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/Roast My Art/ Anonymous 09/15/2022 (Thu) 16:05:12 Id: 57b6b2 No. 29138
Instead of shitting up the "artists you hate" thread I wanted to make a thread for drawfags who are tired to hear praises all day long from people who would fap to any shit given that it involves their niche fetish inside the main fetish So post and roast. Chan forum style Roast my drawing
>>29138 I can't roast someone who draws better than me.
>>29140 Just put some effort into it for fuck's sake, all of 8Chan is doing it
>>29138 i'll copy my critique and my fix from the other thread. im sorry to say but the ticklee's face looks really off, i literally didnt know the ticklee was a girl until i saw that there was no dick. also the faces on the forest dudes unironically look better than the girl's face. she looks like a man. the forehead is very wide and this time the ear is a little too far up. the boobs are very man-ish to the point that i thought it was a dude and the shoulders are too low.
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>>29138 I praised you before because that usually encourages artists. But since you are adamant in wanting the complete piss taken out of your artwork so be it. You draw the most retarded, ugly potatoe faces I've seen in fetish work and that's putting it lightly. The heads are misshapen as if somebody caved in their skulls, the features of the face don't align properly it makes them look like they have down syndrome - but judging by the autistic nature of a lot of tickle spergs maybe you're into that shit. The theming of the pic is bizarre and not in a quirky way. What the fuck is tickling the potatoe lady? Satanic gnomes? Wonky ass devil's? Old cultists dissapointed in their last crop harvest they decided to tickle a vegetable lady? Like wtf man. As a foot coomer I can dig the feet shots but even then it's a stretch from the distraction of everything else. Look up some tutorials on faces, draw em nice. There's a reason many tickle spergs can fap to just feet and faces. Because that's all you need. There ya go.
>>29138 First of all, learn female anatomy for artists
>>29138 I do like muscle girls, but to be honest her body is a bit too man-ish. I recommend drawing her or other girls with wider hips next time.
I think I may be suffering from extreme bad taste syndrome then.... I find this : >>29147 so fucking boring and copypaste vanilla. That face looks like a basic makeup'd nightclub bitch, not like a warrior girl >>29149 >You draw the most retarded, ugly potatoe faces I've seen in fetish work and that's putting it lightly That hurts. I'm glad you guys were honest with me tho. Next time I'm horny I'll just lift some iron to evacuate the sex drive fire. My taste is defo too fucked up for normal people (getting praise from furries and lgbt autists that are 10 years older than me is pain and doesn't count) if I ever return I'll try doing top tier shit
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honestly, i don't mind some criticism, i'm always willing to improve! just know, the drawings with the slim lines were made in another program, i used SB before, now i'm on the CSP gang.
>>29147 Nice, the fix makes it look much better >>29158 yeah anon you're pretty spot on about having "extreme bad taste syndrome" because the other anon's face is like 100000x cuter than yours while still retaing the warrior girl aspect, not to mention they even fixed your wonkyass proportions on the body. Their style is unique like yours but unique in a food way learn to be thankful when some anon with more skill drawing faces actually helps you, damn lmao
>>29159 You seem like the kind of artist that is stuck in drawing his own 'style' when you haven't even begun to practice the basics first. This 'style' of your is extremely basic with literal circles for heads and simple as hell anatomy if you even call it that. Practice drawing human figures, actual human figures. Non of this cartoony Nickelodeon shit. Learn the basics of human anatomy, posing, expression etc before even trying to do things in a cartoony loony style.
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>>29165 okay, i know i said i invited criticism but i'm left scratching the dandruff off of my forehead with this one, so you're telling me i should learn human proportions and anatomy to draw cartoons despite the fact cartoons take very little of that into account?
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>>29168 Cartoons do take anatomy into account. They just stylize them to the point that you don't think it's required anymore. I guarantee you the best cartoonists knew how to draw the human body. They just can exaggerate and warp the forms and expressions to their advantage.
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>>29169 consider yourself lucky, mine never refreshes. I can never samefag.
>>29168 >cartoons take very little of that into account This is such a cope. DQ I remember your ways from your MSpaint era. I've always avoided your art because it's not visually interesting. You've technically improved very slightly over the course of 500 fucking uploads but you never asked yourself the right questions. Yes, cartoonists use real anatomy, yes knowing how to draw a face will help you. Right now you're drawing a circle, then you a laughing face to it and call it a new character because it has a different hairstyle or whatever. If you really want to go full-on cartoon look at other artists that over-simplify their characters and realize there's a very complex process of simplification that happens. Start with the loomis method, actually learn proper anatomy and then plug your 'style' in it.
>>29173 yeah, being entirely honest, i never thought about it that way, and in a way i can see where you're coming from, i've never taken drawing particularly serious, specially because i know i cannot turn it into a job and live off of it, it's honestly just a fun hobby for me, however, that does bring a good point, at first i thought that what the other anon was saying was stupid because it did sound like personal preference for a more realistic style, but looking at this, it does raise a good point. still, i don't get how to achieve that, not out of a lack of skill but just lack of fundamentals, because even looking at it i can't understand it, but at the same time something clicks, i just can't put my finger on it, you feel me? either way, are there any good places to start? because if i'm being honest here, most of the stuff in my art style are just things that i like that i cobble together to make what i draw now a days, and there have some things that i've re-taken from my old art now that i understand how to adapt them properly to my current style, however, all of this has been done without a basis or a reference point. lastly, bump that shit up to 700 uploads, i left DA after eclipse went and fucked the website up, so i've been posting on pixiv and Twitter, and i have to have a good...100+ uploads there, maybe.
>>29158 I don't think you've got bad taste, but you're certainly acting in bad faith. You can still make fierce looking warrior girls while also repecting basic anatomy (like Aloy here), and I'm pretty sure you know this. People here are kicking your shit not because they don't like your 'style', but because your style objectively lacks the knowledge to make it conventionally attractive. Get yourself a reference and start tracing to get it right. >>29174 I've taken commissions in the past but yes drawing is a hobby for me too. Maybe it's just me but when I learn a new skill I like to feel progress in it. I don't see myself go to the gym and lift the same weights for a year. as to where you can start : http://www.alexhays.com/loomis/ Try 'figure drawing' and 'drawing the head and hands' for a start. you don't need to be an expert on these but there are a lot of interesting things you can generalize to any single character (pictured here the famous head tutorial). Secondly train your eye on https://line-of-action.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing to reproduce people Thirdly try using a mannequin/software like designdoll to make up your own pose and composition and sketch from there. It's just for training mind you, once you're confident enough your natural style will emerge from your training and your cartoonist soul will appear on top.
