/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Find that Art Anonymous 09/29/2021 (Wed) 16:21:41 Id: 80ee91 No. 1958 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for finding specific artist or art you might’ve lost or forgotten. Start off by asking if anyone knows the artist for this.
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>>65044 2nded. I've been looking for Iris for years. I actually bought the other one, The Gauntlet of Laughter but I didn't really care for it so I didn't bother with the others.
Can someone give me a source for this

Lila Appreciation Thread Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 19:54:36 Id: 574f53 No. 33384 [Reply] [Last]
Isn't it a bit strange that we share content of our mascot on a thread that isn't about her? Anyway, I'll concatenate what we got of her so far
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>>80121 >This is some bush league level of bandcamp fantasy. BillVicious is a must
>>80141 I don't think she's really meant to be a fap fantasy character, just there to give you a smile. She could probably stand to be drawn and written hotter I agree, but it seems like artists are more interested in using her to take shots at board culture and do occasional tickle art of other tans. >>80133 fucking hell, lostonezero would be wonderful. >>80121 Bebob used to lurk here and has just come out of another months-long hibernation for sketch commissions. I'd love to see his take if he's ever free.
>>80121 >Which artists do you want to see do Lila? I recommend the best bang for your buck. You could get a lot of Lila art for a lot less if you know the right artists. unless budget isn't a problem, then get the best artists, lmao

Tickling Captions 6: Gaelstorm Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 05:20:01 Id: 6e7a35 No. 49911 [Reply] [Last]
Let your cruelty shine.
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Taking advantage of the Christmas theme...
>>72272 source on 3rd?

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ArisuYoku thread Anonymous 09/13/2021 (Mon) 16:29:31 Id: c8195b No. 904 [Reply] [Last]
post em if ya got em
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>>78285 It's bad, thankfully we at least get some reserved. Well, here's an old archive of the old artworks on pixiv: https://exhentai.org/g/1673170/ede44e3f4c/. So the only problem is, does anyone has the old works uploaded in 2017-2019 on Deviantart?

Adorable tickling Anonymous 10/03/2021 (Sun) 07:59:06 Id: a1a71e No. 2252 [Reply] [Last]
Sexual stuff is fine, only one condition: it has to be ADORABLE
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Always loved this goofy little comic. Brief cute tickling in the second page.

Lost art Anonymous 10/28/2021 (Thu) 11:39:37 Id: e6f93c No. 5200 [Reply] [Last]
Time is cruel, post the art that you were able to rescue. First 5 images by color-arcano Last image by reati
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>>76796 This is the same Maxwolf? I had no idea he was Archie on FA and Twitter/Blsky. I'm glad he's doing okay.
https://ert.fanbox.cc/posts had anyone got ert (originally ert 1989, a classic)'s fanbox stuff? He closed fanbox (it still exist but can't pay anymore) since 2023 Dec, and suddenly disappeared at 2024 Jan 30 I think it can be counted as lost so, is anyone got his fanbox stuff, especially for arts around 2021 Sep~2021 Dec?
There was an artist going by the name FFdart13 on DeviantArt. The account no longer exists. Please share any leftover art you have.

Tickle Awakening Anonymous 10/25/2023 (Wed) 12:42:06 Id: 584698 No. 55944 [Reply] [Last]
The first scene or contact you had with it on a TV show, movie, anime, or else. Either if you think it gave you the fetish or if it simply made you think that something *tickly* was going on
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Idk which one it was but I remember in a Goosebumps book where you choose what page to go to, there was a part of the story where “you” get tickled by two girls who are bullying you. The book saying how they tickled you together made me reread it so many times
I think the "Island of Perpetual tickling" in VeggieTales is partially responsible for my fetish. The big phantom guy scared me, even though it's you know, just tickling. I think that traumatized me and for a while I couldn't stand any tickle scenes, but here I am now, 18, jorking off to tickle porn.
>>79948 I'm glad someone else had their fetish spawn from this. For me, the guy didn't scare me, but the concept stuck with me. Eventually when i got older, it grew into just having the "Island of Perpetual Tickling" living rent free in my head to pretty much wanting to be stripped nude sent there, even experimenting with feather dusters and having that scene play in my head and pretending i was the one being tickled.

