/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Guilty Pleasures Anonymous 12/28/2022 (Wed) 02:49:27 Id: 9a7054 No. 36923 [Reply] [Last]
You're not a coomer that mindlessly faps to any and all porn they lay their eyes on, right anon? You actually apply principles, rules or at least your own taste's judgement to the smut you enjoy? Well, this thread's for any and all exceptions to all of those. Borderline cringe trash-quality tickle pics, lower-tier fetish overlaps, bizarre ideas and concepts, self-anointed hall passes for furries, lolis, or otherwise unacceptable 'lees and 'lers, etc. If you're exceptionally glad you're unironically admiting you're getting off to it anonymously, post it in this thread. >put to bed by a tickle fairy asmr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP98g7OKR8k&ab_channel=MelMarieASMR
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Characters with more than two arms have a chokehold on me. It's a fantasy that's stuck with me since I saw the Caterpy scene from DBZ. Over time it's basically turned into a gang tickling fantasy. But being able to essentially have a gang tickling session with just one other person is really appealing. And there's so many ways to go about it. The classic pinned by the wrists and ankles while the extra appendages do the work. Maybe two people with four arms are holding you down at either end. If you want to be a little sadist you could even envision yourself strapped down tightly to a table by metal shackles. That way if a creature like the earlier example of Caterpy is sicked on you then you have no way of protecting yourself. Imagine the agony of being poked, stroked and squeezed and being unable to anything about it. You squirm and laugh while ten arms work you over. Two are making circles with their index fingers in your armpits. Four are just mercilessly playing with the softest most sensitive parts of your tummy. While the remaining four work over your legs and feet. Meanwhile this big green jerks dumb face is smiling at you and verbally teasing you. Making your already weakened state of mind worse. Sometimes they focus all arms on one spot just because he can. Could you imagine? All those arms having open access to your tummy, ribs and nipples? On top of that, those index fingers are still doing damage to your poor underarms. It uses two hands to hold your toes back while the other eight hand lay into your sweaty, oiled soles. You didn't even know feet could be tickled like that til this encounter. Tickling you until exhaustion and then some. And since you seem to be having such a fun time, Caterpy doesn't see the need to stop. Your screams only stopping when you give out from exhaustion.
>>37942 Holy shit yes! I worked an office job a few years back and the worker in the cubicle next to me had the best laugh. If her looks were a 6/10 the laugh easily made her an 8. I can't remember what it was but something got her giggling once and it eventually became full on laughter, I couldn't get up from my desk for a while because I was diamond just from hearing it.
One of the hottest things to me is when the lee is not allowed to laugh/trying not to break

Color/lineart/edit thread 3.0 Anonymous 06/03/2022 (Fri) 14:17:09 Id: 60fba4 No. 22499 [Reply] [Last]
New thread for color suggestions since the previous thread has hit bump limit. I’ll start off with my request from the previous thread, which is to have this pic by FireFox-SF (now calling himself JohnnyRespawn) to be colored. Considering the background I’m pretty sure the dojo from SFV is what’s being used in this pic, but just in case I attached a reference for the outside of the Rindoukan dojo as well.
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>>80691 I mean, who wouldn't want to get that cutie out of those knee high boots and tickle the crap out of her?
>>80729 seconding this one
>>80729 Also, full res

Shota Thread Anonymous 08/31/2024 (Sat) 09:28:23 Id: 2ff56c No. 71506 [Reply] [Last]
because fuck you
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>>79382 Shounen Tickle
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are there lewd hucks or is this a manip? found on an old gay tickle site
>>80180 Hucks himself used to post on the old tklfrat forums back in the day, he definitely had the occasional lewd lol. Wonder if he's still kicking.

