/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Unbound Tickling Anonymous 12/05/2021 (Sun) 04:55:42 Id: a4ac2c No. 8544 [Reply] [Last]
Pinned, wrestling, willing lee, anything that doesn't involve bondage
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>>62538 thanks

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Unpopular opinions Anonymous 11/24/2023 (Fri) 00:33:40 Id: 452353 No. 57435 [Reply] [Last]
Unpopular opinions are vogue right now what hot takes on this fetish will have you like pic related, /tkr/?
Edited last time by Flatty on 12/16/2023 (Sat) 06:53:59.
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>>80977 lol get raped retard
>>80977 Not if we eat you first, bitch.
>>80985 And Zion Don won, so. Politics is fake, you stupid faggots. Stop arguing about who's israeli plant is better and start arguing about tickling

e-celebs, STAs, etc Anonymous 12/04/2021 (Sat) 06:23:25 Id: fa281d No. 8466 [Reply] [Last]
what are the ethics around tickleporn of ecelebs/their avatars? is it much different than that of normal celebs or vtubers? and who would you wanna see get it?
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>>80185 Rightfully so. You finished your part! Not your fault Kron couldn't finish his. On behalf of everyone waiting, we sincerely thank you for the effort you *did* put in!
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>>9178 I express my desire to tickle Maya's sides.

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>>70953 She has been keeping it up.

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Tickling Pokemon Anonymous 09/13/2021 (Mon) 01:16:11 Id: 4b0fed No. 868 [Reply] [Last]
If making your pokemon fight eachother to unconsciousness is ok, then surely tickle torturing them for your own pleasure is perfectly fine too, right?
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"what will you do?" Here's what I'll do >Go, Tentacruel! Go, Tangrowth! >FIGHT >Tentacruel used WRAP! >The wild Lopunny can't move! >Tangrowth used TICKLE! >The wild Lopunny's attack fell! >The wild Lopunny's defense fell! >Tentacruel's attack continues! >The wild Lopunny can't move! >Tangrowth used TICKLE! >The wild Lopunny's attack fell! >The wild Lopunny's defense fell! >Tentacruel's attack continues! >The wild Lopunny can't move!

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>>76734 Honestly need more Lopunny tickling art. I feel her cute charm ability can actually backfire on her, making the situation worse for her at least. Each touch making her tickler infatuated, they don't want to stop making her laugh.
need moar arts of big soft and sensitive raichu paws getting tickled silly

