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Caroo Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 20:54:47 Id: e03281 No. 5084
Want went wrong?
>>5084 HE BECAME A BRONY! Thats it...that pretty much sums up his downfall in a nutshell...he got into MLP and died as a creative force in our community
>>5084 Getting into MLP and his fans.
he was always a tracer but now hes just blatant with it
>>5086 >>5092 Having spoken to him before, he's not even into MLP. he doesn't watch the episodes, and just skims through them mostly for characters to draw while getting his info from the skimming and through others.
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>draws same characters and same scenarios over and over >traces designdoll models >constantly cuts corners with anatomy with wall trophy pics, portal pics, etc >ponies with human feet >"hey guys I just skeched a character who's not a pony or isabelle for once! Pay me to color it." worst of all, CONSTANTLY staples his art streams to other artists. I'll see one of my favorite artists is streaming and I'll be like "oh cool, I wanna watch that" and I go in and every single time literally EVERY time Caroo is there too in a multistream. how the FUCK is he ALWAYS STREAMING
>>5119 Because this is literally all he does, its how he makes his money.
>>5119 This. Always comes in and is like "hey bro you wanna do a multistream? :D". That and he never stops with the self-advertising. Every time he posts the same copy-paste plug in every Discord server ever. The fact that he hides his greed under a faux smile really elevates how soulless he's become. Also wtf is that flashgame he's making?
>>5119 He quit his reasonably well paying job in the games industry to make furry tickling games full time. I'm not joking.
>>5181 That sounds pretty fucking based, actually. I wish more people would do that.
>>5189 They can't because you keep pirating them into poverty, anon
>>5181 Living the life
>>5181 >Quit his irl job to make furry tickling shit KEK. Now I'm gonna double up pirating his shit. Can't wait to see this implode on him.
I just realized OP typed want instead of what
he keeps drawing the same shitty things over and over again, wall stocks, magic portals, "void tentacle wall" things, foot boxes, etc, anything that let's him draw feet and head only for maximum money/favs/etc for the least amount of effort - that or the "uwu it's my self insert getting milked and tickled ONLY ON HIS COCK AND BALLS by my- uhh i mean HIS girlfriend Isabelle!" for the 273rd time. Also he doesn't have original ideas anymore, every drawing you see that isn't wall stocks/regular stocks is "inspired" from other artists now, but at least he mentions them when he does that... sometimes.(pic related) also I'd have to say his fans are the worst part of Caroo, i can't blame the man for pulling low effort shit when all his fans are desperately scarfing whatever he shits out down, and they're all constantly being yes men desperate for his attention or a retweet or a free request or whatever. Also, most of them are very hypocritical, Caroo usually just posts his art and leaves which i can respect him for that atleast, but a lot of people who demand that anything that's not under 18 (even aged up) get deleted/taken down by mods/artist slandered and called a closet pedo - love to praise and repost Caroos art of underage characters. Coco bandicoot, Roll, Zoe from league, etc. even when they're clearly not aged up. this isn't on Caroo, i doubt the man even cares, but it just goes to show the cult mentality of his fans where they act like he can do no wrong.
>>5084 https://kemono.party/patreon/user/223301 >MFW even his Patreon's a waste of time bootlegging >Same old 3 screenshots from that shitty "adventure" game >Completely forgot about Ticklish Tessa >Hardly any artwork outside of his fursona and rule 63 sona getting tickle raped and edged for 2946398t76748967589 years >People fucking p a y for this shit >And yall motherfuckers call me a thief
>>5216 I mean, it ain't like he can't just go right back to it in the worst case scenario.
>>5346 The question is, will he have the will to? Or will he be another "hurr durr imma live and B R E A T H the furry fandom until I die" tard who ends up on Welfare? I've seen this way too many times to afford him the luxury of common sense, sadly.
>>5084 Also, I'll add the addendum that I don't think he's a bad person, I just wish his art would go back to the earlier era of 2008-2009 where he did some pretty cool stuff.
>>5351 Finna sperg out but This. But in that same energy; a wise man once told me "the worst thing a movie could be is just boring. Not so bad it makes you scream, nor so good it invokes emotion. That being said, Caroo is bad in the sense that he's stagnated; he went from sticking out to being just okay. And while I can't fault him for going full corpo, being in for the money first and jizzing out his own personal fetishes second, I can say that he's gotten boring. I'm not excited, nor wanting to commission him for something new or different. I don't look forward to his new content, nor do I feel the need to shit on it hardcore. It's like a Madden football game; it's the exact same shit, done the exact same way, only difference is a few new names and maybe the graphics. It's just there. Take it? You don't do much with it. Leave it? You're not missing much either. To me, that's the worst category to fall into, because you just blend in with the other thousands of subby uwu furfags tryna make a buck. You disappear into obscurity, just another brick in the wall.
>>5357 someone in another thread called him the todd howard of fetish art feels apt
-Lost creativity in diversity of characters (and character styles) and scenarios. -99% of his new art is footfaggot crap, like come on. Bodily diversity back then was so much better. -Stupid fucking games.
>>5373 >It's a /tkr/fag can't stop seething over footchads episode
>>5373 Rent fucking free
>>5373 >he won't draw my fetish, I hate him
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>>5373 Jesus, upper body fags really are the vegans of this shit. It's like going into McDonalds and screeching that they're not serving you soy tofu lattes instead of hamburgers.
Lmfao relax footchadfags
>>5466 Nigga, you're the one who was seething in the first place.
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>>5474 Lol, he straight up admitted it then tried to back out.
>>5480 Because it isn't worth it, you're just gonna say I'm using inspect element anyway. But whatever, if it makes you feel better you can pretend there's one guy on an anonymous foot fetish forum who hates you so much he's using a VPN to samefag against you.
>>5481 >come on guys, it doesn't matter I have four different IDs on this thread already, it's definitely not just me sperging, trust me
>>5482 You were literally the first to sperg out because footfags live in your head rent free. That's an objective fact.
>>5484 >You were literally the first >that's an objective fact >footfags live in your head rent free >mfw I literally just got here >mfw IDs dont match >mfw I'm yet to talk about footfaggotry My nig, are you actually delusional or just so desperate you'd really try to pull a "No I'm not pretending to be multiple people, YOU'RE pretending to be multiple people"
>>5485 Based choice of reaction image tbh
>>5468 Wasn't this thread created for people to seethe about monotonous Caroo...? :/ The feet thing is the inconsequential point in my list; Caroo is monotonous as fuck in general.
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>>5487 that's the thing some footfags like the sperg in this thread don't get, the problem is not that it's feet, the problem is NOT that Caroo likes feet, the problem is that it's constantly feet in the same fucking poses time and time again like if Caroo had a template made for these scenarios and he just switches in the character he wants to fawn over. yeah, sure, he's more into feet than anything, but even in his early artwork he use to have some creative concepts about it, now a days? naah fuck it, check out the eleventh gorrilion footbox of isabelle or my self insert or someone else's character that appeals to me.
>>5489 Precisely! And I'm pretty sure everyone can agree with me that past Caroo with all of his diverse facets was much more entertaining than this current purgatory of identical feet and poses.
