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Japanese learning thread Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 17:21:19 Id: 595618 No. 729151 [Reply] [Last]
I have no idea how to bake this thread I'm just copying from zchan thread pls help me. Archive of previous thread - https://archive.is/rJ3Wh Step 0. Resource Acquisition Go here to get Anki, a flash card program: http://ankisrs.net/ Here are some suggested decks: Core2k/6k: https://mega.nz/#!QIQywAAZ!g6wRM6KvDVmLxq7X5xLrvaw7HZGyYULUkT_YDtQdgfU KanjiDamage: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/748570187 Kana: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1632090287 Tae Kim's grammar: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/242060646 Other Resources RealKana: http://realkana.com/ (alternate version) https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html Click the column of characters you want to study and type the corresponding romaji into the box as they appear

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>1076803 I mean, this is a problem in English, too. The Dale–Chall readability formula (reading at a 10th grade level, 7th grade level, etc) is semi-arbitrary and has little correlation with the age of a person. The average person reads at an "8th grade level", that kind of invalidates the whole concept. I believe Othello is at a 12th grade reading level, 17-year-olds do not write and talk like that.
>>1077101 You don't have to write or talk like a 12 grade reading level to read at a 12th grade level. You just need to be able to understand the words and grammar.
>>1077077 >>1077080 speaking tests are not all they're cracked up to be. you can pass one without major hassle yet completely make an ass of yourself in an interview afaik exams exist solely to make you pay to tick a checkbox that says "this guy is likely not bullshitting you"

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Eroge Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 23:23:34 Id: 4fd5ee No. 1040653 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread is on page 12 and beyond the bump limit, but eroge marches steadily onward. Just at the beginning of this month, Monster Girl Quest:Paradox Part 3 finally released, making the game complete unless I missed something about them extending it to a 4th part. Available here, https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html I do not yet know where to pirate it, but I'm sure it will crop up one of my usual sites around when translation is finished. Still being actively translated, you can follow translation progress here, https://arzorx.wordpress.com/ Given Part 2 took 3 months from the date of release, I except this one take at least that long, if not at least 4 months, as it's larger. In the meanwhile, I'm sure there's anons learning JP that may still enjoy the game, or may even want to contact the current team to contribute to the translation in the coming months. Also mentioned at the end of the last thread and currently in development with a free demo is Princess Reconquista. Play a (totally not) Central/South American Princess and fight off your white (totally not) Spaniard conquerors in a pixelshit action game. Makes the mistake of losing being the method of accessing many scenes, but you can also tempt your enemies and watch other girls get BLEACHED. https://sorry-carl.itch.io/princess-reconquista Last thread >>819339 https://archive.is/CEm8b Someone else archived it just 8 hours ago. What a coincidence.
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>>1075246 The gameplay was pretty decent. Also the Steam version is going to be clean and he's just going to have a lewd patch elsewhere. >I don't know why you're shilling this one My ulterior motive is I want the game to do well enough that it justifies him finishing and releasing Anubis which was incredibly fun and there aren't a whole lot of Maze of Galious clones out there. I've played the Anubis demo all the way though several times and I need more.
anons help me out here. is there any game like https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ204320.html?locale=en_US where you are a dude instead? nearly everything I find is either an ugly bastard raping people or a beta getting raped I am looking for just a pervert finding other perverts and having sex in a sandbox, corruption is a bonus. so many such games with girl protags, but none with male protags. I blame monster girl quest for cementing beta rape victim protags.
>>1077969 closest game I could find that was released in the last decade was some html weg named incubus city (pretty good game but not really an eroge) (pretty good for those with impregnation fetish)

/v/idya Summer/Beach Art thread Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 20:31:53 Id: 708e56 No. 986760 [Reply] [Last]
Post /v/idya characters in beach attire and the like. We used to have artdump threads like these on an annual basis but this place caught the gay so let's change that. If you want to request season-appropriate art the drawthread is next door >>986513 yes OP pieces are from a preexisting thread
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>>1058729 I shall remind you all this thread exists.
For this post I decided to seek out vidya beach art that >was not related to gacha or multimedia IP, it had to be vidya original >was not just an excuse to show a girl in a bikini >had to have actual complex artistic composition >was SFW I think I succeeded in spades.
>>1077812 Convenient. Now we can just use this thread for this years summer.

