait for industry collapse to START something, it aint gonna work. Being smugly saying "I did everything right, its all tose who didn't do it other's fault" in a corner or the internet isn't enough. But if you say it enough in public spaces, it will sway a few people.
>>1061926 but gaming is degenerate
>>1061926 >Start by talking about these bad practices in places other than 8chan. <Youtube comments, instagram captions, tikitok, kiwifarms (I know you fags), your discord which you swear is only for memes etc.. First, I don't have accounts for any of those. Second, the websites I do have accounts for have all practically been banned or suspended for months on end because I dare to speak my mind and the vols on those sites consider it to he "trolling".
Most games are so bad these days that I don't even have the patience to Pirate them let alone even bother playing them. At this point every other medium is basically dead and irredeemable so why not gaming? In another decade when most games are probably streamed instead of installed all of this will probably be much worse, But with the added benefits of playing it on a shitty phone or tablet screen with touch controls and horrible macro blocking. All this crap is the reason I think not only are we seeing more people interested in older games but also new games are being made that play and look like older games because all of this new 'mainstream" stuff sucks so bad. Maybe I don't quite have the full picture here but to me it seems like everything is being divided into three categories, mainstream slop, artisanal passion projects and hobbyists tinkering around with ideas. I'm sure there's probably some gradation there but with the loss of mid-level and smaller budget stuff which has happened across the board for a while there the only thing that existed was Major studio AAA garbage (which sometimes had had a few redeeming qualities) and then low budget indie stuff or small projects that seemed indie but were actually being corporate funded or crowdfunded. A lot of the crowdfunding stuff was horrendous scams it seems like. (I could be wrong about that, is still tracking the data on those numbers) but in general it seems to be this three-tier system of crumbling high budget AAA productions that can't seem to get their act together and don't know how to serve an audience with everything else that's interesting is happening in the much smaller budget categories along with hobbyists learning how to harness new technology
>>1061977 >artisanal passion projects and hobbyists tinkering around with ideas I feel like the missing piece that would allow these two groups to fully compete with AAA slop is physical platforms. Back in the 80s and 90s you had home computers (like the Commodore for example), console-HC hybrids (e.g. the Speccy), and IBM clones that eventually became the PC and all of them were open or semi open. Now we've all got nothing but tightly closed platforms >Steam >Android >Apple >Nintendo >Sony >Microsoft We need either physical distribution of PC games and/or a new home computer type device.
>>1061655 >>1061684 Also, stop falling for marketing. Don't watch trailers or teasers. And stop being a retard that falls for (((hype))). Don't go buying a product on impulse, just because you thought a commercial looked "cool".
>>1061989 Well if you've been following the Mister hardware scene at all the barrier to entry is around 150 bucks and it's a fairly robust fpga platform that people have been able to pull off some pretty amazing miracles with when it comes to getting it to play almost every video game system from Atari up to the playstation, saturn, and 64. Don't really want to get into the hole fpga core versus emulation debate, and I don't really know how it would work to actually develop a native game on an fpga system, but I'm sure people have done that so you could probably make something pretty cool in that respect but you could also make anything to spec from any of those other systems I've mentioned you could make your own 32x game or neo Geo game or even a turbo graphics 16 game and what have you (there's even support for dos and some Windows 95 games if I remember correctly) but yeah you could develop old school games the old school way and actually actually put them out on cartridge or the card reader that somebody has made for the project (it's pretty cool) and somebody is even working on a CD drive so you could put your game out on CD even!
>>1061545 >>1061926 Talking to people about this helps a lot. My normalfag coworkers started listening to my warnings about buying on release after they got burned a bunch. Starfield was the one that finally broke the came's back. Since then I don't think any one of them bought anything on release and they are giving more time to older, good games and they do not buy into the hype nearly as much as they used to. I also managed to get them to be more reluctant to buy remakes, dropping gamepass or being selective about when they get it, and have some play games on Linux instead of Windows 11. I probably costed Microsoft and AAA studios around 20 people who would otherwise eat their slop no questions asked. >>1061909 >Congratulations on having standards with how you, Mister .000001% of the industry's audience, choose to spend money, now let's see how that changes what studios release People not buying AAA games is starting to work (in combination with investors not falling for the hype anymore and switching to getting scammed by the AI industry instead). Lots of AAA studios became unsustainable lately. They are now scaling down, shitting down, or refusing to back out and heading towards oblivion. >>1061989 Even consoles are slowly ditching physical media. Besides consoles, most people do not have devices with physical media anymore unless they are enthusiasts or collectors. USBs are an option but that still leaves issues of coping them games over to them, packaging, and distributing them. All of this costs time and money, more than most people think. Normalfags might be weirded out too by a game coming on a USB stick instead of a download or a disc. >>1061989 Steam and Android are not that closed. You can install anything you want onto an Andoid phone. Steam lets nearly everyone sell games and they don't even force the steam DRM. I don't expect it to last, and that's why it's generally best to not rely on a single store or platform. If you are a dev, you should release your games on Steam, GOG, itch, and whatever other platform while avoiding or putting games out with delay on the locked down ones. Having your own website for game distribution is a good idea too but that's an extra cost and might be too much for a small team to deal with long term.
