I remember that I'd always had a very weird fixation and obsession with feet and tickling when I was very young, like 5-6 years of age. Obviously well before any sense of a sex drive, it was just a really weird obsession of mine that didn't go away. I remember having a blast playing 'tickle tag' with some family friends, chasing them around and tickling them, even licked one of their feet. This obsession stuck with me for basically all of my formative years.
As I got older and internet started becoming more of a thing, that obsession had bloomed into something more that, thanks to my shitty homeschooling background, I was not prepared for. I googled "Relina Peacecraft Tickling" and I think I found a story of some kind around it (I had a Gundam Wing obsession for a time). My brother found out and shamed me for it, so I gave up that hunt for awhile. But reading some of that content, I think, was the real 'awakening', realizing that this was more than a weird obsession.
Several years later, my sister and her friend were on the computer doing things and I was in the corner of the room, under a blanket and just idling chatting with them. But her friend was barefoot and kept like...scrunching and wiggling her toes and I kept imaging running over and just tickling them and it became too much. Like the antisocial, poorly educated boy I was, I just kept grinding against my own hand, unsure what I was even doing, until it happened. With literally no understanding or knowledge of what was going on, I wordlessly stood and rushed to the bathroom, sitting on the toilet and basically trying to figure out what the hell happened. I eventually waited until it seemed clear enough to race upstairs and change, too ashamed of whatever happened to ever try it again.
Not the best first experience, but I guess I can't be surprised, given my Christian upbringing. From that point onward, I basically felt a hot flash of shame whenever the word 'tickling' was said, seeing tickling in a movie or show, etc. To the point that, even to this day, there's a good chance that I'll at least get a little flushed in the cheeks if a woman mentions being ticklish.
It's funny now, cause that little weird obsession became known among the neighborhood friends that we used to play 'kick the can' with. And since I was actually fairly athletic in my young teen years, one of my neighbors had a method of getting me to play with them so I could compete with her sister (who was, at least, equally as athletic if not more). She'd lift her arm and let me tickle her armpit for ten seconds if I agreed to play. I have no fucking idea how she didn't put two and two together that it was a fetish, but I guess she had the same sort of Christian upbringing I did. I wonder if she realizes nowadays what a weird little freak I was back then.
Hopefully that was at least mildly interesting to read. I was an embarrassing mess when I was younger. So if you were too, don't fret, there are plenty more with the same sort of stories. All the best.