/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Drawthread Anonymous 09/03/2021 (Fri) 00:42:12 Id: 32b21f No. 287
Other boards have 'em, maybe we can, too? maybe a kindly drawfriend will look on your request with ffavor, it only takes one. 1. post references 2. be specific, maybe even do that thing where you draw stick figures as refrences to better convey what you're seeking 4. be patient 3. don't bitch
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>>287 Saw this guy in the color thread; if anyone's willing to take on some NSFW furry/scaley stuff. I'm thinking this guy gets licked, cock and paws, cumming, tears streaming down his face, red in the face, slobber maybe? As for posing and stuff? Since this is pretty much a freebie, I say do what you're comfortable with, I'm just grateful to have anyone take interest.
>>337 I think Sodie saw this thread m8
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>>1272 I'll admit I didn't think much of the concept/character, but...
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Requesting Katina Tarask from Super Robot Wars getting her feet tickled and trying not to laugh. Interrogation style. Also requesting some stink on her feet but if thats too weird forget it.
Requesting the Animated Series version of Felicia Hardy getting her feet tickled, maybe in a scenario like in second pic.
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It's a bizarre life, the fetish life, wherein a friend texts me a random sticker of a random character and I stare at it for a good 2 seconds with a raised eyebrow because it looks like 50% of something that would be right at home with the rest of the stuff in my collection. Any kind drawnons want to help complete the image with what is so obviously missing? No luck will just lead me to imagine all sorts of fun stuff being done to the rest of the body of this winged lady, just like I am already, so it'll turn out alright anyhow.
>>2754 this looks like theflyinghamster drew it
>>2754 Not sure if you know this, but that comes from a pack of stickers for use on Telegram. I'm currently looking for the original artist. Once found, I'll post where you can go to contact them. If you want.
>>2756 You're not wrong. Now, if only we could get the guy to "complete" it... >>3336 Nah, don't worry mate, I have no business with them. Unless the rest of the pack is literally filled with stickers of this lady where she's also rofling like a tickle monster's got a hold of her feet/thighs/and/or/sides just off screen I guess. Then I might have some questions.
>>3354 Nah, just a bunch of other various emotions referring to the creative arts. Literally based on the Muses of Greek lore.
Looking to try hand at NSFW work. I've been learning pixel art for a while, so I might as well contribute. Any requests? I'd like to do some sword and shield fantasy characters. Any IP, just the more western the design the better.
I'm feeling drawlerly too, any requests? weird ones?
>>10065 I'd love to see Scout Harding from the Dragon Age series getting it
>>10066 I don't know how weird this would really be, but there's always room for more Dark Souls love in the tickle sphere. Priscilla is my personal favorite, but if you're going for a more unusual pick, the Dancer of the Boreal Valley could also be fun.
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>>10065 >I'd like to do some sword and shield fantasy characters. My dude. Love me some good classic fantasy tickling. How about Lydia from Skyrim? She always struck me as a cute lee. You mentioned doing pixel art and I don't know how complex that can get, so I'm trying to lean towards simpler designs.
>>10066 If it's weird you want then I'd love to see Valkyr from the game Warframe get some tickles please
>>10086 >>10091 Yo, those designs are sick. Just what I was looking for. I'll see what I can do, and then maybe you'll be able to have an idea of the range of pixel art.
>>10098 It is *really* hard to get the posing right. Much respect to the artists who do this stuff regularly.
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>>10112 This uh, might take me a bit. I've been working nonstop since my last post and I'm still working on posing... And usually detailing is what takes me the most time. >>10086 Fantastic character though, I see why you wanted her drawn.
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>>10119 Hmmm...
>>10097 canonically the grineer tortured the shit out of her. maybe that included tickles.
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>>10065 If you are not committed to work too overwhelmingly, I would suggest the Ranger, the Witch or the Scion from Path of Exile.
>>10226 I've scrapped and redrawn that Lace Harding pic like four times now, I've had to learn a bunch about anatomy. I don't think my ego has it in me to switch drawings now ahahaha. But afterwards though... Those are some cool designs.
kys pedo
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Suisei simp here. I humbly request for an upperbody tickle pic of her.
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>seen artists draw requests in like three other threads >none have been in the drawthread huh.
>>10786 I'm guilty of this lmao.
Miss Pauling from TF2 is very cute, I don't think there's many good tickle stuff of her besides this pic and a few boring SFMs
>>10786 Suppose a thread made specifically for requests is not necessarily as conductive for creativity as the ones with other content and discussion where the requests and ideas might happen more 'naturally'.
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>>10786 The requests here suck that's why. Nothing grabs my attention like other threads.
>>10786 i've thought about doing one but all of this is very...not my field? i just don't find anything cool in any of these.
>>10794 what is your field?
>>10793 >>10794 I agree with these, none of the requests here are my cup of tea. The other threads have that type of stuff.
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>>10623 Wonder if the Suisei simp is still here after a week...ah well, heck it I'm still putting it here. Excuse me for not making the hair and stuff "clean", not gonna burn time making it better when I'm not even sure OP will even check back to see this
>>10623 Also I'm not really familiar with this character
>>11352 Idk if they’re still here but I’ll just say that this is absolutely adorable stuff! Great work, anon!~
>>11352 looks great!
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>>10793 >>10843 you particular towards weeb shit or Western? At any rate, one of you should try some old Betty and Veronica "vintage" themed shit, should it please you.
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I NEED to see this cuteass clown doll getting tickled more >>11208 >>11208
>>11376 if Jingle is too chibi for your liking, this doll could use it too.
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>>11352 Goodness, I never actually expected that someone will draw one, thanks a bunch Anon! Hoshimachi Suisei is basically an idol from the vtuber group Hololive. Given how popular vtubers are worldwide, it's disappointing how little tickle art there is out there (specifically Suisei art lol) One small (hehe) detail about her is that she is flat chested, but it's still okay since it's not that obvious from the reference I gave. Still, great art!
>>11402 >One small (hehe) detail about her is that she is flat chested, but it's still okay since it's not that obvious from the reference I gave. Still, great art! Ah...I see....sorry bout that! You don't even *actually* really need to give a reference, and I hardly used your reference. Artists will just google the shit out of what you ask for. I got tricked by the medium-chested pictures that I found online...guess artists usually like to exaggerate that part.
>>11406 No worries Is that so? I guess one pic isn't enough for a reference then lol
>>11378 Who exactly is this and what series is this from
>>11418 the doll threads on /trash/ and /aco/ theres a booru http://doll-stuffing.booru.org/
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Couldn't be assed to clean this up
>>16817 she cute
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Requesting a pic of Robin using a tickle spell on Lissa's bare feet (if not her entire naked body), much to the latter's enjoyment.
>>17736 Based Lissachad strikes again
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Requesting this girl getting tickled from behind, bonus points if you add her reaction face
>>11402 Considering Suisei is friends with Nijisanji's Inui Toko and her sister occasionally pops up on streams, a pic where Suisei gets tickled by either Inui or Amemachi would be fun to see.
>>17736 I second this-
Sup Lum
I could've sworn that I saw that there was a novice drawfag thread but I guess it's not on this board. Anyway, I want to draw some footfag (And later otherfag) stuff. How do I stop myself from giving up because I can't draw it in one go? Anyone got tips for not giving up because it looks like shit? I don't know why I am the way I am but I have lots of ideas that I want to do but can't because I look at my lines and they look like crap and I can't look past that.
>>17850 I think that was another thread
requesting Haydee from the second game strapped to a stretcher getting her feet tickled by Haydee from the first game
Requesting this deer getting her feet tickled. Any pose works.
>>27812 I got you. Any specifics you want? Regular toes? Hoof toes? Number of toes? Ler character?
>>27835 On mobile so my ID is probably different. Normal human feet preferably, honestly no preference on ler, maybe some rando other deer , just wanna see her soles get tickled. feel free to go ham my man. How about this, I’m a bit of a drawfag myself. Anything you want to see? I’ll make you something in return.
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>>27836 >I’m a bit of a drawfag myself
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>>27836 Here you go. Not gonna lie, took me a minute to come up with a request but how about Lop from Star Wars Visions? Upperbody focus, the rest is up to you.
>>27851 You got it
>>27851 Also it looks absolutely wonderful, appreciate you for doing this homie

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Welp, here goes nothing, but seeing that sometimes there are lucky people, I want to try. I'd love to see a drawing where some lemurs tickled the chubby and big belly of Gloria the hippo since there isn't any tickle art from her (apart from the one of emperor nortoll). So, I know it's quite difficult, but, any volunteers?

