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Tickling art with solesmanly vibes (aka "real foot fetish") Anonymous 07/26/2023 (Wed) 22:14:47 Id: 9c6bcf No. 50393
This is more of a foot fetish related thread, but it would be nice to see some new solesmanly tickling art. Every form of art or self-expression is welcome! Please use spoilers for sopisticated images (e.g. some of Redscript's works, you know what I mean). A QUICK RUNDOWN: - Cheesiness, when speaking about female soles, is a mellow color of a fine Dutch cheese as well as a distinctive strong aroma. But it's worth nothing to mention that seasoned parmesan-colored soles and their unique delicious fragrance are valued above all. A great example of such a parmesan-like pedal perfection is an Italian foot model Miss Marty (pic 1). - Eggness (egg-yolkiness) is a... Imagine a yellowish, like an egg yolk, skin, and some delicious white hardened skin around, just like egg whites. Yummy! Almost every case of eggness involves heels. Unlike some of you might think, it has nothing to do with the smell of eggs. - Real foot fetishists like NATRUAL MEATY ROUGH LARGE AND CHEESY female soles and to indulge in a long, steamy love sessions with them. But since this board is filled with normies, we won't take the term "fetishist" from them and will call ourselves "solesmen". Every solesman is a foot fetishist, but not every foot fetishist is a solesman. - We can't discuss foot fetish without poshness. Poshness is a combination of an aura of domination, a luxury appearance and an overall burlesque, which makes you want to fall on your knees and greedily lick the posh woman's feet even when you see her on the screen of your phone. Examples of posh foot models include PlayWithAnny (pic 2) and Tsunderebean (pic 3). A lot of solesmen are fascinated by poshness to the point it inspires them to write poems — a great example is "Oh, Tsunderebean, your lovely pretty feet!" - The most sophisticated solesmen also enjoy shroomness. Shroomy soles, as you might guess, smell just like seasoned fungi. Some might find it too much for their tastes, but enjoyers definitely won't be disappointed. As some of them say, the feeling of licking along a shroomy female sole is something from an outer dimension. - There are a lot of prominent individuals among solesmen. The most notable is of course Quentin Tarantino with his undying love for natural large female soles. But, of course, solesmen artists like Redscript (pic 4) and EmpiricalSmut (pic 5) make a huge contribution to the solesmanly culture.
I mentioned it in the other thread you popped up in, but I'm now even more convinced you're that weird guy from f-list who keeps talking about "solesfucking" and loves ugly feet.
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Wtfeather is dropping multiple arts with a very seductive cheesy aroma, very unexpected of him
>>50393 >egg-yolkiness >NATRUAL MEATY ROUGH LARGE AND CHEESY Sir, this is isn't a Wendy's.
>>50393 I hope someone kills you with rocks

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Oh, Tsundеrеbеаn, уоur lоvеlу prеttу fееt! Thоsе tоеs аrе а divinе аnd smеllу trеаt, I wаnt tо liск thеm, tеаsе thеm, bitе аnd tiскlе, And аll thаt whilе I'm bеаting mу hаrd piскlе Thе uttеr sоftnеss оf уоur mеаtу hееls, Yоur сhаrming smеll hits right intо mу fееls, It's vеrу bright уеt саlming аs а brееzе, It fееls liке finеst, strоngеst tуpеs оf сhееsе I wаnnа tаstе а drоp оf уоur fооt swеаt, Tо prеss mу fасе аgаinst уоur fееt аnd gеt Tо slоwlу run mу tоungе асrоss уоur sоlе, Tо fееl thе сhееsу pоwеr in mу sоul Oh, Tsundеrеbеаn, hоw hоrnу, mаd I аm, I wаnnа just а bitе оf уоur tое jаm! Thе сhееsу tаstе will quiскlу mаке mе сum, Plеаsе, mу big-fооtеd gоddеss... just а сrumb!
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I almost feel like I should thank you. Every time I read one of your sickening, disgusting, shamelessly degenerate posts, I actually feel myself pulling back from liking feet at all. Perhaps one day I might be free from my perversions and just be normal. Sort of like how seeing a 600-pound lard elemental can inspire a person to diet and exercise. You inspire others to better themselves out of a desire not to be you.
Next level troll posting I'm dead
>>50401 >>50402 yeah absolutely no one liked this shit and he just keeps going and I am subconsciously distancing myself from being a footfag too
>>50404 Ok but tbh what's the board?
Totally agree with OP. You cannot call yourself a "fetishist" if you like only ideal, washed, one-colored female soles.
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>>50404 Calm down, hot head. There is nothing "sick" in sincere and heart-exciting love for adorable and smelly female feets. Even if you don't like sole fungus or some sort of sole cheese, it's okay, but you should pay respect to soles enriched with it. Because real fetishists like it all. For example, look at the egg-yolk-ish heels on the pic! Do you feel how your heart beating faster and faster? If yes, you still have some changes to become a fetishist, bro.