OCs that you want to see fucking TICKLED Anonymous 10/10/2022 (Mon) 21:33:41 Id: c98bb0 No. 30861 [Reply] [Last]
post OCs that are going woefully untickled, either because their artists aren't ticklefags or maybe they are, but are lazy or not doing it for whatever reason
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KrylonHeretic on twitter has a pretty cute cat character named Omen, and I'd love to see him get utterly wrecked with tickles. He's a silly hitman sort of character who shares a body Killer 7 style with another cat named Oscar, but I mostly just wanna see Omen tickled to the point of breaking, I just find him really cute for some reason.
From the older women/shota thread. She deserves a taste of her own medicine
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Tickled while tickling Anonymous 11/09/2021 (Tue) 12:42:42 Id: e6ad1d No. 6423 [Reply] [Last]
Hath science gone too far?
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Girls that love it Anonymous 09/27/2021 (Mon) 23:18:02 Id: 908f84 No. 1789 [Reply] [Last]
There's just something so hot about when she doesn't mind her predicament
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Your first coom Anonymous 11/13/2023 (Mon) 21:41:07 Id: 4c95ee No. 56896 [Reply] [Last]
What was your first coom? I remember being 20+ years ago and seeing this image. For some reason I just thought of how much fun it would be to find a woman being tickled on her feet.I searched on the internet and this image was one that came up. I loved seeing them tied up and tickled on their feet and the rest was history.
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>>80908 those are two different people. dumb bitch.
I remember that I'd always had a very weird fixation and obsession with feet and tickling when I was very young, like 5-6 years of age. Obviously well before any sense of a sex drive, it was just a really weird obsession of mine that didn't go away. I remember having a blast playing 'tickle tag' with some family friends, chasing them around and tickling them, even licked one of their feet. This obsession stuck with me for basically all of my formative years. As I got older and internet started becoming more of a thing, that obsession had bloomed into something more that, thanks to my shitty homeschooling background, I was not prepared for. I googled "Relina Peacecraft Tickling" and I think I found a story of some kind around it (I had a Gundam Wing obsession for a time). My brother found out and shamed me for it, so I gave up that hunt for awhile. But reading some of that content, I think, was the real 'awakening', realizing that this was more than a weird obsession. Several years later, my sister and her friend were on the computer doing things and I was in the corner of the room, under a blanket and just idling chatting with them. But her friend was barefoot and kept like...scrunching and wiggling her toes and I kept imaging running over and just tickling them and it became too much. Like the antisocial, poorly educated boy I was, I just kept grinding against my own hand, unsure what I was even doing, until it happened. With literally no understanding or knowledge of what was going on, I wordlessly stood and rushed to the bathroom, sitting on the toilet and basically trying to figure out what the hell happened. I eventually waited until it seemed clear enough to race upstairs and change, too ashamed of whatever happened to ever try it again. Not the best first experience, but I guess I can't be surprised, given my Christian upbringing. From that point onward, I basically felt a hot flash of shame whenever the word 'tickling' was said, seeing tickling in a movie or show, etc. To the point that, even to this day, there's a good chance that I'll at least get a little flushed in the cheeks if a woman mentions being ticklish. It's funny now, cause that little weird obsession became known among the neighborhood friends that we used to play 'kick the can' with. And since I was actually fairly athletic in my young teen years, one of my neighbors had a method of getting me to play with them so I could compete with her sister (who was, at least, equally as athletic if not more). She'd lift her arm and let me tickle her armpit for ten seconds if I agreed to play. I have no fucking idea how she didn't put two and two together that it was a fetish, but I guess she had the same sort of Christian upbringing I did. I wonder if she realizes nowadays what a weird little freak I was back then. Hopefully that was at least mildly interesting to read. I was an embarrassing mess when I was younger. So if you were too, don't fret, there are plenty more with the same sort of stories. All the best.
>>80645 That's so hot. Happy she was cool about it or that could've sucked.

Blindfolds and gags/mouth coverings Anonymous 04/22/2022 (Fri) 19:32:48 Id: ee0481 No. 19952 [Reply] [Last]
One, the other, or both, anything that features the lee being gagged and/or blindfolded. Sensory deprivation is so fucking hot when combined with tickling.
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Tickled Beyond Limits Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 02:38:08 Id: 703735 No. 75996 [Reply]
Looking for anything depicting the lee being tickled to extreme levels that result in a mental break, insanity, exhaustion, passing out, etc. A small nuance from the Tickle Hell thread is looking for things with a bit more realism. In the other thread, lees are tickled forever which is unrealistic because of physical and mental limits. Here I would like to see those limits acknowledged in some way.
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>>80681 Goddamn dude some of the best work I've seen in years.
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Tickle Models that Fake their Reactions Anonymous 02/23/2025 (Sun) 01:33:45 Id: 1eec24 No. 80805 [Reply]
No fake tickles here! Give some examples of models that are fake lees. I know Honey is one of them. Who else is a bad lee or fakes their reaction. I hate seeing lers that are barely touching the lee too.
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>>80895 "Resistence is futile... you will be ticklish!"
>>80893 Damn, an actual based take. And you've gone ahead and pinpointed the source of my overall disinterest in modern tickle porn, that is, the overwhelming lack of chemistry between most lers and lees.
>>80833 Our community is a fetish community any porn related community is bound to be garbage, don't let that stop us from having standards we're only into tickling. JUST tickling. That's all, no more no less, so we're entitled to at LEAST want the only thing this "community" is all about to be remotely real, no?

