/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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BACKUP CONTINGENCY Anonymous 05/15/2022 (Sun) 00:01:11 Id: 2b6503 No. 21406 [Reply] [Last]
I suggest bookmarking these: Fallback plan: https://8chan.se/tkr/ Second Fallback plan: https://redchannit.org/ Last resort: Going back to 8kun - https://8kun.top/tkr/index.html
Edited last time by Flatty on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 16:16:12.
170 posts and 92 images omitted.
>>80751 :(( pls my old acc was in there but i lost access to that email... i can show proof
>>80714 Seconding. I can't seem to get in anymore for some reason and it's been more than a month already. If I was kicked out for excessive lurking I could try posting pieces from obscure twitter/pixiv artists and lost art

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Posting Guide Anonymous 01/06/2022 (Thu) 01:54:08 Id: 8cd7a0 No. 10967 [Reply]
READ BEFORE POSTING >Where are the site rules? https://8chan.moe/site/res/4481.html >What are all of these New Thread fields? Name - A name you want to use, most of the time you'll want to leave this blank. If you're one of the people here who wants to use a persistent name, you may want to use a tripcode so others can't impersonate you. See https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html Make sure you use the same password every time, but also don't reuse any password that you use on other websites, and it's recommended that you use a secure tripcode, unless you need to be identified across multiple imageboards. Files - You can attach up to 5, and they don't necessarily have to be images. >Where can I find the source of an image? The source can usually be found by either searching on https://saucenao.com/ or using Google's reverse image search at https://images.google.com/. Before asking for the source, try with both of these first. >How do I save an image in full resolution?

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by Flatty on 12/16/2023 (Sat) 07:23:35.

Kemono Thread 3 Anonymous 05/10/2023 (Wed) 18:57:50 Id: eb44f8 No. 46336 [Reply] [Last]
The previous one reached it's bump limit.
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Can someone PLEASE update this guy https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/17560106
>>81252 I must be retawded cus I clicked through most of bnn's recent posts and didn't see a drive link. Ik it doesn't work cus a gentleman above me called it out. I just wanna find it cus its news to me as well that drive links are in kemono. I'd like to learn how to find them for later. Is it like a link in the post itself? Cus I saw "GoogleDrive" mentioned several times, but I can't read moon runes so iunno if that was supposed to be a link or an instruction. Or is there maybe some secret compartment of kemono I don't know about... Or do I really gotta just click through every single post till I find the one that has a drive link? Anyone willing to educate a brother?

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Tickle Prison Laboratory Tickle Prison Laboratory 07/12/2023 (Wed) 22:16:14 Id: 988aa6 No. 49438 [Reply] [Last]
https://www.patreon.com/Fuwakusucado https://twitter.com/fuwakusucado/status/1679010890958483456 It is ready and it is glorious! And since he seems to be open for implementing a character import/export functionin the future, let's share some custom character ideas.
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I present a goblin thief who, being of misshapen and exaggerated proportions like most of her kind, must get by with stirrups because footwear is so hard to come by that fits. Even less that accommodates her long, pointed nails.
>>81593 Much love to whoever uploaded
>>81604 She's very cute, may have to make a more "humanized" version of her

Video Thread Part 5 Anonymous 02/13/2025 (Thu) 03:56:20 Id: cfeaac No. 80222 [Reply] [Last]
Someone had to do it. Request videos you WANT AND NEED. Y'know what to do. Go nuts.
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Anyone have AmateurClips videos? Specially looking for Marias friends series
https://e.orgazmik.com/film/detail/2140048.htm This was posted in a different thread. I've seen (and have) a couple of these but I didn't know it was part of a larger collection. Anyone have these in full? Even the parts I do have look like they might just be sections of these longer videos.

Special Requests Thread 14 Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 02:14:55 Id: cfaa8a No. 75195 [Reply] [Last]
Time for another round. Does anyone have the Midna pic by Kandenrem or the lewd version of Lady Dimitrescu by Dazidentevil? Previous thread >>65762
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>>81609 thank you
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Anybody have this
>>81299 Seconding.

Nipple tease, tickle and rub Anonymous 06/23/2023 (Fri) 17:31:32 Id: cb666e No. 48442 [Reply] [Last]
so i recently found out that nipple tease is hot - it's kinda like tickling, but in another dimension, and you moan instead of laughing (tho it sometimes tickles too, making a great combo!), that's why i thought this place might be perfect ask a question: do you guys know any fine sites, pictures or artists with such content? but i don't mean doing any harm to nipples, like pulling or pinching, only light touch! so far, i found these: - BluishFeather: https://www.deviantart.com/bluishfeather - kinda obvious pick, focused on tickles; - White Stew: https://twintail.mhx.jp/ - focused on nipple tease, but made few tickle pics as well; - 39tei: https://nhentai.net/group/39tei/ - entirely nipples; - Parity Nyuu: https://e-hentai.org/tag/group:parity+nyuu - this one is gold, since he combines tickling in general, nipple tease AND tickle fights! ...but the more the merier, right? ;)
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>>62115 The one in the middle there was part of A YCH commission, Which I also had partaken in!