>>50414 It makes me feel sick and disgusted. Also "real" fetishists are a mental illness. How far gone do you need to be to tell people what a "real" fetishist is? Go outside, touch some grass
>>50419 > disgusted Of course, because you're not a fetishist at all! "The King is naked". > are a mental illness Nope, they just aren't footcels. Who is footcel? It's a guy who NEVER, literally, sniffs female soles, but jerks his peanut off on the IDEAL, "perfect" soles (probably bought in some Chinese sex shop lmao). But real girl' sole is always sweaty, always enriched with delicious aroma and inimitable delicacies of shroom-cheesy-ness. But I, as real fetishist, love, sniff and - damn me! even lick warm, salty and spicy soles. In real life, unironically. And I will be always happy to find myself touching grass under cheesy girl' sole! :)
It's because of folks like you, people think liking feet is retarded
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>>50423 And nope again! Because of folks like me girls stop being harassed or ashamed of their feets. Earlier some girl coulda refuse the request to lick her soles just because she's shy and harassed about smell, shape, etc; but since that girl met us - solesmens (real fetishists) - she will never refuse anymore. She'll understand that listen a toxic footcels with their eternal search for soles with kinda silicon-ish perfection is just a waste of time and nervousness. And there is his majesty profit coming out: more and more of foot-fetishists will achieve access to feets. So simple as never before. So, we doing a great, global, noble mission here. [I]Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?[/i]
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>>50393 Cease this perfidious rhetoric at once, you self-styled "true" fetishists! I can no longer brook the proposition that women's feet being in disreputable condition is some of true apogee of their possible states. No to noisome vapors! No to coarsened skin! And no most emphatically to any notion of fungi being peripherally related to the word "feet"! I censure it fully. In the interest of didacticism, I shall now delineate a far more agreeable criterion for the condition of women's feet. 1. The aroma of a women's feet should reflect fidelity towards cleanliness and hygiene. The ideal aroma should be fragrant of their bodily-care products and, permitted only in minute dosages, we may have a suggestion of heat and light perspiration. 2. The condition of the woman's lowermost appendages should be free of callouses and discoloration in all forms. A soft hint of rose may possess the topmost section of their toes; we do not seek the artificial in the search for excellence after all. 3. The "poshness" of the subject cannot demean itself by pushing into "burlesque"; farce is the lowest form of sensual indulgence. A lady may present an air of quiet confidence or coquettish abashment; she must never make a comedy of herself in this presentation. Imperfect as we are, I understand feet and the women that follow them cannot always be the ne plus ultra expressed above. However, persons who suggest a break from the clean and soft ideal of these appendages should be promptly labeled non compos mentis. In the second attached image, I have attached a much-preferred outcome of fetishism than can be elsewhere found in this thread.
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I like feet and tickling feet a lot, but jesus fucking christ, refering to it with these putrid terms and some of the artists mentioned is enough to cure a foot fetish imo.
>>50430 >>50430 But how can you talk about a fetish if you are not a fetishist yourself? How can you talk about a "disreputable condition" if you are not even able to realize that this is a "natural condition"? Girls walk with their feet, and shoes are far from always comfortable. In the end, the feets sweat, cheese ripens on them and even (God forgives me) exquisite truffles. Therefore, in the name of truth, beautiful girls and their inimitable soles, I am forced to refute: > The aroma of a women's feet should reflect fidelity towards cleanliness and hygiene What does "cleanliness" mean? If you love the smell of soap, cream, and antiperspirant spray, then you are a fetishist of soap, cream, and artificial fragrance. We, solesmens, above all honor the naturalness, because there is nothing more beautiful than the exciting aroma of a girl itself, the aroma of a sole... just imagine: cheesy, spicy, sometimes even slightly mushroom-ish tone - and we love it all as is, because we are fetishists. > The condition of the woman's lowermost appendages should be free of callouses and discoloration in all forms Then you should probably look at silicon feets from sex shops. Because silicone feet are just the way you like them: no smell, and free of callouses and discoloration in all forms. But, I repeat, the girls walk on their feet! Blood rushes to the legs, which makes their color uneven. On the heels, the skin gets rougher, which makes heels very, very egg-yolk-ish. And that's okay. This is a live girl with a live sole. > The "poshness" of the subject cannot demean itself by pushing into "burlesque" "Burlesque" in this case has nothing to do with "comedy". This is, in that context, about delight, about a certain luxury, about brightness. Again, we do not claim that this is a mandatory requirement (unlike the first two). Summing up, it seems that you are just a footcel who has never sniffed women's soles in his life. You harass and shame girls because their feet don't smell or look how you want to, and that has nothing to do with foot fetishism itself. After all, if you were a real fetishist, you would be greedy for any sole!
>>50431 This means only one thing: you have never been a foot fetishist. You're just a poser, succumbing to the trend of fashion. I bet if you were born in the 18th century when no one really knew about the foot fetish, you would not think that you "like feet." While foot fetish is always inborn or, at least, starts from the youngest age.
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I would also like to quote a fragment of a my poetry (about a female fungus): I never felt a passion for the cheese: From childhood, only fungus smash and pierce My heart, my soul, penis, and my tongue... I wish to lick girl's fungi soles very long The wine and truffle, with a spicy blue cheese... I lick and swallow wishing do not miss This mushroom sole - a treasure for the seeker! I'm born to be a forever mushroom picker.
>>50435 He’s right though. if you’ve actually licked feet before you’d know it being disgusting, smelly, etc is a turn off. I only like to worship clean natural smelling feet. If you like all the revolting stuff your brain is probably fried by years of fantasy, it’s not fun in reality, unless you’re severely mentally deranged beyond a simple foot fetish.
>>50439 The truth is that "simple foot fetish" not a fetish overall. When you fetishist, you will admire by feet and worship them, and not only clean one. If you don't want lick her sole in the middle of day just because she can't go to shower, so... you're not a fetishist, sorry.
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>>50435 I've liked feet all my life lol Just not into that gross shit. I'd like the word "Mushroom" and "foot" as far away from each other in the English lexicon as possible >>50439 This. Foot smell is not fun. Put it this way, normies like pussy. Do normies like the nastiest blue-waffle among waffles? Outside of a really really niche community, is that something that the greater populus would find appealing. Another example. Ass, clean bare, smooth ass? Or ass with pimples, hairs, and shitstains all over the butthole.
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>>50434 By your own logic, you're not a foot fetishist, you're a bacteria and fungus fetishist m8. Those aren't part of feet, they're things that develop and grow there if left uncleaned. It's like saying you don't actually like bread unless you only like when it's gone blue with mold. Also I'm aware this whole thread is bait, but fuck it, taking the bait is fun sometimes.
>>50393 As someone with a foot fetish thanks for making a thread listing everything that turns me off and ruins good shit. I'm disgusted and think I'm gonna throw up, a good fap session is ruined by terms like cheesy, vinegary, or toejam gouging my eyes.
>>50393 Im not gonna lie this guy is such a good troll i'm forced to kneel, he has you guys wrapped around his finger Well played, op
>>50455 I genuinely don't think he's a troll. There's someone on f-list who has a huge amount of profiles dedicated to this kind of stuff, with pictures of real women with nasty feet, and I'm sure it's the same guy. I've never seen anyone else make weird compound words with "soles" in them.
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Something in that Redscript pic gets me. The juicy depiction of these stench waves makes me want to get lost in them. Also I'd give everything to take the goat's place. DazidentEvil did an incredible piece featuring Goofy getting his huge stompers worshipped, and something tells me it belongs in this thread rather than f/m with foot worship one.