>>29174 I'm the person who redrew the other artist's drawing in a style similar to mine but, You don't necessarily have to draw realism all the time, at least that's what I personally did because realism can be kinda ass sometimes. The best way I can describe learning at art is like a good workout, it's a pain in the ass in the moment, exhausting, and awful; however later, you are glad you did it. Being a really good artist requires a lot of observation. Being a good artist also requires you to accept your mistakes and recognize what you can and can't do. If you want to improve as an artist and if you find yourself too comfortable with your art, you gotta do something more challenging. Constantly challenging yourself in your art can make a night and day difference within a year or months even. You can make a goal of doing studies of hands or feet realistically. Or just try to do something in a more difficult way something as small as a different eye shape or different expression will do. It's nice to see you shift to a more understanding mindset because that is a starting step from being an incredibly amazing artist that blows everyone out of the water. TLDR don't be like the other fag who literally didn't improve in 2 years and still draws the same autistic potato caveman faces while hiding behind the excuse of "at least its not le kawaii anime uwuw face!!!1 xd"
>>29176 shit dude, this is too much for me, i'm reading this in a catatonic state; i do enjoy improving a lot, and i try to keep at it more and more, i like to vary up poses, try new angles, taste a bit of everything per say (which, again, can be reflected on my art) and i don't try to draw the same pose multiple times unless i'm running low on ideas or the pic is basic, what i'm trying to get at is that when i improve, i try to keep myself up to that new level i've achieved, sure, i reached it in an unorthodox way (i literally just sit down and think "i wanna try this out" and just do it by eye and instinct), and though i'm glad people buy art from me, i guess this makes me understand why there was a piece i always felt was missing, why i spent a couple years feeling like there was something wrong, like the shape of the heads, or the proportions of the torso or the way the butt connects to the thighs. thanks anon, i'll...keep this in mind, i have some comms on the backburner so i think i gotta churn those out before i can get to try this out, but...fuck man, i just feel like my entire world is upside down. >>29181 i totally agree with you anon, in fact, it's something i've always done, i know my style is super simple, and i like it that way, not out of stagnation but because as of late i've been really happy with the content i've been drawing, i used to look at my old art and think "this doesn't fit, this needs to change, that goes, this stays", i fixed a bunch of self-created issues like drawing necks too thin or torsos being super long, or hell, drawing constantly mirrored and then trying to apply a 3/4ths turn camera angle way back in the day, that's why i keep trying new poses, settings, lighting and the stuff of the sort, i think stagnation breeds lazyness, and then the ego comes to reap what's left. i will personally agree on one thing, i do think that drawing anime is like selling your soul to the devil, but not in the sense of "haha i'm the best artist ever now", but rather hinging on the fact that you're kneecapping your creativity to learn a bunch of hyper specific rules and end up drawing something that is going to be conventionally appealing, and eventually you're just gonna be another raindrop in the sea, and that's something i've learned in my architecture classes too, how learning the rules to something is going to limit your creativity, instead, you have to learn the basics and then pull back before you get too comfortable with the shit you're doing.
>>29158 I tried fixing the face in your style but it ultimately didn't work out because it didn't look aesthetically pleasing. I was trying a more semi-realistic style because I was under the assumption you wanted to go that way due to the uncanniness it had. When you draw a woman, look at references and you can see that muscular women still have feminine facial and physical features. I didn't draw makeup, they're called lips. If you want useless ass-kissing compliments, go back to deviantart, where you'll ultimately never improve and be stuck with an ugly ass style with shit anatomy. Many artists who care about their work will appreciate constructive criticism like DQ over there, not to mention he has enough self-awareness to look at his old art and see what he needs to improve and update. Every artist starts out with shit, and no one can ever achieve perfection, just a higher level.
>>29159 >"I'm always willing to improve!" No, you aren't.
okay, i'm back, i haven't started working on improving yet because i need to know how far back i need to go, because at first i was just absolutely destroyed by the fact that i may had to start from the beggining, but thinking about it some more, i'm unsure of where i should start and what should i strive to change from the get-go, i've even talked to other artists to try and get their perspective on things and i've had various mixed responses, so i want to ask what i should strive to change right now.
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Any drawanons know where to learn the color thing? I never finish anything I start. I don't pick the right colors, even when using the eyedropper tool directly from reference.
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>>29206 It just takes practice m80. Learning what looks good and what doesn't. Bit of trial and error, all that. Also I'm happy to line and color whatever you want. You know where to find me. Probably.
>>29138 Damn, that pic's cute as hell! Guess it's gonna be the unpopular opinion of the thread now, but you should keep the unique style you got going, cause that fix made her look like a bland, interchangeable animu female and would make your work pretty forgettable. Got any more, or a page anywhere?
>>29143 You draw pretty well my man, don’t get discouraged over the way people shit on you on how you draw faces, with more practice you can home that skill and get better. My question for you is, is this character based on someone at all? This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this lol, this character looks legit identical to someone I know in Ireland. Like it’s surreal, even the jewelry and hairstyle is the same.
>>29204 finally did something, need general consensus, the point of it was like a scan, to see what i was doing wrong in the proportions side, i need takes.
>>29168 You have to know the rules and have comprehension of what they're there for before you know when it's appropriate to break them. A cartoon is stylized, representing something from real life but exaggerated. How can you exaggerate something with intent if you're not familiar with the original? This isn't to criticize but to explain the thought process behind why intentionally learning fundamentals comes before all else. Speed, technique, and eventually style come later. This advice applies to just about every hobby out there. Writing, art, dance, martial arts, playing an instrument, you name it. tldr git gud
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Dont really draw tickleshit but im a lurker here so what the hell
>>29147 >>29149 >>29152 >>29153 >>29162 >>29176 Ok guys, I've had a night of sleep, I've let the critiques sink in, I'm ready to try again instead of being a bitch about it >>29211 Ah yeah, I remember, I was asking about a facial expression in the drawthread. Nope, just a character from the top of my head. It's basically a combination of the most cliché punk girl attire : the padlock + chain collar, the spikey black leather one, the mohawk, for instance I bet your friend wears Doc Martens, it's just the cliché punk stuff really, like I could have drawn her a safety pin earring or an anarchy badge on her jacket, the list goes on >>29159 If I was you, I'd start with getting better at drawing boobies but yeah, overall this : >>29165 >>29218 You draw on a very small format, don't you ? Looks like the fuckups I do when I try to draw a character in the background or in a comic frame. Also small format really doesn't help when going from paper to digital cause you can see all the small imperfections 10x more
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>>29149 > What the fuck is tickling the potatoe lady? Satanic gnomes? Wonky ass devil's? Old cultists dissapointed in their last crop harvest they decided to tickle a vegetable lady? Like wtf man. They're fauns/forest trolls, I thought is was pretty clear D:
>>29229 Yea im a poorfag who uses cheap paper from the dollar store to draw on, also im very sloppy with lines and whit so that doesnt help
>>29212 Interesting. It's not terrible but it's also very stiff, you seem to focus more on raw countours rather than the general movement of the pic. You basically got the girl grabbing a pole, but you didn't get how she seems to almost be falling backward while pulling herself inward. Here have this playlist, it's short and easy to follow and it should help you make things more dynamic. Also do you use a tablet? Your linework is very thick and strong, I would advise going much softer for that exercise that way you don't end up with messes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74HR59yFZ7Y&list=PLTlZSPbm1zgJUT_CljARO0Z1xpCaFoY8O Also don't sweat it about details like the face and nails now, It'll come later, focus on the general shapes (legs, torso, chest, neck, head without the face). Certainly refreshing to see you draw something less simplistic for once! Don't give up so soon >>29231 I think your real issue is trying to go overboard on that shading before getting a satisfying sketch. Your lines are either very angular or very shaky, you should try long flowing movements to make them clean and smooth like continuous curves
>>29235 thanks anon, i'm not planning on giving up, yesterday i was feeling like shit the entire day because i was so confused about my entire art career and how much of it was built on what's basically a lie, but today i feel a bit more refreshed and i realized i genuinelly don't have to start from the ground up entirely, i know how proportions work, even if my art is still a bit too stiff, i know how to not make a head look massive while compensating with the rest of the body so it doesn't look out of proportion, and most people i've shown this to have said that yeah, i should at least learn how to apply this to my style rather than creating a new style all together, because the pieces that i have are not bad, and who knows, my art will probably evolve the same way it's been doing since the beggining to the point i may change some other aspects of it, i'll be checking one of those books later on today to see how much of the groundwork i've self taught myself works too. that said, i do have a question, and i don't expect a straight answer (specially after yesterday me asking like 10 different artists and everyone telling me somethign different), but...there are people who thrive with simple art, like the one i'm currently doing, some of these people have straight up admitted they don't know human proportion or need realistic proportion, so in a way, they made their own proportions that suit them, in turn, couldn't the same happen to my art? i know it's not healthy to compare myself to other artists, but i'm genuinelly curious, examples bellow.