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Zarya putting Brigette in a headlock with one arm and tickling her ribs with her free hand as Bri tries and fails to get away
>>11352 there's a massive lack of Suisei art tbh, cheers for fixing that! Hope to see more in the future
>>27863 seconding
I'd like to see someone draw aradia megido from homestuck being tickled. Draw her naked, slightly chubby, and with her being tickled by floating hands (with or without tools) while shes restrained. Her armpits, sides, navel, breasts, vagina, and feet should all be targeted. She should have a deep burgundy colored blush as well. Thanks for your time, if you choose to accept.
>>27861 Cringe.
>>27894 I forgot to mention this in the post, but the wings are part of the outfit, please dont include them
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Can someone draw vorteil (by camooh) being tickled? Her upperbody and inner thighs should be tickled, clothing is optional.

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>>28003 A few additional reference images
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Hey guys, I just wanted some feedback on a facial expression I'm working on, figured it'd be the right thread to ask if it looks fucky or if it's just me who spent too much time on it and now I just can't tell if it's good or not. Pic related
>>28010 Looks okay to me.
>>28010 That looks like it identical to a friend of mine from Ireland it’s so crazy
>>28039 Thanks for the feedback, after a night of sleep I looked at it again, seems fine to me too, gonna start colouring it >>28042 Well if you've ever dreamt of seeing her getting a proper tickle torture on her soles then I got you covered fam
>>28010 Kinda reminds me of ColorPandora (which is a compliment).
>>27851 wow, I really like your style! can you take more requests?
Would actually kill to see some Suisei foot tickles. Surprising lack of it around
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>>27851 >>28220 i'd like to add that i can also do art trades or commission you if you're more so inclined! pic related is a picture i was working on
>>28246 It’s me the deerbro, I haven’t forgotten about drawing lop, I’ve just been busy as shit, I won’t leave you hanging
>>28247 oh I'm not the guy that requested lop; I was wondering if the guy who drew the deer gal is still doing requests or art trades or whatever
>>28248 Thats me, I can't do a lot of requests at once. I only really do them if something catches my eye when I actually have some time but I also do commissions here: https://www.deviantart.com/anothertkranon if you want to find me in the future, though I am closed there at the moment.
>>28251 great work! I'm on dA as https://www.deviantart.com/sarrancinia ; if you like my stuff would you consider art trades?
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>>28251 >>28257 won't deny, i would have an art trade with either one of yous any day of the week.
>>28257 >>28264 Yeah, I wouldn't mind doing art trades
>>28281 awesome, my first art trade!! :D is it fine to contact you on dA chat?
>>28293 Yeah man, go right ahead
>>28264 you should post your art ;>
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Drawfags, you're not drawing...
>>28296 here's some random sketches i have that i will turn into art soon; first 3 are OCs, i wonder if anyone can guess the last character
>>28300 they're god damn adorable. 4 looks familiar but I can't put a name to her.
>>28301 hint, it's she's from monster high :o
>>28296 fuckin' give me something to draw then! i already drew >>28279 this shit today!
>>28306 Does this mean you're taking requests?
>>28307 depends on what you want and if i feel like doing it.
>>28308 Could you draw hornet from hollow knight being tickled?
>>28309 .....reference?
>>28313 A reference from the game, or an artists interpretation?
>>28315 either or, and a method of tickling.
>>28316 Heres a reference. Haver her arms restrained above her head, and restrain her legs as well. If possible, have her tickled all over by tools held by floating hands. Tickle her armpits, navel, sides, and vagina if possible. She has no mouth, so for her expression there should only be tears streaming down her face. anything else is up to you, thank you for your time.
>>28308 Hey, so how about this? >>27861 Maybe since you like drawing chubby lees you'd like to do it. You can replace the lemurs by some hands if you think it's too much work, I don't mind~
(278.12 KB 1329x1299 FbyE4I4XwAIljNd.jpg)

>>28306 Please draw this OC of yours getting humbled and having her big belly wrecked by tickles, I am down atrocious.
>>28316 (Same guy who requested hornet btw) If you didnt like the method i suggested, i would like for you to devise your own, if you like.
>>28323 Definitely would love to see that too, please!! That belly needs some tickles
>>28317 i already got an idea for her! >>28323 >>28331 thank you for liking my OCs anons! it really does mean a lot to me, i'm still trying to come up with something solid, but i'm starting to get an idea. that said, unfortunate news, i think i may be starting tomorrow, since...well, today has just been fucking shit, i gotta crunch some homeworks and i'm generally tired from going to the gym, so i'm sorry for the cocktease :(
>>28376 It's alright, take as much time as you need, i'm just glad you liked the suggestions from this channel. I look forward to seeing what you create.
I feel like someone should draw kilinah's kali getting tickled
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Saruei deserves tickles
>>28378 okay, this is the sketch for it! the idea is that she's caught by a bunch of these moss guys i found on the wiki which i assume work really good as fluffy ticklers. that said, i got some other drawings i need to work on, so you tell me if you want me to finish it or if you're taking it to the coloring thread. i hope you enjoy!
>>28526 (Guy who requested hornet) Nice job, this looks really good so far! If it isn't too much trouble, i'd like for you to finish it if you can. Thanks for working on this!
>>28530 here you go, couldn't think much for the background, but i hope it doesn't take away from the main piece.
>>28608 Well done, thank you! I could probably make a simple background by editing in the lines between the mossy guys, if you like.
>>28609 it's yours now, knock yourself out
Bumping this thread in case any artists wanna look at it.
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Can someone draw whygena's reggie being tickled on his tummy or paws please? There are so many images of him showing off his tummy and navel, its like hes asking for it.
>>28482 Looks cute, any specific poses you have in mind?
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Can someone draw niko from oneshot getting tickled?
Bumping this thread
any chance someone can draw Arya from Inheritance Cycle books getting tickled?
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any chance someone can draw Fuuko Izumo from Undead Unluck getting tickled?
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>>28482 Heres what i made, i hope it is to your satisfaction
Any artists taking requests?
>>30475 Could you draw vriska serket from homestuck being tickled? Heres a reference, if you decide to do it.
>>30487 This is the most autistic character request ive had yet but sure ill do it, she looks cute
>>28323 i've been thinking about this one for a while, but i'm fucking stumped cuz i don't know what to do, if you're still down for it tell me your wildest dreams and i'll crack down on it.
Could someone draw Taylor Hebert from Worm being tickled? In or out of costume, whichever you want, just maybe no bugs tickling her; insectophobia. Which is why miss “I’m gonna shove bugs in your eyes” needs many tickles.
>>30504 Thanks, i look forward to seeing what you create.
>>30506 Well she's a plant right? Why not one of those "big toothy mouth" plants that has her in its vines, tickling her belly while the mouth raspberries the navel and tongues the inside? Or multiple little mouths.
>>30504 Any progress so far?
>>31043 Was Busy with another project, this one is the next one i will be focusing on
>>31060 Thanks, glad to hear it!
>>29627 seconding this
>>31061 You care if she has stockings?
>>31314 I would prefer if she had bare feet
>>31319 Do you perfer her naked or with clothes?
>>31328 Either in just a bikini, or naked, your choice i guess
>>31330 If you draw her naked, draw her nipples and vagina being tickled.
>>31331 One last thing, this characters blood is blue, so if you draw her genitalia or give her blush, it should be colored blue if you can. Thanks for doing this.
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>>31333 Hello here is what ive created i hope this is to your satisfaction
>>31440 Well done, thanks!
Any artists here currently taking requests?
>>31486 post a request and we'll find out
>>31489 Are you an artist?
>>28477 >>28003 >>29469 >>31497 Alright, how about some of these requests i posted in the past?
>>31498 To clarify, i dont mean all of them, just suggestions.
>>337 Still up for this if anyone's willin
>>31497 So, anything? Were you an artist after all?
Perhaps the requests aren’t based enough
Halloween Request; Cordelia from Dead Estate needs her fat tits tickled tbh
>>31623 Obviously the requests were too normie-tier. This moth needs tickles. succomb to the moth s u c c o m b t o t h e m o t h
>>31625 I have never seen this character before but I support this and want to see it.
Bumping this
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>>31625 I didn't know this character or the game, but I liked her, and since it's almost halloween I decided to make this sketch, I also researched about the game and it looks cool .
>>31910 Wow, man, thanks a lot for your work.
I was wondering if some kindly draw friend would do their best to replicate the artistic style of this piece and add in some sorely needed feet tickling in the same manner as the rest of her body is being subjected to. Please and thank you!
Could someone draw Peregrine Mendicant (the tall, white one) from homestuck being tickled in this general art style? I like the way this fan artist draws her feet and i wanna see her tickled.