>>50404 That place is surprisingly barren with only a handful of truly socially retarded creepers that make this place look like high society.
People shut your dumbass down in the wtfeather thread so you came here with this gross ass shit? No one agrees with you here man, even us with a foot fetish. Fuck off faggot.
this board is beyond salvation. none of us are seeing heaven, but especially YOU >>50393 , motherfucker, will burn in the hottest boiling pot inscribed with your name by the devil himself for this unholy blasphemous thread
>>50393 >pic 1
>>50455 Can't be a troll. He's WAY too detailed. Trolls would stop after a few posts and then watch us go wild. This dude's typing literal paragraphs.
>>50448 > I've liked feet all my life lol You either try to lie (probably even yourself) or just not fetishist. Because if you were fetishist, you'd be like delicious aroma of girls sole. If it's disgusting for you, it means only one thing^ you have NOT a fetish! You just like feets not because you obsessed (like any real fetishist), but because it's funny, "cute" for you. But cuteness have nothing with fetish desires. For example: the guy who says that like art, and the artist which literally obsessed with painting - two big differences. And first guy cannot call himself "artist". The same thing with foot fetish, real foot fetishist damned LOVE foot cheese, like Monty on pic. > Foot smell is not fun Of course, because you're not foot fetishist. Unironically, guys like you is a big trouble for foot fetish, because girls that occasionally met some of footcels, may began to be ashamed of their feet. And there are should be much of work to fix this shaming aftermath. Also, shitstains over the butthole - for coprofags :) It's not about the ass itself. But feet cheese, feet fungus - definitely is! Because it both ripens on pretty sole and don't pour down from some hole. >>50450 What if I say you that ANY sole aroma is produced by bacteria? What if I say that even body smell (I mean, clean, washed body with natural smell that unique for everyone) is produced by bacterias too? And you will saying that exciting aroma of girls soles at some time IMMEDIATELY stops be part of feet? But bacteria the same as hour ago. Even if girl wash their sole, bacteria still remains and they're actively breed :) Moreover, about cheese. Do you know that cheese becomes the cheese only because of bacteria and fungus? Why do you eat cheese then? There are may be many, many examples, but the summary is: there are nothing bad or disgusting in delicious foot cheese. It's a pleasure for real aristocrats. Cheese, wine and truffles... >>50454 No, it's not. Because this is a illness by medical terms. >>50465 But dude, the truth is, you haven't any foot fetish... just confess to yourself. Be brave!
>>50413 I dont want to call myself a fetishist you fucking freak i come here to be ashamed of myslef pnce a week i dont need you fucking psychos making it any more horrible than it already is jew
>>50486 > I dont want to call myself a fetishist So what's the problem? Don't call, because you are not a fetishist lol. But not mess with the girls and not ruin their mind with your "ughhh, free, it stinks" or whatever. Just honestly penetrate their vaginas with penis, like Jesus wants to.
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>>50485 >guys like you is a big trouble for foot fetish >because girls that occasionally met some of footcels, >there are should be much of work to fix this shaming aftermath. I had a literal stroke trying to decipher this, enjoy your foot omelet I guess though.
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>>50485 >What if I say you that ANY sole aroma is produced by bacteria? Who said I'm attracted to BO at all? I'm attracted to clean, washed feet, the same way I'm attracted to a clean, washed body generally. You say that makes me a soap fetishist. I disagree, but by your logic, you haven't negated that you're a bacteria and fungus fetishist, not a foot fetishist. You sidestepped. In fact you've doubled down. "ANY" naturally occurring body smell, even a mild one, is bacteria, you say. That's fine, then attraction to ANY smell on a foot at all is not a foot fetish, because as you say, a foot has no naturally occurring smell without an outside force, be it soap, bacteria, whatever. I think it's a weird line to draw, but hey, you drew it. As for cheese, if you're talking about like the literal cheese you buy at a grocery store, I guess my response is that I'm not sexually attracted to any grocery, cheese or otherwise. I'm aware that bacteria has a role to play in a lot of food production, but I don't pop a stiffy every time I have a cheeseburger. It's a moot point. I'm not trying to defend some title as a cheese fetishist so I'm unsure why you'd even bring it up. Whatever fungal growth happens on an unwashed, unhygienic foot is still NOT the foot itself. Once again, you've sidestepped without addressing the point. Your "cheese, wine, and truffles" are each and all NOT feet at all. Which, I reiterate, based on your logic makes you no foot fetishist at all, just a microorganism fetishist.
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>>50492 You're just a footcel. I posted the definition about footcels above >>50495 > and all NOT feet at all Well, yes, but it's the essential attributes of the sole, without which there are no soles! Except silicon soles of course. So, it we going this way, if you not "a microorganism fetishist" and if you like only "no smell, perfect feets", then you're a silicone fetishist. Because there aren't soles without bacteria, it's impossible by definition (unless sole wasn't sterilized with some quartzization process or whatever). Every live sole always delivers with bacteria, and that's the nature :) Even when you lick "clean" sole, you still lick bacterias too, more or less, but still. And because of it, we, solesmans, honor all of these attributes. By the fact, earlier girls crushed grapes with feet for making some wine. And this wine was produced with some feet fungus, sole bacteria and feet cheese! Because it's too naive to think that in 15-18 century feets was ideally clean - it's not. And I see a clear analogy here, because it's not occasional that we, solesmans, love wine, cheese and female truffle :)
>>50498 You STILL haven't answered why you dont fuck homeless chicks. Wouldnt that lack of grooming you claim footcels cant stand be fucking diamonds for your fixation on foot fungus and other musk? Also can homosexuals be solesmen? or is it just for straights?
