I had two cousins growing up who I used to be a little tickle terror towards. They were both older and they were girls. So it's safe to say little me had a crush on them. One was blonde, the other brunette. Really, from time to time I'd just pin em and tickle their sides or feet.
All that said, growing up I've also developed a taste for being tickled. So from time to I find myself fantasizing about them taking revenge for all the times I've gotten at them. One example involves them just straight up going for it. Using their combined strength to pin me and tickle the hell out of me. One would sit on my arms and ruin my pit. The other with an arm wrapped around my ankles and tickling my poor soles. Cascades of tickle tickles and coochie coos. Making fun of me for being so grown up yet still so ticklish. All until I'm fully worn out.
In the more intense scenario, I find myself tied a bed in one of their homes. How I got there isn't usually important. I like to switch it up. Sometimes I like to imagine I've confessed these feelings of wanting to be tied up and tickled by them and they're weirdly down. Or I add on to the first one and they notice I'm having more fun than I probably should. They undress me and find some sort of rope around to tie me down. My favorite is them walking in on me playing some sort of tie up game with myself while visiting them.
In this scenario they get more hands on. Playing with my nipples and noticing how brutal it is for me. They'd playfully say they didn't know a guy could be ticklish there. Once they fully notice how hard I am, they'd rip off my boxers or underwear to have it stick straight up. They'd point and laugh while simultaneously tickling me. Eventually they'd grab oil and gently use their nails to tickle my dick til I blow. Sometimes my aunt (their mom) joins in just to show them how to properly tickle me. Getting to to hit my worst spots all at the same time. One cousin tweaking my nipples while the other gets under my toes. Meanwhile my aunt is pressing into my hips and spider crawling her fingers across my tummy. It goes on for a while until they're bored. Usually I'm let lose after everything.
Just wanted to share something I've been thinking about. Feels good to write it out lol