JRPGs are ultimately iterations on Western tabletop games.
<they're gay
Have these so-called critics looked at the WRPG
Baldin' Gay 3 which got advertised with ursidic bestiality? 99% of JRPGs out there showcase heteronormative standards whereas WRPGs are all too happy to stain themselves with rainbow paint.
Eh, it's alright. It only got repute because it was untranslated for the longest time, but once it actually did get translated and then ported to the Piss4 what people found was that it was
Final Fantasy's attempt to pander and scoop up the Purseowner demographic, much like Falcom tried getting in on that with
Tokyo Xanadu. So if you're into an ARPG take on that, great, otherwise feel free to skip.
Also, this is a rare
Final Fantasy title where one of the artists (female) went into extensive detail texturing unique pantsu for each of the female characters. The press release was since removed during Square Enix's recent phase of trying to suck up to DEI, but that alone is a gimmick that justifies the game's existence.