>MLP >Fans who offer nothing but endless praise >The former lead to stagnation, where he churns the same stuff up constantly as if he were a robot
>>5256 >also I'd have to say his fans are the worst part of Caroo This. Every server he joins instantly becomes a huge Caroo circlejerk. His pics get more faves, comments and emoji reactions than anyone else's. And his Patreon is making hand over foot buttloads of cash. Why would he try any harder or even stay at his old job? People genuinely worship him for doing what he does.
Is cringe
>>5084 Wow guys! Thank you all for the wonderful feedback! I really appreciate it! I also have an announcement I'd like to make! Due to popular demand, the newest Patron build of the game contains fail states and Game Over screens! 6 different kinky fates in total await the Bindmancer should she fail! We also have a new public post and a new playable build for patrons! Check it out over at: https://patreon.com/caroo & https://subscribestar.adult/caroo Last month was gameplay focused: - We now have a fully fledged randomized dungeon layout system that changes the dungeon each time you play it. - Gameplay changes where made to the beat mechanics. - Improvements to engaging the enemies.
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>>5971 just like you to ignore any and all criticism just to plug your bullshit. Whats it like being the mcdonalds of fetish porn? or 'maccas', as you dundees call it. why are you even here? Dont you have some underage ponies to lewd? assuming this is caroo, and I'm not being baited. I don't care, its cathartic either way.
>>5972 >angry dome I'm fucking dying, send help
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>>5972 >assume you could be being baited >bite anyway
>>5971 Skip the game and just go to the art pls
>>5971 I know this is bait, but kys Caroo- I'm in your walls.
>>5971 Looks boring just post the art here.
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>>5971 This better be a checkable option you faggola
>>6103 you mean you don't want to see the roo tickled on ONLY HIS COCK AND BALLS?
>>6107 >>6103 ock and ball torture (CBT), occasionally known as penis torture, dick torture, or male genitorture/male genital torture, is a sexual activity involving the application of pain or constriction to the penis or testicles. This may involve directly painful activities, such as genital piercing, wax play, genital spanking, squeezing, ball-busting, genital flogging, urethral play, tickle torture- Oh no-
>>5971 Hey guys, Hideo Kojima here with my new game horsecock harry supreme tickling dnd special special edition Skyrim VR exclusive! When I made the horse physics for this PS1 exclusive, i needed to get the horse physics just right so i spent 4 weeks breaking into farms all over ausfailia and sucking horsecocks and taking them in the ass too, but it still felt off. so i started playing the mlp theme and suddenly it all made sense and if you order now, youll buy me maccas absolutely free anyway, this has been Hideo Kojima, signing off. peice out nigras
imo only stuff of his worth a damn is his Isabelle art. only good isabelle tickle stuff I've seen really.
>>6177 it would be if he stopped shipping his headcanon borderline retarded Isabelle with his self insert oc in every picture of her
>>6189 I hate his Oc, and he stuffs it into every picture he makes
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>>6189 >Borderline retarded Isabelle Literally the best description ever for all of his subby characters. The living embodiment of "oh I'm horny...better completely sell myself into some niche form of slavery! And then beg for more!"
>>6135 Anonkun you habbe fan art
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why does he draw feet with vulvas now? is his goal to gradually add feet pussys?
>>6631 You don’t have two clits on your feet? Weird
>>6631 This is repulsive. Do people actually pay for this shit?
>>6644 Don't underestimate what furries will jerk off to
>>6645 ^^^ Never EVER underestimate how repulsive the mind of an overweight male fueled by lust, poor parenting and believing they're an anthropomorphic animal is.
>>6631 Reminds me of this one other artist who draws toes that legit look like little butts.
I can't take it anymore gigakek. All the good artists are retired and gone, and we're left with the circle-jerked pieces of shit like Caroo and his disgusting feet, or ZP being a stupid nigga that draws disgusting feet all the fucking time, and not even tickle-related content.
>>6687 >>6647 >>6646 >>6645 I'm pretty sure looking at this shit has permanently removed my ability to find feet attractive.
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>>6631 you guys are looking at the foot clit, but I'm more preoccupied with what the fucks going on with his soles, are they made of playdough? why are her fingers sinking in so deep? not even the first time he's drawn genital-looking feet, remember how he would draw pony hooves?>>6631
When did he become obsessed with Isabella? Like people shipping their OC with a character isn’t new but it’s pretty annoying. >>6691 A fussy/poot/hoovssy looks and sounds uncomfortable lmao.
>>6691 i never noticed cause I'm not too much into the hooves thing but damn you're right! hooves irl don't look like that do they? wtf is up with this dude? im starting to think he genuinely wants to fuck a foot, not like get a footjob, but like stick his dick inside a foot like >>6642
>>6732 I feel like when this show was big, some people did study what a horse's hoof actually looked and felt like, and I'm pretty sure Caroo just took some...extensive creative liberties to make it more like the sole of a foot. But in the process yes it just makes it look like a very unsettling sex toy. >>6695 I'm going to take a wild guess, and this may be making some assumptions on his part so don't take this as gospel just because it's easy to hate him. I think it's because Isabelle is not only cute, but she's specifically subservient. In New Leaf, she is your secretary and aide while you're the mayor, meaning whatever you say goes and she's just enacting your will. So there's a thought in the back of the degenerate's mind that if you ordered her to submit herself to tickle torture and pulled rank, she might just have to obey (in the porn world's mind where you don't just get slapped with a sexual harassment lawsuit, of course). I think the idea of a lee who is completely loyal and obeys your orders as dom is appealing to a lot of people, and Isabelle just opened the door to it by having that aspect, being in a very popular Nintendo game, and being very cute and a furry. Plus, we all know that the cutest and most "wholesome" games are the ones that get the most porn. Basically I think that Caroo's particular obsession with lees who specifically love their position is sort of a power trip thing. You can tell them to do whatever you want and they'll eagerly obey. There's an appeal to that.
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>>6734 >>6732 the frog of the hoof I guess looks kiiinda vaginalike if you squint? caroo took it to a whole other level though, inflating it to fill the whole underside of the hoof, complete with adding a clit and sometimes even what looks like razorbumps? for some reason?
Hi guys ^^ Caroo here again so glad to see you guys are still here supporting me :D I just wanted to let you all know that I have another update for you! For the first time in the game: We have a prisoner peril that has both male and female prisoner types in-game just begging to be freed! Now playable in the latest Patron build in 5 color variations. Check it out over at: https://www.patreon.com/caroo & https://subscribestar.adult/caroo
>>6829 b r u h
>>6829 sup?
>>6829 This has to be bait
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>>6855 very likely most likely One might be a fool to take it. But one might be a bigger fool to miss an opportunity to shit on caroo
>>6842 wasn't this commissioned?
>>6866 Iunno, I don't really care either. I just know its something he doesn't want spread around.
>>6867 And what's the story there? Just looks like more furry degeneracy to me
>>6861 shit nigga bait or not it still sounds like something that nutsack ass nigga be posting on here all tryna get his views with tat youtube revenue makin a nigga look at a trailer for some game with bitches who aint even fire wesley snipes looks finer than these bitches with horsecocks and shit nigga never took a horsecock cuz u know if that nigag took a horsecock his intesntines would be popping like bill cosby on friday and blowing up like steve harvey bruh
>>6868 Caroo basically doesn't want to be known for cub stuff. He caught shit for drawing a cub Asriel and tried to pawn it off as a young adult Asriel. But, word around the grape vine from a dead discord server is that someone commissioned this as a cub Asriel being tickled.