>>29267 I'll try to be short >pic 1 Clear understanding of simplistic anatomy, especially fingers and expressions. Good understanding of linework, where to put the thick and thin lines, and folds on clothes. This person has clearly taken some time studying to achieve this result, btt it is not fitting to what's considered conventionally attractive. >pic 2 Good understanding of basic anatomy, linin, coloring. Nothing spectacular but certainly required some groundwork to get there. >pic 3 Same case. This isn't simple, this is already very elaborate compared to what you usually do. >pic 4 That I can believe there was no training involved. It's 'cute'. I found the guy's page and I think people told him that a lot because he never improved over the course of 3.5thousand pictures. No interestng design, bland lines, bland colors, non-existent backgrounds, avoid comparing yourself to this if you want to make it. You shouldn't strive to make 'realistic' art. I know I don't. But it's only through knowing the basic concepts you find in nature that you will have enough brainspace allocated to 'what a belly looks like' that you'll be able to make something that even remotely looks like pic 2 or pic 3. Cute art =/= ignorant method . Your own proportions that fit your style will come out on top once you understand
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>>29275 >pic 1 y'know, fair enough, i do try to keep my lines separatefrom thin and thick...to varying results, also funnily enough there is also circle head, the difference being the generally super basic character design (not that it's bad mind you) >pic 2 funny you mention that, what this artist told me was that they really only aped things from other people they liked, like the face proportions or the way they draw certain things, which brings me onto. >pic 3 this is a drawing my senpai did for me, he's the guy i've been sorta kinda trying to ape myself, to the point i sometimes ask myself "what would he do?" and then i just kinda...do it, he even admitted that he doesn't base himself off of anatomy and cobbles up a couple of styles like chibi heads and realistic bodies in a way similar to mine, that and he sketches a lot, so it probably helps his muscle memory. >pic 4 again, funny you say that, because this guy literally went to college to study animation and character design, apparently they started drawing out basing themselves off of mickey mouse cartoons and even fit some of that extreme toonyness into their own style, which i personally think makes it work, so i would say this is more of a "taste" thing. in all honesty, it's a very good analysis and what you'er saying does make sense, i'm not asking this stuff to try and make you say what i want to hear, that'd be fucking stupid, but i'm trying to look at it from various angles so that way i can make a rough assumption of what i need to work on or should, after all, a change like this is not simple, specially after so many years of practice, and hell, artist from pic 2 and 3 have said that they like my style and feel like i shouldn't change things, so it's like i'm standing in the eye of the storm, everything flying past me. TLDR; thanks for you assesment, i'm gonna try some other things this afternoon, hopefully they help.
damn i was not expecting to open this thread and see genuinely good advice and resources. hope the aspiring drawfags take what’s been posted here to heart. it’s a timeless saying for a reason: you have to learn the rules before you can break them. learn basic anatomy first before trying to develop a unique style.
>>29278 Not all people who are fully self-taught are bad. Drawing is a skill and we all have very inequal learning curves. Some people will be surprisingly good easily but will stagnate very fast without proper studying. The opposite is also true. People who make their career into wanting to go to art school / animation don't necessarily improve, they mostly get a huge ego boost if they manage to make it out of there with a degree. I've had very good friends with very poor skill make it to art school, and come out drawing even more retarded than they started. Not to out myself but it was supposedly Europe's best animation school. I wouldn't be surprised if >>29211 made it to art school for some time, and learned a few brainrotting concepts about expressing themselves. That being said your buddies aren't all wrong either. Making patchwork of other people's styles, that is also studying. It doesn't matter all that much if its exactly the scholar way or not, what matters is that your reference is good.
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>>29283 holy shit, yeah, that is a 100% true, in architecture they teach us how to understand and apply Le Corvusier's techniques to architecture, and a bunch of fucking faggots come out saying "i'm better than Le Corvusier" and do absolute dogshit designs that don't understand anything about his philosophy, not only that, but you have absolutely fucking abhorrent shitbrain architecture against humanity like the ungodly soggy trash Frank Gherhi does, i fucking hate his architecture and his retarded phylosophy. but back on context, yeah, how would you honestly rate me in a scale of 1-10, i want it as soon as you're aviable so i can re-post what i'm doing tonight, see if it does change something.
How do you guys think a perfect facial expression should look like?
>>29235 Thanks for pointing that out, is there any other flaws with my art that i should improve
well, regardless of score, i decided to take a shot at "Fun with a Pencil" and tried to sketch some stuff, and honestly, there were a lot of things that suddenly made sense, it showed me that there are some things that i do understand, some things that i perform subconciously without understanding the basis, and some things that i drew once and it was lightning in a bottle because i didn't understand how i got there, regardless, i'm eager to continue with this book tomorrow, i'm feeling a tad tired, but now i feel like i understand what i'm doing better!
