You've got to be aware of the sleight of hand or intellectual dishonesty of calling something GDDR5 in the standards publications.
DDR2 genuinely doubled the best speeds that DDR1 could do "as a minimum". After that there was no revolutionary advancements in memory but incremental changes.
So DDR3 is not treble the previous generation. DDR4 is not quadruple DDR3. The spec for it is just DDR2 (again), DDR2 (again again), etc etc. Incremental shit. Unless I simply haven't checked and that 12,000-16,000 MHz memory is now commonly found inside your computer.
The naming convention for RAM standards is some consoomer shit to make you think the newest bestest thing matters more than just "good chips of DDR2". It runs at 3,600 MHz and it eats less watts, but this isn't the same progress of development as was promised, as though it's going to be flying cars or robots that walk your dog for you