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Carrying this from the OC thread, requesting the loli version of Bluish's OC Lina getting her nipples tickled please.
Any artists doing requests?
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>>29469 cute request
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Could someone alter this to have one eye closed and her tongue sticking out?
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>>33027 Thanks
>>33018 Nice, i didnt expect anyone to do that one! Well done, thank you!
I think there should be a naughtier pic of reggie being tickled. Smurfette image is how i think it should be posed and restrained, and the other images are references. He should be naked, being tickled by hands all over his body, and he should look like hes in hysterics. Thank you for your time if anyone chooses to do this.
>>33074 Actually, naked or in just a bikini if possible
Bumping this
>>33074 Bumping for smurfette and not Reggie
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Found this on twitter, i think they should be tickled
drawing... is hard
>>33549 oh my fucking god she's so cute.
>>33549 >>34300 nobody wants this obese shit wtf, you have no chance with any confident female so you have to sexualize unattractive features and force yourself to like fat women
>>34301 You’re trying to kink shame…on a fetish forum?
>>34301 >he doesn't like a soft round belly to play with lmao faggot
>>34305 >>34302 It's probably low test loli faggots seething because their gay pedo shit is getting steadily purged off the internet.
>>34330 No, I just don’t find fat women attractive because my standards aren’t lowered from consistent rejection like most of you. I genuinely cannot understand the attraction to morbidly obese women
>>34333 >p-people like different things than me?? impossibur!!! tell us about all the mad pussy you pull daily, anon. Do the girls panties just drop when you tell them you wanna suck their toes?
Any artists currently taking requests?
>>34333 I'm a 30+ years old wizard and only fap to conventionally attractive women (drawings included), so I don't really see what sexual experience or lack of them has to do with whatever a person fetishizes.
Bumping again
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Would love if someone converted this to a tickling picture, having hands come from the chair or something and tickle her while she's in the same pose but trying to escape
>>37266 might take a crack at this but do you mind if i change her to one of my own chars?
>>37296 No one gives a shit about your oc's, get over yourself.
>>37312 good job completely wrongly assuming my intent you fucking autist, I'm wanting to draw my own character because I'm more familiar with them and their personality than some random unknown person's OC who probably has no idea their art was posted here, not because I'm trying to get people to notice my oc.
>>37296 >>37314 Do it anyway, should be good
(5.98 MB 640x522 not-funny-didnt-laugh.gif)

>>37314 Well the *intent* of a drawthread is to the draw the specific characters in the request you fuck-knuckle, if you can only draw your own characters then kindly fuck off.
>>37326 >>37312 Holy shit dude can you shut the fuck up >drawfag is nice enough to do a FREE request >be as rude as possible when they want to slightly modify the FREE request to their liking I wish cunts like these could fuck right off. All he wanted to do was change the character but keep the pose and everything else and you're still complaining?? Beggars can't be fucking choosers you nigger. Also drawfag if you are still here don't listen to this absolutely retarded cockmongling faggot, we wouldn't mind what character you do, there hasn't been a request fulfilled here in months and we'd love to see it!
>>37326 >noo you're not using the heccin imageboard right!
(1.28 MB 1439x1633 fuckyou.jpg)

>>37326 I sincerely hope you are not the original requester because you clearly don't deserve any art, but since other people had expressed interest I actually finished it. If you had just said "no I prefer the original character" in a non-autistic way I would've been happy to oblige but no, you had to ruin it for everybody including yourself by being an ass. But I did it anyway and was even planning on lining it etc but you won't see a bit of it except this sketch. Fuck you.
>>37384 it's great
>>37384 Sketch looks nice
>>37384 No, I'm the original requester and I think the sketch looks amazing! Thank you for doing that for me
>>37401 Thanks, and since I don't enjoy being an autistic asshole online like the other guy nor do i believe others should be punished for the actions of one retard, put down a social of some kind (like dA) and I'll send you the entire rough sketch because that screenshot isn't the whole thing. as you're the original requester it would kinda suck if a random wanker fucked it all up for you.
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Best I could do
>>37443 based
>>37438 Made a throwaway dA account so you could send it: https://www.deviantart.com/throwinthings Thank you again, I really appreciate it
>>37443 Looks cute, I like it! Thank you!
(1.90 MB 1440x2960 sketch .jpg)

>>37456 someone else posted one so I figure I'd post mine too, sorry about making you make a throwaway dA though lol
>>37457 oh and I went with weird robot hand things as you said you wanted them to be a part of the chair, I also beefed up her thighs/chest slightly as a style choice If you want I can probably find time to actually line and color it to turn it into an actual finished piece
>>37458 It's cool man, also I absolutely adore it! Thank you so much for taking my request! >>37459 If you could do that, I'd be incredibly grateful. Can I also ask you to add a hand or two tickling her upper body as well? Maybe her waist and underarm? Also also, your artwork is fantastic. If you have social media somewhere that I could follow, I totally would
>>37465 thanks, glad you like it. i can be found on dA as sarrancinia but even though I'm still quite active as an artist , I'm not posting at the moment. if you want you can commission me to insure that it does become a finished (fully colored and shaded) piece.
Any artists takin requests now?
>>38177 stop asking this and just post your request nigga jesus
>>38183 Well this threads fairly low activity most of the time, so i figure that asking doesnt do much harm
>>38177 what's your request? i may do one if i like it
>>38193 Not that anon but what do you like? Unless you don't want to out yourself as a specific artist lmao
>>38193 Oh, i technically already made a request fir this character, but if you're willing, i'd like to see this character having her feet tickled.
>>38177 man there's not really much I can work with here unfortunately, lol. Honestly I can't even tell the character is a girl ,_, >>38194 I already kind of 'outed" myself so it doesn't really matter, but I usually like drawing female girl characters. I usually don't do a lot of requests but if something catches my attention then I can do a quick sketch
>>38196 Aye, fair enough.
>>38196 If i can make an alternate suggestion, there is also this request i had made a while back. >>27894 I understand if you also dont want to do this one, i appreciate your offer nonetheless.
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I'm bored, taking sketch requests. It'll probably be foot focused so sorry in advance
>>38315 >>32595 How about this one? (Theres also another set of images of this character in a different art style in this post >>38195 )
>>38315 Ise Nanao getting stuck and tickled in her own binding chain spell? Feels like she’s kinda underrated because she’s not a titmonster or loli like most other Bleach girls.
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>>38315 uuuhhh haru okumora being wrapped up with vines and tickled by this alraune? like getting her soles stroked with tendrils or her toes licked by horny little pitcher plants or something? or just the alraune herself going to town on haru if u wanna get more complex? this alraune design is really sexy and more subdued than most i see but its never been in tickle art afaik. if 2 characters is 1 too many even just incorporating the big rose motif in the bondage would be hot i think. whether u take it or leave it thanks for reading.
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>>38318 I don't really get this one but here lol
>>38349 Oh nice, thanks!
>>38320 So is a binding chain spell an actual thing in the anime or is that just the scenario you want? I don't watch Bleach lol
>>38351 Yeah its an actual spell. Well there’s a lot of binding spells, but its one of the easier ones to make sense of. https://bleach.fandom.com/wiki/Sajō_Sabaku There’s also one that just like, sticks a person with six rectangle-looking things that prevent all movement if you’d wanna do that instead. https://bleach.fandom.com/wiki/Rikujōkōrō
>>38349 Good one! Anyone wanna do more Lila? Tickling or not, just anything
>>38349 Your art's pretty good by the way! Good anatomy, nice pose. you have an account where you post these or something?
>>38338 might try doing this later as I like the character design; you said you wanted the rose thing to be a kind of bondage/stocks, correct?
>>38386 Thank you! I think I'll stay anonymous for the time being though, these sketches aren't gonna be posted on my art accounts. Maybe yall will figure it out eventually although I think my style is pretty generic lmao
>>38385 Does she have a proper reference, like below chest?
>>38388 >>38338 also, which outfit do you want the gal being tickled to have? personally I was leaning toward the big pink turtleneck cuz i think it's cute.
>>38349 Oh shit, no one does homestuck tickle art. God bless you, anon
>>38397 Aye, that's fair, i understand wanting to remain anonymous. Still though, your stuff's pretty good. Thanks for doing my request, have a nice day!
>>38399 yeah thats right with the rose. and the big turtleneck's good with me. all her fits are cute but that ones her best so no complaints from me. thanks for asking also.
>>38413 interesting choice, i love the idea of the rose being the bondage tool! i'll see what i can do.
>>38415 Damn she's cute. Might be deserving of a fully rendered piece...
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>>38413 >>38338 is something like this what you had in mind?
>>38421 This is great dude. Not a diss on your style but can I ask what's the appeal of 4 toes for you?
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>>38315 If you're still doing these: Azura from Fire Emblem, in a pose kind of like this to show off her legs, with her panties/stocking thing removed so they're both bare.
>>38422 that's just my style; I choose to draw 4 digits for a more cartoony and stylized appearance and also because there are few artists that do 4 digits.
>>38425 Hey, i dont suppose this offer ( >>38193) is still on the table?
>>38423 Seconded af
>>38427 i could probably try drawing the chubby chick you posted at some point ;>
>>38432 Nice, i look forward to seeing it!
>>38398 >>38418 There is an entire thread dedicated to her on here, she’s our mascot after all! Fully rendered sounds incredible, just don’t hesitate to backtrack and make it just a sketch if it’s too much!
>>38421 yooo this is sick! i really like how she looks in your style and the angular rose looks cool. my favorite is her expression and the vine grabbing her tit is hot too. thank you.
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>>38315 Yo, can I please get some obscure cartoon milf tickles?
>>38451 I'm glad you like it! It was fun drawing character and if you're interested you can commission me and I can fully line, color and shade it
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>>38357 What should I do to her? Sorry about the shitty chain, I was in a rush
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>>38484 Let a couple of Hell Butterflies flutter their wings on her feet? Also this already looks amazing btw.
>>38487 Or even just generic floaty feathers; there's not really any spells in Bleach that can be used to tickle. The non-bondage/sealing ones are mostly pretty... explosion-inducing haha
>>38474 Bumping this one
(1.09 MB 2676x2046 Nanao-2.png)