>>1062762 Most mundanes cant into joining servers without social platforms, the windows store and supporting xbox accounts is better if steam does go down.
>>1062768 joining a friend's server*
>>1061909 >Congratulations on having standards with how you, Mister .000001% of the industry's audience, choose to spend money, now let's see how that changes what studios release Even if 100% of gamers did have high standards, better games would still not get made. If there is no easy way to scam consumers, smart businesses and investors will simply refuse to participate in the market at all. The failure to serve the market is by design. >I don't understand, one guy did the thing he was supposed to and every game that releases is still trash, how could this happen? What's it gonna take? Making games yourself is the only solution that is guaranteed to work. Every other option eventually boils down to giving in to whatever ultimatum a developer or publisher puts on the table and not getting exactly what you want.
>>1062776 >If there is no easy way to scam consumers, smart businesses and investors will simply refuse to participate in the market at all. In some ways that's a good thing, as 100 employees sans logistics staff is around the upper limit of having a cohesive creative vision in videogames, unless you really lock in team sizes like nintendo does. Imagine if films had 5000 hands touching it (besides nameless pedestrian actors) or several dozen painters work on the same art piece. It would overall be a boon if people who actually care about the games work on them instead of people who grew up wanting a water cooler job. If steam showed you a few concepts for a dev's next game to throw $5 at to happen sooner, you could probably get rid of publishers entirely if meritocratic community trust for the person is high enough.
>>1061949 Look at your approach you moron, you need to do it subtly. In the same vein trannies subdue everyone else to go along with their whims.
>>1061386 If the industry burns down all because a bunch of fat gay retards were in control, then the industry never should’ve been made in the first place.
>>1061684 Consoomers have no standards, and some games are being funded by taxpayer money
>>1062957 This but unironically.
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>>1061372 >1-20 Play old games.
Just don't buy them. That's all. >But they'll keep making bad games And? Tell them why you're not buying them. If they refuse to listen, go your own way . Just replay old games over again.
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>>1063039 Problem is, there are new people being born constantly. They have, by majority, never experienced the gaming of older times; for them, games of today are the norm, rather than an utter perversion, because that's what they grew up with (pic related). The way to combat that is to create games that are better. The big problem with that being, those of us who like to play games are not exactly as good nor as motivated to create games.
>>1063187 Can be summarized as "the modern audience is one they're grooming to exist in the future."
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>>1063187 That's not exactly what a scientific truth is though. The truth cannot be changed (modern "games" are garbage). Meanwhile the older games, not only are they always available in some form, they also are better in practically every regard. Especially the ones from the final years of the 2D era of gaming, which aged like fine wine. But even later 3D games with engaging gameplay still remain objectively better games. What that quote is talking about is scientific truth, in the sense, that the old concept is actually worse than the new one. In gaming we do not have that here. New games are objectively worse than older games. The problem with zoomers is a different one.
>>1063187 >>1063191 Reminds me of people declaring F.E.A.R. to be a "dated" game yet never explain what about the game makes it dated. >What that quote is talking about is scientific truth, in the sense, that the old concept is actually worse than the new one. I disagree. I feel like the quote isn't referring to truth at all. And what it's calling "truth" is actually another word for "indoctrination". For example, Marxism considers itself to be "only" way to "progress history", and it's solution to anyone who disagrees is to kill them. Same thing here. This scientist loaths that his theories are not accepted by the "scientific community" for one reason or another (Could be anything from a petty disagreement to there being zero proof behind the guy's theories), so the "solution" to that problem is to then wait for those very people to die before he can declare his theories as fact. Basically, it's the philosphy of the vengeful. That the world needs to suffer and burn for daring to not realize how "intelligent" they are.