>>29308 Looking good anon! I've been on the same page before as I really didn't have open access to the internet back then, I didn't even know that my attraction to tickling and what a fetish back then back then. I spent years not knowing where I was lacking. The Fundamentals of art , lines, shape, proper line control, gesture, then anatomy etc... And that they must be learned in that sort of order. Hell I can't even draw a straight line with a gun to my head, let alone a complex shapes. It was only recently that I got things right when I started talking with other learners and other artist on "Learn how to Draw" discord groups I started learning about the fundamentals. They very first thing they told and taught me is about the difference talent and skill. If any who's a normie (any one whos never drawn) says you are talented, it looks good and all that bamboozle words, then it's a trap for stagnation. Art is a skill and not a talent, it is studied, learned and developed over years. They told me to look at the first drawing of the many artist that I follow and the latest pieces they have. I will tell you the same thing they said to me, you will see that it took them years to get their current state, from stick like scrawny people to fully developed characters. On another note, I also saw that some tickle artist started by drawing normal art before they fell into the degeneracy of drawing porn like redscript, michaella, klaudsan, and etc... I would say that porn is where all roads lead but ehh lol that's a different topic. They told that it at east takes at the minimum 4 years with daily practices and studies at the minimum of 30 minutes a day to become your average paid porn commissioned artist. I should learn the basics first and learn how to draw before experimenting colors, backgrounds, and styles. I've been at it two months now and I've learned a lot about
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>>29347 well, that's the funny thing, at least for me, got people who still pay me commissions, i still have a lot of people who look up to my art and are eager to see what i do next, sure, my audience is not that big, and i'm not trying to gloat about being in the spotlight, but i think that one shouldn't look down on followers either, they shower you in praise because they genuinelly like what they see, and in my honest opinion, it's nice to give that kind of people reassurance about their own talents. secondly, in regards to drawing, yeah, i kinda did the entire thing backwards, i started six years ago, and when drawing this sketch i realized that drawing self taught has given me a bunch of subconcious skills, they're not polished, but they still exist, and my architecture classes in which i've been since 2019 have taught me other things, they're more advanced, but they really do help when it comes to drawing, things like vanishing points, giving textures to materials, creating spaces and empty spaces, i don't know much about genuine art composition, but i know about architectural composition, which also helps. personally, i've always been a quick learner, so the things that i'm doing here i'll probably have bolted down in a week, so i can go back to my art a bit more wise and ready to try out all this stuff, however, that'll be when i'm done with this book, today i'm gonna post later on tonight about my progress between pages 21 to 40, i don't know what awaits me, but i'm eagerly excited to continue!
okay, today's progress is here! honest to god these last few pages have helped me understand my art at a deeper level than i honestly expected, i know i like my style basic, but even the basicness to it has a level of complexity i never understood, i'm really happy with most of how these faces turned out too. that said, i think i'm gonna skip a small chunk of the book where it talk about realistic proportion, it doesn't feel like it suits me and it's not a road i'm planning on going, but i'd like to hear you anons' take on it
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I'm back, cunts Time for round 2
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>>30125 What exactly has changed? Bro just try to make her face a bit more feminine. I'm not talking about the fact that the anatomy and proportions of her body are completely fucked up. You made her torso even worse (no offence)
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>>30136 Fuck this shit, fixing this is 100 times more work than starting a new drawing from the beginning
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>>30138 >>30136 Actually, you know what, I've spent several evenings trying to fix my shit, I can spend a couple more while I'm at it I like the way I did the face and I'm not sure taste is something that can be fixed. But regarding anatomy fucking hell, you're right, the torso is way too big That's the issue when fixing parts of a drawing : you have to redo a lot of stuff that wasn't otherwise looking freakish because it's now cosmically out of proportion and looks like shit Thamk you for the feedback, fam
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>>30145 i will say that you have improved a bit, mainly in regards to the whole head shape, i'd personally say that you start to take into account the way facial features move around the face, such as the mouth shortening when being away from the screen or eyes narrowing when they're closer to the edge of the face, makes it feel a bit more organic.
>>30147 >mouth shortening when being away from the screen or eyes narrowing when they're closer to the edge of the face ???
>>30165 basically perspective, how when the face turns away in a 3/4ths position makes one side of the face "narrow down"
>>30147 Yea I know what you mean m8, the left eye is wider than the right one when it's supposed to be the opposite
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>>30165 I did a drawing to help you understand Retard
>>30180 This is so brutal
>>30145 I'd move her mouth up a smidge. the space between her nose and upper lip's a little expansive. >>30180 too far, man........
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>>30145 Baalbuddy aint good for much but he understands how to draw an attractive face, maybe these tutorials would help You and if not basic facial symetry is the bare mininum to create an appealing face
Also another problem with the drawing is that it has pretty poor composition, there isnt any spacing between the diffrent angles and actions that it gives the drawing a disoriantating vibe
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>>30182 >>30185 Takin notes. Hope I have some free time to draw tonight but I probably won't... I don't want to draw in a style that's too "anime" but some facial symmetry won't hurt >>30186 Yeah, I was planning on making it clearer with lighting. I like filling all the empty space in my drawings
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>>30173 I don't understand where you saw the "eyes narrowing" and "mouth shortening" here, but ok It's definitely not a 3/4 (45°) but a 20° angle. This rule doesn't apply here
>>30196 the degree of the angle doesn't actually matter retard. it could be 1 degree. it's the fact that the left side of her face is closer to the viewer (bc she's looking right) but the left side features are smaller than the right side and thats not how perspective works.
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I've had it with this fucking drawing, I'm moving on Thank you for your time and comments retards
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>>31772 that ain't it chief.
>>31772 Her navel should be a bit higher, but ok. Keep practicing, good job on this one.
>>31782 Meh. Next time maybe ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ >>31783 Noted, thanks mate
>>31842 nothing against you man, i just feel like you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds.
>>31899 Yea, instead you should BITE THE DUST ! (ok i will stop)
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>>31899 I mean "retards" as in "my fellow retards", it was aimed at the hands that fed me as well as the ones that bitch slapped me. If you don't feel concerned then don't mind it, my intellectually enlightened sir
>>31899 Only thing you feed is the brain damage, circle head.
>>31996 Oh, well, yeah fair enough, I’m a retard then, oops
Ok, considering this whole thing started because of edits to someone else's picture, that begs the question: What is enough when it comes to editing a picture? Like obviously, recoloring it drastically, taking out watermarks, stuff like that is bad. But what about mild edits? Like fixing some of the colors slightly, adding stuff like foot imprints, is that fine? How questionable is that?
>>32005 So mean for no reason, but Yea dq, never settle for mediocrity always try to become the best artist you can
>>32037 oh, i never saw this comment, and i do appreciate the concern, the thing about me, and this is entirely just autism from me, is that i've really tried to do other types of heads in other styles, but nothing really suits me, i understand it's not the best, but i'm just not happy with any other style right now even if i do understand the value of having a good style for heads, i honestly wish i had more examples but right now i'm quite happy with the circle head, specially after reading the books the other anons suggested me. that said, if i do ever change my head style it won't be because someone tells me to, but because i see value in it, i'm a firm believer in the statement that art should be fun for you, and if you're not having fun you should take a break from it, so i won't be changing it any time soon, at least until i find a suiteable replacement.
