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3D artists Anonymous 10/20/2022 (Thu) 08:09:19 Id: 354fa4 No. 31525
for me it's a shame that 3D art is much less popular than drawings. I'll post some of my favorites here, and hope that you know some artists who make similar stuff!
(1.69 MB 1367x921 103404159_p0.png)

(1.81 MB 1367x921 103442681_p0.png)

So yeah this is a thing apparently
>>35759 Damn nigga, my boy Howard's fallen on hard times bruh
>>35764 Ayo mods? We got a psychiatric ward escapee loose in our thread
>>32118 If you go on Nico Nico and search for mmd tickling there’s a lot of videos
>>35759 lmfao this is some backrooms terror shit
(464.94 KB 806x858 Pyx gets Glitch_1.jpg)

(640.45 KB 708x852 Pyx gets Glitch_2.jpg)

Sume Yurihausen stuff I don't think is in his Deviantart gallery.
(194.23 KB 467x852 Greer plank.jpg)

(224.99 KB 658x852 Greer plank_2.jpg)

(406.13 KB 888x852 Epsilon 9_Greer's De-feet_2.jpg)

(467.20 KB 888x852 Epsilon 9_Greer's De-feet.jpg)

(367.15 KB 778x719 Ep9_Greer's De-feet_torture.jpg)

(446.28 KB 808x852 because dwarves need love 2.jpg)

(73.40 KB 775x684 DemongirlPedicure.jpg)

(77.62 KB 782x852 diabolica_00.jpg)

(107.73 KB 782x852 diabolica_xx.jpg)

(90.62 KB 849x852 DM_test_2.jpg)

(66.95 KB 849x852 DM_test_4.jpg)

(80.03 KB 849x852 DM_test_5.jpg)

(62.33 KB 849x852 DM_test_3.jpg)

(521.70 KB 888x852 Dr.Gargalator_5.jpg)

(623.57 KB 888x852 Dr.Gargalator_2.jpg)

(483.25 KB 888x852 Dr.Gargalator_3.jpg)

(541.52 KB 888x852 Dr.Gargalator_4.jpg)

(522.97 KB 888x852 Dr.Gargalator_6.jpg)

(48.11 KB 661x600 frame01.jpg)

(74.78 KB 782x737 Frame.jpg)

(69.31 KB 754x741 goingUP.jpg)

(407.17 KB 841x782 in the tower 2.jpg)

(398.41 KB 888x852 in the tower 3.jpg)

(121.80 KB 888x852 justice_2.jpg)

(202.94 KB 707x650 Kickinit oldschool.jpg)

(243.31 KB 864x752 kickinit oldschool_2.jpg)

(49.99 KB 515x723 integrated.jpg)

(56.06 KB 636x739 integrated2.jpg)

(264.10 KB 856x852 onx_plank_1.jpg)

(408.68 KB 888x852 onx_plank_2.jpg)

(98.64 KB 888x852 puppet_WIP2.jpg)

(97.46 KB 888x852 puppet_WIP4.jpg)

(52.10 KB 882x556 Scissor Chair.jpg)

(393.42 KB 804x820 scrubs.jpg)

(93.25 KB 852x832 slider_stock.jpg)

(73.96 KB 629x671 slider01.jpg)

(79.46 KB 677x758 Slider02.jpg)

(64.94 KB 697x635 slider_stock2.jpg)

(71.38 KB 653x739 SpaChair.jpg)

(70.27 KB 849x852 squeakychair.jpg)

(77.48 KB 865x779 stock_bit.jpg)

(67.09 KB 609x827 stock_bit2.jpg)

(88.32 KB 749x837 Surfboards.jpg)

(418.65 KB 796x791 STX.jpg)

(623.91 KB 834x852 STX_2.jpg)

(551.63 KB 769x807 trixPLK.jpg)

(552.80 KB 643x814 U1trawoman on The Archer.jpg)

(1.83 MB 1800x984 U1trawoman's wild ride.jpg)

(282.15 KB 761x580 time travel TK.jpg)

(301.46 KB 830x585 time travel TK3.jpg)

(477.29 KB 888x852 time travel TK 4.jpg)

(316.40 KB 818x623 time travel TK2.jpg)

>>51906 Source? These are great!
>>51970 It's literally few posts up.
(437.55 KB 2048x1152 Hw5YL5P9IN4.jpg)

(685.14 KB 2048x1152 86EXGxAL7po.jpg)

(600.41 KB 2048x1152 mow5ivnJxKE.jpg)

(1.12 MB 1576x2160 Ei1XT6IMhSw.jpg)

(1.09 MB 1546x2160 ZdePojIho7k.jpg)

>>51970 Third pic of Aeirth >>51905 is the small pink watermark for "FCAT" which is @FeatheryCat on twitter. I was gonna link it but come to find out, the account is gone. I only have these left either from other boards here or vk groups. Now my question is where the OP got those pics because those are clearly Tumblr images if the filenames are to be believed
>>52000 The source Tumblr is literally linked in >>51904
https://twitter.com/Ctrlzctrlz22 slight uncanny aside, this person is on to something
>>52068 not bad, their stuff looks like it has potential if they improve the faces and make the movement better
3D art sucks because it get's a fraction of the work regular porn gets and the shit we get ranged from kinda okay to down right 3D movie maker quality.
>>33191 >>33190 These from a VR video/game? The perspective looks like it’s meant for a 360 view.

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