>>1063196 On the reverse side, you have the case of Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis(Hungarian- German, before you ask), who noticed that if he disinfected his hands after handling a corpse, then there was a much lower risk of a mother dying doing childbirth, because he was also touching both her and the baby with those hands. When he proposed his findings to his colleagues, he was mocked as he could not scientifically explain his findings(Germ Theory had not been discovered yet), the scientific community, also felt attacked as if to imply that they were dirty, which they were not since they were gentlemen, so he was locked in a mental asylum, where he died a few weeks later after the guards beat him to death. Only after his death, was the Germ Theory discovered, and doctors, begrudgingly started washing their hands after each operation. In this case the scientific truth triumphed after his death.
>>1063191 >The truth cannot be changed (modern "games" are garbage). People are buying garbage? >New games are objectively worse than older games. Soyberpunk 2077 is objectively worse than pong? I know what you mean by "games" but these exaggerations are easily dismissable if told to someone not in the know.
>>1063202 >On the reverse side, you have the case of Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis Reading up on the guy's history, it was not as cut an dry as you're making it out. First of all, Semmelweis never actually published anything. All his findings were made by second-hand accountants, and the people reading those second hand accounts dismissed them as repeating the findings made by Oliver Wendell Holmes several years earlier about diseases being contagious. Second, these findings were being published during the middle of the 1848 Revolutions happening across Europe, and so his dismissal from the hospital by his Austrian superior was a result WHO he was (Being a Hungarian) as opposed to what he ever actually said. Third, he repeated Galileos infamous failure of thinking too highly of himself and spending the rest of his days writing scathing letter to anyone and everyone who dared to question him and his theories. For example, his superior still allowed him a post at the hospital, in a demoted position I'll admit, that would still allow him to continue his practice and teach, but Semmelweis took the notice as a personal slight and left without another word. In addition, he was so histrionic after 20 years of grudges and angry letters about the dismissal of his theories that even his own wife requested that he finally be committed. So in a rather ironic fashion, it's another example of pride and vengefulness being the sole reasons preventing scientific information from being capable of progressing and improving.
>>1063208 >never actually published anything >these findings were being published during the middle of the 1848 Revolutions Well it can't be both, and he actually published his findings in 1861 long after the Revolution, though he was not all that convincing, and lamented in his published works, the fact that nobody took him serious. We also need to keep in mind, that he did do good work in the hospitals he worked in, by significantly reducing child birth mortality when forcing the doctors to disinfect their hands, and some of his students who worked in other hospitals also had similar good results, so he had good result to back up his claims. In the end it was a mix of his ego and lack of persuasion, a scientific community that did not even attempt to at least test his ideas for one year to see if they can reproduce those results, him insulting his colleagues, similar to Galileo, and the fact that Germ Theory hadn't been proposed yet. With all that said, he was right in the end, even if he didn't know why, so it is a good counterexample to <And what it's calling "truth" is actually another word for "indoctrination". <This scientist loaths that his theories are not accepted by the "scientific community" for one reason or another, so the "solution" to that problem is to then wait for those very people to die before he can declare his theories as fact. Because he was actually right in the end, and he did not outlive his peers to declare his theories as facts, he had to be vindicated by a post-Pasteur scientific community.
>>1063187 >Problem is, there are new people being born constantly. They have, by majority, never experienced the gaming of older times; for them, games of today are the norm, rather than an utter perversion, because that's what they grew up with (pic related) >The way to combat that is to create games that are better This is the exact mentality that lead to modern gaming being full of woke garbage. The purpose of making games is to fucking play them, not to use them as a tool to convince other people. >The big problem with that being, those of us who like to play games are not exactly as good nor as motivated to create games Only if you are a poser. There is in fact no better person for the job than the one who appreciates games at their fullest.
>>1062762 >Even consoles are slowly ditching physical media. Besides consoles, most people do not have devices with physical media anymore unless they are enthusiasts or collectors. USBs are an option but that still leaves issues of coping them games over to them, packaging, and distributing them. All of this costs time and money, more than most people think. Normalfags might be weirded out too by a game coming on a USB stick instead of a download or a disc. Physical media needs to be brought back.
