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recomend me a game, anons Anonymous 12/24/2024 (Tue) 04:26:10 Id: 686964 No. 1053770
I'm finding that i've gotten bored of my current library. what are some good games that you've guys have played? they don't have to be recent, or anything. for some pointers, here's some games i really enjoyed, and why i like them (and some reasons i don't) >Noita good: wand tinkering is really fun, falling sand simulation is interesting to play with bad: poor balance, underdeveloped mechanics. >KSP good: rocket go fwoosh. flying your own crafts is cool. successful missions are rewarding bad: performance, requires a physics degree to play optimally. >F:NV good: lots of dialogue options, colorful characters, and memorable locations. bad: start of the game (and whole main quest) is very linear, and DLCs are pretty mid. >skyrim good: beautiful environment, fun to wander around, non-commital builds. bad: gameplay is very simple, baby'd mechanics, lack of choice. >TF2 good: laid back and casual game, lots of weapon variety, a lot of personality bad: too much mediocre content, gotten a bit stale. >Factorio good: puzzles are simple, but come together to be complex, rewards thinking but does not demand it bad: gameplay is the same across playthroughs - lacks replayability
>>1053777 i don't know if i'd like citybuilders, i've never really felt the drive to play em the closest genre i have would probably be colony sims, if i had to guess.
>>1053780 Not a city builder. You build a city but it's just for the particular stage you're in, so about 30 mins or so. Then you do it again, elsewhere, with different parameters, rewards, and risks. 🧠
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>>1053770 Have you ever played Freelancer? Really nice space sim from back in the day that I'd never heard of until a couple of years ago. It's what I'd really wanted from the space stage of Spore, but minus the empire building. Sid Meier's Pirates! in space. Myabandonware has it if you're interested.
>>1053770 The omnifactory mod for minecraft is much like factorio without conveyors. In addition the factorio dev did openttd modding before working on his own game, but you need a special kind of autism to get over the learning curve and enjoy that game, especially multiplayer. Haven't played much at all but perhaps a crpg like divinity original sin, baldurs gate, or 40k rogue trader would fill the gap skyrim left you. Try custom weapon tf2c servers too, different maps have different weapon sets btw.
>>1053790 i haven't heard of it. what's the gameplay like?
>>1053790 Freelancer is outFUCKINGstanding and anons should play it. >>1053804 Space dogfighting in an open world game. Can also play it like a space trucker and do trade runs. You can also do piracy. Has a single player story as well. Would recommend. It doesn't have the depth of factorio or noita, but theres enough between the different weapon types and ships to chew on for a while. If anon wants something deep to get lost in for hours I'd recommend Elona(not the base game, look into the other variants) or Elin.
>>1053809 Shame Chris Roberts stopped making space games after Wing Commander and Freelancer. Imagine what he could do with modern tech.
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40k Boltgun "Recently" got Horde Mode and a DLC chapter. The taunts are pretty cool.
>>1053770 Some games I have been playing of varying quality: >Gates of Hell Ostfront WW2 RTS. The dynamic campaign is pretty fun and keeps me coming back. Lots of micro though. >Age of Empires II Definitive Edition Another RTS. Has some issues, but overall, still holds up and still getting updates/DLC. >Path of Achra A turnbased roguelike game with the potential of building incredibly broken characters. Simple but lots of character customization combos to try out. >We who are about to die Gladiator roguelike. Train/equip and build up your gladiator with physics based combat. Kinda janky, but fun and still getting updates. >Kingdom Rush Vengeance Tower Defense game series I usually play on my phone. Simple, but I like the idea of using infantry units alongside towers and heroes. >Valheim My friend pulled me into this one. After some modding, I've been enjoying the no map exploration run we have going. Downside is it is a survival shit game though.
>>1053809 i remember seeing elin on steam and a bit intrigued, but it being early acsess (plus reviews saying it was a bit rough) turned me away. has it improved?
>>1053770 Quake. You can play the official enhanced edition on steam or any of the source ports.
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>>1053770 Have you tried Tales of Two Wastelands? If you're looking for more New Vegas to do, bolt on the capital wasteland in the NV engine and explore that. Got some good mods like Rebuild the Capital https://next.nexusmods.com/newvegas/collections/3fs9zx Project Wingman is another easy one. It recently updated and I don't know if the devs have fixed the bugs in the DLC campaign yet. You can grab the version off GOG that should still work. Yakuza 0 is a classic. It's pretty much a self contained game with dual protagionists and it runs pretty good. Astlibra Revision is a JRPG that plays like a Metroidvania but is very much conventional. This is a really good one if you're looking to sink hours into. Symphony of War has a woman so big her sprite clips out the UI box she stands in. This is intentional apparently from the dev. It's a squad based tactics game like Fire Emblem but it's really forgiving in it's difficulty. >>1053790 Freelancer is kinda dated.