>>6870 Nigganon strikes again with the ebonics Love you man, never change
>>6870 The funnier part is, I'm pretty sure even other furries want nothing to do with him
>>6870 niganon is truly a blessing on this board, i haven't laughed this hard in a while
>>6873 Explain this copypasta please
>>6871 >He caught shit for drawing a cub Asriel Which I thought was hilarious because I remember no such outrage over his MLP loli commissions. It was probably just dudes who were into it getting mad about it to virtue signal, that seems to be the case like 99% of the time people lose their shit over art. I believe these commissions have since been deleted from FA but I think that's because of their general change in policy. I know he still thinks about this series of commissions, he mentioned them a while ago in the description of a pic he did. Dude probably has a stash of stuff that he's never going to post.
>>6987 >I believe these commissions have since been deleted from FA but I think that's because of their general change in policy. I belive this happen with Twomario too
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>>6987 that's because there really isn't anything to them compared to Asriel. Hell, his set of loli Scootaloo is more aggregious
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>>7028 Even moreso when he collabbed with Kuroiwolf
>>7029 I keep forgetting to just add it into one reply. But here is the description for this piece. A collab with Kuroi-Wolf doing the lines and myself doing the coloring and shading. Poor scoots has been kidnapped by the Shadowbolts, their intent is to torment her to get to Dash. Even going so far as to tickle torture her using a brush made of Dash’s mane! Loved how this turned out <3 Scoots looks so adorable and helpless. It’s just the best :D Do with it as you will
>>7005 Twomario has absolutely not stopped drawing kids
>>5084 Nothing? As far as I can tell Caroo's been drawing more or less the same shit since they started. This game is fucking dumb, but the content's been pretty consistent.
>>7030 Shit b0ss what happened o Kuroi-Wolf? They kinda disappeared, huh?
>>8312 they're on twitter, hotbrotcafe or something
>>8312 back to doing commissions
Yea, he got into MLP, and personally I'm totally not into this stuff of poneys and all. But still, I've followed Caroo arts since years, he only got into MLP since a fews, but still none can say his artworks quallity got "worst" just "cause he draw MLP". Sure he draw them, but in humanoid ways, with feet, legs, privates, boobs and all, so they are like any of the other furry/anthro he was drawing before. It's not because those ones are "tagged" (in a way) MLP, that it make them worst or not good. Get out of basic thinking and cliché, enjoy tickling artworks as themselves and be glad there's so many tickling artworks all around there guys !
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>>8326 nice word salad
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>>8368 >muh thought crimes
>>7030 >Be me >Enjoying stream >Comments full of autism but what do you expect? >Caroo comes in >"Hey :D WANNA STREAM?" >Suddenly 2 fucking streams at once >Caroo calls friends >Fucking 4 streams open at once now because of Caroo's raging autism >Computer crashes >EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. >Regardless of the streamer I watch >MFW https://picarto.tv/CaroosDungeon
>>8381 chomo
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>>8403 I've never even seen a child, schizo. If you held a gun to my head I would not be able to tell you what they look like.
>>8368 IDGAF
>>8368 yes this exactly, and playing GTA or COD means you actually enjoy killing people irl btw
tell your parents you like lolicon
>>13605 tell your parents you like tickle torture
>>13643 >>13605 Heya guys, Caroo here :D I think you should both tell your friends about the awesome perks they can get by becoming members of my Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/caroo or my Subscribe Star! https://subscribestar.adult/caroo I'm also streaming right now on Picarto with other awesome artists! https://picarto.tv/CaroosDungeon And! It's out now! After months in development I'm proud to release a free playable demo of my upcoming game: The Bindmancer This game is for adult audiences only. To download the game and play it please head over to either of these links: https://www.patreon.com/posts/53143062 https://subscribestar.adult/posts/368277 I hope you enjoy it and if you do, please consider supporting my efforts on Patreon or Subscribestar. :D
>>13644 Caroo you fucking bastard, I told my parents I'm a patron of yours and they said I was a furfag. They're kicking me out of the house next week you dumb kangaroo shit you'll fucking pay for this.
>>13644 I'd kinda love it if this was really Caroo just being a colossal dickhead.
>>13653 Aren't you busy being shat on in the artist hate thread?
>>13644 Post proof it is you on twitter that would be fucking hilarious
>>13653 >>13653 Unrelated assuming that it is you but I just finished reading your story on Roxie's permanent stay and it was one of the best quality stories I've read in a while when it comes to tickling.
>>13653 hey pro if you're real tell me hi in DMs
>>13653 No way it's actually Pro, he's too much of a pussy to actually say this lol
>>13666 >>13669 Pro doesn't post stuff like that.
Does anyone have the deleted stuff from Caroo that SJWs were screaming about?
>>16004 >muh SJW boogeyman
>>16010 >boogeyman You guys just keep saying it’s a boogeyman to hide the fact you’re a fucking thought cult, but you really can’t just hide reality to people with 3 digit IQs. As a matter of fact, the only reason Caroo had to cleanse his entire old gallery and get obsessed with specifying the age is so you could leave him alone. Idc if you like or hate him; the current pressure around internet wrongthink factually made his art take a turn for the worse. >>16004 Do you know what the pics were about?
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>>16027 >You guys just keep saying it’s a boogeyman to hide the fact you’re a fucking thought cult, but you really can’t just hide reality to people with 3 digit IQs.
>>16027 >>16004 >>16010 just because you seethe about it doesn't mean it isn't true. i wish caroo went back to not giving a fuck and drawing cool shit again...
>>16010 Yes.
While I was cooking today I randomly remembered that old comic that Caroo did where he basically adopts a loli and when I went to VCLart to look for it I saw that he's apparently deleted his account there.
instead of making a game nobody gives a shit about why didnt he just make a ton of high quality animations instead?
>>19864 Because you can milk more money that way, releasing just very small updates at a time with almost no progress and people will keep paying for the "earlier access" of this never ending unfinished game
>>19868 >>19868 he could've just released one animation a month and people would still pay and subscribe to his Patreon. the guy did it because he's a failed game dev who feels the need to prove to himself that he can actually make a good game but ends up either making a very simple "game" (click here and an animation plays, click elsewhere and another animation plays like tickle Tessa or the Isabelle one) or rips off another game (crypt of the necrodancer with that recent game he made), nothing too original. he might be a decent programmer but his creativity is almost non existent, his games being either copies of other pre existing games or very simple animations with limited interaction, and his art is always the same 2 characters Isabelle and Judy and almost always in the same "tickle lab with long term tickling" situations. really wish he would go back to atleast trying new things and ideas even if they didn't hit or stick every time, it feels like he found this niche that works well enough for him with the Isabelle and Judy tickle teasing and lab BS and throws everything else out the window, that rabbit raven drawing he did recently was a good step in the right direction, hopefully he keeps expanding the characters he draws and finally grows out of his obsession with Judy and Isabelle
>>19871 >caroo drew tatiana again after god knows how many years he is slowly gaining my respect again >inb4 next 17 pictures in a row are of isabelle or judy
Caroo's just a talented dipshit who milks money from circlejerking footfaggots, simple as. He used to be so creative and broad. Actual shame. Same goes for that degenerate blackie ZP.