>>38488 There ya go, enjoy
>>38491 I love how it turned out- thanks! :)
I like the activity this thread has had recently, always nice to see
>>38481 ive never commissioned anything but im kinda thinking about it now. this was the first time ive seen your work so i dont know where you're at. could you post where i could ask you about commissions?
>>38565 thanks for your interest :> you can find me on DA as sarrancinia and we can talk about a possible commission, i'd love to finish up this piece for you!
>>38432 Hey, if you do end up making this, could you post it somewhere other than here? Due to recent events on this board, im no longer comfortable browsing this place.
>>38423 I am interested, would you be fine if some bondage was incorperted into the drawing?
>>38614 if i do end up doing a sketch then i can post it on dA, but it will probably be after I finish some of my own pieces so might take a while
>>38626 Of course, take your time.
>>38385 Also yea sure i have some ideas
>>38733 Holy based, haven't thought about the girls of NMH for a while.
>>38733 BASED SUGGESTION, let me see if I have some time today to sketch something
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I'd love to see a drawing with Jeane from No more heroes getting her feet tickled by Shinobu.
>>38773 Im curious to see it, the NMH girls are underrated
I'd like to see a drawing with Eri Kamataki from Yakuza like a dragon getting her feet tickled by Seong-hui
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>>39607 Holy tits, nice! Thanks for doing this one, it looks super good!
>>39607 Oh, if it ain't too much to ask, and of course if you want to, could we get a version without the panties with some of the tentacles tickling or stroking his cock? I completely understand if not, and again, huge thanks for doing this!
>>39607 Good
First time requesting here Requesting zp92’s Jenn getting her feet oiled and tickle tortured with rotary brushes I would like her position to be like tasha from tickle abuse here, where she’s sitting on the rack with legs spread and feet stocked Sorry if its a mouthful lol
I would like request a picture where Moroha of Yashahime is hogtied,gagged and tickled on their barefeet. I can't understand why is this girl so underrated. There are just a few pictures of her in bondage and tickling situations.
>>40081 What type of gag?
Ball Gag or cleave gag
>>39001 Based af
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I would like request a picture where Viola from Bayonetta 3 getting her feet tickled by Bayonetta
New-to-drawing fag here with a question for artists. Usually how long does it take for a piece for you guys? And when you sketch do you guys do the chicken scratch shit where you piece together a bunch of lines or do you just do swift confident lines? Drawing are hard.
>>40492 Depends on the complexity of the piece. It can take 10-15 hours for me to finish. Some pieces may require 20+ hours of work. Personally, I always try to make confident strokes when I sketch. The stronger your knowledge of anatomy, the more confident your sketch will look. You have to be decisive with your shapes in the sketch stage, really look at what you're trying to draw and decide the shape you need before making a stroke.
>>40492 Anywhere between two hours and two years
>>40455 Can you draw it?
>>40492 It depends on complexity and how much I suck at the time. I do it for hobby only, but I'm some kind ambitious when I draw, and it can take me several days, even up to a whole month (of drawing a few hours everyday). Less I've taken is like 1-2 days, which is like 8-16 hours I would say. I always start with basic shapes, then I try to sketch it, and at first I wanted to do confident lines but they always sucked, so I just draw stuff the best I can even without losing too much time, even if I don't like the result, and I "fix" things when I'm doing the lineart/inking after
>>40492 IT usually takes me a week or two to finish my Drawings, i dont sketch i start by making a blob of color and shaping it into a form
>>40492 I am a chicken scratcher with severe ADHD, sometimes one pic takes me a whole month.
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>>40081 Not sure if youre still here but i finished your request https://www.deviantart.com/fueronlosdiablos/art/Fateful-Night-950031685
I'd like to see someone draw taokaka from blazblue having her feet tickled and licked by those little white ball things dazidentevil draws. Have them sucking and licking between her toes and licking up her soles and anything else that might tickle. Her feet should look like normal human feet, like the way quintonquill drew them. Her head should look how it normally does, not like a generic catgirl like how some people draw her, and her expression should look like she's in hysterics.
>>29627 (Person who made this post) I actually have some more detailed ideas for this. I'd like to see niko wearing either nothing but her hat and a bikini, or nothing but her hat. She should be in a spread eagle position, and be tickled all over her body by plants and flowers that look specifically designed to tickle. Maybe have one of them applying some kind of sensitivity-increasing oil of some kind. She should look like the tickling is driving her absolutely insane, and be begging for it to stop (even though it totally won't).
I know I've had two reggie requests fulfilled already, but I've another idea for one. I want to see reggie in his classic outfit (or with the outfit discarded somewhere within frame), in a position similar to the one in this gahowolf pic. I want to see reggie driven insane by intense tickles, focusing on his butt, butthole, balls, cock, and feet.
>>42363 A dedication to Reggie
Any reqs? Good ones?
>>43551 That one anon from your CuriousCat page here xd
>>43553 I still wanna know where the original of that pic is from.
>>43551 >>31625 Kinda old, but I think it's good
>>43551 A fullbody followup to that derpy piece you did would be cool.
>>43551 Amelia Bedelia trying to figure out why being tickled pink is a good thing. Maybe experiencing a good rib-tickler… get it? ;D
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I wanna see this version of tasque manager tickled, she's practically asking for it with those exposed feet and colored toes, and not to mention that belly.
>>44022 ZAMN she thicc
>>43551 Three expressions of a pokemon of your choice trying not to laugh and failing. Whatever's tickling them is optional. Well I mean all this is optional but you get my point.
>>44022 Found an image by this same artist that includes a better view of her feet and toes.
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I know literally nothing about the owl house, but I do know that I wanna see this big fucking dilf getting tickled in the same general situation and pose as triangles3's "big tickling" piece. His nipples, his big squishy belly, his feet, his navel, his cock and balls, etc, all of that needs tickles asap.
I request a pic with Mariko Hyodo and Haru Okumura getting there belly buttons tickled with there feet absent entirely from the photo.
>>48419 Seconded.
Doing the color wheel challenge but belly button tickling, give me requests
>>48799 May from Guilty Gear for orange
>>48813 Already did May, anyone else?
>>48814 If you still want an orange Asher from Omega strikers, if not Era from Omega strikers for purple
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>>48799 Pauline for red
>>48799 King of Greed for yellow?
Was wanting to request a nude redraw version of the Jasmine tickling picture but this time make Klara the one being tickled.
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If there was any way I could see Ryouna from senran kagura as a tickle slave, mercilessly tickle tortured on her bare feet that would be great.
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Requesting a pic with Chihiro Fushimi(Persona 3) getting her feet tickled by Makoto Yuki.
>>49088 Bound or free hand?
>>49098 Free hand
I got one Sexy 10/10 female Klansman tickled nearly naked by Black Nationals with only her klan hood on
>>49136 As a black man, I second this
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>>49023 Here you go
>>49650 Holy shit that looks amazing! Thanks!
>>49136 Based picture.
Requesting to see Gwen Tennyson from Ben 10 in this same type of bondage getting her feet tickled please.
>>49678 I request to see that same thing too except she gets her belly button tickled, idc about her feet i dont think her feet should be tickled but as long as her belly buttons tickled I think the world will keep spinning. also make it gwen 10000 dont do kid gwen thats just weird. And I don't wanna see Vilgax in that image whatsoever I don't wanna see Vilgax in fetish material I think he deserves better and it's just not in his character.
>>49679 Damn bro, you off your meds today?
>>49687 No no no you don't understand thats not what I asked for thats the opposite
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Requesting a pic with Eri Minami(Persona 4) getting her feet tickled by Yuuta.
Can Someone draw ougi being tickled with xer sleeves tied back like a straightjacket
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>>31625 Working ;D
>>51294 I never expected to see this request fulfilled after so long, but I'm really looking forward to it now!
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Requesting a picture with La Brava (My hero academia) getting her feet tickled by Gentle criminal.
>>52528 Would you want her bound? And how would you want her feet tickled?
>>52536 i prefer a playful scenario like this picture.
>>52536 I like to see La Brava sitting free on a chair and having fun when Gentle criminal tickles her feet with fingers
>>52536 Shortstacks are for complete tickle annihilation
I can't be the only one who would enjoy some tickling art of the collaboration between Hatsune Miku and Pokémon, right? There will be 18 designs (6 so far) and can be seen here: https://www.serebii.net/music/projectvoltage/
I mean come on, the poison type design literally shows off her feet intentionally, plus those massive boots. Just screams "tickle shoes"
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Character reference sheets
>>53680 I thought the same, glad someone else agrees. She is super cute too We already have all 18 types now, and I think Ghost, Fighting and Dragon are really good too, among my favorites together with Poison, Psychic and Ground
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>>53713 >Not including the 19th Lasagne type This Miku MOGS the other ones by default.
>>53713 >ghost miku with no shoes hnnnggg
>>53717 possibly the best one along with dragon and ground
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Requesting a picture with Fuuko Izumo(Undead unluck) getting her feet tickled by Andy.
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Can someone draw bullfrog from captain laserhawk getting tickled? I love him so much and I just wanna see him get tickled to tears so bad Any area of the body is fine
>>55761 Thoroughly seconded because of autism support.
>>55761 I have never seen this character but I also love him just based on this design. He's cute.
Requesting a picture with Jade(Beyond good and evil) getting her feet tickled by Rayman.
>>56182 Is that just a green Alyx Vance?
>>56277 I think not, i never played Half life. Jade is the protagonist of "Beyond good and evil", one of the most underrated videogames of all time.
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Requesting a picture with Tess(The last of us) sitting on a chair and getting her feet tickled by Ellie.
>>287 Dunno if this belongs here or on the furry thread but: Anyone knows an artist with a remarkably similar style to QuintonQuill/SassySnake? Quinton's off the grid as some of you know and even when he was, he never took commissions. I need some new Lizard porn.
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Requesting a picture with Lalaco Godspeed(Space patrol Luluco) getting her feet tickled by Luluco.
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Requesting a picture with Irene Goodman from Pokemon detective pikachu returns getting her barefoot tickled(and loving it) by Tim with a feather.
>>57247 Also seconding this request.
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No idea what this character's name is, but I'd love to see her tied up with her stomach tickled and navel fingered
Yo I'm looking to pay someone to draw me up a shit post featuring another artist's fursona for the Artist Hate thread. Just thinking a basic bitch sketch, 3 characters. Controversial troon and OD mockery, but it's to prove a point. Anyone interested?