>>1053809 well, i saw that elin had a demo on steam and tried it out, and i'm not sure that i really get it. shame, because it looks like there's a lot of content in it. maybe i'm just not well versed in the genre? is there something i'm doing wrong that's inhibiting fun, or is it just not for me?
I don't recommend Balatro, fell for the hype but it's shit. Poker's for boomers.
>>1054223 >Poker's for boomers Poker is fine. That game was just way over hyped shit. >>1053853 >Symphony of War I had fun with that one. Something about crafting the perfect little squad of dudes appeals to me.
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>>1054250 >squad of dudes
>>1054264 >not going out fighting with your battle brothers Only homo here is (You).
>>1054269 >game with focus on hot chicks <focus on the low effort (usually faceless) dudes You ghey nigger
>>1054293 I always respect the faceless red shirts of vidya. I can't help it if you fags can't stop thinking of sucking cock. Alright I had my fun now, I won't derail any further. Just for the record, I enjoyed the giant lady and such as well. Her toughness and AoE damage were great. The magic lady who nuked fags was pretty good too. >>1053853 I missed this in the earlier reply. >Project Wingman is another easy one. It recently updated Oh shit they finally were allowed to update the PC version? I need to go check it out.
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Everspace is good. Roguelite space dogfighter, where you race to gather resources and gear for your ship and warp to the next procedurally generated zone, before the authorities can catch up to you and overwhelm you. The weapons and ships are nice, there's some pretty cool secrets to find, the gameplay flow starts off comfy and becomes tense the more you progress. Every time you die, you lose your travel progress and everything your ship was carrying, except for your credits, which you can spend on permanent ship upgrades. The story is told through voiced dialogue and stills, the protag and his AI companion grew on me, and there's lots of atmosphere. The sidequests are generally annoying, but the rewards make them worthwhile. The game is usually on discount, get the Stellar Edition if you can, but you're not missing that much without it. I don't know how well it performs on PC, but it's UE4 and worked fine on Piss4.
>>1053770 >New Vegas Try Underrail or Rogue Trader if you want to scratch that CRPG itch with something modern-ish. Both are excellent though Underrail is fairly punishing. >Factorio Try a Gregtech mod pack for Minecraft. Omni/Nomi/Monifactory (all different forks of what's basically the same pack) is the most accessible option and if and when you want to dive into autism and suffering there's GregTech: New Horizons. The back half of the pack is under-baked and kind of boring because basically nobody ever gets that far (IIRC there have only been about half a dozen recorded instances of someone actually beating the pack, which released in ~2012) but there's still at least ~1500 hours of extremely enjoyable autistic suffering to enjoy before then. >Skyrim Try Morrowind if you haven't. >General There are truckloads of excellent doom mods and .wads out there. I've been playing the Ancient Aliens megawad and it's fucking great. Go grab some huge .zip of wads from some community and [doom]RIP AND TEAR[doom] Roguelikes are fun. I mostly play Cataclysm DDA, DoomRL, Brogue and DCSS. For my multiplayer needs I play SS13 on the halfchan /vg/ server (ss13.moe) because it's basically the only playable server left; everywhere else will generally give you a no-warning perma for calling someone a nigger and have rulecucked antagonists incredibly hard.
Based on Skyrim and New Vegas being mentioned there, have you considered trying The Outer Worlds? I know a lot of anons shit on it but I found it to be a highly enjoyable game and the companions to be really well written (minus Parvati, fuck that dyke ho she can stay behind). Only issue I had with it is that the Corporate Cocksucker path is very underdeveloped, but despite what other people say the game isn't a massive anti-capitalist screed, but rather more anti-corporate and anti-big-business. If you go full commie retard you will get some of the worst endings, which I find really funny. Anyway, it's a sci-fi RPG made by the newer crop of writers at Obsidian and was their first game under Microsoft/XBOXgames. If you're going to pirate it make sure to get the DLCs as well, since the base game alone is kind of short but the DLCs add a ton of content to the total package and overall improve the experience. I'd even go as far as to say that the two DLCs are what give me full confidence that OW2 won't be a complete shitpile, since the writers knocked both out of the park and the gameplay only seems to be improving with the sequel. As for some other recommendations, hm. If you want a good object builder/engineering game like KSP, Besiege is a classic. Just released a seafaring DLC too, so give that a whirl if you're interested. I also have some games I really liked this year and last year, new releases too, but you don't seem like one for action games or JRPGs, so I'll hold off on those.