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Artists You Hate 9: The Saga Continues Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 01:25:51 Id: 187ce3 No. 76716 [Reply] [Last]
Y'all know the rules. Let the autistic drive of hating on fags, retards, and everything in between continue. Ended on kron so let the new thread start with kron.
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>>81572 >>81585 I don't think Snailyn ever looks at any references. The anatomy is always way off and there's been no improvement over the years.
>>81588 Tera Soul is another one that I think the same about.
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Jesus fuck

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Tickling: Lost media thread Tickling: Lost media thread 03/10/2022 (Thu) 00:27:21 Id: 64bd14 No. 16287 [Reply] [Last]
I'm talking about things that you wouldn't even be able to buy if you wanted. Like videos from defunct stores, lost art, and lost stories etc. For example, she made tickle videos but her store is defunct so her videos are basically lost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWD13J0gadE Few videos of her do float around though: https://www.xvideos.com/video29305901/irish_tickle_wish_2 The kind of infamous waytooticklish studio had a stock that I've never seen before, but their store don't exist anymore so can't buy their videos either.
Edited last time by Flatty on 03/11/2022 (Fri) 03:56:08.
573 posts and 286 images omitted.
Very long shot here, there was a video that got taken down from spankbang a while ago, it was called something like "Ashley Double Teamed" even tho googling this name gets me no results so I'm not even quite sure that's the real title of the clip. It was a fairly young looking black girl in amateur style stocks, with a man (the clip producer I'm guessing) and who I'm guessing is a friend of the girl, and he's essentially guiding her onto how to tickle her. One of the lines I remember at the beginning is when they're beginning to start to put their hands on her feet, and you can tell she's about to crack, he goes "careful, she's ticklish" and the poor girl starts to completely break after that. Really hot clip, would love to know if anyone has it.
>>81530 Second this one :p
>>81092 Couldn't find the variants.

VTubers Anonymous 12/14/2021 (Tue) 00:42:04 Id: 0e4815 No. 9225 [Reply] [Last]
Post any stuff you got involving Vtubers
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>>81509 That's the guy that charges a shit ton for the scenes isn't it? Based on his pricing I should be charging quadruple digits once I finish my list... Anyway thanks for sharing these here. A lot of good unknown mentions. >>81508 Let her stay in Japan for as long as she wants lol
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Anyone have arts of Zentreya getting tickled? Paricularly her red haired dragon form
>>81509 Can you share the link for this website please?

Futanari tickling Anonymous 09/28/2021 (Tue) 04:44:11 Id: 0c90b3 No. 1819 [Reply] [Last]
i know some of us turbo degenerates have been waiting for someone to make this thread, so i may as well make it, i've been craving for some of it lately.
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>>81402 Does anyone have his work uncensored?
>>81446 Nice pics~ Thank you so much again! Hilda is one of my favorites too ^^ I like that idea, I will do it from now on whenever I draw something new! And here are those uncensored pieces, I will post more if people ask so this thread can be bumped more often ^^

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>>81451 Thanks again, looking forward to more arts from you :) On another note, is there ANYWHERE Orochitickler posts totally uncensored stuff? I fucking love his work, but I don't love it when I can't see the cock that's getting milked. The last two aren't censored because robot girl cocks get a pass I guess, so that's pretty cool. But the grey smudge obscuring the girl's dick in the second pic is pretty annoying. Admittedly though, I do really love seeing girldicks getting tickled through tight, thin clothing like super hero suits, and Orochi usually doesn't censor when he does that.

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The dreaded 1 finger Anonymous 03/08/2025 (Sat) 17:13:56 Id: 450d4b No. 81595 [Reply]
Succumbing to ticklish helplessness just from a stroke from finger gets me going. Anyone have other instances of 1 finger tickling?

Fire Emblem Tickling: Engage CoFu 02/15/2023 (Wed) 04:49:05 Id: 74d697 No. 40972 [Reply] [Last]
The previous FE tickle thread got bumplocked, so here's the new one! A franchise with a ton of lees and lers, post pictures and discussions about your favorite FE girls (boys too) in ticklish scenarios!
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Here's another. I'll never get enough of seeing Byleth get the navel treatment she deserves, no matter how much I indulge
>>81528 Same, anon. I am now a firm believer that Byleth's navel is her deathzone, and her showing it off so brazenly deserves punishment. Comm'd these too

Super Mario Tickling Anonymous 04/10/2023 (Mon) 04:53:24 Id: 4b5aa4 No. 44684 [Reply] [Last]
The movie's recently exploded at the box office and we don't have any thread in the catalog to resurrect already, so let's post Mario ladies (or guys) getting tickled to celebrate.
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>>61212 Source?
>>74721 >traceslop >good
>>81590 He traces?

Anticipation Anonymous 10/12/2021 (Tue) 21:19:19 Id: 693cc8 No. 3310 [Reply] [Last]
Makes me feel dgfksgkhf
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>>81310 Where is this from?

Games Thread 3 Anonymous 07/06/2024 (Sat) 23:39:16 Id: 2caec4 No. 68463 [Reply] [Last]
The previous thread >>27549 hit the bump limit.
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>>81501 Holy shit. Not to Mount Shasta, was it?
noircastle's new game demo is available on ci-en https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/19831/article/1382398
>>81582 anyone got it?

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