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so it's been a bit, and after what happened in the AYH thread i bring some new offerings to be scorched.
>>34875 there's some improvement there in terms of the pose, "B" definitely has more movement in the pose and curvature within the body itself (the butt and chest pop out, which is great). however the overall pose is still slightly stiff, as even though the upperbody is leaning forwards there is no actual curve in the spine. the spine will always have a curve and you can emphasize that more especially for a pose like this. the arms are also quite stiff, literally t-posing. the t pose looks so off and is used for comedic purposes precisely because it's jarring to look at due to its stiffness as all bodies whether in motion or not will be dynamic. judging by the face, the character is viewed at an angle and therefore the arms should not form a straight line but curve downwards toward the vanishing point. i included some arrows to show what i mean.
>>34877 understood, and as to "deffend" my self a bit, i wanna know why the arms don't work like that if they're meant to be held at the sides by the ice in a straight angle, is it because of the camera position? also, thanks for showing me the arrows on the legs, it's always been so difficult for me to make legs point in different directions, or even spread appart unless it's really close, can you explain the logic behind that a bit more?
>>34879 you can keep the arms in a T shape but the horizontal line of the "T" should be tilted slightly down, as i've indicated with the red arrows on the arms. and yes, it's because of the camera position which is viewing the character from the lower left (i can tell based on the face). however, the perspective of the character can't and shouldn't be displayed through the face alone, the body must convey it as well. that's why the arms should be tilted down a little. spreading the legs apart just adds more subtle "motion" into the picture and overall makes it a little more pleasing to look at, at least in my opinion. for example, a t-pose has the legs straight together which looks very stiff.
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>>34880 oh my fucking god that makes a lot of sense; earlier here they gave me some books and i picked only one of them, the most basic one (cuz i don't have much faith in myself anyways) and i remember the author split the body proportions a lot and from the text it seemed to be only for arranging the parts of the body, but i could just use that the same way as the atlas for the head i'm currently using thanks to the same book. hmm, well, sometimes you want it stiff, sometimes you want it splayed, it really does depend on the situation, y'know?
>>34881 glad you see what i mean, also, you dont need books to learn how to make pleaseing-to-look-at art. the only art lessons i ever had was middle school art class and that was it. everything else i learned by just observing other art and more importantly observing my own art and seeing where i needed to improve. this pic has a decent amount of motion as well as you've actually bent back the spine which makes sense. and yes, sometimes you want rigid arms/legs because that's what the situation calls for. adding the curved spine on this one really adds to the motion despite the arms and legs being stiff. personally i always like drawing flowing poses. ive included a recent pic that has a somewhat similar pose to illustrate what i mean
>>34883 ah, no wonder you didn't tell me who you were, and yes you're entirely right i totally know who you are, but i won't say it for the sake of privacy. well, in a way, and i've said this before, i do look back onto my art and think about what i can change or how i can do something differently to make it a lot more pleasing, it's helped me a lot, and i know on the surface it doesn't seem like i've improved that much, but the personal journey i've been trough has honestly been quite extensive, but that's something i won't delve deeper into if there is no interest. that said, i guess that's a thing that distiguishes us, we go about certain elements in our art in different ways, even the most baisc ones, from drawing four digits in a hand to three or the composition of elements like the generation from the neck to the shoudlers, not saying this to cope with "it's my style don't criticize me", rather, just something nice to point out that distiguishes us, because the base anatomy is there (yes believe it or not i use very basic anatomy), but it's not something that is flat out wrong, i just gotta tend to it a bit more. that said, i feel like you're the best person to ask right now, seeing how it's an artist-to-artist convo, but...man, heads still fuck me up, i've gotten used to the circle head because i feel it fits my style but i've never found something that satisfies me outside it, i don't like calarts head, i don't want to do pointed chin, not realistic square chin, i just don't know where to go and i'd like to see if you have any suggestion at all.
>>34884 yea ive been told by a lot of people that my style is very unique lol. and yes, i also choose to draw 4 digits on the hands and feet as a purely stylistic choice. the way i do heads, i can't really put a finger on it as i dont think my style is cal-arts or anime or anything but unique my own. with different characters i will put different head shapes such as round, sharp, long, and anywhere in between because just like real humans, cartoon humans will have different head shapes. if you like the circular head go ahead and keep it, but i think your audience will appreciate a variety of heads especially for different characters. even with characters that have similar faces, you can try changing their facial structure such as eyes, nose, mouth to make them distinct. i included some of the faces ive done; even though there's only 2 types of basic face shapes here (2 round and 2 long), i still try to make them look distinct from one another.
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>>34887 ....t-the first one
oh, sidenote, i find it funny that i just got an ephiphany, cuz i was scrolling trough my fap folder when i found this piece and not only did the whole "curved spine" thing inmediately blasted at me from the inkling, it also made me realize that i get lost in the weaths when i start drawing the body structure, because my wire framing is just an entirely different beast compared to the actual body making.
>>34888 i take it you like that first head? im drawing that character right now lol another thing to consider is that your style must be consistent within a picture, i.e. the style of your head, body, and extremities should all match. for example if you place a realistic head on a cartoon body or vice-versa it's gonna look off. or if you put realistic feet on a cartoon body (this happens ALL the damn time and it pisses me off). i personally think the way you do 4 digits like i do fits well with your style just like how it fits mine >>34891 im glad you can see how the curved spine thing is present in a lot of art; i personally dont do wire skeletons but if you want a curving body you can just make the wire skeleton's spine and body curve and draw on top of that. the last pic has nice motion as you can clearly see the character bending from the weight of the hammer thing.
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>>34892 that first one i totally agree with you, it's a consistant style, thought consistancy can also be created trough repetition, something i feel happens to me, but ofc i'll try to use that head tomorrow on like, a personal project or something and gauge how good i can make it, cuz holy shit that's almost what i was looking for. emphasis on almost, because y'know, i gotta pull it off. yeah, again, ever since i read that book i feel it's helped me a lot, i won't say that people shouldn't judge me for the 98% of art i've put out there, but again, if you just "give me a chance" you can tell i'm honestly trying.
>>34895 i suppose you can take inspiration from that head; you can put it into your own style but don't use the same head for every character is my suggestion. let us know how it goes
>>34896 thank you, and i will!
>>34895 here's that sketch of that character i am currently working on if you like heads like that. i always draw this character with this head cuz it's, well, her head. i hope you can see that in between these 3 examples she has a consistent head but the expression is always different.
