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Ticklish Facial Expressions Anonymous 06/28/2022 (Tue) 01:16:48 Id: aa1718 No. 23936
Simultaneously the best and most underrated aspect of tickle fetish smut. Post your favorite, talk about the ones you like and the ones you don't.
For me, it's pictures or picture sets that have the lee trying to hold it in desperately only to transition to them bursting out into hysterical laughter. Nothing is more chef kiss than that.
anyone got some good facial expressions to share? i'm drawing a pic right now and i'm having trouble nailing down the facial expression.
>>34347 > if they wear eyeliner its completely run down THIS. This is something I like NEVER see in tickling art but for some reason really gets me going. I think because it implies the lee has been laughing for a long time already.
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Lees having their eyes shut tightly is a classic, but nothing can beat frantic, desperate, tired eyes that are just begging their ler to stop. Heres an example of that from draft sketch for a commission I ordered.
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Got some more sketches for expressions from the artist I commissioned. Which one is your fave?
>>36105 How much did you paid for this?
>>36107 pay*
>>36107 $40, for a full pic with a variant in her expression. Artist threw in 2 variants for free due to some stuff that happened (nothing major happened, but I appreciate the freebies regardless). These sketches are just the artist showing me her expressions in case any changes had to be done.
>>36105 1 is clearly the superior expression here
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>>36119 I asked the artist to retouch 2 a bit and I think it now competes with 1
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I love this Expressions so much!
masterclass in emotions. Love her or hate her, the way she draws lee’s expressions really gets me in the mood.
>>36639 snailyns expressions are so hot. I really wish she’d focus on them more sometimes, but i get that she’s appealing to the foods crowd. And hey, gags and blindfolds are hot too, so whatever.
Nothing better than a lee that is completely losing her shit
this thread's full of bangers so there's not much for me to say but i'm definitely into lees whose hysterical expressions have a degree of panic in there
>>34366 Why does remind me of Charlie brown when he screams ARGHHH!?
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I know it aint everyone's cup of tea, but I personaly love it when the lee is trying to hold it in. Even more so if its a usually stoic/serious person and you know that youll get them to crack if you push on for just a little further.
>>39457 That’s such a static pose…she looks like she’s sleeping. He tried to add lines around her but that’s not enough to create movement…he’s an amazing artist but his expressions are kinda meh.
>>39459 I mean... You can clearly see that the initial idea of the drawing was just a feet tease, I think that's the reason why many of the tickle variations of his drawings kinda suck.
>>39457 I don't want to add to the ongoing dogpile of Kusujinn hate so I'll say something positive instead. I like how soft he makes his soles look.
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Muriyari egao is on a class of their own in terms of this. And just in general, really.
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No one else is doing it like staerk, i swear. Best tickling artist as of recently.
>>42125 lmao
>>39520 >Muriyari egao Sause for the tranlated one?
>>42127 What? The way they make the expressions and tickling are great.
>>42125 >that Toph pic Fucking diamonds
>>39457 Yeah, it looks pretty cute
>>42132 It's complete in the translation thread, along with a bunch of other stuff.
>>42169 >this artist >doesn't share the name maybe retard can give sauce before huffing more foot odour
I really like Yor's desperately ticklish facial expression here, I just with it was a rougher form of tickling causing it lol. Some long nails, a hairbrush, something like that.
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I got a commission from my man Jstratus where the main focus is the facial expressions and not the tickling causing them. I've always thought that the expression is what makes or breaks a pic (and a lee desperately trying to hold it back is way hotter than outright laughter if the strain and distress are intense enough.)
>Suprise/Panic >Hard laughter >No smiling or suppressed smiling/Showing distress or anger >Holding in laughter while annoyed >Obvious signs of embarrassment

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