>>1063320 There's plenty on ebay and in stores, but people would rather pirate. I heard that's why sega dropped out of consoles besides the saturn flopping, nintendo releasing on sony and steam would be funny.
>>1063191 >What that quote is talking about is scientific truth, in the sense, that the old concept is actually worse than the new one That's true in a zoomer's mindest though. Society has been groomed for decades with a very "out with the old in with the new" mindset, nobody wants to be that one weirdo with obscure contrarian interests if they give a shit about engaging with the rest of society. A game being old is a hurdle for some normalfags, mostly due to difficulty accessing it (normalfags don't pirate) or the hardware/software to play it, but above all just the connotation that it's "outdated". A larger retro community might help but it feels like there's been one for a decade and a half (when only NES, SNES and maybe PS1 qualified as retro) and it's getting increasingly more niche compared to the other gaming communities >>1063196 >yet never explain what about the game makes it dated. As stated above, the date. ;-) >>1063205 >People are buying garbage? If you advertise garbage as cool and mainstream, they'll buy anything >>New games are objectively worse than older games. >Soyberpunk 2077 is objectively worse than pong? New games on average are objectively worse than older games. There, fixed. >>1063235 <Better games == the politicized games woketards make Absolutely wrong
>>1063196 Max Planck was a physicist. The concept he was talking about is quantum physics, back then still called nuclear physics and how weird it was, due to which many, including einstein, dismissed it as madness. Yet here we are, and it is the best fitting theory we have currently. It is referring to truth. Not indoctrination. Physics is a science where indoctrination is impossible without extremely bad consequences (like the impending global electricity and food problems and complete mismanagement of resources due to the climate change agenda). And quantum physics is being applied today in many devices. It is not something someone simply theorized. This is hard science. Of course, once someone figures out a theory that explains these things even better, the old will try to keep quantum physics, while the new will employ the new theory due to its simplicity and ability to explain yet unexplained phenomena. >>1063205 Yes, people are buying garbage. Pong does not insult your intelligence, so in a way, it is. You are taking a point to the extreme, but really, the quality in games can be rather described by a slowly growing curve that started to drop somewhere between 2008-2012 and from then it is in free fall. Of course, quality is still better than the first games. But it is objectively worse than games from 2-3 decades ago. In the end a normie just needs to be given an old game, and he will notice how much better it is, provided his synapses aren't burnt by constant self-gratification.
>>1063429 Well, in that sense, yeah I guess. But considering the name in that quote, it is clearly talking about that scientific truth, not about societal "truth". That's my main problem with your post. Though ignorance does not make an old concept worse than the new one, since all it takes is some exposure to realize that it is false. And Anon, you are here, in an imageboard, do you think anyone here even thinks about engaging with society? What is even your goal with having normies change their ways? The library of media that is truly great and not being made anymore is quite large. Large enough to keep you busy for a few decades if you aren't a NEET. And at that point I do think good vidya will make a return.
>How should gamers fight problems with modern games? Ignore their existence. Don't buy them. Don't pirate them. Don't play them. Don't talk about them. Even talking about how shit they are is free marketing; don't do it.
>>1063458 >But considering the name in that quote Didn't even know or care about the name in the quote, I understood the idea and relevance of that quote to the subject at hand. >it is clearly talking about that scientific truth, not about societal "truth" "societal 'truth'" is stronger than anyone here would hope. >do you think anyone here even thinks about engaging with society If you want anything you can't get yourself, it's a necessary evil. Anons probably interact with society all the time even just to go grocery shopping or get their cars repaired, they just make themselves look like isolationist hard-asses. Not saying you can't or shouldn't be if you're strong and smart enough to be independent. >What is even your goal with having normies change their ways? You trust a generation of normalcattle raised and trained on GaaS/woke/censored/whatever-else-negative games to make vidya in the future? Even as far out as "a few decades" (assuming the industry doesn't change that much for the better within those few decades)? Obviously I want culture/society to improve in a way that benefits me in the long term, anyone with a brain would never outright say it but they're subconsciously thinking it all the time.
