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Which Pokémon region would be my home? Anonymous 01/24/2025 (Fri) 23:03:02 Id: 9d522e No. 1064809 [Reply]
People, I'm looking for a Pokémon region that is my home and where I can do my adventure. look for >region that is hell for fairy Type >region with very few fairy type pokemon >region where all starters are resistant and effective against fairy type >region where the Cover legendaries are all effective and resistant to fairy Type. >region where having a Fairy Type is the worst idea ever >region where fairy type pokemon are totally useless and serve no purpose
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>>1064809 Grimmsnarl is cool though.
>>1064809 Brazil
>>1064823 breed 5 more obviously

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Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 18:14:01 Id: 498a24 No. 1013666 [Reply] [Last]
This used to be a console exclusive (PS3/X360), but it's out already on PC along with those other new consoles (no word on Steam Deck support yet). There's supposedly no censorship, but the licensed music and DLC are removed. Discuss the gameplay, plot, and more here.
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>>1014102 >Name recognition probably Yeah, the same way Sasha Grey makes money streaming now without even baring her shoulders.
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Given how the catalog is a mess right now, I'm going around to try to bump the good threads up to page 1 with high-quality posts to foment discussion. I'm going to start with this one, with an interview that's old but still extremely relevant. Yasuda the producer recently gave out an interview on Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP that shed a lot of light on its development and its impact on the market since its release. Selecting the most relevant bits. >half the source code was rewritten >Yasuda comments on how Xitter has been getting more corrosive meaning that honest feedback is hard for devs and creators in JP to access online these days >he says that as the market gets more monopolized around certain big releases JP developers have been losing creative freedom in the projects they can work on >admits he hadn't considered the issue of censorship during development seriously until he saw the furor on Xitter about it
>>1039591 >Jimmy Urine skin That's unexpected. I had no idea he worked on it until now.

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Gensokyo Genocide: Touhoustein 2-D Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 18:07:17 Id: 0ce9be No. 1062455 [Reply] [Last]
Starting a new thread for a new game of eratohoK since the last thread is way too long to scroll through. For newcomers: it is war strategy + porn with Touhou characters and a lot of custom characters that we have added. It takes about a week to play a complete game. I will post updates as I play it, and write a little story to go along with what happens in the game. I am not accepting new characters for this one, but if the ones we added in the last game do anything interesting I will mention it. And there are autists who want to know how Harold and Vita-Tan are doing so I will keep an eye out for them.
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There is another revolt against Ayamari, this time by Medicine Melancholy in the Canadian northeast! Larry returns captured officers to Ayamari in exchange for enough soldiers to form another army, hastening his advance to the west. He takes eight cities without opposition, reaching the West Coast at Monterey and Los Angeles. Noriko manages to expand out one city. What is Ayamari doing? Nothing! Her armies must have been disbanded with the revolt and the loss of those soldiers, and the AI is too confused to deploy new ones. The next turn Ayamari deploys 100,000 of her soldiers in one unit. Larry goes to personally fuck them up. Ayamari focuses her other attacks on the insurgent Medicine, leaving her cities open for Larry’s taking. Larry eagerly takes them. Ayamari's armies in Canada are in the range of 20,000 soldiers. That is enough to fight Medicine, but not enough to fight Leisure Suit Larry. The game still offers the choice to “Skip to End”, presumably for Ayamari to win. At this point it is apparent that Larry will. Larry’s forces are moving north and south up California, rolling up through the San Francisco Bay area and south into Tijuana. One of his armies takes Portland, Oregon. Ayamari deploys 45,000 to Tucson to stop an equally sized Larry army, but Larry has the better officers (led by Tewi). Noriko has only 3 cities in Mexico. She refuses to surrender, so Larry is going to roll over her too. On the lovemaking front, Larry plays the game of Jumping Junko until he finally fucks the goddess so senseless that she lets him carry her away. He needed to raise her scores to 8,000 Favor, 20,000 Dependence, and 10,000 Submission. The “Skip to End” button disappears as Larry has 30 cities with 8500 Economy, compared to 70 with 30,000 for Ayamari.