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I know I've made multiple requests for him before, but I'd love to see reggie naked, trapped, and tickled to insanity by one of twomario's lignums, preferably a red one. I want to see him tickled in his pits, his sides, his navel, his cock and balls, his butthole, his thighs, and his paws. Ideally I'd also like the drawing to emphasize the fact that reggie will never escape, and that he'll be tickled here forever.
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Furries and femboys btfo we need more Lila art. Specifically nsfw Lila art- the fact that she hasn’t had her pussy teased and tickled with her own feather tail is criminal. Idk how set her weakspots are in terms of cringey tickle-canon, but I think having her be too ticklish to get normally aroused by groping and such is a hot idea. I need me some Lila taint-tickles, drawfags, I beg you
>>58810 I agree. Reggie's baity femboy ass deserves to be perma tortured into insanity. Fucking rat motherfucker I want to rape him.
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>>49650 Redrew Klara, rushed but somehow I like how this one came out more.
>>59501 Holy fuck! The redraw is looking awesome anon thanks! Take your time with finishing it and again thanks :)
>>51294 Anything happened to this?
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There's barely any Code Vein tickle art out there. I think that should be changed, especially since these three cuties deserve to laugh in such a hopeless world. Their names are Eva, Mia, and Io, in that particular order. I'll leave the poses to your imaginations since I only care about seeing more art. Thanks in advance!
Idk if It's ot but I'll try anyway: what do you think a drawfag should do to start posting his stuffs online and get recognized (it's obv that he must know how to draw)? For example what do you think the best site should be and what kind of relationship with his followers he should have to not become like people in Artist you hate threads?
>>59696 >Twitter >don't be a "personality", just post the pics and that's it but also bear in mind the Artists You Hate thread is filled to the brim with asspies who carry one-sided blood feuds over the most minor of reasons. You're just going to have to deal with that if you're getting involved in this retarded "community", but using socials only as promotion and not doing the whole "post every bit of my irl business online" shit will negate a lot of it.
>>59698 If you ignore the retards they will mostly go away. Even the ones screeching about loli or whatever get bored and move onto another target if they don't get a reaction. Using it only for posting art also helps against report-bombing. Especially a problem on Twitter, they'll go through every single past tweet, find ANYTHING that could be even vaguely classed as controversial, get a little group to report it, and then your account is dead forever.
>>59698 So just Twitter and no da?
>>59751 DA is also fine, same rules; just use it as a gallery and don't or rarely interact with the comments. DA ticklefags are almost always some of the worst around, so be aware of that. Again, if you don't really try to buddy up with people, you'll avoid retards. But the "scene" on DA is significantly worse than rando Twitter fags, so just know that going in.
>>59751 I think pixiv is worth it as well if you don't mind the interface being a mix of English and Japanese. The more sites you're on, the more people see your work. Any platform works as long as you don't post anything about yourself, and only give low effort replies to comments, like simply thanking a compliment or saying you're glad they like it. Don't give out any details regarding your personality, age or gender. Nobody knows what Bad Pierrot even looks like and as far as I know he's not hated, in contrast to PawFeather, who I don't need to introduce.
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Requesting a pic with Noriko Kashiwagi(Persona 4) getting her feet tickled by Chie Satonaka.
Alright, here's an absolutely fucking unhinged one. I don't know what it is that made the neurons fired when I randomly came across this animation of a tiktok meme, I guess they're just kinda cute and there's something to them being super expressive too, but these three can get it man, I'm telling ya, especially the german one. For the pic itself, I'm picturing the trio tickled side by side, while screaming the word 'tickling' in their own language (cócegas-tickling-kitzeln). Maybe they're all in stocks getting their feet brushed and their hands are tied above their heads, with hands digging at their upperbodies, some lifting their flag shirts to get them. Blushing, tears and crazy expressions please, especially for the german, just to stay in character. All that being said, since I don't actually expect anyone to go for it, you can really just go crazy and do whatever if you want to. >inb4 they're essentially just stick figures, why don't you just do it yourself I'm a talentless imp and I assure you I'd fuck even that up. I ASSURE you.
Can someone, anyone, draw this smug bitch that vandiward made getting absolutely destroyed? I fucking hate her mug so much and vandiward won't do anything with her. I NEED to see her feet get tickled.
Requesting Ayumu, I randomly found him on Twitter the other day and liked the look of him
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Requesting a pic with Kaori Makimura(City hunter) getting her feet tickled by Ryo Saeba.
>>58294 >her stomach tickled guro tickle?
>>62015 No, like her stomach area. Her belly, I guess, even though she's pretty thin.
>>59546 Seconding this
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https://twitter.com/hershuar/status/1757428903344578987?t=joWMsu8EznQs99PA6asUzg&s=19 This artist dropped this and my mind immediately went to a potential tickle version if anyone would be so inclined~
I've seen a few of these around, first image is new, the rest are a few years old, but seeing the new one got me thinking. I would *love* to see one of these chubby, strong, dominant, halo brute girls bound and tickled out of their minds. I really wanna see a brute girl like this being tickled all over in her exposed armpits, beautiful belly and navel, and along her thick inner thighs. Something about these strong, tough, but beautifully chubby girls just makes me wanna see them tickled to hysterics, with them completely helpless to stop it.
>>62878 Based taste, I've only seen one picture of it.
>>62878 >>62897 I second this. This is indeed very based. Honestly. Huge, hulking, incredibly strong women full of pride and massive muscles getting absolutely humiliated by tickles has got to be one of the hottest things ever. Even better in my opinion if she's super embarrassed about being ticklish and insists she is NOT ticklish at all and is only laughing because it "feels weird" or something like that. After all, she wants to preserve her image of being powerful, unbreakable, unbeatable, and having no weaknesses. Would absolutely love to see this absolute beast of a brute woman getting humbled by fingers dancing all over her big, soft, and unbearably sensitive belly.
>>62878 Alright, I think we need a specific request for this. To any drawanons out there, I would like to see a brute girl like in the pics above in a pose like pics attatched, roaring with laughter as her pits, belly, navel, thighs, crotch, and feet are all tickled by hands. She should have the same physique as the above photos, nice chubby belly, but with muscle too, and thick thighs. She should also be either in a sports bra and booty shorts, or just naked.
>>64229 Fuck, forgot how this site puts images in posts. By "pics above", I mean in the above post that I'm replying to.
mother fucker WHEN are you gonna learn that no one wants to draw your autist shit unless you pay for it, and probably a lot for it too considering nobody wants to do your stupid shit.
>>65120 Buddy, this a drawthread. This where people go to request shit. Deal wit it.
Im not talking about the thread im talking about the guy who spams the same shit over and over and doesn't get the hint when everything he post gets removed
>>65125 Oh, my mistake, carry on then.
I haven't actually watched star trek: lower decks, but there's this cute, grumpy, cat gilf character named Dr. T'ana that I think could do with some tickles. To my knowledge there is exactly one image of her being tickled, posted on FA by thats-our-jeff recently, but it's fairly mild.
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Requesting a pic with Yukiko(Persona 4) getting her bare foot tickled by Yu Narukami.
>>66655 Dont do this do Yu Narukami get her armpits tickled by yukiko
>>66655no, i prefer Yukiko Amagi getting her bare feet tickled by Yu Narukami in a playful setting.
>>66658 well you aren't getting that
>>66658 I want u to get the exact opposite of what u were asking for tbh
>>66666 Satan hath spoken. Thy will shall be done! Glory to thine inevitable reign!
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not sure if the drawthread is the best place to post this, but I don't know where else to post it. Anyways, Hanepen's femboy and futanari art is censored as fuck, so I decided to try my hand at uncensoring it myself. I have zero drawing experience so far, very recently got a tablet and paint tool Sai2. I just threw this pic into Sai2 and started coloring in the blacked-out dick the way I figured it would probably look, and this is what I came up with. Again, zero drawing experience, I don't even really know how to work Sai2, so if there's anything I can do to make this look better (which I'm sure there is), please explain. Eventually I'm gonna try my hand at a few other pics by Hanepen.
