/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Sportwear, gym or workout clothes Anonymous 07/10/2024 (Wed) 20:37:39 Id: 2b9180 No. 68614 [Reply]
Make 'em sweat
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Yokaiofsilk Yokaiofsilk Thread 11/23/2024 (Sat) 18:22:47 Id: d73260 No. 76249 [Reply]
Definitely an underrated artist. Post anything yokaiofsilk
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Tickle monsters thread Anonymous 01/18/2022 (Tue) 02:37:45 Id: 290866 No. 12183 [Reply] [Last]
Tickle monsters concepts. Post your tickle monster concepts and/or images of cool tickle monsters you've encountered on the net. Pic related it's a live tickle chair that has many tentacles to wrap you in place and tickle the shit out of you, not to mention the added bonus of having a super fucked up crotch that can make you laugh your cum out. Big claws to claw your belly and feet and and a couple of rib ticklers to get you in the armpits and sides. Her mandibles pin your head so that her long tongue can probe your neck and ears. Lastly, her tail is a fucking retractable dildo or a movable vagina Idk who is the artist of th picture
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There's plenty of material out there for a tickle monster. An artist should put their imagination at work and make a tickle monster series and see what they come up with.
Used the two images as reference. Anyone want to give their thoughts on my take for a tickle monster?
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Commissioned Work Anonymous 07/25/2023 (Tue) 03:28:27 Id: e194a7 No. 50192 [Reply]
Have any of you requested Commissions before? I commissioned this from a Skyrim Animator for the Ostim MOD. It's still in working progress.
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>>50192 I've committed myself to NNN and all this pent up sexual frustration has resulted in me hiring two different artists for two different commissions. I might be retarded and nearly a 100$ poorer but I've got some cool art to bust a nut with come December.
Any chance we could get some of these animations, OP? I don't think Drago's mod on nexus has updated with the bench animation, for instance, which I find really cute.
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>>50192 I commissioned this back when I was in high school.

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Discord server! Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 15:39:00 Id: 7fa71e No. 44119 [Reply] [Last]
Hello~! Well I'm one of the participants of the discord server that the OP of the "Lee's vs lers and women vs men" thread suggested to create. An anon called Alex was the one who created. We just wanted to say that you're all invited to enter and enjoy some conversation and shitpost if you follow the rules. The server is still on its bare bones but we are good people and open to suggestion~ Without further ado, here is the link: https://discord.gg/hqHZvuCSp7
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>>69840 >>69848 Will do. Feels like I'm voyeur-ing on a bunch of friends or something. I was never in any of the big tickling servers, what's the qrd of TKL?
What happened to the link that was posted here earlier?
>>76176 Same thing that happens every time... It imploded in on itself.

Horror/DBD tickling Horror/DBD tickling 03/19/2022 (Sat) 17:47:01 Id: ff700b No. 17062 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have any DBD tickling or horror tickling media in general? I dont know what it is, but a killer tracking you and tickling the shit out of you really gets my goat.
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>>73514 I've said it before, but QQ was cooking like fucking crazy with Black Beauty man. A sexy, submissive and excruciatingly ticklish xenomorph is just the right ammount of twisted, perverted, and hot as fuck. Just the idea of this scary, disturbing looking monster that's also so slick and sexual with perfect soles and all the right curves, capped off by it being helplessly ticklish and having an alluring tickle slut attitude. It's crazy how much I want to tickle the shit out of this creature and marvel at the weird alien bug losing it's fucking mind because her big sexy feet are just as vulnerable as anybody's. Anyways. Creepy, slutty xenomorph tickle slave waif, anyone?
Prolly the only sable tickling I’ll ever be able to find

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Ticklish fat girls Anonymous 07/31/2024 (Wed) 16:32:41 Id: 2453c0 No. 69707 [Reply]
we had ticklish fit girls, it's time to balance it out.
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PirataNo3's art Pirata3 thread 11/13/2024 (Wed) 00:27:05 Id: 136f53 No. 75748 [Reply]
Post any of his stuff here
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>>75840 Care to give Triangles3 twitter first? Didn't knew he had one and couldn't find it

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Flux AI Image creation Anonymous 08/15/2024 (Thu) 20:17:53 Id: 9d45eb No. 70624 [Reply]
Has anybody tried the new Flux image generation? Results seem quite decent; it doesn't really support anime/manga yet, but it also allows nudity without all the jailbreaking required on Bing AI You can try it at https://www.basedlabs.ai/tools/flux1 but it didn't work for me, otherwise https://getimg.ai/models/flux gives 100 credits per month - if you take this last option, make sure to use the Flux models, the others don't work very well. And I know it's probably possible to get good results from https://civitai.com/ too, but this was really out of the box :)
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>>71370 here you go, new friend. i added line after line when i found the correct wording to get a good result. i tried to do the same for foot-tickling, but the result were in body-horror territory more often than not. brutal portrait of busty woman. ambient light. hospital setting. woman is laying down on bed. woman's wrists in leather straps. leather straps attached to bed. woman is wearing no top. torso exposed. woman is wearing blindfold. full body from view from above. arms are held over her head. female nurses by both her sides. the nurses are probing and prodding both her armpits with fingertips. woman is extremely miserable. woman is laughing extremely frantically. extremely disheveled hair. shiny sweaty skin. heart monitor in the background
>>71375 I just found this https://fluxpro.art you can generate a few images every 6 hours, using Flux pro, the most advanced flux model. Beware - all generations are public :) but that also means you can easily see other people input Be sure to click on Safety in the top bar to enable explicit content :p
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Digital art. Dark futuristic chamber. A young woman in a lab coat is secured to a large metal chair. Her midriff is visible. Her arms rest on the armrests. Her feet are raised. Pink lines glow on the bottoms of her feet. Her ankles and toes are encased in metal. She laughs uncontrollably. She is blindfolded.

