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I hate you all Thot Daughter 02/26/2025 (Wed) 06:59:21 Id: 22a7c6 No. 81070 [Reply] [Last]
Hi I'm the girl from >>80941 and it has been suggested that I make my own thread in order to supply the demand of perverted requests. No I am not an OnlyFans or customs seller, I'm just a ticklish girl with a dream, a dream of my ticklishness inspiring others to....I don't know, tickle cute girls or something? In any case you people have persuaded me to torment myself for the enjoyment of this board. Sitting before me are a bag of ticklish items from my local CVS and my previous, vulnerable feet. A big middle finger to the gentleman in the last thread who made me write "tickle slave" on my foot. Have you no shame?? It's my foot you know, and I don't appreciate it being tortured! Request lines are now open, you sick bastards. 😭🪶 Best regards (and fuck you), Thot Daughter P.S. If you want to tip your local "tickle whore" you can do so by leaving a compliment or by contributing to the OP request of the other thread.
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>>81560 Wish, I used an element blocker to block this shitty thread anyway
>>81560 This is the only thread in a long time that's actually caught my interest. -_- I only wish I could understand why people are so angry about it. I don't understand all this weird jargon, there's just a girl talking with people about how ticklish she is and even posting pictures. That's hot IMO. I wish there were more like it
>>81579 1. You're a simp. 2. People aren't mad that she's flashing her body, they're mad at the passive aggressive (fuck you lol) Raspberry ass persona she's trying to put on, quickest way to piss off autists is by having an ego about mundane bullshit. Like Anisa Jomha or Denims or any other camwhore who thinks their opinions are worth listening to.

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Mainstream tickling scenes Anonymous 10/25/2021 (Mon) 17:31:50 Id: fa50a4 No. 4687 [Reply] [Last]
Mainstream tickling scenes. Post whatever good stuff you got from non-fetish content.
Edited last time by Flatty on 12/16/2023 (Sat) 06:11:02.
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Gag comic from Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact vol. 4 13 from 1949.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEMeEvv6k1c&ab_channel=SonicBaseballZooDreams I was unaware this Nichijou one existed, and it's really cute. I love how she speeds up at the end.
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K-ON! Shuffle chapter 23

Tough lees broken Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 23:43:55 Id: d271dd No. 81483 [Reply]
Looking for videos where the lee tries to act tough so as not to even break a smile but ultimately succumbs to the tickling e.g. https://vkvideo.ru/video-110631695_456246251
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>>81535 Works for me lol
>>81542 Didn't work at all for me, tried multiple times, had to go search it up manually: https://vk.com/video-110631695_456246251?list=543a982f7407c3b5d9

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When does AI start producing the good stuff? Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 01:06:03 Id: b1ed2d No. 79371 [Reply]
Alright you guys, I really wanna discuss this. If you're one like me, who dreams of a future of high quality AI tickling content feel free to share your take, but I gotta ask... Anon reading this, how long do you think until we actually start getting good quality AI tickling content? And how do you think that will be? Will we get it as soon as 2-5 years? Maybe... How about 10 years? 20? When do the high quality AI tickling videos ACTUALLY start coming out? Let's be blunt: When it all started out, image generation, character.ai or ai dungeon, it was all kinda trash. Nowadays, the modern versions of those are kinda passable, but still kinda suck, and need major human input in order to not look absurdly unappealing. So will we ever be getting content that amounts to the quality of tickling artists or real videos of tickling? Sure, it may sound unlikely, but again let's remember that no more than just 3 years ago, making tickling images with AI was just out of question, because it sucked too bad to generate anything remotely hot. AI video was pretty much non-existant also, and it would be fair to say that it's all evolving at a PRETTY decent rate. (Check the most modern AI video models for reference) So while I do admit that as of today, despite AI porn being rampant, it's usually low effort and just unappealing, and when it comes to tickling it gets even worse, so we can all just cope rn. But someday? Well, the way I see it: Maybe not soon, but surely at SOME point in our lives we'll see it happen. And oh boy, when it does, the internet will finally, truly, start enslaving people. Myself included. What do you think?
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Why anyone thinks ai will ever be good enough when it's all programmed by flawed humans. The only difference is humans hide their flaws WAY better than the ai ever could.
>>79398 And this is why it's all highly subjective. To one person, those loras look good. To me, it's boring lifeless, and generic. But most human art is also boring, lifeless, and generic too so that's not necessarily a critique of AI art. In that sense, you could really reframe the question as "When does humanity start producing the good stuff?" Oh wait, we've been asking that for a long time now.
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>>79371 Soon, anon. Soon. AI has recently hit the famous "wall", the theoretical (or practical) barrier that slows down or halts progress in artificial intelligences. Everyone knows that by now. I'm pretty sure that barrier came for image generators too. However, as humans have always done before, we are aaalways finding ways. Pic related is an image generated by NovelAI's latest model. (It is paid, yes, but worth supporting if you ask me) No photoshop, no editing, no inpainting. Raw from the generator. Now, granted, it did take me 10 or more "generate" button presses before getting that. It's not SUPER creative either, but if you ask me, it's WAY better than what we had last year. Or... earlier (Clearly) And was super easy and quick too! Which is what matters. Most stuff you see on pixiv that are AI generated have a lot of editing or inpainting applied in order to look passable. But it looks like we won't be needing that anymore as time goes by. Prompt was: "{{tickling}}, disembodied hand, bondage, {{armpit play, armpit tickling}}, {hands touching armpits}, laughing, tears" Character prompt was: "girl, lana (pokemon)"