>>67331 not bad went and added a few little touchups. hope it's cool.
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>>67359 Oh nice, that looks really good. I was actually thinking of making those exact changes myself, but I think you did it a lot better than I would have. Thanks for that. Here's a few others that I want to give a try at, but if anyone else wants to contribute to uncensoring these that would be welcome. Of course, I can post more if anyone wants. Hanepen has A LOT of really awesome futanari and femboy stuff that would look so fucking hot if they were uncensored.
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A new free-to-play hornybait game just dropped called The First Descendant. The artists went all out on the women, for obvious reasons. I just wanted to put it out there if anyone was interested in making some tickle art. Especially in their premium/pay-for skins. This is one of the poster girls of the game: Bunny. She's in her ultimate outfit (Which is $100). While the price may be insane for a FTP, it'd be nice to see someone take advantage of all that exposed skin. There's a lot more too, but I'm just going to leave this as a suggestion for anyone interested.
Requesting a picture with Gina(Undead unluck) getying her feet tickled by Andy in a playful setting.
I'm requesting an image of the artist Thighlordash's character Bridgette being tickled in the same pose as the attached wtfeather image (the last image). In a lot of thighlordash's earlier drawings if bridgette, she was characterized as a sort of federal agent/state mandated robot dog girlfriend, and she had this sort of largely emotionless but still loving/caring and kinda obsessive nature to her, and I absolutely love it. I think the fact she's shown to not be particularly expressive just makes me wanna see get completely broken with tickles. I want to see her in that green bikini she's wearing in one of the reference images, being tickled all over her body on her pits, sides, navel, thighs, and paws, in the same general pose as the wtfeather image attached. I also want her facial expression to look utterly broken from the tickling, like she's completely lost her composure and normal expressionlessness, and has been reduced to hysterics.
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I have a MIGHTY NEED to see one or more of these goblins tickled
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>>56318 Assuming drawn, do you want TLOU 1 Ellie or 2?
>>72962 i prefer the TLOU 1 version of Ellie
>>72991 Gotcha... will update with progress
>>49678 Hey anon, while I work on another drawing in this thread, I'll look into yours if you still want it... do you have any preference for who/what's doing the tickling?
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>>68535 Here you go brother man
>>73015 Oh my god, these are amazing, thank you so much!
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>>56318 >>72991 Not the best at coloring or shading but I did my best... too lazy to shade the background so... sorry if it sucks.
>>73015 Oh, is there any chance I could get the .tif file for these? Some of the colors aren't quite right and I'd like to try and color it myself if you don't mind. You still did an amazing job here, and I understand entirely if you don't want to give the .tif away.
>>73017 i love this one, thanks.
Not to keep bringing this thread to the top but I'm this >>73017 guy and I figured I'd advertise, if anyone has anything they'd like drawn, feel free to let me know and I'll see what I can do. Sorry if this isn't the right place for this
>>73173 Do you draw furries/nonhumans?
>>73177 I haven't before but I'd be open to trying to.
>>73179 Would you be willing to draw this character from an earlier request ( >>68535 ) having her feetpaws licked and tickled in the style of this old dazidentevil stocker image?
>>73183 I can certainly give it a try.
>>73240 Tight, thanks. Any idea how long you think it'll take, if you don't mind me asking?
>>73248 Depends... I could start working on it tonight and then... maybe it'd be done by end of day tomorrow? Might take a little longer just because I've never really done furries before.
>>73253 Sounds good, I'm looking forward to it! If your previous work earlier in the thread is any indication, I'm sure it'll turn out good, even if this is your first time drawing furries. Oh, try and base Bridgette's paws off of that dazidentevil image, white fur, black pawpads, claws, etc if you can.
>>73259 Did you want different posing, the same pose, reversed? You said having her paws licked so did you want floating tongues or these orbs that are in the Dazidentevil image?
>>73269 I think I want her in generally the same pose, but maybe have her arms bound behind her back or something like that. Have the mouth orbs like in the dazidentevil image, but maybe have a few more sucking and licking between her toes, with visible saliva trails if possible, and make sure she has 4 toes. Have her facial expression look like she's in hysterics, laughing with tears flowing down her cheeks, and a bit of blush. Either have both of her eyes closed, or have one open and looking towards her paws. Only other things I'd want are smaller details, make sure she has her hat on, and maybe have her shoes and socks discarded around the base of the stocks if it's not too much trouble. I also think I'd like her to be naked like in the dazidentevil image, and her nipples should be a dark grey color, if that's alright. That's about all I want, but I understand if some of this isn't possible. Thanks for doing this!
>>73276 Alright. I'll see what I can get done
>>73279 Any updates?
>>59501 Any update on this?
>>73589 Hey, yeah sorry had to take a couple of days off working on this due to some personal stuff... I've mainly been trying to get the art style down and make it look actually put together...
>>73667 Ah no worries man, real life stuff comes first, I understand. Any idea how long it'll be until it's done?
>>73681 Honestly, maybe in like a day or two? I'll try to work on it when I can.
>>73730 Any chance it'll be done this weekend or something? I don't mean to rush, I'd just like a general idea.
>>73887 rule number two, man, be patient guy is doing this for free, no one wants to be pestered about a charity piece, quit bumping the thread
>>73892 You're right, my apologies.
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>>73901 Hey man you're all good. Sorry I know I cranked out that one pic really quickly and it's seeming like I am going way too slow with this one. I did a trace/edit of the original work to get a vibe of the style with the character if you'd like to see that for now. It's not done but I'll post it here for you.
>>73921 Oh, this is pretty cool, thanks! Don't worry if the full thing ends up taking a while, I'll be more patient.
>>73926 No worries... Like I said I'll try to work more on it... If you're happier with how the edit of the original looks I can just finish that up, but if you want something more "original" I can try that as well. Just let me know.
>>73929 I think I'd still like to see something original, with all the various details I mentioned in earlier posts like the facial expression and her shoes and socks discarded around the stocks. There's a specific image that would make a good reference for that shoe idea, but I don't seem to have it at the moment, so I'll try and find it later.
>>73921 Pretty damn good for something you "cranked out quickly".
>>73946 Thanks! I am open to other requests or things... and if anyone wants to chat privately about things or whatever I guess let me know and I can drop like, my discord or something.
>>73973 Don't wanna sound too greedy, but would you be willing to take another request from me, if you're still open? I totally understand if not, since I've already gotten one, just figured I'd ask.
>>74019 Yeah that's alright. What would you like to see?
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>>74020 Alright, thanks. If you're willing, I'd like to see an adult Niko from Oneshot being tickled in the same general situation as this old Pirata3 image, with her shirt being lifted up and her navel brushed by Calamus, also from Oneshot. As for her feet, I'd like for them to be tickled by some black clawed hands, instead of those jellyfish from the Pirata3 image. I'd like for Niko to have roughly the same expression as that girl from the Pirata3 image, and for Calamus to have a calm, serene expression, like he's really absorbed in Niko's reaction. What do you think? I'll understand if you won't do it, since having two people in an image would be more complicated than just one, but let me know if there are any problems.
>>74021 I can give it a try... If you've got more references for these two or any other details just let me know, otherwise I'll look to see what I can find for full body pics and stuff.
>>74022 Of course, I'll try and find some more references for you to use, though it may take a bit. As for additional details, the only thing I can think of at the moment that I would want would be to have Niko's boots on the ground at the base of the stocks, sitting between her feet or something.
(75.47 KB 1300x2048 F6I2jx2bwAA0K8a.jpg)

