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Ninja Gaiden 4 by Platinum Games and Team Ninja Anonymous 01/23/2025 (Thu) 18:20:17 Id: 203eed No. 1064333 [Reply] [Last]
Massive announcement at the Xbox direct just now with Ninja Gaiden 4 being announced by Platinum Games and Team Ninja. The information we have is fairly limited and all we really know is that the Dark Dragon is fucking things up again and that there's a new Ninja known as Raven. I was just playing through Sigma myself so this is huge news for me. Are you guys also looking forward to this one? Or do you expect it to be more like Ninja Gaiden 3. https://youtu.be/IzLhxMlkcrg
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>>1075221 It's published by fucking Microshaft so I have zero hope. I think the new character will have Platinum mechanics and movesets and Ryu will have his old movesets and mechanics. That's about it, the boring art design and the titless Lamia boss were blatant red flags as well.
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>Playing Ninja Gaiden 2 Black on Master Ninja >I'm stuck on the Momiji chapter >Again Fuck the girl chapters holy fucking shit I'm pulling my hair out
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Anonymous 12/24/2024 (Tue) 00:03:42 Id: df0029 No. 1053686 [Reply]
A new SpongeBob game leaked, called Splash of the Titans. This one is a tie-in to the upcoming 4th SpongeBob movie so there's some info on that as well. https://gofile.io/d/yAmTsu https://litter.catbox.moe/6v41fa.zip https://files.catbox.moe/is51k8.mp3
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>>1055004 No way. How did you figure that out?
>>1075674 This is the huge 4/v/ leak, right? I wonder how he got all that. I'm entirely too old for SpongeBob, but the Patrick Star game does sound fun.
I do not like how Spongebob is drawn on that cover

"Romeo and Juliet" style endings/relationships in games Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 01:20:10 Id: 17e7d4 No. 1040717 [Reply]
For some reason, I'm rather interested in stories where something like this happens >Star-crossed lovers >Seems to be a perfect pair >They get into some sort of trouble and have to separate or can never see each other again, or one of them loses their memories or something like that Maybe I'm just feeling masochistic. I don't know. In any case, the only ones like this I can think of are <Tatsuya and Maya in Persona 2 <Kurisu and Okabe in Steins;Gate Unless you count the true ending <Professor Layton and Claire from the Unwound Future Got any more? Post them ITT. Bonus points if it's not just from visual novels because I could probably name a few more from that genre. Also use this thread to post some good couples from vidya in general.
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Do Visual novels count?
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>>1077123 >2nd pic in the OP is of a couple from a VN I imagine so, anon.

Why So Many Video Games Cost So Much to Make Anonymous 01/11/2025 (Sat) 03:34:41 Id: 90d7c1 No. 1059841 [Reply]
https://archive.is/fnNYh An article from Bloomberg goes into what's behind the ballooning cost of games, and it comes to the conclusion it's actually not "muh gwafix". The TL;DR is <incompetence <terrible workflow <bad production pipelines <no clear development plan Some quotes from the article. "le reddit spacing" to make it clear these are separate and out of context >I had coffee with a video-game developer who told me that work was slow and that they’d been spending half of their days watching Netflix. >There was the developer who couldn’t work because the game’s tools weren’t ready. There was the team that had to drop everything they were doing because the creative director had played Breath of the Wild over the weekend and came away with some Great Ideas. There were the artists who were blocked from working as they waited for a colleague to finish a design. >A small part of a game’s budget might go to miscellaneous costs like office rent and computer equipment, but the vast majority is earmarked for labor. Let’s do some quick napkin math. If you have 100 employees and you’re estimating $15,000 a month for each one, you’re spending $18 million a year. But these days, the top game studios are much bigger than that. So if you have 300 employees and you’re estimating $20,000 a month for each one (got to pay good wages to compete in 2025), you’re spending $72 million a year. Anon's note: If you think $20,000 a month is crazy, wages can be even higher than that. I think some of the positions at Riot start at $35,000 per month. >games are growing more expensive because of rampant mismanagement — because of companies chasing trends, making bad bets and lacking a clear creative vision. Inefficient workflows, technological shifts and insecure executives can all be the cause of wasted time, which equates to higher budgets. A common example these days is taking a team with years of experience making single-player games and pivoting them to a multiplayer game as a service.

