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New tool ideas 06/11/2024 (Tue) 23:41:24 Id: 56ddb1 No. 67189
why would anyone fund a weak af vibrating feather when these exist
>>67198 Too mainstream Not enough torture from these tools But a feather like that is niche and unique
>>67199 >Not enough torture from these tools Imagine suggesting a fucking vibrating plastic feather is going to top this.
Rather than tools to use during a session, It might be better to think of what methods can a person do to make their feet more ticklish before a session starts. For example, this happened a long, LONG time ago, but I remember reading a post about how a guy would have his girlfriend apply some kind of moisturizer cream on her feet and then immediately make her wear a pair of thick cotton socks, she would sleep through the entire night wearing said socks and while the cream did it's magic on her. The next morning when the couple had the session, the girls feet were so soft and sensitive from the treatment that she actually climaxed by just having her feet tickled... I don't know how real that is, but I think there's some merit to that and what would be the best way to use that to it's maximum potential if it was indeed real.
>>67211 Every time when people talk about making yourself more ticklish feet moisturizing is the only thing they can come up with. Sure, it may have some effect. But for me nothing compares to my true ticklishness potion - weed. I was skeptical at first, expecting an effect bordering on placebo when my friend told me about it. I was like, sure, she's extremely ticklish already, so it works for her. Oh god, was i wrong! I'm a moderately ticklish person. Save to say, on the less ticklish side. It takes a little bit of practice and getting to know my ribs to really make me laugh sober. Weed increases my ticklishness like 5-fold. It's incredible. I loved it when tickling made me scream for the first time. I was really unable to stop myself from defending my ribs. Soon I'm gonna have a session where I'm tied up, high and tickled. Ngl I cannot wait
>>67215 i can confirm that, after weed i was actually able to tickle myself (causing squirm and laughter); sadly, i had no opportunity to test it with someone else yet... pls sign me up! 🥺
>>67215 It´s the first time I have ever heard weed do that wtf. Maybe potheads really were into something this whole time, weed-smoking girlfriends truly were the master race all along.
>>67225 Idk what percentage of people it works on, but I've heard a few accounts of it already. Ngl I was not that big on weed before. It was like coffee: smells amazing and makes me want it, the actual effect is a little underwhelming. But now this is the biggest reason i wanna smoke weed. I think I'm gonna get a vaporizer soon just so i can get absolutely wrecked
>>67225 Well, I have never had a weed-smoking girlfriend in all my years of being alive, so maybe I'll have to be more understanding of potheads from now on to find that shiny, legendary 0.001% SSR chance of getting a hyper ticklish GF in the girlfriend gacha.
>>67211 I can vouch for the "overnight lotion in socks" thing. Last girlfriend tried that and it made her feet noticably more ticklish, if only because they were softer and the fingers glided better on them. The climax thing sounds a little unbelievable though. I had an idea once of doing a DIY sensitivity-enhancing oil that you can put on during a session. Take baby oil and infuse with something like peppermint extract or menthol, stuff that is known to act on the nervous system in a way that can increase sensitivity. Unsure of how well it would work, but the idea of adding the chemical effects simultaneously with the slickness from the oil was intriguing.
>>67278 My gf doesn't even smoke weed, but she's mad ticklish even without it. She likes when I do, tho, so it's a level playing filed ticklishness-wise
>>67215 Damn bro where yall find your friends I feel this I gotta try it, weed already makes me giggly
Just a friendly reminder. You're better than drugs.
>>67211 I’ve been doing that for years and I still have no idea if it works or not. Never got to test it out :(

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