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>>50498 >essential attributes Except they're not. You can clean a foot to the point where there's certainly no fungus there, and to the point where the bacteria, while present, is largely negligible. I don't have a problem with reality being that microorganisms are basically everywhere; I have a problem with them smelling bad. You have erroneously tied such smell and the possibility of fungal growth to what it is to have a foot fetish, i.e. they're "essential attributes." But they're not. You are aware that most women shower and bathe regularly, right? And that through history that's been the case? I can abide the existence of whatever bacteria is surely there because even on a silicone model foot (which you seem oddly fixated on repeatedly bringing up, as if the only two possibilities are that one is either on your level and embraces absolute festering filth or cannot abide any level of non-perfect-cleanliness at all), there's bound to be bacteria. They exist everywhere. Doesn't mean I am obliged to be attracted to them or what results from their overabundance (i.e., rank-ass smell and filth). It's in fact exactly the same as the apology another anon brought up about liking ass. Those who like ass are aware that poop happens, they just generally would like you to clean it off as effectively as possible because in spite of their attraction to ass, they're not attracted to poop. It's the same here. I'm attracted to feet, not to filth that develops on them. I can accept that a perfectly clean foot, like a perfectly clean anything, is impossible. I just very, very strongly prefer girls who at least make an effort at cleanliness. You say people have never achieved a level of "ideally clean." True enough. But you cannot deny that the trend across time is to endeavor to stay as clean as practicable. So, once more, I reiterate. Excessive bacterial or fungal growth is NOT a part of feet, the same way soap isn't. Being attracted to that, by your standard, is NOT a foot fetish at all. Go eat your mold.
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>>50503 >You have erroneously tied such smell and the possibility of fungal growth to what it is to have a foot fetish >to have a foot fetish Ahem, to have a REAL foot fetish. That's why we prefer to call ourselves solesmen instead of calling you posers. Aside from that, it's always thrilling to see a soleswoman, even if she's only a drawing. I guess her braid tickles a lot as well as her hand casualy resting on that orcish heel.
>>50503 Well, not all solesmans are true mushroom-ish fans. Reread the paragraphs in the first OP post: despite the fact that mushroom-ish is an integral part of solesman cultire (and foot fetishism, because solesmanly is foot fetish), it is again not the only and not mandatory attribute. It is mandatory that at least one of the attributes be present, otherwise it is not solesman-ish enough. > that most women shower and bathe regularly, right? On average, ordinary person takes shower once per day (this is statistic). At the same time, the foots sweat and begin to exude a charming aroma after a couple of hours in closed shoes. Or you saying that the poor girl, in order to complete your footcel wishlist is must to run to the shower every hour? But this is absurd. Let me also remind you about the "apple of love", in the Middle Ages people were obsessed with the scents of each other's. They would take apple, hold it under their arm until it was soaked in scent, and send it to each other. Unexpected fact, right? But this is what love is - in, often, unconditional acceptance. In the same way, foot fetish does not consist in the eternal snorting and nose-wriggling, it's in the complete acceptance of girlish soles. Our brothers in solesmanly won't, with disgust, force girl to wash her feet just because she took a shower in the morning but now sunset; instead, our brothers, like a real fetishist, will wash her feets with their tongue, enjoying the delicious, charming aroma and taste of this noble Dutch cheese. But, the footcels... footcel will twist his nose and, if girl still innocent enough, may leave her with an lifelong injury just because of his opinion that her feets supposedly "don't smell like should". This is not a fetish, it's just disgustion to feets itself and obsession with cleanliness (there is even should be a mental ill with the same symptoms). I admit that with all this you like the feets, but, apparently, just from aesthetic point of view, and not all of them. Which again falls under the definition of footcel: a guy who is always looking for "PERFECT" soles without any smell, absolutely clean. And that's why I every time mention silicone soles - they are, most often, the closest to such an "PERFECT". Real fetishists enjoy the enchanting aroma of girls' soles in the same way that real sommeliers enjoy the scents of wine, just as lovers in the Middle Ages enjoyed "love apples". The moral may be described by the following idiom: "in for a penny, in for a pound". You always give only penny, when real foot fetish is always about passion, obsession, about strong emotions. About pounds. So, you're not a foot fetishist at all :)
>>50499 Well, as I said before, there are should be a border of medical terms. It's okay it feets wasn't washed one, two or three days, or even week, nothing criminal; but after months or years the real problems began. Also, if you're gay and if you like other men's, and if you like their masculine soles and spicy men fungus, so why not? But if you straight - then, commonly, solesmanly is about female feets. There isn't restrictions by gender.
I made a pride flag for a us The dark green represents the musty stench that us true solesmen enjoy The bright green represents the grunge some feet have The light blue represents the mold some foot fungus tends to get The gold represents the crusty heels some women get The hammer and sickle represents everyone because we're ab ALL INCLUSIVE GROUP The red foot is not my best work but represents how we're all human under the skin feel free to Photoshop a better foot tho !!
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>>50508 This thread isn't done until OP has this flag actually custom made and posts a photo of it hanging in his home.
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Something a little bit more believable.
>>50511 No the hammer and sickle are important. They stay.
>>50512 >>50515 Alright alright, I’ll find a creative way to incorporate it
>>50517 Put it on a blob of toejam. The foot'll need to be bigger to see it though
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>>50512 >>50515 I did. Pretty female sole on the communist symbol means that only SOLE above everything, and only God can judge the SOLE. We, solesmans, in our solesmanity, believe in the Divine Sole, that's stump on everything including our faces, with all the cheese and all the fungus. IN SOLE WE TRUST!
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spongebub loves feet
>>50522 Sponge Bob Square Sole is a most solesman-ish cartoon ever! It's just the fact.
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>>50523 spitting straight facts
>>50520 Damn why’d you have to ruin the ride, obvious troll is now obvious
>>50533 Because I not trolling. I sincere believe in every my post here
Solesmanish bump
>>50570 The correct word would be "solesmanly"
>>50578 We're all the Chads in our Solesmanity. And because it's a new, young movement, we can right now determine the terms. Perhaps it will be some voting...
There's solesmany of them
The pure, unfiltered hatred I feel knowing that I have to share a fetish with faggots like this
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>>50620 What fetish? You're not a true fetishist at all, not a solesman. Because if you don't like the charming scent of girl's sole, if you don't like the variety of sole shapes, you're just a pathetic poser. And nothing more.
>>50642 The Footzi party
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>>50642 >>50643 You will...