Archive of the article in the OP: https://archive.ph/BJkVS Given the state of the video game industry and how companies have to unironically announce that they're removing DEI initiatives from their company, it's made me wonder if there's really anything that would be "lost" if people essentially "checked out" of modern gaming for the next several years. This isn't denying the possibility that "good games" could and still are coming out, and it isn't even the point. The problem is that there's currently a cancer within the industry that everyone is fully aware, and the only way to kill cancer is to deprive it of an environment that allows it to thrive. How this would work with gaming is just refusing to play the games coming out. Doesn't matter if the game is "good" or "bad", just don't play it for any purpose whatsoever. Because even assuming that the game coming it is "good" and "not pozzed", there's nothing preventing the company from taking that money made from that successful and well-made game and funneling it towards the "bad" and "pozzed" games. It's a tactic the film industry has practiced for decades. So the only real solution that I can think of is to just deprive them of oxygen outright until the entire company either collapses or everyone in mangement is replaced. But if you're not playing the "new" games, then what games are there to play? How about the games that already exist. There's dozens of systems and platforms released over the past 50 years since video games have become relevant with thousands of games developed for every single one of them. In addition, it's become a huge meme these days that people have entire Steam libraries, physical shelves, and/or No-Intro backups and pirated copies saved to their computer consisting of a few hundred games alone. You can quite literally just spend the next few years playing nothing but those games and never at any point be starving for "new" content. So with the circumstance of how shit the industry, and already being in possession of years of content that's doing nothing except collecting dust (Metaphorically or even literally), why not just refuse to particpate in furthering the modern industry?
>DEI is so widely hated you can market yourself on not being it. I don't know the future seems kinda bright all things considered.
>>1063672 I've been doing this for the better part of 15 years. And it wasn't on purpose. They just stopped making many of the types of games I liked. So I play old ones. And I have more games that I think I'll enjoy than I'll ever have time to play. I do the same with movies and tv and stuff, too. There is almost nothing new that I like, so I just don't pay attention to it and instead just enjoy some of the old stuff. And even then I'll never have time to enjoy it all. It's annoying that the industry is now dedicated to making bad games on purpose, but there is more good stuff than I can ever enjoy. So I'll be fine. >but this one new game is good! Look, sometimes I'll get tempted to try a new game, and there have been a couple that I've been enjoyed, but I've also been led astray by some of the terminally optimistic people here. Some of the people who act like I'm stupid for ignoring a blatantly SJW game because maybe if I were to just ignore that the game blatantly hates me, then I could enjoy some sub-section of it. What they don't realize is that they're ignoring thousands of old games. I'm just choosing to prioritize good games over new games. If I happen to miss a good new game, I don't see it as a worse loss than missing a good old game. And I can always be convinced to check out the currently new game later. But for now, I'll go back and play more of the formerly new games that I already missed.
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>>1063700 DEI is the least of gaming's problems - it's just the most visible and annoying. Even if you shitcanned all the useless diversity hires, you still have to deal with throngs of diploma mill cogs kicked out as fast as possible to slot into outsourcing studios working on UE5 slop so that AAA studios can limp along for one more release before collapsing under the weight of their own budgets and inefficiencies. Games are increasingly made on an assembly line by low-skill labor, because actually talented developers require higher wages and job security to keep happy. The entire fucking industry needs to scale back to more sustainable game development practices, but that's not going to happen since hardware manufacturers need their technical showcases to sell retards new product every 3-4 years. Overall, while I think graphics are much less of a selling point as they used to be - each new advancement does set the bar that everyone else has to reach for, and there will be backlash from the niggercattle if games don't meet that standard. Aside from licensing bullshittery causing some games to get delisted, everything you "miss" by checking out for a few years will be there when you pick it back up. There's still worthwhile stuff coming out in the AA and Indie spaces too.
Onirism's full release... and that's about it.
Maybe total warhammer 40k and new few bing bing wahoo games to play with friends online.
>>1063672 I stopped buying and playing modern games, but I will never stop denouncing the jewish and marxist poisons infecting the industry.
>>1063732 >Overall, while I think graphics are much less of a selling point as they used to be - each new advancement does set the bar that everyone else has to reach for, and there will be backlash from the niggercattle if games don't meet that standard. I'm skeptical about this. In fact, I think normalfags can't even see the difference. Normalfags don't count pixels or frames, and they don't know what any of the other terms hardware manufacturers use even mean. You think they know what anti-aliasing is? They fucking don't. They might hear terms like "ray tracing" and think "ooh like futuristic lasers? I want that!" But they can't see it. You can tell them a game is fancy and they'll believe it. You nerds might complain about graphics and performance in Breath of the Wild or whatever, but to normalfags, that's as fancy as any game you can think of. And it's more fun, too. >Aside from licensing bullshittery causing some games to get delisted, everything you "miss" by checking out for a few years will be there when you pick it back up. There's still worthwhile stuff coming out in the AA and Indie spaces too. What? You pay for digital games? Fucking idiot.
