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Options on vtubers in kink? Goonfag 06/05/2024 (Wed) 02:17:36 Id: a496dd No. 66921
So I decided to re-upload this as I made the first thread in a hurry and it was kind of a mess. I want to gage this communities options on vtubers being used in NSFW content. What got me started on this subject was the recent drama involving Dove (angel) doxing Kenji (monkey) in a private hate group on discord that involved several former members of the group Mofongo boys, Riikami (cat), Phoenixx (bird), Andy (dog), and Kage (red fox). I wanted to write a series of NSFW stories involving Dove or Kenji getting revenge on the boys above, but even though I'd be writing it from the perspective of their fictional personas it's based on real events that were traumatic for several people involved. I still might make the stories anyway but I'm curious how you all feel about the gray lines of vtuber NSFW content?
Why even ask? If you want to write something and your heart is in it, just do it. It doesn't matter how strange it is, there is creepier stuff out there for sure. As for being in poor taste, if it's 100% about the vtubers' characters with the drama somehow adapted to not involve doxxing at all (to further separate it from the real people,) maybe it would be alright. Maybe.
>>66921 You're on a website that has a loli, wall trophy, fake celeberty and caroo thread... WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK?!!!
>>66921 >Gray Lines I can understand how and why making porn of a real person using their likeness against their will might be a gray area, but using vtubers seems like a clear cut issue to me because they're not real people. They're just fictional characters being voice acted. If that's a gray line then how would that be different from using literally any fictional character from an animated series?
>>66921 holy parasocial relationship
>>66921 Please go find Christ.
>>66921 purge your soul of shame or you will never be free.
If their design makes me erect, ill fap to them. Susei saying she doesn't want it, just makes it all the better.
>>66921 Draw/write/fantasize about whatever you want, just don't try and actually involve those people in your jerkoff nonsense
Maybe I'm just old, but I don't comprehend vtubers period. The whole thing is baffling to me to a degree that I cannot begin to understand why they exist in the first place, let alone why they have become so frigging popular. But I mean, they're a fictional character. Rule 34
>>66962 anon it's not that hard to get. its effectively someone wearing a costume and doing a character for entertainment purposes. the technology around it is fairly new but the idea is not. it's just instead of a physical costume, its an animated motion-capture character.
>>66921 Vtubers are basically anime characters, so I don't gots a problem with them cuz the boundary is there. Making tickle smut out an event like that is like making tickle smut based on Chris Rock revenge tickling Will Smith for slapping him on live TV, if you can't see the boundary then I'd advise you step away.
>>66977 that would be hilarious though
My favorite part about this thread is when I first saw it with no responses, it was directly above the vtuber thread we already have.
>>66986 My favorite part is this person was basically asking us permission... Like they never stood up for their principles or something...
So my issue wasn't asking for permission. Honestly most of the reactions so far are kinda why I'm uncomfortable with it. People have this weird detachment when it comes to vtubers and think of them as fictional characters but the truth is they're closer to a form of performance art. Yes they have lore and other anime bs but the reason most people watch them is based on the personalities and relationships between the real people behind them. A lot of people can't separate the performance from reality and it's lead to stalking, harassment, and threats irl. The first response on this thread made the most sense in my opinion the rest was the autistic rambling I expected from a fetish board on 8chan. I'll probably write the stories but avoid referencing most of the irl drama. I've been in a sadistic femdom mood and Dove has that irl crazy bitch that will actually fuck up your life vibe.
>>66999 You live your life in fear of what might happen, what could happen pick what you want to happen and work towards it.
>>66999 >So my issue wasn't asking for permission. Honestly most of the reactions so far are kinda why I'm uncomfortable with it. People have this weird detachment when it comes to vtubers and think of them as fictional characters but the truth is they're closer to a form of performance art. No, they're cartoon characters. Do you think people are particularly cautious about Overwatch porn because they don't know if the voice actors are going to get offended by it?
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>>66999 For fuck's sake. They are cartoons as someone said above me. People have become so wrapped up with their online personas, identities and characters that we forget that no harm is happening to these people behind the avatars. You think the people behind the avatar get offended by such things? If they do they are weak, period. They don't have control over your desires. If anything that should EXPECT these kind of fucked up things to be thought up if they are popular. So do whatever you want with them. Commission smut of the most heinous nature, write stories of them getting gang tickled and forced to cum for views. Do whatever you want damn it.
>>66999 just say "fpbp" and be done, you high-and-mighty cunt. drop the ego and write your smut already.
Okay if you guys can't tell the difference between a fictional character living in a fictional universe and a real person streaming games on the internet then I'm just going to ignore your comments from now on. Vtubers are not literal fucking cartoons with people voicing over lip animations while reading off a script. They are just streamers who use virtual avatars in place of cameras. Hell a few have started transitioning to cams now. That kind of response is why I haven't been making shit like this lately. It's not "HiGh aNd MIgHtY" to treat another human being with a bit of respect especially when a few have made it clear how uncomfortable it makes them. Try gooning less and touch some grass. Regardless. Thank you to the people who actually responded to my question. To the rest of you, I'll be ignoring this thread now so please continue screaming into the void if it makes you feel better.
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>>67009 the goonfag's gonna tell me to stop gooning, that's got me thinking, damn Nigga, that's exactly what I'm fucking talking about, idgaf what you think about vtubers or not, what I'm saying is your attitude about everyone else is what's annoying. you're obviously a summerfag trying to hard to blend in so either pull the stick from your ass and speak like a normal person or get the fuck out
>>66999 Fucking loser. Grow a damn spine.
>>67009 And the fucking irony that most of these vtubers literally look up, admire and even commission their OWN BORING ASS VANILLIA PORN! I hate using zoomer shit like "beta" but fucking loser, you are a mere pathetic Iota.
>>67009 I want to read it when you're done. Where would I be able to find it?
>>66921 These people make their whole living by whoring themselves off as cartoon avatars to horny, lonely degenerates. Half of the images in the OP are already erotic in nature. Who exactly are you trying to get approval from here?
>>67009 >reddit spacing

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