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Tickle Hell Anonymous 10/24/2022 (Mon) 16:54:41 Id: 79ae22 No. 31785 [Reply] [Last]
My favorite scenarios. Lees trapped in eternal (or lifetime) torture, maybe with a break now and again to give them hope, but otherwise they're trapped forever in ticklish agony they can't escape. Either stated outright, alluded to, or just possible because the lee's surrounded on all sides by some tickle monster. Stories work too.
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>>80083 one time I imagined female criminals being charged with theft or battery will be sentenced to tickle torture kept imprison like your in pic. they'll be rehabilitated through intense tickling and MKUltra until their sentencing is over or their mind breaks beyond repair.
Btw, anons, are there any stories or captions on this topic? For like, I have a strong feeling that I struggle finding content with eternal beyond limits tickling. It's not like this concept is very popular

Femboy, Trap, etc. Tickling thread Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 01:35:27 Id: a032d3 No. 22362 [Reply] [Last]
feel like I should preemptively tell... certain anons that no one's forcing you to look ar rhis, have a feeling some of you might soyjak out over this
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>>79200 God I wish but living in a fairly conservative area where this type of stuff is very stigmatized kinda throws a wrench in that. Honestly, I'm much less interested in physically meeting someone, but moreso just having one to text and tease about doing such ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Monster Girls Tickled Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 23:50:15 Id: 77b352 No. 66423 [Reply] [Last]
I think this topic deserves its own thread. Post ticklish monster ladies getting it. (catgirls, wolfgirls, furries and pokemon don't count, please go post images of those in the furry tickling or pokemon tickling threads instead)
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>>81224 Other anon is right, sauce for those pics IS in the file name. But anyways, the first pic was drawn by Lovebite on Pixiv and commissioned by JoyBoy500 on DA. Before you go and check out their profiles, just know that neither of them post a lot of tickling stuff. Was kind of a one-off thing, as far as I can tell. Had a super cute story for it in the description, though: "An alternate timeline where the Straw hats lose the War for Wano, the captured rebels face brutal punishment. Stripped of her rank and clothing, Speed is blindfolded, gagged, and bound, forced to run each day to meet an ever-increasing mile quota or endure relentless tickling from cold, mechanical hands. Blinded and Disoriented, she stumbles and falls repeatedly, struggling to find her balance while trying to escape the torment. Her breasts sway with each forced stride, their movement adding to her humiliation. Her former subordinates watch from afar, laughing at her helpless attempts to stay upright as mechanical hands strike without warning, skittering across her ribs, sides, and underarms, making her flinch and falter. Once a high-ranking Gifter, now reduced to helpless entertainment. She runs in vain, knowing that one day, the quota will rise to an impossible number, ensuring her punishment becomes permanent. Every day the required miles increase, a cruel cycle where no one could possibly keep up. With each failed attempt the tickling grows more unbearable. Her body convulses with laughter and muffled cries. No matter how fiercely she struggles effort only deepens her suffering. She knows that one day she’ll be too broken to even try anymore." The last pic was drawn by Leroy629 on FurAffinity, and she DOES mostly do tickle art. A furry, but also likes to bully xenomorphs with tickles. Pics included are some other xeno tickle pics drawn by her.