>>19896 >>19871 >>19868 I think you should all become loyal patrons to see my new next games!! (Hint! It will feature Judy AND Isabelle!! Maybe even Carine and Caroo too! :D) Plus! I have some brand new plans for Ticklish Tessa, The Bindmacer and so much more! Free Demo Time! My newest cute and kinky project "Who's a good girl?" is finally completed AND has a free demo you can download and play! = https://www.patreon.com/posts/65228669 https://subscribestar.adult/posts/585164 If you enjoy the demo and want to see the rest consider supporting me. :D
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>>19902 Not sure if this is you, but I'm actually subbing now because you're literally the only artist out there doing any footrub content.
>>19902 >>19896 aaaaand just like that its gone
>>19897 >same goes for ZP this. where is Serbina??? Bess??? where are all his great OCs? the one off random characters he barely draws his wolf girl chloe anymore, much less tickling of her or anyone for that matter. all he does is draw that stupid incest lizard and miss zard now. i can see the similarities between them. but i digress, this a caroo thread and a caroo thread it shall remain. Caroo i know you read this shit, you probably have this tab open 24/7 to monitor it so i know you'll see this. PLEASE, PLEASE go back to drawing interesting ideas and characters. stop with the low effort pony trash and Judy/Isabelle obsession. If it's about money, i promise you that you would get so many more patrons if you drew more varied stuff like you used to. Keep the lab shit, i like it, that shit is hot, but just put any other character in there. do some unexpected one off characters like you used to do. do some interesting scenarios again, little stories, please put the spark that made your art special back in!! you would get so many more patrons, including myself. i don't want to dislike your new art, you used to be like the top tier artist back in the day, but as of the last few you've really stagnated creatively - and we want that old caroo back. not the "copypasted feet in a wall" Caroo, nor the "115th long term tickle teasing facility drawing" caroo, but the "tried new stuff" Caroo, the "did characters that weren't always super mainstream" Caroo. how about this, test it out. draw some new stuff for a month or two, quality over quantity, try your hardest to come up with some fresh content. if you see your patrons go up a good amount, you'll know that is what the people want. if it doesn't change or barely goes up, ok you tried it and proved us wrong, back to drawing judy and Isabelle in the foot box and self insert cock milking til the heat death of the universe and you won't hear me at least say anything about it again.
>>19923 I'd pay big money to get pre-MLP Caroo back.
>>19923 I'm not a strict fan of Caroo but from my outsider perspective... Didn't he always just do tickle lab and feet stuff? It seems like you got a case of Caroo nostalgia. Maybe you are the one that's changed anon. Wanted more from an artist who is quite comfortable doing their own thing. I suggest you broaden your search for what you desire.
>>19923 You have the rest of this picture set? I can't find it anywhere
I'm afraid Caroo has become childish and cringe...
>>19932 >didn't he always do tickle lab and feet stuff yes? that's not what I'm asking him to change though is it? we like lab and feet stuff. we don't like the same 2 characters (or pony) being drawn over and over and over again and the same soulless scenarios being drawn over and over and over again. it's a tickle lab, it's a popular idea because it could have like 100 different scenarios, yet with Caroo it's either tickle teasing in the same 2 positions or a vibrator. >>19940 i do
>>19902 Them feet
>>16027 >Do you know what the pics were about? I remember one was called cutie storage where they put on of those anthro ponies in this slide out wall bondage device.
>>19902 Lord, please diversify. You have the most tired gallery of anyone I know, which is a shame as you're not a bad artist by any means.
There's so much bad I can say about him, but the shitty part is it will make me look like a paranoid schizo so I'll just bite my tongue on details. All you should know is that he's a disingenuous manipulator.
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>>29800 I've had interactions with him in the past Please do expose him lmao I want all the juicy details. Some people will ask for meds but I know how bad he can be.
>>29801 There's really nothing to be said outside of what's already common knowledge in this thread. Expanding on it is kind of redundant, and each time I have on separate occasions I was told to take my meds or someone was in my walls, mainly due to furry shit eaters who worship him, but whatever. Regardless of my personal feelings for him, I do think, even though I'm not the target demographic of his audience, his early bondage concepts were exceptionally creative and he definitely is "one of us" in terms of people who "get" the fetish in a deeper dive from base normie tier art.
2014 vs 2022. EIGHT years of "improvement". Can someone explain to me what has changed?
>>29803 Vagina feet
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>>29804 Are you talking about these lines?
>>29805 Yeah
>>29805 you don't understand i HAVE to give feet vulvas
can someone PLEASE tell Caroo that vulvas aren't just small penises.
>>31584 I think it got to a point where seeing an unscientifically large clit in his art is unironically funny.
Bruh wtf is this, like, just, why. This is deviantart levels of cringe.
It's poetic to see ZP92 and Caroo morph into the things they despised back in 2011.
>>31943 Can you give me some context?
>>31948 >>31943 >>31621 I think for context...you should all check out my Subscribe Star andy Patreon :D It's ready! My Newest Animation Pack: Loona's Time to Shine! This pack includes a total of 25 unique animated scenes of Loona being bound, teased, and taken to her limits! It's available to tier 2 ($10 USD) supporters at: https://patreon.com/posts/73529674 And https://subscribestar.adult/posts/727442 (As an aside. Patreon no longer charges at the start of the month. You'll be charged the same day you subscribe.)
>>32035 I am living in your walls.
>>32035 personally i like how this pack was shared around in less than an hour after it was on Patreon. it's got maybe 3 actually tickling "animations" aka babbys first live2d attempt, and the rest are his odd fetishes. the weird gas thing, the massive clit, genderbending loona into a caroo (the self insert) recolor with a massive cock, etc) and who wrote the captions? I've seen better ones in the caption thread done by people with 0 writing experience. i wouldn't pay more than 2$ honestly for those animations. Caroo, next time consider actually hiring someone who can write worth a damn, and maybe just not charging people who want to see tickling but get your weird plethora of fetishes mixed in.
>>33874 Super ticklish young adults, they are young adults. YOUNG ADULTS, 22 years old.
>>33878 right? he's obsessed with stating that. is it just another one of his odd fixations maybe, like when he was obsessed with the phrase "long term" and said it multiple times in every pic he drew? i guess YOUNG ADULT (EMPHASIS ON YOUNG, GUYS!) will be the new meme phrase from now on. most people wont even say anything about the age, or just say simply "aged up". the fact that he loves to mention it multiple times in both his pictures and descriptions just makes me worried he's overcompensating to cover his true intentions...
>>33881 I know deep down he doesn't give a shit about the loli shit. He's drawn it before. Neopuritans on twitter are causing him to try and put up a boundary. But any OG member of our community knows that Caroo doesn't really give a shit about it, and probably faps to it behind closed doors. There's nothing wrong with that of course, imo. But he wants to stay in the good graces of the tumblrfag artists that moved during the purge, he's on good terms with a lot of them. I feel as if the events on furaffinity fucked with him a bit if you remember that. Additionally, I know that he had some bad run ins with the neo-puritan crowd a few years back, which I think made him put up this false façade that basically was him staying that "Not me! I don't draw underage characters at all! see! look! Look at the ages!" I just hate that mentality so much, like, just be real with yourself dude. The more people that push a mentality where you say "Yeah, we don't give a shit about the characters they draw" the faster that either the neo-puritans shut the fuck up, or are pushed out of the community entirely.