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Ticklish Fit Girls Anonymous 07/02/2022 (Sat) 23:03:08 Id: 923ab4 No. 24213 [Reply] [Last]
Post any fit or macular girls that are just asking to be tickled.
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>>80581 Goddamn do I love Dusty Shelvesc OCs
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>>61502 Ask and you shall recieve
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/40190/22972651/tickling-hd seems to be an account dedicated to tickling muscular women

Hear Me Out Thread Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 20:46:36 Id: 5182a7 No. 78418 [Reply] [Last]
I'm curious to know if you guys have any 'hear me out' character hot takes. With sizeable Pokemon and monster girl threads in the catalog, I'm sure we're past the 'generic attractive female character' takes around here, so I'm much more interested in hearing about stuff you think others will find genuinely questionable but that still makes the cylinders start firing for you. Let me start with one of my own: she's just a minor antagonist from the manga BLAME!, but Tsutomu Nihei as an artist has the uncanny ability to make his characters look inhuman and scary while still mantaining just enough femininity that my brain can't help but going 'hold up'. And yes, the fact she's a robot is part of the appeal, as is the fact she looks kinda fucked up and evil. It'd be a hassle to figure out how to make her experience tickling in the first place, but I just know it'd be fun as fuck to see her freak out as the need to laugh and trash around helplessly overwhelms her systems.
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Samantha The Cat. I hesitate to say whether, were I actually presented with the opportunity to tickle a sentient, talking cartoon cat, I'd be into it or I'd be thoroughly disturbed, because she doesn't look even remotely anthropomorphic, she just looks like a cartoon cat. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it. She's just such a little shit with an attitude. I can imagine the threats, the bargaining and lies melting and giving way to helpless begging for mercy as push I her deeper and deeper into hysterics, and I find that very appealing. If I don't think too hard about the fact that she looks like a fucking cat. So anyways. I think I want to the cat.
>>80694 what the fuck?
>>80694 huh, I always thought this character was a boy. >>80699 A cat is fine, too.

Fetish pet peeves Anonymous 02/14/2022 (Mon) 00:03:54 Id: aaf477 No. 14343 [Reply] [Last]
Not cringe, not hate, just things that crop up in tickle fetishry that irk you on some level for me, it's when artists give human feet to characters that clearly don't have them because they can't fathom tickling any kind of foot that isn't fully humanoid. Even worse if they have normal human toenails growing over fur, looks cursed.
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>>80668 His streak for doing extreme snotty faces was especially bad in the last couple of years but I hope he isn't still doing them. It would be nice to see more diverse faces even without all the tears and saliva
>>80660 Literally never even noticed the snot until you just pointed it out. I guess my eyes never really focused in on their nose too much and now I can’t unsee. Fuck you Anon.
>>80670 Seriously, the man has other issues to fix when it comes to his expressions for sure, but this one's as easy as just... not doing it. >>80675 >Fuck you, I cast awareness of flaw in tickle art

Capeshit Tickling 09/21/2024 (Sat) 03:20:35 Id: 38e38a No. 72689 [Reply] [Last]
Title, post pics of superheroes and/or villains getting it. DC, Marvel, Image, OCs, whatever.
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>>80623 Who's the artist?
>>80669 I should probably have specified when I posted in other threads, but these are all by me
>>80671 You on anywhere that I could follow you because holy shit you're good.

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Insane Asylum Tickling Anonymous 11/21/2021 (Sun) 11:00:35 Id: 74d968 No. 7394 [Reply] [Last]
I'm talkin leather straps, straight jackets, let's make some crazy bitches go even crazier
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>>80625 >00 So hot!Who is the artist?
>>80625 Second please share the artist
>>80630 >>80638 It's by me, I posted a few of my works in other threads

Deadpooldisassembled Anonymous 02/04/2025 (Tue) 18:43:23 Id: 5c8160 No. 79691 [Reply]
Another one lost to the purge of DeviantArt. Post any DA stuff here
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Nintendo gals Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 17:37:42 Id: f8a5fc No. 76429 [Reply]
Samus, Bayonetta, Palutena... come on guys
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>>80626 Who's the artist?

