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Kocho Kocho

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Caroo Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 20:54:47 Id: e03281 No. 5084
Want went wrong?
them foot pussies he draws are nasty af tho, no dick boing boings
>>65902 ok based?
>>65909 based on what?
>>65901 >he's at rock bottom he probably can't get any worse >goes even lower somehow >brings other artists down with him in the process because they all want a taste of that oldfag clout >come to this thread to make sure I'm not crazy and other people see wtf is going on this thread helps keep me sane tbh, at least other people are aware of the damage this man is doing to our community
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This mf, it was bad enough to make foot pussy, now this mf be adding it to the toes and shit too. I'm going to actually go crazy looking at this bruh
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>>66226 That's just obscene.
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>>66226 normally I roll my eyes at any mention of freud, but theres something very freudian about Caroos clear subconscious desire to put labia-like shapes on feet and toes
>>66226 ...this guy doesn't have his wires cross in his brain, they're mutated together like a Frankenstein's monster.
>>66226 The instant I saw this show up on dA I knew people were gonna be losing their shit about it over here, and for good reason. Kill this motherfucker
It's hard to believe bros.
>>66226 To be fair, it looks like this um, "unique" foot/toe shape was for some reason specified by the commissioner (see this other commission by a different artist from 2021).
>>66249 Fair, but he posted armpussy before on his own will, so this argument loses credibility. >>65884
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>>66226 >>66249 >somehow, Caroo actually toned it down I CAN'T- >>66302 I don't think I have it in me Mr. President.
>>66244 can't believe this pic directly contributed to my furry awakening, and yet this same artist is genuinely putting me off furry shit on a daily basis
looks like he's got a new target now. let's hope rz doesn't fall for his grooming shit and become yet another artist that ends up pumping out dozens of pics of caroos self insert OC before realizing be got played
>>66688 It's so predictably cookie cutter Caroo at this point. Oh look, another furry tickled and forced to cum in the same machine setup using design doll models with freakish cartoon eyes stapled to their face. It's such a shameless attempt to gain favour of a more talented young artist it does give those 'groomer' vibes.
>>66695 interestingly enough, he also deleted all his kid cutie mark crusader pics off of Derpibooru.
>>66706 Actually, when looking around, it turns out this is one of the pictures he had deleted as well. and i believe that is because Applebloom, in this state, was referred as a cub in a story that existed on inkbunny with her being tickled. Interestingly enough, that story now no longer exists on inkbunny as well.
>>66707 https://inkbunny.net/s/1921240 oh wait, never mind. found it, written by the commissioner himself. Caroo is trying to hide his old MLP history
>>66708 Live footage of Caroo hiding his brony arc
>>66688 It's a shame too, because RZ is one of the only remaining furry artists with actual talent. Hope to see this doesn't become a trend, because it does seem this was an art trade
>>66730 How dare you compare Patchy to that kangaroo turd!!!
>>66706 Really? Sucks to hear. Although I got real sick of pony art early in (and then he went on about it for years) definitely found the kid cutie mark crusader pics cute. At least saved some of em. Not sure what I missed. And yeah, all the cookie cutter machine stuff nowadays made me unwatch him over a year ago. Its pitiful. Been watching him progress and then corrode over the years. Feeling sucks. Scootabuse as he used to call it was mad cute. Also, we get it. You aged everyone including the MLP students up. You don't need to scream aged up every single picture. Makes me roll my eyes.
>>66742 don't forget this femspike pic! what was genderswapped spike's name? Barb? pretty sure it was barb.
>>66742 indeed, i loved his scootabuse pics. though it was clear he had an infactuation with Sweetie Belle. ironically, the last pic he posted was the one pic he forgot to have removed from Derpi. its fine, i have all of them and they're still up on twibooru
>>37650 Ask and yee shall receive Anon. Also, best gwen still as she's sassier (and actually useful)
>>66747 Ah, right, I knew I forgot to post something. Yeah, it was Barb. Also forgot about this one too. Cute purple dragon. I made another too, that contined this, but considering it aint tickling (fj), wont bother posting. Also, thanks for the link. You got a lot here.
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Also, almost forgot about when he drew Sebrina the teenage Witch from the animated series. See I wish he went back to simpler times. He was more creative back then. Art had a cuter angle too, even if it could be hot too. Felt the pain of his emphasis on machines and his now weirdly drawn feet for years now.
>>66754 I think his porn addicted mind just got saturated from just tickling so he needed more and more to just get off, like some drug addict. before it was cute and creative shit like that that everyone loved, but then he needed more and more and thus the LONG TERM arc started, followed by his obsession with specific characters like scootaloo, then Isabelle, then Judy hopps, and now at peak narcissism, his self insert.
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>>66742 I'm going to miss him making cmc stuff, so adorable. Posting some faves of mine not already posted.
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>>66792 >>66792 I wish he had done pics like the first first and last of this set with Sweetie Belle. I'm not a foot guy and those knee and belly tickles are tops. but the expressions on that last one, umph
honestly, caroo peaked when he used to actually experiment with characters, scenarios and designs, most notable in his early brony era. you'd be hard pressed to find him drawing anything but the same design doll model traced pony design, in a machine that tickles their vulva shaped feet, and a tube specifically for their absurdly large clit, that is, if he hasn't just thrown a dick on there already.
this pic is pretty old but i remember being repulsed about this when he first made it. just what the fuck

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