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Valve has just released the source code for Team Fortress 2 Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 00:11:55 Id: 52877f No. 1072658
Not sure if anyone here still actively played TF2, but this news is HUGE. Basically Valve has just released the source code for Team Fortress 2, making mods that much more interesting. They also updated the game with a bunch of fixes and features. Personally, I hope this leads to having servers that can go over 64 playable characters for maximum chaos, although I'm not a game developer/modder, so I don't really know how these things work. articles in question: https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=238809 https://steamcommunity.com/games/TF2/announcements/detail/511824321138655315
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Wasn't this already released?
>>1072658 >Zesty uploads 4 hour vid going over all of Valve's faults with TF2. >3 days later, "Break glass to release SDK". They really are just washing their hands of the game now arn't they? Finished the comic, some final bug features. Fuck it, finish it yourself.
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>>1072661 Yes. it was released five hours ago. https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013
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Holy shit, I don't even play TF2 but I am beyond delighted. Go valve! Imagine if more companies did this.
>>1072661 You're probably thinking of the source 2013 multiplayer SDK, which doesn't have tf2-specific bits.
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>>1072658 But can Valve release a good game at least once?
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>>1072662 That's fine by me. This is what I've been wanting for years. Unfortunately a lot of modern players have been clinging onto Valve seeing as it's in fashion right now to dicksuck corporations, so I think TF2 essentially going open-source is going to be a transition period for them. Notably, I think this does signal that no more effort is going towards the anticheat and the "main game" is only staying up for the hats as long as people buy them. I think it's great to have some sort of closure but it's going to be up to the fans to keep the ship afloat. Given the talent present though and the presence of community figures like shounic I think the prospect isn't as hard as it seems.
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>>1072658 <Fuck It, We Give Up on this Spaghetti Code Game: THE UPDATE Considering the crew behind the franchise left Valve aeons ago (save for Robin Walker who's just there greeting tourists at the building's entrance) only two or three guys who stuck around since the late 90s have the task to figure out a 18 year old enigma that is the source code. >>1072674 Let someone else do it, expect more Hunt Down the Freeman for each franchise.
Okay too bad their 64bit update effectively soft-banned me from the game on any VAC protected server. I don't outright get kicked from a server, it takes 15 minutes exactly for VAC to boot me for the vague reason "An issue with your computer has prevented VAC from working, ligma." An issue that existed for anyone on linux trying to play CS:GO and jumped onto TF2, I'm guessing they brought VAC to parity between the two. The issues have received little to no attention on either issue trackers for the games.
>>1072658 > Personally, I hope this leads to having servers that can go over 64 playable characters for maximum chaos, although I'm not a game developer/modder, so I don't really know how these things work. I remember seeing a youtube video about five years ago where they got a 100 person server operating smoothly through MASSIVE performance constraints. No hats (thereby fixing the game), lowering model polygon counts, removing visual effects, etc. This should make that even more stable.
>>1072684 The source code release proves they're never going to fix it. You know that, right? This is the prelude to TF3, which will have totally different code and therefore not be affected by the 100% perfect bots that can now exist thanks to this release.
>>1072690 Deadlock is Tf3. Accept it already.
>>1072658 are the blue scout's pants fixed?
>>1072689 yeah, & vid related should be better as well https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=BGpKmJLSmlA
>>1072706 also hopefully vid related can be fixed as well https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=OvtMFMfrV0E
Did they release the Source Engine code as well or just whatever that went on top of it?
This is an SDK, not the source code. It's tools and binaries that help you make shit, and there may possibly be open code in there but it's not the entire thing that's been open sourced, modding tools have just been updated to include more TF2 shit. But it's still good, hopefully there will be a renaissance of more cool mods.
>>1072662 But don't they still have the Heavy update they promised us years ago? No way they'll renege on that, surely?
>>1072750 Can we finally get le reddit doggo chungus amungus?
>>1072691 Deadlock is just another dead on arrival icefrog obsession that will have less than 1,000 plays in 5 years.
>>1072684 On a meme rolling distro? Downgrade glibc.
>>1072972 Nope. From the submitted issues it doesn't seem to matter the distro. Arch, Void, Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, Gentoo, doesn't matter the distro, and it's been occuring for years, nobody from valve will address the issue.