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Larry next target is the region of Canada west of Denver. His conquest attempt is delayed by the need to repel Ayamari's counterattacks. The eastern branch army is redeployed to deal with these threats after taking Winnipeg, and the city is captured by Medicine Melancholy. Larry had another army in Canada that entered through Medicine Hat. There is a fierce round of battle as all but two of Larry's armies intercept Ayamari's attacks from the east. Then they win and continue onward. Larry forms new armies to continue east along all of the other roads that Ayamari had not attacked from. His forces strike into Texas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and South Dakota while Ayamari is preoccupied with fighting Medicine in eastern Canada. Ayamari gains another problem whne Jack Garland declares independence in Minneapolis and Green Bay. Larry’s smallest army was already on its way to Minneapolis. It may not be enough to defeat Jack Garland, but it gets help. Larry’s other armies roll through the South into Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee. Larry now has more cities (62-48) and a larger Economy (21k-20k) than Ayamari, who is not capable of fighting back. Ayamari’s total army is down to 120,000. Larry still has over 600,000 soldiers, and they slowly advance eastward. They take Chicago, Nashville, and Tallahassee. They reach the east coast at Jacksonville, Florida. The “Skip to End” button reappears, for Larry this time, as he takes Jack Garland's cities, all of Florida, and heads east into Cleveland, Buffalo, and Pittsburgh. Larry's armies wear themselves down to fewer than their original number of 600,000 soldiers. Ayamari's army is down to 26,000 in total. Larry continues advancing with no opposition, reaching Philadelphia and Baltimore. Ayamari is down to 8 cities, and then 2 cities, and then 1. In the final battle, Leisure Suit Larry's daughters Lily and Marina slay their sister Marinda who had refused to leave Ayamari's side. The war is finally over! For real this time.
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Paternity Suit Larry caused 104 pregnancies in 75 women, of which 56 women produced 75 children. 22 of Larry's children died in battle, for a 29.3% death rate. Seija gave Larry five children. Ayamari and Marina each gave him three. Larry did impregnate one of his grandchildren (Marinda). The game gave Larry four generated characters, and all four survived the war. This was a surprise. They gave Larry eight children between them. There were 293 kills in the game, a large number. This game’s top killers were: 20 – Aya and Yuyuko 19 – Junko 18 – Leisure Suit Larry 14 – Hecatia, Shinki, and Suwako 13 – Eirin and Flandre 12 – Byakuren and Yumeko 11 – Chad Asskicker and Momiji 10 – Mai Teireida, Sanae, and Schieza Junko and Hecatia had an 11-kill streak together.

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Spirit science. Anonymous 01/23/2025 (Thu) 14:57:59 Id: 35dc74 No. 1064271 [Reply]
I am fairly sure there is only 1 game that includes this but I am curious. Do you know of any game that incorporates spirit science or something similar? I only know of 1 and only because thesnakerer made a vid about it. A part of my really likes the idea now and wish it wasn't relegated to a single pc-98 game. Like imagine a new game coming out and it starts you out as a cave man who slowly learns of the intergalactic war between mars and jupiter. Then you have to become psychic and achieve nirvana to save the universe from Satan. Sounds funny right? Then again if you know it is going to get insane later it probably wont hit as hard.
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>>1064271 >the intergalactic war <between mars and jupiter. nigga they're in the same solar system
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>>1064694 >What in the metric fuck is spirit science? A weird cult from the 70's. Bunch of new age bullshit all jumbled into one religion. >hardly qualifies as "science." I know it doesn't. Same thing as scientology, It calls itself the science of knowing despite being complete nonsense. >>1064700 The interplanetary war!
>>1064707 Actually that gives me an idea. What if you made a game about scientology? I know what would actually happen, you would get sued. It would however be quite funny to play as zenu doing whatever he did.

