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Future is now? Anonymous 06/24/2023 (Sat) 10:37:15 Id: 0c127c No. 48480
or is it? can someone explain me, why there are still no fully automated - or even just any - tickling machines, since we've got such advanced on daily basis that they should be easily invented? we've got tones of pictures and ideas, how could it look like and how could it work; are we that disorganised as a community that we can't join forces and build such thing? :p i believe we'd need a tickle fan (obviously), an automatician (mechanician), maybe an architect, and probably a programer (which i am, if needed), and that's it. so, what stands in the way? ;) (i don't count this automated footpad: https://ahlab.org/project/ticklefoot/ - which is probably fake, since you can't get it anywhere, but maybe it could work) actually, same thing goes to fighting games: we've got this Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat 11, and few others, with beautiful graphics and complex combos and grabs to hurt an opponent; what'd stand in the way to produce something similar, but replacing grabs and/or hits with tickles and/or sex? i'd be happy even if it looked like some older titles, like Tekken 2, not necessarily the newest one :p or they could fight with tickle-weapons like in Soul Calibur, instead of sharp swords... what do you think? is this a real life? or it's just fantasy? ;) or maybe there already are such devices/games i haven't heard of yet?
The essence of what you're asking 'why are there sex machine/sex robots yet?' That answer is there are and there can be, BUT the great filter is a number of factors. The level of engineering and programming prowess. The capital for the raw materials and equipment. The designing and manufacturing. Not to mention the consideration of hazards and safety. Quality control for safe guards in cases of emergency stops or nonconsensual use of the machine. And for ALL that to even be incepted all partys involved would have to be strongly invested in creating such a specific adult industry use-case machine drummed up from and for a very particular fantasy. Take something as seemingly simple as the Elektratouch footobx >>48480 (second gif). You need some basic carpentry skills to nail together a box like that and finish the wood. Then add cushioning to properly support around the lee's ankles but also securely hold them in place as to bound them. Not to mention the fitting of their feet so that only their soles are exposed perfectly, secure their toes somewhere internally. And then the kicker, those metal arms. How would you even go about that? ANd to design it to precisely just graze the lees soles without going to far are penetrating the skin. lord knows shit could go terrible if a machine that is meant to get extremely intimate with a person is designed wrong. Folks do try to make these contraptions. But you'll see a lot of that energy being channeled into more accessible and practical fields like heavy bondage. The most tickle fetishist have gone with this is like an affixed hand drill with a brush head attached and you set that onto the lees feet locked in stocks. We're far away for buying a Doctor Octopus tentacle arm from the store use how every we want. But by all means, start DIYing some stocks and improvised tickle implements to build a dream tickle machine, but someone's gonna have to test it too bro. Tl;dr Boston Dynamics aren't gonna make you tickle machine
>>48480 What the other guy said. I'll add that ensuring the machine actually tickles the person would present a ton of problems. So much of what makes tickling work are the psychological elements of anticipation and intimate contact. Machines that could replicate that experience aren't really a thing, and likely won't be, since there's no practical use outside of fulfilling our dumb little fantasies. There have been a few examples of stuff that sort of works, but it lacks the spontaneity of a human tickler with tools to really make someone laugh for more than a minute or two. Pic/vid related There's this ab-sculpting thing that sort of bypasses it by directly stimulating the muscles with electricity, and ends up tickling as a side effect. The girls are laughing from it, but I'm not sure how much of that is from the machine and how much is from the nervousness and embarrassment of being filmed while other people are in the room. But the fact that it can turn on at random intervals and vary in intensity might have something to do with it too, and is an interesting way of getting past the psychological barrier. https://youtu.be/O79ag49M1QM?t=490
>>48480 >#4 Full image. Also can we also make this an automated tickling general?
I don't know what any of you guys are talking about, Rhett and Link had a functional tickle robot on their show ages ago.