>>1054327 I wouldn't recommend this game, The Outer Worlds has a terrible story and the game gets real repetitive towards mid-game, it's fine with the DLC but don't only get the base game. If you want a space shooting adventure then try the Mass Effect Trilogy: Legendary Edition
>>1054334 Oddly enough I had the opposite experience. I found the introductory mission to be the least enjoyable part of the game (especially with the stupid dyke being forced upon you, glad I could tell her to stay in her shithole when I left) but I enjoyed everything past that a lot more, especially the parts on that planet with MSI and the Iconoclasts and the whole factional divides there, which a ton of people seemed to hate for some reason. Also found the companions to be excellently written and add a lot to the story and gameplay with the abilities adding some well-needed variety to beth-style shooter combat. Vicar Max was easily my favorite though, with his story turning into a personal quest for internal peace. Then again, I also played on Supernova (with a mod to get rid of health bloat), so with how kill-or-be-killed the combat was I had to actually engage with the game's combat much more tactically and couldn't just charge into engagements like a retard until really REALLY late game in the Murder on Eriandos DLC (even then it was a crapshoot and if my opponents were too armored I'd get folded like a lawnchair due to wep choice).
>>1054327 It's a 30 hours snore fest with no memorable characters. You're probably the only person what likes it for some reason.
>>1054169 >>1053823 >is elin worth it? If you're unsure, check out elona+ first. Elona+ (and the other variants) have more content than elin still and won't cost you anything. Check out >>1043639 for more info. Elona+ is a great time. It's nethack meets jrpg with lots of random bullshit thrown in. High fantasy with magic but you can get laser guns and live as a traveling pianist. Maybe you'll drop a nuke on a town. Maybe you'll punch a god in the dick. Maybe you'll start a ranch and breed little sisters. I'ts breddy gud.
>>1054370 yotsuba
>>1053770 You want game recommendations? >Warcraft 3 Very fun RTS with RPG elements. Play it for the custom games & multiplayer. What custom games? blood tournaments, direct strike, ww3 diplomacy or "diplomacy", peasantry or sovereignty, american colonization, etc. >Zoo Tycoon (2001) Very fun sandbox Zoo tycoon game! >Holdfast or Mount & Blade Warband Napoleonic Wars Holdfast is more active for multiplayer, but commander battles are fun on Napoleonic Wars. >SCP: Secret Laboratory Free multiplayer horror game >Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved Fun arcade-like game. >Fortnite, Lethal Company, Town of Salem, Among Us, Dale & Dawson Stationery Supplies Yes, I recommend these too! >The Elder Scrolls TES? Try TES IV Oblivion or TES II Daggerfall Unity" I like Oblivion and Daggerfall Unity. >Roguelikes? Try ADOM ADOM is well liked. >Marble Blast Gold https://marbleblast.com/index.php/downloads/mbg I think you can get the full version here. >Zombie Games like 7 Days to Die, No More Room in Hell, original Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising 1 These might entertain you. >SEGA GENESIS FROGGER Get Kega Fusion emulator. Get Frogger rom. Play a few arcade games and compete with friends. >DRAGONFIRE ATARI 2600 Get Bizhawk emulator and get Dragonfire. >MARIO 64 Multiplayer https://sm64coopdx.com/
>Halo Master Chief Collection >Halo CE aka Halo 1 >Halo 2 & Halo 3 & Halo Reach for campaign & multiplayer Classic FPS. There once was a time when people hated on Halo, but the Halo series is much better received these days. >DOOM I recommend also checking out Moonman DOOM >Sonic the Hedgehog I recommend trying >Sonic 1 Forever >Sonic 2 Absolute >Sonic 3 AIR For playing 2D Sonic these days. Also try >Slither.io Or flash games like >Pandemic 2 >McDonalds game >Last Stand 1 & Last Stand 2 >Age of War >Snowfight 3D (by Fetchfido) >Raft Wars >Raft Wars 2 >Warlords: Call to Arms >Spider-Man: City Raid
Sonic and Shadow Generations, the last one I beat.
I finally tried Besiege and it's really good. Dirt cheap on key sites too.
>>1053822 valheim exploration is okay but the progression sucks and the combat especially the bosses suck.
Will likely get hate for this but the PPH is so damn low that I doubt I'll ever see the responses in a few weeks. So, you should try Fallout 4 since you've played NV and Skyrim, the story is meh but the DLC's and combat are an overall improvement, also the game has mods to help craft your preferred experience.
>>1053790 >freelancer By far the best space simulator I played till date that ran on my computer Sucks that star citizen is a fucking grift. Does anyone know of more free-space exploration games like this?
>>1072725 Faggot

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