>>33882 i agree with you completely, however i think you could also see it trough another angle, such as him being a furry and the circles that entails, so in a way i feel like he's been coddled enough for him to think that he should push his fetish onto other people regardless of if they want to see them or not (like furries tend to do with fursuits), that ontop of the fact he's an oldfag means that he has a reputation to protect, i recall seeing him on twitter saying how he used to write hate mail to people who did noncon tickling and now that he's on that boat he gets it and he doesn't like it, and though one could argue he grew up, it feels rather hypocritical how he's constantly dancing around eggshells, trying to have his cake and eat it.
>>33878 >>33881 >>33882 >>33887 what are australia's laws regarding loli shit? that may have something to do with it, not jsut a fear of being twitter cancelled.
>>33898 he lived in Canada last i heard
>>33918 Not anymore. Apparently he moved back bc Canada got too expensive or some shit
>>33924 Living in Canada is absolute dogshit rn I'll give him that Source: living in Canada rn
great neanderthal face Caroo, you really outdid yourself! i thought you hit rock bottom but you surprised me and started digging even lower
>>34241 That is borderline terrifying. Like tbh I was a fan of caroo but this is just awful jfc
I really just had to unfollow him everywhere. His early stuff was kind of based but holy fuck the nigh bodyhorror shit he does now is inexcusable, and his obsessions with the same 3 characters over and over is Pawfeather tier forcing.
>>37417 I hate picrel with a PASSION. I HATE IT. I’m tired of SEEING IT. She’s not even that ATTRACTIVE ffs.
>>37501 I have a theory as to why he focuses so hard on those 3 characters. Carol is from Australia Australia Au Autism Just saying.
>>37586 no, he just likes smols. he used to do pics of Wilykit from the 2000s thundercats. He also loves the CMC and used to do smols of Scootaloo.
>>37608 >pics of Wilykit from the 2000s thundercats please post them
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>>5084 Not sure about thi
>>37609 i know there's another, but i'm having trouble finding it
>>37637 >>37637 my mistake, Caroo's piece is part of a tickle set by Phuram, the other 2 i have are from another artist
>>37638 Caroo has also done Asriel
we posting caroo's shame?
>>37640 >>37641 Closeted pedo vibes for sure
>>37644 you now realize why Caroo is so adamant on mentioning age
>>37644 I've said earlier in the thread I'm not really bothered or care that much about loli and shota bullshit, but I find caroo insufferable enough to bring it up anyone have the pics of gwen he did?
>>37637 Back when Caroo was actually based. It's such a shame bros... He's actually regressed.
>>37653 agreed, he was more into tickling and it wasn't more focused on ridiculous machines and feet. sometimes you can't even tell who's being tickled because they're covered in latex or some other shit
>>37640 It's even funnier when you realize he actually did an NSFW version of Asriel tiggles: >>6842 Now "these aren't real people" arguments aside, I actually think Asriel is a cute ass ticklee and I don't mind the occasional art I see of him on FA/DA. But holy shit did Caroo put extra detail into making him look more like a child than most other artists.
>>37660 from my understanding, Asriel was a commission specifically for Shota Asriel. Caroo caught shit for it big time, which probably is what caused him to shift course
>>37637 this was so hot for me back then, kept going back to it. and made me question several times if I was indeed a furry goddamn caroo, this was the good shit
>>38271 Same tbh Some furry is acceptable
>>19931 This tbh. God I wish.
>>39699 The funny thing is, Renamon is up there as a top pick for furfags in r34 art, tickling scenarios included. With her being as popular as she is, I'm very surprised Caroo didn't capitalize on it, especially considering he has milked other characters like Judy, Coco, and Isabelle dry
>>39705 if it hasn't been made clear. he likes smol and smol adjacent characters. Sweetie Belle, Judy, Coco, Isabelle, and i know there was like, one more, but i don't remember. Either way, he'll only do anything that he's paid to do or if it is popular at the time if he's not doing some project.
you know, i had a little think about this again. i realized one of the reasons Caroo is hated too is because he basically has no opinions of his own (publicly). his art exists in a void, he's like one of those mass media oriented focus group tested tv shows, that plays it as safe as possible in order to appeal to everyone. now, don't read this as "wtf caroo should hop on twitter and post his political opinions!" because that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how he >deleted all his smol content >bends the knee to any artist with a few thousand followers >never disagrees or agrees with anyone >never draws any character that might be "risky" or simply "unpopular" anymore he's always playing it super safe to get the maximum validation. i don't know how to explain it in words well, but referencing current board topics, i think i genuinely respect the sun & moon tickling-isnt-a-fetish crowd more than caroo at this point. they have a stance and they stick with it, and they'll continue to draw what they like. meanwhile Caroo bends the knee quickly when people complain about a character and never takes any "risks" drawing character. i don't mean "wtf he won't draw this LOLI?!?!", i mean he's like the marvel movies of tickling, releasing the same thing over and over and over again because he knows it's a safe bet. it's sad... what happened to the caroo who drew these cool unknown OCs or less popular but still mainstream characters? now it's just Judy hopps and Isabelle x1000 til the heat death of the universe
need i say more
since this threads been bumped, might as well ask. is anyone else tired of caroos' literal cult like grooming to get art from other people? i must ashamedly admit i fell victim to it too early on in my art journey. but to this very day he still keeps getting away with it. >lovebomb artist he wants free art from >comment on a lot of their pictures and art on twitter >tags them in something/makes a tweet about the artist so they get some followers from him so they feel pressured to draw art for him as thanks >if they don't do a gift art for him by then, he'll just do a low effort drawing "gift" of the artists OC >if the target still doesn't draw gift art for him back he'll double down and lovebomb through DMs and straight up ask for a request >if you tell him you're busy and can't he tries to commission you for an absurd amount of money >if you take the commission you already lost, he will pester you about another one for months, send you the money for one and won't let you give it back to him when you inevitabley regret drawing his self insert getting milked or whatever >if you decline after that he cuts you off completely >he does everything except block you >no reply to one word reply to your DMs, no more comments, no more mentions, no more interactions with him. you've expended your use to him and you're tossed aside in favor of a new target I've had this done to me, done to other artist friends, and i STILL see him do this on twitter to this very day. and he keeps getting away with it. nothing like tossing around your name to easily influenced young and sometimes underage artists in order to manipulate them to give you free Isabelle and Judy hopps art, am i right caroo?
>>40562 everyone does that it's business in the tickleporn industry
>>40568 lol lmao even
>>40562 Well while I don't run a cult, I think that you'll love my Patreon.:D After a month of hard work I present to you all the Year of the Rabbit Exhibit Animation Pack! You can access this new animation pack over at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/77860528 And https://subscribestar.adult/posts/810350 This Pack Includes: - 36 Unique Character Animations displayed over 12 narrative parts. - A Bonus customization feature at the end of the animation set! - Written narratives for each part of the animation set. - 24 HD Quality Video Renders - 12 Still Images - 12 Gif Animations - Kinks Explored Include: Bondage, Teasing, Tickling, Orgasms, Fucking Machines, Gasmasks, Chastity, Edging, Body Mod, Pleasure overload, and more! I hope you all enjoy this months project! - Caroo
>>40585 Am I the only person that finds it cringy and boner-killing when the ticklee has their figures out in a peace-sign or similar? Like sure, im all for willing lees, but why do you need to make it look like they're posing for a TikTok?