>>34898 Firstly, that expression is killer, utterly fantastic. Super great reaction. I will say that there doesn't look like a lot of movement in the picture, not even a toe twitch or reaction besides the face (Probably implemented later but just letting you know early) the character is adorable and I'm excited to see more of her.
>>34899 Realized this is the roast thread and not the feedback thread so I'll try to be more ruthless next time
>>34899 i posted these to help a different artist, but thanks for your suggestion
>>34904 Well damn I just kept fucking up, guess that's why we call ourselves retards
>>34898 Is there somewhere I can see more of your art? :)
okay, i had lunch, i have some music in the background, i'll show what i've got progressively in the work progress. 1) i feel like i totally bastardized this face, in fact, so far i feel like i already fucked them all up even if i haven't touched the other two, it's just...fuck dude. at least i'm aware that there is a diference between line styles, i prefere thicker lines so it doesn't help with the simplified style. 2) i feel i also absolutely butchered this one, i understand how it was built on a surface level, and the details are nice, but i...don't know, i just feel like this face wouldn't work with my style since it'd have almond shaped eyes whereas i usually work with ovals, so i'd have to go that route instead, i like the shape of the head, it's so squishy and nice, but....fuck, i just can't do it justice. 3) this is one from someone i look up to the most, and it's with an OC of mine so i'm familiar with the territory, and i still just fucking can't, i think i should have made the top of the head bigger? in conclussion, i feel like i absolutely failed all of these three styles, the one i like the most is the second one and even still i just fucked it up real good, i just don't know what to do, i know success shouldn't be instant, but i didn't feel any of these click what-so-ever, i love them, i love it when other artists do them, but i just can't fucking do them myself.
>>34940 I'd say you were able to modulate your style with mine on the 2nd one with the head I did; I agree using oval eyes may work better with your style since you draw rounded faces. how an artist does their faces is a defining characteristic of their style and you should strive to create your own unique style which just takes a lot of practice until you find one you like.
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>>34942 what bums me out is that i didn't feel any of them click, not only that, but i feel like i did a diservice to the artists who use them. i just don't know what to do, i haven't had one click ever, even if i can generate multiple styles of heads i just want O N E that would leave me satisfied.
>>34944 im afraid that the only way to overcome that is just keep trying and drawing, no artist creates a style of head that's exactly to their liking quickly. i know you probably heard this a million times but practicing different styles of heads will help a lot. how you practice is up to you. if you dont want to do a lot of different styles of heads, just find the head that you currently like the most (even if imperfect) and continue gradually experimenting with its style (i.e. shape of eyes, head, position of facial structures, etc.) until you find a set of facial structures and positions you like. thats how i decided on my facial styles, by experimenting with different eye shapes, eyelash shapes, and position of the eyes and types of mouths. i personally like sharp, almond-like eyes that are set decently far apart which i feel like is the defining characteristic of the faces i do. keep in mind that what you think is "perfect" currently will change as you grow as an artist.
>>34946 funny you say that because i've preached the "practice makes perfect" to some of my friends who are..."lower on the food chain" than me, not to sound egotistical, just people who are starting off. and well, yeah, i'll keep practicing, i just want a head that's round and smushy so i can still do some over the top facial expressions, and again, funny, cuz i got most of my stuff figured out with eyes, eyelashes, noses mouths, teeth and all of that, it's just that i need a head that convinces me. still, i very much appreciate your advice, i'll keep thinking where to go from here, i just got a hunch for a breaktrough that is soon to happen.
>>34944 one more thing about the style of the head is the eyes, which imo are the 2nd most important aspect to the style of the head (with the most important aspect being the shape of face/eyes/mouth/nose and their positions). once you get a facial structure you like, try experimenting with different ways of doing eyes. a good eye(s) is the finishing touch on a facial style and really makes it pop, the cherry on top.
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>>34971 I see that you put my advice of having a curved spine into practice which is noticeable I said before, the path of improvement should be paved by yourself foremost , so therefore I ask you what you think you can improve on with this pic
>>29138 Those trees look terrible. Doesn't even look like real leafs or close to it.
>>34984 hmmmmm...without breaking my style in regards to the simplified clothes, i think it's just arraging the facial structure a bit better, plus knowing what to add or remove, like changing her left ear for a bang of hair, or maybe adjusting the eyes in a way where it doesn't clash awkawrdly with the frames of the glasses.
>>34989 the clothes are fine, yes. you make a good observation that the eyes can be re-shaped as to not clash with the glasses; atm they both share the same boundaries so from the thumbnail it looks like she has a huge pair of double-decker eyes. i wont comment on the head as the head style will be up to you to decide. for the body, i will suggest that the arm is a little too large (their length are fine, but perhaps too girthy) compared to the rest of the torso. also, the boobs wouldnt pop out that far like that if they are to be small. only larger boobs will be able to pop out like that because theyve got more substance. i included a pic i did with a similar position as an example
>>34984 >>34994 understood, that's something i did want to bring up myself but forgot to, and well, the shape of the head is the entire point of this discussion, is it not? i'd like to say that i do want to experiment a little with variety between heads for three archetypes of charaters: bubbly, semi-serious and generally serious, with them being a bit more pointy in general. but i'll get there when i get there. still, thank you so much for your help spideranon, that was kind of the shove i said i needed, and i'm glad you were not bothered to help me, i'm in debt to you.
>>34997 no worries, just remember that from now on you have to be your own 'shove' in the right direction and always be critiquing yourself and looking to improve. i know that i am still improving as im still constantly 'upgrading' my old pieces. good luck with your future work!
>>34994 Is it your OC? Why does she have the flag of the Kingdom of Italy on her arm?
>>35128 yes she is an oc that is Italian and from that time period
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okay, i'm back, i practiced for a tad and tried to figure out how i like the heads the most, but here comes the kicker...does this count as calarts?
>>35192 perhaps slightly? as calarts tends to have rounded eyes, rounded faces like these. having a wide, cartoony mouth is also something calarts has; even though you didn't do a beanmouth here it may look similar (the teeth are the same vertical lines as calarts). if you want to avoid a calarts-like style, it might be hard to do if you want to have round eyes and faces. however, if you are adamant in having round eyes and round faces, you can make a style distinct from calarts by adding unique, bold eyelashes as well as unique nose shapes (i.e. a more "realistic" cartoon nose than the round ones in ca). adding lips is also a good way to distinguish your style from CA as ca tends to lack lips altogether (a crucial part of facial structure if you ask me).
trying to draw a background for the first time; how's the perspective look? also any suggestions for her head?
>>36280 The bg is kinda shit, the inconsistency in the book lines and the flat mug dont help. Especially since you can see the top of the lamp but not the mug. Otherwise the character part looks good! I like the position and how whatever is binding her is stretching as she tries to pull her legs away.