>>74022 Here's a few full-body references of Niko, though they look a bit different from the main reference in my initial post. Ignore how her shoes are drawn in these, I'd prefer her to have larger looking rain boots if that's alright. I'll try and fetch some references for Calamus, but I'm not sure how many good references are out there. By the way, thanks for doing this, I appreciate it.
>>74024 No problem... one question, is Niko supposed to have paws or regular feet?
>>74025 I'd prefer regular human feet please. I interpret her sort of like your standard anime catgirl, as in mostly human but with some cat-like features. Oh, just wanted to ask, but I assume that the other request image with Bridgette will be on pause/cancelled while you work on this?
>>74026 I can work on them both simultaneously. It helps sometimes to work on more than one thing so I can shift focus when things don't seem to be working and then go back to it later.
>>74029 Oh cool, thanks. Just be careful not to overwork yourself, and prioritize life things first. How long do you figure it'll take for these to be done?
>>74030 Not sure. I'll try to update things when I think I have decent enough progress...
>>74045 How much progress would you consider enoigh to show off, the lineart phase? Just wanted to ask.
(1.00 MB 4375x3641 requst 2 WIP.jpg)

>>74930 Here's a very very rough line art of the progress... Life got a bit busy and doing characters with anatomy I'm not used to/furries is much harder than I initially thought... Clearly not my strong suit.
>>68224 Anything specific you wanna see?
>>74944 Ooh, that's pretty good so far! Good job on Niko's face especially too. Only things I might want changed would be to have niko's pupil directed slightly more towards Calamus, and to maybe have her breasts slightly larger. I think I might also want Calamus' eyes slightly squinting, but that's about it. Again, you're doing pretty good, keep it up. Any idea how long it'll take to finish from here?
>>74948 If I work on it constantly I could probably get the linework done tomorrow if I don't have anything else going on, but with how often I've been able to work on stuff I can't really give an estimate.
>>74949 That's understandable, I look forward to seeing the next update.
>>73595 Oh sorry dude I wasn't planning on finishing this, just a little doodle I'd be happy to take on any pokegirl related requests though
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>>38474 here ya go
>>74975 It's okay, those doodles are really good though. You okay with doing a tickling picture for dengeki Misty?
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>>75024 Niche! What would you like to see?
>>75026 Her being held and tickled by a Machamp. Partial nudity possible for the drawing?
>>75026 Actually, could she be restrained by cuffs to a bondage table with her arms held above her and legs spread? Machamp will be tickling her armpits with both upper hands while using his bottom hands to tickle her exposed tummy. If possible he can use his mouth to lickle her breasts/nipples.
>>75032 Hm, I'd normally decline drawing Pokémon since I suck at it, but I actually would like to practice drawing Machamp. Although I'm going him from behind otherwise he'd completely cover the good stuff
>>75035 That'd be cool and thanks! I chose Dengeki Misty since I don't see that version much and I love how revealing her outfit is drawn. (Especially the underboob and unbuttoned shorts) I thought a more tickle session approach to the drawing would be more interesting for you to do. Machamp looks like it would tickle their trainer in their free time.
>>75035 Can one of machamps fingers tickle her belly button, or maybe if feasible (Which completely understandable if not) it uses its mouth to lick it or give her a raspberry
>>75042 That would be sexy
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>>75032 Just wanted to show a wip
>>75194 Hey! That's looking amazing Anon, I love it!
(1.30 MB 4375x3641 requst 2 WIP 2.png)