The lenghts some of the most devoted solesmen will go to get to worship large, long, cheesy Tsunderebeanish soles are truly unbelievable
Do NOT trust stinkcels and smelltists! The true value of Solesmen lie in the POSHNESS first and foremost. While yes the scent of truffles is a delight most exquisite known to excite the senses, cheese smells are the fruit of labor, that we expect of the lower class. To enjoy cheesy feet is to revel within the peasants, it is to renounce to one’s solesmanship. TRUE AND HONEST solesmen enjoy meat. Wine and truffles can only be appreciated with meat, meat that shows a woman has never worked a day in her life, meat that presses against the honest soles man’s tongue. Meat is the true choice, do not fall for the cheesecels propaganda
Man even in the tickle fetish there's just plain sickos. Please eviscerate your nasal cavities.
its funny that this thread is getting constantly derailed like the loli thread
>>50688 Too fat. Cheesyness is one of the pillars of solesmanity. So, if you don't like female cheese, you're not a salesman, because we, solesmans, honor the sole! We paying respect to the sole. If you not paying respect, you're not a salesman. Simple.
>>50722 >salesman sOlesman. Fix, Fucking t9
>>50689 My nasal cavities full of female fungus and I fucking excited about that
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>>50724 this is the fate that awaits you and I look forward to that day
>>50727 Then it'll means that Grandfather Nurgle bless me. But I am still slave of Slaanesh)
>>50736 In Bible there are some episodes of solesmanly. For example, the famous scene when some girl wash Jesus' feets with his tears. Of course, not with tongue, but still! I'm not a gay, but I guess that this scene about "salesman woman".
>>50738 > with his tears *with her, fast fix
I'm just here for the pixel and polygon waifus with either perfectly clean feet or virtually sweating, no sepsis for me kthx. >>50459 Redscript's Trilogy is a good way to throw in a quick test. If you throw up the instant you get told people jack off to the real thing, you're more or less sane. If you actually ask "where can I find men/women like this in real life" and actively look for them, you need immediate therapy before you get physically ill and spread infections.
>>50741 Then you're not a real fetishist, literally. What sepsis in your head caused that dilemma - not fetishist posting in fetish-related thread? Just interesting... >>50740 > psychotic So you tell that the foot fetish is a psychotic thing? Bruh...
>>50744 Every day passing I thank the art gods not all tickling and foot fetish art comes from deviantart, furaffinity and sites like that. May whatever they believe in have mercy on those lost souls.
>>50744 It's because you're not a fetishist, you think that we, solesmans, are "insane" (as on deviantart, btw there are very good arts and photos), but, for example, Quentin Tarantino is a definitely solesman! It's proud of all our solesmanity.
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>>50753 Because every real foot fetishist doesn't run away from naturality. What's the feet naturality? It's a cheese, it's an egginess, and, sometimes, delicate truffles - not mandatory, but, sometimes...but you, you have fetish for silicone, perfectly clean, no sweat, no smell. Look at this pic, it's about you probably :) > Do you bake foot shaped cookies? Jeez, it's an idea! Cheesy cookies then. Because there are already were some cakes with vaginal sause. And in Japan were perfume that smells like teen piss. We, solesmans, definitely should do something in that way. It can cost billions...
>>50757 > parents But I 34 yo... and I have multiple rooms, what I should do then? :< >>50752 Definitely yes, I assume! But, we in our solesmanity honor the law. Because who knows? Maybe our political party will be elected to senate someday... and then, just imagine, "In Sole We Trust" above the white house. Isn't it a dream??
>>50759 >Why would you admit this? Because in our world too many disrespect to the female sole. Which, in turn, makes life harder for us, real fetishists. Fucking posers mess their fetish for silicone with foot fetish and seed some shit in people's minds. It's bad. I see our mission in shedding the light on definition "foot fetishist", as it should be.
>>50738 >>50740 I remember having a JW book with an illustration of that scene as a child long before getting an Internet access (either preschool or elementary school). What's worse, I fapped to it, and eventually developed a fetish for f/m foot worship years after. I still cringe hard when remembering this terribly wrong behavior, needed to speak out.
bro really makes his own fetish-based memes. i can’t imagine involving my fetish in any aspect of my life outside of jerking off or fucking. seek help.
>>50753 What terrifies me is if this individual is not being seen as an obvious troll but a mere degenerate, a lot of people are going to end up like >>50454 or worse if they even try this shit. You sirmadam/whatever... solesmanry gender you belong to... are a menace to public hygiene and actual fetishists with safewords and limits - asking someone to tickle torture you until you develop a PTSD and scream while hyperventilating is NOT a tickling fetish to compare to the horrors you preach, what you describe as a foot fetish literally is some kind of terminal form of foot worship gone very wrong. They would kick you out and call the cops in a foot fetish dungeon because that isn't just wrong, it's fucking dangerous! >>50727 >in the future I will admire the purchased goods from a safer distance I feel bad for laughing but the guy asked for it. That sentence tho, top kek.
>>50761 It's okay bro, glad you got better. Look at what OP has become. Ironically enough this can be used as a brutal wake-up call to give up on fetishes before you're too far gone LOL >>50760 Regardless of your gender, if your feet turn gangrenous, it's not disrespectful to suggest amputation, better hygiene and distancing yourself from people making your life go worse than if you had a kroko high. This is legit nightmare fuel, why don't you write dojinshi and comics about this instead? It's safer for everyone this way and you make money.
>>50482 Crazy shippers write entire pdf essays to conceptualize and explain their mission to the masses so I wouldn't rule that out just yet >>50736 It's a giant meteor we need smh imagine the future if those aliens breed and corrupt mankind
why the fuck hasn't this been nuked yet, now the fag is going around spamming in unrelated threads?? the op didn't even post tickling images NUKE THIS SHIT ALREADY, quell it from the source
>>50784 It's related thread, because it's solesmanly thread
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>>50777 That was what I meant before when I said I was almost thankful for this thread's existence. Sometimes I check back in here just to remind myself to keep this autistic fetish in check. Porn escalation is real.
>>50787 This is literally the funniest shit I've ever seen on this board and possibly Internet. Albanian spongebob gatekeeping on footfaggotry is the unreachable level of pure unfiltered retard. Normies like okbuddyretard will never achieve such levels.
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>>50727 >>in the future I will admire the purchased goods from a safer distance Fucking weakling
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I opened this thread expecting some cute and delicate feet pictures for my own pleasure. And man, I'm fucking disgusted. Do you know the toll my fucking brain has taken from you posting nonstop about your despicable cheese diarrhea foot fetish? I can't fucking use my dick anymore because of you.
