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Long nails/Claws tickling Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 01:15:12 Id: 1815d3 No. 64308
The indisputably best tiggle tool, right at your fingertips!
Sauce on that second pic?
>>64308 There's something about seeing a long pair of nails scratching at a helpless arch or mercilessly digging into the plushy balls of the feet that really gets me going. Great pics.
>>64319 I second, S tier OP pics Especially F/M gets me going, a lady viciously dragging her nails over a cute guy's soft soles...
>>64320 Love that clip. It is rare that I find clips where all three of the following applies: - the guy is genuinely ticklish - the female ler doesn't suck at tickling - the feet are really nice. I've only ever seen maybe six or seven clips that satisfy all of the above.
>>64321 >six or seven clips that satisfy all of the above. Gotta drop em here or in the F/M thread Proper bondage to prevent thrashing would be nice too
>>64406 >pic 1 I want to get the most foot-softening pedicure available to make my already silky soles even more tender, then present them to these two
>>64511 Man, I would LOVE to see the uncensored version of that second pic. I think SymbionTickles said only the commissioner has it. Whoever they are.
>>64320 >>64562 Really ticklish guys are so fucking hot <3
(49.31 KB 1016x754 204054.jpg)

>>64579 Yeah.
(1.55 MB 1170x2532 IMG_1071.png)

>>64310 some teen slut making feet content with her friend. Goes by @ameliahartt56 on instagram and u/Pleasant_Cricket9356 on reddit
(9.51 MB 1080x1920 IMG_1746 (1).mp4)

>>64320 oh hey a clip of me getting my feet tickled. here's another >>64321 glad you like that clip of mine. i'm looking into getting proper stocks to take our tickle clips to the next level
>>64663 Her insta is private, is there any good content on there?
>>64676 no just pictures. There are clips on her reddit
>>64675 >glad you like that clip of mine. i'm looking into getting proper stocks to take our tickle clips to the next level That would be awesome man, big fan. Your smooth soles really need to be tickled properly. You wouldn't stand a chance.
Pls ;-;
>>64675 Or even, in the meantime, have one where she traps your ankles between her thighs and goes to town on you.
This one is fire: ler's nails, lee's big soles covered in kiss marks, lee trying his best not to laugh, their overall cute looks. Is there a backstory?

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