>>74950 Line art for the most part is done unless you want anything changed.
>>75224 Alright, it's looking pretty good! Only details I would want added or changed would be some indent lines where the hands are tickling her feet, and maybe change the shape of her open eye a bit so it looks like she's squinting a bit due to her laughter. Maybe also move the open eye a bit closer to the right, since it looks slightly off center for her face at the moment. Outside of that, just remember to add the two rectangle patterns to her sweater, and her two boots sitting by the stocks between her feet. After that, the only other things I think I might want would be some movement lines in certain areas to imply motion, like around the brush at her navel, or around her arm restraints, and maybe add in some background text of Niko begging for the tickling to stop and for them to let her go or something. Is all that okay? How long do you think this would all take to implement/finish?
>>75226 Jesus christ guy > gives a list of shit > when will this be done >>75224 Looks great, Anon. Much appreciated for your contribution.
>>75226 Coloring shouldn't take too long, I can add and move the things around that you wanted me to, so I'd say maybe by the end of the week, but don't be surprised if it takes longer, life is getting hectic for me at the moment... >>75228 Thanks! Glad there are other people who are enjoying how this is looking...
>>75239 Don't worry, I understand if it takes a while, I just wanted to know how long of a while it would be, I've got no problem waiting a week or longer. Oh, and if it's alright, could you color the image based on this screenshot from the game? I'd like for the stocks to be that dark green/teal color that some of the furniture in the screenshot is, and I'd like the wall behind Niko and Calamus to be that fading green gradient the wall is colored, and maybe have a few of those light patterns on it. I understand if anything I mentioned here isn't possible, just let me know. Thanks again for doing this, and I hope your life gets less chaotic soon.
>>75009 Very cute style, would love to see some more.
That sinking feeling of knowing that, as a beginner, you have 3000+ hours of practice until you make anything worth looking at. Feels bad man.
>>75279 That's actually not necessarily true, you can make improvements to most skills way more quickly than that, it just depends on how frequently you're able to actually work on improving them, and this applies to art too. I know I'm just a requester on here, but I do actually have some experience with drawing also, and you'd be surprised how quickly you can improve if you just keep at it. You still shouldn't expect to become a master overnight, but I definitely wouldn't say 3000+ hours is accurate either. Don't feel too bad, man, your skills will develop sooner than you think.
>>75226 Bro??? This is free art go fuck yourself
>>75279 "Bad" art can still have character. Some of my favorite fetish artists are disputable when it comes to their skills but I still love what they make.
>>75293 They asked if I wanted anything changed and I said what I want changed, and they didn't seem to have a problem with it, get fucked.
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I know this series just came out but I already know this one is going to become popular given enough time and the potential for tickle wrestling scenarios; Andy from Invincible Fight Girl. For one reason or another the creator refuses to establish her actual age, simply describing her as a “young girl” not that it matters really. All that aside I watched the first episode and it’s pretty dang entertaining; has some real MHA and One Piece vibes.
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>>75241 Alright... I think I'm finished. I really did not feel like doing shading or lighting so hopefully this still looks good. All in all... learning what styles I can't replicate... Anyway here you go.
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Who wants to torment a holy loli with hellish tickles?
>>75392 Alright, looks pretty good! Don't worry about shading or anything like that, I definitely understand not wanting to deal with the hassle of shading a piece. Thanks again for doing this, there isn't much tickle art of Niko out there. Also, I hope things have gotten less hectic for you over the last week.
>>75393 Fuck off degenerate.
>>75421 Yeah things have calmed down a bit. Glad you like it though.
>>75439 >degenerate Did you forget what board this is?
>>75393 Seconding this
>>75442 Good, that's nice to hear. Oh, and what's the status on the previous request, the one with Bridgette? I understand if that was shelved permanently in order to work on the Niko image, I'd just like to be informed.
>>75456 Still trying to work on it, furries are much harder for me to draw anatomically it seems, and I know you wanted something more original than what I had posted previously so it's a work in progress. No clue how long it'll take.
I've been pouring all my free time into drawing for six days now, and I plan to continue, but I know that at some point I need to practice drawing feet... But the last thing I want my sketchbook to be filled with is pages and pages of foot anatomy that will make it impossible to show to other people.
>>75458 Understandable, I can wait.
>>75393 Still convinced they chose this character hoping for controversy and drama since that’s what the church thrives on the most…inevitable porn of her gives them reason to be outraged and offended which is exactly what they want.
>>75467 To be fair I doubt most would care too much assuming it's not being posted at them directly to harass and is just being made for others' enjoyment. Unless some are the type that actively look for it just to be mad I guess.
>>75460 I wouldn't worry about it too much. You wouldn't get that reaction from a page full of hands, or shoulderblades, or faces. Interlace them between each other or just get another sketchbook you use for your public critiquing and one for your private interests. How has your progress felt? I've been really wanting to get back into illustration, I already have a tablet, I just have trouble visualizing progress that doesn't take years.
>>75487 I've been going after it like I'm killing snakes, and the progress is definitely there. I feel like it's going to be a grind for a while. I saw a video of someone who tracked their time while learning art, and it took them about 2000 hours before they had art that I would consider decent. So that's what I'm bracing for. If you put in an hour a day, that's only 365 hours in a year. I'm gonna see if I can keep up an aggressive training program to accelerate my progress, but so far... Pic related.
(1.33 MB 709x1515 Kyokos_Mom_RCG_Fullbody.png)

Requesting a picture with Kyoko's mom(River city girls 2) sitting on couch and getting her feet tickled by Kyoko and Misako with hands.
Making another request of this >>68535 character: I'd like to see Bridgette tickled in this general pose by a few generic anons (green person in a suit, old school style), while completely naked, with a third anon on the left side huffing her shoes and socks. I'd like for the anons to be tickling her with just their hands and maybe some brushes, no popsicles like in the wtfeather image. I'd also like for the anon at her paws to be licking/sucking on one of them. Thanks to anyone who would be willing to do this, if indeed anyone is.
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>>73020 I second this
>>75194 Super late, was working on other stuff You know I was never into Machamp -ler content, but it's warming up on me
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Now that I'm done with that Misty I actually have a request of my own Anissa from Invincible. There's this animation of her foot getting tickled and I thought it was the hottest thing. It doesn't have to be foot tickles though, as long as she gets what coming to her
I haven't played Deadlock, but I've seen a lot of fanart of the game's cute spanish gargoyle girl Ivy, and I don't think I've seen a single image of her being tickled anywhere, so I'd like to request that. I'd like to see Ivy naked, or wearing a red g-string like in one of these attached images, being tickled in the same position as the attached wtfeather image. I'd like for her to be tickled on her armpits, sides, navel, thighs, feet, and maybe have a few hands tickling along her crotch and breasts. For her expression, I'd like for her to be cry-laughing with the same general expression as the girl on the left side of the wtfeather image, and maybe have her begging and saying a few things in spanish, like begging for the tickling to stop and to be let go and whatnot.
>>76721 You mind sharing the animation? I can't seem to find it.
>>76720 This looks great, thanks!
requesting Betty Brant stuck to the wall sort of like in picrel and linked video, getting her heels pulled off and her feet and legs tickled while she begs for it to stop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8SgpDWA1yg
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Requesting a picture with Claudia Wolf(Silent hill 3)getting her feet tickled in stocks with feathers.

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I'd like to see twitter user KrylonHeretic's character Omen being tickled in a similar setup as this old Caroo image. I'd like the image to be in the same general style as all the references for Omen attached to this post, so no shading or any major amounts of color for anything other than his eyes or other specific features, like his cock. The character has digitigrade legs, which might be a bit difficult to draw in the same position as that caroo image, so it's fine if you just give him normal legs. I'd like for him to have an expression similar to that of the caroo image, and I'd like for him to be tickled in all the same spots as the caroo image as well, but maybe without the soap. I'd also prefer if he didn't have pawpads on either his hands or his paws, but it's honestly not a big deal either way.
>>78452 What?
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If anyone is interested in a FF/M request, I've got an Overlord related one. I want to see Erya restrained (you can decide what device) and naked in a torture chamber, being tickled tortured all over by Solution and Lupusregina. Solution would tend to Erya's armpits and stomach as she blows into his ear, while Lupusregina would go for his feet and penis. To make matters worse for Erya, these two are considered the most sadistic of the Pleiades, meaning he's going to be laughing for an extremely long time.
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Requesting a picture with Nico(Devil may cry 5) getting her feet tickled by Nero with hands in a playful setting.
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Requesting either Melinda/Emma from Unicorn getting tickled. I feel like there's some cuck-tickling art that can be done for the character(s). Also Ashi from Samurai Jack because she's a cutie.

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