>>36280 you're right about the mug and the lamp lol. i have to fix the mug for sure. i spent most of the time drawing the character; the mug and the books on top of the shelf i just slapped them in later
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So, I started this "drawabox" course, I guess some of you probably know about it since this is an art thread. I'm a complete beginner and they have this thing called "50% rule". To keep it short, let's just say that the whole point is to make you produce some garbage you like to keep you motivated or something. So, after completing my first assignment, I decided to do this and figured I might as well share it here
>>36280 well, i wouldn't say it's bad per say, remember you have to take into account the vanishing point as it really helps you settle where you want your background to point and makes it more lifelike, that and the fact you also haven't painted nor shading it. >>36282 also, with this, i think it feels like you also put a lot of effort into the BG itself, not that it's a bad thing, but sometimes an overly designed background can make your focus shift from the piece and the background itself, it's overstimulating your eyes. that said, i think that so far, despite the perspective issues, i think it's pretty good, and who knows how it's gonna look once you have it shaded, it may make it feel better. >>40849 hmm, while it's not objectively bad, there are a handful of elements that you could mix or change, for example the eyes, the way you wanna do them is that you do the irises last because by that point, you'll already know where the character is looking at. also, the duct tape, i think it'd be better if it wasn't a continuous line, it could use some thinness to remark that the tape is over the object than being vaccuum cealed onto the spot. finally, i'd suggest line quality, i don't know why you'd use a thin pen to do things like the hair when it's a pretty big part of a character's anatomy, or use a thick line for the decorations above the ankles. i'd say overall that you're getting somewhere, but you have to adjust your focus a little bit. oh, and one last thing, remember to always make someone emote with their eyes and mouth, right now she seems like she's only laughing with her mouth while her eyes are deadpanned, and her eyebrows don't express any emotion either, it's pretty substancial if you want to convey more overt emotions trough a drawing. i decided to give it the touchups i reccomended in pic related, hopefully it'll give you a better understanding of what i'm trying to convey.
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>>40856 wow, thanks! I'll definitelty try doing the irises last for my next drawing, and I'll try to be more careful about the tape, too! You're absolutely right about line quality. I've never given it too much thought, mostly because I assume my lines are already doomed to be bad (I still use a mouse, which makes me even less accurate than I am with a pencil, and since I can't control pressure sensitivity either I never bothered to learn how to use thinner and thicker lines effectively). To be honest, I was already rearranging it shortly after posting it, this is what I came up with before reading your reply, you can probably notice the smaller feet and ass (and I copypasted the feather on the upperbody too, 'cause why not). I also changed her expression, and added a bit of sweat to make her look more nervous, let me know if you like it better this way!
>>40856 thanks for the tips, I actually finished the piece a while ago and I kind of solved the problem of the bg being distracting by putting in another character who's tickling the first char. you make a great point with the vanishing point and I did use a vanishing point tool to help me draw in the main objects in the background, but I didn't use it for the smaller objects like the lamp or bookshelf.
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another 50% rule after the second drawabox homework I really gotta work on those facial expressions
>>40857 >>40881 ayy, no problem dudes! >>41020 before thinking that big i suggest that you find a way to make the face work first, have the correct proportions that won't make em feel uncanny (not saying it is currently, but just a heads up), in this case you could try to make the facial features a bit bigger, because the fead is too big and the face is too small, and also you should take into account the way the relationship between eye and eye socket at the edge of the face, seeing how you're going more for a realistic look. anything else would be general checkings and overview like the shape of the body, the way you made the breasts and the proportions due to the angle. in my honest opinion, this is a pretty big overtaking, if you pull it off, great! but be mindful of what you're doing.
i like how the mf who draws literal ms paint circle and line tool art and has refused to improve or actually practice for years thinks he can give any valuable advice
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>>41024 you're just jealous you can't fingerfuck the bellybussy
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>>41038 DA is a garbage fucking site and it's been bleeding artists ever since 2009, but the real bleed out started with eclipse and it hasn't stopped, i use twitter to spout the stupid bullshit that happens to me while my dedicated gallery is on pixiv. it's called self respect anon, i expected you to know at least a little of it.
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>>41023 thanks man, I usually start from the feet and leave the face for last, I know a lot of artist do faces first because they're so important, guess I'll have to operate that way, too. But for now I'm trying to fix the body proportions a bit. I never studied anatomy or anything, most of my knowledge comes from tracing porn over and over trying to make sense of it on my own. I'm also trying to go for a more neutral expression (I think it looks "cleaner" that way). And yeah, I flipped it, don't pay attention to it. Please let me know what you think >>41024 Personally, I'll gladly take his advice, at least he bothers to give some.
>>41041 ...you have 300 watchers on twitter >>41090 it's not that no one gives advice cause they don't want to, it's because many artists including myself don't feel like we even should be giving advice at all. there's plenty of flaws and room for significant improvement with my work, especially in regards to anatomy, and i don't want to give you bad advice accidentally. but when DQ is so hellbent on being a perfect example of the dunning kruger effect and thinks he knows enough about drawing to be able to give advice to someone who honestly already is looking like they have way more potential and drive than him, while he refuses to improve, listen to actual criticism or practice despite being given clear advice on what he needs to practice when he asked in other threads, it's hard to stay quiet.
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>>41038 You should have taken a screenshot with the 'Edit profile' button visible.
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>>41093 So? I literally just draw because I have fun with it Anon, if it was for popularity I think I would have quit ages ago. And no, I give advice because I know stuff, I don’t pretend to know anything, but I know enough stuff from what I’ve done to help other artists out, is that so wrong? Sure, I may not have the skill to portray what I envision on paper, but that knowledge can help someone who shows more promise than me. >>41095 >>41096 What are you trying to acomplish?
>>41116 >What are you trying to acomplish? I wasn't talking to you
>>41117 Oh, sorry anon, me retarded
>>41116 no one save for a few key artists draw for popularity. I'm not using watchers as a popularity contest, I'm using watchers as a meter for quality or skill. better artists tend to have more watchers/followers. you can't deflect on this now and say "yeah umm actually I'm a great artist guys cause i do it for fun, who cares about watchers haha" when the topic is someone asking for people with experience and skill for advice. >Sure, I may not have the skill to portray what I envision on paper, but that knowledge can help someone that's like saying sure i can't cook for shit, and everything I put in an oven comes out burnt, but I've watched enough master chef to know how to do things right! take advice from me!! i cook for FUN unlike everyone else!!! newsflash, everyone except maybe a handful of artists who try to live off of Patreon draws for fun. hopefully someone better than the both of us can come in this thread and actually give anon some good and useful advice.
>>41120 You could give advice to somebody, despite not having any artistic skills. Anybody can tell when a drawing looks off, and while you couldn't say exactly what it is, it could give a perspective the artist overlooked. Worst case scenario is that nobody comments on a piece for fear that they aren't qualified to comment because they might not give a good critique, which is worse than getting negative or unhelpful critique. Though you're right in that the critique of an experienced artist is more helpful, given that they might draw the way the artist wants to. I'd definitely want the opinion of an experienced artist if I were to ask for a critique.