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Comissions of Arlioth Arlioth 11/12/2024 (Tue) 20:22:00 Id: 8b4682 No. 75735 [Reply]
Post comissions of artist Arlioth
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The Laughing Gas Zone 10/30/2024 (Wed) 23:29:02 Id: 3aa528 No. 75046 [Reply]
Anyone have some good videos or collection from LGZ?
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>>75046 Lmao he’s one of the only producers (aside from that deluded faggot Comfort Eagle) who posts here
>>75698 There he is. Be a sport and contribute, it’s been twenty years since you could pretend you were breaking even
>>75709 Contribute? Hmmmm. I found this one recently and was going have it taken down, but... In the words of Batman to the supervillains..."5 minute head start." https://pornzog.com/video/9777778/lesbian-lickled-and-tickled/

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Lotions and creams? Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 10:58:49 Id: 229957 No. 75562 [Reply]
Boyfriends in the UK and I'm in the US, we're both thinking about using lotions, creams, oils and moisturizers to help increase our ticklishness Suggestions on brands for both countries, tkr?
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I suggest warm coconut oil all the way. Daily application softens feet and applied before/during tickles works just as good as baby oil and tastes a lot better.
>>75564 Is this a real thing or is it just placebo?
>>75679 100% real. I've been on the receiving end

Artists You Love Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:35:39 Id: 9c1c6e No. 63477 [Reply] [Last]
Express your love for your favorite artists. On a side note, I noticed that my three favorites, Feeteraco, KandenRem and Vandiward, are all Mexican. First two are known for voluptous damsels with big sexy feet which perfectly fits my taste, and they even manage to make generic anime-style faces sexy, especially Raco. Vandiward is notorious for a lot of female-on-male action which is my thing as well. Even if he sticks to more cartoonish style, the way he draws feet never disappoints. Honorary mention to VirtualFairy who is hugely into female-on-male foot worship as well... and is Mexican too lmao. I wonder if it has something to do with an ideal of a female beauty of the region.
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This thread deserves to be bumped MichaellaBrown's stuff is straight up adorable
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>>75673 I just like Thema
does anyone have this?

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ITT: Tickling memes on mainstream media Anonymous 11/15/2021 (Mon) 07:49:52 Id: fab76d No. 6875 [Reply] [Last]
which one of you guys did it?
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https://vk.com/video279125802_171107538 https://tickling-videos.net/uktickling-angelinas-crazy-bare-foot-tickle/ Coming of from the other mainstream thread, this one is more meme related. Cus I'd scroll through 9gag like the scrub I was when I was younger and one day encountered a familiar sight. This gif from UKTickling of Angelina's feet getting tickled in stocks. And the post would be captioned with 'Could you handle this?' or something to that effect. The comments were an interesting insight as to what "normal" people thought of the act of tickling. Some of knew and pointed out this was fetish material. But I say most people thought it as a playfully benign act. Naturally with out the context of sexual gratification, the discussion was more toward the challenge of enduring tickling on one's feet, recognizing it's effectiveness to overwhelm. "I wouldn't handle that" or calling it exactly what it can be: "Torture".
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Back when the "Latte with breast milk I mean breast milk I mean breast milk I mean..." Memes were at their height, I remember this image making rounds on iFunny. This, of course, resulted in countless people asking for the "sauce". Sometimes this question would be answered: "sauce is Moekaki". My memory of iFunny back in those days is foggy, since I didn't use it a ton, but I feel like I do remember seeing some people being really weirded out upon finding the art he normally specializes in drawing.
>>69813 Yeah in most chat based mediums like Discord, Skype and even the comments section of most social media outlets, if you search “tickle” in the gifs library, that same gif of Angelina from UK Tickling pops up. She’s inadvertently become the quintessential mascot for tickle torture even if most people have no idea where the media came from and that it’s an actual fetish. Doesn’t hurt that she’s gone on record multiple times that she absolutely loves being tickled. And all the basement dweller incels who claim “there are no women who like being tickled” as a way to protect their fragile psyche’s in a pathetic attempt to validate their hopelessly forever alone state, I say lick my taint.

Characters who deserve it Anonymous 09/02/2021 (Thu) 16:40:30 Id: 52fdf5 No. 279 [Reply] [Last]
They had it coming
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>>75361 There was more to this picture. Can you post the rest of the image
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>>75365 nta but here you go
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>>75368 and the bonus alt with more feather tickling

Office Ladies/Women in Suits Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 15:40:32 Id: 758988 No. 65963 [Reply]
post ladies in business attire getting wrecked.
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>>66067 >surprising my breadwinner wife with tickle torture one day when she wanted a massage >a revenge plot on a CEO after her company had wronged me, even if she wasn't to blame just off the top of my head. I like the idea of her losing all of the power over someone she'd normally have absolute control over, and then having that used for tickling instead of anything serious, much to her humiliation and annoyance. the suit would represent the fact that she shouldn't be in this situation, but she is, so she's gonna have to deal with it
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There was a really old piece by Redscript from around 2014, when he hadn't yet gone the gunk path, titled Hostile Takeover. It would fit there, but I can't find it as well as his other old stuff. In the meantime, this newer piece doesn't have tickling, but still some excellent meaty soles right there.

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