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WTFeather thread Anonymous 08/15/2022 (Mon) 23:05:06 Id: aa2fc6 No. 27002 [Reply] [Last]
Surprised there isn't a WTFeather thread here. Post your fav pics of their artwork!
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>>78893 wtf is the point of the tickling being there if it’s just gonna be orgasm-focused shit in the end??
>>78893 Alright, maybe a little upset. It's in the same setting, but they don't actually do anything with it, so...
The best work are the ones where they are holding in their laughter, I wont lie wtf is good with those expressions. ex: Zelda, Komi/Marin, Ahsoka. I think the edging could be depicted in better ways too.

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Japan tickling clips that are actually good Anonymous 06/08/2022 (Wed) 04:47:27 Id: 12b8b6 No. 22795 [Reply] [Last]
They are rare and most of them are unfortunately previews only, meaning you have to buy them to watch the full video. Still, there are probably hidden gems and I feel like they warrant their own thread.
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>>80826 That would be sick, i love these japanese hags. Thanks anon.
>>80831 >>80880 SANA https://gofile.io/d/aeUMNY TSUBAKI https://gofile.io/d/B8syia Also don't ask for any more clips from the XCREAM link. It's like asking for videos directly from Clip4Sale, it's not likely anyone here can buy them. These clips were leaked because they're part of a Chinese pirated pool, similar if not identical to tickling-videos and Keep2Share, like here's where the YUI clip probably comes from; https://www.tkpinjio.com/8139.html
>>80884 Thank you so much Anon. Although i got the videos from a telegram chat where they shared a ton of leaked chinese / japanese videos. https://t.me/TickleVaultVideos I assume those videos originally came from the site you linked.

Ticklecest Anonymous 10/08/2021 (Fri) 04:41:22 Id: 150860 No. 2679 [Reply] [Last]
Post any media that involves family members getting tickle together or just tickling each other.
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Not technically incest, but this was Ashley, my almost stepsister to be. My mom's boyfriend at the time was of course divorced and Ashley and her mom lived out of state. This meant that Ashley occasionally popped in over the years they were together but she was really hot. Anyways that first photo is from a trip we all took to a national park. She was with us for a couple of weeks that summer. During the same visit she wore those very sexy thong sandals almost the whole time and it was driving me crazy. So the morning after we all got back home I figured everyone else would be tired and so I woke up a little earlier and there she was barefoot on the couch knocked out. I snapped a couple of photos and went back to bed. But then I came out a little later and she had switched positions, now on her back with her foot out on the armrest. So I took some more shots then did the unthinkable. I had to touch. I poked the arch and nothing. Then I grabbed a cutip and ran it across but still nada. So then I licked my fingertip and ran it across then scratched the stem of her second toe and they lightly twitched. I proceeded to phase two and just took a deep whiff on the toes. There was a light corn chip scent. Finally I took a deep long from the base under the toes all the way to the heel. But being an idiot I proceeded to suck on then lightly nibble the heel. That's when out of nowhere her foot flinched and kicked me. I quickly jumped away and ran into my room. Luckily I left the door open. I then nonchalantly strolled out and she was sitting up confused and told me that the cat woke her up because it must've bit her foot. My cat had been constantly trying to smell and lick her feet the whole time she was there ( just like me) so he was a perfect alibi.
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A photo I got with the flash. I wish I had video of my interaction with her gorgeous foot but I was terrified the whole time she would get up or someone would barge in. And then with what happened it all went straight out the window.
>>80744 May I know the sauce for this?

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Finding artist to commission Anonymous 06/19/2023 (Mon) 17:16:58 Id: 304420 No. 48178 [Reply]
How would you do that? All I know on DA have their commissions closed or are rather expensive. Any tips to find good artists that are open for new work?
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>>80863 Sure! Where can I find your stuff?
>>80866 I don't have a page anywhere but I have done some stuff here on 8chan. If you want you can also message me on Discord. My username is tkanon43
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>>80866 Here's some stuff I've done in other threads...

Tentickles Anonymous 11/19/2022 (Sat) 09:22:40 Id: ae483a No. 33993 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for all kinds of tickling tentacles and tendrils, both naughty and nice ones.
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>>76754 >>80469 I love those tentacles ending in knobby or prickly tips man, they look like they'd tickle the absolute shit out of you. Anyways, this is pretty kino: https://exhentai.org/g/3228349/ec9c93d407/
>>80469 Source for this picture?

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