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Drawing guides and artist motivation Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 22:47:07 Id: add632 No. 67757
Being an overseas anime artist or any style of artist can feel like a pretty forlorn and fruitless hobby sometimes. This thread is for artist inspiration, encouragement, and just convincing people they need to stop dwelling too much on their past mistakes, and instead start focusing on getting better by drawing more. It's also for posting drawing assistance and art guides, e.g. drawing ticklish parts of the body & laughter faces if such a guide exists, or even making your own guides related to tickling. Otherwise go to >>29138 for artwork roasting/critiques and >>287 for requests and just posting your own artworks. ps: I didn't make the title image.
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>>67757 >inspiration, encouragement, and just convincing people they need to stop dwelling too much on their past mistakes Man are you in the wrong place buddy. This place tears people down and force feeds them their past mistakes while smacking their nuts with a tack hammer.
>>67758 Why are armpits so hard to draw? Until I tried to do so myself, I thought it would be easy as fuck just to be humbled by anatomy for the 60th time in my artist's journey.
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>>67776 fr, I've just put off studying anatomy in depth for now and just focus on some basic shapes for sizing/positioning and drawing from references. The curves don't become that much easier to remember from studying anatomy. Or at least I've had better luck starting with referencing, and that's probably the most common way to learn. You will become accurate just by copying side by side, noting as many mistakes in your head as you can, and then redrawing. Also doing the same without references. As soon as you can after that you should learn some anatomy to polish your skills especially for drawing unique poses or more realistic styles. I practice it sometimes and drawings afterward always look a bit better. When you already know the general curves and sizes anatomy becomes easier. The same can be said about learning the most important muscles/bones in anatomy first, or at least the ones that stand out in your style. E.g major pecs, latis major, and deltoids for underarms, in my drawings I usually make hip bones visible. Here's a shitty reference
i'm at the end of my rope I'm desperate. I always say I wanna do art, I wanna make shit, but by the time I get in front of a PC or get a pen and paper it's all blank. Maybe I just got the weird tism or maybe it's cuz I haven't drawn consistently since I was 9 but I just can't get into the proper headspace of drawing shit. Even simple doodles in my head I can visualize I can't put to paper and crank out. Is there something I can do to get me out of this funk or am I just not meant to draw feet smut?
>>67778 Well, anatomy is something that I have studied thoroughly (or at least I want to think I have), so I think my problem is actually practicing shapes. To me practicing shapes was always boring as hell, so after the first few times I was able to draw things that didn't make me cringe just by looking at them, I immediately jumped to studying anatomy/shading/non-shapes and then never looked back at the logical first step to draw lmao I'll try focusing on that. I have been at a standstill in drawing anything for a few months now, so I guess it won't hurt to try something new, thanks for the idea, anon.
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word of advice for people learning to draw, it's going to look like shit when you start. I am sorry. but don't be discouraged. it's part of the process. keep hammering at it. examine why it looks bad, consider how you can make it better. You will draw a thousand shitty pics before you make one you take pride in. do not give up.
This exactly >>67789, and a thousand different pose sketch drawings would be doable in a year depending on some things. >>67783 If you're practicing without tracing and consciously recognizing and redrawing to fix your mistakes, than anyone with neurons can learn to draw. I've seen elephants do it, pretty good too. It depends on what you're having trouble with, but if you haven't already I'd suggest comming up with your own shapes that you break the body down into in order to size and position things first. I use spheres for most things other than the ribs which I draw two vertical curves for. Do what works for you, look around online if you can't think of how to. Make sure your drawing from references that you like and want to be able to do yourself. I've had the complete opposite issue with focusing too much on drawing how a specific part looks, and then getting the size, angles, and composition all wrong. So after you have the composition down, maybe try focusing on what your hand muscles remember from practicing. It might not match the composition perfectly depending on how accurate it was, but that's just an outline. If you dislike something, then redo it. Odds are you will make a few mistakes at first, so I'd just wait till the end to redo the whole thing, or at least until you're really unhappy with something. Some people just start with a line of action then add the basic shapes. ATM I can't draw hands very good without using like 10 circles.
Any advice for beginning digital art? What programs/apps to use?
>>68455 krita and fireaplaca are free, they're decent if you wanna get started SAI and SAI2 are pretty barebones but have nice pentools and a good stabilizer, know a lot of artists who use it most really big artists use clip studio paint or photoshop, but a lot of people have moved away from photoshop because adobe is a cancer
>>68455 there are a few good free programs like krita or sketchbook, and they have most tools big programs and the UI is rather basic, so it's easy to get on it.

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