>>50804 You're just not a fetishist. And that's all. What do you forgot in fetish-related thread - only Lord knows.
This thread makes me wonder; since there are a lot of footfags here, why not rally them to make /feet/ an actual board with its own community? Sure, there certianly would be some autism and annoying threads, but the interest is there, and having a spot to post feet stuff that isn't tickling related would keep /tkr/ more on topic.
>>50829 We're not footfaggots Like you, we are tickleGODS, get the fuck out of this board you disgusting freak
Me simple, me want feet, me enter here, me don't like stupid tread with no feet pics, me angry
>>50485 You're mixing up severe bromidophilia and podophilia; olfactophilia and podophilia usually coexist but what you describe is the extreme scale. You want to be the one who smears copious amounts of female feces all over their body to prove they have a scat fetish when there is a comorbidity but it isn't a prerequisite for the paraphilia to exist. >>50499 I find it hilarious that homeless chicks aren't part of his fetish and he immediately went with the medical defense when he's clearly obsessed with massive amounts of foot bacteria. They're unironically less dangerous than the average American prostitute to sniff or even tickle unless you're pushing your luck in a shithole where you can catch all kinds of illnesses just by existing there.
>>50851 > You're mixing up No, it's you UNmixing from "foot fetish" definition some aspects of it. Do you understand? You're not a fetishist, if you not like fetish itself. The thing is not in the fact that it's "extreme", no; but in the fact that you're normie, who was involved in foot fetish via some trends or whatever. You're not a fetishist, you just like, I don't know, some views, you can like perfect cleaninless and one-colored skin of sole, but hey, if you like arts of ONE artist, you're not a fan of art, you just fan of this one artist. Here is the same. And because of it we, solesmans, take another word that will define us, real foot fetishist. Because "foot fetish" definition is shitted up by thousand of normie-posers.
It looks like we will be needing a DSM-6 after all. Please carry on, all of this information is very valuable for scientific purposes and we really appreciate your detailed explanation of solesmanry.
>>50865 For what, about foot fetish was written even in "Psychopathia Sexualis" by Dr. Krafft-Ebing. And - who would have thought - in this interesting book foot fetish was described very, very close to solesmanity. In 1886 year. So what's the conclusion? Perhaps, the foot fetish nature changed during these decades, or foot fetishists changed because of some genetic mutation? Or maybe FUCKING POSERS distorted and perverted the very definition of "foot fetishism"? /sarcasm on/ Oh, no, how it could be... definitely, gene mutation or something. /sarcasm off/ So, really, read it, it's good book.
>talks about foot cheese >poetry >TsundereBean Oh, god Did 2ch spawned you into existence?
This may be some of the most hyper-specific gatekeeping I've ever seen. I'm stuck between laughing hysterically and apologizing to everyone I've ever met that has judged me prematurely for my foot fetish. I get it now. The judgements are warranted.
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>>50906 Nah dude this ain’t normal, even among footfags this is an abnormality. This isn’t just autism, this is… advanced autusm. Seriously though, why do we even tolerate non-tickling threads on this board? The foot thread was bad enough, and now we have this motherfucker, whose interests border on being as bad as fucking scat porn. He’s not even speaking english- “solesmanly”? “tsunderebeanish”? What the actual fuck does any of that mean.
>>50906 If people get this stuck in their mind when you tell them you wanna tickle their feet because you love their feet it's understandable they want to scream and tell you to btfo lmao >>50905 Not even dqn is this level of next tier autism First result for foot fungus obsession is podophobia and it's definitely warranted, imagine getting a footjob from those feet and going to the ER to explain how your dick became a shroom hive and changed colors
>>50906 Same. Like I am just watching this train wreck hoping it's just some retard with way to much time on his hands between loads that just wants attention.
>>50916 I'm more in awe with how he managed to divert the attention away from the loli thread and all the hate is now directed here
>>50914 I mean, russian footfag thread on 2ch is literally this - writing autistic poems about "cheesiness" and "funginess" of their current waifu, and it's usually TsundereBean, or talks about borderline scat Someone breached the contamination of that high-concetrated cringe and, apparently, now it's seeping into other forums, spreading like a decease
>>50917 Plot twist is he's a loli lover and doing this as a distraction
>>50922 Because female soles are cheesy. It's the fact. You're all just a footcels, not a fetishists itself. Real fetishist loves girl' sole aroma, but footcel... never. Your problem is in the fact that you're all just creates a psycho traumas for girls, and that's all. Don't want to shit - don't torture your ass. Easy.
>>50922 I would love to check it out, if only I knew Russian
>>50926 Please just go to Hell.
>>50961 Do you hate foot fetish so much?
>>50966 It's just getting played out is all
>>50926 >Because female soles are cheesy. It's the fact. any body part will smell 'cheesy' if you dont wash it properly and keep it in an enclosed, sweaty space most of the day. The smell you lust for is not innate to feet themselves, but the conditions they're kept in. you ever had a cast removed? the smell is heinous. and so are you.
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>>50970 I already asked above and ask twice, is poor girl should go to shower every hour just because you, footcel, don't like the charming aroma of female soles? Then buy plastic soles from sex-shop and don't mess around, because if > smell is heinous then you footcel. Not foot fetishist at all. Because of you girls have complexes about their feets. You're socially dangerous, like a parasite. Real fetishists loves the exciting scent of sole, and it written even in "Psychopathia Sexualis" (I told about this book above as well). It would be even funny that you call yourself a "fetishist" but even don't knew nothing about it's definition. Like guy who never read the Bible and think that he's Christian. Lmao.
