/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Drawing guides and artist motivation Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 22:47:07 Id: add632 No. 67757 [Reply]
Being an overseas anime artist or any style of artist can feel like a pretty forlorn and fruitless hobby sometimes. This thread is for artist inspiration, encouragement, and just convincing people they need to stop dwelling too much on their past mistakes, and instead start focusing on getting better by drawing more. It's also for posting drawing assistance and art guides, e.g. drawing ticklish parts of the body & laughter faces if such a guide exists, or even making your own guides related to tickling. Otherwise go to >>29138 for artwork roasting/critiques and >>287 for requests and just posting your own artworks. ps: I didn't make the title image.
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Any advice for beginning digital art? What programs/apps to use?
>>68455 krita and fireaplaca are free, they're decent if you wanna get started SAI and SAI2 are pretty barebones but have nice pentools and a good stabilizer, know a lot of artists who use it most really big artists use clip studio paint or photoshop, but a lot of people have moved away from photoshop because adobe is a cancer
>>68455 there are a few good free programs like krita or sketchbook, and they have most tools big programs and the UI is rather basic, so it's easy to get on it.

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Homestuck tickling Anonymous 02/28/2022 (Mon) 21:42:40 Id: fb2b53 No. 15503 [Reply]
Anyone have any good homestuck stuff?
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>>60415 >>60416 Where'd you get those traditionally drawn ones?
>>60418 You mean the drawn paper ones? I can't remember but I think it was in one of the draw threads
>>60418 they're from a deviantart user a few years back called plat0nix, these are what I saved of them from google caches, best quality I have unfortunately

Visibly Barefoot Ticklers Anonymous 06/11/2022 (Sat) 04:03:21 Id: 564cbd No. 22950 [Reply]
I don't know what it is, but this shit always gets me. Maybe it's the added element of a sort of vulnerability or intimacy, who knows. Anyway, post pics/vids/whatever where the ler is visibly barefoot. Tights/nylons also acceptable.
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Long nails/Claws tickling Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 01:15:12 Id: 1815d3 No. 64308 [Reply]
The indisputably best tiggle tool, right at your fingertips!
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>>64675 Or even, in the meantime, have one where she traps your ankles between her thighs and goes to town on you.
This one is fire: ler's nails, lee's big soles covered in kiss marks, lee trying his best not to laugh, their overall cute looks. Is there a backstory?

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Tickling art with solesmanly vibes (aka "real foot fetish") Anonymous 07/26/2023 (Wed) 22:14:47 Id: 9c6bcf No. 50393 [Reply] [Last]
This is more of a foot fetish related thread, but it would be nice to see some new solesmanly tickling art. Every form of art or self-expression is welcome! Please use spoilers for sopisticated images (e.g. some of Redscript's works, you know what I mean). A QUICK RUNDOWN: - Cheesiness, when speaking about female soles, is a mellow color of a fine Dutch cheese as well as a distinctive strong aroma. But it's worth nothing to mention that seasoned parmesan-colored soles and their unique delicious fragrance are valued above all. A great example of such a parmesan-like pedal perfection is an Italian foot model Miss Marty (pic 1). - Eggness (egg-yolkiness) is a... Imagine a yellowish, like an egg yolk, skin, and some delicious white hardened skin around, just like egg whites. Yummy! Almost every case of eggness involves heels. Unlike some of you might think, it has nothing to do with the smell of eggs. - Real foot fetishists like NATRUAL MEATY ROUGH LARGE AND CHEESY female soles and to indulge in a long, steamy love sessions with them. But since this board is filled with normies, we won't take the term "fetishist" from them and will call ourselves "solesmen". Every solesman is a foot fetishist, but not every foot fetishist is a solesman. - We can't discuss foot fetish without poshness. Poshness is a combination of an aura of domination, a luxury appearance and an overall burlesque, which makes you want to fall on your knees and greedily lick the posh woman's feet even when you see her on the screen of your phone. Examples of posh foot models include PlayWithAnny (pic 2) and Tsunderebean (pic 3). A lot of solesmen are fascinated by poshness to the point it inspires them to write poems — a great example is "Oh, Tsunderebean, your lovely pretty feet!" - The most sophisticated solesmen also enjoy shroomness. Shroomy soles, as you might guess, smell just like seasoned fungi. Some might find it too much for their tastes, but enjoyers definitely won't be disappointed. As some of them say, the feeling of licking along a shroomy female sole is something from an outer dimension. - There are a lot of prominent individuals among solesmen. The most notable is of course Quentin Tarantino with his undying love for natural large female soles. But, of course, solesmen artists like Redscript (pic 4) and EmpiricalSmut (pic 5) make a huge contribution to the solesmanly culture.
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>Hate Thread revives this bait thread >Immediately gets anchored >Even the mods have had enough Okay, I'll say it. Just this once. Thank you, mods. You did a good job.
>>68230 I'm totally sure this isn't a bait thread. There's a guy on f-list who has a profile full of this shit and talks exactly like this.