Vidya Cheesecake Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 03:52:35 Id: 7b598f No. 1063490 [Reply] [Last]
Before anyone says anything, THIS IS NOT A THREAD TO RAG ON RAZORFAG! I'm just using his post as an example because there seems to be this increasing narrative that vidya is not "allowed" to have any sort of cheesecake or fanservice in the title. And any game that "does" have this content "must" be a shit game by default. Now personally, I disagree with this take. If a game is good, what exactly is the problem with including fanservice in the title? We're all adults so there shouldn't be an issue. And even then, what exactly is wrong with a game being fanservice focused? Take for example, DoA Xtreme. It's a shameless mini-game collection only designed to unlock new bikinis for the girls, but what's the problem with that as long as you're having fun with the mini-games and basically playing the "male equivalent" of a dollhouse sim. My bigger issue is that it seems like attempts to remove fanservice from games correlates almost with the "same time" game quality took a nose dive. Now does this mean that "all fanservice" is good. No, of course not. One infamous game guilty of trying to sell itself solely on cheesecake was BMX XXX, and it failed horribly as the game itself was terrible. However is it "wrong" for a game to not include fanservice in some form? I would have to answer yes. But what do you guys think? What's your takes on cheesecake and fanservice in vidya?
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>>1063854 > "the sandwich has been formed and we fuck the butter" What's the original sentence?
>>1063854 >"the sandwich has been formed and we fuck the butter" To be honest this sounds exactly like something I would expect a Russian to say.
>>1063854 >the sandwich has been formed and we fuck the butter I'd like to know for what kind of context this very funny sentence can be used

Vita thread: Enjoying Infinity Onion Rings Edition Anonymous 05/04/2023 (Thu) 09:00:02 Id: 3ef25e No. 822861 [Reply] [Last]
Who knew they were so tasty. I hope you fags have been having some fun on your Vita's. Whatcha >PLAYAN >HACKAN >BUYAN (kek) >WANTAN PREVIOUS THREADS: https://ghostbin.com/paste/d2BOH https://archive.is/xQU91 (Gitgud hackpaste) Last thread: https://archive.is/gdH0I There are also numerous Vita threads across the webring as well. Check out >>>/vita/ and feel free to contribute, tis' a new board dedicated to the amazing device we all know and love. It could use some threads, CSS, assets, banners, and whatever anons feel like suggesting or making.

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>>1058815 Finished Shinovi Versus, playing some Trails SC when I get the chance. I plan on moving into Estival and maybe giving Ys Origin a go.
It's nice that's there's still plenty of ports coming out for our plucky little girl. Like Doom II RPG https://www.rinnegatamante.eu/vitadb/#/info/1247 Also the original Tamagotchi https://www.gamebrew.org/wiki/TamaTool_Vita
>>999999 Checked.

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Xbox Direct Anonymous 01/23/2025 (Thu) 18:00:49 Id: 6f3a90 No. 1064326 [Reply]
You ready for sassy niggers and corpo speak? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySygveWfuKE STARTING NOW
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>>1064454 It would have been even worse if you tried the Mentor Difficulty you unlocked after beating the game.
>Ninja Gaiden 4 >Doom 6 Neat, I guess. >>1064370 The Oblivion remake has been rumored for years. It's probably true considering the basic rumor hasn't changed in all that time, but it looks like this wasn't the showcase for it.
>>1064454 The game is built around you literally having to be aware of fucking everything and preform at peak capacity while being under an onslaught of 500 ninja dicks. When it clicks, it's amazing, but there's a lot of ball-busting in between the clicking. NG2 was also the first game I threw a controller at also. >>1064387 Tecmo has to prove it to us, they can't just dangle nice sounding shit in front of us and expect us to be hyped about it. Don't forget Ninja Gaiden 3, DOA6, or Wo Long.