Marvel Tickling Anonymous 12/31/2024 (Tue) 16:14:36 Id: 09f0a7 No. 77932 [Reply] [Last]
Since Rivals is trending
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>>80586 I think there's a gif version of this that pops up every so often. Thing is it only cuts in, obviously as it was happening. You just catch the tail end. Scarjo was laughing hard too. Had to be a good 5 to 10 seconds tickle.
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Shameless Venting your Tickling Fantasies! Anonymous 03/06/2022 (Sun) 03:57:16 Id: 53cd5c No. 15941 [Reply] [Last]
Excuse the picture I think it's funny... This is a thread for venting your tickling fantasies, this started from talk in whyboners thread about our m/m fantasies involving tickling mafias and the like.
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My idea is kind of silly but I would greatly enjoy it My fantasy is being able to travel inside of my favorite media(anime, video game etc) and with my knowledge of the series doom the heroes and villains to bad end tickle torture using their own weaknesses be it social or physical to help break them down and gaslight them into thinking they deserve it
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>>78141 Different anon, but weed makes me at least 10x hornier and more sensitive. Different strains have do different effects, so. THC overdosing or “greening out” isn't a serious issue it can't kill you, but it would end the session if the lee had too much since they would probably just pass out or be too dizzy. I don't have much experience being tickled IRL outside of some playful non-bondage tickles from girls I've dated, but the feeling is heavenly and sex is unreal. The key is to know your tolerances and limits and that goes for any substance. My dream session would include “forced” drugging to keep me horny and compliant as a tickle slave, or doing the same to a lee as I'm a switch. I imagine some perfecting a strain which induces extreme horniness, an extreme body high, along with leaving them relatively clear minded to appreciate every sensation. Add Maca, Tongkai Ali, and other cheap readily available aphrodisiacs to the mix and your victim would be ready for an extreme tickle torture and edging and denial session they'll never forget. Edibles are definitely my favorite by far as they last longer, get me higher, and are more consistently dosed. Unless you or your lee one of the unlucky people whose liver does not properly convert the THC, edibles are probably the way to go. 5-10 mg is the perfect starter dose. Protip: The best “body high” inducing cannabis I found are mix of technically legal hemp derivatives like D8, D10, HHC, THC-P all packaged in one. These tend to be extremely potent, so be sure to ready the recommended dosing carefully and start small if you go that route. They don' have an official name or brand since the “industrial hemp” market is constantly turning out new companies and changing product names and ingredients.
I had two cousins growing up who I used to be a little tickle terror towards. They were both older and they were girls. So it's safe to say little me had a crush on them. One was blonde, the other brunette. Really, from time to time I'd just pin em and tickle their sides or feet. All that said, growing up I've also developed a taste for being tickled. So from time to I find myself fantasizing about them taking revenge for all the times I've gotten at them. One example involves them just straight up going for it. Using their combined strength to pin me and tickle the hell out of me. One would sit on my arms and ruin my pit. The other with an arm wrapped around my ankles and tickling my poor soles. Cascades of tickle tickles and coochie coos. Making fun of me for being so grown up yet still so ticklish. All until I'm fully worn out. In the more intense scenario, I find myself tied a bed in one of their homes. How I got there isn't usually important. I like to switch it up. Sometimes I like to imagine I've confessed these feelings of wanting to be tied up and tickled by them and they're weirdly down. Or I add on to the first one and they notice I'm having more fun than I probably should. They undress me and find some sort of rope around to tie me down. My favorite is them walking in on me playing some sort of tie up game with myself while visiting them. In this scenario they get more hands on. Playing with my nipples and noticing how brutal it is for me. They'd playfully say they didn't know a guy could be ticklish there. Once they fully notice how hard I am, they'd rip off my boxers or underwear to have it stick straight up. They'd point and laugh while simultaneously tickling me. Eventually they'd grab oil and gently use their nails to tickle my dick til I blow. Sometimes my aunt (their mom) joins in just to show them how to properly tickle me. Getting to to hit my worst spots all at the same time. One cousin tweaking my nipples while the other gets under my toes. Meanwhile my aunt is pressing into my hips and spider crawling her fingers across my tummy. It goes on for a while until they're bored. Usually I'm let lose after everything. Just wanted to share something I've been thinking about. Feels good to write it out lol

Jagokage videos Anonymous 01/08/2025 (Wed) 17:55:47 Id: 18e7db No. 78344 [Reply]
Doing some digging online, these appear to be relatively lost! While travelling around Japan, Jagokage made a collection of tickling videos, in particular where he tickled some Japanes flight attendants. If anyone has more, and feels like posting, go for it.
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>>79772 apparently one of the comments left a link, not sure where it leads since I get errors 具体详情加Q群或742833935飞机群https://t.me/lzjpxm或https://t.me/jplzxm温..,
>>79419 The last lady was very cute, also her feet had nice wrinkles
>>79799 Didn't lead to the tickle vids, instead their ads for bots in telegram