>>1063771 Do you think before posting?
>>1063944 It's Lucario
>>1063189 "The modern audience is the one that will exist in the future, so that's the one they are grooming" >>1063191 >The truth cannot be changed Societal opinion on what is the truth can be (and so can be the actual scientific understanding, which is more or less what was meant by "scientific truth" here; one difference is that the new theory must perform better, and the old one won't suddenly perform worse than it had). The statement is not about the truth; it's about how stubborn people are in retaining their once established outlook. And Max Planck was talking about experts in a precise science with relation to their supposed area of expertise. Now replace that with anyone who plays video games and has a desire to express their thrice unnecessary opinion on the internet. >>1063196 >And what it's calling "truth" is actually another word for "indoctrination". Less indoctrination, more established beliefs regardless of how they were formed. Which is why indoctrinating them young is so efficient. >>1063450 >The concept he was talking about is quantum physics, back then still called nuclear physics and how weird it was, due to which many, including einstein, dismissed it as madness. Oh, they couldn't dismiss the accurate predictions. Einstein, mind you, had his Nobel Prize officially attributed to "explaining the photoelectric effect" which was done via quantum mechanics (in truth, these attributions are followed by "and other contributions to science"). Planck, too, was in denial about the whole theory, despite being the one to suggest the original quantization assumption while trying to explain the blackbody radiation spectrum. Many of them were doing research while claiming that the underlying ideas must be rubbish; then again, trying to disprove it all is an old source of confirming evidence (Karl Popper's concept of trying to falsify wasn't there yet, but that's what all these physicists were doing anyway). >Of course, once someone figures out a theory that explains these things even better, the old will try to keep quantum physics, while the new will employ the new theory due to its simplicity and ability to explain yet unexplained phenomena. That they will, although perceiving it as simple is already a matter of being used to the theory. But previous theories will not give worse predictions than before; we still use Newtonian mechanics even for planes and artillery (not for satellite clock synchronization, however). Thank you all for listening to my TED talk. <t. once had to wait for months while my own thesis advisor was coming up to terms with the evidence that my model was correct. Now watch me try to be on topic: >>1063235 >The purpose of making games is to fucking play them, not to use them as a tool to convince other people. Make games that are good. That will convince people all by itself. >There is in fact no better person for the job than the one who appreciates games at their fullest. Even if all game developers are avid gamers (as it was in the beginning), most gamers will still not be game developers. Wanting to make games without wanting to play games is industry cancer; wanting to play (good) games without wanting to make them yourself is just being part of the unavoidable majority. To reduce it to absurd, we do not expect every driver to make his own car, nor every soldier to design his own weaponry, nor every last man to grow his own food.
>>1064268 >Wanting to make games without wanting to play games is industry cancer Hiroshi Yamauchi was President of Nintendo from 1949 to 2002. He famously never played video games. Yet he was in charge as his company entered the industry and went on to absolutely dominate it, creating many, many classics, and codifying many industry and artistic standards. What's key here is that rather than meddling with the artistic part of things specifically, he just trusted people like Gunpei Yokoi, Satoru Iwata, and Shiguru Miyamoto to continue doing the things that kept making the company boatloads of money. Well until Yokoi made the Virtual Boy and Yamauchi had him killed by the yakuza. Frank Zappa has a famous quote that relates to this concept, except about the music industry. He described the record executives of the '60s as “cigar-chomping old guys who looked at the product and said, ‘I don’t know. Who knows what it is? Record it, stick it out. If it sells, alright!’ We were better off with those guys, than we are with the hip, young executives." The ones who pretend to be creatives interfere instead of letting the actual artists do their work.
With all the talk lately over how Sony, Valve, and now seemingly Nintendo are censoring games, it brings forward the question of asking "how much" censorship should be allowed in video games?
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None, let it into your doorstep and it stays there forever asking for more. End of discussion. Here's one of the usual images so some fags can go post about it on xitter or their discord., a thread died for this.