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Ribbotang Ribbotang 08/02/2022 (Tue) 00:12:35 Id: 16a35b No. 26116 [Reply] [Last]
Post any Ribbotang stuff
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>>77344 There's a drive link upthread, no? Just take that and everything new that follows it. But your suggestion of one place with all the theifess comics lead me down an idea to collect the comics in one file. So I made a pdf of all the comics and some pics that feature Ribb's theif character. Compiled and compressed though, so if you want the fullsized png pages, download them yourself. I took the liberty of assuming the title for 'Runner Up' and 'Audition' but 'Sole Survivor' was the title saved by DA's filename metadata. Unfortunately that's the comic that remains incomplete before Ribb's hiatus to current silent posting. Also please forgive the use of AI upscaling for the last page of Audition.
Is Ribbotang still posting his art or not?
because I haven't seen any more art from him

Unique tickling challenges/exercises Anonymous 10/05/2021 (Tue) 21:43:05 Id: 73b2cc No. 2504 [Reply] [Last]
I love the idea of trying to accomplish some sort of task or endure some sort of challenge while being tickled. For example the first picture, she's trying to remain perfectly balanced on the fitness ball, but the sudden ticklish twitches are obviously making it harder. In the second one, she just has to do simple pullups. And in the third one, she must hang on for dear life while the vibrator between her legs drives her mad, and of course her predicament only gets 10 times worse if she falls.
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>>81541 source for the tifa one?

Tickling with an added footjob element! Footjob Tickling 11/22/2021 (Mon) 22:06:39 Id: b2b665 No. 7572 [Reply] [Last]
Self explanatory, good foot tickling with the added joy of a surprise footjob.
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I'd figure that the upper body equivalent to a tickle footjob would be a paizuri where you go for the armpits.

Jagokage videos Anonymous 01/08/2025 (Wed) 17:55:47 Id: 18e7db No. 78344 [Reply]
Doing some digging online, these appear to be relatively lost! While travelling around Japan, Jagokage made a collection of tickling videos, in particular where he tickled some Japanes flight attendants. If anyone has more, and feels like posting, go for it.
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>>79419 The last lady was very cute, also her feet had nice wrinkles
>>79799 Didn't lead to the tickle vids, instead their ads for bots in telegram
https://www.flickr.com/people/126091244@N06/ Some other photos lurking around the internet

REVENGE! Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 21:18:32 Id: bf81a5 No. 4917 [Reply] [Last]
Don't dish it out if you can't take it yourself
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Found over on a Discord sever

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Tickle Sex/Tickle Fucking Anonymous 08/18/2022 (Thu) 10:12:40 Id: f77a75 No. 27224 [Reply] [Last]
Not tickling dicks, thats this one >>5041 Not tickling pussies, thats this one >>16611 Not tickling while being milked thats this one >>56 And not tickle footjobs thats this one >>7572 And we're not talking just penetration by a phallic tentacle or tendril or amorphous gloopy blob. And were also not talking penetration by dildos or machines or milking device. Just actual penis-in-vagina sex where one or the other or both parties are being tickled.
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>>81271 I did it and would do it again. Highly recommend. You hang the lee's head of the side of your bed and tickle the upperbody. Not practical for a long time, but really sexy
>>81504 Do you have anymore work by this person? Loved their works.

Tickle Shoes Anonymous 10/08/2021 (Fri) 06:05:30 Id: 5c3586 No. 2691 [Reply] [Last]
Can't move your feet away from the tickles
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>>81130 fuck I hate that bitch glad she's gone
>>81153 ?? what did she do?

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Favorite clip of all time thread Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 12:43:58 Id: a7bd10 No. 66497 [Reply] [Last]
I think mine is a clip called “Priscilla please stop,” or something to those lines. Basically a clip of Priscilla James tickling three girls. The first one is probably the best, the girl tries not to laugh but Priscilla still tickles the hell out of her.
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Easily one of my new favourites. The way shes tied up, with almost no wiggle room. Shes done after a minute and theres 14 more to go, they are relentless and she laughs full on for the whole video, no breaks. Wish she was fully naked though https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zv6r1GVOa0A74s9UAkoK6OoRlP-Qc2Eb/view?usp=drivesdk
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One of the old China TK vids, think it's their 3rd one. Wish I knew more about the woman in red, if she was in more videos.

AI Tickling 4 Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 04:44:22 Id: 3bde74 No. 52056 [Reply] [Last]
Can't believe we've gotten 4 threads of this. Links to the previous threads: >>23688 >>35771 >>41604
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Whoever put those Madoka characters on Spicychat is doing God's work. Would love to see more bots ported on that site.
>>81481 Links?

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