>>40587 It took me a few, but apparently, she's doing a 2 and a 3 with her fingers (2023, year of the rabbit.)
>>40585 >tweening shit Not even going to pirate it. Learn to animate.
>>40588 Somehow that made it worse for me. Congrats caroo, you have definitely done it this time
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>>40585 my reaction to that information
>>16010 >cancel culture isn't real and then one day for no reason at all Vic Mignogna decided never to work again
>>16010 theres literally a website that detects when streamers are playing Hogwarts legacy and you people act like that's normal
>>41228 Dehumanizing people as the nazis did to justify this abhorrent behavior keeps everything copacetic.
>>41228 There are even artist in our community who are on board the whole "if you play Hogwarts you're evil" bandwagon. I'm going to buy the game because fuck you. I'm not even into potter but the game looks interesting a bit. That and maybe I just like knowing that I'm contributing to tranny seethe. Props to the trannies who dgaf about people playing what they want though. (They do exist surprisingly.)
>>41241 There are fairly based trannies out there (not the grifters like Blaire White I mean in the art community) usually a little older who had disdain for the Tumblr and Twitter cancer when those were a new thing It's the transtrender "allies" who virtue signal the hardest when they're trying to fit in
>>41228 Wait what, it must be fun playing tabletop D&D in this era. You get monitored for playing a fucking game because certain individuals in some communities get offended by fantasy and witchcraft stereotypes?
>>41301 Nah, it's just an easy way for people to stroke their anger-boner and feel justified in it. Every argument against the game has been pretty weak. But it's so easy to jump on that bandwagon and get off on shitting on streamers, youtubers, etc and have a community tell you how brave you are. Just my 2 cents.
>>41301 There are people trying to argue that goblins are antisemetic and dark elves are blackface. An episode of Community where they played D&D is banned from Netflix because a Korean actor dressed up like a dark elf. We are in the darkest timeline.
>>41301 Used to be it was the Evangelicals who wanted to cancel D&D/Harry Potter/anime and games because it was "satanic" now it's blue haired Tumblrinas wanting to do it because it's "problematic" >>41308 This tbh
>>16027 >>16035 Wait, is shit like this why Caroo became same-faic safe pony artist extraordinaire? Goddamn, and he was the first artist that actually got me to be cool with my tickle fetish, unironically...that's sad. I stopped watching him on FA because of the assembly-line bullshit, but if it was because he was bullied into it, now I feel bad.
>>45823 I mean he could have told people to fuck off and suck a dick, but then again he does this as a large source of income, so it obviously spooked him into this "ADULT VERSION 18 NO LIE SHE CONSENTS" phase.
>>45823 >>45845 Preeetty sure it has to do with Australia's laws regarding lolicon
He stayed in the community too long trying to hang onto his glory days well after the facts. Same with Pawfeather, Sorcererlance and the rest. Anyone who was at this in the 2000s shouldn't still be here.
>>45935 Pawfeather is probably the most successful out of all of them now, which is funny because he's also the most soulless.
Will his game flop?
>>51373 Oh it'll flop....flop right into your hard drive ^^ Hi everyone! Caroo here! And now available via Patreon and Subscribe Star via: https://www.patreon.com/posts/inmate-caroo-85200995 and https://subscribestar.adult/posts/945470 It's with a lot of hard work and pleasure that I release my first ever Male centered and femdom focused animation pack: Inmate Caroo! This 21 part animation set follows a very kinky tale of crime and rehabilitation. In a sci-fi setting, a young adult male kangaroo anthro called Caroo has been detained by the AI entities known as "Wardens" and we witness how four different Warden models have different approaches to rehabilitating this naughty roo for his crimes. This work also contains narrative logs written by the talented Draconicon! This Pack Includes: 21 Narratively Linked Animations A Secret Bonus at the end of the animation set! Written narratives for each part of the animation. 42 HD Quality Video Renders 42 Still images 21 Animated Gifs Kinks Explored Include: Femdom, Bondage, Teasing, Tickling, Orgasms, Fucking Machines, Gags and Blindfolds, Chastity, Edging, Body Mod, Pleasure overload, and more! Get it over at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/inmate-caroo-85200995 and https://subscribestar.adult/posts/945470
>>51409 Man even as a joke this is depressing...
>>51413 I dunno "flop right onto your hard drive" made me crack up Not enough to buy it but still.
Man anytime he does Male stuff its just a straight up boner killer, so much time wasted
>>51409 Furries really will fap to anything. I cherish the day Patreon marks furries as bestiality and blocks all accounts and socials. Ah, I see that thing has a subscribestar too. Well, that's not a problem, I've had artists exiled from there before, you can be the next and become a REAL inmate! ^^
>>51373 Surprisingly, Caroo seems to be a decent developer, not only getting his games on Steam, but getting a publisher for it. Call me Caroo, and call me out on anything I'm wrong with here, but I find it a bit impressive, given how some fetish artists are hopping on the game trend, but none on Steam. I'm never buying the games, but it's still something. https://steamdb.info/app/1575070/charts/ https://steamdb.info/app/2391580/
>>51561 His real job before he started doing this shit full time was in the games industry. He knows what he's doing with that bit if nothing else.
>>51574 Oh, yeah, I forgot that he'd quit his job to do this. I think he'd have to, anyway, since he could risk getting outed by his job if he got recognized. From the looks of it, it's safe to say that his game won't flop, his first game doesn't have a lot of followers, but people are still playing it, and the screenshots for the one he's making look genuinely good. With his following, there's definitely going to be a purchase here and there.
Caroo definitely knows game/app development; very obvious. I think the game has potential, as far as this particular market goes. Anyways, hope he does well, it's a heck of an investment.
Moar fucking foot deformities courtesy of Caroo
>>51699 I'm not a caroo hater, but I can't stay silent on this. This GENINUELY bothers me.
>>51699 I had never seen something like this before, so kudos for trying to innovate. But it's still unnerving to see and I hope it never happens again.
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>>51699 man what the fuck, that just looks viscerally painful I'm starting to believe that theory that the more people immerse themselves in sex and fetish shit, the more desensitized they become to it and they start getting more and more depraved to get the same arousal
>>51717 Fucker made me actually look up the word "taut". This man is going to literally medieval torture and murder someone someday.
>>51722 Taut's no five-dollar word, anon.
>>51699 Funny how, much like the sometimes visible armpit node, if I'd organically noticed such a specific spot being giving special attention, I'd have cum like crazy to this shit, but since he's made it look like this absolutely abhorrent unnatural shit, I only feel like puking.
>caroo can no longer hide behind the "20 something year old YOUNG adult!!!" line anymore is this the end for Caroo on DA? hopefully now he'll stop giving a shit and starts drawing actually good characters again without giving a fuck about their fictional age. like he did before he wiped his gallery from a ton of good art- ahh who am I kidding... he's gonna keep drawing Judy hopps and Isabelle and maybe coco bandicoot if he's feeling risky, isn't he?
