/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

Kocho Kocho

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"The chair" Anonymous 03/29/2022 (Tue) 18:06:55 Id: abafc9 No. 17883
You know the kind I'm talking about. The one where the lee's feet are trapped in the arms of the chair and the ler's feet are in the lee's face.
I'm Erick
>>17890 thanks Erick
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I love this concept, I wish I had the colored and uncensored version of this one tho
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>>17883 Has anyone made one of these irl? I wonder how effective they would actually be. I love the idea of the contrast between the casually lounging ler and the agonizingly tortured lee in the same setting.
I didn't realize this was such a common theme for artists but I'm so fucking glad that it is.
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>>17893 I was going to edit the two together but I got lazy and just just redrew it instead
>>26761 Oh this is so friggin cute! I especially love how Bernie has a wall of text behind her from begging so much and the different expressions of the three lees! Amazing work!~
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Watch Symphogear
>>66774 name of these two?
>>67629 The one being tickled is Hibiki Tachibana. The tickler is Shem-Ha, but possessing the body of Miku Kohinata. All of these characters are from Senki Zesshou Symphogear.

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