>>50974 I have yet to see a woman or man with foot complexes. Generic smell sure, but even a guy will feel really embarrassed if his gf/bf tells him he should stop washing for a few weeks so they can become one with the Holy Cheese in bed. Please don't make footfags feel even worse about themselves by pushing your extreme stink fetish, tickling a guy/girl who cannot even afford soap and telling them you love how they smell won't make them live a happier and healthier lifestyle, this could even be enough to drive them to suicide if they think you're mocking their desperate situation. It only works with AI chatbots (thank you character.ai for your 'lifelong dream' now this is where we are smh). Saging because no tickling involved at all anymore, only in the first few posts
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>>50853 dude keeps calling people foot fetish posers and normies and shit as if anyone WANTS to be a foot fetishist. as if someone heard about foot fetishes online and was like “oh i want that.” like it’s a trend. dude is actually so deluded and cum brained he thinks fetishes are cool trendy things that normal people discuss with each other and want to be included in. bro nobody goes out of their way to TRY to have a fetish. nobody cares that much. also bro this isn’t even a foot fetish board in the first place. it’s a tickle fetish board. you could argue they’re adjacent, but most people here have a tickle fetish first and a foot fetish on the side. no one’s even “claiming to be a foot fetishist” but you. if you’re legit, the fact that you smugly think you’re superior for having a different variation of a fetish is abnormal as fuck. you’re a retard and should kill yourself. if you’re a troll, you have too much free time and this is getting played out. people are just here to jerk off. you’re a retard and should kill yourself.
>>50992 Impossible to WANT be foot fetishist. Or masochist. Or gay. You are either foot fetishist, or not, it's inborn perk (at least, it's development may be only in early childhood). And note, how angry these "foot fetishists" are! Only they see delicious dutch cheese, they immediately starts push some shit like "extreme", "smell is heinous", etc. It's an absurd. >>50979 Dude, few weeks is too harsh even for solesman (because it's a question of medical terms as I told before).
>>50974 > Because of you girls have complexes about their feets no, I think it';s faggiots loke you spammign cosplayers and streamers with comments of "YUMY YUMMY FEET LEMME SMELL SNIGFF THEY LOOK LIKE THEY SMELL SO BAD" to the point where they actively censor their feet now and avoid going barefoot on camera just to avoid comments from you creepy, disgusting cumbrains.
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>>50998 It means, you're not foot fetishist at all. Deal with it, poser.
>>51000 Nice get
>>51000 >no rebuttal, no argument wasted get. don't you have a female e-celeb to make uncomfortable?
This thread is further proof that smellfags are the fucking worst
>>51021 We like not only smell, but the taste! Salty truffles, mmm...
>>51000 >You're NOT a real foot fetishist >Reposts same exact meme >Literal paragraphs of poor hygiene and literal fungus growing on still living tissue >Poetry about stench >Fucking SpongeBob AI >Serious superiority complex Footnazis. Kek. Can the dude who says OP is from F-list link his account please?
>go offline for a few days >come back - no way this thread is still going >wait what really?
>>51023 > Reposts same exact meme Why not? Footcels reposts same exact arguments. I can't beat them all again and again, lol. All was posted above.
>>51035 You don't win an argument unless both sides concede. Go back to your local debate club until you learn how to actually debate.
The cheesy charming smell of sole Will never disappoint me, I'll give away my heart and soul To play with Anny's feet (like brie)... But Valerie is also tempting, Her soles seduce me on the go, A whooping size eleven smelling Like fine fromages of Bordeaux So, Anny's smell is just as cheesy, Intoxicating and divine, But Val's big peds are made to please them I want to lick them clean... oh, my! Oh, Anny's arches, high and milky, Her soles' color, smell and taste, Or Val's feet: musty, narrow, silky, By Cheesy God they has been graced I will admit, it's hard to choose one, I see the only option here: I'll take them both, a glass of red wine, And will enjoy without fear The sole aromas will fuse together, The cheesiness will take my mind, Burlesque is teasing like a feather, Orgasms are coming from behind
>>51045 We need a foot board to contain these faggots on
>>51042 Nope. Because my punch is very straight: if you don't like the charming scent of sole, you don't fetishist at all. It's a fact. Nobody answered on these winning punchlines for example >>50866 >>50756 You told me something about "don't wash by weeks", but I never told about weeks, I told about naturality that you're, footcels, reject and decline. But if you don't like natural footts, it's not foot fetish then. It's a "plastic foot fetish". Also my punch about "love apple" no one has refuted, still, kek.
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>you're not a TRUE ASS MAN unless you LOVE the TASTE and SMELL of SHIT >You expect poor women to continuously wash their ass just because you're CHILDISH and don't appreciate the SMELL of a natural, musky butthole???
>>51056 Lol, one more repeating argument which I already beat down. Footcels... no fetish, no intelligence, no fantasy. > TASTE and SMELL of SHIT Shit is not a part of ass itself. But feets are ones of most sweaty parts of body, and commonly it's scents are attractive. Moreover, in sweat from female soles there are some pheromones (not much, but still), is there pheromones in shit? Pheromones are one of the reasons why girls very rarely become foot fetishists - men sweat can't sexually arouse, but female sweat can. You like a vanilla guy who comes into masochist's thread and posts some shit like "Oh my gosh, you're perverted here! Real masochism is a soft whipping without trails, not extreme like you here". It's absurd. There is masochism (when you like pain, more or less, but still), and there is vanilla masochism (when you don't like pain and blood itself when it's just a funny game for you). There are christians (who read Bible, who go to church) and there are "christians" (who basically not involved in religion and think that Bible is a "good, kind book", but still believe in some God). There is foot fetish (when you like feets, really like), and there is vanilla foot fetish (when some parts of feet is disgusting for you, when you just playing around, when it's a funny game for you) - I slightly changed definitions to provide more clear difference.
>>51057 > You like a vanilla * You're like. Fix
>>51057 As >>50970 pointed out, it's not "pheromones", it's bad hygiene. The "cheesiness" you so adore is the excrement if bacteria living in the skin and feeding on sweat and dead skin cells that thrive in damp, unwashed, enclosed spaces. This is a provable fact. And asses poop, chud, it's a natural part of being human. But I guess you expect women to never poop again, hm?
>>51058 Drop the act, you spore huffing bacteria licking dirt muncher. You are not an afficionado of kinks, you are not a virtuoso of sexuality, you are a high-octane degenerate, masquerading as a cognoscente. You are the fetish equivalent of someone who thinks avengers movies are akin to Greek mythology. Someone who pays $20 for a shitty burger at a gastronomy bar because it has sundried tomatoes on it.