>>52709 DA's too Jewish to moderate this properly; so they'll likely give it to their AI to auto-moderate. Which will more than likely lead to the complete annihilation of actual good artists, while irl pedos, rapists, and yes; even the extremely autistic foot and tickle fags will come out unscathed. Which will lead to massive backlash, and a lack of fucks to be given on DA's end. As for Caroo in particular? This can go one of three ways A. He gets permabanned, or even tries to jump on the "my sexual fetish is sfw, peasant" bandwagon. B. He comes out unscathed because AI is still way too young to actually do any of this shit properly, and it's just business as usual C. He goes full retard and crops his images to only include the faces, or feathers, or some cock tease shit in order to redirect you to his FA or, worse yet, his Patreon via the description. Personally, I'm hoping for option A since it'll produce the most lulz
>>51609 Thanks Caroo
>>52709 This is totally going to be another banwave where they get rid of art featuring anyone who could even vaguely be intepreted as underage while leaving all the photos of actual real life kids alone, isn't it? That shit was the reason I left DA many years ago and I doubt they're any better now.
Well, I think regardless of what DA does, it'll be interesting to watch! Like my game :) This week has a new Patron Playable Build of the Bindmancer that includes a Full Boss Battle as well as a Custom animated "Game Over" screen if you fail in your quest! Check it all out over at: https://www.patreon.com/caroo And https://subscribestar.adult/caroo
>>52733 I just want to die every time I see this furry fuck anywhere.
What over a decade of cooming to furry/MLP tickle porn does to a MFer
>>55433 Man, this would be fucking amazing if it was normal humans instead of ponyfag shit
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>caroo posts deltarune art >sees that it's goat femboy tickles >"pog" >immediately jumpscared with armpussy >why must caroo be so fucking retarded
>>32001 I've got nothing against Caroo, but kekd hard
Can we please not bump this thread? I nearly puked my eyes made contact.
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>>60704 I had the exact same experience. Is this actually attractive to someone? And if not, When are people gonna start calling him out on this kinda shit
>>60715 THE FUCK?!?!
>>60715 The worst part is I'm not even sure if he did that intentionally. Still comes off as very disturbing.
>>60715 The first time he deviates from his established formula in years and he creates one of the most horrific things I've ever seen.
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>>60715 نرجو من الله تعالى أن يزيل هذه الآفة
>>60715 Vagina ass armpits
>>60721 He definitely did that intentionally. Not the first time he "pussified" a completely unrelated part of the body.
Being a kissless virgin in your mid 40 really leads you down some bizarre paths.
>>60715 >>60718 >>60721 >>60722 >>60724 >>60726 >>60729 >>60730 >>60732 >>60733 Aww guys, thanks so much ^^ I'm so glad you guys love my newest pic! And if you really love that -------------------------- Roxy's Tune Up Interactive Animation Pack - Buy and Play it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/roxys-tune-up-93215612 --- It's ready and it's here! Roxy's Tune Up is a "Consensual sci-fi BDSM" themed interactive gallery. Roxy's body has seen some dire wear and tear and she's come in for repairs, replacements, and "diagnostic" tests. Help her to create a new look! Is Roxy ready for her new body and her mind to be put to the test? Can she endure mind melting pleasure and ticklish torments? Let's find out! This Pack Includes: - Roxy has come in for repairs! Customize parts of Roxy like Feet, Hands, Genitals, & Chest and make her look THE BEST! - 34 Animated Parts - (22 per gender with some shared.) - 44 HD Quality Video Renders - 44 Still images - Kinks Explored Include: Consensual BDSM, Bondage, Teasing, Tickling, Orgasms, Fucking Machines, Gags and Blindfolds, Edging, Body Mod, Pleasure overload, Clit Pumping, and lots of Roxy! - Other features include being able to change the lighting conditions and UI displays in-game!
>>60736 Mantling Caroo, even ironically, marks your soul for Damnation, Mashallah
>>60715 What in the hell is that? Seriously, we shouldn't be afraid of AI because no robot would ever come up with this.
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>>60715 That's genuine body horror what the fuck
>>60732 remember when he started drawing pony hooves like puffy pussies, and then after that he started drawing feet with vulvas? something's wrong with this guy for real. his wires got crossed TOO hard.
>>60757 Oh wow, I had almost forgotten that...dear lord.
>>60797 what's the dawg barking about?
>>60797 Marge?
>>51699 >>60715 bro WHAT this is some straight up Junji Ito gore porn I miss when I could fap to his cartoony furry feet stuff before
tbh, one of the only good things to come out of caroo is the miko tickling art he gets people to make imo
>>60903 Yup that's a reaction image.png
>>60903 Yeah, that stuff's good as hell.
>>61135 Alright I'll give you the first one but ain't no way in Hell Caroo drew that second one fam
>>61142 he didn't, pirata did. caroo usually gets artists to draw miko art for him and they're generally pretty well drawn, though idk if the pirata one was comm or request from caroo
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>>61142 No, that's one of the pictures >>60903 is tallking about.
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>>61154 These are all the Caroo Miko pictures I have. I think there's a couple more, but they suck so whatever.
>>61155 I haven't seen a single episode of this show, but she's one of my favorite lees. I wish Caroo would stick to a couple characters he likes to draw instead of doing a million fucking pony OCs.
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>>61160 I know what you mean. She's got a good attitude for it, at least from what I can see, and the stuff she gets up to is absolutely perfect for nightmarish tickle hells.
>>61142 Pirata3
Actually a question I have to ask. How stupid are furries? If Caroo can make money tracing design doll references, what's to stop me or anyone else doing the same thing? All you need is a tablet and rough knowledge on how pen-tools work in programs.
>>65684 Well, I don't think it's that simple. Caroo built his following by making actually really good art. If you go way back and look at his art from many years ago, you'll probably notice how much better it is than what he's making now. He didn't start with obvious tracing and making generally awful stuff. He's fallen from grace, these days. In other words, no I don't think you could build a huge following and make decent money content farming trash for furries to eat up.
>>65685 Yeah, this is accurate. People underestimate how many stupidly wealthy furries there are around, some of the more popular furry artists easily pull in over $1k for a commission... But they actually have to put the work in to be good. Caroo did that ages ago and is now coasting by on utter shit. I'd like to think it won't last forever, but realistically it probably will. He's been around for a long time, long enough that the nostalgia goggles will apply and there are still people around who want him to do work for them.
>>65688 (same anon you just replied to, posting from a different device) Sorry for the incoming rant, TL;DR Caroo used to be a lot more creative and interesting with his tickle art, and it was just better in general, all his old pieces felt unique, like he wasn't doing the same scenario and tracing the same poses every time. Just for comparison, here's three pieces he did several years ago (the genie one is actually 11 years old!), followed by two of his more recent pieces. If you can't notice anything wrong here, I don't know what to tell you. To be fair I kinda cherrypicked his new stuff for his most blatant traced unoriginal garbage, but his new art in general just doesn't compare to these old pieces. Notice how all three of the old pics have completely different poses and COMPLETELY different scenarios. Sure, one of them is a "tickle torture lab" type scenario, which he tends to overuse, but in my opinion he actually used to make some great stuff with that scenario, and if I really wanted to I could go on and on about everything that makes the 2nd pic here VASTLY better than the recycled stuff he puts out nowadays, but I think you can probably just LOOK AT IT and see. And the third pic... a swimmer athlete bound to a starting block and left at the mercy of a modified pool cleaning device that's been repurposed to tickle the living hell out of her big ass feet and torment her privates to make her cum uncontrollably through it all? Come on, this is awesome. It's totally ridiculous in the best way possible. Caroo just doesn't make cool stuff like that anymore. Last two pics are actually a couple years apart, iirc the Judy pic is from 2021 and the Roo pic is from 2023 (correct me if I'm wrong tho). And they're practically copy and paste. And I don't think they're part of a series together, I don't think he was commissioned to do this, I think he just recycled the same old shit out of laziness.