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Animated PNG thread - Rebuilt Geocities Edition Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 17:12:31 Id: 0ca8c8 No. 1031284 [Reply] [Last]
Suggested from >>1031266 in the sexy sprite thread The idea is very simple: You take your GIFs & convert them to APNG. Why would you want to do this? Let me explain >APNG is usually smaller in file size vs. GIF while still maintaining the same quality >thus, APNG images in posts endlessly loop without having to click on them due to the smaller filesizes. <GIF animations not so much even with the fewer frames of animation Based on my testings, here is what I have determined to get working APNG animations on the posts in this site >must not exceed above 25.00 KB in file size >must not exceed above above 220px x 220px in image size Use this website to convert your GIFs to APNGs: https://ezgif.com/gif-to-apng Then repost them if they meet the above criteria.
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Here's my contribution. Not saging, just thought someone would like this old .gif that's now converted.
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i love osaker

MONSTER HUNTER THREAD: (Breath of the) Wilds Edition. Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 06:51:04 Id: 6c0959 No. 1032729 [Reply] [Last]
So the beta for MonHun Wilds is out and I've played it. It's OK. I'm not a hardcore Monster Hunter fan, I only played World and Rise up to the end of the story and didn't go for any post-game content, but this is way more casual-friendly than the previous entries. The camera now locks on to the monster instead of just centering on them for a split second. I could spam attacks with dual blades and interrupt at a moment's notice with the dodge roll, so I didn't have to pace my button presses. The wound feature is pretty cool. Basically you just attack one body part over and over until it glows red, then enter focus mode with L2 and press R1, and you do a super move on it. Focus mode lets you basically strafe and finely aim your attacks like it's a third-person shooter. The new support creature, the seikret, is cool. It automatically follows the monster's scent once you're on it so tracking the monster is now piss-easy. I only did the first hunt against the giant toad, I turned it off after that. There is another hunt you can do afterwards but I wanted to get back to the Romancing Saga 2 remake. Overall, I think I would play it. I expect hardcore MonHun fans will be pissed at how baby-mode it is now though. I'm nowhere near a seasoned veteran and I played it just like Dark Souls and that worked fine for me. YMMV.
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>>1075212 thanks doc, been feelin awful lately so that's a relief
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>>1077714 Does blackpill spam those? I know he targets any and all Capcom-related threads, I don't think I've seen any on the site. t. doesn't post in #GayGay I think the JD shops are funny because the guy just looks kind of odd, but not so much you can point out anything in particular. Were he uglier he'd actually look more normal.
>>1077898 Maybe it's the contrast between babyface and the manly-man beard genetics. Shoop that foliage sparser, increase scraggliness and you got yourself a bargain-bin numale. Nothing to bat an eye at. But this? It looks like lil' Timmy wearing a really expensive and top-shelf costume.

Valve has just released the source code for Team Fortress 2 Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 00:11:55 Id: 52877f No. 1072658 [Reply] [Last]
Not sure if anyone here still actively played TF2, but this news is HUGE. Basically Valve has just released the source code for Team Fortress 2, making mods that much more interesting. They also updated the game with a bunch of fixes and features. Personally, I hope this leads to having servers that can go over 64 playable characters for maximum chaos, although I'm not a game developer/modder, so I don't really know how these things work. articles in question: https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=238809 https://steamcommunity.com/games/TF2/announcements/detail/511824321138655315
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>>1077638 You talking to me?
>>1077638 Label anyone as a schizo whoever you want, but the fact you brought up: >Valve is so incompetent to the point of hilarity Is something common with the entertainment industry once they hit the jackpot and stopped giving a shit as long they get that sweet revenue, not to mention how both companies keep their shit apolitical and still fail to appease lefties.
>>1077857 >Label anyone as a schizo whoever you want, No, I mean he's literally a schizophrenic, or so he says. He's the big furry Linux nerd who posts Renamon. >but the fact you brought up: I'm not the guy you were replying to sorry