>>41095 Bro, advice from an artist: learn anatomy by reading anatomy books (Hampton, Anatomy For Sculptors, Andrew Loomis), learn about perspective and composition in drawing (probably the most important things). Watch YouTube tutorials, watch streams of other artists on Twitch or Picarto. At the beginning of your journey, choose your 3 favorite artists and try to copy + combine their styles into your own. Practice a lot. Consistency is the key for everything. Drawing 30 minutes/1 hour every day is better than drawing 5 hours on the weekend. Check Artwork/Critique (/ic/) board on 4chan sometimes if you want.
>>41120 >>...you have 300 watchers on twitter >> "yeah umm actually I'm a great artist guys cause i do it for fun, who cares about watchers haha" >>I'm using watchers as a meter for quality or skill. Pick one and stick with it.
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I'm trying to draw the board's mascot, any tips?
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>>45063 welp, so much for that, just roast it
>>45085 It's honestly not bad for an early attempt, but since you asked for a roast, based on this picture I would wager my fucking nutsack you've got literal stacks of papers that have nothing but disembodied feet on them.
>>45085 Not bad for a beginner Try the following : - enable pen pressure on your tablet -get a tablet in the first place -dont make a line too long if you cant hold it -draw your lines fast so that your hand doesnt shake, -Look at referances for facial features depending on the angle for cute anime girl faces - Generally draw the face features with a thinner brush than the rest of the body -Look up how expressions work. Generally when a character is tickled, we either draw them with eyes closed, or eyes wide open. Going for this raised upper eyelid thing removes from the intensity of the tickling. Moreover, consider the amount of pupil you see as a marker of intensity. The more visible iris, the more intense. Which is why a lot of artists will draw pupils shrinking hard when surprised/overwhelmed
>>45095 Thank you! I'm still using a mouse, I want to improve somewhat before I make an investment. But I'll keep everything else in mind
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>>45085 hi, it's me again. What do you guys think?
>>46101 I think using a perspective grid as a guide could improve this by a lot, it's more pleasing to the eye if it's correctly drawn. The legs of the bench and the corner of the room don't match at all. The idea is pretty nice though!
>>46101 Definitely have to commend you for using different line thicknesses, I'd say you're ahead of other artists with that, and I like the subtle shading. As anon said, work with a perspective grid, or guide, when you draw. It would help improve how the bench and room are drawn so they are more consistent. But damn, the bondage looks great, characters have great posing and expressions. Keep up the good work!
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This is a photo I made a while ago and never shaded, I'm focusing on cg art now but decided to throw this in here. It's Aries from Astra Lost in Space.
>>46383 honestly, that is really cute! you got a lot of it nailed down, the biggest complain i have is that it looks generic AF, which is a problem most anime artists have, so maybe with a bit more practice you could have found your own style
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I tried practicing shading and failed miserably
>>47228 Buddy, you do know how lighting works, right? Go back and look at your hands from different angles from a primary light source. Then base your shading around that.
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>>47236 Yea, I don't know wth I was doing with that. I've improved it a bit but it's still rough around the edges. I've made the shadows more pronounced and used a similar reference, also adjusted the curves this time. (I'm too lazy to shade the pink foxtail thing properly, it's just there because this is a tk board)
>>47263 i think you're confusing blush and shading, there's a clear difference, and though most places can blush and be coated in shade, you have to find a good balance between what you're aiming for.
>>47263 I think you should focus more on the general anatomy rather than shading. The shading/blushing doesn't look too bad, but that foot and that foxtail are not too great
welp it was obvious
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hnngg hair and upper body anatomy practice, but my main focus is hair, but tips for human anatomy is always nice. This is my 2nd-ish month since from going back to scratch. A day ago it just clicked to me that the hair does not need to be directly in the confines of the head line art, It also became clearer that I should start by trying one hairstyle at a time. When I did this that nagging feeling behind my head became clearer making it that each hairstyle is different. How do I progress hair further? Is there like anatomy for hair and hairstyles or something like starting from a semi bald cut with bangs only or something? I used to have the vague sense that I should do one hair style at a time like learning to draw a human body hands again but with hairstyles this time. What do I do next anon?
>>47925 Im also learning but, rib cage and up is really well done. Good arms, something I struggle with drawing rn. Pelvis area seems kinda off but a lot of artists have difficulties there How did you learn? Are you self taught? I swear no matter what shit I look up, there are never any meaningful tutorials or books
>>48338 not the anon who drew that, but personally, something that helped me a lotwith figure drawing was lovelifedrawing's "fresh eyes challenge". You have to register to their site but it's worth it imo. I'm also working through drawabox, which mostly focuses on perspective, maybe check that out. A website that has a lot of good sources for learning specific fields is https://www.brendanmeachen.com/soloartist (just ignore the "college-like" calendar, I find myself better going at my own pace
>>60454 1: the shading is a little flat on most of the pieces, i think it'd be great if you used it to emphaize certain elements like in the confessional one with the facial expressions being shone on by light casting into the booth along with the feet. 2: the expressions are a little uncanny, the first one in particular feels off on the statue girl, the other two look just fine, so maybe try to stick to actual faces instead of trying to re-invent the wheel. 3: i dont' know how hard this may be, but try and come up with some new scenarios, most of this has been seein before, maybe try to work with your element to achieve something cooler and more memorable, those are the pics that stay on people's mind
>>60463 Thanks for the feedback. You were 100% right that the shading and expressions needed work. Tried to improve on that. You are also right on the 3rd point but not sure what I can do about my shit imagination.
>>60454 It's a bit rough around the edges, but I like. If you keep going, you will make great tickle art.
>>29168 Yes. You actually should.
>>64395 Thanks Homie! New Pic dropped, throw some shade my way.
I've been trying to teach myself to draw for the past two months. What do you guys think?
>>64655 Is her skin part of her hair or does she just have...skin strips growing out of her head?
>>64662 Yes, it's a fantasy race.
>>64655 Looks good overall especially for two months Stuff that I think needs improvement - The eyes are angled weird, and also the proportions aren't appealing - hair looks like a toupee - I think you wanted the head at sorta 3/4 but the shape is as if you were looking straight at it - The head in general is too big or strangely proportioned I think. - Some shading on the machinery and restraints would add some depth to the picture
>>64666 Thanks for the feedback! Most of those two months were spent on drawing faceless bodies, so it makes sense that the head would be the weakest part. Gonna grind that for sure!
(37.21 KB 640x480 Oekaki)

i can make shity artwork in my browser now
>>65645 I have seen worse on Deviantart. I don't know if that was a compliment or not.
>>64655 That's an amazing result for only two months of practice. Well done!

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