/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Homestuck tickling Anonymous 02/28/2022 (Mon) 21:42:40 Id: fb2b53 No. 15503
Anyone have any good homestuck stuff?
I found this incredibly old bookmark to a Dropbox account that had a ton of feet and tickling themed homestuck art. I already grabbed all the tickling stuff and will be posting it here separately but here’s the gallery either way: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7fq1ththgiq2ued/AAAGCk8-EBe9_i33U0KvvCmLa
>>12879 That’s all I got. Anyone else?
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>>12880 Monokron/Unikron/Whateverhescallinghimselfthesedays had a fair amount, but this is the only one I saved. You'd think with the astronomical amount of porn Homestuck got back in the day, there would be more of this fetish, but it's not very prevalent.
Thanks OP anon I was always disappointed in how little tickle fetish art there was of HS, but I’m glad someone archived a bunch.
>when the only artists in the tickling scene still making Homestuck tickle/feet art are literally all trannies who only draw terezi or vriska and Kanaya or Aradia because they identify with the omg quirky weird mean bitch socially inept autist and the hypersexual mommy character they will never be we're never ever ever getting good jadesprite tickle art are we bros....
>>12949 nothing stopping you from drawing it yourself, kron
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I know a thread like this already exists, but i wanted to see if there were any more out there. I have a few more images, some of them are NSFW.
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>>15506 >I know a thread like this already exists, but i wanted to see if there were any more out there. then go bump it, retard
>>15513 Sorry, im new here but yeah fair enough
Anyone here have all the stuff Unikran/Monokron made of homestuck?
I have a few here, but i dont know if i've seen all that he made.
I found a few.
I found an old /tkr/ thread about homestuck, but all the images are broken. https://8kun.top/tkr/res/1226.html#1230 Any way to restore these?
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>>17033 >Any way to restore these? So much was lost.
>>17034 I imagine that's a no, then
I have some higher quality versions of a few images, and one that wasn't posted here before.
I decided to make a tickle pic of Peregrine Mendicant, because theres no tickle content of her out there. I might end up posting this somewhere else as well, but for now i'll just put this here.
Found on fa, by the same guy who did that nepeta pic a while back
(51.43 KB 540x746 vriska and ghost.jpg)

(85.10 KB 640x729 feferi and meenah.jpg)

(4.17 KB 100x150 kankri and aranea.jpg)

(146.73 KB 1280x1061 vriska and gamzee.jpg)

Found on tumblr.
>>47939 Source for that third one?
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(180.18 KB 768x1024 Kanaya_tickled.jpg)

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>>60415 >>60416 Where'd you get those traditionally drawn ones?
>>60418 You mean the drawn paper ones? I can't remember but I think it was in one of the draw threads
>>60418 they're from a deviantart user a few years back called plat0nix, these are what I saved of them from google caches, best quality I have unfortunately

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