>>65685 >by making actually really good art. Let's not go that far. Sure, it was innovative and creative with the devices, but his shit was not stellar ever.
>>65694 damn that brings me back... remember when caroo used to actually draw other characters besides femboy caroo, Isabelle and Judy hopps? before that it was the cutie mark crusaders before he lost interest in drawing them when he was forced to start aging them up or get banned off Patreon.
I've seen this thread popping up on occasion What the fuck is the story here??
>>65873 tldr; furry artist who once was good reached flanderization level and only traces 3d models. oversaturated the fuck out of his gallery with ponyshit, animal crossing and judy hopps. always shoving his oc into shit that would be way hotter without him. draws footvaginas for some reason too (and other body parts that dont look like vaginas at all). pretty much just fell off
>>65884 Aight, cool But why has this thread been so active for so long?
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>>65901 Because these chuds may not want to admit it but Caroo is actually one of the most successful, based and overall best tickle art producers of all time. They seethe, cope and mald over his art but that's only because they themselves fail to make a dent into the community themselves and are jealous of the impact he has made over a long period. Whether you like him or not you can't deny he has been consistent, professional and able to spark conversation for decades at this point. Fuck yeah Caroo. Gimme more ponies, furries, Judy and Isabelle. I don't care if you trace models. I don't care if it's the same setup. He still delivers, time and time again and it still can make my dick go boing boing.
>>65902 based
them foot pussies he draws are nasty af tho, no dick boing boings
>>65902 ok based?
>>65909 based on what?
>>65901 >he's at rock bottom he probably can't get any worse >goes even lower somehow >brings other artists down with him in the process because they all want a taste of that oldfag clout >come to this thread to make sure I'm not crazy and other people see wtf is going on this thread helps keep me sane tbh, at least other people are aware of the damage this man is doing to our community
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This mf, it was bad enough to make foot pussy, now this mf be adding it to the toes and shit too. I'm going to actually go crazy looking at this bruh
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>>66226 That's just obscene.
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>>66226 normally I roll my eyes at any mention of freud, but theres something very freudian about Caroos clear subconscious desire to put labia-like shapes on feet and toes
>>66226 ...this guy doesn't have his wires cross in his brain, they're mutated together like a Frankenstein's monster.
>>66226 The instant I saw this show up on dA I knew people were gonna be losing their shit about it over here, and for good reason. Kill this motherfucker
It's hard to believe bros.
>>66226 To be fair, it looks like this um, "unique" foot/toe shape was for some reason specified by the commissioner (see this other commission by a different artist from 2021).
>>66249 Fair, but he posted armpussy before on his own will, so this argument loses credibility. >>65884
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>>66226 >>66249 >somehow, Caroo actually toned it down I CAN'T- >>66302 I don't think I have it in me Mr. President.
>>66244 can't believe this pic directly contributed to my furry awakening, and yet this same artist is genuinely putting me off furry shit on a daily basis
looks like he's got a new target now. let's hope rz doesn't fall for his grooming shit and become yet another artist that ends up pumping out dozens of pics of caroos self insert OC before realizing be got played
>>66688 It's so predictably cookie cutter Caroo at this point. Oh look, another furry tickled and forced to cum in the same machine setup using design doll models with freakish cartoon eyes stapled to their face. It's such a shameless attempt to gain favour of a more talented young artist it does give those 'groomer' vibes.
>>66695 interestingly enough, he also deleted all his kid cutie mark crusader pics off of Derpibooru.
>>66706 Actually, when looking around, it turns out this is one of the pictures he had deleted as well. and i believe that is because Applebloom, in this state, was referred as a cub in a story that existed on inkbunny with her being tickled. Interestingly enough, that story now no longer exists on inkbunny as well.
>>66707 https://inkbunny.net/s/1921240 oh wait, never mind. found it, written by the commissioner himself. Caroo is trying to hide his old MLP history
>>66708 Live footage of Caroo hiding his brony arc
>>66688 It's a shame too, because RZ is one of the only remaining furry artists with actual talent. Hope to see this doesn't become a trend, because it does seem this was an art trade
>>66730 How dare you compare Patchy to that kangaroo turd!!!
>>66706 Really? Sucks to hear. Although I got real sick of pony art early in (and then he went on about it for years) definitely found the kid cutie mark crusader pics cute. At least saved some of em. Not sure what I missed. And yeah, all the cookie cutter machine stuff nowadays made me unwatch him over a year ago. Its pitiful. Been watching him progress and then corrode over the years. Feeling sucks. Scootabuse as he used to call it was mad cute. Also, we get it. You aged everyone including the MLP students up. You don't need to scream aged up every single picture. Makes me roll my eyes.
>>66742 don't forget this femspike pic! what was genderswapped spike's name? Barb? pretty sure it was barb.
>>66742 indeed, i loved his scootabuse pics. though it was clear he had an infactuation with Sweetie Belle. ironically, the last pic he posted was the one pic he forgot to have removed from Derpi. its fine, i have all of them and they're still up on twibooru
>>37650 Ask and yee shall receive Anon. Also, best gwen still as she's sassier (and actually useful)
>>66747 Ah, right, I knew I forgot to post something. Yeah, it was Barb. Also forgot about this one too. Cute purple dragon. I made another too, that contined this, but considering it aint tickling (fj), wont bother posting. Also, thanks for the link. You got a lot here.
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Also, almost forgot about when he drew Sebrina the teenage Witch from the animated series. See I wish he went back to simpler times. He was more creative back then. Art had a cuter angle too, even if it could be hot too. Felt the pain of his emphasis on machines and his now weirdly drawn feet for years now.
>>66754 I think his porn addicted mind just got saturated from just tickling so he needed more and more to just get off, like some drug addict. before it was cute and creative shit like that that everyone loved, but then he needed more and more and thus the LONG TERM arc started, followed by his obsession with specific characters like scootaloo, then Isabelle, then Judy hopps, and now at peak narcissism, his self insert.
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>>66742 I'm going to miss him making cmc stuff, so adorable. Posting some faves of mine not already posted.
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>>66792 >>66792 I wish he had done pics like the first first and last of this set with Sweetie Belle. I'm not a foot guy and those knee and belly tickles are tops. but the expressions on that last one, umph
honestly, caroo peaked when he used to actually experiment with characters, scenarios and designs, most notable in his early brony era. you'd be hard pressed to find him drawing anything but the same design doll model traced pony design, in a machine that tickles their vulva shaped feet, and a tube specifically for their absurdly large clit, that is, if he hasn't just thrown a dick on there already.
this pic is pretty old but i remember being repulsed about this when he first made it. just what the fuck

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