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Edited last time by Mark on 01/11/2025 (Sat) 11:05:46.
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>>1059841 Ah if only I could trade my technical skills for scam artist social skills.
>>1076717 Rossmann has been spreading lots of misinformation lately, he's about as bad as that grummz fellow at checking his sources, especially if it's stuff he doesn't know anything about like videogames.
>>1077064 I wanna like Louis I really do but he keeps doing retarded shit. Even in cases where he has a major point (See the Linus shill tips drama) he still fucks up by having a NYC brain.

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EA is releasing the Source Code of all Command and Conquer games Anonymous 02/27/2025 (Thu) 19:48:39 Id: 6cb900 No. 1074913 [Reply]
Holy fuck it even includes Renegade And they're still uploading, hopefully C&C3 next. >You will live to play SAGE C&C games at more than 30 FPS What a time to be alive! https://github.com/electronicarts/
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Cautiously optimistic Since they're being so generous, maybe they'll actually let Dead Space 4 happen someday?
>>1076465 Do you really want to have Dead Space 4 with the shit they did with the remake?
>>1076465 >Optimistic about EA Anon it's a small team inside EA who pushed super hard for it, don't expect EA their development pipeline to get any better. >Dead Space 4 >After Dead Space 3 >After that pozzed to shit Dead Space Remake Nigger do you want to eat shit that badly?

Spy vidya Anonymous 02/21/2025 (Fri) 17:15:21 Id: a24857 No. 1073329 [Reply]
So with announcement of Amazon taking over the James Bond series, I'm just curious as to what people's thoughts are on the various 007 video games that have been released over the past 40 years.
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And of course the audio file does NOT go through. Jesus Christ, update the acceptable codecs and file types already.
>>1073367 i remember a mcdonald's copypaste schlock that also had a power rangers & gadget and the gadgetinis "version"/reskin packaged in other discs

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Souls Thread: Melina has no closure edition. Anonymous 08/10/2024 (Sat) 01:19:59 Id: 28eea5 No. 999602 [Reply] [Last]
Let's discuss Elden Meme and the other souls games (Sekiro included). I hope everyone is enjoying the expansion for Elden Ring and let's hope that Black Myth: Wukong won't be chink trash. I've personally been having a great time with SoTE save for the sheer lack of closure for Melina and other lose ends. The lack of new endings and questionable final boss with Shota Femto and his buck broken brother along with some story flaws are my biggest gripes out of what is otherwise a very solid DLC. Last thread >>985814
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>>1074443 >They should take major notes of the movement for a future souls game. I think that's probably the whole point to be honest. That and the multiplayer stuff. As an aside I really hope the full game has some free range or exploration mode or something.
Shitty Nioh comes to PC in a week.
>>1075877 Has anyone actually played this btw?

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The Elder Scrolls thread Anonymous 09/11/2023 (Mon) 11:59:18 Id: a3df2a No. 884310 [Reply] [Last]
We have furries and they're all addicted to crack. Covering the basic news. >The Elder Scrolls VI is officially in early development, all eagerly await its 2065 release to play a TES game with even fewer RPG mechanics. >Daggerfall Unity is leaving Beta and considering a full 1.0 release, the in-dev 0.16 release being the earliest candidate. This would mark the completion of its 9-year development and the first major TES engine port to be finished. The project will enter a stage of "post-release support" likely involving bug fixes and further modding improvements. >Skyblivion posted a new status report, showing major progress. There's too much to cover, I recommend watching their 2023 roadmap if interested https://yewtu.be/watch?v=H1q1nXLDjB8
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>>1076720 I hope we get to see more of the various khajiit subraces in upcoming stuff, they're one of the more interesting parts of the lore that is still easy enough for non-kirkbridans to consume
>>1076872 It is never going to happen but it would be so funny if the next game let you be an alfiq. Just be a psychic cat.
>>1076875 It's not going to happen because it would require doing something cool and unique, something TES hasn't been for awhile.