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Drawthread - Comfy fall improvement Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 15:38:37 Id: 75382b No. 1018232 [Reply] [Last]
/v/ Draw Thread Archive of last thread: https://archive.ph/v1UHd Last thread: >>986513 Thread making resources + the OP can be found here: https://mega.nz/#F!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ REMINDER TO SAVE THREADS LOCALLY (and all the pictures you want to) SINCE ARCHIVES DON'T HAVE IMAGES ANYMORE Relevant Boards And Threads >>>/loomis/ >>>smuglo.li/a/ - Drawing Improvement Club >>>/a/2358 - /a/ Drawthread >>>/drawarchive/ - Mirrored drawthreads with images; living archive Books and Tutorials If you're starting out, just have as much fun as possible and give it your best shot. Don't worry too much about these as they're info overload for absolute beginners. Sometimes they get nuked but >we try to keep them updated. https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/ https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources

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>>1077223 Because of this I always start coloring and rendering my lineart by first filling in the base silhouette of the character in white using a fill tool, and then enabling inherit alpha on the layers above it (this is in krita, don't know what that's named in photoshop). If you aren't going to keep the lineart in the final drawing then it'll be a bit more work of smooting out the edges of the silhouette. https://docs.krita.org/en/tutorials/clipping_masks_and_alpha_inheritance.html
>>1077223 >>1076463 no no pls new bread pls
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>Fall was 6 months ago

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Loli games Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 06:58:14 Id: 123632 No. 944197 [Reply] [Last]
With the demo confirming Dragon's Dogma 2 is shit, even beyond lack of loli MC, let's talk about games that do let you play as a loli. Any recommendations for games not on this chart? With mods Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord lets you play as a loli using base game assets. It's a pretty fun experience. During Early Access they actually had nipples and a barbie doll lower half, but this was changed near the final version. Since the same update made everyone's underwear part of their body, it's likely due to consoles than specifically anti-loli. Anyone know if there's a mod to restore these bodies? I haven't played in a year and I'm hoping for a new land mod to release in a playable state before giving another go with my new GPU. Fallout 3, New Vegas, Skyrim and Fallout 4 all let you play as a loli with mods (3 also makes you play as a loli during a brief tutorial section). Unfortunately most clothing/armor doesn't really fit your character (at best she'll grow boobs) and only Fallout 4 has a mostly complete set of alternate models for clothing (I think there was also a mod for Skyrim to dynamically resize things but I have no idea what it was). Otherwise it works pretty well and is pretty fun. Only reason to play Fallout 4. The demo for the new Alone in the Dark is a short prologue starring a little girl in a dress. Has anyone ripped the model/used cheat engine freecam/etc. to see if she's properly modeled or if the devs took the cowardly way out?
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>>1063902 So is loli an age thing or an aesthetic thing for you?
>>1063904 Aesthetic. Lalafells do not look like lolis.
>>1063904 For me it's body, Loli should be "Small young girls". Age is irrelevant since there's 2 year olds that are gigantic and 13 year olds that are tall with giant tits so that leaves body. Lalas are small, they're short and they're flat so they count as loli to me. Some people seem to have a grudge towards the child/lala model found in games but I like it myself, I think it's cute.

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UMPC/Handheld thread Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 18:44:40 Id: 6d9cdb No. 837183 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread: >>608298 News >The Rog Ally has released, and it's.. fine. The claimed 2-3x performance boost was closer to 5%-30% and the custom GUI isn't anywhere near the level of the Deck >The Edion in Osaka talked about last thread has set up a longer-term or possibly permanent Steam Deck display following a presumably successful 'trial market', Japan is now one of the few, if not only, countries to sell the Steam Deck at major retailers >Computer and hardware manufacturer Orange Pi has soft-announced their first handheld after a leak. It reportedly accommodates both Linux/Windows, the device will either use a 7800U or a RK3588S processor for the higher-end model and will launch in October with three models costing between an estimated 1500元 ($220) and 3500元 ($500), though prices are not final. There is no publicly known name for the device yet >Gaming analyst firm Omdia estimates Steam Deck has sold over 2,000,000 units so far, having sold 1,600,000 in 2021 alone, and will likely surpass 3,000,000 this year. This makes the SD not just the bestselling UMPC in history, but possibly majority of UMPC sales ever. The firm believes the device "will open the door to a new PC gaming product category" Thread questions >What do you own? >What are you playing on it? >Anybody gotten involved in the scary world of hardmodding yet, and how did it go? >Anything you're excited for? CES 2025 UPDATE Lenovo Legion Go S will be the first non-Steam device to use the OS.

