/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Fate Tickling Anonymous 09/06/2021 (Mon) 14:35:00 Id: b2eb13 No. 474 [Reply] [Last]
Even the strongest heroes have their weaknesses.
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>the Saber bully has logged on
>>81324 Iri having a side like this is incredibly hot. Even hotter getting Saber out of that form-fitting attire from Fate/Zero and driving her absolutely mad.

Cringe General Anonymous 06/24/2023 (Sat) 16:52:29 Id: f11fe7 No. 48499 [Reply] [Last]
Cringe peeps in the tickling community doing autistic, creepy and/or cringy shit; not just artists. Share your stories, personal accounts, screenshots, etc. Yeah it may seem mean spirited but better to try to make a containment thread for it rather than having it sprout up randomly and derailing other threads.
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>>81308 Wow. So much normie trash in the 2nd and 3rd screenshots. I wish he'd repost the actual good stuff.
>>81308 At least we found the schizo autist who posts /pol/ memes in every other thread
>>81315 wait, tickle discords exist? crazy

F/M tickling with foot worship thread Anonymous 08/16/2022 (Tue) 06:17:39 Id: 91bdbf No. 27025 [Reply] [Last]
Post lucky guys getting more intimate attention to their feet while being tickled by merciless vixens
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Overlord Tickling Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 13:47:22 Id: 42cc9a No. 2103 [Reply] [Last]
Overlord has so much potential of tickling torture
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Does anyone have the lupusregina pics by Arisuyoku?

Celebrity tickle crushes Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 08:30:06 Id: e4ae2d No. 57100 [Reply] [Last]
Post celebs you want to see tickled. Post any you'd like as lers as well if you can think of some (The women in pics are Anne Hathaway, Milana Vayntrub, and Maya Hawke)
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>>76640 Man, now SHE is someone I wish I could tickle really bad. Be sure to send some of what you find here while you're at it. Maybe there's anything good on "It" too and I just missed it? >>76643 Classic pics. I found out a while ago that she did a bunch of photo sessions for differnt magazines, so if you dig enough you might find some good teases, but I didn't have the patience for that. Did find pic related tho. Definitely deserves a lot of tickles.
Say what you will about her music, or her cosplay or that scene in She-Hulk... If I had the opportunity to get those big meaty soles locked away in stocks, toes tied back and oiled up, I'd take it in a heart beat. That belly and those armpits aren't safe either.
I want to wrap Alexa Bliss up like Jackie here and just go to town on her hips the same way the ler gets Jackie. It is a mighty need.

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Translation Thread Anonymous 09/24/2021 (Fri) 01:07:50 Id: 3cc0ca No. 1436 [Reply] [Last]
I'm probably not the one who should be making this thread since I don't speak Japanese, but I saw the idea pop up before and I think it'd be nice to have one. Anyway, I used the magic of google to translate this doujin into English. Enjoy.
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https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/29321592/post/7507654 Anyone has translation for this one?
>>78131 Bump, mostly for the first one.
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thankyou in advance!

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Animal licking - Less cringey OP edition Anonymous 09/27/2021 (Mon) 20:48:48 Id: e14ea7 No. 1767 [Reply] [Last]
Post animals lapping ticklees into submission
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>>78392 degenerate anon! bring us a new story, and my life is yours!
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Goldmine Anonymous 09/05/2021 (Sun) 07:56:52 Id: abf37f No. 403 [Reply] [Last]
Post links to collections or anything you can find that isn't easy to get ahold of, let's make the ultimate stash
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Does anyone have the comics to this website? It’s the old heroine universe website.
>>80291 There are some of the renders (still pretty sizable collection) in albums of VK's arttickling group. They are unorganized though. I've been trying to hunt them for years as well, there were some really hot story lines like one where superheroines were captured to be sold as tickle slaves.
somebody have all the complete (and uncensored) chapters called haven ,god's avatar, Fnatic Academy vs Hot Devils and price rudolf 1 and 2 from YDalfgan?