Minecraft General Anonymous 01/11/2025 (Sat) 13:41:52 Id: dca2c8 No. 1059987 [Reply] [Last]
For Minecraft discussion, builds, pictures, videos, and YouTube. >Frequently Asked Stupid Questions Q: I stopped playing months ago, what's new in Minecraft? A: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Version_history Q: What launcher should I use? A: PolyMC is the current flavor of multiMC fork. Q: How do I install mods? A: Download the Fabric or Forge modloaders, install for the version you want, and launch the game to generate the necessary files. then go through Curse's awful shitty search system until you find a mod you want, download it, and put it in your new mods folder in the minecraft directory. Check the mod's curse page for more specific installation requirements and dependencies. >Official stuff: * Website - http://minecraft.net * Forums - http://minecraftforum.net * Mojang - http://mojang.com * Wiki - http://minecraft.gamepedia.com

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>>1075105 >>1075446 The best solution I think would be for /v/ to "adopt" a mod (Like BTA or that other anon's mod) as their official version and keep a server or two running of it as /v/ official server. Try to collect everyone together in a rallying point of sorts.
>>1075639 I've never done any minecraft modding. How complicated is it?
>>1076426 Depends on the version. It gets easier as time goes on, simply because mods got internal datapacks to help implement things. But it's Java, so it's still going to be a pain in the ass depending on what you want to do.

XSeed: "Senran Kagura Would not Prosper in the West in This Day and Age" Anonymous 08/13/2024 (Tue) 20:30:17 Id: f3e482 No. 1001039 [Reply] [Last]
This really needs its own thread because of how right STUPID this shit is. This is like banning RPGs on the Sega Saturn levels of stupid, all because of retarded twitter/reddit/discord politics. These people can't see outside their little Californian bubble, and it pisses me the fuck off. The console game market is run by people who hate games, that's the only excuse I can think of when explaining this malicious ignorance. It's been proven time and time again that these games sell as long as there's a good gameplay structure. Even with an above average gameplay structure, Stellar Blade selling over a million copies in the past year alone PROVES that now is the best time to release Senran Kagura IN SPITE of gaming journalists and the reddit/twitter/discord grooming audience. Not only that, but the entire mobile market with games like Blue Archive and NIKKE is making millions of dollars in capital. You could make the market that "Oh it's just whales", but I would argue that's not a legitimate excuse when Stellar Blade sells over a million copies and other games like fucking Capes don't even sell close to that. That's not to mention Flintlock that has its numbers inflated by Gamepass only sold half the amount of Stellar Blade with a much bigger marketing campaign. There's no excuse for this level of stupidity, but what can we do about it? Maybe we can contact shareholders and have them communicate our issues through them? There's no excuse for this level of incompetence, although I'd personally argue that it's maliciousness considering everything I've talked about. sauce: https://noisypixel.net/xseed-games-ken-berry-interview/ https://archive.ph/N2zJb
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>>1075844 There's no hope without Kenichiro and he's at CyGames making much more money now. After Farmagia it's telling that Marvelous doesn't know what the fuck it's doing.
>>1076060 >Marvelous doesn't know what the fuck it's doing Can they please hurry and die already.
Question for any fans of the series: Are any of the games actually good as games? I picked up shinovi versus on sale a few years back and spent a few hours trying out different characters. (the punch girl felt the best imo, though it was a low bar) All I can say is that mechanically the game felt like shit. Straight up 2000s action jrpg stiff game feel. Did I just pick up an off game or is that pretty representative of the series as a whole? I can already jack it without forcing myself through a D-tier DMC game.