Roleplay Match-Up Thread Anonymous 10/10/2021 (Sun) 19:06:22 Id: 32c446 No. 2941 [Reply] [Last]
discord servers almost always go to shit, so maybe a board where people clearly state what they’d be into in an rp and then connecting privately could work? idk, guess the appeal of the website is that it’s inherently anonymous but if you wanna sacrifice that for a genuinely good rp with someone whose into the same weird shit as you, be my guest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im just sorta fed up with the *tickles* and while everyone is into tickling, there’s a lot of microfetishes (or at least preferences) within it that everyone has. i figured if everyone stated their preferences plainly, it wouldn’t waste time. that being said, i’ll start us off. femanon whose a lee, my worst spots are my feet and breasts so if you focus on those, i’ll pretty much be your tickle slut for life lmao. PLEASE put your mouth on my feet or on my tits, like, im on my hands and knees here. non-con is a nonnegotiable of mine, unfortunately, since i can’t get off without it. pretty big on a power imbalance, i like being vulnerable or easy to take advantage of from the get-go which sort of ties into my dom/sub thing. bondage is, of course, great too. and yes, for you freak freaks, i am into more taboo scenarios as well.. sort of like how im laying it out, should someone take me up on this id like you to lay it out for me as well. its only fair i listen to what you have to say and indulge you if i can, so for myself (or anyone else in this thread for that matter) please be as transparent as possible with what you do like, what you don’t like, and what you’re flexible on. the whole point of this is transparency so like minded weirdos can connect with each other ASAP.
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Ok I'm a male ler who's strictly into fandom tickle RP'S. I'm fine with the person I'm RPing with to be any gender because we're playing fandom characters as long as the person themselves is over the age of 18 I'm cool. as far as characters goes I'm fine with male and female characters and I'm alright with loli and shota but it's not my go-to. I prefer detailed 3rd person RP's my preferences are Noncon tickling, foot lickling, full body tickling, orgasm denial/orgasm torture. My limits: Bathroom stuff. Guro. Bugs. Sharp objects. Actual sex. Furry.

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Anybody down to RP a scenario where my lazy college roommate wants me to do their homework for them but I refuse so they tickle me until I agree? 25M DC is qweqwe11_27337
Well, not a lot of options anymore with Omegle dead. Male Switch, will rp as anything with anyone. I’m not picky and enjoy the roleplay aspect so I can be whatever you prefer. Super open to most related kinks, leaning to noncon and intense but I’ll do most scenes. I prefer more structured stories. Feel free to just DM me Ticklethyme

Non-Tickling Hot Content General Anonymous 05/01/2022 (Sun) 18:49:43 Id: 42861f No. 20592 [Reply] [Last]
For material not containing tickling that still stimulates the ticklefag monkey neuron. Sexy body parts that fill you with desire to tickle them, bondage or situations that seem ripe for tickling shenanigans, outfits that just scream 'tickle me', etc. 2D and 3D are both copacetic. Some overlap may occur with the anticipation and the temptation threads, but unlike either of those, this thread doesn't require a premise of implied tickling.
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>>80494 >Arab hentai exists

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>>80484 That's just beautiful, anon. If i had the chance, i'd try everything - fingertips, nails, feathers, soft and stiff brushes, pinwheel, lips, tongue. And that smile of hers hinting at the possibility of success. A veritable work of art.

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Any other decent tickle forums, etc? Anonymous 02/14/2025 (Fri) 19:39:33 Id: ebd89c No. 80310 [Reply]
I'd really like to hear what you guys would suggest.
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>>80493 NGL, I still think /tkr/ is probably the best option.
I'm just trying to find a server that actually shares good video content.
>>80496 That last part hits the nail on the head for me. I'm bi. Mostly a preference towards women, but I won't scoff if the dude is pretty enough. But the amount of times dudes have just barged into my DMs on Reddit is enough to count on multiple hands. I could be clearer than clear about what I want but 30 minutes later I'll still get the message "I know you said you wanted an F Lee/Let buuuut I'm 50 year old dude from West Arkansas who's trying to meet some buddies". Like. Dude. Read.

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