Actually good fakes thread Anonymous 07/30/2022 (Sat) 15:39:38 Id: bc811f No. 25857 [Reply] [Last]
Fakes: the rotten fish corpses floating in the sewage-filled river that is the deviantart tickling tag. But aside from all the awful ones of Billie Eilish's low-res face photoshopped onto a tickleabuse screenshot, you do get the rare one with actual though/artistic skill behind it. This is a thread for sharing those rare gems, making fake requests etc. Bonus points if you have any rare dtka stuff from his now deleted patreon.
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>>76769 Yo u might wanna read the title of the thread again
could someone please post some of deviantlyjohns fakss from his discord for simplicity?

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Not quite finished! 02/21/2025 (Fri) 14:13:57 Id: 5d66dd No. 80727 [Reply]
Looking for videos where the lee thinks the tickling has finished but the tickler goes back for one last go, whether briefly or goes in hard! Bonus points for clips where the filming sessions generally ends but someone makes a quick tickle. I've seen a share of these over the years but can't remember what now, would be good to make a collection :) I believe it happens in the attached picture but can't remember name of the clip
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>>80816 Had never seen this one before And now everyone else can too... https://6kea.com/to/1060312-a_milf_mary_likes_it.html
https://pornzog.com/video/10204078/tickleabuse-nonstop-gang-tickling2-milf-nikki/ The part around 8 minutes when they finish, but then start taking turns at lightly poking and tickling her made me rock hard

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Tickle machines Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 01:55:25 Id: 1e0c6f No. 2059 [Reply] [Last]
Robotic hands and computers have no concept of mercy
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Tickled in stocks Anonymous 01/12/2021 (Tue) 15:30:14 No. 1 [Reply] [Last]
Post the most rare and uncommon tickling scenario ever invented (Normal feet tickling is fine too)
Edited last time by Flatty on 10/17/2021 (Sun) 04:44:36.
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>>80627 You got a gallery somewhere?
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Kusujinn/Kidetic thread Anonymous 03/20/2022 (Sun) 19:55:44 Id: dc7ba4 No. 17136 [Reply] [Last]
I have seen a lot of discussion of this guy, so i decided to make a proper thread. Post art and patreon/fanbox leaks
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>>79312 Awesome, thank you! Any chance of a link to the 2025 drive or something, so I don't have to come here and bother people for pages? Also yes, very strange direction for the comic and combining this angsty drama with "hey look feet". But I like the feet so I'll stomach the angsty drama.
Anyone got p. 110 of the Twins series? Or even better, a link to the 2025 drive since the 2024 one seems to be abandoned.

Highschool DxD Tickling Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 01:55:40 Id: 2980ad No. 75453 [Reply]
Its about time we have a thread for this classic anime harem series
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Unfortunately no, I wish I did
>>75553 damn, oh well it was worth asking
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>>75484 >>75552 This is now available

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South East Asian tickling Anonymous 02/14/2025 (Fri) 17:09:54 Id: 1363e1 No. 80302 [Reply]
We already have quite a lot of Japanese and Chinese tickling content, but not so much from South East Asians. There are several that are pretty old, so I am also hoping for newer contents. Anybody got something new? It's also sad that there are so few of us with this kink. So this thread could alsoo be a gathering place for SEA people. pic related. Filipina/Pinays from TickleParadisePH being tickled during a convention or something.
source? why dont you get the thread started w some examples, OP?
>>81051 >source? TickleParadisePH, as OP said

CNC/no safeword tickling Anonymous 02/25/2025 (Tue) 07:41:15 Id: 71d248 No. 80941 [Reply] [Last]
*First C is an absolute must.* Does anyone have any CNC clips, videos, etc? I've seen it before in dungeons but I've almost never seen it on video (and when I have it usually hasn't been very intense). The stuff I have seen really gets me going probably because it's the kind of stuff I want done to me but I don't know anyone to do it to me lol. Post pics, videos, clips etc of girls locked in tickle hell? Also if anyone in the southern United States needs a 27yo chubby girl to tickle please tell me?
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>>81065 I hope to see that toothbrush on and between your bare toes... I wonder WHICH toe is the most ticklish? My bet is that nice long second toe
>>81065 corrupted tickle slave~
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It continues, gentlemen. >>81070

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