Visual Novel General Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 20:20:21 Id: fdb87f No. 965363 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the 8chan Visual Novel Thread Post all visual novel-related news and discussions here if you'd like. Don't feel constrained to post ITT if you want to make a thread about big news related to a visual novel's release or something - within reason. When in doubt, just put it here. Archive of previous thread: https://archive.ph/V2sPk Archive to all VN Threads: https://pst.moe/paste/mtqzct Visual Novel Database/VNstat: https://vndb.org/ (https://vnstat.net/) Visual Novel Starter Kit: https://pst.moe/paste/ypmpss (Includes info for beginners, terminology, recommendations, sources, and downloads [nearly all are dead] for fonts and visual novels for beginners.) Visual novel recommendation charts: http://animu-mango.wikia.com/wiki/VN_Recommendations Nostalgic Visual Novels on-line: http://tss.asenheim.org/ Another online visual novel reading site: http://vnjs.thatplayer.com/ English VN DDL sites: https://www.craneanime.com/wp/tag/english/ - https://erogedownload.com/ English and raw VN downloads for PC and Console: http://www.vn-meido.com/k1/ Rockmandash's Guide to Tablets for VNs: http://archive.is/B3cv5 (outdated but still guides you in the right direction) Fuwanovel VNs on Android Guide: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/1323-android-visual-novel-lets-play-visual-novel-on-the-go/ Machine translation guides: https://amaenboda.wordpress.com/tag/how-to-use-agth/ & http://archive.is/5vgDa The Beginner’s Guide to Visual Novel Development: https://www.twoandahalfstudios.com/2020/02/the-beginners-guide-to-visual-novel-development PC VNs on DS/3DS Guide: https://pst.moe/paste/tediml

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>>1076290 Weird perspective I think.
>>1076290 It's a tragic disease called "Being drawn by Raita"
>>1076293 >tragic My dick says otherwise

jackbox Anonymous 04/30/2022 (Sat) 19:57:19 Id: 72b533 No. 590825 [Reply] [Last]
>ctrl + f "jackbox" <no results What's /v/'s stance on jackbox? Would anyone be willing to join if I hosted? Also /v/ackbox thread
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Welcome to the first Jackbox stream of March!: https://cytu.be/r/Jackbox1
It begins

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JRPG/RPG recommendation thread Anonymous 03/08/2024 (Fri) 13:47:38 Id: e5941b No. 943592 [Reply] [Last]
I'm still new (;^ω^)!
Edited last time by Mark on 03/08/2024 (Fri) 16:48:57.
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>>1055701 JRPGs are ultimately iterations on Western tabletop games. <they're gay Have these so-called critics looked at the WRPG Baldin' Gay 3 which got advertised with ursidic bestiality? 99% of JRPGs out there showcase heteronormative standards whereas WRPGs are all too happy to stain themselves with rainbow paint. >>1075784 >Type-0 Eh, it's alright. It only got repute because it was untranslated for the longest time, but once it actually did get translated and then ported to the Piss4 what people found was that it was Final Fantasy's attempt to pander and scoop up the Purseowner demographic, much like Falcom tried getting in on that with Tokyo Xanadu. So if you're into an ARPG take on that, great, otherwise feel free to skip. Also, this is a rare Final Fantasy title where one of the artists (female) went into extensive detail texturing unique pantsu for each of the female characters. The press release was since removed during Square Enix's recent phase of trying to suck up to DEI, but that alone is a gimmick that justifies the game's existence.
>>1055701 >giving a shit about the opinions of retards Enjoy the games that you enjoy; shit taste fags will always exist.
>>1055701 Trial by combat. Only way.