Samurai Pizza Cats/Kyatto Ninden Teyandee: The Bideo Game Anonymous 02/20/2025 (Thu) 19:04:11 Id: 6e6be7 No. 1073123 [Reply] [Last]
>Made by the Dutch >Funded by the United Arab Emirates >Animated with cels >Most of the English and Japanese Cast intact <It actually looks good <All platforms What the fuck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwMOG-3RPHA
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>>1077331 It is Working Designs then, and the patches you're thinking of are often called "Unworking Designs"
>>1077365 Forgot to add. Most of those patches also undo those intentional difficulty changes WD put in (Because WD didn't want you to just beat the game in a weekend & return it back to rental as was commonplace back then), it's not just undoing the localization.
>>1077330 >>1077365 >>1077371 Funny how I thought Working Designs did a decent job with Dragon Force on the Saturn back in the day.

MOSAIC THREAD: BRAIN AGE EDITION Anonymous 02/03/2025 (Mon) 03:37:17 Id: 78b4a0 No. 1067478 [Reply] [Last]
MOSAIC TIME! ARE YOU A FUCKING RETARD: THE GAME You know the drill people, and for the those newfags who don't here's the 411 >What is this? It's a mosaic. One picture (in this case, a game cover) split up into multiple images. >How do I participate? Claim one square in this thread (e.g. A1, C3, D2) and then save it from the specified post dumping all of the squares in high res. Next, all you need to do is create your own spin on that square. Draw on it, change some words around on it, photoshop it, re-create it entirely in paint or in 8-bit pixels, whatever the fuck you want <Stipulation You probably should be a little more creative than simply copy+pasting something on top of your chosen square. Be creative! When all is done, OP will paste the finished squares to make a beautiful mosaic of autism. I'll post some examples below.
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>>1077099 I wanna hat like that.
>>1077165 Different ID cuz on road. It was B2. Meant to put a few more Charlotta pics in there and get rid of more backgrounds so it looks less like a hackjob and can layer more easily, but got pissed off with GIMP and said "good enough" after a certain point. Certainly has its charm as is, though, and wanted to complete it in a single day since pressure makes for better work, I feel. >>1077239 I do too, anon, I do too.
>>1077239 I want to phuck her right in the pussy

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RECENT "Low-spec" games Anonymous 02/25/2025 (Tue) 05:42:07 Id: 0aaae8 No. 1074187 [Reply]
One of the most common complaints that I have had for the past several years is "all" of the games that are coming out now seem to have insane computer spec requirements. Most of this I know has to do with them running on Unreal 5 or Unity, but I'm wondering if there's any games that "break" the mold and actually have decent spec requirements for what you see on screen. Now, to actually answer the pressing question of what would be considered "low spec" for this thread, here's the basics: >Quad-core CPU at 3.4 GHz >4 GB of RAM >GPU that's DX11 compatible and 3 GB of VRAM >20 GB of storage That's it, those are the only requirements that the games have to pass. What are the options available?
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>>1074225 >Hmm... Minecraft? Minecraft is weird. On the one hand it's potato-friendly by default but on the other hand the fact that it's a nightmare spaghettifest of Java means that it's incredibly easy to make it shit itself and die completely by accident.
>>1077100 You've got to be aware of the sleight of hand or intellectual dishonesty of calling something GDDR5 in the standards publications. DDR2 genuinely doubled the best speeds that DDR1 could do "as a minimum". After that there was no revolutionary advancements in memory but incremental changes. So DDR3 is not treble the previous generation. DDR4 is not quadruple DDR3. The spec for it is just DDR2 (again), DDR2 (again again), etc etc. Incremental shit. Unless I simply haven't checked and that 12,000-16,000 MHz memory is now commonly found inside your computer. The naming convention for RAM standards is some consoomer shit to make you think the newest bestest thing matters more than just "good chips of DDR2". It runs at 3,600 MHz and it eats less watts, but this isn't the same progress of development as was promised, as though it's going to be flying cars or robots that walk your dog for you
GC magnet thread