>>51057 You are a repulsive faggot and you have no place in this board, we like TICKLING, not feet, especially not your abominable fetish for bacteria and Grime, you arent a "sophisticated" intelectual, youre a street sweeper, an untouchable, the lowest of the low, tickling as an act is an inherently dominant in nature, it is to exert your will onto an individual and force them to involuntarily laugh in agony, your disgusting perversion of what a foot fetish is, is inherently docile and submission, it is to lower yourself down to the level of the object of your desire, you revel in stench and filth because you subconciously desire to be humillated, degraded, turned baste, thats quite possibly why you started this thread, if indeed that was your goal, then you have utterly suceeded as you have proved nothing in this thread other than your sheer perversion and mental retardation, i sincerely ask you to kill yourself as it obvious you will never achieve anything Beyond a promotion in a musty shoe shop, if you wish to continue living, could you please move your incessant babbling to an actual foot fetish forum, as we are ticklefags.
>>51059 It's not bad hygiene, it's natural condition. I ask again and again, do you want to poor girl take a shower every hour? It's not possible. Statistically, ordinary man take a shower one time per 1-2 days. And It's okay. If you have a fetish for perfect cleanliness, then foot fetish is not for you. Perhaps, hand fetish will fits with you more - ordinary man wash hands multiple times per day. > if bacteria living in the skin Every of us have natural skin scent. And this scent used by our brain to check compatibility between men and women. This scent is also paritially provided by bacterias, but note that: why skin scent is okay and normal in society (and for you too), but sole scent isn't? The source the same, and feets smells differently from girl to girl (as skin scent smells differently), so what's the difference? >>51061 But what it's not? Fetish is always about some kind of obsession with something. It's like a tower with multiple levels, and you still next of entrance, while I at the last floor.
>>51066 Are you Asian? I'm getting Engrish vibes. Also this is a TICKLING board. Go find a foot board to post this shit on.
>>51067 >Also this is a TICKLING board. Go find a foot board to post this shit on. But you must agree, that TICKLE cheesy, meat soles with some scent of fungus are much more enjoyable :)
>>51051 As a footfag AND a smellfag, I agree, this has nothing to do with tickling I still cheddar... er shudder at the existence of such elaborate trolls though
>>51068 You niggers gonna raid the other threads again? That shit was hilarious. I'm convinced the only reason the admins haven't deleted this thread is simple containment.
>>51070 Nitroskunk and wtfever deserve them as worshippers Stinky feet ruins tickling and causes degenerates to invade >>51023 Not sure if I want to know what f-list is I'm genuinely terrified at the existence of those people
>>51066 Hey, stinkfag Tianamen Square Massacre. Chinese military murdered its own citizens for protesting, 1989 and Taiwan is a country. Also the Jews melted Steel beams.
>>51073 And what, footcel?
>>51077 Well he isn't in China lmao you're definitely a dirty Jew tho Also no one's concedes yet, the argument's still on, gook
>>51045 Hey daranged foot poam guy can we get a poem about the feet of the Tianamen Square victims?
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>>51066 Bro what the fuck kind of girls are you meeting that develop fungal infections if they don't shower several times a day? Fetish aside, I'd feel really bad for such a person, that sounds legitimately terrible.
>>51081 Lol, but it's you say that ANY feet smell for you is disgusting. And if we talking about delicios fungus, it can silently live inside the shoes and then moves to feets and in your bed as well :)
>>51098 Why do don't you just go play with anthrax and the bubonic plague while you're at it?
Big Fungus moment. What's next, hairy, moldy belly buttons?
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>>51102 Why? It's not about naturality, when noble cheese and delicious truffle - is. I already told above about "medical terms border", and you just crossed that line. Not me :) >>51114 Well, we, solesmans, also honor WRINKLES. Meaty wrinkles inside the sneakers are like a hidden treasure in the island middle of the ocean. In our Glossary there isn't any paragraph about WRINKES, because it goes without saying, it's a based thing. But because you're not a real fetishists, not a solesmans, it's my duty to shed the light on this.
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>>50393 >Tsunderebean She just posted a new video after about a year of inactivity and it's exactly what this thread was created for. I bet you guys would be chugging on that Parmigiano with great pleasure.
Kusujinn >>17136 is big into wrinkles and asian feet. Then you have Nitropunk >>44465 who specializes in delicious feet. If you believe they have what it takes to improve and make even better feet to fully appreciate, you should educate the ignorant masses in those threads on how this can be done.
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>>51151 Smells like parmesan...
Anyone remember the author? They had a truly solesmanly Deviantart gallery before purging it.
Me when I finally see the latest Redscript pic featuring anime girls chugging on gallons of cheesy toe jam, shroomy orc soles with an unimaginable cheesines factor and lakes of foot sweat
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>>51460 >tumblrtale opinion instantly discarded.
Nigga the acefag thread was so bad it revived the muskfags thread ☠️
>>50393 >>51460 If I draw pics of absurdly sweaty feet with clear smell focus of your favorite characters/art of your favorite actors/actresses, how much will you pay for it? May as well make bank with this thread. I don't care about whether they're underage, male, or if they get killed, I literally draw everything as degenerate as you will ever imagine. I take payments upfront. I ignore spam so try to write something coherent. I don't do retakes so check my portfolio first once you contact me.
Hey Blarf >>50393 Can you do us all a favor and kill yourself and not gatekeep foot fetishism with #muskmonth? It'll benefit everyone including yourself. <3
>>50393 Not a solesmen. But I really like girls with ballet feet, something about the roughness of their feet just turns me on
>>55162 Bro that thread was 100% ironic ne you should have let it die
I never laughed more in my life before stumbling upon this thread. The vids are fucking gold.
What a hidden gem of a thread. Aside from Redscript, Feeteraco's extremely sexy depictions of cute anime girls with large smelly soles would be a good fit. It's a shame that not so many tickling artists are into such arousing details. I'm dating a 6'2" girl with size 12 feet while being 5'7" myself and let me say faceplanting into her huge moist stompers after she gets back home from work and kicks off her footwear is the best thing ever mainly because of that warm smell. It is addictive as fuck. Thankfully, she is totally into it, to the point that she loves being called princess Parmesanna and wears sneakers without socks on hot days to smell more and get more ticklish as well.
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>Hate Thread revives this bait thread >Immediately gets anchored >Even the mods have had enough Okay, I'll say it. Just this once. Thank you, mods. You did a good job.
>>68230 I'm totally sure this isn't a bait thread. There's a guy on f-list who has a profile full of this shit and talks exactly like this.

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