>>48482 on one side, you're right: safety first, people have different bodies, and production costs money. but on the other, do we necessarily have to hold the ticklees so tight they can't move? actually, we could add some regulation system, so everyone would adjust the machine to their preferences. similarly, like we do it with zipties, shoelaces, handcuffs, belts and so on :p same thing for the "metal arms" - i mean, irl the arms don't have to necesarilly be made of metal, or they could have tips made of feather or brushes, etc; also, they could be regulated to work with a given level of pressure, so the user could choose the one they like the most - just as we do with fans, heaters, vibrators and massagers :D so in that case i'd rather not worry so much - they could start from the lowest level (lightest touch) and simply find out which one is the best. and if it starts to scratch rather then tickle... well, if they like it, why not - they're adults ;) (of course, i wouldn't put there such a strong engine to move a truck or penetrate the flesh, few power levels should be enough) but that: > Tl;dr Boston Dynamics aren't gonna make you tickle machine killed me xD you're right of course, but still, i feel like it should be possible nowadays to produce such thing, probably not without any problems, but probably not impossible to overcome. (actually, if enough tickle fans wrote to Boston Dynamics, maybe they'd break :p jk) >>48485 well, this is where RNG comes handy - a user could set such a program that randomly changes places or pace of the arms, rollers or whatever, or randomly changes between some other programs of tickling, let's say, after few seconds each, etc - or maybe that will switch on after random amount of time as well. i can see unlimited options there :D also, thanks for the media; the first seems like it could work for few seconds indeed, but i guess it was made more for massage then for tickling. the second one probably would work at all, i mean, it's more like more or less pleasant caress, constantly in the same part of skin, then spontaneous tickles on the "weak spots" - just as you said. but, i like the idea from 3 and 4 - not sure about the feet thing (same reason as 2), but that spidering thing on her belly looks like interesting solution! maybe we should point to such thing first? maybe make it bigger, more stable, or otherwise... or whole device stable, so ticklee can be strapped to it, but it's arms more random? great potential, i see :D as for the electricity, i was always curious how would that work, and if that would be even possible to tickle in such a way (similarly i doubt for vibrations). i know this video, and you're probably right: to me it seems more like a pinch of nervousness and embarrassment then actual tickling - but i'd still try it out if i could :D >>48508 thank you! this version looks even hotter~ i don't think i'd be able to change the title right now, but i guess we could just consider the thread as "automated tickling general", why not. (so should i remove the part about the games? i probably can't edit the post as well) >>48509 that looks interesting; i've seen such a device few years ago, but again: only on a photo, nowhere to be sold. also, it seems like it might easily fall of the body, which is not that convenient - yet still, maybe worth trying.
Putting some of these thoughts together, there are three large-scale problems that need to be tackled for an effective tickle machine. First, like >>48482 said, is a mix of engineering and logistical considerations: creating something that can effectively stimulate a person to the point of laughter while restraining them, and allowing for enough variance in technique. All of this must also be done while ensuring it doesn’t end up killing anyone. To say nothing of the reality of raising funds for R&D and mass-production. I don’t think it’s out of the realm of impossibility to create, but there’s no incentive for anyone to advance technology and our understanding of knismesis and gargalesis to that point. Second is ensuring the machine can adjust variables to fit the ‘lee’s responses. One step up from the basic construction of the thing are the logic systems needed to vary the intensity of the tickling and what spots it targets. We need to think of not only the physical stress on the person, but the mental response to tickling as well. It would not simply need to know what change in factors like pressure or speed should be made, but also read the person, and change behaviors to keep them in that sweet spot of anxiousness and helplessness. This goes hand in hand with the third problem: the psychological considerations. If you’re aiming for constant laughing and begging, essentially a fully submissive state, then the machine should keep a person’s psyche locked there. This is where the RNG comes in, as >>48510 pointed out. Besides the actual tickling, consider how many other factors influence ticklishness. Often, they’re tiny, almost insignificant things: how cool or hot the air is, the noise in the room, seeing your clothes being slowly removed, feeling the tightening or loosening of restraints, hearing the dim buzz of a toothbrush grow louder, the way the lights dim, seeing the ‘ler’s hands fingers wiggle right in front of your face, or just barely not touching the skin. Controlling a person’s ticklishness means controlling so many other factors besides the actual tickling. A solution might be plugging all of this into a neural network and training it on a lot of people. You could have it learn the most effective measures for different levels of tickling on different kinds of ‘lees. While we’re hiking the AI trail, go a step further by giving it a voice that can respond to the user’s verbalizations. The part of our brain that responds to tickling makes it more ticklish in the presence of another human- it’s a socialization thing, not just a response to stimuli. Adding a surrogate personality that can tickle talk or tease recreates the experience of being tickled by a person. It feels more “real” when there’s someone to try and bargain with or shout insults at, who can respond in turn. Should only take a couple million taxpayer dollars, several dozen published papers, a proof-of-concept device, patents, and a few months of training to see results lmao. Thanks for coming to my autistic rant, please exit through the gift shop.