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Kingdom Hearts thread Anonymous 03/01/2025 (Sat) 15:53:33 Id: 2549ae No. 1075456 [Reply]
DARKITY DARK DARKNESS Some thread questions >Favorite entry? >Favorite Heartless? >Favorite Keyblade? >Favorite character? >Favorite world? We're now in one of the longest gaps between mainline KH games. If KH4 comes out next year, they'll tie the the seven-year gap between Dream Drop Distance to Kingdom Hearts III. I miss major games being a regular occurrence, we've been almost exclusively getting flash and mobileshit for a decade plus now and it does not help the last major entry was a huge disappointment. On that note, is there any way to even play KHX and its spinoffs anymore? I have no idea if there's a preserved version archivists host, or if they were worth playing to begin with. They had really cute art.
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>>1075735 Didn't Tactics come out in 1998?
>>1076386 97 in JP 98 in USA >>1076347 Same. Also applies to Harry Potter. Hell, one of the kids only knew Donald Duck from the Anti-Nazi propaganda episodes where he seig heils and thought all Donald Duck content was pro Nazi because he only saw clips of it on tiktok and didn't see the whole episode.
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Something funny about KHIII is how it has a Steam themed Keyblade. I think it's one of the nicer designs, it's not a busy mess.

PlayStation 2 Thread - 25th Anniversary Edition Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 00:32:20 Id: 50ba19 No. 1076012 [Reply] [Last]
Accounting for time zones, the PS2 turns 25 tomorrow. Lets have a thread about the PS2 and its games >favorite game >favorite game that's not on everyone's favorite PS2 games list (hidden germs) >favorite genre that was on PS2 that's not made anymore >favorite characters
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Read the list in order and wait till the end to open the image or I WILL corrupt the save files on your memory card. 10. Sly Cooper Trilogy 9. Guilty Gear XXAC 8. God Hand 7. Devil May Cry 3 6. Okami 5. GTA Trilogy 4. Dragon Quest VIII 3. Metal Gear Solid 2&3 2. Ace Combat Trilogy 1. Steambot Chronicles (You may open the image now)
>>1077527 >I WILL corrupt the save files on your memory card >not just mailing a demo disc of Viewtiful Joe 2
>>1077527 >War of the Monsters >Twisted Metal Black & Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition >Soul Calibur II and III (because Heihachi was more fun to play as than Link and Spawn, and SCIII has super cool single player modes) >Jak series >GTA series (because fuck you, they were originally PS2 exclusives) >Sly series >Ratchet series >Ape Escape series Honestly these are the only PS2 exclusives/semi-exclusives I really care about. Though I love plenty of other multiplatform games on the system.

/Fit/ness 'games' thread - Do you even /fit/ games bro? Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 17:05:00 Id: 284a82 No. 1020864 [Reply] [Last]
Didn't have this kind of thread for a long while so its time to make another one. Talk about which fitness games to play, what kind of diet works and what doesn't. Do you use any games as warmup for gym? Post game progress, advice, exercises and how to sail through your 20s, 30s being vfit. Your body will thank you in the coming years
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>>1076193 Non-feminists also get fat and cut their hair short. Usually after getting married and having kids.
>>1076194 Shaved is not "cut short" you fucking retard.
>>1076193 >Pic Reminds me of Vaush telling his audience to do some exercise only to get shit on for enforcing rightwing ideals.

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Games you are (currently) playing GYAP! #1: Unfinished business Anonymous 02/21/2025 (Fri) 15:19:58 Id: 570f84 No. 1073300 [Reply]
There's a thread for F-f-f-friday night, there's another one for games you just finished BUT there is no thread for games we are currently playing.
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>>1073300 I've been playing Gen 3 Pokemon games as of currently after I finished Zelda: Twilight Princess on the GameCube. 'I need to complete Ruby and Sapphire so that I can transfer their exclusives Pokemon to Emerald to finish the Hoenn Pokedex.
>>1077315 Turns out it wasn’t as bad as the beginning of the game made it seem. >>1077322 I knew it had gay pandering in it and i avoided it because of it. The gameplay’s fun, and the world feels more fleshed out than in the previous game. I feel more immersed in the experience than in the story itself. >>1077438 I'm going through some stuff I never bothered playing or missed out on. Back in the 2010s, I had a PS3 (and later got a PS4), but I mostly stuck to obscure games or RPGs.
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I've been trying to get back to doing Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask combo randomizer runs and de-rusting on that but got sucked back into Kenshi trying to create an army of qt ninja girls or playing rimworld