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Edited last time by Mark on 01/07/2025 (Tue) 23:48:02.
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>>1063876 Valve already did pretty well with the Steam Controller until they got sued for patent violations (due to using grip buttons)
>>1063900 >nuhuh you can't implement this feature because my company that exists entirely to sit on patents submitted it several years ago :^) I HATE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY I HATE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
>>1063903 anon please, cool it with the antisemitic remarks

Metaphor: ReFantazio thread Anonymous 10/17/2024 (Thu) 00:46:09 Id: 629415 No. 1028446 [Reply] [Last]
I'm the OP of the original thread and since the last thread got ruined by autism. I decided to make a new thread focusing on discussing the game and making OC. Since I'm one of the maybe three people on this whole board playing, I'll give my impressions and speculations. >This game was rushed in aspects >The game does have Romance but it's half assed in the weirdest ways >Localisation is ass >Bong VAs are tolerable but JP is always better >Game isn't sjw but pretty critical of all the character's respective ideologies >It's genuinely critical of the MC's idealism >He and the party accept that they've been naive at certain realties >The rival throne candidates's views are also pointed at being flawed having pros >Some more incorrect then others (The eat the rich beast girl is given a nasty wake up over her fantasy Marxism for one example) >Game is much more traditional JRPG meets SMT meets FF style job system meets modified Persona links >The tolerance virtue is a lot more nuanced then what twitter sjws or RW twitter grifters would tell you >Some of the Not social links are clearly romantic in nature but Atlus cut them >Speculate they wanted to test the waters by not fully adding it but not fully removing it either >Think they'll cave with a "Throne edition" that adds full on romance and other stuff that was cut >They cucked out on giving true changeable gear >You can change weapons and buy armour

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>>1062984 Yes. If you manage MP well (so either spend an hour farming trash mobs with wizard/dancer/etc or use a cheat program to give you a full restore) you should be basically doing dungeons in 1-2 days. That usually leaves you 2-3 days per period of time to wrap shit up. But during the final stretch of the game you get a month basically to do that. And as it turns out a month is more than enough time to level a bunch of 3-6 bonds to max, do all dungeons, and get virtues to full. You might, like me, have a solid two weeks of nothing to do. Just don't waste time on virtues unless you're chasing a bond level and you'll be fine.
They really had no idea what to do with this game did they?
>>1062930 The thing is that even back in the day, the SMT devs would work on all sorts of spin-offs, like Majin Tensei and later Devil Survivor, the Raidou games or Maken X, a first person hack and slash, which the director of Metahor(Katsura Hashino) was also the director of, so it's not impossible for SMT devs to make non-SMT games. Maybe the director of the game, Katsura Hashino after working for over a decade on Persona 3,4 and 5 wanted something different that was closer to the older games he worked on like Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga, but his staff was composed of both SMT fags and Persona fags, and couldn't get the right balance. Of course this is 100% speculation on my part, I would have to find interviews, correctly translated in English, then do the same stuff for other key members of the team, which there is no guarantee they were that open with the public with what they did or how the work culture was like, to have a concrete answer.

Witches! Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 23:38:23 Id: b60b3e No. 1022454 [Reply] [Last]
Let us all post games where you can play as cute witches. In memory of our fallen anon. I thought I had lost this pic but I found it I am so happy.
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>>1061163 I think its just that all girls you see on those videos are our oldfag loving girls. It came before its time. FUcking rozen maiden, to love ru and tales of symphony. Nobody remembers this shit today.
>>1061163 How come GOA never caught on in the west?
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>>1062943 Goa? I mean last I checked the indians took it back and that is why it is no longer in western hands.