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Kanahiyori Collection Anonymous 10/16/2023 (Mon) 17:45:22 Id: 675a7e No. 55442 [Reply] [Last]
This artist is very hard to track down and apparently they delete everything they post one month later. If anyone has preserved any of this artist's work, I'd be extremely grateful.
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I don't know who the characters are in these four, so if anyone can help identify them, it'd be appreciated.
I'm also on the look out for the full version (and possible variants) of these pictures if anyone can help out.
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Temptation Anonymous 10/16/2021 (Sat) 04:24:39 Id: b21858 No. 3698 [Reply] [Last]
They are asking for it.
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>>79894 >toe ring
>>79953 Incredibly ass take.
>>79953 Bailiff, smack his nuts.

Ticklish robots Anonymous 12/05/2022 (Mon) 06:03:09 Id: d16b00 No. 35103 [Reply] [Last]
I couldnt find a thread like this, so im making one. Post robots on the receiving end of the tickles. Ideally they should actually look like a robot, and not just a human looking thing that happens to be a robot.
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>>79936 Indeed, they are cute.
Half the fun of this thread is watching that one autist get absolutely ass blasted over the idea of ticklish robots. Non-tickling but here's some more robot waifu stuff for inspiration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNNRlPfoC7I

Self tickling Anonymous 12/31/2021 (Fri) 13:04:27 Id: 584813 No. 10485 [Reply]
Want something done right do it yourself
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Such an underrated genre
>>28483 Hey dude, any chance you could repost that mega link? I'd love to see your collection.

A sexual pride thread Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 14:56:10 Id: ca2025 No. 51433 [Reply] [Last]
I noticed a SEVERE underappreciation and representation for us Aces! I mean the solesmen have their own thread, now it's time WE the REAL ticklers get our own thread! Us Aces are the superior ticklers and ticklers! Mainly because we aren't obsessed with sex like all of you sex laden freaks! We don't have to worry about STDs and never ever will :) There are so many great tickle aces out there! Like Chaos99, ArtemisWishfoot, AceKoopa, DragonitetheMan, Zachski and countless others! We're the absolute best and we're better than all of you freaks; there's SO many benefits to being asexual, SO many! For starters we actually use our brains! That means we're better ticklers because we can actually see and process what spots are more ticklish. Those of us who are lees can actually enjoy tickling in its PUREST form, I know when I sit back some nights I just fantasize about being tickled mercilessly for hours on end by some big handsome guy with wonderful muscles too...and I mean for HOURS no mercy no matter how much I scream. And it's not sexual at all :) unlike the gays, we DON'T find it sexual at all. I jerk off to it, yes but asexuals CAN masturbate and still be asexual. Something those stupids in the rest of the LGBT acronym will never understand. Sometimes they act worse than Trump and don't get me started on the straights... Seriously, imagine being the freak that gets off to tickling. Imagine your entire fetish revolving around sex and sexual gratification! I don't agree with the solesman guy 100 percent but I think he was unto something with his footcel comments. People who enjoy tickling sexually and get any kind've arousal from it are Ticklecels. Yes. I said it. Ticklecels. REAL tickling fetishists enjoy the delicate art of tickling regardless of its origin are true tickle fetishists. TRUE tickling fetishists don't need to use their genitals to have fun. TRUE fetishists are asexual and derive nothing but pure concentrated pleasure from tickling ^^ and we will arise as the superior group from you filthy ticklecels. One day we will have all the ticklecels in stocks being tickled and tortured especially, and punished mercilessly for their arousal! And those who dare cum? Will be punished SEVERELY. We WILL one day rule the world and you WILL now at us. :) Unlike TICKLECELS WE welcome EVERYONE into our fetish :) furries, maps, zoos, queers, gender fluid, gender neutral, and anyone who has a PURE NONSEXUAL appreciation for tickling is welcomed. And together we will destroy the ticklecels, the straights and the gays :) lesbians are cool though. Women are oppressed and do not need more oppression! Ace pride, world wide :) asexuals rise up!
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>>51463 >>51513 Any writefags wanna take this? Shit's hot bruh
Another peaceful day in /tkr/...
god what was this thread? also there is no way you're telling me an asexual got on an image board unless it was some faggy lgbt specific one