Tickle GIFs Tickle GIFs 10/05/2021 (Tue) 14:30:54 Id: e141e0 No. 2468 [Reply] [Last]
Post em!
Edited last time by Flatty on 08/06/2023 (Sun) 20:35:25.
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>>52705 >>52738 >>52751 I found the tumblr post, it says that the full video is on her free onlyfans page. Could someone please check that out and get the video if it's really on there? https://www.tumblr.com/ninaluckx/728193652511391744/tickled-by-the-evil-mister-ttt?source=share
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Mummification, sleepsack, plaster cast tickling Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 23:37:00 Id: 83da0c No. 58321 [Reply]
Obsessed with this method of torture. Post vids, pics, stories, whatever you got. The more locked in the better. Only feet and head sticking out.
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>>58336 https://www.tumbex.com/pj-tickling.tumblr/post/646905317157928961/feetfantasy17-back-in-the-mid-90s-there-was-an Found this link with more gifs of what you wanted and a story. That’s about all o could find
>>58336 >>67991 No idea if this is the full video or not but found via Saucenao and the gifs above https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J9IT2JnoYhH3nl3km94iMU8XruJMOIyS/view
>>67968 YES, This is it! Thank you for this! I'm glad you remember the second part too, I'll be looking for that as well

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Games thread 2 Anonymous 08/25/2022 (Thu) 02:10:31 Id: a588a7 No. 27549 [Reply] [Last]
The previous thread >>680 hit the bump limit.
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password is kimochi.info
new thread anyone?
>>68161 new thread here >>68463

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"The chair" Anonymous 03/29/2022 (Tue) 18:06:55 Id: abafc9 No. 17883 [Reply]
You know the kind I'm talking about. The one where the lee's feet are trapped in the arms of the chair and the ler's feet are in the lee's face.
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Watch Symphogear
>>66774 name of these two?
>>67629 The one being tickled is Hibiki Tachibana. The tickler is Shem-Ha, but possessing the body of Miku Kohinata. All of these characters are from Senki Zesshou Symphogear.

Future is now? Anonymous 06/24/2023 (Sat) 10:37:15 Id: 0c127c No. 48480 [Reply]
or is it? can someone explain me, why there are still no fully automated - or even just any - tickling machines, since we've got such advanced on daily basis that they should be easily invented? we've got tones of pictures and ideas, how could it look like and how could it work; are we that disorganised as a community that we can't join forces and build such thing? :p i believe we'd need a tickle fan (obviously), an automatician (mechanician), maybe an architect, and probably a programer (which i am, if needed), and that's it. so, what stands in the way? ;) (i don't count this automated footpad: https://ahlab.org/project/ticklefoot/ - which is probably fake, since you can't get it anywhere, but maybe it could work) actually, same thing goes to fighting games: we've got this Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat 11, and few others, with beautiful graphics and complex combos and grabs to hurt an opponent; what'd stand in the way to produce something similar, but replacing grabs and/or hits with tickles and/or sex? i'd be happy even if it looked like some older titles, like Tekken 2, not necessarily the newest one :p or they could fight with tickle-weapons like in Soul Calibur, instead of sharp swords... what do you think? is this a real life? or it's just fantasy? ;) or maybe there already are such devices/games i haven't heard of yet?
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>>67618 The girl in the video above?
>>62347 I remember that! There was a video I saw on YouTube about it ages ago.