Successor Naming: Consoles, Games, & Other Related Paraphanalia Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 23:13:51 Id: ad78ab No. 1061794 [Reply] [Last]
Do names matter? Do they really contribute to success or failure of a product?
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>>1062089 >why have no Japanese companies ever attempted their own ridiculous fun anime grand theft auto type game? Shenmue, Yakuza, and Way of the Samurai come to mind. >Side tangent but also why hasn't bandai or some other company that owns all of these crazy space anime ever made a space-style Grand theft Auto or Mass effect type game where you go around in a spaceship (or giant transforming robot) and collect a harem of alien girls and do mercenary and bounty hunting work like something out of outlaw star or cowboy bebop? Spectrobes? It could also be because the Japanese tend to prefer less open-ended narratives compared to people in the West. Need look no further than how the only "originator" of the RPG genre that has remained intact and thriving in it's transition over to Japan was the Wizardry series, meanwhile Ultima and M&M fell by the wayside over there. And how while the West focussed more open building upon the CRPG aspect of exploring a large open world where you can do "anything", the Japanese were more focussed upon dungeon crawlers and linear character-driven narratives (To the point that even "open-world" games are still linear in their progression). In addition, it's likely that you'll never get that kind of game because people are tired of sandboxes and open worlds. They take up too much of the player's time, and developers almost never take advantage of the game's design nor structure a coherent narrative around it.
>>1062089 Japanese pop culture doesn't glorify crime much compared to America's and open world stuff isn't as popular there. The closest you'll ever get is probably Yakuza/Shenmue.
>>1061954 >>1061954 A company like Microsoft is too big, that means nepotism and getting away with a ton awful decisions and which in turn means hiring awful managers that thrive in such environment and end up producing yhe biggest turds while getting golden parachutes for them. The whole pipeline is fucked and there's not much to do about it besides watching them fail and laugh. Xbox only thrived when it was mostly isolated as a division of Microsoft, created by a bunch of counter culture guys, once most of the original crew left, it was done. Just another part of corporate.

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DONKEY KONG Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 20:38:12 Id: f555e3 No. 1061714 [Reply]
D K DONKEY KONG Which is the best Donkey kong game and why is it tropical freeze? More importantly, how come Nintendo hasn't made any DK games lately? I have pretty much given up hope of a 3d collectathon like 64 but having Retro hammer out another 2d platformer can't be too much of a hassle. Maybe just have a new studio make a whole new kind of DK game? There is a lot of things you can do with DK and his extended family.
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>>1061760 He looks like a semitic ape, especially with the more obvious unibrow. Except cranky to look very jewish, like a rabbi.
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>>1061904 >He looks like a semitic ape He needs to look like his voice actor

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Happy 2025 Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 17:54:16 Id: 4b46a4 No. 1056393 [Reply]
Happy new year fellas. How many games did you play/finish this last year? pic related are all the games I finished, ordered from my favorite (Hollow Knight) to the worst, the last two are the only ones I could legitimately consider shit. >inb4, why that many disney shovelware? Those are part of a nostalgic binge I've been doing of games from my childhood.
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>>1060848 Hebe and Heeb are the same thing roflmao
>>1060823 I have seen many people praise Shadow as having the better batch compared to Sonic. Shame about the stupid Ian Flynn rewrites and censorship tho.
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>>1060772 >but if the soundtrack is better I really don't like the new direction of the ost. I'll post some songs from the OG and the remake so you can see the difference. I'm not a music fag, so I don't know how to properly say what I feel, but my general feeling is that these song (a part of fucking erasing the identity of the original music) are overcharged, Rogueport: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HkeLW6bgak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtcEaDF7dqQ End of chapter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzllvLmPOUg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIswHVWQ90c Boggly woods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaET6gE63so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMxk8Sq8_MA Glitzville: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfySjRU7Ync

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VIDYA NECROMANCY Anonymous 01/13/2025 (Mon) 01:54:46 Id: 08f189 No. 1060457 [Reply] [Last]
Not games where you play as a necromancer, but reviving dead or dying studios. Which studio would you restore to life to get their potential unlocked? For me it would have to be Black Isle. This would give us proper sequels to Baldur's Gate 2, Fallout 2, and Dark Alliance 2, as well as everything they could have done with the Aurora engine after that.
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>>1061190 I'm playing through KOTOR2 for the first time now and I'm blown away by how much better it is than the first game by Bioware. I'd put prime Obsidian as my second choice after Black Isle.
I just want good arcade racing games again.
>>1061274 Fuck, I would love a remaster of the original Burnout games pre Paradise. Paradise, for whatever reason, just didn't feel the same as the others.

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