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Games thread 2 Anonymous 08/25/2022 (Thu) 02:10:31 Id: a588a7 No. 27549
The previous thread >>680 hit the bump limit.
>>65494 I'm currently importing v0.19 on kemono
>>67095 baste
>>33210 What's the name of the game?
>>67233 It's called くすぐり冒険譚 Translates to Tickling Adventure Story but you're better off finding it using the Japanese title.
>>67288 Do you know where we can download it or maybe you can share if you have it?
Does anyone know what happened to JULIE THE TICKLER and if there is any way to play it again? https://ticklegame.com/site/
>>33313 Returning to say what a fucking tragedy it is that this game is in japanese
>>67392 When was the site updated?? Shocked to even see this existing at all still
>>67393 it's that good?
Does anyone happen to have "Fate/Tickling Order XX and the Unknown Planet"?
>>67406 The description by the people that can play it/read the scenes are so good
>>34207 Does anybody still have this? Anonfiles is dead and I'm curious about it.
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New game by AQING soon, apparently gonna have an english version but it's gonna take 1 month
>>67417 now I'm real curious
>>67450 played the game with machine translation. To summarize two game over scene -get put into a forced fight against an enemy for your freedom. Your character tries to fight, but the enemies slowly over powers the character with the mechanic reflecting this. Gets caught as the once proud character tries to run away, gets tickled. -gets caught by a monster girl. forced to put feet into a special liquid that make them more ticklish and tickled. her feet gets so ticklish so she wouldn't be able to live normal life even if she was freed.
>>67718 What did you use to translate it?
>>67722 mtool workes for me, it has a free download
>>67718 Would you still happen to have the save file?
>>67728 https://www.anonfile.la/file/ZV8UKfav0 I will say the game is cruel because its use of cruel irony. Stuff like a hero sacrificing herself, only to face worse ticklish fate. A hero being betrayed by her friend and being tickled by them. Dangling freedom right in front of their eyes just to subject the heroes to worse ticklish fate. Oh, also I haven't finished the game. If you have trouble with running the game, here's what I used. -https://superuser.com/questions/554108/extracting-a-zip-file-with-japanese-characters-in-the-archive-s-filenames -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFCjf7aHE9Y After using these two things, use Mtool to run the game, which fixes the error and let you use machine translation: https://trs.mtool.app/release.php?lang=en
>>67734 Can confirm. This game has some intense and in some cases, dark scenarios that occur. One of my favorites is one where two girls are tied up back to back and dangling with a ton of feathers set up on springy rods and held close to their naked bodies with any movement by one of them causing feathers to brush along their body, causing ticklish movement which would move the other girl behind them and cause feathers on their side to brush past. If they remained perfectly still, the tormentor would simply cause a blast of wind to blow through, making all the feathers move back and forth. Even after stopping the wind, it would be impossible for them to stop moving after that, causing themselves to be tickled indefinitely.
>>67739 Any chance youll be able to upload the scenes somewhere?
>>67739 Actually, can I ask you if the game is over once you beat Hester?(the bad guy that controls the airship)
>>67734 Can't find where to download the game
>>66981 Is there a source on who made this? This is hot as fuck, and those photos on the wall are kino. Where did they come from?
>>67741 Would you believe that's only the halfway point of the game? There is a second continent that you visit for the second half of the game. >>67742 Here https://tarutarutw.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-158.html
Anyone have an untranslated copy of Ares Record? I want to try something to translate it better
>>34163 can you share the game, pls?
It won't be a human translation of Ares Record but it should turn out better soon
do you have the password for this?
password is kimochi.info
new thread anyone?
>>68161 new thread here >>68463

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