>>1072930 Deadlock is already basically dead right now, dude. The updates have slowed down to a crawl, the art style is embarrassing, the characters aren't particularly memorable, and it's extremely unfriendly to new players. Unlike with Dota 2, Icefrog can't depend on a dedicated fanbase like those who played Dota Allstars to migrate over and keep it at a healthy level of players. It's likely a full year out at least from getting a release, and the hype train around Deadlock already came and went. I think if they include paid cosmetics and lootboxes (which they will, let's be honest), the game will nosedive even further.
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>>1072794 Hold your horses, they said: >We're not letting you to temper with the community guns, cosmetics and shit that could break the Community Market You may manipulate the base game however you want, but the rest it's up to Valve's few oldfags. >>1072863 If modders are able to dump their TF2 offshoots within the Steam store first. >>1073000 And the chinese capeshit shooter sponged all the remaining optimistic Deadcock fans, is it really hard for a million dollar company to come up with another single player campaign mode game just to showcase more of their star spangling videgame engine? Or at least release Left4Dead 3 just to be done with the franchise whose fanbase is also desperate for anything.
>>1072658 Pretty cool of them
>>1073041 > is it really hard for a million dollar company to come up with another single player campaign mode What would a single player campaign for Team Fortress 3 look like?
>>1072930 So? Valve doesn’t need to worry about money anymore.
>>1072691 Never touching Deadcock unless they get change the Nip conehead into something less aesthetically horrifying. Hero shooter devs have one job for their token Jap and it's to make him look cool and THIS ISN'T FUCKING IT.
>>1072662 >Company does an unexpected move right around the time an exposé that could completely wreck them comes out Many such cases, especially from Volvo >>1072679 TF2Ware getting the VScript treatment was not on my bingo card for this year. They really improved a lot of the jank from the older versions. >>1072691 I'm not playing anything that contains ASSFAGGOTS, e-sports bait and a gorillion stat modifiers to knowledge check new players.
>>1073968 It's quite literally a placeholder from when the game was still Neon Prime and she was an alien.
>>1073575 I mean you can pretty easily just take scouts moveset and make a "movement shooter" out of it.
>>1072691 >deadlock is tf3
>>1072706 Yes but it clashes with the retarded cosmetics instead of re-texturing each VTF piece with photoshop, they reverted it. >>1074192 The T standing for "Theseus", are they still the same developers?
lmao his servers dead already
>>1074229 He literally says they are on his own video, it's the whole issue with the lack of quickplay/hiding of the server browser crap.
Look who's here
>>1074260 Oh shit
>>1074260 Is this the same project that Valve got shit for ghosting and then sending a cease and desist letter?
>>1073968 >aesthetically horrifying Isn’t that the point?
>>1074365 No, the model is a remnant of the previous game Deadlock was going to be called Neon Prime, which was a more futuristic setting with aliens and shit, but they decided to shift themes because it looked too similar to Overwatch.
>>1074414 That image looks 100 times more readable than anything from Deadlock I've seen.
They’re more likely to make Team Fortress: The Bored Game than TF3. You know how valve is.
>>1072661 That's a human?
>>1074289 Technically that was Open Fortress, but the dev that sent the initial email was also on TF2C. It also wasn't a C&D, just a polite "If you would kindly delist your stuff we'll work out a way for you to get on steam legally" request. TF2C and OF were technically taken down but not with a threat.
>>1075334 We don't know whether or not it was a C&D. The tweet said Valve told them to take it down and they were working on an "arrangement". Then in classic Valve fashion they ghosted the projects so the developer just brought them back online and went about their business. Valve is ran by comically retarded people.
>>1075341 >Valve is ran by comically retarded people. They should buy Cinemassacre/Screenwave, they have so much in common.
>>1077521 Are you that schizophrenic German guy? You bring AVGN up a lot out of nowhere, it's weird
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>>1077638 You talking to me?
>>1077638 Label anyone as a schizo whoever you want, but the fact you brought up: >Valve is so incompetent to the point of hilarity Is something common with the entertainment industry once they hit the jackpot and stopped giving a shit as long they get that sweet revenue, not to mention how both companies keep their shit apolitical and still fail to appease lefties.
>>1077857 >Label anyone as a schizo whoever you want, No, I mean he's literally a schizophrenic, or so he says. He's the big furry Linux nerd who posts Renamon. >but the fact you brought up: I'm not the guy you were replying to sorry

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