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>>48579 Also to contribute actual pics, have a tickle arcade cabinet.
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As others have said, extremely complicated, specific and expensive. That being said, with the speed AI is progressing, who says we won't have it eventually. Sadly not in our lifetimes, but I wouldn't put it past technology like the pics in OPs post being available 100 years from now.
I think we're getting a little lost in the sauce here. I was under the impression that the goal here was to conceive the creation of relatively simple automated tickling machines or devices. Granted, OP was asking for if these machines we draw in fantasy can be realized but my angle was to focus and the actual feasibility of some of the aspects. I wasn't even going to go down the AI route (and I mean true AI not toolkit AI or the most of the regurgitative bullshit). Just the more understandable process commands: start, stop, if-then-else kind of deal. There's a reason we draw and write these ideas. The fantasy of these impossible ideas is what we get off to. What I'm trying to lay out is that there is a scale here. That goes 1. Tie up Samus Aran in rope and tickle her feet with an electric toothbrush To 2. Lock her in the red Tickle Abuse chair and strap pink egg vibrators to her ticklish spots To 3. Lock her in custom robo-stocks with whirling brush heads and vibrating rubber pads/parts To 4. Place her in a cyberpunk tickle room with fully articulable car-assembly robot arms that will splay her out and tickle her body with pin-point precision TO 5. Send her to ticklefuck dimension where the techno god-emperor AI will command their nanotech goop form to tickle torture Samus for all eternity I'm aiming for the practically of No. 3. Less Orgasm-a-tron 5000 and more robo-stocks
>>48592 >85 Is that when he was born or when he drew this? Either way zamn
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Not sure if anyone here remembers but there actually was a tickle machine in a medical magazine i read back in like 2003. Some people had a family or friends situation where they usually needed a tickler. I can doubt that statement pretty quickly but they had a simple machine. It consisted of a small rubber ball about 3cm diameter with small nylon tassel-bits attached in a ring around the outside. On top was a ring that was connected to three different pieces of nylon cord. each cord went to a load sensitive motor winch above on a rack. the machine was calibrated to work on top of a cushioned table. person would lie down, shirt off, and then as the machine slowly brought down the ball from its max height it would bonk around and store some data for the heights it detected. after some percentage of the user was determined it would start doing lines back and forth raising and lowering to keep just the tips of the tassels in contact. Mind all this was nearly two decades ago. only found the article in a dumpster bin archive online one other time since then. ...basically this thing was a slightly less stupid claw game with a different end unit. the inherent safety features were that the cord was not very strong and the motors sized so they could just move the ball around. it also had no restraints. but it couldnt do feet very well or armpits, tl:dr there was a purpose built tickle machine prior to 2003. But it's probably gone now.
>>62341 I remember around the same era there was a university psych study where they pretended a "tickle machine" would tickle the subjects (it was really just a guy in a box). But they were blindfolded and were barely ticklish at all when they thought a "machine" was doing it, however they screamed and howled when a human did it. Don't have a source though.
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>>67589 Nice video! I believe I found the device, if anyone else was wondering: https://www.amazon.com/ORIA-Electric-Massager-Waterproof-Relaxation/dp/B0C5R15PRN/
>>67589 that video looks amazing, rarely seen such a reaction
>>67589 What a crybaby, I love it
>>67589 Please tell me there's more of this video!
>>67589 Yea...... Imma need that full vid, bro
>>67589 >>48485 holy shit I think my roommate has one of these. I'll have to try it out on myself during some alone time
>>67589 She is one of my favorite Lees! She is so loud and crybaby
wow, I just realized I know the girl in those videos! And yes, she is bar none the most ticklish person I've ever met, it is actually astonishing
>>67617 where can i find the full video
>>67618 The girl in the video above?
>>62347 I remember that! There was a video I saw on YouTube about it ages ago.

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