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Remember Me: The Thread Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 00:58:55 Id: f84708 No. 1066854 [Reply] [Last]
Post vidya barely anyone remembers
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>>1075293 Thanks, knew it was Banpresto
>>1067536 >Impossible Creatures Memorable because it's the predecessor to Dawn of War (and they use the same engine)
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Sonic the Hedgehog Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 09:45:27 Id: 824c4a No. 1027938 [Reply] [Last]
With Sonic X Shadow Generations coming out in less than a week, now is a good time for a new Sonic thread. Personally I'm quite excited for the game, and am surprised it hasn't already leaked since it usually leaks around this time. Although I'm kinda disappointed we haven't seen a proper Adventure remake yet, hopefully this game will be good and will lead to good things as time goes on. Oh, and hopefully we'll get a Shadow remake that's actually good this time. I doubt SEGA has the balls to make that kinda game in the modern age though. Are you looking forward to Shadow Generations? Do you think we'll get more Sonic stages as DLC? Or will the game just be average and a waste of money and the cycle will repeat itself all over again, even though Frontiers as a modded game is solid. Still, this is the thread to discuss anything and everything Sonic the Hedgehog! please don't porn dump, I'm looking at you Bui
Edited last time by Mark on 10/15/2024 (Tue) 15:04:18.
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You can finally play Sonic Unleashed on PC natively due to recompilation. https://github.com/hedge-dev/UnleashedRecomp/
>>1075642 Is there a Linux port?
>>1075642 I just saw this, hopefully I can build it myself, I tried building the Sonic Advance 2 port but that went nowhere, these recomps are usually extremely nit-picky when it comes to OS requirements, even Steam OS wasn't good enough for it. >>1075644 Yeah there's a windows and flatpak version, and Steam Deck compatibility seems great.

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Vidya based dreams Anonymous 02/26/2025 (Wed) 00:58:33 Id: f4f4d4 No. 1074385 [Reply]
Have you ever had any dreams based on vidya, anon? Existing games or otherwise. I'll start with one I had a while ago: >Some sort of custom map, the part I'm in is some sort of long, blue, hexagonal tube with the bottom cut out and leaving a black abyss serving as a killzone, two white platforms lining either side (one above and one below), with doorways giving access for red on one side, and blu on the other (though the distance can be explosive jumped, but not scout doublejumped) >I am on BLU, playing soldier, on my side of the tube >Two RED soldiers are on the opposite side >rocket jumping around, hitting each other uselessly with their melees, exchanging voice lines, typical TF2 interactions >I whip out the righteous bison and start taking potshots >miss because it's the bison >one of the soldiers turns right towards me after my first shot misses, effortlessly steps out of the way of subsequent shots because again, it's the bison >actually intentionally steps back in front of my last two shots before I have to stop to reload, does the schadenfreude taunt, pain sounds interrupt the audio portion of it >he whips out his own righteous bison >we start blasting away at each other >neither of us can hit the other >other red soldier whips out his own bison and joins in >he can't hit anything either >the other players all start swapping to soldier and equipping the bison >start flooding into their respective halves of the tube

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>>1074791 The only creepypasta to creep me out was that Morrowind one, and in turn, it's also the only one I've dreamt about. Possibly because I also experienced something one night where I woke up, seemingly at random, and heard taps at the window. For context, my room was in the basement at the time, and the windows were at ground-level above me, and none of them had curtains, or anything preventing someone from just...looking in. I think I pretended I was asleep, but kept an eye open to see what was there.
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>>1074385 I remember dreaming about a TF2 mod inside Goygle Maps, like any class you choose would interact with the real world and you could use them as your golems killing shitskins pissing outside of your house. Quite surreal seeing those gangsta niggers shooting at your POV but their real life pistols would deal the same damage as the ones ingame, I do recall chasing one of them and knocking him in the cold with a critical hit as the heavy with his fists. Oh yeah I also I had a dream about Super Mario Sunshine, similar to Bowser's Fury, where you could do all sorts of stupid shit just to piss off Bowser and chase you but it was impossible for him because you had FLUDD.
I have these pretty often. Usually if I play a game a lot for a few days I'll dream about it. I'll also have dreams about games I'm yet to play that I'll end up playing months or years in the future. I don't remember all of them too well though, but one I remember was pretty funny. I was getting dragged into guiding lands shit with Monster Hunter World a fair bit last year, and one night I had this dream I was fighting a Radobaan or Uragaan variant with massive blue crystals all over, like the full-grown crystal lizards in Dark Souls 3. He also had crystal mist breath and sleep gas. The environment was some massive crystal winter cave with similar looking blue crystals everywhere. After telling a friend about this dream he tells me about Crystalbeard Uragaan, which while not entirely a 1-to-1 the similarity is pretty fucking funny, as I had not played GU yet and had no idea this variant existed.

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