I crave more. Anonymous 06/21/2023 (Wed) 04:20:01 Id: 9222c6 No. 48282 [Reply]
I'm done for, bros. This fetish will be the death of me. Whenever I'm not working, I browse pixiv, spankbang, ehentai, even deviant art, but it's all so repetitive. I legit think I've browsed it all. All the tickling porn I could. I need more, I don't care. I've resorted to places like VK, for god's sake. I don't want help. I want more.
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>>48924 same, i had IRL erectile dysfunction after non stop consuming tickle porn, couldn't get it up for my girl if tickling was not involved 2 weeks no porn and no fapping and i was as good as new, its just your brain getting used to certain stimuli, you remove it - you get back to default settings
>>48922 I'm a lifelong coomer and fap almost exclusively to tickling related fantasies, but I can still easily get off to visual stimulation like bikini pics or relatively vanilla bondage, I just think about tickling the hell out of those women and my cock is as diamonds as it is from "real" tickle porn.
lmao I love how 4chan-y this board is

[doom] Kamala Harris Hyena tickling! [/doom] Irzath ##EpossU 02/08/2025 (Sat) 00:57:21 Id: cd9a4b No. 79860 [Reply]
Man if that tag doesn't work in titles, this'll look retarded.
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>>79860 I'm always disgusted when I see (tickle or other) porn of politicians, like the AOC fakes, for example. Not for any particular moral reason, it just feels viscerally dirty or gross for some reason I can't quite explain. Who else feels the same? Anyway, depicting Kamala as a hyena is kind of funny, so I'll give it that. Also, if this was just some random hyena-girl furry in a suit then I would've probably liked the picture.
>>79904 same ngl
What the fuck is this.

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Irzath ##EpossU 02/07/2025 (Fri) 23:42:36 Id: df7763 No. 79846 [Reply]
testing a tripcode have a random non-tickle related image.
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>>79873 Yeah that's what I meant, which i why i got a tripcode
For the love of god don't put a password on your tripcode that you use anywhere else
>>79876 I didn't. Might not even use it anymore anyway.

Tickling, Autism and (you) Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 20:15:44 Id: 82981b No. 31000 [Reply] [Last]
There's a lot of talk about it: ticklefags are, supposedly, autistic as fuck. Well let's see if the claim holds any water: 1. Go to: https://www.idrlabs.com/autism-spectrum/test.php 2. Take the test. 3. Share your results. or, alternatively: 1. Share your irl diagnosis as a certified neurodivergent person. Let's see if there's any hope for the lot us, anon. And if you have the right to call that other anon out on being an autist next time you think about doing it. Of course, allow me to go first: Honestly, scoring a moderate is not surprising at all. I've never been diagnosed, but I've always been aware (and made aware) I'm atypical in many, many different ways, specially as a child. Growing up, learning about autism and some of the characteristics that come with it, and feeling uncannily identified with some of the more specific ones has me convinced I'm probably somewhat on the spectrum, if on the light side of it. From a quick interaction or conversation you'll probably think I'm a perfectly pleasant person, but sticking around me for a while will probably make you think I'm at least 'quirky'. Also, I'm apparently a very angry boi. DISCLAIMER: Online tests are NOT accurate ways of diagnosing developmental conditions. This is entirely for fun, and maybe so we get some insight on ticklefaggotry and its supposed ties with autism. If this is something about yourself you feel you legitimately need to consider and deal with, you should seek professional help.
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>>47633 I never really thought I was autistic or at least that I'm really good at suppressing it (but that could basically just be called my inner child then). According to the test autism is about having every mental illness I guess, so I probably don't act very autistic. The only problem I really have is aphantasia which naturally leads to mild depression but I prefer being rational & depressed over emotional & happy/normal. I've gotten better at not fidgeting, but I am still pretty lazy tho. I'll stop monologuing now
Well as someone who is a diagnosed autist, here I am, with a tickle fetish.
I mean I've been diagnosed as low functioning autistic since I was a kid

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