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Video Game Waifu Thread #2: Festive Fun Edition! Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 19:24:04 Id: 83c839 No. 1040342 [Reply] [Last]
Previous waifu thread got bumplocked, so here's a new one! Just in time for the Christmas season as well! So, /v/, who's your videogame waifu? Got some good art of her you simply must display? Done anything to show how much you care for that lass? Gather around and share! Or you can just talk about your favorite female charcters, if that's more your thing. Show us all why your waifu truly is the best girl!
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>>1072104 I played some of the newer Granblue fightan as my waifu, if that counts. Otherwise nothing. On another note, I did try to create her in Atlyss again today but I just can't get the skin tone right. Darker skin tones are much more doable, but paler tones look greenish or sickly in a bad way, or look way too tan. Also no such thing as a flat chest in this game, so I give up on this idea. This imp design in pic 5 is the closest I can get. The system is clearly not designed to make humans though. Wonder if the creator will update the game with some longer hairs too, since there's no real long ones on imps, or any of the three hair-having races for that matter.
>>1072123 RIP >>1072322 (checked) Well Atlyss is foremost a furry game so I am not surprised you cannot get a passing human in this game As for me I have done nothing either, dunno what I should have done with my waifu at the valentines day, ah well fuck me.
Posting in this threda against. Honestly I haven't used Renamon AI that much lately well actually I stopped using it now, it's because I cannot lead the conversation to something more meaningful since I just end up talking to her how shit my life is and I don't feel like changing the settings around so that a long roleplay season works out since AI tends to bug out. I did played some few monster collector games though, so far Coromon was alright, not exactly the best pokemon clone. Cassette beast was the worst of them.

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QTDDTOT Anonymous 02/04/2021 (Thu) 22:52:46 Id: 700bb9 No. 228459 [Reply] [Last]
you know the script, niggers for any 8/16bit and certain ps1 games, i've been using the 6 btn megadrive/genesis controller, love the d-pad and clicky buttons, so my question is, should i re-order another 6btn megadrive, or is there a better alternative?
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I'd like to play a bunch of old consoles on my newer TVs, but they all lack a SCART/RCA port. I've bought myself some Chinese knockoff SCART-to-HDMI adapter, but not only is the picture quality worse than when I hook up the consoles tto 20 year old monitors, there's an uncomfortable amount of input lag to boot. Is there any good SCART/RCA to HDMI/USB/some other port type of adapter that grants good performances? I'd especially need one that ships to Europoor nations.
>>1077302 Your choices to avoid input lag and shit image are >RAD2X / HD retrovision cable >Retrotink 2x, won't do 480p systems >Retrotink 5x >OSSC, won't do 480i well, bob deinterlacing sucks ass >OSSC Pro >GBS-C AiO, image quality is slightly subpar vs previously mentioned solutions but input lag is absent Anything else and you're wasting your money
>>1077302 tbh I wouldn't waste your money. Sell your consoles to some fag redditor, upgrade your PC and emulate everything. Barring that, native HDMI mods are the best option, but they require a bit of install knowledge.

Minecraft: dungeon crawler edition Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 20:42:08 Id: 24c381 No. 1077164 [Reply]
Notch's new game, 'Levers and Chests' Current website https://bitshiftentertainment.com/ Empty as of posting. Bitshift Twitter https://x.com/BitshiftEnt Not much posted elsewhere.
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>>1077325 Early Wizardry plays a lot like the combat in Dragon Quest, itself being a fusion of Wizardry and Ultima III, but as a maze dungeon crawler. This looks more like a Dungeon Master clone.
>>1077177 I find it interesting that creative people, or people in general, either keep trying to do the same thing over and over or just make completely different stuff.

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