>>1064296 We have to distinguish censorship from localization, for instance >>1064300 is just bad localization, not censorship. As for what I find tolerable, is when they have to censor stuff to be able to sell it in a country(like removing swastikas when selling a game in Germany) or on a platform(removing pornography from a game sold on Steam) BUT also providing a free mod that easily brings back the removed content, like how some anime porn games are censored on Steam or GoG, but have a free DLC that adds the content back in.
>>1064300 >None, let it into your doorstep and it stays there forever asking for more. End of discussion. /thread
>>1064301 Not seen in the image, but they removed an entire module of the game where you could interact with the characters physically, so you get both instances on this example.
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None /thread
Good merge
>>1064296 >"how much" censorship should be allowed None. Though fags will argue that getting a neutered game is preferable to getting no game at all.
>>1061372 >11) Kernel-level anticheat that violate privacy and increases the risk malicious actors exploit security vulnerabiltiies to infect gamers with malware Use Linux. If Linux grows enough they'll stop because anticheat loses money.
>>1064620 Can cuckchanners learn to check the catalog and come up with OPs that don't overlap or are dupes so jannies don't have to intervene like this? Yes I'm a fucking hypocrite since I started a BLUE PROTOCOL OP without realizing the MMO thread hadn't slid off yet Having two threads on Unicorn Overlord may be acceptable on cuckchan but not here even with how good it is. In general this board should have way less redundant and artificial filler posting that constitutes cuckchan's illusory PPH. >>1064623 Denuvo still persists in Linux with Proton of all programs. >>1064615
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posting in GC thread
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>>1061372 1. Never pay for anything, ever. No. Not even that game. No. Don't fucking do it. 2. Don't play any games with propaganda in them in the first place. Not even for free. It still hurts you. 3. If you do play those games, ensure that the content can be MODDED OUT, and/or that any game you play can simply be modded to your heart's content, anyway. You are the one who paid (or didn't). You own the copy of the game that you have. Therefore you can do anything you want with it at any time, including add nude teenagers and remove all nonwhites from 18th century England. https://archive.ph/oKAoS
>>1061372 I got the solution for all: ""Make Plug And Play Great Again""
>>1064688 Nah, formatting isn't autistic enough
>>1066147 These.
>20) Woke game narratives and character designs Learn to mod woke out. Mod woke out. Start sites to mod woke out. Fund bounties to mod woke out. Fund people who mod woke out. Promote people who mod woke out.
>>1063358 >but people would rather pirate. I heard that's why sega dropped out of consoles That's a lie propagated by retards to discourage piracy.
All 20 points mostly boil down to "our culture is ruled by skinsuits who've raced to the bottom of the aesthetic gutter." The solution is for people of a superior type to create genuine culture. >>1066262 This would be a huge step in the right direction. I think it's time has come as the "woke backlash" will probably make it harder to shut down such efforts. People who can't create what they want to see must fund it.
>>1066262 This will only be possible when the payment processors are eliminated and replaced with ones that operate to our interests only.
>>1066262 >Learn to mod woke out. So you're keeping the people who made those woke games employed?
>>1073411 >you can't mod pirated games
>>1073422 First, how will people find out about your mod? Second, why are you playing a woke game in the first place instead of just playing something else entirely?
>>1064296 >how much censorship should be allowed None. Platforms should accommodate all customers, and allow them to put up their own filters to segregate between content they do and do not want to see. So far, Steam and GOG are the only platforms that I'm aware that do this - and only because they are the only two platforms that outright sell porn games. Both of them are still too censorious for their own good, but at least it's a step in the right direction. Old style video rental stores had the right idea of it. Make most of the public facing store for general audiences and family safe - then have sections for R-rated material and restrict rentals based on the age rating. Anything explicitly adult in nature gets the back room with the velvet rope. Ballbuster video fucked this perfect system up by explicitly not allowing any sort of adult material in their stores. Not sure if they ever enforced censorship in the movies they did carry the way Walmart did though.
>4) Digital rights management that requires online server authentication, or negatively impacts game performance, or limits how you can use the game >6) Excessive DLC that fragments the gaming experience, locking content behind additional purchases instead of including it in the initial release >8) Game-as-a-service models, subscription and cloud services for gaming where you (((own nothing and be happy))) >11) Kernel-level anticheat that violate privacy and increases the risk malicious actors exploit security vulnerabiltiies to infect gamers with malware >19) System requirements where modern games require powerful hardware, making them less accessible, or large large with long download times so customers buy storage to play Refuse to buy the game.

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