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Tickle GIFs Tickle GIFs 10/05/2021 (Tue) 14:30:54 Id: e141e0 No. 2468
Post em!
Edited last time by Flatty on 08/06/2023 (Sun) 20:35:25.
>>24167 :) *pats you on shoulder* Have the last word, buddy. I'm all done here. All yours.
>>24167 true lmao i forgot about lapis but he always struck me as like some third world hispanic kid tbh i aint even reading the guy's last reply but he types like an r/atheism user circa 2016
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China seems to have some pretty good videos in this regard, if you can wade through the Chinese language... :) Here's the original video link: https://vk.com/video586433036_456239042 Good visuals, the girl is cute, and I like the guy's slow, teasing approach; the laughs aren't all that great, though--makes a better gif, imho.
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Relatively new(?) studio, which has some of the best "total restraint/immobilization" that I've seen so far: https://tickling-videos.net/category/fettish/
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>>27882 The restraints are nice, but dude relies on tools too much. He'll get like 3 toothbrushes, 6 feathers, and 2 of those electric face cleaners. I kinda hate tool heads.
>>47962 His setups looked interesting at first, but basically all his videos are the same. Also if you look through his Twitter he's kinda creepy.
>>47963 >but basically all his videos are the same Welcome to entry-level porn producing. Where it's now 80% some generic dude with a thrown together massage table modified with the same straps and ankle stocks, all set up in the middle of their ikea furniture clad home livingroom. Some bimbo from the interwebs paid to at least pretend she's ticklish for 30 minutes, of course. They really are all cookie-cutter at this point.
>>47969 Yeah, that's a fair point. He makes out he's a "lifestyle dom" or whatever, but just like basically every other producer he's just trying to get people to give him money so he can afford to get models half his age in his homemade bondage.
>>47963 Bro also tweaks over piracy, as if the porn industry isn't still alive because of piracy. Honestly all of the videos I've seen of his, however hot the setup, were just not worth the money upon viewing them even for free.
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>>47978 Oh God, this guy is even worse about it. Quite possibly THE worst.
>>47987 Yeah he's definitely no better, but at least I see his clips online
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>boy tickles girl >girl tickles boy in revenge it's a tale as old as time
Is it okay if I post mine? I'm a guy if anyone is wondering
>>50940 My dude, you are in the wrong thread. This is tickle gifs
>>50942 My bad
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Why is this thread comprised exclusively of painful cringe posts these days? Been this way for months.
>>52696 Wouldn't be surprised if it's the same person
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>>52705 damn, what video is this from?
>>52738 An account by the name of mister-ttt over on Tumblr (yes, yes, I know, hold your boos). Apparently planning to open a clip store at some point, but for now it's just gifs to build interest apparently.
Incredible how fast this board fucking died
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and if anyone could direct me to this video that would be much appreciated. I'll buy it and share it if that's the only way
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>>52705 >>52738 >>52751 I found the tumblr post, it says that the full video is on her free onlyfans page. Could someone please check that out and get the video if it's really on there? https://www.tumblr.com/ninaluckx/728193652511391744/tickled-by-the-evil-mister-ttt?source=share
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