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New tool ideas 06/11/2024 (Tue) 23:41:24 Id: 56ddb1 No. 67189 [Reply]
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>>67215 Damn bro where yall find your friends I feel this I gotta try it, weed already makes me giggly
Just a friendly reminder. You're better than drugs.
>>67211 I’ve been doing that for years and I still have no idea if it works or not. Never got to test it out :(

Ticklish Facial Expressions Anonymous 06/28/2022 (Tue) 01:16:48 Id: aa1718 No. 23936 [Reply] [Last]
Simultaneously the best and most underrated aspect of tickle fetish smut. Post your favorite, talk about the ones you like and the ones you don't.
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I got a commission from my man Jstratus where the main focus is the facial expressions and not the tickling causing them. I've always thought that the expression is what makes or breaks a pic (and a lee desperately trying to hold it back is way hotter than outright laughter if the strain and distress are intense enough.)
>Suprise/Panic >Hard laughter >No smiling or suppressed smiling/Showing distress or anger >Holding in laughter while annoyed >Obvious signs of embarrassment

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Multiple Ticklers Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 14:52:46 Id: 1f678e No. 63695 [Reply]
I think this deserves a thread. Post your girls getting outnumbered by lers. The more the merrier!!! (also, no magic hands please)
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>>67027 looks like one of the tickling escape games.
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3D artists Anonymous 10/20/2022 (Thu) 08:09:19 Id: 354fa4 No. 31525 [Reply] [Last]
for me it's a shame that 3D art is much less popular than drawings. I'll post some of my favorites here, and hope that you know some artists who make similar stuff!
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3D art sucks because it get's a fraction of the work regular porn gets and the shit we get ranged from kinda okay to down right 3D movie maker quality.
>>33191 >>33190 These from a VR video/game? The perspective looks like it’s meant for a 360 view.

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Options on vtubers in kink? Goonfag 06/05/2024 (Wed) 02:17:36 Id: a496dd No. 66921 [Reply]
So I decided to re-upload this as I made the first thread in a hurry and it was kind of a mess. I want to gage this communities options on vtubers being used in NSFW content. What got me started on this subject was the recent drama involving Dove (angel) doxing Kenji (monkey) in a private hate group on discord that involved several former members of the group Mofongo boys, Riikami (cat), Phoenixx (bird), Andy (dog), and Kage (red fox). I wanted to write a series of NSFW stories involving Dove or Kenji getting revenge on the boys above, but even though I'd be writing it from the perspective of their fictional personas it's based on real events that were traumatic for several people involved. I still might make the stories anyway but I'm curious how you all feel about the gray lines of vtuber NSFW content?
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>>67009 I want to read it when you're done. Where would I be able to find it?
>>66921 These people make their whole living by whoring themselves off as cartoon avatars to horny, lonely degenerates. Half of the images in the OP are already erotic in nature. Who exactly are you trying to get approval from here?
>>67009 >reddit spacing

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Caroo Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 20:54:47 Id: e03281 No. 5084 [Reply] [Last]
Want went wrong?
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>>66792 >>66792 I wish he had done pics like the first first and last of this set with Sweetie Belle. I'm not a foot guy and those knee and belly tickles are tops. but the expressions on that last one, umph
honestly, caroo peaked when he used to actually experiment with characters, scenarios and designs, most notable in his early brony era. you'd be hard pressed to find him drawing anything but the same design doll model traced pony design, in a machine that tickles their vulva shaped feet, and a tube specifically for their absurdly large clit, that is, if he hasn't just thrown a dick on there already.
this pic is pretty old but i remember being repulsed about this when he first made it. just what the fuck

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